Revelation Chapter 20 [KJV]

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Scripture Additional Comments

1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. I saw – The John class, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's parousia. This is the class that sees this. It is not designed for others to perceive the events here described.

Angel – Our Lord Jesus.

Come down from heaven – At His second advent.

Having the key – This differs from 9:1 where the fifth angel was given the key. In this case, the angel already has the key. - He had the Authority to enter into Satan's house. Matt. 12:29

Bottomless pit – A place of confinement, lack of power and one of obscurity. Please refer to the brief topical study Bottomless Pit.

Great chain – The Truth is this great chain. In Isa. 28:9,10 we are told the Truth is "line upon line" and "precept upon precept." Here in Revelation the concept is the same. Each link in the chain here equates to a 'line' or a 'precept' as described in Isaiah.

We also notice this is a "great chain." The chains of Truth (light) bind the Adversary. R1233:6

In His hand – The hand always symbolizes power, strength and activity. "Do with thy might what thy hand findeth to do.." (Ecc. 9:10); "Sit thou at my right hand.." (Psa. 110:1), etc.
2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, He – Our returned Lord.

Laid hold on – Grabbed, beginning the process of restraining the Adversary and his influence.

What follows are the four attributes of Satan. These are a perversion of the four attributes of God.

The Dragon – The mis-use of Power.

That old Serpent – The mis-use of Wisdom – compare Gen. 3:1 and Matt. 10:16.

Which is the Devil – Greek diablos (Strong's 1225) – a traducer or false accuser. This is the opposite of Justice. - Notice that to accuse is not against Justice, but to FALSELY accuse is against Justice.

And Satan – The Accuser. This is the opposite of Love. - Love seeks to cover sins whereas Satan seeks to accuse. - compare Prov. 17:9; Zech. 3:1, 2

Bound him – Began to restrain the Adversary.

There is a great mis-understanding about what this means. Most seem to think to be "bound" means complete restraint! The word "bound" is Strong's G1210
Strong's G1210
A primary verb; to bind (in various applications, literally or figuratively): - bind, be in bonds, knit, tie, wind. See also G1163, G1189.
This is the same word used in Matt. 21:2 where Jesus instructs his disciples "ye shall find an ass tied.." the word "tied" is Strong's G1210, the same as the word "bind" in this verse.

We need here to remember that we are to look to the Lord for our understanding and not to our own wisdom. For many when they see the phrase 'bound him' they assume this indicates a total restraint of the Adversary. If that were the case the beginning of verse 3 would be completely useless and should be dropped entirely from the Word of God! - More on this in vs. 3.

Most continue to focus on Satan being "bound." Yet these verses are refering to his being restrained in a prison. In verse 7 we are told that when the thousand years have expired "Satan shall be loosed out of his prison." That is what we should be focused on.

A thousand years – According to some (see Revelation-Today) this phrase does not exist in the Sinaitic manuscript. However, according to the English translation of that manuscript (from the Codex Sinaiticus project), the phrase does exist. Also the RVIC (put together by Br. Jim Parkinson with very careful research) contains this phrase. It is evidently genuine.

In vss 2-7 we find this 'thousand years' mentioned five times (not counting the spurious portion of vs. 5). In two of these 5 times it is preceded by the Greek article 'ho' [Strong's 3588]. Because of this the question has often come up as to how it should be translated. As 'a thousand years' or 'the thousand years.' The easy answer here is to follow the Standard (King James) version. It is correct in its usage. As to why it would make a difference, that is another question. To some it seems to be a big difference. Our view is that the thousand years (whether it is 'a thousand years' or 'the thousand years,') is the same as that described in 2 Pet. 3:7-8. It begins with our Lord's return in 1874 (when He entered the strong man's house) and concludes in 2874. Remember, this 'day of the Lord' comes 'as a thief.' As a result the strong man (Satan) is caught unawares (Matt. 12:29).


A Great Chain

There is an interesting point here. It seems clear from the narrative here that the tool our Lord uses to bind Satan is the 'great chain' in his hand.

Why would this be significant?

Because it does not say 'a small chain,' but a 'great chain.' A little chain would be similar to modern day hand-cuffs. There is no room to move around if someone is bound with a small chain. However, a great chain would seem to indicate two things.

