Revelation Chapter 22 [DARBY]

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1 And he shewed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, going out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. And he shewed me – Verses 1 through 3 and 17 are the last of seven [six--R501:5] views in Rev. 20 through 22 of the Millennium. R330:6, 397:5, 334:2

A pure river – It represents beautifully, forcefully, the blessings of refreshment and restitution which will issue forth from the New Jerusalem, the Kingdom of Messiah. R4882:3, 3485:4; D655

The blessed influences that will proceed to humanity from the glorified Christ, Head and Body--from the Kingdom of God's dear Son. R3571:3, 3625:1, 3596:6

Truth will then flow as a mighty river, refreshing and blessing the whole earth. R2424:4, 2508:4, 501:5

When the new dispensation is made available to men, it will be the beginning of the Times of Restitution. (Acts 3:19-21) R3571:2

In the future, in the glorious time of Messiah's Kingdom. R4990:4, 3625:1

Now the prospective members of the Bride class have the Lord's Spirit in them, "a well of water springing up into everlasting life." (John 4:14) R3410:5, 2575:4, 2508:3

By and by these well-springs brought together in glory with the Lord shall constitute the source of the great river of life. R3410:5, 2508:3, 2424:4, 1703:1, 903:4*, 533:4, 334:4; Q750:2, 823:2

The Bride is to have within her a "well of water (life) springing up," while the rest of mankind may come to the fountain to drink. R252:4

For everyone that is hungering and thirsting. R1899:2

A corresponding testimony of the living waters is found in Zech. 14:8, 9. D655

The Lord through Ezekiel gives us a picture of the Messianic age, very similar to the one given us in the Book of Revelation, seven hundred years after. R4882:3, 3625:1, 2507:2

We cannot accept the ordinary interpretation of this river as the Gospel. R3625:1

If we were disposed to accept this as a literal statement we might well do as the old Spanish explorer, Ponce De Leon, did--search for the fountain of perpetual youth. Q823:1

Water – In Bible symbolic language, water represents truth, and it also represents peoples. R5846:2, 1899:2, 447:2*, 334:4

Of life – Restitution blessings. D655

Water is used in the Scriptures as a symbol of life. R3485:4

Clear as crystal – No muddy traditions with false doctrines. No impurity of any kind will be in it. It will be the pure message of the Lord. R3571:1, 2606:4, 654:5; CR216:5; Q823:2

The real "sea of glass like unto crystal" (Rev. 4:6), not mingled with fire, contrasted with Rev. 15:2, "as it were, a sea of glass, mingled with fire." R156:4*

Proceeding – Flowing out to bless all nations of the world. OV36:1

Out of the throne – Of the New Jerusalem. OV36:1; R4882:6

The Kingdom. R2424:4

The Little Flock will sit with Christ in his throne, and constitute the Temple of the living God, from which will flow the river of the water of life. NS396:1

The government that will then be established in the world will have as its center of authority the divine law and the divine power. R3571:1, 3596:6

It does not represent the conditions of the present time, but those of the Millennial age. R3496:5

From underneath the throne--not through the throne. It goes outside the city, the Church--going way out to the world. CR216:5; R4882:6

Not yet has the throne been established on the earth. We still pray, "Thy kingdom come," and not until that prayer is answered can the river of water of life flow. R334:4

On the ruins of present institutions the Lord will erect his Temple and Kingdom, through which blessings shall flow as a river of water of life. NS435:1

There is no such river now, and can be none, until the heavenly city descends, because the river must flow from the midst of it, from the throne. R3571:4, 3410:4

He – The angel of 21:9.

Shewed me – The 7th messenger showed this vision to the John class, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's second advent.

A pure river – Not a small amount of dirty water and not just a glass of water to drink, but a pure river!

Of water of life – The pure Truth in both letter and spirit is God's word. John 7:38; 4:10,11; Hab. 2:4; Jer. 31:34; Zeph. 3:9.

Clear as crystal – The pure refreshing Truth (water) will be easy to understand, no impurities, transparent. All will see the Truth clearly.

Proceeding out of the throne – Coming from the New Jerusalem, the Bride, the Lamb's wife. Rev. 3:21; Rev. 21:2 "New Jerusalem .. as a bride.."; John 4:14

Of God and of the Lamb – It is God's throne. It is also the throne of the Christ. Remember that while the church will be reigning, they never reign alone. Their reign, their life, all that they have is because of their relationship to their heavenly bridegroom. Christ Jesus is really the one that counts, and He is subservient to the Father – 1 Cor. 15:28. – This is the way all who attain to the Divine Nature want it to be.
2 In the midst of its street, and of the river, on this side and on that side, the tree of life, producing twelve fruits, in each month yielding its fruit; and the leaves of the tree for healing of the nations. Tree of life – Recalling Paradise from whence Adam was driven on account of sin, and the tree of life in the midst of Eden, from which he was debarred, and from the lack of whose fruit Adam and his race died. R334:3; OV36:1

Twelve manner of trees. CR216:5

Saints. R334:6, 2665:4

Her fruit – The fruits of the spirit. R3571:4

To sustain life. R334:3, 3625:1

The abundance of instruction and nourishment, mental, moral and physical. R3625:4

Every month – Fruit adapted to the changing conditions of men as they are brought upward toward perfection--fruit suitable for each changing season, thus restoring man to man's estate. R334:6

