Revelation Chapter 20 [DARBY]

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1 And I saw an angel descending from the heaven, having the key of the abyss, and a great chain in his hand. An angel – Messenger; "the Messenger of the Covenant," Christ. R1233:2[R1233:5]

Christ, the Strong Messenger. R1736:2[R1736:4]

Christ Jesus, and his Body, the Church, is the one in whose hand is the power and authority to control evil. R331:1[R331:3]

Signifying messenger--God will send some messengers with authority and power to subdue evil. Many agencies will doubtless take part--the increase of knowledge probably being one of the strongest. R331:1[R331:3]

Come down – At his second advent. R1233:2[R1233:5], 4976:1[R4976:1]

The Prince of Light has only recently invaded, as it were, the land of the prince of darkness to commence his work. R4610:1[R4609:15]

The binding of Satan could not begin until the Angel had come down, 1874; nor indeed, until 1878, the date of the assumption of his power as King. R1233:3[R1233:6]

The key – Representing authority. R331:1[R331:3]

A great chain – Representing strength. R331:1[R331:3]

The great chain represents restraint. R2645:6[R2645:21]; Q620:6

Restraining the evil in general, probably by the institution of laws of righteousness. Q621:T

Truth is the great agency which is eventually to accomplish the complete binding of Satan. R1233:3[R1233:6]

To some extent truth has for many centuries obstructed the course of error--truths both of nature and religion--but they never bound Satan and rendered him powerless. R1233:3[R1233:6]

Satan's chains of blinding error and misrepresentation shall be removed from the groaning creation, and he himself shall be bound with the great strong chain of truth. R877:4

Not only the truths directly relating to the plan of God, but to these are linked every feature of truth related to human rights and privileges. R1233:4

Truth binds error, and error binds truth. Like light and darkness, they are constantly opposed to each other. R331:2

May we not to some extent be used of the Lord in the shining forth of the light which will bind the Adversary and restrain the evil? SM106:1

"Whatsoever doth make manifest is light" (Eph. 5:13); and that which makes manifest is a "chain," a restraint upon that which is darkness. R4610:1[R4609:15]

We are to distinguish clearly between the restraint of the fallen angels "in chains of darkness" (2 Pet. 2:4), and the binding of Satan, who is the prince of demons. R4976:1[R4976:1-3]

The whole world is getting awake, not necessarily to the light of truth, but getting awake to the chains of darkness which are upon them. R4610:1[R4609:15]

I saw – The John class, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's parousia. This is the class that sees this. It is not designed for others to perceive the events here described.

Angel – Our Lord Jesus.

Come down from heaven – At His second advent.

Having the key – This differs from 9:1 where the fifth angel was given the key. In this case, the angel already has the key. - He had the Authority to enter into Satan's house. Matt. 12:29

Bottomless pit – A place of confinement, lack of power and one of obscurity. Please refer to the brief topical study Bottomless Pit.

Great chain – The Truth is this great chain. In Isa. 28:9,10 we are told the Truth is "line upon line" and "precept upon precept." Here in Revelation the concept is the same. Each link in the chain here equates to a 'line' or a 'precept' as described in Isaiah.

We also notice this is a "great chain." The chains of Truth (light) bind the Adversary. R1233:6

In His hand – The hand always symbolizes power, strength and activity. "Do with thy might what thy hand findeth to do.." (Ecc. 9:10); "Sit thou at my right hand.." (Psa. 110:1), etc.
2 And he laid hold of the dragon, the ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And – Verses 2, 4 and 11 with verses 1, 2, 10 and 11 of chapter 21 show the beginning of the age of judgment, the restraining of blinding errors and misleading systems. R893:1

He laid hold – The Lord's parable respecting the binding of the "strong man" seems to imply that it will begin in a sudden manner. R4609:3

The victory over the great Adversary is not to be a slow and gradual one, not to be by missions or any power or ours, but the Lord himself shall interpose his power. R3686:6

Eventually his Kingdom shall overthrow the reign of sin and death which has prevailed for six thousand years. R5379:3

On the dragon – While Satan has been endeavoring to accomplish his own designs, he has really unwittingly been serving a great purpose in the accomplishment of God's plan. R1233:2

These terms not only include Satan himself, but all the evil institutions as well. Q621:T

The Roman Empire is called the dragon and the devil. (See Rev. 12:3, 9; 13:2) R44:3

The dragon of Rev. 12 and the dragon of Rev. 20 are clearly one and the same. HG76:4

That old serpent – A reference to Eve's beguilement by the serpent. A61[A60:2]

The Devil – There is a personal Devil, but here the names "Devil" and "Satan" refer not merely to the person of the Adversary, but to all that system of things of which he is the head. (See Rev. 12:7-9) R4609:3

And Satan – Satan and the evil angels under his captaincy. NS736:3

While this name applies to our personal Adversary, it covers in a general sense all the influences for evil and unrighteousness in the world. SM103:2

Satan here merely means that adverse influence, putting darkness for light, and vice versa. That influence will be completely bound as the light of truth displaces the darkness. Q621:4; E218

Satan is the best representative of evil principles, practices and persons, being the chief and leader in wickedness. R331:1

Bound him – His every deceptive and misleading influence will be restrained--so that evil shall no longer appear to men to be good, nor good appear undesirable, evil. D519; E218

In that blessed time every evil deed will be restrained that it may not accomplish injury to another. NS736:3

Hindering the further deception of humanity during that period. OV44:2; R2415:5

Here is the secret of why the world cannot hear now, and the assurance of the change which would permit it to hear in due time. NS386:3

As a part of the means for bringing the world back into harmony with God. E217

The first work of the new dispensation. A69 [A68:2]; E20; HG538:5; NS614:3; SM130:2

At the very beginning of the Messianic reign. OV192:3

Preparatory to the establishment of Christ's Kingdom and the beginning of "the world to come, wherein dwelleth righteousness." (2 Pet. 3:13) A73[A73:1]

The Millennial age will be introduced by the binding of all evil influences represented by Satan that the world may no longer be deluded by him and his servants, willing or ignorant. R2398:2, 331:1

He will no longer have the power to blind, to deceive, for his deceptions will be exposed by the glorious light of that day. NS555:3

A reign of righteousness presupposes a restraint of unrighteousness. R331:1

Signifying a complete restraint of Satan and all his powers of evil. R2645:6

The fallen angels have not ceased their warfare against the Lamb and those who follow him, nor will they cease until Immanuel shall bind that old Serpent and restrain his influences. HG682:1

"Fallen angels" will have much to do with the bringing about of the great time of trouble with which this Gospel Age will end, before the complete inauguration of Messiah's empire and the binding of Satan. SM198:2

Not only will all possible good influences surround humanity during their thousand-year Day of Judgment, but every evil influence will be bound, restrained. HG685:2

Satan will no longer have control. His yoke of sin, pain, sorrow and death; his rod and staff of affliction and slavery; will be broken, and that forever. R3686:6, 2550:4

During that thousand-year day of Messiah's Kingdom, Satan is to be bound "that he may deceive the nations no more." (Verse 3) R6013:4, 5896:2; SM791:1

After 1914. Q621:T

This restraining is now in operation--inventions, laws, the temperance question, education. People are no longer allowed to be idle. Children are compelled to attend school. R4610:4

The time for the binding of Satan is fixed at the close of the Gospel age, prior to the thousand year reign of Christ. R1233:2, 5378:4

The time for the binding of Satan is not yet, though we believe it is very near. R3941:5, 4350:3, 3772:3; HG402:6; SM567:2

By the time all the plagues are poured out Satan will be completely bound. R171:4*

Is Satan now bound? I do not know. There is a good deal of Satanic power still exercised. If he is bound, I am sure the others are loose. Q623:4

I think I would not lay too much stress on Satan's having been bound in 1874. We have plenty of evidence of the reign of sin going on, whether Satan has suffered any personal defeat or not. Q623:8

The Millennium is "nigh, even at the doors," involving first, the presence and exaltation of the new King (The Christ complete) who will dethrone and bind the former Prince of the power of the air. R362:1

The binding is already commenced. The devil in the church, must be bound first, and truth set free, among those who profess to be children of the light. R331:2

I think Satan's empire is in process of destruction, that every ray of light that shines out on any subject to that extent is Satan's empire every moment being broken; for example, prohibition. Q627:4

I think Satan is being bound. Things mentioned in the Bible as emanating from Satan are being bound every day. For instance, Satan's influence in the liquor traffic is being bound. Q625:4

The Prince of Light has already begun the work of binding the Prince of Darkness. SM103:2

The binding process must go on to a considerable extent before the great time of trouble shall come. The strong man of the house must be bound before his goods can be spoiled. Q626:1

We cannot say positively just what day or hour Satan will be fully bound and Messianic blessings begin to supplant the curse. R5450:2

The collapse of Babylon will indicate that Satan has been quite fully bound. He is working very hard with ecclesiastical systems and false doctrines. Their collapse will mean his binding. Q626:1

After gathering his Bride class the Lord will execute judgments upon Babylon. At that time Satan will be bound. R3784:6

The Bride is joint-heir with him in the glorious Kingdom then to be established for the purpose of binding Satan. R3004:6

The parable of the sheep and the goats (Matt. 25) takes place when Satan is bound and the authority of Christ's Kingdom established. Ere this, the Bride of Christ, will have been seated with him in the throne of spiritual power and will have taken part in executing the judgments of the Day of Wrath. R2606:3

All the besetments are now about us because Satan, the prince of this world, is unbound. R2590:6

We wait for Satan to be bound until he come--until at his coming he changes, glorifies us, setting us up at his Kingdom. [One of eight activities of the Church "till he come." ] R3652:6

As his work of deception is favored by ignorance, darkness, so everything that has tended to lift the pall of the Dark Ages has tended to liberate mankind from the snare of Satan's ignorance. SM102:1

A preliminary restraint of evil results from turning on the light of Present Truth. But this is not all. R2646:1

Christ, coming in power, means the restraint of Satan and his power. In another picture, the Sun of Righteousness rising, the darkness of sin, ignorance and prejudice disappear proportionately. NS90:1, 332:4; R5818:4; OV192:3, 341:6

Whatever sets free the light of truth incidentally binds in similar proportions the darkness. To some extent this process has been going on for three centuries, but only in our day is the matter reaching a climax. SM103:3

I suppose as the light increases the Prince of darkness will thus be restrained of his liberties. I do not give this out as an interpretation. The Bible does not tell us how this will be accomplished. Q627:2

The ignorance and superstition, selfishness and crime, which have for centuries marked Satan's reign will gradually draw to a close. NS782:3

It will not be accomplished until the time that the Great Company class is completed. R4610:5

We are to have full confidence in his promises. Injustice will not forever obtain. We do right to pray, "Thy kingdom come," week after week, year after year, century after century. R5020:2; Q539:4

The work is being done by people who do not believe in the true religion. They do not know God aright. The majority of them repudiate the Bible. R4610:4

Influences of the "Higher Critic" class are doing a great deal to restrain the Adversary and his authority over the people. R4610:2

Many intelligent people have not the "true light," but they are exercising an influence antagonistic to the darkness that Satan has heretofore used for the restraint of thought, etc. R4610:1

Doubtless Satan realizes better than we can how the binding or restraining is coming, and is actively maneuvering to avoid it. R3941:5; HG403:1; SM567:2

His rule of unrighteousness and selfishness shall be set aside, supplanted by the laws of him who shall lay justice to the line and righteousness to the plummet. (Isa. 28:17) R2724:5

And destroy his works. R542:2*

The result of the change of dispensation will be a great blessing, yet the time of transfer, while the present prince is being bound and his household driven out of power, will ; time of intense trouble. C341

Satan's seat of government is in Tartarus--the atmosphere. When bound, his place will be vacant for The Christ to occupy as ruler. R5182:1

"No man can enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man, and then he will spoil his house." (Mark. 3:22-27) A68

"In his day (Christ's Millennial reign) the righteous shall flourish," and the "evil-doer shall be cut off." (Psa. 72:7; 37:9) R2406:2

The rulers of the darkness of this world will make a last great effort previous to their binding. R170:3*

Seeing that Satan has wielded an evil influence blinding mankind, will it be any less possible for the Prince of Peace to open the blind eyes without his appearing in the flesh? HG365:6

The binding of Satan is not the giving of health. Q621:4

"No lion shall be there." (Isa. 35:9) Q785:2, 825:3

A thousand years – During that period of Satan's restraint those whom he now blinds with various doctrines, sophistries, superstitions, etc., will be freed from these, and have the eyes and ears of their understanding opened. R2690:3

The great day of blessing, the great thousand-year day of Messiah's Kingdom, is near at hand --is dawning now. Soon Satan will be bound. R5190:5, 5378:4

The judgment of the world by Christ will cover a period of one thousand years. The world's judgment is not yet in progress. Q794:4

For the same thousand years the work of blessing and restitution will progress. R5818:4, 5057:3

He – Our returned Lord.

