Romans Chapter 9 [DARBY]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience bearing witness with me in the Holy Spirit,
2 that I have great grief and uninterrupted pain in my heart, Great heaviness – Because Israelites, Paul's brethren according to the flesh, were so foolish and blind as not to perceive the great favor offered to them. R1140:4

3 for I have wished, I myself, to be a curse from the Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen, according to flesh; I – The Apostle Paul. R4692:1

Accursed from Christ – Cut off from membership in the Body of Christ. R4692:1, 4278:4, 3182:6

Put down on the plane of the "Great Company." R4692:2

Have my share with the earthly restitution class. R4278:4

Not that he would wish to suffer eternal torture for them, nor that he would wish to be cut off in the second death for them. R3182:6

"Absalom, would God that I had died for thee." (2 Sam. 18:33) This finds two parallels in the Scriptures, Moses' expression when the people came under divine displeasure, and Paul's similar sentiment. R4278:2

For my brethren – If I could thereby bring that glorious position to my brethren. R3182:6, 4892:1, 1696:3

So that as a whole nation the Israelites would constitute the Royal Priesthood and become Israel on a spiritual plane. R4692:1

The Apostle loved the Jewish nation with an intense love. R3182:5

It would be well for each of us to cultivate that trait (unselfishness) to a greater degree. R4692:2

This is not an example for us, that if we could bring some of our children or friends into the truth we would be willing to be cut off for the benefit of these. R4692:2

Kinsmen – The Jews. R4692:1

4 who are Israelites; whose is the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the law-giving, and the service, and the promises; Who are Israelites – Representatives of the whole twelve tribes. C252

Members of the household of faith, heirs of the promises. R2730:1

To whom pertaineth – Adoption as sons was primarily the inheritance of Israel. E177

All of God's arrangements seem to have been to the Jew first, and then also to the Gentile. PT383:2*

The blessings of the Law Covenant and its promises of life were only to the one nation. R1725:1, 5046:1

The adoption – As sons, joint-heirs with Christ. E177

And the glory – Paul's brethren, according to the flesh, were so foolish and blind as not to perceive the great favor offered to them first, as another and last mark of special favor. R1140:4

Giving of the law – The Law Covenant, its blessings and curses. R1725:1

And the promises – The elect Church, in the prophecies, was counted in the Messianic promises--as members of the Body of Messiah. R2996:2

The blessings of the Covenant and its promises of life were to one nation, Israel. R5046:2

5 whose are the fathers; and of whom, as according to flesh, is the Christ, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen. Who is over all – Jesus was the forerunner; none could precede him, all who would be associated must be followers and under his control. R3192:5

Head over the entire Church. R3192:5, 2996:2, 1855:1, 557:1; OV28:3

The Church will never be on an equality of position with Christ. R5359:4

Blessed for ever – The death of Christ in itself is not the medium of blessedness, but the death of Christ prepared the way for untainted life, which is the cardinal element of blessedness. R1436:4

Christ is the Root of the medium of blessedness for all nations of the earth. R1436:4

In the complete medium of blessedness there are natures both human and divine, in those natures there are many ranks and from the lowest to the highest of them Christ is over all. R1436:5

6 Not however as though the word of God had failed; for not all are Israel which are of Israel; Taken none effect – Their failure as a nation to obtain the chief favor implied in the Abrahamic promise does not make the promise of God a failure. R1140:4

Not all Israel – Not all Israelites indeed, children of God. C62; B86; R5338:6, 821:2

Our Lord recognized this same distinction between natural and true Israelites: when receiving Nathanael he declared, "Behold, an Israelite indeed. (John 1:47) R2443:1

"He is a Jew which is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart." (Rom. 2:29) R2443:1

Children of Abraham according to the spirit, such as share the Abrahamic disposition of faith and obedience. B86

Some children of Jacob were really of their father, the Devil. (John 8:44) R4781:3

"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan." (Rev. 2:9) R2443:1

In harvest time of their respective ages, the truth then due accomplishes the separation, and makes manifest which are real and which of the merely nominal Israel. B205

Which are of Israel – Nominal fleshly Israel. B86, B205; R1009:1, 821:2

Of the whole twelve tribes. C293; R1341:1

7 nor because they are seed of Abraham are all children: but, In Isaac shall a seed be called to thee. Abraham – A type of God. R161:1, 1140:6, 905:2; F170

