Revelation Chapter 21 [DARBY]

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1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea exists no more. And I saw – The fifth [fourth--R501:5] view of the Kingdom (verses 1 through 8) represent the blessedness of the Millennial age. R397:5[R397:15], 330:3[R333:7]

As Paul was given a glimpse of the next dispensation, or, as he calls it, "the world to come." (2 Cor. 12:2-4) A70[A70:1]; HG539:2

A new heaven – Heavens are used symbolically as representing ecclesiastical or spiritual powers. Q231:3

Consisting of the new spiritual ruling powers of the future, Christ, and the glorified church, as the present heavens consist of the nominal religious systems which, claiming Christ for their head, in a very large degree bow to Antichrist, the god of this world. R2832:3, 6014:5, 4706:1; C258

The spiritual dominion of Christ. R333:2

This will be the third heavens and third earth, differing from present conditions in that it will be righteous, whereas the present is unrighteous, imperfect. R2832:2; Q231:2

Not a new place of God's throne, but new conditions. Not another planet, but a new social order on this planet. R2832:3; Q231:2

It will the same physical earth, the same rocks, the same matter will be here, the sky we now have will be here just the same as before the flood. Q231:2

Not new worlds, nor heavens ranged one above another. R2832:2

The third heaven and third earth--the final and perfect ones. R210:3*

A new earth – The reconstructed condition of society. R333:2

Passed away – All present institutions are to utterly perish in the great time of trouble with which this age is very shortly to end. R2832:3

The first passed away at the flood. The heavens and earth "which are now," the present order of things, are reserved of God to pass away with a great fire of trouble, revolution, etc. (2 Pet. 3:7) R2832:2

The Mediator will have effected his grand work of destroying sin and bringing in everlasting righteousness. NS359:2

If this were literal, it would be a contradiction of Eccl. 1:4 "the earth abideth forever." R716:1*

Although God's creatures will still be free moral agents, they will have been thoroughly tested. OV131:T

There was – As a matter of course, there will be no more sea--people unrestrained. R333:2

No more sea – The sea is a symbol of the masses of people in a restless and unstable anarchistic condition, just as the land represents the social order. R2832:3; D638; Q842:2

No more restless people, no more dissatisfaction, no more anarchists; everything will be reduced to law and order. R2832:4; Q232:T, 842:2

In the time of trouble, the sea and the waves will roar. (Luke 21:5-36) In Psa. 46:1-3, the kingdoms of earth will go down, overwhelmed by the symbolic sea, in an anarchistic storm. Q842:2

We are not wise enough to know whether or not this will have a literal fulfillment. Q842:3

I – The John class.

Saw – The church in the flesh during our Lord's parousia now comes to understand another aspect of God's Revelation.

This is introducing yet another vision of the Kingdom.

New heaven – Heaven = power of spiritual control. This is the Heavenly phase of the Kingdom of God. A69:1; A334:1; R332:8; R5517:6

New earth – Earth = Organized society under religious restraint. This pictures the Earthly phase of the Kingdom of God. R498:8; R716:1

First heaven – The Spiritual control of earth under the Adversary. A69:1

First earth – Organized society of fallen man. R498:8; R716:1

Were passed away – These having been put down by the righteous rule of Christ. Isa. 65:17

There was no more sea – Sea = The irreligious masses of mankind. This will be no more because all will then know the truth of God's love and power. His kingdom will then cover the earth and the 'sea class' will no longer exist. R498

See Isa. 65:17; 66:22; 2 Pet. 3:13
2 And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of the heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I John saw – This glorious city will not be visible to the natural eye--neither Christ nor the saints in glory can be seen of men. Only those changed from human to spiritual nature see these matters in the full. R2832:5[R2832:9]

The holy city – Government of God. R334:2, 2606:3; CR216:3[CR216:1]

A "city" signifies a religious government backed by power and influence. D25; R3571:1; CR216:3; Q789:4[Q789:4]

In Scripture a city represents a government. For instance, symbolic Babylon is denominated "that great city [government] which ruleth over the kings of the earth." (Rev. 17:18) R2832:4, 2606:3, 2231:1, 1352:5

In contrast, in Rev. 14:8 and 18:21 Babylon's unrighteous character is described, and its sudden and violent overthrow predicted. R1352:5

The symbol represents the established Kingdom of God. Q789:4

The city as a whole comprises all the saints, from our Lord, the Head, down to and including the last member of the Church, which is his Body. R3570:6, 2231:1

The wilderness symbolizes disrespect, outcast condition. City represents the reverse--popularity, honor, dominion, kingdom. He takes the Church out of the wilderness into the city condition. R307:1

As "a city on a hill" which "cannot be hid;" (Matt. 5:14). This heavenly city "shall be established in the tops of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills, and all nations shall flow unto it." (Isa. 2:2) R421:6, 338:2

This is the stone cut out of the mountains without hands (but by the power of God), and it will then have become a great mountain (Kingdom), filling the whole earth. (Dan. 2:34, 35) R2606:3, 654:5

New Jerusalem – The Church in glory. R5189:5, 4387:5, 3571:3, 3496:5; CR216:3; OV36:1, 396:1; Q6:T

The Gospel Church in glory and Kingdom power, spiritual and invisible to men, yet all-powerful. C258

The symbol of the new Millennial government, the Church, the Bride united to her Lord. F209; R2832:4

The New Jerusalem and the new heavens are synonymous, signifying the new spiritual ruling power. C258

Stands for or represents in pictorial language the great salvation of all who will come into harmony with God through the merit of Christ's sacrifice. NS841:1

Thus Washington represents the United States government, Paris the French government, Rome the Italian, Berlin the German, London the British, etc. R3571:1

Coming down – Its descent to earth marks the fulfillment of that petition of our Lord's prayer which says, "Thy Kingdom come." C258

Our thought is that the Church will be very closely associated with the earth, just as Satan's kingdom is. Satan's seat of government is in Tartarus--the atmosphere. R5182:1

Though invisible to human eyes. R5182:1

It's coming will be gradual, not sudden. C258

Not until all the saints have been fitted and prepared for their places will this city descend to earth in power and come into possession or control the earth. R3571:1; SM441:1

It is already "coming down," coming into control, and as a result we see the preliminary steps leading to the re-establishment of the old Jerusalem. C258

During the time of trouble it will be coming down, and before the end of it, it will have touched the earth. R2606:3, 654:5, 219:3

"The manifestation of the sons of God." (Rom. 8:19) R56:2; SM143:2

From the commencement of the reign of Christ, the Kingdom of God will commence; it will continue to overthrow evil and establish right until, in the end of the time of trouble, it shall touch the earth. R219:3

From God – It is not earth-born. It is not reared by men. It is spiritual in every sense of the word--of God and not of men. R2832:4

Perhaps it will be necessary for the new creation to be absent from the immediate presence of the Father, and approximate the earth. R5181:6

Out of heaven – Whether the new creation are afar off, or on the earth, they will ever be of the spirit nature. R5181:6

Prepared – The entire Gospel age has been the time for the preparation of this New Jerusalem. R3570:6

As a bride – The Church in glory--beautiful, pure, gorgeous, resplendent. R3570:6, NS291:6

As his espoused, waiting for the marriage, that she may become the Bride. F363, NS291:6

The espoused virgin no more, because she will have passed from her espoused state into the more exalted one of the Bride, married or united to her Lord or Bridegroom. HG409:6

Implies its grandeur and beauty and perfection, as a bride's adornment on such an occasion is particular and elaborate to the last degree. R2832:4

His Church are called to the obtaining of the glory of their Lord, that they may be with him, as his Bride, and be like him, members of his glorious body. R5748:6

Let no one think from the figure that the Lord's intention is that his followers shall lose their personal identity and become merged in one person. NS291:4

Joint-heirs with Christ in his Kingdom of glory and in the work of blessing, judging and uplifting the world. NS340:2, 653:2; R2832:5; OV410:2; SM152:3

Counted as one and treated collectively. R1879:5

"If ye be Christ's (his Bride and joint-heir) then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the (oath-bound) promise." (Gal. 3:29) NS291:3

In contradistinction to the saved of the world of mankind, who will be recognized as the children of Christ, and of whom he will be the "Everlasting Father." R2652:3; OV124:6

As a lesson of divine sovereignty, and in contradiction to all Evolution theories, God elected to call to this place of honor, not angels or cherubs, but some from among redeemed sinners. E395; R1879:4

This same figure is represented in the type of Isaac and Rebecca. F363; NS293:1

I John saw – This is an astonishing expression. John pictures the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's second presence. This text therefor says that the church in the flesh (John) sees (with the eye of faith) the new government (new Jerusalem) coming down from heaven. Those who are not of the John class will declare that this is something that has not yet taken place, that the Kingdom is entirely in the future. The John class are those who recognize the reign of Christ begun. - see Vol. 3 Study IX - Thy God Reigneth!

The holy city – The spiritual phase of the Kingdom of God. A295:2; Isa. 52:1

Coming down – This does NOT say, "having come down." This seems to indicate that even while there are some still in the flesh, at least some part of the Kingdom of Christ is "coming down," i.e., is being established. – Please see C258:1.

From God – No matter who is permitted to reign (man, the Christ, angels, etc.) the Kingdom is from God.

Out of heaven – In this case, the true heaven.

Prepared as a bride – The Bride of Christ, the Little Flock.

Adorned – With all her character traits in place. This is the embroidering work done to the Robe of Righteousness. At the time this picture is complete, that work has been accomplished.

For her husband – If this is done strictly for ourselves, we will surely fail. This adorning work must be done for the Love of Christ. Isa. 61:10; Psa. 45:10-14

Compare with Isa. 52:1
3 And I heard a loud voice out of the heaven, saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall tabernacle with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, their God. Tabernacle – God's dwelling, the glorified Church. T76; R2832:6

Dwelling. God will dwell in this glorious city. It will be his Temple. Mankind will approach God as Israel approached the typical Tabernacle and Temple in their religious services. R2832:6

Messiah's Kingdom is called a Tabernacle because it is not to be a permanent or eternal condition of things. CR404:5

With men – For a thousand years. CR404:5[CR404:9]

Dwell with them – He will pour out his Spirit upon all flesh. NS535:6[NS535:7]

Be his people – Shall become his people. T76

When the work of reconciliation is complete, God will recognize the world of mankind, and place his sanctuary among men. T76

All mankind will be treated from the standpoint of reconciliation, the propitiation price for the sins of the whole world being paid at Calvary. R2832:6

God's sons, earthly sons, as Adam before he sinned was an earthly son. (Luke 3:38; 1 Cor. 15:47, 48) R382:1

God himself – While the Millennial Kingdom will be the Kingdom of God's dear Son, it will also be the Kingdom of God, because God's dear Son, and his joint-heir, the Church, will be in absolute accord with the Father. R2832:6

Be with them – God, represented in his Church (The Christ, Head and Body) will dwell with men, mankind, during the Millennium. R2832:6

I – The John class, the true church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's second advent.