Laid hold on – Grabbed, beginning the process of restraining the Adversary and his influence.

What follows are the four attributes of Satan. These are a perversion of the four attributes of God.

The Dragon – The mis-use of Power.

That old Serpent – The mis-use of Wisdom – compare Gen. 3:1 and Matt. 10:16.

Which is the Devil – Greek diablos (Strong's 1225) – a traducer or false accuser. This is the opposite of Justice. - Notice that to accuse is not against Justice, but to FALSELY accuse is against Justice.

And Satan – The Accuser. This is the opposite of Love. - Love seeks to cover sins whereas Satan seeks to accuse. - compare Prov. 17:9; Zech. 3:1, 2

Bound him – Began to restrain the Adversary.

There is a great mis-understanding about what this means. Most seem to think to be "bound" means complete restraint! The word "bound" is Strong's G1210
Strong's G1210
A primary verb; to bind (in various applications, literally or figuratively): - bind, be in bonds, knit, tie, wind. See also G1163, G1189.
This is the same word used in Matt. 21:2 where Jesus instructs his disciples "ye shall find an ass tied.." the word "tied" is Strong's G1210, the same as the word "bind" in this verse.

We need here to remember that we are to look to the Lord for our understanding and not to our own wisdom. For many when they see the phrase 'bound him' they assume this indicates a total restraint of the Adversary. If that were the case the beginning of verse 3 would be completely useless and should be dropped entirely from the Word of God! - More on this in vs. 3.

Most continue to focus on Satan being "bound." Yet these verses are refering to his being restrained in a prison. In verse 7 we are told that when the thousand years have expired "Satan shall be loosed out of his prison." That is what we should be focused on.

A thousand years – According to some (see Revelation-Today) this phrase does not exist in the Sinaitic manuscript. However, according to the English translation of that manuscript (from the Codex Sinaiticus project), the phrase does exist. Also the RVIC (put together by Br. Jim Parkinson with very careful research) contains this phrase. It is evidently genuine.

In vss 2-7 we find this 'thousand years' mentioned five times (not counting the spurious portion of vs. 5). In two of these 5 times it is preceded by the Greek article 'ho' [Strong's 3588]. Because of this the question has often come up as to how it should be translated. As 'a thousand years' or 'the thousand years.' The easy answer here is to follow the Standard (King James) version. It is correct in its usage. As to why it would make a difference, that is another question. To some it seems to be a big difference. Our view is that the thousand years (whether it is 'a thousand years' or 'the thousand years,') is the same as that described in 2 Pet. 3:7-8. It begins with our Lord's return in 1874 (when He entered the strong man's house) and concludes in 2874. Remember, this 'day of the Lord' comes 'as a thief.' As a result the strong man (Satan) is caught unawares (Matt. 12:29).


A Great Chain

There is an interesting point here. It seems clear from the narrative here that the tool our Lord uses to bind Satan is the 'great chain' in his hand.

Why would this be significant?

Because it does not say 'a small chain,' but a 'great chain.' A little chain would be similar to modern day hand-cuffs. There is no room to move around if someone is bound with a small chain. However, a great chain would seem to indicate two things.

  1. It is much stronger.

  2. It is also longer and thus gives more freedom of movement to the bound one.
It is this second point that seems to fit the general picture. Satan is indeed bound at the time of our Lord's return, but it does not indicate that he is powerless or has no influence. He has a lot of 'wiggle room' and is causing a lot of trouble with his thrashing around as he attempts to free himself from this great chain that is binding him.
3 and cast him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, that he should not any more deceive the nations until the thousand years were completed; after these things he must be loosed for a little time. And cast him – And all his wicked deceptions. R1233:4[R1233:6]

The Prince of Light taking from the Prince of darkness the scepter of this world and restraining him for a thousand years. R4109:6

The great King, who is now about to take full control of the world, has full power to bind, restrain Satan, and every evil power and influence. R2646:1

When God's time for the establishment of Christ's Kingdom comes, Satan's kingdom will be brought to naught as effectually as was his former purpose at the time of the flood. R1687:1

Why is he not destroyed at this juncture? Because God has a still further purpose to be served in his continued existence. R1233:5[R1233:7]

The bottomless pit – The word abyss, representing oblivion. R2645:6, 1233:4[R1233:6]; SM94:T

Abyss--covered, secret, hidden place. R331:1

Shut him up – In the end of the struggle, Satan will be fully bound, shut up, sealed. SM105:1

Set a seal – Sealed it over him. SM94:1

Used in olden times to make secret, to render secure against intrusion. E246

Public and worldwide realization of the causes of their degradation, and the great revolution of public sentiment in favor of the Lord's ways, will constitute the seal. R1233:5[R1233:6]

Representing divine care that none shall interfere with God's arrangement, but that it shall all be carried out strictly in accordance with the divine prearrangement. R2645:6

He should deceive – Lead astray. CR463:6

Some have become so deluded by the sophistries of Satan that they do not believe that there is a God; others believe him to be a great and powerful Adversary; others are confused, knowing not what to believe. E18

The reason why there is so much graft, false doctrine, delusion, ignorance, superstition everywhere is that Satan is the great being who is deceiving the world. OV271:2

No longer will darkness be permitted to masquerade as light, and the light slandered as darkness. D519; R5378:4, 5190:5; OV380:5

Too cunning to attempt to deceive the majority into atheism, the great Adversary has adopted the more feasible plan of deceiving them by introducing a false theology. NS522:1

Forcing false doctrines upon the heathen and upon Christians, supporting them by dreams and visions and spirit mediums, personating and speaking for the dead. HG193:2

God is willing to permit this activity because it can now serve a purpose--a sifting work--which must reach and touch every class and condition of professed Christians everywhere. R3941:5

God has permitted Satan to rule as a prince, but has never authorized him. His power is purely usurpation, based upon these deceptions. SM546:2

The Lord allows Satan to organize various human agencies that some may fall farther and farther from the truth, until finally none will "stand" except the elect. HG403:2; SM567:3

Upon the Church are designed crucial tests of her loyalty. It is for this reason that this call takes place while the majority of mankind are under the Adversary's blinding influences, and he is not yet bound. R2415:1

God's will is not done on earth, his Kingdom has not come to earth as yet. R2253:1

Satan will continue to blind and deceive the masses until our Master takes the Kingdom and restrains Satan. R2799:4, 2550:2

Deception was one of the main things in which he was previously engaged, Henceforth he would be restrained, whether by the light of Present Truth or the light of science, from so doing. R4610:2

While we must oppose error, nevertheless, let us all speak the truth in love, without harshness, without personalities. Our dear brethren are deluded, deceived, not intentionally opposing the truth. CR415:3

Not that popes and cardinals were fraudulent in their claims. We concede them full honesty of intention, charging the error to our great Adversary. HG268:6

Satan will be forced to appear "as an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14) in order to perpetuate the delusions wherewith he has so long deceived the whole world--putting light for darkness, and darkness for light. R3119:6, 2504:3; F641

The necessity for his playing reformer and good physician is an evidence that his fall is near. F641

The demons must sham to be "angels of light," teachers of advanced truth and good physicians, both of souls and bodies. R2189:2

Satan's struggles to retain control of mankind will be specially desperate at its close--before he is bound for the thousand years. R2189:2[R2189:6]; A69

By deceiving mankind he has usurped the control of their minds. R3719:2

"Doctors of divinity" have long been Satan's deceiving agents. R2898:4

The Adversary has used the nominal church of God as his tool to deceive all that dwell upon the face of the whole earth--to misrepresent the divine character and plan. R3104:5

The name "Christendom" is a delusion. "Satandom" would be the truer title. But our wily Adversary is so crafty that he puts darkness for light and deludes the poor world. R4350:3

Evidently the world will not vote for the reign of Christ and the binding of Satan, and because they are unwilling to cooperate, their help must come in another way--by the fall of present institutions. R3772:6

The masses are not on trial now, as are we who have knowledge, but will have their trial by and by during the Millennial age after Satan has been bound. R2428:6

During the present age the world of mankind is not liable to the second death because Satan is exercising a blinding, deceiving influence upon all except true believers. [One of three reasons given.] R4908:4, 1962:1

Our poor fallen, fellow creatures who oppose us and who oppose righteousness do so because they are under the power of Satan, more or less blinded by his sophistries. R3274:2, 3209:1

We are no longer deluded into the belief that those blinded by Satan will be everlastingly tormented therefor. R1958:4

Only here and there can any be found who "know the joyful sound" (Psa. 89:15)--who can distinguish the heavenly message from the deceiving message of Satan. R2569:3

The nations – Peoples. R4350:3; SM130:2

Satan is operating through these evil agencies, but these agencies are not willingly being operated upon by Satan. R4610:1

No more – Not only is Satan to be bound, but a highway is to be cast up, and all the stumbling stones are to be gathered out, and no ravenous beasts of prey (fierce temptations) shall go up thereon. R1055:3

When Satan is bound, there will be no more great counterfeit systems of Christianity, no counterfeit of God's Kingdom, no plausible and misleading presentations of error for truth. R1233:6[R1233:10]

His power to deceive and enslave men being completely stopped by the clear knowledge then prevailing. R1233:4[R1233:6]

The trial of the world when Satan and evil are bound will be less severe, and the prize for which they will be running will be less glorious than that for which we run. R409:1; A146

Whether Satan and his associates, the fallen angels, will remain associated with the world we do not know, but they will no longer be prince and powers of the air. R2646:1

Some surmise that Satan and his angels will be deported during the Millennial period. Our view is to the contrary. We believe that they will not be deported but remain, powerless to deceive. R2646:1

But the favor then opened to believers will be the earthly paradise restored, not the heavenly Kingdom and the divine nature now held before the Gospel Church. R2220:4

Thank God, the eyes of our understanding have been opened so that we can now see through the deceptions of the Adversary! R4662:3

Should be fulfilled – Be finished. R4610:2

Until the thousand years of Christ's reign have accomplished their designed work of opening all the blind eyes, and permitting all who will to come back into full fellowship with God. R3158:2

This work of restoration apparently occupies all of the thousand years, since it is called "the times (years) of restitution." (Acts 3:21) R86:6

Be loosed – To tempt, test, try, prove all those that dwell upon the face of the whole earth. R4999:3, 5253:6, 4986:1, 1234:1; Q186:T; SM106:2, 714:T

Evil influences will be let loose for a season. R4882:1

The Mediator will step from between God and man, and divine tests will be applied to prove, to demonstrate the heart-faithful. R4704:5

Little season – At the end of the thousand years of Christ's reign the whole world will be turned over to the Father. Satan will then have the power to tempt mankind as he tempted mother Eve. R4986:1, 5253:6, 5182:5, 4903:1, 4882:1, 4704:5, 4575:6; Q423:3

In the end of the thousand years, when Christ has completed his work of restitution the final test must be applied to each individual for continued existence throughout the ages of glory. R1234:1

For a time. SM94:T

Nine years--2874 AD to 2883 AD. R3579:5*

Roman Catholic theory all along has claimed that Napoleon's triumph began this "little season." R1969:4, 1770:2, 1002:2; B354; C57; HG270:2; OV271:1

The present period of progress and civilization under Protestant influences being recognized by them as the "little season" in which the devil is loosed in the form of Protestantism. R1770:2, 1002:2, 305:4, 54:4; B354; C57; HG689:4

In old ; of the Douay Bible this explanation is given in the footnote comments on the passage. HG689:4

Starting with the overthrow of Papacy's dominion in 1798 AD. R54:4

Cast him into the bottomless pit – A further step in the binding (restraint) of the Adversary. This is subsequent to 1874. There is nothing in this text that indicates this step lasts for a thousand years.

Shut him up – A further step in the binding (restraint) of the Adversary. This is subsequent to 1874 and subsequent to his being cast into the bottomless pit but prior to the setting a seal upon him. There is nothing in this text that indicates this step lasts for a thousand years.

Set a seal upon him – Yet another step in the binding (restraint) of the Adversary. This is the final binding of the Adversary as indicated by the seal. Once again there is nothing to indicate this step as lasting a thousand years, rather the reverse.

This completes the process of restraining the Adversary. We should note carefully here that there are four steps in getting the Adversary out of the way:
  1. Bound
  2. Cast into the bottomless pit
  3. Shut up
  4. Sealed.
Of these four steps there is only one which is described as being a thousand years in length, i.e., 'Bound.'

He is bound from the time of our Lord's return in 1874. We arrive at this conclusion not only from verses 2 and 3 but also from our Lord's own statement in Matt. 12:29 and Mark 3:27. In 1874 our Lord entered into the strong man's house. At that point He began to bind the "strong man." Thus the "thousand years" begins in 1874 when our Lord entered into the "strong man's house."