Leaves – Professions, teachings. R334:5

The restitution of that time is pictured in the leaves. R3625:4

Tree – Wood, or trees, plural--Young's translation. R477:2*

For the healing – Restitution--the healing of the woes of the groaning creation, its sin and sickness and imperfection. R2508:4, 2575:4

As the nations are not yet healed, and will not have been healed when Christ takes the Kingdom (Rev. 11:15-18), it must be the time after Christ comes to judge the world. R477:2*

Before the nations, the world, will be ready for that blessing from the New Jerusalem, they must pass through a period of very deep humiliation--"A time of trouble." (Matt. 24:21) SM441:2

Suggesting nourishment and healing for the sin-sick and starving world. R3571:2

In the present life, the Lord's people have a ministry of comfort to perform also, toward all whom mourn in Zion--toward all of the Lord's people who are in any tribulation. R2665:4

"The fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaves thereof for healing." (Ezek. 47:12) R4882:6

Of the nations – The heathen. R2424:4; CR216:5

Healing the repentant peoples of earth of all imperfections. D656

Showing that there will then be nations not in health, but capable of being healed. R903:4*

Not the Little Flock, the Church, but the world. Undoubtedly, Israel will be the first of the nations to be blessed, but subsequently all the families of the earth. R3571:5, 2508:4

In the midst of the street – The thought here is that of the main thoroughfare of a city. All in the city have free access throughout it.

The Highway of Holiness.

And on either side of the river – Eze.47:7-8; Zech. 14:8; Gen. 2:9

The tree of life – Like in the Garden of Eden. Gen. 2:9; 3:22-24 There we are told that Adam and Eve were driven out so that they may not be able to eat of that tree. If they could, they would continue to live.

Bare twelve manner of fruits – Besides being pleasant to eat, fruit is a natural body cleanser. The fact that this tree of life bears 12 kinds of fruit, in symbolic language, speaks of variety, year-round (i.e. continuous availability) and of the fact that it comes from the 12 tribes of Spiritual Israel.

Yielded her fruit every month – There is fruit for each stage of development. We would also suggest that this may have a secondary reference to New (Law) Covenant. This fruit is identified with the month (and thus the moon.) The moon is a symbol of the Law Covenant made with natural Israel. It is suggestive of the thought that the New Covenant may also be associated symbolically with the moon. Psa. 72:7

There is, of course, the additional thought that since there are 12 trees and they produce 12 manner of fruits during one year that would indicate 144 manner of fruits during a single year [12 x 12 = 144]. Then consider that the entirety of the millennial age is 1,000 years long we would then have fruitage in the number of 144,000 [144 x 1,000 years].

Leaves of the tree – Leaves = professions. The professions of the church now are what we are showing to the world. We profess to follow Christ and they judge those professions by our actions.

Were for the healing of the nations – In the next age those professions will be a reminder to the world that there were fallen human beings who were able to (by the divine grace supplied) overcome the environment of sin. This will give them hope and strength to overcome their weakness and successfully walk up the highway of holiness. Thus the leaves will be for the healing of the nations.

This verse is similar to Zech. 14:8.
3 And no curse shall be any more; and the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him, No more curse – Either upon man or upon the earth for his sake. Therefore how appropriate that great physical changes are now occurring--streams breaking forth in the desert, etc. R879:5

God's special sentence against sin and sinners will be entirely removed. The ground for this was laid in the great sacrifice which our Lord gave at Calvary. NS91:6

When the work of Atonement shall be fully accomplished, and when, as a result, the curse will be completely lifted from man, and from the earth, his dominion. E405

The Adamic death having been destroyed. This, is at a time when, if a man dies it will be for his own sin. R477:2*

There is a curse upon the world now, official and legal. R3571:5

Put away legally by the "sacrifice of himself (Christ);" and put away in fact by his glorious reign. R587:6

The curse will be gradually removed and man gradually released under the blessings of that glorious age. R334:6

The curse will be lifted from all who come into harmony with God through Jesus the Mediator. All who do not avail themselves of this grace will be swallowed up of the second death. E439

Messiah's great work of redemption will obliterate unsatisfactory conditions from the earth. Jesus tells us that their abolition will be the result of his Kingdom work of a thousand years. OV373:3

The one original sin on account of which condemnation of death passed upon all, and on account of which Christ died, and on account of which the curse is to be rolled away from the race. R3803:1

There is no reasonable ground to suppose that divine favor and life everlasting through Christ will ever be obtained by any except those who shall come into the fullest heart-harmony with God. E420

In what more comprehensive language could the Lord declare the end of the reign of sin and death, and the commencement of the reign of righteousness unto life eternal. R3571:5

The knowledge of the Lord shall fill the earth, and all shall know him. R586:3

From the very beginning God foreknew all, and had planned the redemption of Adam, Eve, and their children. PD11/18

The promise made to Abraham was that in his spiritual seed all mankind would receive the divine blessing--the rolling away of the curse of sin and death. R5273:4

Sin and Satan and the spirit of evil shall be forever extinguished. E193

The opening chapters of Genesis give the entrance of the curse of sin and death, and the last chapters of Revelation reveal the success of God's plan and the end of the curse. R98:3*

There is no provision in God's great plan for an everlasting condition in woe, sorrow or pain or trouble. SM766:2

No more curse – Man has been under the curse of death and the ground has been under a curse since our first parents were kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Because of this curse upon the ground (earth) man has had to work by the sweat of his face Gen. 3:17,19. The fact that most of those in the 'western world' no longer must live by the sweat of their face is an evidence that we have entered into the times of restitution of all things.