Heard – 'He that hath an ear let him hear.'

A great voice – A great proclamation in the name of God. - see topic Loud Voice

Tabernacle of God – The glorified church (T76:2); R2832:11; Eze. 37:27

Is with men – CR404:9

He will dwell with them – NS535:7

They shall be his people – How different this is from today. Fallen mankind are not the people of God now, but at the end of the millennium they will have completed their course over the highway of holiness and will then indeed be included among the people of God.

God himself – R2832:12

Be their God – Unlike today where fallen man has all kinds of other gods (mammon, youth, self, etc.)
4 And he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall not exist any more, nor grief, nor cry, nor distress shall exist any more, for the former things have passed away. And God shall – During and as a result of Messiah's reign of a thousand years. R4980:2

Though it will be Christ and the Church who will be doing it, nevertheless, the Heavenly Father will be recognized as the first cause. R2833:1, 5214:5

When mankind has been thoroughly submitted to the leveling processes of the great time of trouble, and has been humbled and made teachable by it, then the same wise Judge will turn to bless. R1869:3

God himself. It was God's plan from the very first. The Millennial work is still his. R333:3

Yet he will use agencies--Christ Jesus and his Bride. R333:3

Wipe away – Through his various agencies and provinces. NS535:6

Implying a gradual work. Man will not be exempt from every weakness and trial and difficulty at the beginning. R2833:1[R2832:13], 333:4; T77

The tears will last so long as their cause--imperfection, pain, and death exists. R333:4

Wiping represents a gradual process, and sins and sorrows, pains and tears, are incidentals and concomitants of the death sentence. NS476:1, 801:5; PD48/59

Day by day the well-doer, walking on the highway of holiness, will be coming nearer to human perfection. HG616:3

All these blessings will result from the establishment of God's residence, or sanctuary, among men. T76

Other accounts show us unmistakably that there will be imperfections and chastisements and stripes throughout the age, while mankind is being lifted up. R2833:2

Christians are still praying for the blessed day of Messiah, for Satan's binding. Then blessings will displace sin, sorrow and pain. PD13/23

From the very beginning God foreknew all, and had planned the redemption of Adam, Eve and their children. To this end Jesus came and "died, the Just for the unjust." (1 Pet. 3:18) PD11/18

All tears – Instead of groanings they may have joy and peace, through accepting the blessed arrangements of the New Covenant. R2129:4

From their eyes – The marks of sin, not only in the deeds of mankind, but in the very facial expressions of all, will then be wiped out. NS476:1

Not only of the living world at the time, but also the blessing of the thousands of millions who have gone down into the tomb. NS567:6

There shall be – In the ages of blessedness to follow the Millennial age. A73

No more death – Not because the victors of the Millennial age will be crowned with immortality, but because they shall have formed characters in full accord with God and righteousness. E402; R1879:6

God will not awaken them now, because it would be to their disadvantage. He will keep them in the sleep of death until the Kingdom of righteousness is thoroughly established. CR479:4

So long as divine condemnation, the curse, the sentence of death, rests against the world, it is evident that God is not yet reconciled to the world nor the world to him. R3707:4

The New Covenant provisions are the forgiveness of sins, the renewing of a right heart and a restitution of all that was lost through the original transgression and its curse. R3684:1

When the sufferings of the Body of Christ are ended, then will ensue the great work of filling the world ocean-deep with the knowledge of the Lord, and the blotting out of sins. R2000:3; SM544:1

The great mass of mankind will be brought forth that they may learn the ways of righteousness and in due time be lifted out of sin and death. SM544:1

The deliverance of the groaning creation is to be into the same glorious liberty that the sons of God will then be enjoying. R616:2*

The opening chapters of Genesis give the entrance of the curse of sin and death, and the last chapters of Revelation reveal the success of God's plan. R98:3

Now is the time to suffer and die. It cannot be done in the next age. This is the age of sin and evil and crucifying; the next will be for glory and restitution. R131:3

Neither sorrow – Not a stain of sin mars the harmony and peace of a perfect society; not a bitter thought, not an unkind look or word; love, welling up from every heart, meets a kindred response in every other heart, and benevolence marks every act. A192

Those who attain to life everlasting will attain bliss everlasting. There is no provision in God's great plan for an everlasting condition in woe, sorrow or pain or trouble. SM766:2

The result of the thousand years of that reign of righteousness will be the development of mankind as one holy nation or people, whose happiness will be complete and everlasting. R4768:5

How comparatively valueless would all the other features of blessing be, if sickness and pain and imperfection continued. R2580:6

As a consequence of sin and all who love sin being destroyed. NS645:6

His guarantee is that sin and sinners shall not go beyond the Millennium, to endanger the happiness, peace and blessedness of the great eternity beyond. D644; R4400:3

It is merciful on God's part to destroy the incorrigibly wicked because such characters, be they ever so few, would mar the enjoyment of those who do love peace and righteousness. R3083:6; D644 Sickness, sorrow and pain would not be proper for any who are God's people. The prevalence of these conditions attests the fact that God is dealing with the world as criminals under death sentence. OV377:5

The opportunity of manifesting a fullness of zeal for the service of God will not come to the sons of God in the next age. The sacrificing then will be at an end. R5250:5

All traces and marks of sin. R573:6

Sin and evil in their various forms. Q773:4

All the liberties and privileges proper to the sons of God. OV388:4

Any more pain – The general healing of disease will doubtless be a prominent feature of Messiah's Kingdom--not only the ailments of the flesh, but also sin, disease and imperfection. R4979:5

We may reasonably assume that after perfection is reached there will be no more accidents, just as we have reason to suppose that in heaven there is no necessity for surgeons, doctors, ambulances, etc. R5031:3; Q6:T

Death conditions prevailing in the animal and vegetable world will bring no pain, neither sorrow, nor crying. R2640:6

The former things – Former conditions. E30

The reign of Satan, sin and death. T76; R4973:2; CR116:2; OV147:1, 192:4, 351:3

The former things of sin and darkness. R3228:3, 4400:3

The former things of Adamic sin and its penalty and blight. R2690:2, 382:1; NS379:4, 519:5

No more sin, and none of the penalties for sin. R4794:1

All the things of sin, and whom have sympathy or love for sin. R2331:4

No sin, and hence none of its results. R769:6

The evil incurred through Adam's transgression. R587:5

Prisons, insane asylums, hospitals, doctors or cemeteries. OV373:3

To make doubly clear and to prove beyond question the end of evil and its train of pain, misery and death. R726:5

This will mean an end of famines, an end of pestilences, an end of storms and floods and droughts. R2076:2

Amongst these will be present misconceptions by which we are inclined to attribute to the lower animals human feelings and sentiments--some even carrying these mistaken notions to flowers. R2640:6

Are passed away – There shall be no more discontent, no more unhappiness, and God's will shall be done in the Paradise of earth as it is done in heaven itself. NS523:5; R5776:5

Messiah's great work of redemption will obliterate unsatisfactory conditions from the earth. Their abolition will be the result of Jesus' Kingdom work of one thousand years. OV373:3

Put away legally by the "sacrifice of himself (Christ);" and put away in fact by his glorious reign. R587:6

The promise made to Abraham was that in his spiritual seed all mankind would receive the divine blessing--the rolling away of the curse of sin and death. R5273:4, 5531:1

From the very beginning of Messiah's reign, God's blessing will begin to come to the world; but the full blessing will not be here, and the curse not entirely removed until about the end of the Millennium. R5780:1, 5694:6, 4587:2, 2833:2

If there is to be a release from the second death, it must come after the Millennium. This would involve the thought of a continuance of sin, contrary to this promise. R1454:6

The intrusion of sin was not unforeseen by divine wisdom, and its permission for six thousand years has not in any degree altered the original divine purpose. R2397:6

"Transitory" is written upon everything human. SM538:3

God shall – While most of the work we have seen has been done by our Lord Jesus, this work is specifically attributed to the Father. Still, we remember that all things are of the Father and by the Son.

Wipe away all tears – Please see Topic: Blotting Out.

Notice the Expanded Bible Comments on this phrase. Included among them is: "Implying a gradual work. Man will not be exempt from every weakness and trial and difficulty at the beginning." R2832:13

From their eyes – No more will the world of mankind have the kind of sorrow that now plagues them. The fact that God will blot out all the tears indicates a complete removal of sin. The fact that it specifies the eyes indicates that once their sins have been removed they will finally be able to see things clearly, from the standpoint of righteousness, perfection. They will definitely see things differently than they do now.

No more death – The great enemy of mankind will have been completely done away with. This applies to both Adamic death (Jer. 31:29,30) as well as death itself.

Neither sorrow – This clearly implies the removal of sin, for "the wages of sin is death" (Rom. 6:23) and "the sorrow of the world worketh death." (2 Cor. 7:10)

Nor crying – "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psa. 30:5

Question: Why would the Lord first tell us that He will "wipe away all tears.." and then tell us there will be no more crying?

Suggested Answer: Tears implies that one has been crying (else there would be no tears). This indicates that the Lord will comfort those who have been crying, removing the cause of their grief, fixing whatever problems resulted in the shedding of those tears.

By then adding that there will also be no more tears tells us that going forward their will no longer be any cause for crying. The Lord will create a situation so blessed that no one will have any grief again - for ever.

Neither shall there be any more pain – Pain is the body's way of telling us there is something wrong with our body. If there is no more pain, this indicates there is nothing wrong, it implies the bodies are now perfect.

The former things – The things associated with the time from Adam's sin until the close of the little season, the period of sin and death.

