Revelation Chapter 17 [DARBY]

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1 And one of the seven angels, which had the seven bowls, came and spoke with me, saying, Come here, I will shew thee the sentence of the great harlot who sits upon the many waters; And there came – The 17th chapter, by its synchronical connection with almost all the other predictions of the Apocalypse, furnishes a most valuable clue to the meaning and application of the whole series of visions. R471:3

The vision of the 17th chapter is from the time perspective of the "judgment," AD 1870; while the explanation is given from the time perspective of the prophecy, AD 96. Without recognizing these two standpoints, all is confusion. HG22:3

The visions of the 17th and 12th chapters of Revelation are not disconnected, but a pair--a pair associated, not by likeness, but by contrast. R472:2

In Rev. 12 Rome is characterized as a purely civil power; in chapter 13 as a compound of "church and state" and in chapter 17 as a dual power, with church and state kept distinct. HG20:4

When Luther discovered how fully Papacy filled the picture given by Paul in 2 Thes. 2:3-8, and in the symbols of Rev. 17, he felt justified by that knowledge in publicly denouncing that system. R402:1, 310:2;

The various prophecies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel and the Apocalypse concerning Babylon are all in full accord, and manifestly refer to the same city. D22

Compare Jer. 51:13. R1371:6

Compare Isa. 13:1-15 with this chapter, the latter part of Isa. 13 evidently referring only to literal Babylon. R2372:5

Compare the first five verses of chapter 17 with Rev. 21:9-11. Q842:5

The judgment – During the existence of the sixth head, or from 1800 to 1870, the "judgment" has been executed on the "woman." HG21:1

The judgment of Babylon, Christendom, social and ecclesiastical, is another sign that the Judge has come, and is reckoning first of all with those to whom as stewards he has committed his goods. D599

"But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away its dominion, to consume, and to destroy it unto the end." (Dan. 7:26) HG21:1

The great whore – She neglected her heavenly Bridegroom. R5478:1

Disloyal to her engagement, and therefore no longer worthy to be the Bride of Messiah. R5092:1

In contrast, the Bride is represented as a chaste virgin, espoused to Christ. R472:2; SM406:2

A detailed comparison with "the Bride, the Lamb's wife" drawn from contrasting texts in Rev. 12 and 21. R471:6

Sitteth upon – Representing an established reign, or kingdom, or dominion, extending over "peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues." (Verse 15) R283:5*

Many waters – Literal Babylon was built upon the river Euphrates, which materially contributed to its wealth and resources. Its overthrow was accomplished by the turning aside of those waters. B209; R45:1; CR165:1; 520:5

Compare Jer. 51:13. R436:5, 2498:3

One of the seven angels – The seventh, Pastor Russell.

I will show thee the judgment of the great whore – And he did show us in Volume II Study IX.

Many waters – We are not left in doubt as to the meaning of this expression but are told explicitly in vs. 15.
2 with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication; and they that dwell on the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. Kings of the earth – It is claimed that the kingdoms of Europe were transferred from Satan to Christ, and became "Christian nations." A270

Committed fornication – The union of church and state. The fall of Babylon is the dissolution of that union--"the woman" being thrown from "the beast." HG90:3

Seems to imply as its symbolical significance any illicit fellowship with the world on the part of those who have betrothed themselves to be God's consecrated people. R2300:1

The inhabitants of the earth – Non-professors being rather less intoxicated than professing Christians. R3049:3

Have been made drunk – With her erroneous doctrines, intimidating them by teaching that eternal torment awaited all who resisted their claims. A268; R507:3

The stimulating power is not the power of a sound mind, but the delusion of a false doctrine; as the Prophet declares, they are "drunken," but not with wine. (Isa. 29:9-13) R2904:5

A man having delirium tremens sees snakes and lizards. In our bewildered, intoxicated condition we have seen visions of flames, and of devils with tails and pitchforks. OV416:2

So that they "err in vision, they stumble in judgment." NS506:6

So strong is the power of this intoxication that the inconsistencies of such theories are not discerned by those intoxicated. SM408:2

The teachers of Christendom are represented as being confused, confounded, and disposed to vomit forth the various creeds and theories of the Dark Ages which have produced their intoxication. SM107:2

As error spread and the spirit of ambition gradually superseded the spirit of humility, the church, as conditions favored her advancement, organized itself as the Papal hierarchy. R5910:6, 5374:2

She succeeded in convincing, for the time, the whole world of the truthfulness of her false claims. R507:5

The drunken stupor of error which led us to think of the our Creator as a great devil, who from the beginning has plotted for the creation to spend an eternity in torture. SM551:1

The nations are still drunk today. Very few know how to reason on religious matters even yet. OV416:2; R5340:5

But the nations are gradually sobering up. SM407:1

Wine of her fornication – Wine of false doctrine. R5474:5, 5092:1, 4925:2, 3247:2, 3112:6, 3104:2, 3049:3; SM407:1, 409:3

Her incontinency and unfaithfulness to him. R2904:5

Not necessarily that every doctrine presented by Papacy was false and intoxicating; rather, that a stupefying potion was put into the wine already in the cup. SM407:2

The stupefying potion may be some of the doctrines--that God's Kingdom has already been set up, that the papal throne is the throne of Christ, etc. SM407:2

The belief that the promised Millennial reign of Christ had come, and that Christ the King was represented by her popes, who reigned over the kings of the earth as his vicegerents. A268

It is claimed that the kingdoms of Europe were transferred from Satan to Christ, and became "Christian nations." A270

Thus it comes that the kingdoms of Europe today claim to be Christian kingdoms, and announce that sovereigns reign "by the grace of God," i.e., through appointment of either Papacy or some of the Protestant sects. A268

God never approved of calling these kingdoms by the name of Christ. Deceived by the church nominal, these nations are sailing under false colors, claiming to be what they are not. A269

The church systems of today are thoroughly permeated with all manner of pagan doctrines--immortality of the soul, a trinity of Gods, torment after death, reincarnation, communion of the living with the dead. R5911:6

Not literal alcoholic intoxication, but the intoxication of error, of false doctrine, of human schemes and plans, the spirit of man and of the Adversary in contradistinction to the spirit, the teaching of the Lord. R3104:2, 4287:3, 5474:5