That he should deceive the nations no more – This is the reason for the previous things (bound, cast into pit, etc.) being done to the Adversary. His influence must be completely removed in order for the nations to come to the full realization that they have been duped, that the counterfeit system was exactly that, a counterfeit of the true which at this time will be coming to light.

Till the thousand years – The period of Satan's 'binding', i.e., from 1874 to 2874.

Should be fulfilled – Not a moment earlier. Mankind will then have had full opportunity to walk up the highway of holiness and reach human perfection.

After that he must be loosed – After the thousand years mentioned in vs. 2 are complete. Notice that it says he must be loosed. There is no option here. All who would gain life eternal apparently must be tested by the Adversary.

The word "loosed" here is Strong's G3089. This is the same word used by our Lord in Matt. 21:2.

An illogical proposal
There is an important consideration here. Some, noting that Satan is bound from the time of our Lord's second advent in 1874, have gone to an extreme and suggested that Satan is now completely bound and powerless. This view also maintains that the trouble in the world is largely coming from the loosing of the fallen angels and that the testing coming upon the church at this time is from them.

This view involves something that is completely illogical, i.e., that all who would gain eternal life on any plane of existence must be tested by the Adversary – except for the John class! This makes no sense. To have the world of mankind be tested by the Adversary at the end of the little season in order to gain eternal life on the human plane, and then to have a significant portion of the little flock attain to the Divine Nature without being tested by the Adversary seems a complete violation of reason.

Remember, this verse states that at the end of the thousand years 'he must be loosed out of his prison.' Why? - In order that all who attain eternal life will have been tested by, and overcome, the Adversary.

For a little season – For a relatively short period of time as compared to the 1,000 years just finished.

There are suggestions as to how long this period of time will be, the most common seems to be that it may be a period of 40 years (40 being the number of judgment.)

4 And I saw thrones; and they sat upon them, and judgment was given to them; and the souls of those beheaded on account of the testimony of Jesus, and on account of the word of God; and those who had not done homage to the beast nor to his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and hand; and they lived and reigned with the Christ a thousand years: I saw thrones – The thrones of the present dominion of earth will be "cast down," and the dominion transferred to the great Prophet, Priest, King and Judge "whose right it is." (Ezek. 21:27) R2609:1[R2609:2]

The thrones are those of earthly kingdoms at the present time. These are all condemned as unfit, and are to be overthrown, to give place to the Kingdom of Christ. R331:3[R331:8]

And they sat upon them – The position on the throne and the glory are associated (Matt. 25:31-40), hence this takes place when the Temple is glorified. (Rev. 15:8) This harmonizes with the point where Aaron changes his position in the type. R171:4*

The Great Company will stand before the throne, with palm branches in their hands, instead of sitting in the throne, wearing crowns. (Rev. 7:9-17) SM362:T

And judgment – Rotherham--judicial sentence. The Greek word rendered judgment here is rendered condemnation in Luke 23:40; Jas. 3:1; Jude 4. R331:3

Unto them – To the saints, with the Lord, in the time of the blessing of the world. HG148:6

The souls – Persons. R2844:3, 331:3

Beheaded – All, to be acceptable as members of the figurative Body of Christ, must be will-less, headless. R2845:1; Q190:2

Cut off from church heads. R331:4

The Apostle declared, "I die daily." (1 Cor. 15:31) All who will constitute the elect overcoming Church must die thus. R2416:6

Few of the Lord's apostles were literally beheaded and few of the saints died by decapitation. This is, therefore, a figure of speech. R2844:3

The faithful of today are not literally beheaded, but it is still true that the wicked shoot out arrows at the righteous, "even bitter words." (Psa. 64:3) R2109:6

Neither our Lord nor the apostles were literally beheaded. It signifies that all must suffer earthly disadvantages, and lay down their lives in the service and defense of the truth. R2007:4, 2416:6

Killed, as illustrated in a cartoon, with stones of Hate, Revenge, Persecution, Malice, Scandal and Ridicule. R2282:1

To suppress all literature antagonistic to church-state union is to symbolically be beheaded--like John the Baptist--for pointing out the wrong of the professed bride of Christ being united to the world. R2091:3

Only those who fall as dead before the Lord (Rev. 1:17), who recognize their own nothingness, who lose their own wills, accepting the will of the Lord instead, are ever able to receive his message. R2827:4

Each "soul" (individual) must be beheaded for himself, and must be individually united to Christ, the Head of the Church. R2845:5

We often think of this when we hear well-meaning Christian people say, "I have a mind of my own, I do my own thinking." R2845:1

It is certainly better that one should do his own thinking than that he should let another man or another woman do it for him. R2845:1

The Lord is not the head of human institutions, which call themselves his bodies. R2845:2, 2700:6

Let us ask ourselves: (1) Have I given up my own self-will? (2) If I have, do whom did I give it? (3) Am I ignoring all other contrary heads and authorities to be taught of the Lord? (4) Am I fully content to be thus cut off from others, or am I, so to speak, a double-headed man? (5) Or have I parts of three heads--some of my own head, some of the head of Christ, and some of a sectarian man-made head. R2845:6, 2700:6

In the type the beheading of the underpriests was fully illustrated in the fact that the underpriests were required to wear "bonnets," while the high priest alone was without the bonnet and wore the miter. R2845:3

The Christian way of this Gospel age is not merely the way of morality, temperance, moderation and wisdom; but the "narrow way" of self-denial and self-sacrifice. R2074:4

For the witness of Jesus – Any one who will "witness for Jesus" as the only Head in the Church. R331:4

"The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy," and it will be fidelity to this spirit of truth that will work upon us to effect the change from our own wills to the will of Christ. R2845:5

The word of God – As the only standard of doctrine. R331:4

The Spirit of Christ works in us in conjunction with the Word of God. R2845:5

Had not worshipped – By coming out of Babylon in harmony with the command, they are but proving themselves overcomers of the "Beast and his Image." R878:5

"To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his throne." (Rev. 3:21) R281:3, 255:6, A91

An important part of the overcoming expected of us is to get free from the binding and blinding influences of these systems. R513:5

We fight not with flesh and blood, but with gigantic systems of error, with spiritual wickedness in exalted positions, against falsities honored by time and wealth and earthly learning. R377:6

The time is hastening on when a religious, social, political and financial "boycott" will be waged against all who will refuse to worship either the "Beast" or his Protestant "Image." R1766:2

All who will not bow to the decrees of the Evangelical Alliance shall be esteemed as heretics, shunned and cast out by all who are orthodox. R322:3

Worship of this symbolic Beast and his Image--powerfully influential religious systems--is to be a great test or trial upon professing Christians in every province of symbolic Babylon in the end of this age. R2495:6

It was to give us the opportunity of overcoming, that God has permitted this great Babylon, anti-Christ system, to gain such influence in the world. R694:5

The very unfavorableness of the arrangement of mechanical Christian union will serve to prove, test and make ready the Lord's people. R1818:1

To these martyrs the sufferings brought polishings of character, testings of faith, divine approval and an increased glory on the spirit plane as members of the Bride of Christ. OV346:3

You and I cannot hope to stem the current and to prevent what is coming--but we can be overcomers and get the victory over these errors. R1138:5

The Great Company do not overcome the Beast, Image and mark, but are subject to their power, until the Beast, etc., is overthrown in the time of trouble already commenced. R152:3

Mr. Karmarkar, a Hindu convert to Protestantism, was the only Protestant at a Christian Endeavor convention who neither feared, sympathized with, or worshipped the Beast. [Comments quoted] D263[D262:5]

One-third, or possibly one-half of those receiving the light of Present Truth since 1881 AD. R2942:6

The beast – The mother system and her daughters, still blind, are ready still to persecute and behead, though in a more refined manner. D52

Received his mark – Nor the number of his name. R355:2

And they – The glorified Church, the Kingdom class. R2833:5

And reigned – The rulership of earth is handed over to the saints. R701:1

Invisible to the world, these with their Lord and Head will set up the Kingdom of God, the Messianic Kingdom. NS830:4

In the judgment of the world, the saints, whose judgment is successfully completed in this age, take part. R569:4

Their reigning, their power and their control in the world's affairs will not come until they shall have experienced the resurrection change and Messiah's Kingdom shall be fully inaugurated. R5692:2

Not until the elect have been glorified will the ransom-price be formally delivered over to justice. Then Adam and his race will be immediately transferred by the Father to the Son that his Millennial Kingdom may begin. Civ

Since it requires the whole Gospel age to predetermine who shall reign with Christ, it must be manifest that the world's trial-day cannot come until after the Church's judgment is completed. NS423:5

There was a time that we Christians tried to think the Church was reigning now, but we have come to see that we are not reigning at all. We are not intended to reign until the resurrection. CR227:1

The Kingdom cannot come until the Church has been completed. Not until then can "all the families of the earth be blest" with the promised Millennial blessings and opportunities. R1718:4

The great spiritual prize. R4807:3

Our Lord and his Church will be spirit beings, and their rule or dominion will be only through the earthly Kingdom class, their earthly representatives. OV45:2

Upon the ashes of the time of trouble Messiah's Kingdom will be established with full power and glory. PD92/107

"To him that overcometh will I give to sit with me in my throne." (Rev. 3:21) R531:5

"If we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him." (2 Tim. 2:12) R531:6

With Christ – Joint-heirs in his Kingdom and in his inheritance in the Abrahamic Covenant. R2122:5

"He (the Christ, Head and Body) must reign till he has put all enemies under his feet." (1 Cor. 15:25) R654:6

There can be no Kingdom until the King comes. A288, A345

A thousand years – To accomplish the complete victory over death and the grave will be the very object of the establishment of the Kingdom, and will require a thousand years. R3175:5

Bible chronology shows that six great thousand-year days beginning with Adam are ended, and that the great seventh day, the thousand years of Christ's reign, began in 1873.

Since there are about 6000 years from the creation to the second coming of Christ, and 1000 years of Christ's presence, it follows that God's day of rest is about 7000 years long. Q759:2

The reign of the saints cannot be properly said to begin before all the "jewels" have been gathered, nor before the Times of the Gentiles end in 1914. R2740:1

Apparently the matter of when the thousand-year period should be reckoned as fully beginning and fully ending will be an open question until the close of the Millennial age. R2739:3

The Millennium is viewed as beginning with the end of the Gentile Times, October 1914. Another Scriptural standpoint takes 1874 AD for the date of the Millennium, as shown by the Jubilee cycles and various other prophecies. [Describing two of four diagrams of the plan of God. ] R3460:4*

Agreeing with Peter's explanation that a day with the Lord is as a thousand years with men, and a thousand years with men as one day with the Lord. (2 Pet. 3:8) R568:6

This same period is elsewhere called "the day of Christ," the epoch during which The Christ shall hold the sway of earth. OV44:2

Nor is it said that their reign will be no longer than a thousand years. It will evidently continue long enough after the thousand years to destroy all found unworthy in the final test. R2740:1

How fitting, six days of evil and degradation, and one day of restitution. R763:6

In that thousand years all evil and every enemy of righteousness shall be destroyed--even death [Adamic] the great enemy. R382:4

Refuting the claim that the work of reform will continue in to the ages to follow. R1442:6, 763:6

We know not how many ages may be in "The World to Come," but there is more than one. The first alone is dealt with in Scripture--the Millennial age. R532:4, 256:6, 22:1:*, 5:4

Millennium, signifying a thousand years, is by common consent used as the name for this period. A73; HG540:3

Papacy claims that when exalted to power it did put down all enemies and that for a thousand years it did reign over the kingdoms of earth--from AD 792 to 1792. R305:3, 54:4; B353; C57; CR493:2; 689:1

From 799 AD to 1799 AD. OV271:T

The date for the onset of the Papal Millennium is clearly set in history--the coronation of Charlemagne as Emperor of the West by Pope Leo in AD 800. B354

Pagan Rome ended and Papal Rome began in AD 756. HG689:5

Only such as see in Papacy Satan's counterfeit of the true Christ, and who recognize the true Church and the true reign, can fully appreciate this. C57

I saw – The John class, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's parousia, are the ones who see (recognize) the things which are here described, i.e.:
  • the fact that the thrones change from the Kings of earth to our returned King, Christ
  • At this time judgment is given to the church
  • This group consists of those who were 'beheaded for the witness of Jesus' and the word of God
  • They did not worship the beast or his image
  • They did not have the mark of the beast in either forehead (intellect) or hand (strength, support, activity)
  • This group (the true church) lives and reigns with Christ for the millennium.
Thrones – Indicating one or more kingdoms with more than one king. - Please see Expanded Bible Comments.

They sat upon them – The real question here is: "Who are 'they'?" There appear to be two answers.
  1. The kings of the earth, i.e., the kings of Christendom during the early part of the harvest.
  2. The saints after the Times of the Gentiles ended and the 'overturning' was finished. As we see in this verse, the saints 'live and reign with Christ a thousand years.' The church sits upon the throne of Christ even as Christ sits upon the throne of His Father. Rev. 3:21. In another sense there are many thrones for the church to sit upon. See Matt. 19:28
Judgment was given unto them – Given unto the church. Again please see Matt. 19:28 1 Cor. 6:2.