His servants – The saints. This is the same group addressed in Rev. 1:1. – Please see mini-study His Servants

Shall serve him – They shall indeed serve Him. The work of he saints will not cease but will continue, only now it will no longer be labor. – Rev. 14:13

Serve = Strong's G3000
From λάτρις latris (a hired menial); to minister (to God), that is, render religious homage: - serve, do the service, worship (-per).

"The Little Flock will serve the Lord with such Delight they will scarcely know how to cease their Efforts." R5413:16
4 and they shall see his face; and his name is on their foreheads. See his face – To thus by faith behold afar off the blessed land of rest and peace, all radiant with the glory of the King in his beauty, the heart must be in sympathy with that glory and beauty of holiness. R2087:6[R2087:10]

In their foreheads – Sealed in their foreheads, intellectually, that they may not be in darkness with the world. R1470:5[R1470]

They – 'His servants' – the saints, the 144,000.

Shall see his face – Demonstrating these are spirit beings. Matt. 18:10.

His name shall be in their foreheads – This further verifies that this is strictly speaking of the 144,000 for they are the only ones mentioned in any other scripture as having the name of the Father written in their foreheads. Rev. 14:1.

Please see R1470:6
5 And night shall not be any more, and no need of a lamp, and light of the sun; for the Lord God shall shine upon them, and they shall reign to the ages of ages. No night there – It is the joy of the morning--a long, glad day before us; no evening with its lengthening shadows, no night with its chills and darkness. R303:5*

They shall reign – The nature of this reign will be the same which at creation was bestowed upon father Adam, as it is written in Psa. 8:6, "Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands." R3572:2

Not the Church, but those whom the Millennial age shall find worthy of life eternal. This is in full accord with Matt. 25:34. R3572:1

The whole world of perfect men will be a world of kings, though doubtless one of their number shall serve particularly as general or representative. R3572:2

For ever and ever – Unto the age of ages, when the Kingdom shall be delivered to God, even the Father. R334:6[R334:14]

There – Where the 144,000 are, i.e., in the same location as described in vs. 3, i.e., where "the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be." Compare Rev. 3:21.

No night there – The night time of sin does not exist in God's presence.

Need no candle – Now we need a candle to light our path as we walk in the antitypical Holy of the antitypical Tabernacle. Our capacity is way too small to contain much more now.

The fact that the Lord here mentions the candle is further suggestive that the primary reference here is to the Church class. The world of mankind did not have the candle (the holy spirit) to guide them. Only the priests in the Holy needed the candle. It was the only light in the Holy. The Levites were not permitted to come into the Holy, it was strictly for the priests.

Neither light of the sun – Even the Gospel light given during the entirety of the Gospel Age will not compare to the amount of light found in God's presence.

The Lord God giveth them light – This is the real explanation as to why there is no night, no need of a candle nor the light of the sun. When we consider how bright it was when Divine being appeared to Saul of Tarsus – "above the brightness of the sun" at midday (Acts 26:13) it is easy to see why there is no need of the light from any other source in that place.

They shall reign – Applied by Brother Russell to the Church – R820:35; R2087:10

For ever and ever – For all eternity. Please see this topic expanded here.

6 And he said to me, These words are faithful and true; and the Lord God of the spirits of the prophets has sent his angel to shew to his bondmen the things which must soon come to pass. These sayings – These wonderful promises. R3572:2

He – The angel of 21:9.

Me – The John class.

These sayings – All these promises and prophecies.

Faithful and true – Not only are they True, i.e., accurate and carrying no deception, but they are also Faithful. We know this to be the case because we have learned that we can trust the source that has given us all these wonderful promises. If these sayings were "true," and that alone, one might begin to think of the Lord as merely the supreme fact checker. But these sayings are so more than that. They come to us from the most loving individuals that exist, from God and His faithful Son.

The church needs these many promises as constant reminders because they realize that in themselves there is nothing that merits all of these favors [Rom. 7:18], therefore the Lord reminds them of His love and patience by these many promises.

The lord God – Jehovah.

Of the holy prophets – He was their God and He is our God. This expression here is reminding us that this is all God's plan from beginning to end. He told it to the prophets for them to record it for our benefit.

Sent His angel – Pastor Russell. see Rev. 1:1

We should always keep in mind that Pastor Russell did not invent present truth nor did he send himself. His was a commission from God. – Eze. 9:3-4.

To show to His servants – The purpose of sending Pastor Russell to the seventh stage of the church was so that "His servants" (the little flock) would not be left in darkness. We need the information given to us by the Lord through the agency of the seventh messenger.

The things which must shortly come to pass – The church class must be informed of these things in advance, if not they would be in danger of being overwhelmed by them. They needed to know that "Babylon is fallen" and it is time to "come out of her my people." They needed to know about the wonderful advances coming under the sounding of the jubilee trumpet so that when these came the brethren would attribute them as coming from the Lord and not from man's evolution. They were not to be surprised by the pouring out of the plagues, persecutions for the truth's sake, the destruction of Europe, etc. The true church knows that all these things, and more, are all a part of the transition from the old order of things into the glorious Kingdom of God. These things we learned from the "angel" who has shown to us "things which must shortly come to pass."
7 And behold, I come quickly. Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book. Blessed is he – The Master speaks to all of his Church who have ears to hear. R3572:2

I – Jesus.