Producing an intoxication along religious lines, hindering people from discerning and comprehending the divine Word, character and plan. R2904:5

The intoxication produced by imbibing the spirit of the world, the wine of Babylon. R1896:2

Churchianity's social revelry, intoxication with the spirit of this world and of false doctrine. R3247:2

It is this false doctrine which will constitute the frog spirit that soon will croak, preparatory to Armageddon. SM239:T

Ecumenicism is a proof of the decline of vital godliness and love of the truth; and an evidence that the spirit of that noble movement, The Great Reformation, is dead. D266

The wine of Churchianity confuses those who use it, beclouds their minds, addles their judgment and brings the people into captivity to false doctrine and false teachers. R2904:5

As prosperity led the way to the intoxication of pride, so the prosperity of Christendom during the past century has led up to great boasting, pride and self-consciousness. R4287:3

The Church are scattered here and there throughout the sects, whose Babylonish, worldly, fleshly spirit troubles them, but whose wine of false doctrine deceives them. R3112:6

The drink mixed by the apostate woman, the Mother of Harlots. OV416:2

The basis of the alliance of Papacy with civil power was the doctrine that the second coming of Christ as the Messiah to rule the world for a thousand years was thus fulfilled. PD79/91

Kings of the earth – The Kings of organized society under religious restraint.

Committed fornication with her – These kings (of Europe) joined with the whore (false church) in an illicit union of church and state. In so doing they (eventually) formed Christendom ("Christ's Kingdom" - falsely so-called).

It is called fornication because the church is supposed to be a chaste virgin waiting for the return of her Lord and Bridegroom. Instead they (the false church) said: "I am tired of waiting for the true Christ, my true king to come. I want to rule now. I will marry the kings of the earth and that way I will be exalted to glory now."

The inhabitants of the earth – See EarthDwellers

Those who live in and buy into the ideas promulgated by this false arrangement, i.e., organized society under religious restraint. These accept the idea that to go contrary to the church or contrary to the king is to go contrary to God. They believe in the Divine Right of Kings and the Divine Authority of the Clergy and these consider it their responsibility to be subservient to these as being from God.

Made drunk with the wine of her fornication – Intoxicated with the false doctrine of her (the false church) being united with the kings of the earth and calling this arrangement The Kingdom of Christ - Christendom.
3 And he carried me away in spirit to a desert; and I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. Carried me away – From AD 96 down to where "the judgment" was to be executed, between 1800 and 1870, during the existence of the sixth head. HG21:2

Into the wilderness – One must get out of Babylon into the separate or wilderness condition before they can get a good view of the harlot or her daughters. R307:3; D27

In contrast, the Bride sojourns in solitude in the wilderness, while this woman "reigns in the wilderness" over peoples, and nations, and kindreds, and tongues. R472:2

A woman – A false woman--an apostate church. R5092:1, 472:6

The papal church. R206:6*

Sit upon – A symbolic statement of her control of the power of Rome. R5092:1

That is, supported by and controlling the world. R45:2; HG64:4

The people of Rome and Italy submitted to the supremacy of the papal church from AD 538 to 1798. Prior to 538 the Roman church never held supremacy, since the Goths, who were Arians, and opposed to Catholicism, occupied the peninsula of Italy. HG65:1

When the civil power in Italy embraced the party of the emperor, who was fighting for the Catholic church, they renounced Arianism, and supported the church of Rome. HG65:2

Some thought to improve on God's plan, and, instead of suffering, to get the church into a position of favor with the world. By a combination with earthly powers they succeeded. A268

Prior to the year 800, Papacy was rising, supported by the Roman "Beast" (people) and by its "horns" (powers). B354

No other church was ever carried by the great Roman empire. HG64:3

The papal church could not have been placed in power, set up on the Beast, before she had an existence, before she was prepared for that step by the completeness of the falling away, or apostasy from Christ. R206:6*

When the civil power refuses any longer to carry the church, Babylon will have fallen. HG90:3

A scarlet coloured beast – The Roman empire, or civil power, while under the dominion of Papacy, although held in abeyance by the church, had a separate existence. The dragon element is maintained in the symbol to the end. HG20:5

The International, or republican, element represents "the body of the beast," or "the peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues," on which the woman sat. HG20:5

In contrast, the Bride belongs to the Lamb, who loves her as a Bridegroom. R472:1

The dragon of Rev. 12. R306:6, 55:4

Of blasphemy – The Bishop of Rome claimed to represent our Lord Jesus to the church and to the world. R5911:1

Seven heads – Governments. HG64:3

First, Consular, starting with Anthony in BC 30; Second, Imperial, from August Caesar in BC 27; Third, Gothic, from the Gothic occupation of Rome in AD 476; Fourth, Papacy, from 538 to 1798--1260 years; Fifth, the Republic in 1798; Sixth, Restored Papacy as the "Image" of the Beast from 1800; Seventh, Victor Emanuel, from September 1870. HG20:3

The fifth head is Papacy. R306:6, 55:4

Ten horns – Divisions. HG64:3

Divided into ten parts. HG22:5

He – One of the seven angels, the seventh, Pastor Russell.

Carried me away – The John class, the church in the flesh during our Lord's parousia. The reason the John class has to be carried away is because they are not living during the time of the events about to be shown to them by this 7th angel.

Into the wilderness – The wilderness condition which the church found itself during the 1260 days (years) of Papacy's power ot suppress.

The wilderness is a place of separation from society. What is being indicated here is that by following he teachings of the Lord as presented by the seventh messenger we are given a perspective that is different from that of organized society under religious restraint. From this standpoint of separation we can more clearly see the identity of this great whore.

I – The John class, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's 2nd presence.

A woman – A church.

Sit upon – In a position of control, as one who sits upon or rides a horse controls the horse.

Scarlet colored – One reason this is described as being scarlet or red in appearance is to allow us to make the connection to the red beast described in Rev. 12:3. There it is a specific kind of beast, a red dragon. That red dragon pictured Rome (especially the Civil Power.)

Beast – Man-made or worldly Government. In Dan. 7 the 4 universal empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome are described as beasts. - This beast would be Rome.

Having seven heads – Seven different heads or forms of government. See Seven Heads of Rome.

The first head of the beast (or form of government) is described as "consular." When looking at we find that this period is referred to as the "Late Republic." It makes more sense to refer to the first head as the Republic head. This will make more sense when we get to verse 11.