Are passed away – These things began to be removed in earnest at our Lord's return in 1874 and especially in 1878 when He cast off that false system, and again on a still greater level when He began to "dash the nations in pieces like a potter's vessel" in 1914. That was when the "stone" (of Dan. 2) struck the image on the feet. "Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth." Dan. 2:35 - The work then so nobly begun will continue until every last vestage of the old order will have "passed away."
5 And he that sat on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he says to me, Write, for these words are true and faithful. He that sat – Our Redeemer--Jesus, the great King of kings and Lord of lords. R4973:3

The throne – Of earth's dominion. R2833:3

I make – Millennial blessings are not coming to the world by a process of Evolution, but as a result of God's lifting the veil from our eyes and permitting us to see what to do and how to do it. OV384:3

Our great inventors acknowledge that their work is not so much the result of personal effort, but rather a kind of inspiration. OV384:4

It is the same respecting Bible study. It came, not by plodding study, but rather as an illumination of the mind by the holy Spirit, for God's due time had come. OV384:4

All things new – A new heaven or spiritual power will have supervision of earth's affairs, and a new earth or social order will obtain amongst men. CR350:4; 406:1; Q580:2

Regeneration--that glorious moral, social, political, religious and physical change which will be introduced by the Messiah. (Matt. 19:28) Q822:3

It is the work of reconstruction, the time of Jubilee, the time of joy. NS433:4[NS433:6]

The making over of mankind and the thorough reconstruction of all the affairs of man will require the entire Jubilee year or Millennial epoch. NS433:5; R5839:1

"I create new heavens and a new earth." (Isa. 65:17) R4411:1*; Q580:1

Some have realized the impending change, and have governed and taught accordingly. Others have invoked still further the powers of ignorance to continue the present order of things. OV386:4

It will mean more than the bringing back to a heart harmony--it will mean the taking away of the stony heart of the flesh. NS433:5

In this new dispensation the proud, the haughty, the unjust, will be much discredited. NS16:4

Not merely rocks and trees, but the great work which our Lord undertook--the regeneration of humanity. R2833:3

Paradise restored--not a garden merely, but the entire earth made beautiful, fruitful, sinless, happy. R5057:5, 4673:6

Paradise, the garden of God, was applicable as a name to the garden of Eden; and the same term is Scripturally applied to the new earth when restitution blessings are brought to perfection. R2832:1; SM130:3

Renew all things. This restitution of earth to its designed perfection typed in Eden delays until the coming of our Master as the King of Glory as soon as the elect Church has been found faithful. CR116:2

A clean world in which the unholy and abominable and all who love and make lies will have no place. R3083:6, 893:2, 382:4

The perfection originally possessed by Adam, which must have been in the man Jesus, will be found in all the restored race in the close of his glorious reign. R573:6

Included in the Lord's prayer--"as it is in heaven"--is the thought that when sin and death have been effaced, the world of mankind will be as happy in God's favor as are the angels now. R5379:4, 2832:4, 2253:1

We are living in the beginning of the New Era. Growing intelligence is bringing emancipation, and shortly the Messianic Kingdom will multiply the blessings and wipe out the curse. PD48/59

This topic of the Kingdom has not had sufficient consideration [in the International Sunday School Lessons], considering its prominence in the Bible--from Genesis to Revelation. R5048:3

We now taste and see that the Lord is good, but the fullness of his favor will be realized when he hath made all things new. R1117:2

Thus the Father committed the work of reconciliation of man to the Son, and will receive it back again under divine jurisdiction, when, through the Son, he shall have made all things new. R2434:6

These words are true – This asseveration of truthfulness implies that present conditions seem so contrary to all this grand restitution outcome that it cannot be fully believed and trusted, except by those who walk with the Lord. R2833:3

He that sat – The Lord Jesus. If some insist that this refers to the Heavenly Father, we do not object. We remember that no matter what agencies the Father is pleased to use to bring about His purposes, they are, after all, His purposes. He is the author of the Divine Plan. However, as we read on in the next couple of verses it becomes clear that it is Jesus who is here speaking.

Upon the throne – This would be the throne of earth's dominion. "I [Jehovah] will overturn.. and give it to him [Jesus] whose right it is." (Eze. 21:27)

I – Jesus.

Make all things new – Remember, it was Jesus, as The Logos who made all things the first time. He is now making all things new.

He – Jesus.

Said unto me, Write – The John class. Remember that this is "The Revelation of Jesus Christ." And it was to John that the instruction was given: "What thou seest, write in a book.." - Rev. 1:11

These words are true – In contrast with the utterances that have been coming from the false system, those who have claimed to be speaking for God and for Jesus.

Please see also R2833:5.

And faithful – "He is faithful that promised." - Heb. 10:23
6 And he said to me, It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to him that thirsts of the fountain of the water of life freely. And he said – The Christ declares at the conclusion of the Millennial age. R2833:4

It is done – My great contract is accomplished. R2833:4

Alpha and Omega – The A and the Z. R2833:4, 333:4

The first and last of Jehovah's direct creation. R1278:3, 1060:4; R446:5*[R446:9]*

Not only was the Logos the beginning, or Alpha--but he was also the last, the Omega of divine creation, the first and only begotten Son of Jehovah, given an exclusive place. R5351:3

Authentic here, though not found in the oldest Greek manuscripts and properly omitted in the Revised Version of Rev. 1:8. R3569:2

The beginning – "He was the beginning of the creation of God." (Rev. 3:14) PD54/67

He it is who in all things has the pre-eminence in Jehovah's plan and work. R1278:3

That our Lord had a pre-existence we are must positively assured. R1161:4

And the end – He is the beginner and finisher of its wondrous plan, though not its author. R1060:4

Him that is athirst – "The table of the Lord" is spread for every one that is hungering and thirsting after righteousness. R1899:2

They must desire it and this desire must be manifested by obedience to the terms. R2833:4

Water of life – Everlasting life; the privilege of perpetual existence. R2833:4

The Lord will pour out his Spirit upon all flesh, and the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the great deep. (Isa. 11:9; Hab. 2:14) R4990:3

He – Jesus.

Said unto me – Jesus instructing the John Class.

It is done – In the Greek this is not the same phrase that Jesus used when he was on the cross (John 19:30). However it does carry the thought of something have been completed, done or made.

I – Jesus.

Am the Alpha and the Omega – In English we would say 'The A and the Z.'

The Beginning – Jesus was "His only begotten son." John 3:16. He was the only direct creation of God. It was Jesus who, as the Logos, then created all that we can see. - John 1:3. Rev. 3:14

And the end – Not only was Jesus, as the Logos, the first of God's direct creations but he was also the last. Thus he is described as 'His only begotten son.' John 3:16.

Rev. 1:11

I – Jesus.

Will give unto him that is athirst – Not to anyone, but to anyone that is thirsty for it.

The fountain – The source: the Lord and His Truth coupled with its Spirit. Joel 2:28.

The water of life – John 4:13-14.

Freely – Free indeed! There is no payment that any man could possibly give to receive this amazing gift. Psa. 49:7.
These shall have the gift of life without any cost on their part. In order to maintain that life they will not be asked to do anything beyond their capability. Then men will be perfect and able to keep God's law (unlike now when none can keep the law.) Then His law will be written in their hearts. - Jer. 31:33
7 He that overcomes shall inherit these things, and I will be to him God, and he shall be to me son. He that overcometh – Not the Bride class, selected during the Gospel age, but the sheep class of Matthews 25--during the Millennial age. R2833:5

The salvation made possible by the ransom-sacrifice is a new trial for life everlasting, the results of which are expressed in this and the following verse, as well as in John 3:36. R1598:4

Those who are worthy of the perfect human life then are called overcomers. R333:5

Inherit all things – "Inherit these things"--the earthly Kingdom, just as the overcomers of this Gospel age inherit spiritual things. R333:5, R2833:5

They are not invited to inherit the Kingdom prepared for us; but they shall inherit the earth, the purchased possession. R2833:5

The spiritual seed of Abraham will not share the earthly inheritance with the fleshly seed. While the fleshly seed will sit, each man, under his own vine and fig tree, the spiritual seed will be reigning with Christ in glory. R4071:3

The Law of Primogeniture--the Church of the first-born is soon to have the entire inheritance, as well the land as the power and dominion, the glory and the honor. R1164:2

Let us call to mind our high calling to become his Bride, and as such to be joined in heirship with him whom God hath appointed to be heir of all things. R422:6

He that overcometh – This is the 8th (and last) time this term is used in the book of Revelation. The first 7 were the promises given to each one of the seven churches. Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26; Rev. 3:5, 12, 21

In this case it is not referring to the overcomers of the Gospel Age but rather to the overcomers of the Millennial Age, i.e., the faithful of the world of mankind who successfully pass through the Little Season.

Shall inherit all things – These shall inherit ALL the earthly promises, ALL the things that God has in store for them, even as the overcomers of the Gospel Age inherit the heavenly promises.

I will be his God – It is Jesus who is here speaking. He is not saying that he is taking the place of Jehovah God, nor is he declaring himself to be God's equal. Rather he is declaring that restored humanity will worship him even as they worship the Father. -Matt. 11:27; Luke 10:22

He shall be my son – Remember, He (Jesus) became the 'everlasting father' by reason of taking Adam's place in death.