The souls – Remember the formula given in Gen. 2:7, i.e., body + breath of life = a living soul. Here the saints are described as souls. Thus they are those who have been victorious during the Gospel Age and have been raised to the Divine Nature, having received their Divine Bodies.

Beheaded – These have (symbolically) lost their own heads (wills.) - Please see Expanded Bible Comments.

For the witness of Jesus – Not all who give up their own wills are here described. Only those who have given it up 'for the witness of Jesus,' i.e., the saints.

Witness here is Strong's 3141 which is elsewhere translated as 'testimony.' "The testimony [3141] of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Rev. 19:10

And for the word of God – Not only do these have the spirit of prophecy but they defend the scriptures.

And which had not worshipped the beast – These have not worshipped the Papacy.

Neither his image – They have not worshipped Protestantism.

Neither had received his mark – They are not fully submissive to the idea that so-called Christendom was the true kingdom of Christ.

Upon their foreheads – Their intellectual understanding.

Or in their hands – They did not give the strength in support of these false ideas.

Lived and reigned with Christ – This is a dual proposition. They Great Company may be said to live with Christ, but they do not reign with Him. This phrase refers to those who do both, i.e., they live with him AND they also reign with him. This can only apply to the Little Flock.

A thousand years – The Millennium - from 1874 to 2874.

To understand more about the reign of Christ and His church, please see The Reign under 'Bible Topics.'
5 the rest of the dead did not live till the thousand years had been completed. This is the first resurrection. But the – This brings us to the time when the first resurrection is complete. Then the general resurrection of the dead and dying world will begin. R1106:4[R1106:2]

Scholars are agreed that this text is an interpolation. A288[A288:ft]; R5079:4[R5079:11], 3487:2[R3487:2], 1537:1[R1536:15], 1236:6*[1236:12*], 501:2[501:10], 331:4[R331:11], 278:2[R278:14], 207:2[R207:2], 194:6[R194:18], 62:5[R62:25], 33:4; F721[F720:2]; HG320:6[HG320:19]; NS355:1[NS355:1]; Q201:T, 594:6

Probably crept into the text by accident in the fifth century; at first a marginal comment made by a reader expressive of his thought, later copied into the text by transcribers who failed to distinguish between the text and the comment. R909:2, 501:6, 62:6; A288; HG320:6[HG320:19]; NS355:2[NS355:1]

It is not found in any manuscripts older than the seventh century. NS355:2[NS355:1]

Not found in any Greek manuscript of earlier date than the fifth century. Nor is it found in the ancient Syriac. R1772:6, 1105:2, 501:3, 278:4

The Syriac-Peshito, the mother tongue of Jesus and the apostles, written in the first or second century and is older than any Greek manuscript extant, also repudiates this clause. R366:4

It is wanting, too, in the Vatican No. 1160, a manuscript of special clearness and harmony with the most ancient ones. R501:3, 366:4; A288; HG320:6

There are but two known copies of the New Testament, in Greek, ante-dating the fifth century--the Sinaitic and Vatican manuscripts--both dated about AD 350. R1108:3

The Sinaitic Codex was probably made AD 331-350. R365:3*

Vatican manuscript 1209 is very accurate, but is no authority here because it is incomplete, lacking Hebrews from 9:15 as well as all of Timothy, Titus, Philemon and Revelation. R1108:5, 366:1

The Alexandrine manuscript, written about AD 450, has the text, and merely omits the words "but" and "again." R365:3*

We regret that the Variorum Bible fails to show that the Sinaitic manuscript does not contain the clause in question. R501:5

Regrettably included in the Revised Version. R248:3

The Diaglott is compared with the Vatican 1209, but for Revelation its author chose the Vatican 1160 of the eleventh century, not the Alexandrine. R366:1

At the time of its translation from the Latin "Vulgate" only eight Greek manuscripts were used, none older than the tenth century. Since then some 660 manuscripts have come to light, including two very ancient ones. R278:3

Not in the Coptic, nor many Greek manuscripts of later date, including such notably exact and careful manuscripts as the Codex Cantabuliensis of the seventh century and the Vatican 1160 of the eleventh century. R1210:1

Prof. Tischendorf, finder of the Sinaitic manuscript, while admitting that this clause is not found in it, thinks its omission accidental, a mere error of the scribe. We cannot agree. R501:3, 366:4

It is claimed that it is found in some of the early "Fathers," but we suggest that these writings of the "Fathers" are more liable to interpolations than the Scriptures. R1210:2

Rev. 22:18, 19 has always more or less deterred men from falsifying the canonical books. We believe few interpolations have been made intentionally, usually by copying a marginal note or comment into the text. R1210:2, 1118:3*

It is just as well not to refer too frequently to interpolations, because people have the idea that you are trying to dodge something. Where the passage fits as well as this does, I prefer to merely explain it. Q201:T

Leaving out these words, the remainder reads more smoothly than with them in. NS355:2

Rest of the dead – The world at large. A289; R5079:4

Aside from those associated with Christ in the Kingdom at the beginning of the Millennium. R1772:6, 1106:4

Lived not again – Will not regain the fullness of the life lost. A289; R5079:4

Adam was dying for 930 years. Similarly, when the reverse process shall begin, instead of dying for 930 years, he will be getting more alive for 930 years. Q200:4

Awakening, but not to full restitution to life in the perfect degree. F721

Perfect life without weakness or dying is the only sense in which God recognizes the word life. A289; R3026:3

It will not be until the thousand years are finished, that the race will have fully attained to the complete measure of life lost in Adam. R909:6, 501:6; A289

We all know what it is to be dying until totally dead; let us all learn that it means to reverse this order, when we speak of living until perfectly alive. R1105:6

In view of the full meaning of the word anastasis (resurrection) this clause, even if genuine, would be in harmony with our general teaching. R501:6; A289

The resurrection of humanity will be in process, but will not be complete, until the thousand years are ended. R360:5, R1118:2*

Then, having come to the condition of perfection, having received all that was lost, they will live again in the same sense that Father Adam lived before he transgressed. HG138:6

A true enough statement when life is properly understood to mean their perfection in life and their acceptance to eternal life by the Father at the close of the Millennium. R1772:6, 1106:4

To humanity the Millennial age is not the perfect, but the perfecting age, to be followed by that which is perfect. R331:6

The word life really signifies that perfect state of existence from which death and dying, sickness and pain, and all the elements of death and condemnation are excluded. R1105:3

The Body of Christ will be raised to perfection by a sudden resurrection change. The world in general are to stand trial and to get life step by step as a reward for obedience. R1210:5

We must remember that it is one thing to be legally, or officially dead, and another thing to be actually dead. R5079:4; Q594:6

There is no provision by which the world has a right to life. R5103:2

Mankind will all be awakened from the tomb, but we do not know what proportion of them will get everlasting life. R5103:2

"The wicked shall never see life," in this full sense (Psa. 49:19, 20) though all the families of the earth shall be awakened and brought to full knowledge before being sentenced as "wicked." R1106:4

Thousand years – The thousand years of restitution and blessing. A289

It will require the thousand years to build up character. HG148:6

Therefore the Church gets eternal life at least a thousand years before the world will be given the right to everlasting life. R5103:2

Were finished – They will be made more and more alive, and less and less dead, as the thousand years progress. None will get the resurrection life until they are raised to the condition of perfection. R4989:6, 33:4; Q200:5

This is – Omitting the interpolated clause, this immediately follows the words: "They lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." R278:5, 194:6, 62:6

The first resurrection – Both the first in order as well as in rank.
αυτη G3778 This
η G3588 the
αναστασις G386 resurrection
η G3588 the
πρωτη G4413 foremost (first)
6 Blessed and holy he who has part in the first resurrection: over these the second death has no power; but they shall be priests of God and of the Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. Blessed and holy – The resurrection of the blessed and holy. NS341:5

Showing the holiness, as well as the blessedness of all that reigning company. R331:5; NS395:5

Only this "blessed and holy" class have part in the resurrection of 1 Cor. 15:42-53. R2339:4, 4504:1; CR277:3; HG731:6; NS603:1, 642:5, 768:5

The blessings provided for these are not the earthly portion, but the heavenly portion. NS355:5

Represented by Elijah, the specially holy and specially blessed of the Lord will be caught up to spiritual power and glory. R1132:1

When Dorcas was dying she was surrounded by the loving hands of the Lord's people. And when she was restored to life, they were there to bid her welcome. How suggestive is this thought. R1451:4

He that hath part – Our participation with our Lord in the gl; s of the Kingdom is dependent upon our faithfulness here in following him through evil report and through good report. R4966:6, 4677:4; CR130:1; 475:2

All this will come to you and me if we are faithful to doing the Lord's will to the extent of our ability. God never expects anybody to do beyond his ability. R5726:4

It is a grievous mistake to think that the first resurrection is to be attained merely by the doing of kind acts to either the worthy or the unworthy poor. R2700:6

Let us remember that though we are now part of the Church, we may never sit with him on this throne, unless we make our calling and election sure. R570:5

"Those who have done good" of John 5:28, 29. R3026:3; CR278:4

The resurrection of the "good" includes the Church, Great Company and Ancient Worthies. Q219:2

Open to negroes, as well as to "Jew or Greek, bond or free, male or female." (Gal. 3:28) HG513:5

First resurrection – Not only first in order of time, but first in the sense of chief. OV215:3; Q16:2

The first resurrection includes our Lord Jesus and all the overcomers of this Gospel age. It is the chief, the highest, the most desirable resurrection. R2051:2, 4823:1

First in importance, chief. R277:3, 205:6

The word in the original strictly means first in order or quality--first-class resurrection. Q219:2

Chief, or most important, resurrection. R5166:5, 5232:5, 5132:5, 4966:6, 4793:3, 4614:3, 1511:2, 1508:3; CR130:1; 227:2; OV346:3

Chief, in that it is a resurrection of perfection of being on the highest of all planes, the divine plane. NS534:3; OV356:4

The Scriptures seem to indicate that there will be several classes in the resurrection. This is one of them. R5166:5, 5017:5; F694

Thus termed because its rewards will be so far superior to the resurrection which will be granted to the remainder of the world. NS235:2

Both the raising of those who sleep in Jesus, and the changing of the living members into new conditions, as well as the resurrection of Jesus, together constitute the first (chief) anastasis. R361:5, 331:4

The first resurrection, in which the Bride only has part with her Lord, is different from the resurrection of the world. R4914:3, 5069:4, 3832:5, 3445:5, 3318:1, 1509:3; Q461:5

The Greek word anastasis here rendered resurrection signifies "a standing or raising up," true in both resurrections--both reach perfection, yet one is human and the other divine perfection. R331:6

The Greek word for "first"--protos--is translated "best" in Luke 15:22 and "chief" in a number of passages. R331:6

Here anastasis has the Greek article, showing emphasis and indicating that the first, or special resurrection, is surely meant. R1512:1, 4793:3

Christ's resurrection. R5711:1, 2194:6

To the perfection of the divine nature with its glory, honor and immortality. R4794:6, 5504:5, 5132:4; HG229:6; OV346:3

"His resurrection," the Christ resurrection, the resurrection to spirit conditions, which came first to our Lord Jesus, and in which all of his Body, his Bride, is to have a share. (Phil. 3:10) R2797:2, 4823:1, 4793:3, 1854:2, 1505:5; NS616:5

Flesh and; od cannot be a part of that Kingdom. Therefore they must all be changed. Q461:5

The overcomers are partakers of his resurrection. R3132:1

Shall the Head of The Christ, be born from the dead, and shall the Body also not be born? NS341:5

The Church will all be born in his spirit-likeness in the first resurrection. NS101:3

The Church is to be raised to the same nature and glory to which her Lord was raised. NS177:6

The first resurrection began with our Lord Jesus and is not yet completed. The faithful Bride shares in his glorious resurrection to the divine nature. R5179:5; HG229:5

This class will receive pre-eminence over all other classes in earth or in heaven. They receive glory, honor and immortality, and are exalted far above angels and granted the divine nature. R5711:1, 5132:4

The elect enter into the joys of glory, honor and immortality, not at death, but in the resurrection. CR21:4

The resurrection process for the Church begins with their consecration, when they are reckoned as dead with Christ, yea, also, as risen with him. HG229:6; NS326:3; SM598:1

Their resurrection and complete change of nature has already begun in them through the begetting of the holy Spirit. NS830:4; SM743:T

The Church class is now reckoned as "passed from death into life" figuratively, but the real passing into life will be at the close of this age, at the second coming of Christ. NS582:6

Represented by the Most Holy of the Tabernacle, beyond both veils--the fleshly mind and the fleshly body--possessing glorious spiritual bodies as well as spiritual minds. T21