1. Republic (Consular)
2. Imperial
3. Gothic
4. Papal
5. Napoleon
6. Papacy Restored
7. Monarch

Ten horns – Horns are symbols of power. This indicates ten divisions of power. Compare with Dan. 2:44.

See Ten horns – Rev. 12:3
4 And the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and had ornaments of gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and the unclean things of her fornication; And the woman – The mother system of Babylon; the ecclesiastical systems. SM407:1, 408:3

Compare Jer. 51:7-9. C156; R1371:6, 436:5

Compare Jer. 51:1, 6, 8, 9, 45. D43

Arrayed in purple – In contrast, the Bride is clothed with fine linen--righteousness. R472:1

Scarlet colour – Protestants, willing to conciliate Rome in almost every way, retract the statements of the past, that the church of Rome is the scarlet woman, or the Antichrist. They even apologize for their name Protestant and are ashamed of it. R1775:3, 1488:2

Decked with gold – The policy of the church of Rome is thoroughly selfish. She squeezes large sums from the rich, but craftily remembers that pennies from the poorest amount in the aggregate to more than the larger sums from the fewer wealthy. R1765:2

Having a golden cup – The golden cup represents the Bible, the divine standard, or authority. It was misused when the wine of false doctrine was put into it--when the Bible was claimed as authority for various erroneous teachings. SM407:1; R472:6

The cup suggests that the unfaithful church had once been the receptacle of divine truth--"Babylon hath been a golden cup in the Lord's hands." (Jer. 51:7) R5092:1, 5910:6

In the type, the golden vessels of the Temple were carried away and profaned by literal Babylon. In the antitype, the precious, divine (golden) truths, pertaining to the service of the true Temple, the Church, were far removed from their proper places, perverted and misapplied by mystic Babylon. B208; CR165:3

She mingled in her "cup" a stupefying potion that has intoxicated the world; even the Lord's saints were bewildered. R5478:1

We are gradually emerging from its intoxicating effects. The hobgoblins that we saw when we were under its influence are disappearing, and sanity is returning to us. R5099:5

Compare Jer. 51:7. R436:5

Full of abominations – A cup of false doctrines, misrepresentations and misunderstandings of the divine teaching. Q664:T; R5633:2, 5099:5, 4287:3; SM107:1

The poisonous draught was mixed which was poured into the "golden cup" of truth, and held out to the world by the apostate "woman," the professed church of God. R5910:6

And filthiness – Greek, kai; full of abomination "for" the filthiness of their fornication. R472:6

Her fornication – Without a blush for their shame, and, in fact ignorance of the fact that it condemns them. R472:6

Woman – A woman pictures a church. It can be either the true church, waiting as a chaste virgin for her heavenly bridegroom's return, or it can picture a false church. Here the woman pictures the Catholic church.

Arrayed in purple – The traditional color of royalty. This is not the true church which is clothed in fine linen.

Scarlet color – The traditional color associated with the clothing of harlots. - Cardinals' garments.

Isa. 1:18

Decked with gold – The usurped divine promises.

Along with the precious stones and pearls - this fits the trappings of wealth. For generations the Catholic church was the richest institution in the world.

Having a golden cup – R5092:4

In her hand – She was very active (hand) in wielding her power against the saints.

Full of abominations – This would seem to directly tie the woman (the Church of Rome) with "the abomination that maketh desolate."

Filthiness of her fornication – This is contained within the golden cup she is holding. This indicates that she is claiming her illicit union with the kings of the earth is sanctioned by the word of God (as indicated by the golden cup.)
5 and upon her forehead a name written, Mystery, great Babylon, the mother of the harlots, and of the abominations of the earth. Upon her forehead – Prominently marked. D23

MYSTERY – The Apocalypse is a book of mysteries; things are represented by signs; realities are veiled. It would have been inconsistent with this style to have written Rome on the harlot's brow. R472:5

The symbol seen by John was suggestive of something widely different from itself; so the name with which the symbol was stamped was also widely different, though mysteriously similar. R472:5

BABYLON THE GREAT – Babylon is the religious element of the fourth empire--Papal Rome. HG90:2

Her influence as a sacerdotal empire, full of inconsistency and confusion, is symbolically represented under the name Babylon. D26

The great confusion. R718:2

The name is applied not only to the typical woman, Papacy, and her mystical daughters, the Protestant denominations, but also to the great city, Mystic Babylon--the governmental features--the religious authority to govern and control the kingdoms of the earth. SM408:4, 121:2; R510:1; Q720:4

In its widest sense, as symbolized by the Babylonian empire, representing Christendom. In its more restricted sense, as symbolized by the ancient city of Babylon, picturing the nominal Christian church. D26

Since the kingdoms of the civilized world are dominated by the great ecclesiastical systems, they link themselves in with great Babylon, and become part of it. Typically, the name applied not only to the city, but also to the whole empire. D27

Which now proudly calls itself Christendom, Christ's kingdom. R1357:3

The term Babylon seems to signify a concentration of the various errors in apostate church systems, personified in Revelation as mother and daughters. R5478:1

The name Babylon is emblazoned on the brow of every sectarian system the world over. R472:6

A system which should last long, exert a subtle and extensive influence, and be guilty of exceeding iniquity and cruelty. R471:3; SM124:3

The harlot and Babylon are one; as the Bride and the heavenly Jerusalem are one. R472:1

THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS – A harlot, in Bible language, means a church, the bride of Christ, married to the world, or a union of church and state. HG64:3; R143:3

Harlotry, confusion--the mixing of world systems with that which should be true, pure to the Lord alone. NS294:5

The true Church is symbolized by a woman, a virgin; and the false systems by harlots, unfaithful to their espousals, and associating with the world. HG413:2; NS294:5; SM406:3

Suggesting a mother church, and daughter churches which are said to closely resemble the mother, and bear the family name. R5092:1; D35; CR165:5; SM405:1

Thus intimating that the whole brood is illegitimate in every sense of the word. R5478:1

The union of the woman (church) with the beast (empire) constitutes the spiritual harlotry of which she is guilty. R472:6; CR165:5

Though in a great measure the world has withdrawn from the churches, the union still exists, and the Scriptures seem to point out that, in the time of trouble, the nominal churches will be on the side of the kings of the earth, and united to them. B261