8 But to the fearful and unbelieving, and sinners, and those who make themselves abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone; which is the second death. But the fearful – At the conclusion of the world's coming judgment. A144

The true character of the goat class is portrayed in this verse. R2609:4; A144

Such company would be repulsive to any honest, upright being. R2609:4, 1443:6

Unbelieving – Those who will not trust God. R2609:4, 893:6

Abominable – Who, knowing the truth, yet love unrighteousness. R2608:6

Who at heart are. R2609:1

Those who in spirit are. R1391:6

Murderers – Brother-haters. R2609:4[R2609:9], 893:6

Not that a man who has once been a murderer might not reform and become a saint and an heir of the Kingdom. One murderer, guilty of the murder of Stephen, was Saul, who afterward became an Apostle. R4992:4

Sorcerers – The instruction to Israel was very explicit, that they should not have any communion with those who work miracles by means of sorcery or incantations. R2172:1; HG726:1

Idolaters – Such as misappropriate and misuse divine favors, who give to self or any other creature or thing that service and honor which belong to God. R2609:4, 893:6

Liars – In a word, all who do not love the truth and seek it, and at any cost defend and hold it. R2609:4, 893:6

Shall have their part – The two classes will have been completely separated--the obedient and the disobedient; those in harmony with the letter and spirit of God's law, and those out of harmony with it. A144

Such as willfully spurn God's favor and cling to sin when able to avoid it, are fit subjects for destruction--the second death. R912:2; OV362:5

That will not be a time for pardoning wicked men, but for pardoning those who desire to forsake their wicked ways and thoughts. R1364:3

Some, even after a hundred years will be but partially developed; but their willful rejection is reckoned as the same as though they had reached perfection, and then rebelled against God's laws. R1261:6

No one shall be destroyed who is worthy of life, whose living would be a blessing to himself or to others in harmony with righteousness. R893:3

None need suppose that God is too loving to cut some off in second death, or that if he did so, he would give them other and yet other chances. This would lead some to take advantage of God's grace and use it as a license for willful sin. R893:4, 382:4

The lake which burneth – More properly the "abyss of fire and brimstone." NS309:1

Symbolic. R912:4; B153; NS309:1

Greek, gehenna, symbol of utter destruction. R2609:4, 893:3

The city was pictured by Jerusalem, and the "fire" by Gehenna. As the offal of the literal city was put in the Valley of Hinnom for destruction, so all the offal of the Millennial Kingdom will be destroyed, and be kept outside of the Golden Jerusalem. R4992:5, 2601:3; NS309:2, 841:1

As the literal Gehenna was not a place of torment or grief, but represented the utter destruction and hopelessness of those (already dead) cast into it, so must its antitype teach the same lesson. HG304:5

All those rejecting the ministries of reconciliation will have been cut off in the second death. NS359:5

God has determined to "make an end of sin and to bring in everlasting righteousness." (Dan. 9:24) R1364:3

"Everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels." (Matt. 25:41) R2607:6

Before their destruction comes the evildoers will have had fullest opportunity to repent. Satan will have had the opportunity of seven thousand years, and yet remain incorrigible, ample proof to all. R1443:6; B153

Being on as fair and full a trial as Adam was, and with greater experience, they will be as culpable as he, and as worthy of condemnation to death under the law. R912:6

The death which will come upon some for willful sins will not be an enemy in God's sight, not an enemy to those in harmony with God who will rejoice to see his will done in cleansing the universe. R1219:4

The trial being ended, the gift of life of which these shall have proved themselves unworthy, shall be taken from them. R2609:4

In the end of that age Satan is to be loosed for a little season for the final testing of mankind, and at its close he and those who follow his spirit and leadership shall be destroyed. R763:6

Then all the remainder he will present before the Father, perfect and unreprovable. R1601:4

Fire and brimstone – Fire is always a symbol of destruction, and when brimstone is added in the symbol, the destruction is intensified. Brimstone is a most destructive agent against life in any form and degree. R912:4, 382:4: NS309:2

Even today, if we were making symbols, we could think of nothing that would more thoroughly, more completely represent utter destruction of life than the figure that the Lord has here used. NS309:2

Second death – Literal. R912:4

Plainly stating the meaning of the symbol of the lake of fire and brimstone. NS841:4

The term "second death" is specific and cannot refer to a figurative use of the word death. R891:2

When anything is called a "second" it recognizes one, and only one preceding it, of the same kind. R891:2, 381:1

Neither an apple nor a pear would be a second peach; so the second death, like the first, must be a cessation of life or being. R381:1

As the first death terminates the first life, so the second death may terminate the second life. R1324:1

There is a radical difference between the law regulating the first death and that regulating the second. The first comes upon the entire human race, the second death will reach no man independent of his will. R1324:1

The first death must be abrogated or set aside in some manner, before the second death would be possible. R381:1

Before there was any second death there was the second sin; before there was any second sin there was the second judgment; before there was any second judgment there was the second life. R1478:1*

The second death is the second penalty, the result of failure during the second trial of the world, of a class not worthy of a place in the "book of life." R891:3

Every trial must reach a conclusion and have a sentence. The first trial, in Eden, ended with a sentence. The second trial is to have a sentence also. R891:6

Distinguishing it from the first sentence which came upon all men as the result of the first or representative trial. R891:6

The second trial is individually, and not representatively. R892:1, 381:2

If they then willfully sin, they will die for their own sin. (Jer. 31:30; Acts 3:23) R541:5*, 381:2

Death is the wages of sin. The first was the wages of Adam's sin. The second death will be the wages of their own, not Adam's sin. R381:1, 2

The first, or Adamic death, is called a sleep because in due time all should be made alive. The second death is not a sleep, because there is no hope of resurrection from it. R381:3

From which there will be no redemption, no resurrection, no recovery. It is everlasting punishment, everlasting destruction--not everlasting torment. NS403:1

The second trial is final. A third trial is never suggested in Scripture; consequently there could not be a third death, and none is mentioned. R892:2; HG356:4

There seems no reasonable question as to whether or not second death means future life or annihilation. The word itself stands for the opposite of life. HG356:4

The first death is recorded in the first part of the Bible, and the second death is never once met with until the last part of the Bible is reached. This fact is highly suggestive. R1478:1*

Second death will never be destroyed. R381:4

Since "Christ dieth no more," (Rom. 6:9) it follows that none one of such condemned ones can be redeemed or ransomed as Adam was. R912:6, 892:3, 381:4; OV362:5

Second death will receive the incorrigible at the close of the Millennium. At that time Christ's Kingdom, the thousand year day of judgment, comes to an end. R1454:6, 4794:1;

We make no claims of universal salvation, but distinctly speak of some who will die the second death. CR51:6; HG654:6

The term death signifies destruction, extinction. R891:3

The second destruction (or death) begins quite early in the new judgment--with the systems of error, But it does not reach men as individuals until they have first had full trial. R892; 2

Nowhere is second death applied to symbols or systems. If systems are mentioned as dying a second death, it would prove that such systems had once existed, died, revived, and then died again. R381:5

The Bible plainly says that the devil and those following him shall be destroyed. R1648:4

This death is for their own sins, and is everlasting. R333:5

If any, enlightened by the truth, and restored (either actually or reckonedly) to human perfection, "draw back" they, with the unbelievers, will be destroyed. A107; HG344:5

This verse is here to remind all that even though God has such amazing blessings in store for all who are willing, nevertheless they must actually DO something in order to gain these blessings. The Kingdom is NOT for everyone. Here we have a list of those for whom the Kingdom is NOT for. - See A144:2.

The fearful – Why would the fearful be listed amongst those who are not permitted to have life everlasting? - Because by the end of the Millennium their experience should have developed in them a complete trust in the Lord. There is no reason for fear at that time. "He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18

Unbelieving – How could someone be unbelieving after having been resurrected from the dead and having walked up the highway of holiness. Yet there apparently will be some or this expression here would be meaningless.

Murderers – What murderers will there be at the end of the millennium? - The thought here is that there will still be some who have not in their hearts truly entered into the spirit of the Kingdom of righteousness. This is evident from the fact that they are described in the previous chapter as encompassing the camp of the saints and need to be destroyed in the second death. So too here. There will be some who still hate their brother and would destroy them if they could. These are described by the Apostle John in 1 John 3:15.

Whoremongers – A whoremonger is "a person who consorts with harlots." In the Kingdom both literal and symbolic harlotry will be done away with, yet it is the attitude of the people here that seems to be considered. Those who still harbor those types of feelings would seem to be those here being discussed. Those who hold on to those desires will be done away with.

Sorcerers – None who have dealings with the fallen angels will be permitted to continue. Exo. 22:18; Deut. 18:9-12; Lev. 19:31; 20:6, 27

Idolaters – "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Exo. 20:3

Liars – Lest any should not properly value the Truth. "Thou shalt not bear false witness.." Exo. 20:16

Have their part – By this time (the end of the little season) all who fall into this category will have done so on their own. They will have none to blame but themselves.

The lake which burneth with fire – Symbolic fire.

Brimstone – Sulphur. This is completely destructive of all life.

Which is the second death – Not life continued somewhere else, but actual death, sessation of life, perpetual non-existence.

9 And there came one of the seven angels which had had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues, and spoke with me, saying, Come here, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. And there came – The sixth [fifth--R501:4] view of the Kingdom (verses 9 through 27) show the glorified Church more especially. R397:5, 330:3

Full of – In the Greek the word full is emphatic as if to call our attention to the matter. R113:2

The Temple is filled with glory just before the pouring out of the seven plagues. R169:5*

The seven last plagues – If you examine closely it shows that we shall be taken up into the Mount or Kingdom before the seven last plagues are poured out on the world. R113:2

See comments on Rev. 15 and 16.

Come hither – To a yet future standpoint, and see how the Bride will then appear. R1388:6

Let us endeavor to take God's standpoint of observation, to think as he thinks, and to act as he acts. R1211:6*

The bride – This Bride is to be made up of a class, the elect overcomers of the Gospel age. When completed and glorified, the Bride will be the helpmeet of Christ, and will be to his honor and glory. Q803:1

She will not become the Bride of Christ until, at the time of the Bridegroom's presence, when the marriage of the Lamb shall take place, and the marriage supper shall follow. Q838:2

Let all who claim to be virgins, pure ones, be found of him in peace, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, alert, watching for opportunities, and helping the Bride make herself ready. R5400:5

One of many titles for the Church, including: "joint-heirs," "living stones," "the Royal Priesthood" and "members in particular of the Body of Christ." R1855:1; NS332:1

Signifying the closest possible intimacy and union of these elect ones with the great King of glory. NS379:5

His associates in judging the world. NS393:5; SM15:T

Contrasted, in parallel columns, with the "great whore," Babylon the great of Rev. 17. R471:6

We know of his presence, not as men, recognizing a man, but as new creatures recognizing our Head, our Bridegroom. R454:4

The Lamb's wife – No longer the espoused virgin. HG409:6; CR216:3

The Church, after her change, after the marriage has taken place. CR216:3; SM15:T

Eternally united to him. NS395:4

The Kingdom cannot come until the royal family is ready to take the throne. Then for a thousand years the restitution privileges will be open to the whole world of mankind. R5919:6

A wife shares her husband's honors and name; just as the Church bears the name of Christ as members of the Body of Christ--the name "Jehovah-Tsidkenu." (Jer. 23:5,6; 33:16) E42

The Scriptures further represent that the glorified Jesus, who is the heavenly Bridegroom, and the glorified Church, who is the heavenly Bride, will figuratively beget children. R4755:3; OV124:6

Jesus will be the Everlasting Father, and the Church will be the mother or caretaker of mankind to uplift, instruct and develop them in the ways of righteousness. R4755:3; OV125:T

There came unto me – Came to the John class.