Come quickly – Not only speaking of Jesus' second advent in 1874 but of His fully coming in the sense of His being fully revealed as the new King of earth.

Blessed is he that keepeth – Not simply hears and attempts to decipher this symbolic book, but he who also keeps the principles of faithful, humble obedience to Christ that are presented in this book.

The sayings – The words (the logos).

To keep the sayings of this book would be to obey whatever applies to the true church and to incorporate the spirit of these sayings into our own hearts, making them a part of our character. For example, consider this partial list:

We are to:
  • Remember our first love
  • Hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans
  • Be faithful unto death
  • Hold fast His name
  • Avoid being seduced by Jezebel
  • Hold fast until Christ's return
  • Keep the word of His patience
  • Be zealous for the Lord and buy the symbolic gold
  • Be sealed in the forehead
  • Leave judgment and vengeance to the Lord.

The prophecy of this book – This is an important point. Our Lord here reminds us that this is indeed a prophecy and as such it is "of no private interpretation." 2 Pet. 1:20 – This also indicates that in order to get the correct understanding of this book we must have the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21).

8 And I, John, was he who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to do homage before the feet of the angel who shewed me these things. And I John – John represents the disciples living at the time that the scenes of the Millennial age begin to unfold at the second presence of Jesus. (See John 21:22) R581:6

I fell down – In the end of this Gospel age, their might be a spirit to do too much honor to the one used of the Lord in communicating to them the divine light now due. R3572:4, 2079:5

So there has been and is a tendency on the part of many to give more than love, respect and honor to the servants of God, who from time to time have been used as his special servants. R2079:5, 582:1

The Apostle Paul assures us that this disposition indicates a measure of carnality, and he inquires, who then, are Paul, Apollos and Peter, but merely God's servants or channels. R2079:6

Likewise there are hundreds of thousands who call themselves by the name of Luther, Calvin, Wesley, Campbell and others, giving more respect to their teachings and writings than to the Word of God. R2079:6

Likewise, today, in the light of Present Truth, no doubt there is need to be on guard against this carnal tendency which had so deleterious an influence as in the past. R2079:6

The angel – Messenger, representing those of the John class who are used as God's instruments in drawing attention to the coming glory, and causing the John class to see them with the eye of faith. R581:6

I John – The John class, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's second presence.

Saw these things – Had Present Truth shown or presented to the John class.

And heard them – Not only to we need to have the Truth, but we also need to perceive to be the Truth.

When I had heard and seen – The Lord has just told us that the John class both saw these things and heard them. So why would the Lord here repeat the matter? We believe it is for emphasis. He wants us to know the reaction of those who constitute this John class.

Once the John class perceived that the things which had just been showed to him (us) are indeed the Truth, the John class then has a specific reaction.

I – The John class.

Fell down to worship – The tendency of the John class is to be so appreciative of this wonderful Truth which the Lord has given us that we have an attitude approaching that of worship to the one who opened up these truths for us.

Rotherham renders this as "fell down to do homage."

Before the feet – In a position of clear subservience. A recognition that he is our superior.

There may also be a subtle suggestion here. We can sometimes fall into the trap of having such respect for certain of the other members of the feet class that we tend to take their word and reasoning as our own without giving it a close enough examination.

The angel which showed me these things – Pastor Russell is clearly the Messenger who showed us the understanding of Present Truth. Rev. 1:1
9 And he says to me, See thou do it not. I am thy fellow-bondman, and the fellow-bondman of thy brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Do homage to God. Then saith he – The action and words of the angel show the way in which the true messengers of God will treat such honor. R582:1

Do it not – Do not worship me, for I am not the author of this plan. R3572:4

We say this to any disposed to worship the humble human instrumentality chosen of God as the channel for the blessing of Present Truth. R1867:3

Br. Russell does not want any worship, he does not want any undue adoration, he does not want any praise. CR125:5

All who are worshiping any church organization should be warned. R65:5

The manly Christian will always discountenance worshipful reverence and flattery; but the less mature will often court and receive it to their own injury. Thus the Apostle counsels choosing elders of established character, rather than a "novice." R1895:3

Fellowservant – And not thy Lord. R1867:3, 2080:1

The prophets – All true teachers or mouthpieces of God. R1867:3

And of them – All servants of God are fellow-servants regardless of the time or extent of their service. R2080:1, 582:4

Worship God – The water of life and the giver of it, and not the earthen vessels through which it is sent, are to be reverenced. The earthen vessels have naught whereof to glory. R1867:3

He – The angel, Pastor Russell.

Do it not – Do not worship the messenger! He is the agent of God who has been privileged to deliver this message. Worship God!

I am thy fellow-servant – Brother Russell is here prophetically describing himself as being one of the servants of God. This is the same group that is mentioned in Chapter 1 vs 1.

Thy brethren the prophets – This reminds us immediately of two things. 1) That class of brethren from the Old Testament times would indeed have been of the Little Flock had they lived during the Gospel Age, and 2) This 'angel which showed me these things' was also a prophet.