A fallen woman, prostituting her virgin purity, both of doctrine and character, to suit the world ideas. In return she received a present dominion. D26

The church lost her virginity and became united to an earthly husband, the Roman Empire. OV271:5

A famous picture in Italy shows the Pope and Emperor side by side. On one side are cardinals, bishops, etc., in order of rank; on the other side generals, soldiers, down to common people. Thus the union of church and state was recognized. PD79/91

Some claim this as a public acknowledgment of the marriage of the professed Virgin of Christ to civil power. PD79/91

Following the example of the mother's unlawful union with the world, the Protestant sects were also termed harlots. R507:5

Protestant churches have left the mother's house to set up on their own account. NS294:5

Some of her daughters have followed very closely in her footsteps, in mixing church and state. Such are "The Church of England" and other state churches. Such would other daughters be also, if they could find empires willing to support them. R472:6

Her daughters, the ecclesiastical systems that are the offspring of the parent system, are likewise represented as being babes, both embryonic and new-born. Q842:5

While they separated from the Mother system and denounced her, nevertheless they held doctrinally to many of her intoxicating errors. SM407:3

It was their lust for power, name and influence, to do a great work, and have many children, that led these daughters of Rome to follow the example of their mother. R319:6

Protestants of every name and order are doing homage to what they are pleased to call the mother church. Union is the watchword today throughout the length and breadth of Christendom. R1488:2

Protestantism, as it exists today, is not the result of the Great Reformation, but of its decline; and it now partakes to a large degree of the disposition and character of the Church of Rome. D28; SM406:1

Papacy was "Babylon the Great," but in the time of "harvest" the Lord calls the entire system Babylon. R323:5

God has measurably confined his prophetic utterances which apply to religious systems to that system which was given the seat of the Beast (Rev. 13:2)--the church of Rome and her daughters. R366:2

Both Romanists and Protestants now freely own the relationship of mother and daughters. D28

In Pittsburgh a Presbyterian minister said, "Wince as you will, you must admit that this [the Catholic church] is the Mother church." R5092:1, 743:6

The daughter recognizes the mother, and the mother the daughter, and the whole world is witness to the family resemblance; but the mother dare not acknowledge the daughter for fear of incriminating herself; for she and all the other daughters are illegitimate. R2046:6

False churches or anti-Christian religious systems are symbolized by wicked women. Q851:2

Papacy, in claiming the title, Holy Mother Church never seems to consider its incompatibility with her profession to be the only true church --a virgin, espoused to Christ. D29; R743:6; SM406:2

From the mother the daughter got the idea of eternal hell--eternal torment, trinity, human immortality; all that is bad, not excepting the putting of the decrees of their sects instead of the Bible. R743:6, 4731:6

In the time of trouble approaching, the churches, professedly virgins of Christ, will be united to the kings of the earth; and the true church, like John the Baptist, will be unpopular and restrained of liberty for opposing and condemning this error. R968:6

We may expect that Protestants, carried away with admiration for the head of Antichrist, may surely come into fuller harmony with the "mother system" than has ever before existed between them. R3228:4

They will not return to her, however, but will unite themselves and more independently follow her deceitful policy. R1764:4

The true Church is a virgin, and the church of Rome poses as the true, virgin church of Christ. Compare Rev. 17:5 with 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:27. R2047:1

In Scriptural symbolism, the word does not mean an immoral person. OV271:5

A title with 18 letters--6+6+6. R323:2

Compare 1 Cor. 6:15, 16. R721:5

AND ABOMINATIONS – She was not only an abomination, but "the abomination that maketh desolate," and when the woman took her seat "on the beast," the abomination was "set up." (Dan. 12:11) HG64:4

The entire abomination system being one, and of the same spirit, is referred to by Jesus, Daniel and Paul as "Babylon the Great," "The Mystery of Iniquity," and the "Abomination of the earth." (2 Thes. 2:7; Dan. 12:11) R711:1


Upon her forehead – Her intellect. Note how often the Lord has made use of this symbol of the forehead. It denotes one's beliefs, that upon which people act. This is where the seal of the living God is placed on the saints (Rev. 7:3; 14:1). This is also where the mark of the beast is placed (Rev. 13:16).

Mystery – Her ways are mysterious indeed. None is allowed to question her and the Truth is turned from pure doctrine to mysterious "mumbo jumbo" - as, for instance, the doctrine of the trinity.

Remember that the "mystery" that was hid from ages and generations was "Christ in you, the hope of glory." And so it came about that the false church made the claim that she was the only true church, the "mystery" of which Paul spoke of in Col. 1:27.

Babylon – Confusion. The original Babylon called itself "The gateway to God." So here. Mystic Babylon calls herself "The gateway to God." None, so she says, can achieve salvation by any other means than through her.

The great – This implies lesser "Babylons," i.e., the various Protestant systems.

The Mother of harlots – The one from which her daughters come from, i.e., the "mother church," the church of Rome.

Abominations of the earth – Remember, it was the "mother" church, the church of Rome that united itself with the civil power of the Roman empire, beginning in 314 A.D. with the council of Arles.

Why does this begin with the council of Arles? Because this was the first time the head of the civil power (Constantine the Great) called a Church council. This is the beginning of the union of church and state, the beginning of the vine of the earth and the church's harlotry.

We must also remember the worst of all, the abomination that maketh desolate.

6 And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. And I wondered, seeing her, with great wonder. Drunken with – The great organized false church persecuted the dissenters, who protested against her errors, until she was intoxicated with her success, and deceived all nations, and gained their support. R984:3

Intoxicated with its phenomenal success and continuing to intoxicate and deceive the nations. C104

Not that those who have upheld and are upholding the various sections of Babylon have an evil intention; they are thoroughly "drunk" with their own erroneous theories. CR165:6

Blood of the saints – The early Church was persecuted by civil Rome. When papal Rome got control, all who refused to approve her abominations were persecuted by her (Jezebel) directly, or indirectly by the civil powers to which she was wedded (Ahab). D584

Papacy, as the antitypical Jezebel, accomplished her desires in propagating her system and destroying the prophets of the Lord. R3408:3

Thousands, yes, millions were put to death by Papacy. R307:2

In contrast, the Bride is persecuted, pressed hard by the dragon, driven into the wilderness, and well-nigh overwhelmed. R472:2

This long persecution ended, practically, in 1776, and actually, in 1799, when the pope and his authority were humiliated before the world. D584

In the Notes of the Rhemish [Catholic] translation it reads: "But the blood of Protestants is not called the blood of saints, no more than the blood of thieves or man-killers." B320

Blood of the martyrs – As Israel and Judah went into captivity to literal Babylon, so spiritual Israel would have drastic experiences in a captivity to mystic or symbolic Babylon. CR164:3

The woman – The Church of Rome.