The resurrection change will come in the twinkling of an eye and will, in the fullest sense, give life. Now we are looked upon as new creatures, having passed from under the death condemnation. R4840:2

Their salvation will be made actual when they shall share in Christ's resurrection, "the first resurrection." R4715:5

This mortal body is styled a tabernacle, rather than a temple. Our spiritual body will be the temple, but none can enter that perfect temple condition except by a share in the first resurrection. R5504:5

The birth of the new creature. We are not actually spirit beings until the resurrection, though from the time we receive the spirit of adoption we are reckoned as such. A197

The transformation of minds which they now experience through the begetting of the holy Spirit will result in a complete transformation, providing them with spirit bodies. NS768:6

The Church is spoken of as a class, all of whom will enter into glory together, at Christ's second coming, and not separately, as each may die. We shall have part in the one resurrection. R5132:4; CR244:5

Those in the first resurrection will live and reign with Christ a thousand years. Therefore those of the Great Company will have no part whatever in the first resurrection. Q308:4; R5116:6

"The gates of hell (hades [Greek] and sheol [Hebrew]) shall not prevail" against them. (Matt. 16:18) R5693:2

"All who are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth"--(John 5:25-29)--the Church first. R5612:5

The Church the first fruits. (1 Cor. 15:21-23) R5314:4, 5291:5

After Christ and his Little Flock have thus been resurrected as a first-fruits, the work of resurrecting men shall continue--every man in his own order. R1204:2; HG434:2

The Church of the first-borns pass into life in advance of the world. PD67/79

The Bride and the Bridegroom must be perfected before the Kingdom can be established. R5069:4, 3175:5

There is also a glory of terrestrial, earthly nature, which is to be attained by natural man in the later resurrection. 299:5

The gathering into the heavenly garner (Matt. 13:30), the change from earthly to heavenly conditions. R5049:4, 4635:6

On the seventh thousand-year day "early in the morning." R2795:2

The Great Company class shall be sharers in a goodly resurrection, although not participants in the first resurrection. R5232:5, 5105:2

The resurrection referred to in Luke 20:33-36. R1509:6

"Power over the nations," or to reign over them, cannot be reasonably applied to the present life, since they who would overcome must do so by death in the service. A285

Represented by plane L on the Chart of the Ages. R5060:5

Death hath no power – Immortality. R1642:5, 281:3, 194:5

"Neither can they die any more." (Luke 20:36) R194:5, 66:4*

The blotting out of their sins will be in death, because the Church will be awakened in the resurrection perfect. CR186:6

He, who in this present age, having died in Adam, is awakened of the Spirit and consecrates himself to death with Christ (this would be his second legal death) is not hurt of it. R528:1*

Others shall come forth to a resurrection over whom the second death may have power. Whether or not they will ever get altogether free from death will be determined by their conduct. R5612:5

They – The elect 144,000. Q756:2

In and through the Church will come the blessing of Messiah's Kingdom for a thousand years unto every nation. R5314:6

All sharing in the first resurrection will reign with Christ a thousand years. R5179:5

Shall be priests – Kings and priests--rulers and instructors. R1872:3, 331:5, 200:1

In typical Israel, the priestly office was kept distinctly separate from the kingly office, but in Christ the two offices combine, illustrated in the double office of Melchisedec. PD39/50

They are both. The two offices will be combined. 446:1

A Royal Priesthood, according to the order of Melchisedec. R405:4*

The priesthood of glory is not the Aaronic, but the Melchisedec priesthood, typifying the glorified Priest, Head and Body. HG263:3

It will be the Kingdom of the saints, in that they as "a Royal Priesthood" (Rev. 5:10) shall reign and judge and bless the world in conjunction with their Lord, Jesus. D618; R5406:3

As the work of a Priest is one of intercession and of instruction in righteousness, this clearly proves that the glorious work of evangelization will go on after the resurrection has taken place. R404:3*, 12:2*

The present mission of the Church is the perfecting of the saints for the future work of service; to prepare to be kings and priests in the next age. R5822:2

Who would be prepared to teach the world meekness, patience, brotherly kindness, long-suffering, love, without first of all developing these qualities of character in himself? NS745:1

Melchizedek represents our Lord, the Head, and the Church, his Body, the Royal Priest of the future. R4504:1

The Christian worthies shall be a Kingdom of Priests, a Royal Priesthood; while the Ancient Worthies shall be made "princes in all the earth." (Psa. 45:16) R5859:3

Kings and Priests unto God who shall reign to bind Satan's power and to open the eyes of those whom he has so long blinded and deceived. R1771:3, 1710:5

The Church, his Bride, with him in glory, and the blessings of the Millennium proceed from them. R5455:4

If we fail to be among the priests now, during the time of consecration, we cannot be of them when these same priests will have the title of King added and will rule and bless the nations. T47

"The anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you." (1 John 2:27) This oil began to reach the Body on the day of Pentecost, and flowed on down through the Gospel age. T38

The Great Company are not priests, but Levites. Q306:2

Of Christ – Unto him and unto the Father. R4504:1

Reign with him – To the Royal Priesthood, under Christ as King of kings and Priest of priests, shall be committed the full control of earth. R2490:5

The Body of Christ share in the Messianic reign. PD47/59

To bless the world by a righteous judgment. R2304:1

We shall rule as kings, even with a rod of iron; but the grand object will be to humble the nations, and so fit them for the reception of truth. R404:6*

The "time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation" (Dan. 12:1) will precede and prepare the way for Messiah's glorious rule of a thousand years. R5604:2

United, or married, to their Lord on the heavenly plane, they will be his joint-heirs, a Royal Priesthood, to reign with him a thousand years. R5263:2

Soon it will be determined who will be of the Kingdom class. HG667:5

A just, wise, paternal government, which will continue wholesome restraints and incentives, while at the same time protecting each class, is suggested nowhere except in the Bible. There it is accurately described and waits only the selection of God's Church. D425

When the election of the spiritual seed of Abraham shall be accomplished, this Gospel age will end. Then will be the Messianic age, in which Christ and the Church shall reign in spirit power. PD58/70

The reign of Christ will be such a thorough reign that all the members of his Body shall have some part in it. If the reign of Christ should begin today, the saints would be with him. Q118:3

The glorified members of the Church have not reigned at any time. Q117:7

Christ will reign during the Millennium, and we all know that Christ has not reigned yet. If Christ were reigning now, we would not have the great systems of evil in the earth. Q805:1

Surely after that first resurrection, the blessing of the world, the times of restitution of all things, will begin! R3832:5

Though the Lord returns in 1874, the Times of the Gentiles do not end until 1914, for he must test the living members of his Church, exalt them and associate them with himself in power. C128

If they will sit in his throne, they must suffer with him. If they suffer with him, they also share his glory. R4964:6

Teaching us to rule ourselves that we may know how to rule others. R405:4*

He is now about to take unto himself his great power, and shall reign until he hath put all enemies in subjection. (1 Cor. 15:25) R1681:5

In a parable, the Lord speaks of ruling over cities. Those who are the Lord's servants in this Gospel age, if they use their talents, shall in due time be associated in his Kingdom for the advancement of the world. HG147:2

Flesh and blood cannot be a part of that Kingdom. Therefore they must all be changed. R4914:3

The only way in which the Kingdom of God yet exists is in its embryo condition, in its incipient stage of humiliation, in which it often "suffers violence." R1351:6

In 1915 the Kingdom in its glory of power and righteousness will have come. The true Church will then be exalted to reign with Christ, and they shall reign with him a thousand years. R1908:3

Logically implying that there will be subjects to rule and learners to teach. R404:3*, 12:2*

In the counterfeit, as a pope would represent Christ, so bishops, cardinals, etc. could represent the saints of the first resurrection who share in Christ's Millennial reign. R1135:3

These are to reign on the earth (Rev. 5:10) over the world of mankind. Q819:T

A thousand years – The Millennial reign of Messiah, a time of blessing and uplifting mankind. NS733:2

The time when the Church will be reigning with Christ in his Kingdom glory will be the time of the world's regeneration--the Millennium. OV380:1

This will be the thousand years of Messiah's reign, the thousand years of the world's uplift, the thousand years in which Satan will be bound, the thousand years in which knowledge shall fill the whole earth, the thousand years in which the earth shall be brought to the Paradisiac condition. R4973:5

The period of his second presence and work in the world. NS342:3

Another age of a thousand years is to follow this, and be the Kingdom age. R2247:3

Chamber's Encyclopedia says: "In the first century of the church, Millennarianism was a widespread belief." R1093:4

Blessed and holy – Since this is describing those who have attained to the Divine Nature, is it any wonder that they are called 'blessed.' Those of the Divine Nature are indeed specially 'holy' as well. In the beginning it was only the Father who was at this level. Then in the spring of 33 A.D. He raised His son Jesus to be at that level. From there until the spring of 1878 the only two beings in the universe who were at this level were the Heavenly Father and His Son.

He that hath part in the first resurrection – This resurrection is first in two ways: (1) Chronological and (2) Rank.

In this description those who are of this class are to live and reign with Christ. Therefore it is intended that Christ Jesus himself is not counted in this expression for He is already at the level of the Divine Nature.

In describing the resurrection, the Lord is beginning with the church, being raised in 1878. This resurrection continues until all of that class have reached the Divine Plane. – This is the first resurrection.

On such – Those that attain to the first resurrection, the true church, the 144,000.

The second death – Complete eternal oblivion.

Hath no power – In one sense these may be said to die both the first death (as children of Adam when they made their consecration to death, gave up their human will) and then to die again, the second death (death of the human body). However, this second death has no power over them because they are raised to the Divine Nature and given glory, honor and immortality.

Priests of God – As priests they are there to bless the people and to instruct the people in God's laws.

(priests) of Christ – This would appear to be another reminder that everything is of the Father and is by the Son (1 Cor. 8:6.) So these (the glorified church) are priests of both God and Christ - who are in complete agreement in the execution of the Father's great Plan of the Ages.

Reign with him – This indicates that they are also Kings (normally Kings reign, not priests.) As Jesus was made "a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec" (Heb. 6:20,) so the church shares with Him in this role. No part of the reign of the church could ever be by themselves. All we have, either in this life or in the life to come, is because of Christ Jesus.

A thousand years – Beginning with our Lord's return in 1874. Luke 19:11,12,15

7 And when the thousand years have been completed, Satan shall be loosed from his prison, And when – The order of events here are reversed from those given in the parable of the sheep and the goats in Matt. 25:34-46, here dealing with the goat class first. R2304:4

We give these texts less mention because we believe that no one whom we address will be there. R501:2

Are expired – At the close of Messiah's reign. OV130:5

After the close of the Millennial age. R5776:5

At the end of the Millennium, the perfected race will be without any mediatorial interposition. OV13:3

Hence we see that sorrow and pain and death will still be known until the great Redeemer and Restorer has finished his great work of judging the redeemed world in righteousness. R1073:4

The turning over of everything to the Father (1 Cor. 15:28) will be before this little season. Q423:3

Satan – That deceiving system (not specified as to kind, but merely called Satan, after its instigator.) R2609:5, 1040:5

Shall be loosed – See comments on verse 3.

The thousand years – The exact same thousand years currently under discussion, i.e., the thousand years that those who have part in the first resurrection take part in. The same thousand years that these "reign with him a thousand years."

Are expired – Finished, i.e., in the year 2874.