  1. It is much stronger.

  2. It is also longer and thus gives more freedom of movement to the bound one.
It is this second point that seems to fit the general picture. Satan is indeed bound at the time of our Lord's return, but it does not indicate that he is powerless or has no influence. He has a lot of 'wiggle room' and is causing a lot of trouble with his thrashing around as he attempts to free himself from this great chain that is binding him.
3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. Cast him into the bottomless pit – A further step in the binding (restraint) of the Adversary. This is subsequent to 1874. There is nothing in this text that indicates this step lasts for a thousand years.

Shut him up – A further step in the binding (restraint) of the Adversary. This is subsequent to 1874 and subsequent to his being cast into the bottomless pit but prior to the setting a seal upon him. There is nothing in this text that indicates this step lasts for a thousand years.

Set a seal upon him – Yet another step in the binding (restraint) of the Adversary. This is the final binding of the Adversary as indicated by the seal. Once again there is nothing to indicate this step as lasting a thousand years, rather the reverse.

This completes the process of restraining the Adversary. We should note carefully here that there are four steps in getting the Adversary out of the way:
  1. Bound
  2. Cast into the bottomless pit
  3. Shut up
  4. Sealed.
Of these four steps there is only one which is described as being a thousand years in length, i.e., 'Bound.'

He is bound from the time of our Lord's return in 1874. We arrive at this conclusion not only from verses 2 and 3 but also from our Lord's own statement in Matt. 12:29 and Mark 3:27. In 1874 our Lord entered into the strong man's house. At that point He began to bind the "strong man." Thus the "thousand years" begins in 1874 when our Lord entered into the "strong man's house."

That he should deceive the nations no more – This is the reason for the previous things (bound, cast into pit, etc.) being done to the Adversary. His influence must be completely removed in order for the nations to come to the full realization that they have been duped, that the counterfeit system was exactly that, a counterfeit of the true which at this time will be coming to light.

Till the thousand years – The period of Satan's 'binding', i.e., from 1874 to 2874.

Should be fulfilled – Not a moment earlier. Mankind will then have had full opportunity to walk up the highway of holiness and reach human perfection.

After that he must be loosed – After the thousand years mentioned in vs. 2 are complete. Notice that it says he must be loosed. There is no option here. All who would gain life eternal apparently must be tested by the Adversary.

The word "loosed" here is Strong's G3089. This is the same word used by our Lord in Matt. 21:2.

An illogical proposal
There is an important consideration here. Some, noting that Satan is bound from the time of our Lord's second advent in 1874, have gone to an extreme and suggested that Satan is now completely bound and powerless. This view also maintains that the trouble in the world is largely coming from the loosing of the fallen angels and that the testing coming upon the church at this time is from them.

This view involves something that is completely illogical, i.e., that all who would gain eternal life on any plane of existence must be tested by the Adversary – except for the John class! This makes no sense. To have the world of mankind be tested by the Adversary at the end of the little season in order to gain eternal life on the human plane, and then to have a significant portion of the little flock attain to the Divine Nature without being tested by the Adversary seems a complete violation of reason.

Remember, this verse states that at the end of the thousand years 'he must be loosed out of his prison.' Why? - In order that all who attain eternal life will have been tested by, and overcome, the Adversary.

For a little season – For a relatively short period of time as compared to the 1,000 years just finished.

There are suggestions as to how long this period of time will be, the most common seems to be that it may be a period of 40 years (40 being the number of judgment.)

4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. I saw – The John class, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's parousia, are the ones who see (recognize) the things which are here described, i.e.:
  • the fact that the thrones change from the Kings of earth to our returned King, Christ
  • At this time judgment is given to the church
  • This group consists of those who were 'beheaded for the witness of Jesus' and the word of God
  • They did not worship the beast or his image
  • They did not have the mark of the beast in either forehead (intellect) or hand (strength, support, activity)
  • This group (the true church) lives and reigns with Christ for the millennium.
Thrones – Indicating one or more kingdoms with more than one king. - Please see Expanded Bible Comments.

