Revelation Chapter 12 [DARBY]

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1 And a great sign was seen in the heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars; And there appeared – As chapters 12, 13 and 17 contain repeated descriptions of the false kingdom--anti-Christ--so chapters 20 to 22 contain eight portraits of the true Kingdom. R330:2

The picture begins prior to Papacy's development. R306:2

The woman was seen about 308 AD, in the "Smyrna" stage, as described in Rev. 2:8-10. R306:3

In heaven – Place of control or rulership in spiritual control. R306:2; A318; D591[D590]

A woman – The early Church. D591

The Gospel Church. R55:2, 306:2; OV410:1

Clothed with – Resplendent in the full, clear light of the unclouded Gospel. D591

The Gospel Church covered with the precious promises of God and the glorious light of truth. R306:2, 55:2

The sun – The light of this Gospel age. R2833:6; D544

The Gospel. OV410:2; R499:4; SM670:2

The Church of Christ has a special enlightenment in the Gospel. HG418:2

Symbol of Christ's Kingdom. R5191:3, 2270:6, 1289:3

The moon – The Jewish system, the Mosaic Law. HG418:3; OV410:2; SM670:2

The moon signifies the typically reflected light of the Gospel in the Law and the prophets of the previous dispensation. R2833:6, 306:2, 55:2; D544

It was light, but not the real; only reflected light. R55:2

As the sun is a symbol of Christ's Kingdom, so the moon symbolized Israel as a nation. The 12, and sometimes 13, lunations symbolize the tribes of that nation. R5191:3, 2270:6, 1289:3

As the moon symbolized "the Law," so the sun symbolizes the Gospel light. The former was but a shadow or reflection of the latter. R499:4

The moon symbolized the Law Covenant as the sun symbolizes the Gospel or New Covenant. R2124:2, 5002:6

Under her feet – The Law which supports her is nevertheless not the source of her light. D591; OV410:2

Not under the Law (moon) but under Grace (sunlight); yet she was supported by the teachings of the Law and rested on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. R306:2, 55:2

A crown – Appointed by God to be the circle, the crown, of the Church. CR125:2

Twelve stars – The twelve apostles as special lights of the Church. R3570:2, 306:2, 55:2; D544, D591; OV396:1

Her divinely appointed and inspired teachers. OV410:1; SM670:1

The twelve apostles, the twelve stars to guide the Church, and the twelve foundation stones of the New Jerusalem. (Rev. 21:14) R5742:1; CR78:2

Teachers, especially the apostles. R1757:6

One being chosen in place of one of the original, Judas, who was lost, so that the twelve might be maintained. NS657:5; R5741:6; OV410:1

The twelve apostles have no successors. There are but "twelve apostles of the Lamb," "twelve stars," "twelve foundations" of the Church glorified, the New Jerusalem. (John 6:70; Rev. 21:14) E207; R5002:6; NS657:5; OV159:4, 410:3; SM670:2

If God ordained only twelve stars as lights for his Church, it is a great mistake for popes and bishops to regard themselves as successors of the apostles--stars also. D594; OV247:4


A great wonder –
Something not expected that caused men to wonder.

In heaven – The power of ecclesiasticism, the church nominal.

A woman – In symbol a woman represents a church. In this case it is the church at the close of the Smyrna period, approximately 308 A.D.

Clothed with the sun – Still wearing for her cloak the Gospel Light.

The moon – Symbolic of the Law Covenant.

Was under her feet – This expression is different from "standing upon." To stand upon would indicate this was her foundation - "On Christ the solid rock I stand.." To have something "under her feet" indicates not support but rather it indicates to have conquered. This expression says this woman has overcome (by faith in Christ) the condemnation of the Law Covenant. compare 1 Cor. 15:25

A crown – A special adornment. Indicative of royalty. This does not mean the church is reigning at this time but rather she is destined for that position.

Twelve stars – The twelve apostles. These are to be the leaders, the guides of the church. Matt. 19:28; D590:5
2 and being with child she cried, being in travail, and in pain to bring forth. Travailing in birth – The favor of Rome came by the conversion of Constantine, AD 313. There the labor pangs of tribulation ceased, and Papacy was born. R306:3

Pained to be delivered – Persecuted and reviled. R306:4, 55:2

She – The woman, the church nominal (including the true).

Being with child – "The mystery of iniquity doth already work" 2 Thes. 2:7

Travailing – "The devil shall cast some of you into prison.. Thou wilt have tribulation ten days." Rev. 2:10

This ten days (Rev. 2:10) is during the Smyrna period and takes place from 303 to 313 A.D. In chapter 2 it is the Devil that casts the faithful into prison. Here (vss. 3-4) it is described as the Dragon. Is there a difference? Yes there is but it is subtle. In vs. 9 we read of "The dragon .. the devil."

In birth – About to deliver a child.