One of the seven angels – Pastor Russell, here explaining to the church in the flesh during the days of His presence (the John class) just who it is that constitutes the bride of the lamb.

Which had the seven vials – This would seem to indicate that we have entered into another vision of the Millennium. The scene seems to have backed up to the time when this angel still has the vials, i.e., has not yet poured them out.

And talked with me – At this point this angel (messenger, Pastor Russell) talks with John (the church in the flesh.) This is a further indication that this vision has now taken us back to the beginning of the Millennial Age.

I will show thee – It does not say 'I have already shown thee.'

How could this angel (Pastor Russell) show to the John class (remember, the John class is still in the flesh) the bride - AS the WIFE of the Lamb (Jesus Christ) if she had not already joined him in the spirit realm. 1 Thess. 4:17. We must ask ourselves: "During what time period are there members of the body of Christ still on their earthly pilgrimage while at the same time there are members who have already had their change and are living in heavenly places with our Lord Jesus?" - The answer should be obvious, i.e., AFTER the spring of 1878 when the sleeping saints were raised to be with the Lord.

The bride, the Lamb's wife – Others may have made the connection that the church is to be the Bride of Christ, but it was Pastor Russell who caused us to understand just exactly all that is meant by this. The depth of consecration and the development of all the fruits of the spirit and the crystallization of the character of Christ within us. This is what the seventh messenger told us that others have not.
10 And he carried me away in the Spirit, and set me on a great and high mountain, and shewed me the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of the heaven from God, Carried me away – To thus recognize it, we must get away from the world and its standpoint of view. R333:6

In the spirit – Thus, it is evident that we should "spiritualize" this narrative. John viewed the wonders of this city in a spiritual sense, and not in a literal sense. Q789:4

Mentally. R1211:2*

By and by in person. R333:6

A great and high mountain – The Church of translation must go up into the great Kingdom--enter into the joys of our Lord and be in his likeness before we can see as we are seen. The Bride can only be seen from the standpoint of the Kingdom. R113:1[R113]

Before he could an see it, he had to go, in spirit, as high as possible above the earthly level. R333:5

And shewed me – So we, the antitype, may now see the Kingdom of God coming. R333:5

All cannot see this Kingdom as already on its way to earth--"coming down." R333:6

That great city – This is given to mark the change of the symbol from a bride to a city; just as elsewhere the figure was shown to change from "wheat" to "the sun." R1388:6

The city as a whole is called the Bride--and yet we see some members higher than others. There are superiors--rulers--in the city, but the city as a whole is a ruling power over the nations. R81:6*

There has been no occasion for the use of such a symbol during the Gospel age, because the Church has not been in ruling power; and when glorified with the Lord the figure of a virgin-bride waiting for full union with the Bridegroom will not longer be appropriate as now. R1388:6

Holy Jerusalem – The Church in glory. R5002:6, 3570:6

The Sarah covenant is represented in "the exalted Jerusalem" whose offspring and heirs through Christ we already are. This is The government of which Jerusalem the literal was but an imperfect type. R1389:4

The center of God's blessing and instruction to all the families of the earth during the Millennium. R2987:2

See comments on Rev. 21:2.

He – The angel of 21:9.

Carried me – Carried the John class

Away – In mental vision Br. Russell carries us away from our worldly surroundings and allows us to see things from the Divine standpoint

In the spirit – In our spiritual understanding.

To a great and high mountain – To the Kingdom of God. Remember that a mountain is the symbol for a Kingdom, and this is not only a mountain but it is one that is both great and high. Where else can we find such a description in the Bible?

We suggest that this is a confirmation that this is 1878 and onward, for it was at that date that Jesus began the exercise of His great Kingdom power in both the casting off of the nominal church systems and (especially) in the raising of the sleeping saints.

Showed me – Showed to the John Class.

That great city – As the mountain (kingdom) is great, so also is the city. A city is always a symbol for a government.

The Holy Jerusalem – No doubt Jerusalem will become the world's capital city. It has had the promise of being the holy city, but seems to come short. But not so in the future. - Neh 11:1; Isa 4:3; 27:13; 52:1; 66:20; Dan 9:16; Joel 3:17; Zec 8:3; Rev 21:2.

Descending out of heaven – This city (government) is the Kingdom of God. While it will be here on earth, its rulership is heaven based.

From God – Even with The Christ ruling, it is to be the Kingdom of God.
11 having the glory of God. Her shining was like a most precious stone, as a crystal-like jasper stone; The glory of God – Majesty and power. R333:6

Truly she is a glorious Bride--"without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing." (Eph. 5:27) R1211:1*

The divine nature, of which she was promised to be made partaker with her Lord. R1210:6*

We may by faith behold her glory; but let us not forget that we have not yet proved our worthiness. R1211:2*

A jasper stone – Supposedly the diamond. Being the most brilliant of all gems, it fittingly symbolizes the glory of God; the light (or source of light) of the New Jerusalem. R529:3*, 333:6

Having the glory of God – Having the Truth. - While this likely includes all the beauty and dignity of the the character of our Heavenly Father, this phrase: "The Glory of God" as used in scripture seems to refer to the Truth, for it is the Truth which reveals God's true character to us. Consider Pastor Russell's remarks in the September 23rd Manna: "We can do no less than defend the Truth. The Truth is God's representative, Christ's representative, and hence our standard, and as true soldiers we must defend our standard, even unto death."

Her light – This New Jerusalem is described in different ways. It is the Kingdom of God. It is the Bride, the Lamb's wife. It is the Tabernacle of God with men. However, she is only honored because of her Bridegroom.

"Ye are the light of the world." - Matt. 5:14. The church is even now the light of the world but that is because she has the privilege of letting the light of Christ and the light of the Father shine out through them. When glorified she will have her own light - that of the Divine Nature, and yet it will still be the light of Christ and the light of the Father - only now it will be magnified to its highest possible degree.

Like unto a stone most precious – All of the stones in the breastplate of the High Priest are precious and this would seem to be one of these stones, but which one? ...

Like a jasper stone – While we may not bee too positive of exactly which of the jasper stones is being referred to here, a good suggestion is that it is the red jasper stone.


This seems appropriate because the Ransom (red, blood) will be remembered as the basis for the entire Plan of Salvation for mankind.

We also note that in vs. 19, Jasper is the first of the 12 foundations of the city. Thus the Ransom is indeed the stone most precious.

Clear as crystal – The understanding of the Ransom as the basis for ALL the blessings that mankind will then receive will indeed be as clear as crystal to the whole world. Isa. 11:9; Hab. 2:14.
12 having a great and high wall; having twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names inscribed, which are those of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel. A wall – The walls are living stones, such as the Apostle Peter describes. (1 Pet. 2:5) R3570:6, 2832:5

Whose walls signify salvation, protection and blessing to all who enter. A295

"Walls of salvation." (Isa. 60:18) Protection and security abide in it. R333:6

Twelve angels – Messengers. This would seem to teach that Israel will in due time be the messengers to communicate the love and knowledge of the Lord to all creatures. R334:

The twelve gates – The Ancient Worthies from the various tribes of Israel will be the visible representatives of the heavenly Kingdom in earth, through whose instrumentality the nations may enter into the blessings of the Kingdom. R1353:1

A wall great and high – Walls signify protection, safety. Isa. 60:18; R333:24; R1653:9; R2510:4; R3945:4; R4794:31; R5487:3

This safety or protection is "great and high" so that none can assail it. All who dwell within this wall are completely safe under Divine Protection. A295:3

Twelve gates – A gate is the means of ingress into the city. (While a gate is also a means of egress from the city, it does not appear that is what is intended here.)

As near as we can tell (primarily from the research done in 1850 by Rabbi Joseph Schwartz, based on the understanding that Nehemiah was rebuilding Jerusalem and would therefore not be adding any new gates) there were 11 gates in ancient Jerusalem as follows:

At the south there were,
1. The Dung Gate, also called the Gate between the two Walls; east of the same was
2. The Gate of the Fountain.

At the west,
3. The Valley Gate;
4. The Corner Gate, properly northwest from the first, at a distance of four hundred cubits.

At the north,
5. The Gate of Ephraim, also called the Gate of Benjamin, in Jeremiah 37:13, since it led into the territory of both Ephraim and Benjamin.
6. The Prison Gate (Neh. 12:39), the site of which can be accurately determined even at present by means of a tradition which defines the position of the prison, the grotto of Jeremiah, or otherwise called the Archer's Court חצר המטרה: it was situated near the Bab al Amud (which see). To the east of this gate were the towers Meah and Chananel מאה וחננאל of Nehemiah 12:39.

At the east were,
7. The Sheep Gate (properly at the northeast).
8. The Old Gate, also called the Middle Gate (Jer. 39:3), since, according to the assertion of Yerushalmi Erubin, 5., it bore different names, to wit, שער העליון the Upper Gate; the East Gate שער המזרח; the Middle Gate שער התוך and the Old Gate שער איתן.
9. The Water Gate (Neh. 8:1, "Upon the broad street, before the Water Gate," is explained by the Talmud to mean "the Temple Mount" הוא הרהבית.)
10) The Fish Gate (at the southeast), of 2 Chronicles 33:14, is explained in the Chaldean translation of Rab Joseph with מזבניכוורי "where fish are sold, or the fish market," and was probably near the pool of Shiloach; and
11. The Horse Gate, of Jer. 31:40, and 2 Kings 11:16, and 21:11.

Twelve angels – "Probably Ancient Worthies who are representatives of the twelve apostles." - Revelation Today

The names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel – The names of the 12 tribes of Spiritual Israel are given in chapter 7:5-8 (Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Napthali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin.)