Drunken – Intoxicated, addicted.

With the blood of the saints – Compare Rev. 6:9.

"She drank their blood with such greediness that she intoxicated herself with it; it was so pleasant to her that she could not tell when she had had enough of it: she was satiated, but never satisfied." - Matthew Henry

And with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus – Not everyone who was "martyred" was a saint. What this seems to indicate is that the woman is guilty of also of the blood of those who were not saints but were indeed martyred for Jesus.

see R2941:13

I – The John class, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's second Presence.

Saw her – Recognized, understood who this woman was and what she had done.

Filled with admiration – "When I saw her I was filled with utter astonishment." - Weymouth
7 And the angel said to me, Why hast thou wondered? *I* will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast which carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns. The angel – Pastor Russell - or rather the Lord working through Pastor Russell.

I will tell thee the mystery of the woman – In Vol. II Study IX.

It is Pastor Russell (the angel) who reveals unto us the mystery of the woman.

And the beast – The civil power of the Roman empire.

That carrieth her – From one standpoint the woman is riding (controlling) the beast. From another, the beast is carrying her.

Seven heads and ten horns – see Additional Comments vs. 3.
8 The beast which thou sawest was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and go into destruction: and they who dwell on the earth, whose names are not written from the founding of the world in the book of life, shall wonder, seeing the beast, that it was, and is not, and shall be present. The beast – The fourth empire. HG21:3

The beast that ascended out of the bottomless pit and made war on "my two witnesses"--the Old and the New Testament--during the French Revolution was the infancy of the same Commune now to be fully organized. HG22:1

The Commune came to the surface in only one of the ten divisions of the empire at that time, and was soon driven back; while now it is to become a universal scourge. HG22:2

Was – As a civil power, or beast. HG21:3

And is not – For under the Papacy it had become an ecclesiastical organization. HG21:3

Shall ascend – That is, throw off the control of the church. HG76:2

Meaning only a freedom from religious restraint. HG22:2

Out of – Just as the "dragon" or nations now controlled by the Devil are to throw off, or be let loose from the control of Christ at the end of the thousand years. HG76:2

The bottomless pit – When the church element got the power, and the "woman" was seated on the "Beast," that beast was said to be "in the bottomless pit." HG76:2

As the dragon, the civil power of the nations, has been in the "bottomless pit" under the antichrist, so the nations are to be subdued under the real Christ. HG76:4

Shall wonder – At the partial development of this headless monster, when the streets of Paris ran with gore; the blood of her rich, her noble, and her beautiful; men looked on with wonder. How much shall they wonder at the full reality? HG22:6

Not written – Other records speak of blotting out the names of such as prove unfaithful to their consecration. (Rev. 3:5) R2540:2

Book of life – Reads as though it had been intended as a reiteration of Rev. 13:8 with the portion "of the Lamb slain" inadvertently omitted. R2540:4

The book would represent the original divine purpose--God's intention to have a Church. R2540:5

From the foundation – The book covenanting life to an elect number was prepared from the foundation of the world. The names in it have been written as the individuals have made consecration of themselves. R2540:4

God's plans have from the very first recognized the corrupting and degrading tendency of sin, and provided for them. Q781:2, 801:2


The key to understanding this verse is to discover the correct timing of the verse. This is given to us by comparing vss 1,3 and 7. According to verse 1 the judgement of the harlot is explained by "one of the angels which had the seven vials." This 'angel' or 'messenger' was Pastor Russell.

Then in verse 3 he (Pastor Russell) carries the John class (church during our Lord's parousia) into the wilderness. - So, when was the church "in the wilderness?" It was in the wilderness during the 1260 days (literal years) when the woman (church of Rome) was in control of the beast (civil power of the Roman Empire,) i.e., from 539 to 1799 A.D. (Rev. 12:6).

In verse 7 we are told again that this same angel will now explain to us (the John class) the mystery of both the woman and the beast.

In simple terms then the timing of this verse is from 539-1799 A.D.

The beast – Roman Empire, the Fourth Universal Empire which continued at least until the Smiting of the Image in 1914 when it began to be broken up.

Was – The civil power of the Roman was the dominant force throughout the empire.

Is not – Is no longer the dominant force in the empire. No, at the time of this vision (during the 1260 years from 539-1799) the Church of Rome (the woman) is the dominant force in the empire.

Shall ascend out of the bottomless pit – The beast shall return from this apparent oblivion to once again being the dominant power in the empire. Note: This does not mean that it will be as dominant as it once was.

Please see Bottomless Pit.

And go into perdition – Into destruction, as an empire. Remember, it is this beast, the civil power of Rome that is being spoken of here and not the Church of Rome. The Church of Rome is the woman that is riding the beast.

They who dwell on the earth – Those who accept the teachings of organized society under religious restraint. see Earth Dwellers.

Shall wonder – Be amazed that the civil power of Rome is restored as the dominant power in (what is left of) the empire.

When they – Those who dwell on the symbolic earth.

Behold the beast – Roman Empire, the Fourth Universal Empire (Dan. 2:40).

That was and is not and yet is – see comments at beginning of this verse.
9 Here is the mind that has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains, whereon the woman sits. Seven mountains – Rome was seated on seven hills. Her common name with the classic writers of St. John's age is "the seven-hilled city. The medals and coins of the day represent Rome as a woman sitting on seven hills. R472:4

The "seven-hilled" city, thus fixing the locality of the seat of the woman as being the same as the seat of the dragon. (Rev. 13:2) HG21:3

Symbolizing governments, or heads of the empire. HG21:4

The woman sitteth – The woman is in some way identified with Rome. She must represent a church--the church of Rome. R472:5

If the woman is identified with Rome, why is her name Babylon? The name Babylon, applied by the Spirit to the church of Rome, expresses her character, for Babylon means mixture, confusion. (See Lev. 18:23) R472:6, 45:2

Literally true. She is also said, in symbol, to sit upon many waters (verse 1) and upon the Beast (verse 3) which, in verse 15, is explained to be "peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues." HG21:4


Mountain normally represents a Kingdom. In this case we think it is the seven forms of government of the Roman Empire. Remember, the woman (the Church of Rome) sits on (is in some degree of control over) the beast.

