Psalms Chapter 149 [KJV]

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1 Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints. Praise ye the LORD – This should be the attitude of all God's saints. Once we see the glory of God as displayed in His wonderful Plan of the Ages, how could we do otherwise than to praise Him and His wonderful Son!

Sing unto the LORD a new song – The song of Moses and the Lamb. Rev. 15:2-4
2 Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.
3 Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.
4 For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation.
5 Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds. Joyful in glory – The time may come when part of the saints will be in glory beyond the veil, and when those on this side will enter very fully into the joys and work of their Lord. R5451:1

It need not be on the other side, but on this side, of the veil. Q387:1

Though we shall rule the world, it will be when we are in glory. R233:5*, R35:6, R152:6

Upon their beds – In the state of perfect rest. R82:3*; Q99:1

Representing creeds, or the sum total of one's religious belief. R5804:2

Representing mental attitude and heart condition. R5804:4

This seems to imply that there is a special work to be done while the saints still have "beds" on this side of the veil. R5631:6, R5451:1; Q88:2

Signifying a rest of faith, applicable to this side of the veil, beyond is not a rest of faith, but an absolute entering into rest. R5451:2

We shall, of course, be at ease on the other side, but this evidently means an ease of faith on this side of the veil. Q387:1

Let the saints be joyful in glory – Clearly the glorified saints are joyful, yet the remainder of this verse applies to the saints still in the flesh. This likely applies to both.

Let them sing – The saints of God are often shown as singing. There is no one else who has a greater reason than these who have learned the Song of Moses and the Lamb! This refers to the Lord's "little flock." Rev. 14:1-3; 15:2-4; Isa. 52:7-8

Aloud – These are not silent but are joyfully and actively singing the praises of the Lord and His wonderful Plan of the Ages for the restitution of all the willing of mankind!

Upon their beds – Beds are where we take our rest. Our rest is in the Lord and this rest is based upon our understanding of His Word and the precious promises contained therein. Therefore, beds picture to us the sum total of one's faith. R5804:2-3

This picture, we believe, is on this side the veil. The verses that follow bear this out, for while joyfully singing praises to God in their beds, they are, at the same time, actively engaged in battle as represented by them wielding the two-edged sword! Heb. 4:12
6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand; High praises of God – The saints can praise God more intelligently and fully now than ever before. R5804:4

Applicable to those on this side of the veil. R5631:6, R5451:2; Q427:2

Two edged sword – That sword is truth, and the living saints and many of the world are now being used as the Lord's soldiers in overthrowing errors and evils. B100, B101

The Word of God. R5631:6, R5804:4; Q88:2, Q99:1

The Word of God. That means here, for there will be no smiting with a two-edged sword over there. Q387:1; R5451:2

God's people have all the knowledge needful for the efficient use of the sword at this time--to oppose everything opposed to the truth. R5804:4; Q387:1

7 To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; Execute vengeance – This would seem to imply that there would be something for the saints on this side of the veil to do in connection with the execution of the judgments upon the nations. R5632:1

Implying that these saints will be in authority. This Psalm describes the time when they are to do a judging work in respect to the world in general, as well as in respect to Israel, God's people. R5451:2

Upon the heathen – The Gentiles, or nations. R5451:2; Q427:2

Other Scriptures intimate that all nations, not only heathen, but civilized, will be found in opposition to the heavenly kingdom, and that all together will be crushed. SM442:1

And punishments – To some extent at least we are already engaging in the great work here depicted--in the binding and fettering of error. R5804:5

The seven last plagues. R155:4-6*

Upon the people – Of Israel. R5451:2

8 To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; To bind their kings – To forcibly restrain them from wrongdoing. D633

The new King (The Christ complete) will dethrone and bind the former Prince of the power of the air and accomplish the final overturning. R362:1

The binding or suppression of evil during the Millennial age will result from the exercise of authority and power by our Lord when he shall take unto himself his great power and reign. (Rev. 11:17) R331:2

Whether we participate in this work on this side of the veil or on the other side makes no difference to us. R5451:5

Illustrated by a sister's experience with a Baptist minister. R5573:5

Apparently the Church now has no part whatever in the binding of kings. Q125:5

Fetters of iron – Because they will not surrender peaceably. A261

Truth is surely accomplishing a work in binding and fettering error. R5804:5

9 To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD. To execute – Should any commission be given to the Lord's people to execute judgment this side of the veil, it would be so explicit as to leave no room for doubt. R5451:4

Possibly some of the Lord's people on this side of the veil might jointly engage in some work of judgment with others on the other side. Q99:1

The judgment written – All this belongs to this side of the veil. These are the saints who are to execute the judgments written. Q387:1

The river Jordan means a judgment, and the smiting of this Jordan may mean to put the truth in such a way as to do the judging. The Elijah will handle this sword. Q387:2

This honour --Has not come to us yet. Q427:2

Of a share in the establishment of the Kingdom and the overthrow of Gentile power. D624

All his saints – Would include those who are living in the world when the judgments are executed, as well as the resurrected saints. R5761:5

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