In R1353:4 it is suggested that the names of the 12 tribes of Israel being on the gates is associated with the Ancient Worthies as the earthly representatives of the New government.
13 On the east three gates; and on the north three gates; and on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. On the east three gates – Eze. 48:32 (Joseph, Benjamin, Dan)

On the north three gates – Eze. 48:31 (Reuben, Judah, Levi)

On the south three gates – Eze. 48:33 (Simeon, Issachar, Zebulun)

On the west three gates – Eze. 48:34 (Gad, Asher, Napthali)

The tribes of Israel as they were pitched around the Tabernacle in the Wilderness:
On the east: Judah, Zebulun, Issachar
On the south: Reuben, Simeon, Gad
On the west: Ephraim, Manasseh, Benjamin
On the north: Dan, Napthali, Asher

The tribe of Levi was positioned immediately surrounding the Court of the Tabernacle. - see Numbers 2:3-31.

If we take the order of the tribes as given in Rev. 7:4-8 as matching up with the gates here mentioned that would give:
On the east: Judah (celebrated - royal tribe), Reuben (see ye a son - the first-born), Gad (troop)
On the north: Asher (happy), Naphtali (my wrestling), Manasseh (causing to forget)
On the south: Simeon (hearing), Levi (attached), Issachar (he will bring a reward)
On the west: Zebulun (habitation), Joseph (let him add), Benjamin (son of the right hand)

Of course we know that the tribes of Spiritual Israel are a bit different. The tribe of Joseph was divided into two (his sons Ephraim and Manasseh) and the tribe of Levi was treated separate (having no inheritance in the land). In Rev. 7, while Manasseh is still included, Ephraim and Dan are dropped - being replaced by the tribes of Joseph and Levi.

Of these changes, the easiest to understand is the removal of the tribe of Dan. In Gen. 49:17 we discover that Dan bites doctrines (horses) and this causes the riders of those doctrines to fall backward. The faithful servants of the Lord do not attempt to bite or nibble away at the Truth in an attempt to make the doctrines fit their own ideas. Instead they humbly accept the Truth, even when it upsets some of their own ideas.
14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. Twelve foundations – Foundation stones. R4992:5

"Thou art Peter [a stone], and upon this rock [this great truth which you have enunciated] I will build my church." (Matt. 16:18) R3789:2

Peter, petros, rock, signifies a larger stone than lithos, "living stones." All the apostles, as "foundation stones" would have a larger importance than their brethren. F221

Peter and the other apostles represented to us as foundation stones built upon this great truth, that Christ is the Redeemer, the Savior, the Messiah. R3789:2, 2656:6

The words of the apostles would be supervised by divine power. They still speak to us. We need no others. R5280:5

The most we have ever claimed for our own presentations, written or oral, is that they are in line with the words of the apostles, that they harmonize with them. R5280:6

All the faithful in Christ being built upon the foundation of the divine plan, and upon the testimony of these twelve apostles. R2656:6

The foundation which sustains the Church is destined ultimately to sustain the whole world. R1522:1

These foundation stones were not laid on the sand, but upon the sure and steadfast rock, Christ Jesus. (Matt. 7:25-27; 16:16-18; 1 Pet. 2:4-8) R1522:1

The truth, thus divinely inspired and first announced by the apostles, even they themselves, had they fallen away, could not nullify. R1524:4

Although there were multitudes within the hearing of our Lord's voice, all of whom belonged to the typically consecrated nation, yet our Lord addressed himself specially to the twelve chosen disciples. R2589:1

The apostles occupied a special place in connection with his Kingdom, his Church, assigned to no others. R2820:1

Their decision would bind on earth the things bound in heaven, and loose on earth things loosed in God's sight. PD73/87

The declaration, "Whosoever sins ye remit they are remitted, and whosoever sins ye retain they are retained," (John 20:23; Matt. 18:18) is not applicable to all of the Church, but chiefly to the apostles. R2658:1

The death of James doubtless served to increase the appreciation of the people for the apostles, causing them to give more earnest heed to their teachings, and to realize how greatly the cause of the Lord had been made dependent upon them. R4347:4

While there is an inspiration of all the Lord's servants, yet such an inspiration should be distinguished from the special inspiration of the twelve apostles. R1149:1

If Paul's plain teachings belied the facts just once, it would be sufficient to shake and break all confidence in him as one inspired and infallibly guided, so that we might be sure in building upon the foundations of faith God provided through him. R1793:6

Whose foundations, laid in justice, can never be moved. A295

As foundations, they represent the whole Church. For this reason the terms "ye" and "you" addressed to them refer to the whole Church. R66:6*

Orders, titles, authorities and offices in the Christian church were not organized by the apostles or under their guidance. F203

The salvation walls rest securely on the finished redemption--the completed foundations as expressed by Jesus, the apostles, and prophets. R333:6

Twelve apostles – No more, no less. Any others were, as the Apostle Paul suggests, "false apostles." (2 Cor. 11:3) F209; CR216:4; Q812:T; SM461:2, 671:1

"And thou hast tried them that say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars." (Rev. 2:2) SM670:1

The Lord chose but twelve apostles, and said nothing about any successors to them. R4165:1, 1149:1; NS657:5; OV410:2

He not only has never recognized others, but clearly indicates that he never will recognize others in that office. R1149:1

There were only to be twelve apostles, and they are promised [when the Kingdom takes possession of earth] twelve thrones. None but the twelve are to rule over the twelve tribes of Israel. R162:5

About the year 325 AD, the Bishops of the Church, misled by Satan, proclaimed themselves to be successors to the apostles in power and divine authority. SM549:3, 673:1

It is through some very serious blunder that our Roman Catholic, Church of England and Greek Catholic friends have bishops claiming to be apostolic bishops. OV410:3; Q521:2; SM550:T, 670:4

The error of supposing apostolic succession in the Church's bishops was a costly one. It led to many grievous errors. PD72/86; CR268:2

No man or congregation is competent to appoint or elect an Apostle. Q521:3

The Antioch Church did not ordain the Apostle Paul to be an Apostle, but ordained him to be their missionary. He accepted their ordination and rendered reports to them. (Acts 14:26-28) Q521:3

There is no room for any of us today to become apostles. There may not be opportunities for all of us to do great things in the Lord's service but there are opportunities for every one of us to be true yokefellows. R3128:1

The number of the apostles corresponded to the number of the sons of Jacob, the founders of the tribes of Israel. In one sense they stood for the entire Gospel Church, in another for the whole world. R1522:1; B246

The twelve apostles have no successors and need none. They are the "twelve stars," the crown of the Church. (Rev. 12:1) E207; CR78:5

How then could bishops either possess or give apostolic blessings? CR78:5; OV247:4

There is a difference between apostleship and discipleship. There are but "twelve apostles of the Lamb," but the number of disciples is considerably larger. R3308:5

No man or congregation is competent to appoint an apostle. That is a function of divine appointment only. The Lord Jesus appointed only twelve apostles, Paul taking the place of Judas. R5940:4, 5741:6, 732:6, 162:5; PD72/86; Q521:2; SM461:2

Which place the eleven had unauthorizedly conferred upon Matthias before their anointing with the holy Spirit at Pentecost. R1455:4

Assuring us that the courses of Paul and the other eleven apostles were successful ones. R1884:3, 1524:4, 1041:3

"Unlearned men" (Paul being the noted exception)--to demonstrate to all that the truth, as presented, was not of their concoction and elaboration. R2925:3

The wall – Protection.

The city – The New Jerusalem, the Church "as a bride adorned for her husband." (vs. 2) Remember what the angel (Pastor Russell) said in verses 9 & 10: "I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. And he .. shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem..."

Twelve foundations – The protection (wall) of this government (city) had 12 foundations, not just one but 12. This does not mean it has 12 sides because we have just been considering the fact that it has 12 gates, 3 on each of the 4 sides. So how can it have 12 foundations?

It has been suggested that since the city is described in vs. 16 as being a cube and a cube has 12 edges that this could perhaps be what is being here described. Three thoughts on this:
1) If we considered the 12 edges of the cube city to be the 12 foundations, then the entire city (from a three-dimensional standpoint) would be contained within those foundations.
2) This is a symbolic picture and therefor it is the symbolic lessons that we are to seek for.
3) Both may be true.

The names of the twelve apostles – Simon who is called Peter, Andrew, James the son of Zebedee, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Canaanite, Paul (the replacement for Judas). Matt. 19:28; Rev. 12:1; Matt. 10:2-4; 2 Tim. 1:1

Of the lamb – It is important to keep this in mind. While the Twelve apostles are extremely important they are not as important as our Lord, "the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world."
15 And he that spoke with me had a golden reed as a measure, that he might measure the city, and its gates, and its wall. He that talked with me – The angel of 21:9.

The comments for the remainder of vss 15 and 16 are based upon the remarks found on the 'Revelation-Today' website.

A golden reed – "Divine standard."

To measure – "Appraise." This fits with the modern usage. We are familiar with the expression "to take the measure of a man," i.e., to appraise him.

2 Tim. 2:15

The city – The government of this New Jerusalem.

The gates thereof – "The Ancient Worthies."

The wall thereof – The protection of the city, the church.
16 And the city lies four-square, and its length is as much as the breadth. And he measured the city with the reed--twelve thousand stadia: the length and the breadth and height of it are equal. Foursquare – A cube, a perfect figure. This is another way of showing its perfection; it is perfect toward God, as well as toward earth. R333:6

Twelve thousand furlongs – If reduced to miles, it measured 1,500 miles in length, and breadth, and height! Surely no such literal city will ever be established on this little globe of ours. Q790:T

The city – "Government."

Lieth foursquare – "Is harmoniously proportionate."

There may be a suggestion here of the Four attributes of God. The city (government of God's Kingdom) is indeed based upon them.

The length is as large as the breadth – "Extensiveness is as vast as the comprehensiveness."

He – The (7th) angel (messenger, Pastor Russell.)

Measured – "Appraised."

The city – The government of New Jerusalem.

With the reed – With the Divine Standard. - Remember that vs. 15 told us that this is a golden reed. Gold pictures things Divine.

Twelve thousand furlongs – Revelation-Today says: "Members to a tribe and as there are twelve edges or lines to a cube so there are 12 tribes to circumscribe this city, hence the total membership of those who circumscribe the city would be 12 times 12,000 which would be 144,000 members."

The length – "Extensiveness."