Isaac – A type of Christ. F170; R2857:2, 1140:6, 905:2, 161:2

8 That is, they that are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are reckoned as seed. That is – Ishmael and Isaac, illustrated the fact that the natural seed of Abraham would not inherit the chief blessings. R1140:5

Of the flesh – Nominal fleshly Israel, the Jews. D23; R1140:5, 201:2, 184:5

"Israel after the flesh." (1 Cor. 10:18) R184:5

The twelve tribes of Israel, typed by Ishmael. R201:2, 1140:5

Children – Not one child. R22:5*

Children of God – God is the father of the spiritual seed, the spiritual Isaac, which is Christ, Head and Body. R905:2

Of the promise – Nominal spiritual Israel. D23

The Gospel Church, as the spiritual seed of Abraham, are the chief inheritors. R1850:2, 1140:6, 99:4*, 22:5*

Of faith; typed by Isaac. R201:2, 1140:5

"We brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of the promise." (Gal. 4:28) R99:4*, 22:5*

Counted for the seed – "If ye be Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise." (Gal. 3:29) R201:2, 161:2

9 For this word is of promise, According to this time I will come, and there shall be a son to Sarah.
10 And not only that, but Rebecca having conceived by one, Isaac our father,
11 the children indeed being not yet born, or having done anything good or worthless (that the purpose of God according to election might abide, not of works, but of him that calls), Being not yet born – Paul states this divine decision was made before either Jacob or Esau had done anything bearing upon the choice. PD28/41; R612:4

So that it might be evident that the election was not because of merit or demerit of either, but of God's unconditional choice. R612:4

Purpose of God – All the results were foreknown to God. R5198:4

To election – Not that one go to heaven, and the other to hell. R257:1, 532:6

Jacob and Esau typically show how the natural seed, though the first developed, failed to receive the choicest blessing. R184:3

12 it was said to her, The greater shall serve the less: It was said – At the birth of the two men. (Gen. 25:23) R5198:4, 3954:2

The younger – Illustrating that spiritual Israel would be developed after natural Israel. R2443:1, 1140:5

The Gospel Church, though younger, is to take precedence to the Jewish house. R1624:6

This is an indication of God's foreknowledge of the difference in the characters of the two. R3954:2

13 according as it is written, I have loved Jacob, and I have hated Esau. Jacob – A later-born granted the more honorable place--heir of the Abrahamic promises. R1140:5; F172

Representing spiritual Israel. F172

It was Jacob that suffered tribulation; so the present is the time of discipline to the chosen ones. R1141:6

Have I loved – Because of his reverential love for God and the great oath-bound promise. R5198:4

Favored. F172

Esau – Set aside as unworthy. R1140:5

Representing natural Israel. F172

Have I hated – Loved less. R5240:6, 532:6, 257:1, 5:5; F172

Fleshly Israel have I favored less. F172

14 What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? Far be the thought.
15 For he says to Moses, I will shew mercy to whom I will shew mercy, and I will feel compassion for whom I will feel compassion. Mercy on whom I will – Not predestination as taught by Calvin. R403:1*, 220:6

It being entirely proper to discontinue favors to those who would not use them, and to extend them to others. F171

16 So then it is not of him that wills, nor of him that runs, but of God that shews mercy. It is not of him – But it is to him, when called. A195; R613:5

That sheweth mercy – In imputing to us the merits of Christ, as the covering of our inherited weaknesses. R1458:4, 2001:1

Kindness or favor, that God gave them the invitation to the divine nature. A190; R1225:4, 612:4

It is by our running that we obtain the prize, but of God's mercy. R2001:1

God is the originator of our salvation upon whom all depended, yet in his plan it lies with us to "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling." (Phil. 2:12) R2001:1

Not because these chosen ones were better that others that God selected them, but because God had a right to do as he pleased with his own. R612:4

17 For the scripture says to Pharaoh, For this very thing I have raised thee up from amongst men, that I might thus shew in thee my power, and so that my name should be declared in all the earth. I raised thee up – By removing other heirs to the throne so that this obstinate one might rule. F175; R2911:2, 1652:4, 1651:2; PD33/44

Pharaoh thus was given an opportunity of illustrating certain great principles along the lines of which God was dealing. R5305:3