It is important to remember that the seven heads are here described not only as mountains (kingdoms) but also we are told that the woman is sitting on these heads. Before (vs 3) we were told that the woman is riding on the beast, here it is specifically showing her riding on the 7 heads of the beast.

Rome was known as the "seven hilled city." So we think this is yet another way to identify exactly what this is, i.e., the Roman empire (although this identification seems to be a minor one because it is a literal identification in a symbolic book).

Mind that hath wisdom – See additional comments on Rev. 13:18 - "Here is wisdom."

Seven heads are seven mountains – A mountain is symbolic of a kingdom. So is this seven different kingdoms? If that is the case, then what are the ten horns. Since we have this description also given in Dan. 7 where the fourth beast (Rome) is described as having 10 horns (the ten divisions of power, ten kingdoms, within the Roman empire,) - does this mean that the seven heads are additional kings (thus making the total 17 kings, 10 horns (kings) + 7 heads (kings) = 17?)

Such reasoning simply does not work. We must then look for another explanation that also satisfies the thought that, in some fashion, there are seven kingdoms and there are 10 kings.

We must also remember that in this explanation that while the woman is riding on the beast, she is, at the same time, described as sitting on the seven heads.
10 And there are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes he must remain only a little while. Five are fallen – The Consular, Imperial, Gothic, Papal and Republic. HG21:5

One is – The sixth. HG21:3

Restored Papacy, or the "Image of the Beast." HG21:5

The other – The seventh. HG21:3

The present [1896] Italian government is the seventh head of the "beast" which has continued a "short space," represented in the present monarch and his father Victor Immanuel. R2062:6

A short space – Today more that 150 million Catholics wait and long for the overthrow of Victor Emanuel's empire, vainly hoping for the restoration to Rome of papal sovereignty. HG21:5

There are seven kings – That there are seven kings should be no suprise because there are seven Kingdoms (mountains.)

The real trick in this verse is to determine when this is applicable because it is clearly indicated as being in the time of the sixth king [5 already fallen, one (the 6th) is, and one more to come].

Five are fallen – If we are correct with our identification of the seven kings then this is an easy matter. The five that are fallen would be:
1. Republic (Consular)
2. Imperial
3. Gothic
4. Papal
5. Napoleon

One is – 6. Papacy Restored.

The other is not yet come – 7. Monarch.

He must continue a short space – Remember, when the seventh comes he only contiues for 'a short space.' — This 'short space' is not to be confused with the 'micros chronos' or little season. The word here is Strong's 3754 which is normally translated 'few.' (Rev. 2:14,20; 3:4; 12:12). If our listing of the 7 heads be correct then this continuing "a short space" would seem to fit. It would be short as compared to the fourth head (Papacy) which continued for over 1200 years.
11 And the beast that was and is not, he also is an eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into destruction. The beast – The nations on which the woman sat compose the body of the beast, and are already taking on a separate existence as the Internations, or peoples of all nations. HG21:6

The eighth – The eighth condition will be the Beast without a head--either a republic or anarchy. If a republic, we shall shortly expect anarchy, "perdition." R2062:6; HG21:6

The republican third of the empire, when fully developed, is to be a headless monster, or the "Beast," after its last "head" is fallen. HG20:5

The state of chaos and reign of terror which deluged France in blood under the Commune and Dupont, Robespierre and their class, is only a faint picture of the fully developed commune, or headless monster. HG22:1

Perdition – Anarchy. R2062:6

The end is reached. HG22:2

The beast – The civil power of the Roman empire.

That was – That formerly had been the dominant power (prior to the rise of Papacy) in the empire.

Is not – That has lost that supreme position in the empire.

He is – The civil power of Rome remained. It may not have been the dominant power in the Roman Empire (whose destruction we witness begins with the smiting of the Image in 1914) but the civil power still remained, thus "he is".

The eighth and is of the seven – To assist us in determining which of the seven heads this might be we list the seven heads again here.

1. Republic (Consular)
2. Imperial
3. Gothic
4. Papal
5. Napoleon
6. Papacy Restored
7. Monarch

To our understanding the present Italian government is the seventh head of the "beast" (Rev. 17:9-11) which has continued "a short space," represented in the present monarch and his father Victor Immanuel. According to this prophecy Rome will never have another head--the eighth condition will be the beast without a head,--either a republic or anarchy. If a republic, we shall shortly expect anarchy, "perdition." - R2062

We see that after the end of World War II the last King of Italy (his reign lasted from July 1900 - May 1946) abdicated his throne just prior to the vote of the Italian people to end the monarchy in favor of a Republic. - (His son was technically the last king of Italy, holding that position for just over one month.)
12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have not yet received a kingdom, but receive authority as kings one hour with the beast. Ten kings – Babylon is represented as being divided into ten different wards, each representing a kingdom of Christendom. SM405:4

Babylon with her ten wards includes practically all of Europe. SM406:1

Which thou sawest – From when he saw the vision, looking back from 1870, hence in the past. HG22:3

Are – Looking to the future from AD 96 when the explanation was given. HG22:3

As yet – In the year 96 AD, the empire had not been divided. HG22:3

One hour – Greek, hora; a little season. Thus rendered in Philemon 15: "He therefore departed for a season." HG22:4

It was but a very short time after the empire was fully divided into its parts, before the "ten kings" did become of one mind. HG22:4

Ten horns – Horns are always a symbol for power.

Ten kings – The first thought is that these must be the ten divisions of power (10 ruling houses) of Europe. These lasted throughout most of the history of the dark ages and continued into the twentieth century. This grouping is very familiar to Bible students as being associated with the Roman empire. These would be the same as the ten toes of the image of Daniel chapter 2, the ten horns of the fourth beast of Daniel 7. See also Rev. 12:3; 13:1 as well as vss 3 and 7 of this chapter.

In all the above references this refers to these kingdoms of Europe.