Of them which keep the sayings of this book – Indicating his faithfulness as well as his identification with those of Rev. 1:1 – including the John class.

Worship God – And Him alone! Yes, appreciate the messenger who was used by God to deliver His message, but worship God only!

Please see R581:19

10 And he says to me, Seal not the words of the prophecy of this book. The time is near. Seal not – Do not feel that it is necessary to hide the matter. R3572:5

Time is at hand – The time "for the healing of the nations," and when "there shall be no more curse." (Verses 2 & 3) R477:2*

At the time the features of the symbolical Revelation shall come to be understood and appreciated by the Lord's people, we may know that the time of the completion is near at hand. R3572:5[R3572]

He – The angel of 21:9.

Me – The John class.

Seal not – Do not hide the Truth which has now been revealed but instead to the reverse, let your light shine!

The sayings – The words (G3056)
From G3004; something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension a computation; specifically (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (that is, Christ): - account, cause, communication, X concerning, doctrine, fame, X have to do, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, + reckon, remove, say (-ing), shew, X speaker, speech, talk, thing, + none of these things move me, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, work.

Of the prophecy of this book – Lest there be any doubt as to this being a prophetic book.

Please see additional comments for this phrase in verse 7.

The time is at hand – When the "angel" explains this book to the John class we clearly have reached the time for the fulfillment of these prophecies.

At the minimum this expression lets us know that we have reached 'The Time of the End' – Dan. 12:1,4.
11 Let him that does unrighteously do unrighteously still; and let the filthy make himself filthy still; and let him that is righteous practise righteousness still; and he that is holy, let him be sanctified still. Let him – He will not "let" nor consent to endless transgression of his law. R477:1*

Unjust still – The unrighteous and the filthy simply ignore the message, and are not moved specially by it. R3572:6

He who is unjust or unholy according to the law of God's Word, will forever stand so judged by it, until he becomes changed or restored in his nature. R527:5*

The standard of judgment is God's revealed Word. By it the saints judge themselves. When the righteous rule and the curse is removed, still the same law will be the standard of judgment. R477:5*

Be filthy still – The Revelations of the divine plan are not intended to turn the filthy, to make them righteous, nor will they be inclined contrariwise to turn the righteous to sin. R3572:5[R3572]

He that is righteous – Not only those who are saints. There are some who are not saints, who are, nevertheless, righteous persons. R3572:5[R3572]

Holy still – He that is judged holy by that law now, will then, in the ages to come, be holy still. R477:5*

Please see R3572.
12 Behold, I come quickly, and my reward with me, to render to every one as his work shall be. Reward is with me – All the Scriptures point to the fact that our Lord's rewards are to be dispensed at his second coming, but not before. HG664:3

Scripture testimony clearly and explicitly points to the second advent of Christ, and to the resurrection as, first, the hope of the Church, and, second, the hope of the world. F664

One of many texts corroborative of the view of future rewards and punishments. R2613:6, 723:4

To give every man – This scripture is rendered meaningless by the acceptance of the theory that each member of the Church at death passed immediately into glory. HG267:6[HG267:13]

I come quickly – When the knowledge of these things is made known to the John class we may rest assured that the work of the Gospel Age is about over and our Lord will indeed fully come in the sense of being revealed to the world.

Reward is with me – Please note especially the first two remarks under the Expanded Bible Comments for this phrase.

Give to every man – Even as Jesus gave himself as a ransom for "every man." (Heb. 2:9) At this His return Jesus has all power and will (through the process of the Millennial Age) give His reward to every man, beginning with "the house of God." 1 Pet. 4:17

According as his work shall be – Note how this differs from the way the New Creation is treated. During the Gospel Age the True Church is treated according to her intentions (which, while this may be reflected in her works, she is not judged by her works.) During the Millennial Age the world of mankind will be judged by its works under the arrangements of the New (Law) Covenant.
13 *I* am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. The beginning – The first and the last of the creation of God. R1514:3

Of Jehovah's direct creation. R1278:3, 1060:4, 446:5*

Jesus was the first of God's creatures, the only being directly created. Jehovah did all subsequent creating through the Son. R5748:1

The beginner and finisher of the wondrous plan, though not its author. R1060:4, 446:5*

"Before Abraham was, I am." (John 8:58) R1161:4

I am the Alpha and Omega – Alpha [Α] and Omega [Ω] are the first and last letters in the Greek alphabet.

In Hebrew these would be Aleph [א] and Tav [ת].

The beginning and the ending – Jesus was the beginning of the creation of God – Rev. 3:14. He was also the end in that God turned over the remainder of the creative process to him – John 1:3.

The first and the last – Jesus (as the Logos) was the first direct creation of God and also the last.