The breadth – "Comprehensiveness."

The height – "Attainment." Psa. 139:6

Please see mini-study for the words 'Length, Breadth and Height' in Rev. 21:16.

Length, breadth, height of it are equal – The following remarks are from 'Revelation Study - New Albany Ecclesia'.
ITS LENGTH AND WIDTH AND HEIGHT ARE EQUAL: For the first time we have information showing this symbolic city to be a cube. Chapter 7:4-8 carefully detailed for us that there are 12,000 members per tribe in Spiritual Israel. The implication here, therefore, is quite strong that EACH MEASUREMENT represents ONE SPIRITUAL TRIBE. A cube, of course, has 12 edges. 12 x 12,000 = 144,000 (Rev. 7:4). Thus Chapters 7 and 21 BOTH break down the spiritual Church into 12 sections of 12,000 each.

It is possible (even likely) that the 12 foundations of verse 14 refer not (as in the real world) to supports UNDER the city, but rather to the edges which FRAME it. Thus these 12 edges could represent the Apostles whose teachings were the framework (foundation) of the new government, which each ?stadium? (furlong) could represent individual Church members built on those foundations. In this view, the Church CIRCUMSCRIBES the city - it defines its limits; it contains its blessings; it is the wall of protection.

The AREA of each side (12,000 squared) is 144,000,000 units. This is 144,000 times 1000. This possibly shows that the Church is a wall of protection for a thousand years (nominally).
17 And he measured its wall, a hundred and forty-four cubits, a man's measure, that is, the angel's. He – The angel of 21:9.

Measured – Appraised, Evaluated.

Compare with Zech. 2:1-5.

The wall thereof – The protection of the city.

An hundred and forty and four cubits – The next verse tells us this cubit is 'according to the measure of a man.' While this may have additional meaning, what we focus on here is the natural man. The cubit of man was the measure of a man's forearm. Prior to the return of our Lord (when men were of lesser stature than today) this meant about 18 inches.

According the the measure of a man – Since the thought of 'measure' seems to indicate 'to take the measure of,' as is often said 'to take the measure of a man,' this is indicating the measure of the new Jerusalem and then explaining it in such a fashion that men may understand it.

That is, of the angel – This leads to the unmistakable conclusion that this is not a literal angel but a symbolic one, i.e., this 'angel' is indeed a man. That man is, of course, the seventh messenger (angel) Pastor Russell, the same angel mentioned in Rev. 1:1.
18 And the building of its wall was jasper; and the city pure gold, like pure glass: Pure gold – A divine institution. R1944:1

The building – This is interesting. It does not say 'The wall of it..' - Why? We suggest that this has reference not only to the finished product but also to how this 'wall' came into being. It was developed under the direction of the Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus.

The wall of it – The protection, strength.

Was of Jasper – See additional comments for vs. 11. This suggests that the construction of the wall (the church) was all based upon the Ransom sacrifice of our Lord.

The city – Government, the New Jerusalem, the Church - "Be the meeting place between God and men throughout the Millennium." - To Us the Scriptures Clearly Teach.

Pure gold – This completed city (government, the true church) is of the Divine Nature.

Like unto clear glass – The word here used for "clear" (Strong's 2513) is normally translated as "pure" or "clean." This city is to indeed be pure and clean, so clean that one can see everything about it and not find anything unclean.
19 the foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every precious stone: the first foundation, jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, chalcedony; the fourth, emerald; The foundations of the wall – This wall has 12 foundations. Verse 14 tells us that in the 12 foundations are written the names of the 12 Apostles. Matt. 19:28

It is interesting to note here that it does NOT say "The one foundation of the wall of the city," nor "The foundation of the city." Those would be different thoughts. This is "The foundations of the wall of the city."

The foundation of this city is Jesus Christ and His Ransom sacrifice. "The lamb slain from before the foundation of the world."

Precious stones – Exo. 28:15-21

The first foundation was jasper – We note the first foundation (of the twelve) is the same as the wall itself, i.e., jasper - the Ransom. Compare vss. 11, 18.

As to what is intended by the remaining 11 precious stone foundations we were unable to confirm. Some suggestions have been made by others which we give here. Our own method is to 'Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.' (1 Thes. 5:21) Anything we might present would therefore be speculation.

Please note: Our mentioning these here is not a sign of our endorsement of the ideas presented. - site editor.

Twelve foundations –

Revelation-today: "The first foundation [apostle] was jasper [Matthew?harmonious, popular, friendly, understanding, and adaptable type of character]; the second, sapphire [James, the son of Zebedee?determined, combative, reverential, and benevolent]; the third, a chalcedony [John?expressive, emotional, idealistic, sympathetic and spiritually minded]; the fourth, an emerald [Thomas?devoted, reverential, secretive, comparative and constructive];

20. The fifth, sardonyx [Peter?harmonious, enduring, genius and with executive ability]; the sixth, sardius [Bartholomew?cheerful and brilliant]; the seventh, chrysolyte [Andrew?mild and placid]; the eighth, beryl [James, the son of Alphaeus?practical, poised, cautious and conscientious]; the ninth, a topaz [Philip?sociable, peaceable and spiritually-minded]; the tenth, a chrysoprasus [Laebbus or Jude?visionary, studious and instructive]; the eleventh, a jacinth [Simon the Canaanite (Zelotes)?strong willed, intense and extreme]; the twelfth, an amethyst [Paul?optimistic, intense, promotional and talented]."

New Albany Revelation Study: "The CHARACTER TRAIT conclusions of Bro. Shallieu seem so excellent as to deserve a summary here:

1. SARD (Heb. = Odem) Tribe = Judah; Apostle = Paul. Non-comprising while very sympathetic and merciful; exuding praise; having a balance of love and justice; openness, honesty, devotion.

2. PYROPE (Heb. = Nophek) Tribe = Reuben; Apostle = Peter. Zealous, tempestuous, enduring, bold, fiery, impulsive, meek, humble, inconsistent.

3. FIRE OPAL (Heb. = Leshem) Tribe = Ephraim; Apostle = John. Passionate, emotional, sensitive, vehement, tender, paternal, defender of faith by emotionalism.

4. CHRYSOLITE (Heb. = Tarshish) Tribe = Dan; Apostle = James of Zebedee. Bold, open, insistent on pure inner motives, close examiner, hypercritical, aggressive, severe, frustrated, stressing purity.

5. TOPAZ (Heb. = Pitedah) Tribe = Issachar; Apostle = Andrew. Industrious, persistent, resigned, humble, responsible, selfdenying, obligated, missionary in spirit.

6. LAPIS LAZULI (Heb. = Sappir) Tribe = Simeon; Apostle = Nathanael (Bartholomew) Devout, Idealistic, prone to criticism, stepping out on faith, shunning deceptions.

7 AGATE (Heb. = Shebu) Tribe - Manasseh; Apostle = Thomas. Introspective, prone to quietness, independent thinker, appreciates subtleties of thought, easily lets offenses slide off, cautious.

8. ONYX (Heb. = Shoham) Tribe = Asher; Apostle = Simon the Zealot. Cheerfully constant, optimistic, effervescent, enthusiastic, vivacious.

9. AQUAMARINE (Heb. = Bareqath) Tribe = Zebulun; Apostle = Philip. Outgoing, a comforter, hospitable, pleasing personality, in need of the support of others.

10. ROCK CRYSTAL (Heb. Yahalom) Tribe = Gad; Apostle = James of Alphaeus. Disciplined, decisive, a leader, orderly, level-headed.

11. AMETHYST (Heb. Achlamah) Tribe = Benjamin; Apostle = Jude. Hunger for meat of the Word, sincere, serious, sober, earnest, enduring faithfulness, introspective, fearless.

12. JASPER (Heb. = Yashepheh) Tribe = Naphtali; Apostle = Matthew. Persevering, having grit, not note-worthy, goodintentioned, disorganized, contrite."
20 the fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, topaz; the tenth, chrysoprasus; the eleventh, jacinth; the twelfth, amethyst.
21 And the twelve gates, twelve pearls; each one of the gates, respectively, was of one pearl; and the street of the city pure gold, as transparent glass. Twelve gates – To show Israel's position as channels, gateways, by which the world may approach to the heavenly government, and through which may come the blessings to mankind. R334:1

One pearl – When we look at a pearl, we look at an annoyance which has been ennobled. The oyster by itself is of merely nominal value. But the result of the oyster's treatment of its irritation--the pearl--is something "of great price." R1756:2[R1756:8]

Pure gold – Divine untarnishing glory--the glory of God. R333:6

All of its highways are of divine appointment. R1944:1

Twelve gates – See comments on vs. 21:12.

Twelve pearls – One for each of the 12 tribes. These tribes are to be governed by the 12 Apostles of the Lamb.

One pearl – See . Br. Frey's notes

The following is from New Albany Revelation Study:
EACH OF THE GATES WAS A SINGLE PEARL: The stress of this phrase, that, no matter which gate one enters, one is entering a SINGLE pearl, draws the mind to Matt. 13:45, 46. (This parable is discussed on page 127, which please see.) The thought of the parable is the opportunity of CONSECRATION FOR SALVATION. How apropos this is to the function of the gates of the city. The entering individual must consecrate himself to the duty of overcoming the faults within him with the eventual end of a pearl-like perfection.

Street of the city – Likely representing the traffic of the city. In the new testament streets are spoken of as being where people went to be seen or heard of men. (Matt. 6:5; 12:19.) These streets will be pure.

Isa. 35:8 "And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein."

Isa 62:10 "Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people."

Pure gold – Pure - perfect. Gold - things divine, in this case the Divine law, the "golden rule," the under-pinnings of the Kingdom of God - supreme love for God.

As it were transparent glass – This understanding will indeed be as transparent as glass. Today's politicians often promise 'transparency in government,' but they never deliver. The government of the Kingdom of God will deliver this. Isa. 11:9; Hab. 2:14.