Have received no kingdom as yet – These ten kings exist but they are described as having no kingdom yet. But they are kings. The clue comes in the next statement.

Receive power as kings – Before this they were still kings but not completely ruling in the normal manner of kings. Something was different. What was different is that they were under the rule of the woman, the false church. Therefore they are said to not have received their kingdoms yet. When they do receive their kingdoms it is when they are freed from being under the woman, in 1799.

One hour – A relatively short period of time (from the historical viewpoint) of unspecified length. In this case, we suggest, it is from 1846 to 1914.

With the beast – Primarily the civil power of the Roman beast, the Fourth Universal Empire which at the time here indicated equates to what the world referred to as Christendom. They still wanted the protection of the Divine Right of Kings, and for that they needed the churches to go along. The difference here is that they are no longer under the dictates of the Pope.

13 These have one mind, and give their power and authority to the beast. Have one mind – That is, they all became Catholic. HG22:4

Give their power – Papacy, for many centuries, had no power, only what was delegated to her by the "ten kings," the divisions of the empire. HG65:3

These – The ten kings (horns).

Have one mind – Are united in their purpose.

Give their power and strength unto the beast – Note - It does NOT say they give their power and strength to the woman! See Congress of Vienna. This brings the kings together and eventually leads them to be supportive of the Evangalical Alliance of 1846. The kings supported this because they still needed the power of religion in order to maintain the doctrine of "The Divine Right of Kings," which continued until World War I in 1914.
14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them; for he is Lord of lords and King of kings: and they that are with him called, and chosen, and faithful. These – Ten kings. HG80:1

Shall make war – Christian people feel bound to champion the present falling kingdoms of so-called Christendom. Thus their sympathies are often forced to the side of oppression, rather than to the side of right and freedom. A270

The kingdoms of this world become our Lord's only by conquest. HG80:1

Whatever the nature of this "war," it is certainly opposition by the kings of the earth towards Christ. In no way can such language be construed so as to mean gospel conversion. 80:1

Shall overcome them – Thus the nations will be "bound for a thousand years" under the real Christ, as the dragon has been, in a very limited sense, under the antichrist. HG23:4

Lord of lords – Attesting that the one referred to by the same title in 1 Tim. 4:14-16, "who only hath immortality" is our Lord Jesus. R2747:6

Comparisons which show dignity and honor pertaining to Christ are never understood to be comparisons with Jehovah. (See 1 Cor. 15:27, 28) R2747:6

King of kings – To the Jewish house Jesus presented himself in three characters--as Bridegroom (John 3:29), Reaper (John 4:35) and King (Matt. 21:5, 9, 4). To the Christian house he presents himself in the same three characters. (2 Cor. 11:2; Rev. 14:14, 15) B238

They – The very elect. R4253:2

That are with him – Christ, like Gideon, is called of God to lead a Little Flock of "called and faithful and chosen" ones forth to the conquest of the hosts of sin. R4083:2, 1876:4

And share his glory; and with him judge the world--granting trial to every member of Adam's race to return to full harmony with God. R3587:3, 1669:3, 1170:4

Joint-heirs with Christ, to reign with him over the earth for a thousand years. R1493:5

The new heavens--Christ and his elect Church. OV27:3

These will, with Christ their Lord and Head, be God's agents, missionaries, kings and priests to instruct and uplift humanity during the Millennial age. NS582:6

Those close to him, his "regular army" are few--a Little Flock, all rich in faith. But he has an immense army of "irregulars"--Communists, Infidels, Socialists, Anarchists, Nihilists. R817:3

Their part in the fray is to oppose false doctrines, and to slay with the sword of the truth. R774:6

Are called – Invited to share the Kingdom with their Redeemer. NS627:2

Consequently their aspiration was not an unlawful one, but grateful acceptance of the grandest favor of God. R875:2*, 613:4

While sinners are called to repentance, only justified believers are called of God to the high calling. R4078:2

Those called through the gospel message, through the Bible and tracts and hymns and Christian lives everyway, are many. NS654:5

Although "many are called, few are chosen." (Matt. 22:14) HG83:4

Called and faithful and chosen according to his purpose. (Rom. 8:28) C232

And chosen – Elect--the same word in Greek. R3587:3

Accepted. C210; R1142:1

Through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth. R442:6

The call is true; the determination of God to select and exalt a Church is unchangeable; but who will be of this chosen class is conditional. A195

All who receive the call do not appreciate it. Some fail to make their calling and election sure, and therefore of the many called only a few are chosen. R613:4

Only such called ones as accept the call by making a full consecration of themselves belong to this "chosen" class. R4078:3

If our hearts have responded and if, subsequently, we have been begotten of the holy Spirit, we have a mark of being not only called, but chosen. NS654:6

Being faithful to the call insures our position among the chosen. R270:5, 134:6

And faithful – Even unto death. C210

To the conditions of the call. A195; R875:2*

"Called, chosen, faithful." These are our Lord's words and in his own order. NS446:4

Not only "called" but "faithful and chosen." NS371:1

Even of those who hear and come, all are not worthy. A195

It is not sufficient that we have been called of the Lord; it is not sufficient that we have accepted that call and been accepted of the Lord as his chosen ones. It is necessary that beyond this we shall develop character. NS446:4

Only such as are developed and tested, and by the test proved faithful, will ever be owned and recognized as the Bride and joint-heir of the Lamb. C210; R5048:1

Not all who reach this chosen place will prove faithful and win the crown. R4078:3

"Called, chosen, faithful" describes the attitude of those pupils in the school of Christ who graduate with the highest honors. NS372:4

The branches of the true olive tree are the truly and fully consecrated and faithful ones of this Gospel age, whose names are "written in heaven"--the Bride of the Lamb. C187

Let us be very ambitious to increase our capacity that we may thereby increase our service and sacrifice. R672:4

These – The 10 kings of Europe, united with the churches, i.e., Christendom.

Shall make war with the lamb – They opposed the Truths coming out after our Lord's return because the Truth declared that these kings would lose their power and they should never have united with the churches.

Lamb shall overcome them – Especially beginning in 1914 with the end of The Times of the Gentiles.

He is lord of lords and king of kings – This especially refers to 1914 when the Fourth Universal Empire (Rome) is finally "overturned" and the crown is given "to him whose right it is." At that time, while the 10 kings are still there and our Lord is now the true reigning king, He becomes, in a much more practical way, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

With him – Since 1878.