Why would our Lord state the same thing three different ways in the same verse? –
  1. Alpha and Omega
  2. Beginning and the ending
  3. First and Last
Could this be indicating the three forms of our Lord's existance, i.e., as the Logos, as a Man, and as our resurrected Divine Lord Jesus? In each case it took the Father's direct involvment.
14 Blessed are they that wash their robes, that they may have right to the tree of life, and that they should go in by the gates into the city. His commandments – The commands of our Lord, and not the Ten Commandments of Israel's Law Covenant. R1730:6, 976:4

These commandments are not grievous and impossible to obey as were those of the Jewish Law Covenant, for Christ's yoke is easy and his burden is light. R1731:1, 976:4

Through the gates – The Ancient Worthies from the various tribes of Israel through whose instrumentality the nations may enter into the blessings of the Kingdom. R1353:2

The city – In symbolic prophecy a city signifies a religious government backed by power and authority. It is the symbol used to represent the established Kingdom of God. Q789:4

Jerusalem, a figure or symbol of the Kingdom of God, the New Jerusalem. R896:4

The Kingdom of our Lord. R477:4*

Blessed – "Supremely blessed" – Strong's 3107. Please see mini-study "Blessed."

They – The Great Company.

That do his commandments – "That wash their robes" – corrected translation – RVIC, ASV, Darby, DRB, RV, WNT, Roth.

ploo'-no, ploo'-o
A prolonged form of an obsolete πλύω pluō ploo'-o (to flow); to plunge, that is, launder clothing: - wash. Compare G3068, G3538.
From G4724; equipment, that is, (specifically) a stole or long fitting gown (as a mark of dignity): - long clothing (garment), (long) robe.

The only other place in Revelation that mentions those who wash [G4150] their robes [G4749] is Rev. 7:14 which is speaking of the Great Company.

They – The Great Company.

May have – In the Greek there is no maybe here (as might be implied by the English word "may.") While the rendering is acceptable it might be better thought of as "Shall have."

Right to the tree of life – This group (the Great Company) will indeed have the authority to partake of the supply of life being provided them by The Christ.

May enter in – Have authority to enter in to the city, the true Kingdom of God.

Through the gates of the city – ? Question? In Rev. 21:12,13,15,21,25 we concluded that the gates of the city were the Ancient Worthies. If that is so, how would that apply here? How would the Great Company enter into the Kingdom arrangement through the Ancient worthies?
15 Without are the dogs, and the sorcerers, and the fornicators, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and every one that loves and makes a lie. Without – In Gehenna, the valley of destruction, an appropriate figure of the second death, the utter extermination of all things abominable and filthy in the close of the Millennial age. R896:4

There is no intimation that God will ever compel any one to accept of the gift of life everlasting. R890:6

Their course persisted in would result in death--the second death. R1660:3, 890:6

Dogs – A term of disrespect, referring to the wild dogs which roamed the country and were pests, in contrast with house dogs, which were esteemed and petted by the family. R2653:5, 1671:1

There is nothing in the Bible indicating the resurrection of animals. Q818:2

Murderers – Not that a man who has once been a murderer might not reform and become a saint and an heir of the Kingdom. One murderer, guilty of the murder of St. Stephen, was Saul of Tarsus. R4992:4

And whosoever – Evildoers for whose permanent reform there would be no hope, because before their sentencing to the second death, the righteous Judge had given every opportunity possible to repent. R1454:6

The "death and hell" element. R477:5*

Maketh a lie – The dishonest, like the Pharisees of old, say that they see when in their hearts they know they are blind. Not now worthy of the truth, by and by they will get honest enough to receive the truth, or else be cut off in second death, as those who make and love a lie. R1037:5, 1660:3

Without – Outside of the city of New Jerusalem, the Kingdom of God.

Dogs – Gentiles. "The term 'dogs' was applied to the Gentiles by the Jews as signifying their inferiority." R4627:5 – We should also remember that by the end of the Millennial Age, all should be Israelites. Any who are not would fall into this category of "dogs."

Sorcerers.. whoremongers.. murderers.. idolaters – This group is almost identical with those of Second Death class mentioned in Rev. 21:8.

Whosover loveth and maketh a lie – No deception will be allowed in God's Kingdom. Remember the purpose of restraining Satan during the thousand years is "that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years should be fulfilled." (Rev. 20:3) "When the thousand years are expired, Satan shall loosed out of his prison, and shall go forth to deceive the nations..." (Rev. 20:7-8)

16 *I* Jesus have sent mine angel to testify these things to you in the assemblies. *I* am the root and offspring of David, the bright and morning star. You – John. R477:4*

I am – The glorified Jesus. R944:1*

The root – He must be both David's Son and David's Lord. He must be both the stem or branch out of David's root, and in some way David must be seen to be a branch or shoot out of Christ as a root. R809:2

The root of David signifies the origin, source of life and development of David. E136

It was by virtue of his sacrifice of his undefiled life that he became the root of David as well as his Lord. E136

Offspring of David – According to the flesh, our Lord Jesus was, through his mother, the son, the branch, the offshoot or offspring of David. E136; R944:4*, 809:2

Jesus the Christ was the Son of Man, not in the sense of simply being a man, but because he was the son of the man David. R944:1*

Morning star – Jesus. Stars had weight and meaning to ancients who believed they controlled destinies. R4370:2

It is early, not yet light enough except to the prospective waking, watching Bride, who receives the light of the Morning Star. It will be some time before sunrise. R348:6

He is the Light of the World (John 1:4, 9) and The Sun of Righteousness. (Mal. 4:2) R1063:3*

I Jesus – Both the author of this book and the one upon whom its blessings all depend.

Sent mine angel – The angel that I Jesus have selected. This is the same angel (Messenger) as in Rev. 1:1, i.e., the seventh messenger, Pastor Russell.