They sat upon them – The real question here is: "Who are 'they'?" There appear to be two answers.
  1. The kings of the earth, i.e., the kings of Christendom during the early part of the harvest.
  2. The saints after the Times of the Gentiles ended and the 'overturning' was finished. As we see in this verse, the saints 'live and reign with Christ a thousand years.' The church sits upon the throne of Christ even as Christ sits upon the throne of His Father. Rev. 3:21. In another sense there are many thrones for the church to sit upon. See Matt. 19:28
Judgment was given unto them – Given unto the church. Again please see Matt. 19:28 1 Cor. 6:2.

The souls – Remember the formula given in Gen. 2:7, i.e., body + breath of life = a living soul. Here the saints are described as souls. Thus they are those who have been victorious during the Gospel Age and have been raised to the Divine Nature, having received their Divine Bodies.

Beheaded – These have (symbolically) lost their own heads (wills.) - Please see Expanded Bible Comments.

For the witness of Jesus – Not all who give up their own wills are here described. Only those who have given it up 'for the witness of Jesus,' i.e., the saints.

Witness here is Strong's 3141 which is elsewhere translated as 'testimony.' "The testimony [3141] of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Rev. 19:10

And for the word of God – Not only do these have the spirit of prophecy but they defend the scriptures.

And which had not worshipped the beast – These have not worshipped the Papacy.

Neither his image – They have not worshipped Protestantism.

Neither had received his mark – They are not fully submissive to the idea that so-called Christendom was the true kingdom of Christ.

Upon their foreheads – Their intellectual understanding.

Or in their hands – They did not give the strength in support of these false ideas.

Lived and reigned with Christ – This is a dual proposition. They Great Company may be said to live with Christ, but they do not reign with Him. This phrase refers to those who do both, i.e., they live with him AND they also reign with him. This can only apply to the Little Flock.

A thousand years – The Millennium - from 1874 to 2874.

To understand more about the reign of Christ and His church, please see The Reign under 'Bible Topics.'
5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. The first resurrection – Both the first in order as well as in rank.
αυτη G3778 This
η G3588 the
αναστασις G386 resurrection
η G3588 the
πρωτη G4413 foremost (first)
6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. Blessed and holy – Since this is describing those who have attained to the Divine Nature, is it any wonder that they are called 'blessed.' Those of the Divine Nature are indeed specially 'holy' as well. In the beginning it was only the Father who was at this level. Then in the spring of 33 A.D. He raised His son Jesus to be at that level. From there until the spring of 1878 the only two beings in the universe who were at this level were the Heavenly Father and His Son.

He that hath part in the first resurrection – This resurrection is first in two ways: (1) Chronological and (2) Rank.

In this description those who are of this class are to live and reign with Christ. Therefore it is intended that Christ Jesus himself is not counted in this expression for He is already at the level of the Divine Nature.

In describing the resurrection, the Lord is beginning with the church, being raised in 1878. This resurrection continues until all of that class have reached the Divine Plane. – This is the first resurrection.

On such – Those that attain to the first resurrection, the true church, the 144,000.

The second death – Complete eternal oblivion.

Hath no power – In one sense these may be said to die both the first death (as children of Adam when they made their consecration to death, gave up their human will) and then to die again, the second death (death of the human body). However, this second death has no power over them because they are raised to the Divine Nature and given glory, honor and immortality.

Priests of God – As priests they are there to bless the people and to instruct the people in God's laws.

(priests) of Christ – This would appear to be another reminder that everything is of the Father and is by the Son (1 Cor. 8:6.) So these (the glorified church) are priests of both God and Christ - who are in complete agreement in the execution of the Father's great Plan of the Ages.

Reign with him – This indicates that they are also Kings (normally Kings reign, not priests.) As Jesus was made "a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec" (Heb. 6:20,) so the church shares with Him in this role. No part of the reign of the church could ever be by themselves. All we have, either in this life or in the life to come, is because of Christ Jesus.

A thousand years – Beginning with our Lord's return in 1874. Luke 19:11,12,15

7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, The thousand years – The exact same thousand years currently under discussion, i.e., the thousand years that those who have part in the first resurrection take part in. The same thousand years that these "reign with him a thousand years."

Are expired – Finished, i.e., in the year 2874.