Satan shall be loosed out of his prison – This is exactly what takes place at the end of the thousand years of his 'binding' as described in vss. 2,3. This text makes it clear. The time that the church reigns with Christ (vs. 6) is exactly the same time that Satan is 'bound' (vss. 2,3.)
8 and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to the war, whose number is as the sand of the sea. Go out – At the close of the Millennial age there will be a harvest time for sifting and separating the billions of human beings then living, similar to the present sifting of Babylon in this harvest time and to the sifting work in the Jewish harvest. D644

Then all, armed with complete knowledge and experience, and hence fully able to stand the test, will be tested severely (as was Adam), but individually. E402; R4882:1

Satan's ambition, even then, will lead to an attempt to establish some measure of authority and influence among men. R1687:1

He will soon see a new avenue to the success of his long-cherished ambition, and be inspired with a fresh hope that his original purpose may yet be accomplished. R1687:1

Deceive the nations – When restored to perfect manhood at the close of the Millennium, the restored race will again have the choice of good or evil before them, and finally. R725:6

How? By God relaxing the rigor of the hitherto iron rule which made obedience to divine law obligatory. R1234:1

As evil will be bound by the infliction of punishment, it will be loosed by allowing evil deeds for a time to go unpunished. R332:1

The deception will not touch the question of right or wrong, but, like Eve's, a deception as to God's ability or willingness to execute the already declared penalty of sin. R1234:4

Eve willed sin, and only fear hindered. The deception merely removed the fear, and left the will free to act. R1234:5

As in the deception of Eve, theirs will not be an interference with their free will, but an aid to the manifestation of their real desires. R1234:6

Even as some now, they may presume upon the love of God or underrate his justice, and acting upon such presumption proceed to carry out their own will regardless of the counsel of the Lord. R1234:6, 893:4, 401:5*

By that time every one will know right from wrong. The test, therefore, will be to determine whether those who know right will practise wrong. R5240:5, 5116:5, 2609:2

All that love unrighteousness will be deceived by Satan. R5294:1, 4986:1

To demonstrate to what extent the forced obedience of that age shall have rightly affected the hearts of those who experience its blessings. R2833:2, 1219:1; D520

To demonstrate who are absolutely loyal at heart, and not merely obedient for the sake of policy. PD96/110

That it may be manifested whether their obedience results from a fear of the punishment of evil doing, or from a heart love of God, and a desire to do those things well pleasing to him. R332:1; E402

To test his creatures then thoroughly acquainted with both good and evil and the consequences of each, and to demonstrate to all his justice in destroying all who finally prefer evil. R893:3

A test so searching and thorough as to prove and make manifest the hearts of all to all. R1057:3

So thorough that, though they shall still be free moral agents, God is able to guarantee that thenceforth "there shall be no more sighing, no more crying, no more dying." (Rev. 21:4) OV131:T

By Satan conveying the idea that they can now disobey God with impunity. R1234:2

Mankind will at that time have reached perfection. R5182:6

God wishes those to have eternal life who can stand all kinds of tests and whose loyalty to him will be above the power of temptation. R4903:4

Mankind will then be like Adam. When he was perfect, God permitted him to be tested. And so the world of mankind will be permitted to be tempted by Satan. Q575:2; R4882:1; OV13:3, 305:T

The Lord will prove them, as he did father Adam and mother Eve, to demonstrate whether they are as loyal to him as they should be. R5240:5, 5182:5

True to his diabolical character, the great deceiver is specially busy now among the consecrated, as he will be with the world when loosed for a little season in the end of their judgment day. R401:3*

His object now, as it then will be, is to deceive those running for life, and if possible, to deprive them of it. R401:4*

God does not purpose to receive them everlastingly without a thorough test of their heart-reliance. R5116:5

Doubtless the temptation will again rest upon his old doctrine--that they shall not surely die, even if they do disobey and oppose the will of God. R1687:2, 1234:6, 401:4*

The nations, mankind, typified by Gershom, encamped at the rear of the Tabernacle. F129

The number of whom – The number of all mankind. But that many will follow Satan's evil example and choose evil and disobedience we need not suppose. R2609:2, 1773:4, 1234:2, 1040:6, 893:3, 883:4; HG233:1; NS464:5; OV130:5

How many will prove unfaithful is not indicated. R4575:6

As the sand of the sea – Innumerable. OV48:1

The world will then be very populous. R332:1[R332:1]

To deceive the nations – This explains the Adversary's purpose. His imprisonment does not humble him to the point of repentance, but instead he continues his evil ways. Thus proving himself worthy of Second Death.

Does this indicate that there will still be nations when we arrive at the little season?

The four quarters – From every direction, i.e., from all over.

Of the earth – What is meant by this phrase? - We suggest that it simply indicates the entirety of the symbolic earth (organized society under religious restraint.) Remember that by the end of the Millennium earth's society will have been educated in the ways of truth and righteousness. It will be an iron rule under a religious government (the symbolic 'earth.') Thus the symbol of 'earth' maintains its meaning.

Gog and Magog – A clear reference to Eze. 38. This does not mean that the fulfillment of Eze. 38 comes during the little season. Rather it indicates that the test during the little season will be in many ways along the same lines as what is described in Eze. 38.



To gather them to battle – This describes Satan's purpose. He wants to do battle against the true Kingdom or Christ.

The number of whom is as the sand of the sea – This does not say that those who side with Satan will be of that number. What it does say is that Satan will gather the whole world of mankind (sand of the sea class) to this battle.

Please see R379:10-11; R725:13; R1040:7
9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of the heaven and devoured them. And they went up – The outward opposition of those at heart rebellious toward God. R1040:4[R1040:7]

Man is not a mere machine, but is possessed of a free will and intelligence. In dealing with man individually, God therefore respects his endowment and acts accordingly. R1233:6[R1233:8]

This shows the condition of many of the world at that time. Many of them will become restless. R4882:4[R4882:18]

Those in whom the goodness of God has not wrought filial submission, but in whom pride has asserted itself, will be easily deceived. R1687:2[R1687:2]

The close of the Millennium will not only find all men fully informed and outwardly obedient, but it will find some who have partially misused their opportunities, whose wills will not be fully submitted to the Lord's will. R2051:5[R2051:9]

Not outward perfection merely, but inner perfection will be the test. So, too, Adam was perfect before his trial, but he had not developed a consecrated will fully submitted to the Lord. R1773:2[R1773:3]

A conspiracy of self-will against agents of divine authority will be permitted. OV48:1

If, after being perfected, he again becomes defiled by willful sin, he must die, as shown typically by the penalty for touching unclean things. (Lev. 7:19-21) T98

And compassed – Possibly the temptation will be the desire to take possession of the Kingdom before it is fully turned over to them. R4882:1[R4882:17]

In rebelling against the earthly phase of Messiah's Kingdom they are rebelling against the Lord. R5182:6[R5182:16]; OV305:3

The obscurity of the question as to when the thousand-year period would fully begin or fully end will have something to do with the final test of loyalty--be an important feature of their testing. R2739:3

They will think that the period of Christ's Mediatorial Kingdom ended before the Lord's time; and some, impatient, will make a demonstration, and demand of the earthly representatives that full dominion be at once restored to perfect men. R2739:6

The rebellious faction of mankind will protest against their faithful princes. We fancy that we hear them say, "It is time that this government was turned over to us." R5182:6[R5182:16], 4882:4[R4882:17]

The experience with Satan will be a test of heart-reliance, of loyalty, in that God will apparently not be in control. R5116:5, 4882:1[R4882:16]

Camp of the saints – There will still be a distinction between the camp of the holy ones and mankind in general to show that even when man shall have reached perfection, the Ancient Worthies will still in some sense be separate and apart from the remainder of the perfect race. R4389:5, 4882:4[R4882:17], 3445:2

The term camp implies that theirs is only a temporary condition or arrangement, and that God has some better thing in store for them--the spirit nature. R5182:6[R5182:17], 4389:5

The beloved city – The New Jerusalem, the Church in glory, not the Church in the flesh. The rebellion incited by Satan will be not only against the earthly princes, but also against The Christ. R5182:6[R5182:15]

Fire – Judgments. R4986:1, 2739:6, 332:1; SM554:3

The fire is a symbol of destruction--everlasting destruction--the second death. R893:5

While the "fire" of this day will burn the "stubble" and "tares" quickly, the same fire of the Lord's anger will continue to burn throughout the entire Millennial age, even down to the end. R2544:1

Down from God – Indicating a testing and punishing by divine justice. This would not be possible so long as the Mediatorial Kingdom held sway. R5253:6, 4704:5; Q425:T

I presume it will be the Lord Jesus who will have the supervision of the matter, and the destruction of Satan and the others. Q425:T

Throughout the Messianic age the world will be tried by The Christ. Even after passing that test, they will not receive the reward of everlasting life until God shall have proved them. R5080:3

When the Mediatorial work is completed, The Christ will step out from between the world and God, and mankind will be directly in the hands of Jehovah. CR486:1; Q423:3

A perfect man does not need a Mediator, any more than a perfect angel needs a Mediator, or any more than Adam needed a Mediator. Q424:T

The fact that the world is thus to be tried by both The Christ and God confirms the thought that God has a standard of character to be attained by all those who are loyal and obedient to him. R5080:3

The law which Jesus will enforce during the thousand years will be exactly the same law that God will enforce after the thousand years. Q424:T

The Mediatorial Kingdom at an end, the restored ones are tried by justice and the unworthy goats destroyed. R4538:4, 3433:3

Nevertheless, in all these things the Lord Jesus, and the Church, associated with him, will be the Father's agent. Q425:T

During the Millennial reign Christ will restore men to perfection, step by step, as under his judgment they are found worthy; until all shall be tested and the disobedient cut off from life. R1068:4

The glorified Church will not only "judge the world" during the Millennial age, but also judge and try the fallen angels during the same period. R2646:4

Divine judgment. R5182:6

Devoured them – No one ever knew of a preserving fire; and as fire never preserves, but always consumes, God uses it as a symbol of utter destruction. R2608:3, 1040:4[R1040:7], 876:1*; NS183:3

As many as are disobedient will be counted to have the spirit of the Adversary, and will be destroyed with him. Q187:T

Any who will not by the close of the Millennial age reach the proper condition will assuredly be amongst those who will die the second death. (See Matt. 25:46) R3605:2, 2739:6

Nothing can be accepted by the Lord as righteous that is in any degree in sympathy with sin. R3605:2, 4986:1; D645; NS70:4, 335:5

In the end of the Millennial age some will be destroyed in the second death because they have not improved the opportunities for such character development as would meet the divine requirements. R5925:4, 2739:6

Those whose wills are not fully submissive to the Lord will be ultimately destroyed, not preserved for torture. SM714:T, 546:1

All the way to the very last all who willfully oppose the Lord shall perish. R2980:2

All the willingly righteous shall have reached perfection, and all the unwilling shall have been destroyed. D654; E30

All who under that reign have not learned to love the right will be counted unworthy of lasting life will be cut off from among the people. A303

Pride, and every other cause from which haughtiness and oppression could again spring forth will be entirely consumed by the great trouble and the after disciplines of the Millennial age--the last of which is described here. A320

They shall never awake from death to trouble the world again. R2608:6

This destruction is also pictured in the destruction of the goat class in the parable of the sheep and the goats (Matt. 25:31-46) R5925:4, 3528:4; NS183:6

Satan and all those who took the side of self-will. F619; OV305:4; SM546:2; Q425:T

They shall perish with Satan in the second death, as "his angels," messengers or servants. R2608:6, 893:5, 769:5; NS335:5; PD96/110

If they take their stand with Satan they will be destroyed from among the people and have no life rights. Q575:2

But then, unlike the present time, the sin of one will not be permitted to sink others as well as himself, but "the soul that sinneth it shall die." R37:5

He shall be called the "Prince of Peace" (Isa. 9:6) for his entire reign shall further the ends of righteousness and peace, even though to the very end there shall from time to time be destructions of the wicked. R2551:1

None remain to pass beyond into the perfect dispensation except those who, like the angels, having been tested, will be in no danger of falling, and will therefore die no more. (Luke 20:36) R3461:6

If permitted to go beyond into the full liberties of sons of God they would always be liable to sin and its consequences. R2739:6

All who will not conform willingly to the law of love to God and man will be counted enemies against God and against the law of the empire, and no longer coerced, but destroyed. R1057:2

Achan's course (Josh. 14:5-16) represented the rule of the Millennial age, when all who even secretly love evil will be made manifest and will be destroyed. R3091:2

They – The forces of Gog and Magog, those aligned with Satan.

The breadth of the earth – This battle will involve all of earth's society.

Compassed the camp of the saints – This would seem to reference the Ancient Worthies. This final battle would seem to involve a question concerning the Ancient Worthies and their rule over the world. These would be the representatives of the Christ (head and body) during the millennium. Now that the millennium is over, some of will likely be claiming that it is time for the rulership of earth to revert to the world of mankind, no longer under the Ancient Worthies.

The beloved city – New Jerusalem. It is the government of earth under the control of the Christ that will be under attack.

Please see Br. Russell's comment R5182:15.

Fire – Symbolic of destruction.

Come down from God – Telling us who will take care of those who rebel against Him.

Out of heaven – From the heavenly phase of the Kingdom.