To testify – Not to keep silent but to testify, to proclaim and explain this message.

Unto you – The saints (especially the John class).

In the churches – Throughout the Gospel Age, to the 7 churches, even though they are not fully understood until during the 7th stage.

I – Jesus.

Am – Now, since His resurrection in 33 A.D.

The root – The origin, in the same manner that Abraham was the root of Levi and Adam was the root of Abraham (and of us all).

Jesus became the root or origin when He purchased Adam and the entire human race in Adam by His sacrificial death. "I lay my life down.. No man taketh it from me.." John 10:17-18; 12:32; 1 Tim. 2:5-6; 1 Cor. 15:22

The offspring – The descendent through genealogy.

Of David – The genealogy of Jesus is verified in the Gospel of Luke 3:23-38. This was the line through which the promised Messiah was to come. Gen. 49:14-16

The bright and morning star – In a literal sense this appears to be referring to the planet Venus, the brightest "star" in the sky.

This may be a reference to the fact that Lucifer was referred to as the "Son of the Morning," but since he fell from that high position it has been taken over by our Lord.

17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that hears say, Come. And let him that is athirst come; he that will, let him take the water of life freely. The Spirit and – The Spirit clearly refers to Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom. Q838:2

The holy Spirit is the channel of at-one-ment now to the Church, and somewhat similarly it will be the channel of at-one-ment to the world in the coming age. E208

The holy Spirit will cooperate with the glorified Church in the blessing of all the families of the earth. E165; R4883:1

The Spirit is choosing a Bride for Christ during the Gospel age; at the end the marriage is consummated; and during the Millennial age the Spirit and the Bride say come. R137:2*

Bride – Then glorified. E208; R2575:4; Q838:2

And joint-heir; in contradistinction to the saved of the world of mankind, who will be recognized as the children of Christ. R2652:3

The chaste virgin now espoused to the Son of heaven's King, will be united to the Bridegroom--no longer the virgin, she will be the Bride, the Lamb's wife and joint-heir. R334:5, 3410:4, 533:4, 257:3; A98; HG343:3; OV224:1; Q838:2

How could the Bride give this invitation before she exists? R4883:1[R4883:2], 3571:4, 3496:5, 3410:4, 2508:5, 2424:5, 1906:1; F336; CR216:1; HG337:5; Q750:2

The Bride must be developed before she can join with the Spirit in inviting the world to the blessing which God has in reservation. HG745:3; NS332:6

The glorified Church. The Bride class are now on probation that it may be determined which will eventually be of that class. R4627:6, 1043:6*

The name "Bride" implies a marriage; the Church is already espoused to Christ, but the marriage is promised to take place; the second coming. R4883:1, 4627:6, 1155:6

As in Jewish custom, the espoused virgin was called a Bride from the time of her consent with the Bridegroom, so the espoused virgin Church is called Christ's Bride--before the consummation of their union. R1388:6

Not only will they invite the world, but also it will be their mission to judge, to correct, to discipline the world in righteousness to a knowledge and appreciation of divine mercy. R3917:4

Say – To all the families of the earth. NS396:1

Mankind in general will not yet have come to a position of acceptance of the Mediator, and will be in the same attitude of today--aliens, strangers, foreigners. None will begin to live until they partake of the water of life. Q60:2

Our work of proclaiming the grand message does not end with this present life. R37:3

The Gospel age, so far from closing the Church's mission, is only a necessary preparation for the great future work. A98

Come – Inviting all to come and obey Christ and receive eternal life. Q838:2

Mankind in general, who will not yet have come to a position of acceptance of the Mediator, will still be in the attitude of today--aliens, strangers, foreigners. R5428:4

The election of the Church of God will then have been completed, and every creature will come to a knowledge of the truth. R4990:4, 2424:5

It will require all the Millennial age for the delivery of this message to every creature and for them to avail themselves of the privileges. R3571:4

Him that heareth – The obedient will be privileged to repeat the invitation to others. Q838:2

Whosoever will – A worldwide invitation. R4882:6

Mine will be a general calling: I will draw all men; it will be a universal opportunity to come unto me. R2759:5

Not merely an elect Little Flock. R1952:4

The completeness of the ransom is the very strongest possible argument for the restitution of all mankind. A157

It is manifest that the expression "whosoever will," does not apply to all at this time, and will not be true until the wedding is consummated. Q838:2

Election now, free grace then. Q788:2, 824:4

Then free grace will be shown in the fullest measure. R546:5, 260:1, 8:5; HG316:3; OV36:1

Wesley's theme and favorite text. However, he did not discern that his beautiful text relates to the blessing of the non-elect during Messiah's reign. PD86/99

There is an exclusiveness about the calling now. The time has not yet come when the water of life shall flow freely, and whosoever will may come. R4148:1, 3571:2, 3410:5

"Behold, I bring you g; tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people" (Luke 2:10), "in due time." (1 Tim. 2:4-6) R1908:5

All babies, little and big; the foolish, both by nature and by false reasoning; the blind, the lame, the dumb and the deaf. R1043:6*

In close agreement with the lesson of Isa. 55:1-13. R3596:6, 650:1*

It both cases it is only to those who desire the water of life; "everyone that thirsteth" and "whosoever will" may have it. It will not be forced upon any. R1363:3, 5285:1, 650:1*