Satan shall be loosed out of his prison – This is exactly what takes place at the end of the thousand years of his 'binding' as described in vss. 2,3. This text makes it clear. The time that the church reigns with Christ (vs. 6) is exactly the same time that Satan is 'bound' (vss. 2,3.)
8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. To deceive the nations – This explains the Adversary's purpose. His imprisonment does not humble him to the point of repentance, but instead he continues his evil ways. Thus proving himself worthy of Second Death.

Does this indicate that there will still be nations when we arrive at the little season?

The four quarters – From every direction, i.e., from all over.

Of the earth – What is meant by this phrase? - We suggest that it simply indicates the entirety of the symbolic earth (organized society under religious restraint.) Remember that by the end of the Millennium earth's society will have been educated in the ways of truth and righteousness. It will be an iron rule under a religious government (the symbolic 'earth.') Thus the symbol of 'earth' maintains its meaning.

Gog and Magog – A clear reference to Eze. 38. This does not mean that the fulfillment of Eze. 38 comes during the little season. Rather it indicates that the test during the little season will be in many ways along the same lines as what is described in Eze. 38.



To gather them to battle – This describes Satan's purpose. He wants to do battle against the true Kingdom or Christ.

The number of whom is as the sand of the sea – This does not say that those who side with Satan will be of that number. What it does say is that Satan will gather the whole world of mankind (sand of the sea class) to this battle.

Please see R379:10-11; R725:13; R1040:7
9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. They – The forces of Gog and Magog, those aligned with Satan.

The breadth of the earth – This battle will involve all of earth's society.

Compassed the camp of the saints – This would seem to reference the Ancient Worthies. This final battle would seem to involve a question concerning the Ancient Worthies and their rule over the world. These would be the representatives of the Christ (head and body) during the millennium. Now that the millennium is over, some of will likely be claiming that it is time for the rulership of earth to revert to the world of mankind, no longer under the Ancient Worthies.

The beloved city – New Jerusalem. It is the government of earth under the control of the Christ that will be under attack.

Please see Br. Russell's comment R5182:15.

Fire – Symbolic of destruction.

Come down from God – Telling us who will take care of those who rebel against Him.

Out of heaven – From the heavenly phase of the Kingdom.

Devoured them – Destroyed them in the Second Death.
10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. The devil that deceived them – This validates that it is not just a general phrase concerning evil, nor that it is just one of the 4 attributes of Satan (as mentioned in vs 2,) because it is specifically "the devil that deceived them." The devil that deceived them is mentioned in vs. 3 (bound, cast into pit, shut up, sealed - "that he should deceive the nations no more..") and vs. vs. 7-8 ("Satan shall .. go out to deceive the nations..") This is a clear reference to the angel that fell from his high position as described in Isa. 14:12-15.

Cast into the lake of fire – Fire has always been a symbol for destruction. Here it is not just fire but the lake of fire, as if to indicate this is destruction in the extreme, i.e., the second death, everlasting death.

And brimstone – Sulfur, intensifying the picture of complete destruction. A318:1

Where the beast – The Papal beast.

The false prophet – Protestantism.

Both the Papacy and Protestantism will by this time (the end of the Millennial Age) be permanently destroyed.

Tormented .. for ever and ever – Does this verse teach that God will keep some alive in torment for all eternity? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Psa. 37:10,20,28; 145:20

Please see Expanded Bible Comments on this phrase.

11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. I saw – The John class, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's second presence. This is the group that sees (perceives) the Great White throne, etc.

Great white throne – Not just any throne, for there are those of the church class, while still in the flesh, that have seen thrones of earth. This is a "great" throne.

It is white to indicate this rulership is one of purity, a righteous rule.

It is a throne, indicating that the reign of its occupant is under way.

This suggests to us that only those see (perceive) this fact are included in the church class. Remember, it is the John class which sees this.

Him who sat on it – Our returned and reigning Lord Jesus.

From whose face – As in Rev. 6:16 where the kings of the earth hid themselves from the face of the Lamb, i.e., from his wrath.

The earth – The old order of things, the old symbolic earth (organized society under religious restraint.) See R498.

The heaven – The old heaven or power of spiritual control.

Fled away – In Rev. 6:15 they 'hid themselves' from the Lamb.