A stubborn ruler; one whose heart was hardened by God's mercy, in lifting one plague after another. Illustrating the principle that God's great blessing to man--a free will--may be perverted by Satan to work great injury. R5263:3, 1652:4

God set him there at that time, not that he might influence Pharaoh to evil, but that he might show the influence of an unregenerate heart. R5305:3

God permitted the world to have a variety of governments. R5305:2

Shew my power – Show forth his power in connection with the deliverance of his typical people Israel. F174

Manifest God's power of deliverance against all opposition; a type of the ultimate deliverance of all his people from sin. R1225:5, 2911:2

18 So then, to whom he will he shews mercy, and whom he will he hardens. On whom he will – Executing suzerain authority amongst his convicted creatures in such time or manner as he chooses, but never coercing or violating the human will. F174

He hardeneth – By exhibitions of mercy for which they are unappreciative. R2911:2

19 Thou wilt say to me then, Why does he yet find fault? for who resists his purpose?
20 Aye, but thou, O man, who art *thou* that answerest again to God? Shall the thing formed say to him that has formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Who art thou – From nothingness all were created by the same divine power; none has a right to dictate to God. R612:4; A191

Repliest against God – Some mistakenly think God should make no difference in bestowing favors among his creatures; thus all should eventually have divine nature. A187; R612:1

We would not question Jehovah's absolute right to do what he will with his own. R244:4

Made me thus? – God had a right, if he chose, to make us merely the creatures of a brief space of time. A189; R612:2

Whatever the potter shall do to the clay, will be an honor to the clay. SM712:2

All were created by the same divine power, some to have higher nature and greater honor, and some to have lower nature and less honor. A190

Him that formed it – The sovereign right of the Creator to elect whom he will to certain offices, or to perform a particular work, is undeniable. R623:5

21 Or has not the potter authority over the clay, out of the same lump to make one vessel to honour, and another to dishonour? The potter – Knowing him, as he reveals himself in his Word, we have the assurance that his work is perfect; that the variety of vessels in his creation will all be to his praise. SM708:2

In some sense of the word his great work began with our Lord and the apostles. SM710:T

The choice of which shall be which is with the Potter. SM708:1

Power over the clay – God has a right to do as he pleases with his own. A190; R623:5, 612:4, 422:4; SM708:2

Adam and his race are the clay in the hands of the Potter. SM709:2

The clay is the same for all of these vessels. SM708:1

God has begun the good work in us, if we submit ourselves to him properly, he will complete the good work unto the day of Jesus Christ. SM708:1

Though God's promises were handed to Israel, he had a perfect right to make such selection as he saw fit, for the high calling. R1225:3; F171

Without the exercise of his power and skill, the clay would never be anything more than clay. So if he makes of mankind, in the Millennium, vessels of more or less honor, it will be a blessing indeed and none will have cause to complain. SM712:2

The application of this text, as a proof that God caused any man to sin, is wholly wrong. R1225:6

Of the same lump – Of the Adamic family, God made choice of the nation of Israel. They were specially prepared for the moulding influence of the holy Spirit at Pentecost. SM709:3

One vessel – Some will have more honor, some less. SM709:1

But none evil, devilish, or bad. SM709:1

Unto honour – The elect company. R1872:2

Artistic vessels; represented in the Scriptures as the Body of Christ, the Lamb's wife. SM710:T

Graceful ornaments; a vase for the mantel, a loving cup, or a ewer for carrying water. SM708:1

Each vessel of the class now being developed, has his own special fitting and preparation, for his place in the Kingdom. SM711:1

Vessels of a certain kind, quite honorable, too, were formed during the Jewish age; those whose lives were shaped by their faith in God and his promises--Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all the prophets. SM710:T; R1225:5

Unto dishonor – Unto less honor. A190; R1872:2

Lesser honor; however, of great usefulness in his plan and purpose--He will proceed during the coming age to prepare these other vessels. SM710:1

Without honor. R612:4

As Esau and Ishmael. R1225:4

22 And if God, minded to shew his wrath and to make his power known, endured with much long-suffering vessels of wrath fitted for destruction; What if God – The fact that God has refrained from manifesting outwardly either his love for the Church, or his wrath against evil-doers, is no argument against the lesson he is teaching. SM714:2