It is the street that is to be, "as it were transparent glass." In other words, the path mankind will take (walking up the highway of holiness) will appear to them to be clear, with no deception taking place. The great deceiver at that time will be fully bound, cast into the abyss, shut up and sealed. - Rev. 20:2,3
22 And I saw no temple in it; for the Lord God Almighty is its temple, and the Lamb. Are the temple – The Lord Almighty and the Lamb will always be an inner Temple in the great Temple, which God has provided for the world's blessing during restitution times. R2834:1

The Tabernacle was pitched hither and thither in the "wilderness of sin" and had no continuing place. The Temple was permanently established, not only in Jerusalem, but in the top of the mountain. R172:1

The firmament inlaid with suns is the dome of the real cathedral. The interpreters of nature are the true and only priests. R1969:1*

I – The John class.

Saw no – This records what the church in the flesh does not see. This makes it different than the other visions of the John class.

Temple therein – At this point we should remember what is being viewed and when. It is the bride, the Lamb's wife (vs. 9) and it is the New Jerusalem (vs. 10). This appears to be at the very end of the Millennium. The temple class (the true church) is not needed as it was before. It is in their role as mediator that they are not needed because that job has been completed. Mankind is now ready to stand before God.

For – Because. The remainder of the verse explains why the temple (the church as mediator) are no longer needed.

The Lord God Almighty – Jehovah God.

And the Lamb – Jesus, the lamb of God.

Are the temple of it – There is still a temple. Only now it is not the mediator. It no longer stands between God and man because man is now able to stand before God as he did in the beginning in Eden. This should be clear from the fact that not only Jesus, but God Himself is included as being the temple. Prior to this time, man needed a protecting buffer between themselves (as imperfect, sinful creatures) and God.
23 And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon, that they should shine for it; for the glory of God has enlightened it, and the lamp thereof is the Lamb. No need of the sun – As in Rev. 12:1, the sun signifies the light of this Gospel age. R2833:6, 334:1

Neither of the moon – The moon signifies the typically reflected light of the Gospel in the Law and the prophets of the previous dispensation. R2833:6

The Gospel reflection--the Mosaic Law. R334:1

Nothing in this statement indicates that the world will not have and need both sunlight and moonlight during the Millennial age and subsequently--"as long as the sun and moon endure." (Psa. 72:5) R2833:6

The glory of God – The Church will be so filled with the glory of God that from her, as from the Sun of Righteousness, shall proceed the light of the glory of God. (Matt. 13:43; Mal. 4:2) R2833:6

To thus by faith behold afar off the blessed land of rest and peace, all radiant with the glory of the King in his beauty, the heart must be in sympathy with that glory and that beauty of holiness. R2087:6*

Did lighten it – Now we know in part, and see as through a smoked glass dimly; then, we shall know even as we are known, being made perfect as divine beings, having the glory of God. R334:1

Lamb is the light – The city was lighted by the Temple; for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the Temple of it, and their glory did lighten the city. R169:6*

Not only will the knowledge of the Lord flow out from the open books but the city (government) will be such as to shed light upon them. R334:2

The Lord Almighty and the Lamb will always be an inner Temple in this great Temple. R2834:1

The city – The government of the New Jerusalem.

No need of the sun – It does not need the light of the Gospel of Christ, which was designed to call out a people for His name. Acts 15:7,14 - The Gospel preached to Abraham (Gal. 3:8; Gen. 12:3) was that "all nations of the earth shall be blessed." At the time of this verse, that promise has been fulfilled.

Neither of the moon – The Law (a reflection of the sun, the gospel). The law will now have been written in the hearts of men. Jer. 31:33.

The glory of God – The Truth and its Spirit.

Did lighten it – Isa. 11:9; Hab. 2:14.

The lamb is the light thereof – John 8:12; 14:6
24 And the nations shall walk by its light; and the kings of the earth bring their glory to it. The nations – Not that the world during the Millennial age will be divided into nationalities and kingdoms. The word "nations" here signifies peoples. It is intended to show that all peoples, and not merely the people of Israel will be favored with the Kingdom. R2834:1; A296

Of them which are saved – Not in the old manuscripts. Indeed, it is because they are not saved that they need this special light during the Millennial age. R2834:1, 2231:1, 334:2; A296

After the nations are saved, brought into harmony with God, they will no longer be "nations" (Gentiles, heathen), but parts of the one holy nation, the Kingdom of God. R2231:3

Shall walk – On the highway of holiness, up to perfection and full harmony with God. A296

The light of it – The teaching. R1951:1

The light of truth shed abroad from it. R701:1, 501:4

Then this "true light shining in its strength, from the exalted divine Christ--Head and Body, will enlighten every man that cometh into the world." (John 1:9) R421:6, 420:5, 338:5, 166:6

Not until the marriage of the Lamb will the enlightening and blessing of the nations come. R238:4*

"Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father." (Matt. 13:43) R124:4, 25:2*

The greater than Solomon will be the light of it. R3285:2

As the light of truth increases darkness (ignorance) must flee away. R430:6*

The nations will still need the symbolic (also the natural) sun and moon. When "the books shall be opened," the pure and full light of the Gospel and Law will shine out and bless mankind. R334:1

Kings of the earth – The princes or chief ones of earth who will be the chief representatives of the heavenly invisible Kingdom of Christ--Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all the faithful prophets. R2834:2

All, in proportion as they understand and come into accord with the Kingdom conditions, may quickly reach perfection. Perfected, they will be kings in the sense that Adam was a king, and become more or less associated with the "princes" in the dominion of the earth. R4555:4; A296

Saints. (Rev. 5:10) R334:2

Bring their glory – Their acknowledgement of the heavenly Kingdom, their rendering of tribute of praise, thanks, worship, and obedience to it as God's agency. R2834:4

The willing and obedient shall then present their homage and riches and spices and odors (prayers and good deeds). R2068:1

The glory and honor of themselves. R334:2

As the Queen of Sheba brought rich treasures to Solomon. R3285:2, 2068:1

And honour – Not found in the old manuscripts. R2834:1; A296

Into it – The princes will make known to the people that not in their own names or authority do they rule, but in the name and as representatives of the glorified Christ. R2834:4

The nations – Those who formerly comprised the various Gentile nations.

Of them which are saved – Apparently spurious. Not found in the oldest manuscripts.

Shall walk – By this time they have already traversed the highway of holiness. Isa. 35:8 Now they will always walk in perfection.

In the light of it – In the light of the city. Vs. 23 tells us that God and the Lamb (Our Lord Jesus) are the light of the city.

Kings of the earth – The world of mankind will at this time be kings, having dominion, etc., as was Adam in the beginning. A296:1

We should remember that just because we are now positioned after the close of the Millennium it does not mean that the symbol of 'earth' changes. It still represents organized society under religious restraint. At this time, every man will be a King in that society and every man will be under religious restraint - (and loving it!)

Bring their glory into it – The glory of the perfect human nature. Compare with Heb. 2:9
25 And its gates shall not be shut at all by day, for night shall not be there. Shall not be shut – Compare with Isa. 26:2. R2338:6, 1951:1, 1352:5

No night there – The Lamp of Truth, the Word of God, will not be necessary to the world in the new dispensation because "the Sun of Righteousness" shall arise. (Mal. 4:2) NS349:1

See Isa. 60:20, 21. R1900:5

The gates of it – The entrance into the city. See Additional Comments on vs. 12

Shall not be shut at all by day – This indicates a constant access into the Divine Government (city).

For – Because.

Their shall be no night there – No night because the night time of sin and death will then be a thing of the past.

Please note the Expanded Bible Comments and Scripture references for this verse.
26 And they shall bring the glory and the honour of the nations to it. They shall bring – Each earthly one, as soon as he learns of the goodness and love of God, will seek and be assisted, to approach the New Jerusalem. R219:3

All the people will ascribe honor and praise and majesty and glory to the Lord's Anointed, through whom their redemption and restitution was and is being accomplished. R2834:4

Glory – The choice, bright, perfected, of the nations. R334:2

And honour – These words are omitted by the most authentic ancient manuscripts. A296

Into it – Those improving their opportunities will come into it, or become associated, in the Kingdom of God. R501:4

True civil service reform. None but perfect beings will be allowed to hold office, or be identified with the government. R219:3

Thus this government will at first contain the glory of the spiritual Kings of earth, and afterward, as the Millennial age progresses, the Kingdom will include all of earth's pure and good. R334:2

They – The 'kings of the earth' of verse 24. It does not seem to refer to the 'nations' of vs. 24 because the 'nations' are mentioned again in this verse.

Shall bring the glory – The glory of the perfect human nature. Compare Heb. 2:6,7,9.

And honour of the nations into it – The honor here is of the nations or the Gentiles (Strong's 1484 - race, tribe, specifically a non-Jewish one.) All the (formerly) Gentile nations will be converted under the New Covenant and will have come to perfection.
27 And nothing common, nor that maketh an abomination and a lie, shall at all enter into it; but those only who are written in the book of life of the Lamb. In no wise enter – There is no intimation that God will ever compel any one to accept the gift of life everlasting. R890:6

Into it – Or, become a part of it. R654:5

Any thing that defileth – Sinful. R219:3

Anything common. R2834:4

The heady, the high-minded. the proud, the self-conscious and self-righteous have no promise of the Kingdom; and cannot inherit it, nor enter into it. R2139:4*

Maketh a lie – The voice that prophesies smooth things, contrary to the Word of God, is not the voice of the good Shepherd. R1648:4

The dishonest are not now worthy of the truth. By and by they will get honest enough to receive the truth or else be cut off in the second death as those who make and love a lie. R1037:5

Which are written – If they do not remain faithful, their names will be blotted out of the book of life. If they do, their names will not be blotted out, and they will attain all the glorious things promised. R5669:4

Lamb's book of life – The Lamb's book of life includes those, and only those, who attain to position of joint-heirship with Christ, whose names are written in heaven during this age. R2834:4[R2834:3]; SM555:T

Including the Great Company. All will attain life on the spirit plane whose names are written in the Book of the Lamb. R5105:2; Q309:1

To be distinguished from the book of life of Rev. 20:12, which will include all of Adam's race found worthy of eternal life. NS858:4

Not an earthly roll of membership. R5615:1

There shall in no wise – i.e., it will not be possible ..

Enter into it anything that defileth – All defiling influences will have been completely done away with by the end of the 'little season.'

Neither whatsoever worketh abomination – No false teachings, like those which lead to the abomination that maketh desolate, etc.

Or maketh a lie – Only the pure Truth will be allowed in the eternal city of New Jerusalem.

They which are written in the Lamb's book of life – On whatever plane of existence.
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