There was found no place for them – Previously the place they held was in the minds of the people. The people actually believed their false claims of being Christ's Kingdom. The heavens included the pope and lesser religious leaders which had been (to one degree or another) united with the civil powers. While the place might be considered as being Europe (where Christendom held sway) the real place was in the minds of the people.

This is similar to the seal in the forehead. Those who received the mark of the beast had it in their forehead (intellects) and/or in their right hand (they supported it by their actions, their strength.)

That is why the saints needed to have their Father's name written in their foreheads (intellects.) It was needed as the offset to the mark of the beast. - See Rev. 13:16 thru 14:1.
12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. I – John, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's second presence.

Saw the dead – The world of mankind who have (up until this time) been under the death sentence that came upon father Adam.

This reminds us that the earthly phase of the Kingdom of God will involve not only those who are living at the time the resurrection of the ancient worthies begins, but also all those who have previously gone down into death, i.e., the whole world of mankind.

Small and great – The whole world will be on the same level before God during the Millennium.

Stand before God – This phrase is really the same phrase that is found in Rev. 7:9: "stood before the throne" (Strong's stood [2476] before [1799] the [3588] throne [2362].) Please see topic 'before the throne.'

For their testing. This also lets us know that the world will be able to stand before God. Now, during the night time of sin and death, the world of mankind cannot stand before God. During the time here described, they will. During the mediatorial phase of the kingdom they will be able to stand before God because God will be looking at them through the filter of The Christ, Head and Body, who will then be acting as their mediator.

At the end of the Millennium they will have had full opportunity to reach human perfection and will then be able to stand before God as perfect human beings - no longer in need of a mediator.

According to their works – Notice how this differs from the judgment of the church during the Gospel Age.
13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. The sea – The irreligious restless masses of mankind - R498.

Gave up the dead which were in it – While this does not exclude those who literally died in the sea, in the main, it does not refer to those. Rather it refers to those who had previously been of the sea class (R498). Those who once comprised this class but whose hearts now (at the end of the Millenium) are right will no longer be of the sea class.

And death – Those who were under the death sentence upon Adam but had not actually gone into the tomb when the mediatorial phase started. See Matt. 8:22; Luke 9:60; 1 Tim 5:24.

And hell – Those who had gone into the grave prior to the beginning of the mediatorial phase of the Kingdom.

Delivered up the dead – With the spirit-begotten being the exception, between the two classes (death and hell - hades) all mankind is covered.

Which were in them – The fact that mankind is here described as being either under Adamic death ('death') or actually having gone into the tomb ('hell' or 'hades') explains the reason why both of these (death and hell) are mentioned in the next verse.

Judged every man according to their works – During the Gospel Age, faith is required. During the Millennial Age, works will be required.

Looking at vss 12 and 13 together we see that the Lord is making sure that we understand how all of humanity (excepting the spirit-begotten) are covered and will have the opportunity to come up the highway of holiness during the mediatorial phase of the Millennial Age.
14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Death – Adamic death. See additional comments vs. 13.

And hell – The grave, oblivion, non-existence. See additional comments vs. 13.

Were cast into the lake of fire – The lake of fire pictures complete, everlasting destruction, the second death. Adamic death will have been done away with (Jer. 31:29,30) and the grave will have released all its captives. There will be no more need for these. As a result they are cast into everlasting oblivion - the second death.

This is the second death – The lake of fire is symbolic of the second death. It is called the second death because those of our race who go there will have already died the first death (either Adamic or actual.)
15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Whosoever – Of mankind.

This may also include angels. There may be those among the fallen angels who repented of their misdeads and followed righteousness. While their fate may not be plainly stated in scripture, it seems they may have a testing period as well.

Not found written – They must do something in order to be written in the book of life. Remember, they are to be judged according to their works.

In the book of life – Phil. 4:3; Rev. 3:5; Rev. 13:8; Rev. 17:8; Rev. 20:12; Rev. 21:27; Rev. 22:19

See "The Books" as used in Revelation.

Was cast into the lake of fire – Here then is the final judgment. Those who pass this final and thorough test will attain to everlasting life. Those who fail will suffer everlasting destruction, the second death.
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