To shew his wrath – The "wrath to come" (Matt. 3:7), did come upon the nation because of its rejection of Messiah. R2564:1, 2236:6

Longsuffering – Greek, makrothunia, patience. R2790:6

God has endured or permitted a continuance of sin and sinners in apparent contradiction to his law, manifesting longsuffering toward subjects of destruction. R3433:6

Vessels of wrath – The Jewish nation. R3433:5, 2564:1

"Wrath to the uttermost against this people." (1 Thes. 2:16) R3433:6

Earthly kingdoms, having served their purpose, are vessels of wrath, fitted for destruction. (Rom. 9:22) R470:6

Vessels which, after experiencing the potter's care and skill, prove defective, blemished, unfit for use. These represent such as receive the grace of God in vain. (2 Cor. 6:1) SM715:T

Some vessels that resist the moulding and shaping influences of the great Potter will be vessels for destruction, unfit for his service in any capacity. R1872:2

Those who sin willfully after coming to a knowledge of God's gracious plan in Christ. R1225:6

At the close of this age, when the vessels fitted for destruction will be recognized as having gone to the second death. SM716:1

To destruction – The collapse of their (Jewish) national polity in 69-70 AD. R2564:1, 3433:6

The vessels fitted for destruction met with their destruction, the chaff was consumed in that fire. R3433:6

Because unwilling to grasp the Lord's proffered favors. F171

Death, not eternal torment. R3433:5

23 and that he might make known the riches of his glory upon vessels of mercy, which he had before prepared for glory, Vessels of mercy – "Israelites indeed" to be the nucleus of the Gospel Church. R3433:6

Fit for glory; joint-heirs with their dear Redeemer. SM716:1

24 us, whom he has also called, not only from amongst the Jews, but also from amongst the nations?
25 As he says also in Hosea, I will call not-my-people My people; and the-not-beloved Beloved. I will call them – Those from among the Gentiles who formerly had not been recognized by the Lord. C296, C297; R1341:5

My people – "They are not all Israel which are of Israel." (Rom. 9:6) C62

Eventually, the name "Israel," meaning "People of God," will apply to all who are God's people. D654

26 And it shall be, in the place where it was said to them, *Ye* are not my people, there shall they be called Sons of the living God.

27 But Esaias cries concerning Israel, Should the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, the remnant shall be saved: Concerning Israel – Showing that God foreknew how his favors to natural Israel would result. F171

Children of Israel – Representatives of the whole twelve tribes. B206; C252, C293; R1341:1, 862:5

As the sand of the sea – The mass of Israel professed to be the Lord's people, but piety was little more than profession. R2674:2

A remnant – A comparatively small proportion of the whole. R2948:1; B205

From the remnant of both houses, a new house is formed. R518:5*, 862:5

The apostles, the early Church, etc. R1341:2

Probably constituted not above 20,000, during our Lord's ministry, and the ensuing 37 years of the Jewish harvest. R4298:2

Although the apostles filled Jerusalem with their doctrine, a comparatively small number were ready to receive the good messages. R2948:1

These became the nucleus of spiritual Israel. R4298:2

The Apostles and early disciples, received the increase of knowledge and privileges then due to the Gospel age, while all the rest of Israel were blind. R599:6

Only the remnant of that nation, which make peace quickly, in the way to judgment, were delivered. R1713:2

The work is great here, as it was in the end of the Jewish age; yet only a Little Flock will be gathered. R2674:2

As favor continued to individual Israelites, after national rejection, so after rejection of the Gospel house, favor to individual saints is still continued. R599:6

Israelites are still God's people, it is still his purpose to use them as a light to the Gentiles. R752:5

Shall be saved – From the predicted blindness. R1696:3, 1795:1, 1713:2

The blindness which happened unto all Israel except the elect remnant, after they as a nation and individually rejected Christ. R1769:5

As respects their relationship to the Kingdom class. R4298:2

28 for he is bringing the matter to an end, and cutting it short in righteousness; because a cutting short of the matter will the Lord accomplish upon the earth. For he will – In the harvest of the Jewish age. B70; R116:4*

Finish the work – Of testing the Hebrew nation. B70

And cut it short – In the midst of the seventieth week of favor. (Dan. 9:26) B70; R116:4*