Devoured them – Destroyed them in the Second Death.
10 And the devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where are both the beast and the false prophet; and they shall be tormented day and night for the ages of ages. The devil – Together with his angels, his messengers, all who follow his leading and his course. (Matt. 25:41) F619

Not Satan himself, but an evil system, a devilish power. Q831:2

Angelic spirits or men on his side, are reckoned to be his angels or messengers. 728:4

The system of error at the end of Millennial age, which will then manifest and lead to destruction the "goats." R1040:5[R1040:11]

Was cast – Into the same sort of trouble and destruction in the end of the Millennial age, as the Beast and false prophet systems are now being cast into, in the end of the Gospel age. R2609:5

This work will require the entire Millennium to accomplish. R2608:4

With reference to Satan, nothing is stated in Scripture to indicate a future trial. R696:6

Before their destruction comes they will have had the fullest opportunity to repent. Satan will have had the opportunities of seven thousand years and yet remain incorrigible--ample proof of his being established in sin. R1443:5

When good can no longer be served through his permitted existence. R725:3

Lake of fire – The book of Revelation, all Christians admit, is a book of symbols. R2608:3, 1040:5[R1040:12], 726:4; NS855:3; Q225:5

More properly, the "abyss of fire and brimstone." NS309:1

Gehenna fire itself is a symbol of destruction, never a figure of preservation. NS309:1

And brimstone – Intensifying the symbol of destruction. Burning brimstone, one of the most deadly elements known, is destructive to all forms of life. R2608:4, 382:4; NS183:3

Representing extinction of life. No life is proof against the fumes of brimstone. R332:1; NS309:1

Even today, if we were making symbols, we could think of nothing that would more thoroughly represent utter destruction of life and being than the figure which the Lord has here used. NS309:2

Where the beast – The symbolism of the lake of fire is further shown by the fact that the symbolic Beast and the symbolic false prophet, and death and hell, as well as the Devil and his followers, are destroyed in it. R2608:4

Symbols representing false and beastly systems. If the Beast is not actual, so also with the "lake of fire and brimstone." Q831:2

Symbols of institutions now existing in the world. The same figure referred to in verse 4. HG162:6; Q225:5

The second destruction (or death) begins quite early with the false systems, but it will not reach the world of mankind, as individuals, until they have first had full trial. R2609:1

The systems which in the Gospel age deceived some. R893:6

And false prophet – Another system of religion--not a man, not men, but a system. Q225:5

The great false systems which have long oppressed and misled nominal Christendom. R2608:6

The organizations or systems of error which together constitute Babylon. R2609:1

Are – The trouble and judgment into which the Devil and those followers will be cast is of the same sort as that into which the symbolic Beast and false prophet are cast at the end of this Gospel age. R332:1

The Beast and prophet are symbols also of systems which will be cast into a great consuming trouble in the close of this Gospel age. R1040:5[R1040:11]

Tormented – Verse 9 tells of the destruction of the individuals who join with Satan. They are devoured or consumed in fire. This being the case, the torment here cannot refer to these human beings. R2609:5

As long as they last they will be tormented with financial, social and religious, difficulties and pains. Q831:2

If all the wicked are to be cast into a lake of fire, the Lord and the saints throughout all eternity would be doing nothing but hearing the groans of the damned. HG162:5[HG162:8]

For ever and ever – Greek, aionion, i.e., lasting. It will continue as long as they last, until they are utterly consumed. R2609:4, 1040:5[R1040:11]; Q831:2

The lessons attendant upon the destruction of the systems of deception and error will be lastingly remembered. R894:1

More properly "unto" the ages of ages, or "until" the perfect ages are due. R332:2

The devil that deceived them – This validates that it is not just a general phrase concerning evil, nor that it is just one of the 4 attributes of Satan (as mentioned in vs 2,) because it is specifically "the devil that deceived them." The devil that deceived them is mentioned in vs. 3 (bound, cast into pit, shut up, sealed - "that he should deceive the nations no more..") and vs. vs. 7-8 ("Satan shall .. go out to deceive the nations..") This is a clear reference to the angel that fell from his high position as described in Isa. 14:12-15.

Cast into the lake of fire – Fire has always been a symbol for destruction. Here it is not just fire but the lake of fire, as if to indicate this is destruction in the extreme, i.e., the second death, everlasting death.

And brimstone – Sulfur, intensifying the picture of complete destruction. A318:1

Where the beast – The Papal beast.

The false prophet – Protestantism.

Both the Papacy and Protestantism will by this time (the end of the Millennial Age) be permanently destroyed.

Tormented .. for ever and ever – Does this verse teach that God will keep some alive in torment for all eternity? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Psa. 37:10,20,28; 145:20

Please see Expanded Bible Comments on this phrase.

11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled, and place was not found for them. A great white throne – The throne of justice, mercy and love. R2338:1, 4331:2

The throne of justice and impartiality. R2304:1

Equity; equitable judgment. HG149:1

A full, fair opportunity will be granted to every creature. NS70:1

The reign of righteousness, purity. R381:6, 332:2; E480; HG233:2; NS70:1, 855:3; OV41:4, 256:3

Purity, holiness, righteousness, justice, truth. SM694:3; OV256:3, 312:3

"He shall judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained"--Christ and the saints. (Acts 17:31) HG233:2

The Millennial throne--the throne of Christ. R3433:3

Messiah's judgment throne. HG497:5; OV256:3, 311:5, 312:3

The Great white throne speaks blessings only to those who love righteousness and hate iniquity. SM696:1

See. Matt. 25:31. A345

Him that sat on it – The Christ--primarily Jesus, the Head, but also the overcomers with him--yet all one. R332:2

The earth – Society, as at present organized, is a series of layers, or strata, or classes, each holding its position by oppressing those below it. R332:3; OV312:3

And the heaven – Spiritual control. Satan's control will cease, or pass away, gradually, because his binding, as shown by some prophecies, will not be fully accomplished for some 33 years. R332:4

The symbolic heavens and earth represent the old order of things, social and ecclesiastical. NS856:6; SM694:3; OV312:3

Fled away – Vanish. NS856:6; SM694:3

From before, or at the presence of, this enthroned Christ, all forms of evil, oppression and injustice must flee. R332:2

Not that ecclesiastical, financial and political princes will voluntarily acknowledge that the hour has come for a full surrender to Messiah. NS856:6; SM694:4

At the establishment of justice and right in the earth, the present (symbolic) heavens and earth flee away, giving place to new heavens (governments) and new earth (society.) R501:4

The ecclesiastical heavens and the social earth of the present will not stand in the presence of that August Tribunal. OV256:3, 312:3

Identifying the throne with the end of this age, and the opening of the Millennial age. OV41:4

As Peter tells us, present institutions shall "pass away with a great noise," and instead the Lord will reveal a new heavens and a new earth. OV41:4

Found no place – Indicating that they will be driven from one place after another, but can remain nowhere. R332:2

I saw – The John class, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's second presence. This is the group that sees (perceives) the Great White throne, etc.

Great white throne – Not just any throne, for there are those of the church class, while still in the flesh, that have seen thrones of earth. This is a "great" throne.

It is white to indicate this rulership is one of purity, a righteous rule.

It is a throne, indicating that the reign of its occupant is under way.

This suggests to us that only those see (perceive) this fact are included in the church class. Remember, it is the John class which sees this.

Him who sat on it – Our returned and reigning Lord Jesus.

From whose face – As in Rev. 6:16 where the kings of the earth hid themselves from the face of the Lamb, i.e., from his wrath.

The earth – The old order of things, the old symbolic earth (organized society under religious restraint.) See R498.

The heaven – The old heaven or power of spiritual control.

Fled away – In Rev. 6:15 they 'hid themselves' from the Lamb.

There was found no place for them – Previously the place they held was in the minds of the people. The people actually believed their false claims of being Christ's Kingdom. The heavens included the pope and lesser religious leaders which had been (to one degree or another) united with the civil powers. While the place might be considered as being Europe (where Christendom held sway) the real place was in the minds of the people.

This is similar to the seal in the forehead. Those who received the mark of the beast had it in their forehead (intellects) and/or in their right hand (they supported it by their actions, their strength.)

That is why the saints needed to have their Father's name written in their foreheads (intellects.) It was needed as the offset to the mark of the beast. - See Rev. 13:16 thru 14:1.
12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is that of life. And the dead were judged out of the things written in the books according to their works. And – Verses 12 and 13, with 21:3-7, indicate the blessed, favorable trial which all both dead and living (except the Church) will have. R893:2

I saw the dead – The whole world. R3433:3, 332:5

The judgment will not merely test those living at the time of the establishment of the Kingdom, but will include all the dead. OV312:3

During the thousand years of Christ's reign. R2338:1; OV381:4

Small and great – High and low--humble and proud. R332:4

God is no respecter of persons. NS857:5; SM694:4

Before God – This is not in agreement with the reading of the oldest manuscripts, which have "before the throne." R3433:3

The world will be standing on judgment before the throne of Christ throughout the Millennial age in the same sense that the Church has been standing on judgment during this Gospel age. R3433:3

For trial; to determine whether or not they will come into fullest harmony with God. R4331:2[R4331:2]

The books – The books of the Old and New Testament. The Bible will be used in the future. R5804:1, 1903:3, 701:1, 501:4, 381:6; A345; HG149:1; OV41:6, 256:4

Not only the words of the Master and of the apostles of the New Testament, but also the divine message through the prophets of old. NS858:1

The Law and the prophets and the New Testament scriptures. R1753:3

The law of God as embodied in the holy Scriptures. R527:4*

The same law and the same understanding of the divine character that is now presented to you will the; presented to them. God changes not, his plain law changes not. HG233:2

Genesis, Exodus, Matthew, Mark, Luke, etc. R3433:4

"My word shall judge you in the last day"--the Millennial day. HG233:3; NS70:2, 857:6; OV41:5

It is by the Word of the Lord that we are judged, and not by the opinions or precedents of our fellowmen in any capacity. D66

How much we need to study and become familiar with "the books," according to which the judgment both now and then is to be given. R519:5*

Were opened – Understood fully, clearly, and the great lessons therein taught shall be emphasized. R3433:4, 527:4*, 501:4; OV256:4, 312:4

Referring to the general unsealing of the knowledge of truth in that time, particularly of the books of the Bible. NS70:1

Filling the earth with the knowledge of the Lord. A345

None are now on trial to whom those books are not in some degree opened (understood). R332:6

So that "a wayfaring man, though a fool, shall not err therein." (Isa. 35:8) R501:4, 37:5

Even as the Church is now being judged. R1903:3

Implying that up to that time they were not opened. They are open now to God's people in a large measure, but we do not know these books shall be understood in every detail this side of the veil. R5804:1

The Bible is now a sealed book to the world, understood only by those who are his and by them because revealed to them through his Spirit. R3433:3

Another book – In contrast with the book of life now opened. This book of life will be complete and no additions made to it after the close of this age, but another book of life will be opened for the world. R3433:5, 701:3, 501:4, 381:6, 333:1; NS70:3, 858:1; OV256:5, 312:4

The new book of life will be for those who will be on trial during the Millennial age. NS858:4

Was opened – The records of the next age will not be opened until the end of that age, when those worthy of receiving back the dominion of earth, lost by Adam, will receive it. R333:1

The book of life – A record of those worthy of life everlasting, for recording the names of those who then shall be the Lord's "sheep," or worthy. R701:1, 501:4, 381:6

All pledged to the Lord and his Kingdom of righteousness will have their names written in that book of life. To the very close of the Millennium they will not be blotted out, except through a direct violation of their contract. NS70:3; OV256:5, 312:5

The Bible mentions two books of life--one pertaining to the present time, and the other to the Millennial age. (See Rev. 3:5) R5377:3, 2677:5

And the dead – The dead world--dead in the sense that God does not recognize them as having right to life, dead in the sense that they have not the Son. HG149:2

Were judged – The Greek word krino here rendered judged, has the significance of tried or tested. R332:5

Tried, tested, proven, whether they will accept or refuse the perfection and eternal life which divine mercy will then make possible. HG497:5

Not while in the grave, but while on trial before the judgment throne. HG149:2

He who is unjust or unholy according to that law will forever stand so judged by it, until he becomes changed or restored in his nature. R527:4*

Being on as fair and full a trial as Adam, with greater experience, they will be as culpable as he, and as worthy of condemnation to death under the law. R912:6, 3730:1; NS335:3

For a thousand years the whole world of mankind shall be in judgment or trial for eternal life before the great white throne. E469

There could be no judgment without a trial, and there could be no trial without knowledge, hence all must be brought forth from the condition of death to be tried for life. HG514:3

Out of those things – According to the law written in the book and according to their works. R2338:1; NS858:1

In the books – The Scriptures--John 12:48. R2677:5, 332:6

The standards of justice for all mankind. NS858:1

According to their works – Their judgment will be in harmony with the principles already enunciated in the Word of God, and the decision will be "according to their works"--not according to their faith, as it is with us in this Gospel age. R3580:2, 2677:5, 2304:2, 2195:4; F112; HG233:3; NS70:5, 858:4; OV256:4, 312:4; Q402:3

Backed by faith. F113; HG233:4

The great Mediator will accept imperfect works, according to ability; but as they rise up out of degradation, more and more will be required of them. Perfected in the end, absolute perfection of works will be required. NS858:4

By the end of the Millennial age perfect wo; will be possible to all who remain, and perfect works will be required of them. HG233:4

I – John, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's second presence.

Saw the dead – The world of mankind who have (up until this time) been under the death sentence that came upon father Adam.

This reminds us that the earthly phase of the Kingdom of God will involve not only those who are living at the time the resurrection of the ancient worthies begins, but also all those who have previously gone down into death, i.e., the whole world of mankind.

Small and great – The whole world will be on the same level before God during the Millennium.