The only obstruction or limitation to the enjoyment of life then offered will be the will of the hearer. R1324:1*

All who will receive it on his conditions of love and loyalty and obedience to him. R1095:4

For every man--negroes and whites. HG514:5

"Whosoever he wills." And the Lord wills to restore all who shall prove worthy. R1125:4

Let him take – And, if they will be obedient, to obtain the full measure of divine favor, as represented in the offer of everlasting life. R2061:4

Here begins the world's probation, the world's great judgment day--a thousand years. R2606:4, 654:5

Water of life – Divine favor. R2260:6

Water is a symbol of truth. The invitation is to accept or partake of the favor of everlasting life through obedience to the truth. R1363:3

Waters of truth and grace. R906:1

The truth uncontaminated with error. HG522:6

The message of truth setting forth the means of blessing. All who accept may have its blessings, but those who do not accept and render obedience to the Lord shall not receive a blessing. Q750:2

God has opened up a fountain for sin and uncleanness. Whosoever will may partake of the blessings and reconciliation with God and thereby attain everlasting life. R5084:1

These glorious favors coming to mankind will all be earthly. R4883:4

Freely – God's grace is ever free, in the sense of being unmerited, but in the present time it is restricted to certain classes, while in the next age all the world will be invited to share the favors. A96

The Spirit – This phrase "The Spirit" (Strong's 3588, 4151) is used 7 times in chapters 2 and 3 (Rev. 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22"He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches.") Also in Rev. 14:13; 19:10. Clearly this has reference to The Holy Spirit from our glorified Lord Jesus.

And the bride – The glorified church now living and reigning with Christ. We should note that while their condition has now changed from earthly and weak to spiritual and powerful, yet her message is the same as it has always been. It is identical to that of Christ Jesus.

Say Come – Notice the attitude. This is given in the form of an invitation and not of a demand. Life eternal is for all those who are both willing and obedient. The main difference between then and now (as far as mankind is concerned) is that then (at the close of the Millennium) the willing will also be able.

Let him that heareth – It will still require "a hearing ear."

Say Come – Then as now it will be the privilege of those who receive the blessings from the Lord to pass those blessings on to any who are willing to hear them. The Truth is too good to be selfishly hoarded.

Let him that is athirst Come – Matt. 5:6.

Whosoever will – A free and open invitation to all who desire righteousness

Let him take – Even though it is free, it will still require some effort on the part of mankind. It does not say "Let him receive.." but "Let him take.." – Jer. 31:30. The highway of holiness still requires one to at least walk to make progress on it.

The water of life – Divine favor.

Freely – This is God's free grace to all mankind.

18 *I* testify to every one who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If any one shall add to these things, God shall add to him the plagues which are written in this book. Shall add – This warning has more or less deterred men from falsifying the canonical books. We believe very few interpolations into the text of the Bible have been intentional; but most by accident, usually copying a marginal comment into the text. R1210:2

To sanction interpolations, now that we know about them, would be to join with those who wrote them in adding to the Word of God. Q747:4

Every man that heareth – Those in the world do not 'hear' the Truth (Rev. 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22.) It therefore appears that this warning is especially to the spirit-begotten.

Matt. 11:15; Matt. 13:9; Matt. 13:16; Matt. 13:43; Mark 4:9; Mark 4:23; Mark 7:16; Mark 8:18; Luke 8:8; Luke 14:35

The words – The logos (Strong's 3056).

The prophecy – "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Rev. 19:10

This book – Why of this book? We suggest that it is because this book is the only book directly attributed to Jesus (Rev. 1:1).

Shall add unto these things – Which appears to have taken place. See Rev. 12:12; 14:5; 16:7; 20:5; 21:24. These all appear to have words which are spurious and were therefore added by men. Please see KJVwc for the authorities given concerning these texts.
19 And if any one take from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life, and out of the holy city, which are written in this book. If any man shall take away from the words.. – What a warning! Man should exercise extreme caution when handling the Word of God. Remember, this book is the Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him.

Deut 4:2; 12:32; Prov 30:6

God shall take away his part out of the book of life – Why, after describing all the wonders of what conditions will be like for both the heavenly and the earthly phases of the Kingdom, would any take away from this book? Who would so risk their eternity?

20 He that testifies these things says, Yea, I come quickly. Amen; come, Lord Jesus. I come quickly – We find this longing for and hoping for and waiting for the coming King in the writings of all the apostles. (Jas. 5:7; 1 Pet. 5:4; Jude 14; 2 Tim. 4:8) R2926:1

The book, being symbolical, cannot be understood except as its seals are loosed. When its sayings come to be appreciated it may be recognized as an evidence of the Lord's second advent. R3572:3

Even so, come – Written some 26 years after the destruction of Jerusalem, proving that the second advent of our Lord was not fulfilled by that event. A90; R531:4; CR493:2

The Apostle John looked with loving longing to the Kingdom and to the second coming of our Lord, and knew nothing about an intermediate Millennial reign. HG283:3[HG274]

Nearly all the scriptures follow the course of addressing the Father in prayer and I think of this one as the only one that is different. Q541:T; CR276:4

He which testifieth – Our Lord did not keep quiet about the Truth. He testified it. Can His followers do any less?

Surely, I come quickly – Blessed Promise!

21 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all the saints.
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