It gave that remnant three and a half years of exclusive attention and ministration, under the increased advantages of the spirit dispensation. B70

In righteousness – Justly, by confining the favor to the faithful Israelites indeed for the balance of the seventieth week. B70

God did them no injustice, but a great favor by casting off the nation there and completing the ministry in the midst of the week. Q108:T

A short work – The period of time in which the present institutions will be ousted, and the present order of things be condemned. R5567:1, 5569:1

The work of crushing will steadily continue until its full accomplishment. R5632:2

Just how short the work will be would be conjectural. R5567:1

"For the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." (Matt. 24:22) R5569:2

The gathering of the nations will make the great tribulation a short, as well as a decisive conflict. D272

It must, however, last long enough to teach humanity a lesson never to be forgotten. OV321:3

29 And according as Esaias said before, Unless the Lord of hosts had left us a seed, we had been as Sodom, and made like even as Gomorrha. Had left us – Israel, representatives of the twelve tribes. C252

A seed – A remnant; a few ready to receive the spirit of adoption. E177; R116:5*

"Even so then, at the present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace." (Rom. 11:5) R116:5*

30 What then shall we say? That they of the nations, who did not follow after righteousness, have attained righteousness, but the righteousness that is on the principle of faith. Gentiles – Heathen nations. R1970:1

Of faith – The selected ones are not entitled to the honor by reason of ability but by their faith and obedience, according to favor (grace). R1225:5

Rebekah accepted the call of God in humble faith, but Israel from the outset, quarreled with grace. R752:4*

31 But Israel, pursuing after a law of righteousness, has not attained to that law. But Israel – Representatives of the whole twelve tribes. C293, C252; R1341:1

After the law – Almost all of the fleshly seed are so blinded by the fleshly promises that they do not see the greater spiritual prize. R201:2

Righteousness – Justification. R863:1, 681:6

32 Wherefore? Because it was not on the principle of faith, but as of works. They have stumbled at the stumblingstone, Because they – Professedly Israelites, but not Israelites indeed. R175:6

Works of the law – Proud of their own supposed holiness, attainments, and ability, in keeping God's Law, the Jews saw no necessity for a sacrifice for their sins. R863:1, 681:6

For they stumbled – Through pride and hardness of heart. B215

Through unbelief and lack of consecration. R2086:4

They did not recognize his presence among them, and rejected his sacrifice as the basis of justification holding instead to their own righteousness. R681:6

Israel as a nation, is really hindered because they expect to be justified by works. R1970:2

So also the nominal spiritual Israel is likewise stumbling. R1255:2

The stumbling is the same for the Gospel church who expect the second coming of Christ; they are expecting an outward display, which will appeal to the natural eye, ear and human senses. R176:1

That stumblingstone – Israel, feeling so confident that she can approve herself to God by works of obedience, stumbles at the simplicity of the Gospel and cannot believe that "Jesus died and paid it all." R1970:2

33 according as it is written, Behold, I place in Zion a stone of stumbling and rock of offence: and he that believes on him shall not be ashamed. As it is written – In Isaiah 28:16 and 8:14. R3962:3, 5817:1

A stumblingstone – Christ. D557; R1922:4

To both the houses of Israel. R5817:1, 681:6

Many of the weaker children of God, now stumbling with nominal Zion, will be recovered and saved so as by fire, born through great tribulation. (1 Cor. 3:15; Rev. 7:14) R1649:4

The "cross" has been the great stumbling stone now, as in the days of our Redeemer's first advent. R5801:6, 1255:2, 863:1

Israel, instead of accepting of Christ's ransom, they stumbled over and rejected the only way to God. R1970:2

The Scriptures indicate, that the great stumbling and falling away from this all important doctrine is only beginning. R1255:2

Rock of offence – The doctrine of redemption through the precious blood of Christ. R1970:2, 1649:3

Christ, the foundation stone. R1760:3

To the Jews, Christ crucified for our redemption was, as Paul testifies, a cause of offence. R1255:2

Whosoever believeth – The promise of a new heart carries forward more than 1800 years and becomes applicable at the second advent. R2503:6

The elect Little Flock of overcomers do not so stumble, but recognize this as the chief corner-stone of the true Zion. R1649:3

Not be ashamed – Shall never be put to shame, stumble. R682:1

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