Stand before God – This phrase is really the same phrase that is found in Rev. 7:9: "stood before the throne" (Strong's stood [2476] before [1799] the [3588] throne [2362].) Please see topic 'before the throne.'

For their testing. This also lets us know that the world will be able to stand before God. Now, during the night time of sin and death, the world of mankind cannot stand before God. During the time here described, they will. During the mediatorial phase of the kingdom they will be able to stand before God because God will be looking at them through the filter of The Christ, Head and Body, who will then be acting as their mediator.

At the end of the Millennium they will have had full opportunity to reach human perfection and will then be able to stand before God as perfect human beings - no longer in need of a mediator.

According to their works – Notice how this differs from the judgment of the church during the Gospel Age.
13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged each according to their works: And the sea – The masses of mankind not under religious restraint. Mankind will be taken out from that condition and brought under the restraints of the white throne. When all are restrained there will be "no more sea." (Jude 13; James 1:6) R333:1[R333:1]

And death – Those under sentence of death, who have not yet gone into the tomb. E379[E379:1-2]

And hell – Sheol [Hebrew] and hades [Greek]; oblivion. E379[E379:1]

In the margin the translators have explained that the word "hell" means "grave." Reversely, in the margin opposite 1 Cor. 15:55, the translators have explained that "grave" means "hell." The terms are interchangeable, and the meaning is the same. HG735:4*

Delivered up the dead – "All that are in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of Man, and shall come forth." (John 5:28, 29) D640[D640:1-2]

They were judged – During that age, or day. R333:1[R333:1]

The Millennial age is the day of judgment for the world, as the Gospel age is the day of judgment for the Church. E379[E379:2]; Q402:3

According to their works – Advancing experience, increasing knowledge, and increasing strength, under the blessings of the Lord's Kingdom, will make possible increasing good works of obedience. R3433:4[R3433:10]

The New Covenant has nothing whatever to do with justification by faith. Under it the glorified Christ will grant, not a reckoned restitution, but an actual one, through works which they will be assisted to perform. R4474:3[R4474:5], 4342:4, 4331:2[4331:2], 3433:4[R3433:10]

A justification of works cooperating with faith. R3605:5[R3605:11]

The sea – The irreligious restless masses of mankind - R498.

Gave up the dead which were in it – While this does not exclude those who literally died in the sea, in the main, it does not refer to those. Rather it refers to those who had previously been of the sea class (R498). Those who once comprised this class but whose hearts now (at the end of the Millenium) are right will no longer be of the sea class.

And death – Those who were under the death sentence upon Adam but had not actually gone into the tomb when the mediatorial phase started. See Matt. 8:22; Luke 9:60; 1 Tim 5:24.

And hell – Those who had gone into the grave prior to the beginning of the mediatorial phase of the Kingdom.

Delivered up the dead – With the spirit-begotten being the exception, between the two classes (death and hell - hades) all mankind is covered.

Which were in them – The fact that mankind is here described as being either under Adamic death ('death') or actually having gone into the tomb ('hell' or 'hades') explains the reason why both of these (death and hell) are mentioned in the next verse.

Judged every man according to their works – During the Gospel Age, faith is required. During the Millennial Age, works will be required.

Looking at vss 12 and 13 together we see that the Lord is making sure that we understand how all of humanity (excepting the spirit-begotten) are covered and will have the opportunity to come up the highway of holiness during the mediatorial phase of the Millennial Age.
14 and death and hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, even the lake of fire. Death – Those under sentence of death, who have not yet gone into the tomb. E379

Adamic death (which claimed the whole race for the sin of their progenitor) shall be forever swallowed up. R2608:5

The result of the curse that came upon Adam. Q830:2

"Death and hell" is used several times in the Revelation as expressive of the first death. R894:1

The same as that described in the 13th verse. E380

Not the second death, but the Adamic death, which Christ came to destroy by liberating all its subjects. R1592:5, 769:5

And hell – Greek, hades, the grave. R2608:4, 2601:1, 894:1; Q830:2

Oblivion. E379

Hades [Greek] and sheol [Hebrew]--the dark, secret condition, the grave, which in the present time speaks to us of a hope of future life by God's resurrection power in Christ--shall be no more. R2608:5, 894:1; OV363:2

Hades, the prison, the tomb. R894:1

The tomb will be no more, and the Adamic death will be no more. R333:2

Called a great prison, because those who enter it, though actually extinct, are reckoned as not extinct, but merely confined for a time. R894:1

The grave is really a symbol of hope; for we would not speak of it as a prison house were it not for our hopes of resurrection. R894:2

Hades is never associated with the second death, because those who go into the second death are in no sense "prisoners of hope;" they are utterly destroyed. R894:4

"The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." (1 Cor. 15:26) R2601:1, 1592:5, 1443:5

Were cast – The first death and the hopes of resurrection will pass away, or be utterly destroyed, in the second death. R894:2

The two deaths are not the same--one is cast into and destroyed in the other. R769:5

Merely another way of explaining to us that Adamic death, and the grave connected therewith, will be superseded by the second death. HG497:6

Signifying their destruction, or termination. "There shall be no more death." (Rev. 21:4) Q827:2

When the last one has been delivered from the power of Adamic death and the tomb, then the lake of fire [the judgment] will have destroyed death. R382:1

The destruction of the first death and hades commences with the beginning of the Millennial reign and continues to its close. R894:4

The casting of death and the grave into destruction during the Millennial age is a part of the second destruction which will include every improper, injurious and useless thing. R894:4

When full opportunity is offered to each individual, although Adamic weaknesses shall be upon them, their death will not be counted as being a part of Adamic death, but as being a part of the second death because their failure to make progress will be the result of their own willfulness, and not that of Adam. E380

As in Jericho--trumpets were blown for six days and the city fell on the seventh; so the Bible message has foretold the destruction of evil during the Millennium for six thousand years. R5344:1

Lake of fire – Referring to fires kept burning in the Valley of Hinnom (Gehenna) for the destruction of offal and the prevention of contagion. Into this fire the carcasses of malicious evildoers might be thrown for destruction. It thus symbolized the second death. R4559:1, 2609:3, 2601:2, 2051:5; HG617:1

The lake of fire is just as symbolical as the beasts are. Jesus explains this particular symbol and says: "The lake of fire is the second death." HG165:3

A symbol of destruction. R4627:3, 2601:1, 894:1

The lake of fire (Gehenna) represents utter destruction, the second death, which shall utterly destroy all evil things. E380

"Prepared for the devil and his angels"--messengers or servants. (Matt. 25:41) R3084:1, 2607:6

It is remarkable in our day, when anti-cruelty sentiments prevail and the cruelties of the Dark Ages are generally condemned, that the creeds still have their votaries who somehow consider that they honor God in ascribing to him a character of cruelty. R3242:5

Not the same as Tartarus. HG725:1

Second death – Annihilation. Q831:2

In contradistinction to the first or Adamic death, and not to signify that everything which goes into it dies a second time--death, hades, "the beast," and "the false prophet" will never have been destroyed before. R2608:4

The difference between the two deaths is that the latter will know no revocation--there will be no redemption from it and no resurrection. Q831:T; R5057:5, 4999:6, 4965:4; SM554:3

Death is the wages of sin. The first, the wages of Adam's sin; the second death, the wages of their own, and not of Adam's sin. R381:1; NS285:1

Nowhere denominated an enemy, but the friend of God--his servant, to "destroy those who (would) corrupt the earth." (Rev. 11:18) R3175:6, 3175:6

There seems no reasonable question as to whether or not the second death means future life or annihilation. The word death itself stands for the opposite of life. HG356:4

Second death will never be destroyed. R894:4, 381:4

Adamic death is called a "sleep." No such symbol is used in reference to the second death. R2608:5, 381:3

But one full individual trial is provided. But one ransom will ever be given. Christ dieth no more. A242

Without hope. NS858:1; R5057:5; OV42:1

Since "Christ dieth no more" (Rom. 6:9), it follows that not one of such condemned ones can be redeemed or ransomed as Adam was. R912:6, 381:4; A144; HG162:3

Jesus ransomed no one from the second death; the ransom he gave was in settlement of the first or Adamic death only. R763:6

The wages or punishment of sin being death, the hopelessness of any rescue or further redemption from death, makes that death an everlasting punishment. R2304:6, 1180:1

A destruction which will never be terminated by a resurrection. R1882:4, 528:1*, 276:4; HG334:6

The first death terminates the first life. The second death ends the second life. If no resurrection follows, it becomes as absolute a termination to life as the first death would have been under similar circumstances. R1450:1*

Our first parents had the cheering word from love upon which faith could fasten and hope subsist; but here we search in vain for words from God, for faith and hope. R1450:4*

If there is to be a second, it implies that there has been a first. Not only so, but the second must be like or similar to the first, or it would not be a second. R381:1; NS309:4

The first death is recorded in the first part of the Bible. Second death is not once met with until the last part of the Bible is reached. This fact is highly suggestive. R1478:1*

Before there was any second death there was a second sin; before there was any second sin there was the second judgment; before there was any second judgment there was the second life. R1478:1*

None can come under the sentence of the second death, pictured by Gehenna, until he has first gotten out from under the sentence of the first death, Adamic death. NS309:5

Nowhere is second death applied to symbols or systems. R381:5

If systems die a second death, it would prove that such systems once existed, died, revived, and then died again. R381:5

Death – Adamic death. See additional comments vs. 13.

And hell – The grave, oblivion, non-existence. See additional comments vs. 13.

Were cast into the lake of fire – The lake of fire pictures complete, everlasting destruction, the second death. Adamic death will have been done away with (Jer. 31:29,30) and the grave will have released all its captives. There will be no more need for these. As a result they are cast into everlasting oblivion - the second death.

This is the second death – The lake of fire is symbolic of the second death. It is called the second death because those of our race who go there will have already died the first death (either Adamic or actual.)
15 And if any one was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire. Whosoever – Even after a hundred years, they will be but partly developed; but their willful rejection is reckoned the same as though they had reached perfection, and then rebelled against God's laws and arrangements. R1261:6

Not found written – Those who will not come into harmony with the law of love, which is the opposite of all the works of the Devil, will be counted as servants of sin and of Satan. R4217:5

Such as willfully spurn God's favor when able to avoid it, are fit subjects for destruction--the second death. R912:2

The willfully wicked and not the merely ignorant, mislead, blinded or deceived. 728:4

Including "whosoever loveth and maketh a lie." (Rev. 22:15) R477:4

Proved by a trial to still love sin, notwithstanding all their knowledge and experience with it--it's cost, etc. R1073:4

Accounted as the Lord's opponents. E480; HG233:1; NS335:5

At the close of the Millennium none will be servants of Satan ignorantly or unwillingly, as so many now are. R1040:3

It will require all of the thousand years to demonstrate who are friends of truth and righteousness and who their enemies. R2736:6

No one shall be destroyed who is worthy of life, whose living longer would be a blessing to himself or to others in harmony with righteousness. R893:3

"All the wicked (willfully so) will he (God) destroy." (Psa. 145:20) "The wicked shall be [re]turned (Hebrew, shub, turned back, returned) into hell (Greek, sheol--hence, second death)." (Psa. 9:17) R769:5

In the book of life – The conditions will be their coming into full harmony with the Kingdom and its laws of love to God and men. R219:4

Were cast into – God seeketh not to bend the unwilling, but is pleased to receive and help and restore the willing ones. Neither will God destroy the wills of the unwilling and make them mere machines. R1176:3

There is no intimation that God will ever compel any one to accept of the gift of life everlasting. R890:6

The lake of fire – Symbolic. R912:4

Here, as everywhere, being used as a symbol of destruction, and the symbol being drawn from Gehenna, or Valley of Hinnom. R2601:3

In Gehenna, not torment, but annihilation, was taught. Nothing was tormented in the fire of the valley of Hinnom. HG653:6; OV363:1

The full penalty of God's law. R726:4

That evil may be rooted out and righteousness firmly and lastingly established in and through them that love it. R1108:5

There is absolutely no ground for believing for a probation for any beyond this time. R764:5

If our wayward loved ones are already in the "lake of fire" why do the Scriptures say, "The Lord knoweth how to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished." (2 Pet. 2:9) HG347:4

Whosoever – Of mankind.

This may also include angels. There may be those among the fallen angels who repented of their misdeads and followed righteousness. While their fate may not be plainly stated in scripture, it seems they may have a testing period as well.

Not found written – They must do something in order to be written in the book of life. Remember, they are to be judged according to their works.

In the book of life – Phil. 4:3; Rev. 3:5; Rev. 13:8; Rev. 17:8; Rev. 20:12; Rev. 21:27; Rev. 22:19

See "The Books" as used in Revelation.

Was cast into the lake of fire – Here then is the final judgment. Those who pass this final and thorough test will attain to everlasting life. Those who fail will suffer everlasting destruction, the second death.
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