Called, and chosen, and faithful – Those who not only have heard and answered the call to the high calling, have become the chosen by running the race [the word chosen is the same as elect in 1 Pet. 1:2; 1 Pet. 2:6], but have also proved faithful. This does not say that all the 144,000 are with Him in glory at that time, even though all are considered to be "with Him" from 1881 forward.
15 And he says to me, The waters which thou sawest, where the harlot sits, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues. And he saith – Compare Jer. 51:13. R1371:6, 436:5; HG520:5

The waters – Water is a symbol of truth, but also symbolizes revenues from outside peoples and kingdoms--the peoples and nations supporting Mystic Babylon by contributions and offerings. SM409:3; R510:1

Thus defining the "great river" of the sixth plague. (Rev. 16:12) R510:1

As the drying up of the literal Euphrates was the immediate cause of the fall of ancient Babylon, so the drying up of the waters of mystic Euphrates is the prelude to the fall of "Mystery, Babylon the Great." ; HG89:3; 520:5; PD51/62; OV720:4

The river represents people and wealth. PD51/62

The whore – See comments on Rev. 17:5. Are -- Are a symbol of. R3568:2

Peoples – In Bible symbolic language, water represents truth, and it also represents peoples. R5846:2

As the agitated waters, in the case of Jonah, find a parallel in the lawless mob, which clamored for Christ's death. R3568:3*

And nations – Not over one people or nation alone; her rule is catholic, or general. SM409:3

He – The angel, messenger, Pastor Russell.

Saith unto me – The John class, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's second presence.

The waters which thou sawest – Referring back to verse 1.

Where the whore sitteth – This reminds us that the woman is sitting on the waters and is also sitting on the beast. This makes a relationship between the waters and the beast. The beast is the fourth universal empire, the Roman Empire. The waters (people, multitudes etc.) make up this empire.

Peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues – A good description of Christendom.
The Woman is described here (and in vs 1) as sitting on the waters. In vs 5 she is described as sitting on the beast. There is a relationship.
16 And the ten horns which thou sawest, and the beast, these shall hate the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and shall burn her with fire; Horns – Kingdoms. R319:2

Hate the whore – Who is so blind so as not to see its present fulfillment. HG22:4

Make her desolate – In 1798 the delusion that none could successfully war or contend with Papacy was shown, when Napoleon in defiance of the curse, took Pope Pius VI a prisoner to Paris where he died. R319:2

They have taken away her dominion and confiscated her property. HG21:1; R319:2

In contrast, the Bride goes in with the Lamb to the marriage supper, amid the glad hallelujahs of heaven. R472:2

Eat her flesh – Since 1800 Papacy has been cast off from temporal authority over kings and peoples, and has been torn and pillaged by those who formerly gave it support. B355

One result of the French Revolution was the confiscation of the immense wealth of the Roman Catholic Church; a lesser revolution in Italy similarly degraded papal power and confiscated much of the Papacy's property; now Spain seems to be headed to do the same. R2307:1

Still she says, "I sit a queen, and am no widow" (Rev. 18:7), loudly boasting of her right to rule the nations, and claims that her former power will soon be regained. D38

The ten horns – The ten kings of Europe.

Which thou sawest – The same ones referred to in vss. 3,7,12.

Upon the beast – The civil power of the Roman Empire (fourth univeral empire).

Shall hate the whore – They hate the fact that the Church of Rome had ruled over them during the 1260 years.

Shall make her desolate and naked – Which they did, from the time of Napoleon up to the removal of the last of her temporal power by the Victor Emmanuel government in 1870.

Shall eat her flesh – The removal of all her temporal authority.

Burn her with fire – This was accomplished as a result of The Great War parts I and II.
17 for God has given to their hearts to do his mind, and to act with one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled. The words of God – The 1260 years. HG22:5

God hath put into their hearts to fulfill His will – Similar in concept to the Lord's Great Army. This army (Joel 2:2-11) is driven to destroy the old order of society because (even though they themselves are not aware of this) they see that society could be so much better, it should be as the Garden of Eden. In their mad scramble to acheive that state they wind up destroying organized society. It is God's will that the old order of society be destroyed.

The same concept applies here to the ten horns (kings). Their desire is to continue and even to expand their power, but in this mad scramble to develop more and more power weapons of war, to flex their military muscle and parade their power, they set themselves on a course which led them inexorably to World War I and to their own demise.

And to agree – This they did during the 19th century, especially when they went along with the Evangalical Alliance of 1846.

And give their kingdom unto the beast – Christendom NOT under the control of the Church of Rome.

Until the words of God should be fulfilled – Until 1914 when the Gentile Times ended and the new King (Christ) took over.
18 And the woman which thou sawest is the great city, which has kingship over the kings of the earth. That great city – Mystic Babylon. R5628:3

Represented for 1260 years by papal Rome, the city is the fourth empire. HG90:1

That great organization, or rather, union of diverse organizations, which the Scriptures term "Babylon"--the great development of the "Mystery of Iniquity." R634:2*

It embraces all the church-state organizations of the Christian nations. HG90:2

Which reigneth – There was but one great city which, in John's day, reigned over the kings of the earth--Rome. R472:4

Papacy is noted as "The Man of Sin" who seduced many of Jesus' virgin church with the delusion that the kingdoms of this world had become the kingdom of God, and that the time to suffer with Christ was over, and the time to reign begun. R143:3; A268

Her titles show how thoroughly she reigned. She was styled "the royal Rome;" "the mistress of the world;" "the queen of nations." R472:4

How great is Papacy's triumph at the present hour, as she seems to see what she considers the little season of Satan's power drawing to a close, and herself rising again to glory and power. R1002:2

The woman – The Church of Rome, including its hierarchy.

Which thou sawest – In vs. 3 when the angel took the John class into the wilderness, during the 1260 years.

Is that great city – Christendom under the control of the Church of Rome.

Which reigneth over the kings of the earth – Primarily in Europe. This is not saying that the woman is reigning over the kings of the earth for the entire period of the 17th chapter.

The Wilson's Diaglott rendering of this phrase is "Having kingship over the kings of the earth." This would seem to give good support to the explanation given in verse 12 concerning the 10 kings which had not yet received a kingdom.
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