Pained to be delivered – While the church nominal was tired of the persecutions and wanted to be freed from them, the thing that was most wanted was the position of 'chief religious ruler,' or 'pontifex maximus.' - As Paul tells us, "The mystery of iniquity doth already work." 2 Thess. 2:7
3 And another sign was seen in the heaven: and behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems; Another wonder – Continued persecutions caused some to relax their vigilance for the truth, and a spirit or desire to please and get into favor with the persecuting "dragon" came over some. R306:3

In heaven – Symbolizing the place of control or rulership. Both woman and dragon are said to be in heaven--the woman, or church, in spiritual control--the dragon, or empire, in political control. R306:2

Great red dragon – The Pagan Roman Empire. R306:2, 44:3

In chapter 12 its characteristics as a purely civil power; in chapter 13 as a compound of "church and state" and in chapter 17 as a dual power with church and state, "woman" and "beast" kept distinct. HG20:4

The same as the "beast" in Rev. 17:3 and the "dragon" in Rev. 20:1. HG76:3

Seven heads – Rome's successive and distinct forms of government. R306:2, 55:2

First, Consular, BC 30; Second, Imperial, BC 27; Third, Gothic, AD 476; Fourth, Papacy, AD 538; Fifth, Republic, AD 1798; Sixth, Restored Papacy, AD 1870; Seventh, Victor Emanuel. HG20:3

Ten horns – Divisions of power. Mentioned to identify Rome as the same beast, or government, described by Daniel and elsewhere in Revelation. R306:2, 55:2

Another wonder in heaven – This is different from the previous "wonder in heaven" found in vs. 1. That "wonder" was the Christian church. In order to properly understand this we need to keep in mind that this book is not written to the world of mankind in general but rather to the true church. Heaven pictures the powers of spiritual control. It ignores the various heathen religions unless they are involved directly with those who are spiritually minded, i.e., the Lord's people. In vs. 1 Christianity is introduced to the heavens. There was, at that time, already a power in the spiritual heavens, i.e., Judaism. Here in vs. 3 there is yet another coming into the picture to battle for the control of the Lord's people.

A great red dragon – The civil power (dragon) of Rome. We know it is Rome because of [1] the timing (when the woman is in travail - the 10 days tribulation of Rev. 2:10) and [2] because of the description that follows.

Seven heads – Seven forms of government, perhaps as suggested here:
1Consular 60 B.C. to 31 B.C.
2Imperial 31 B.C. to 476 A.D.
3Gothic 476 A.D. To 538 A.D.
4Papal 539 A.D. To 1799 A.D.
5Napoleon 1799 A.D. To 1814 A.D.
6Papacy restored 1814 A.D. To 1870 A.D.
7Monarch 1870 to 1946 A.D.
Seven Heads of Rome

Ten horns – The ten divisions of power of the Roman empire. see Dan. 7:7

The following was taken from another website. Sorry, we failed to note the site at the time. This, as near as we can tell, appears to be about right:

The ten toes of the image represent the ten divisions of the Roman Empire, though they have varied over the centuries.
  1. France
  2. Germany
  3. Austria
  4. Switzerland
  5. England
  6. Spain
  7. Portugal
  8. Lombardy
  9. Romania
  10. Ravenna.
4 and his tail draws the third part of the stars of the heaven; and he cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to bring forth, in order that when she brought forth he might devour her child. Drew the third part – The continued persecutions created a desire to get into favor with the persecuting dragon and some of the "bright ones" in the church became his followers, or servants. R306:3, 55:2

In hopes of having favor with the empire and escaping persecution. R55:2

Stars of heaven – The bright ones, or ministers and teachers in the church. R55:2

Cast them to the earth – Degraded by becoming followers of the dragon. R306:3

As a result, they lose their position as stars in the true Church. R55:2

His tail – Latter or end part of the Roman dragon. This would seem to indicate the end of the Roman Empire (as the world sees it.) Or perhaps we might say it was the latter portion of Imperial Rome.

Third part of the stars of heaven – Here the stars of heaven would seem to indicate the religious leaders. Since we are still in the relatively early part of the church this group may be broken down into the same three parts we normally think of within the church, i.e., the little flock, great company and finally the tares. In this case the third part would be the 'tare' class among the leaders in the church.

Cast them to the earth – Caused them to lower their standard so much as to be part of the symbolic 'earth' class.

The dragon – Civil power of Rome.

Stood before – In the way of or blocking the way of.

Remember the place desired by the man of sin was that of 'chief religious ruler or pontifex maximus.' see B288:1


The woman – The early church (nominal - containing both wheat and tares).

Ready to be delivered – About to give birth to anti-christ.

To devour her child as soon as it was born – The civil power wanted to maintain the position of chief religious ruler.
5 And she brought forth a male son, who shall shepherd all the nations with an iron rod; and her child was caught up to God and to his throne. She brought forth – Her anxiety and desire produced a pre-mature birth–"The Man of Sin." R306:4[R306:4], 55:2[55:2]

A man child – Not yet the "Man of Sin," in the same sense that a child is not a man; but it was the beginning of what resulted in Papacy--"The Man of Sin." R306:3[R306:3]

AD 314 – at first a weak child. R306:4[R306:4], 55:2[55:2]

Rule all nations – Some so rejoiced at the favors of Rome that they fancied that in this way God would give them the kingdom of the world promised. R306:4[R306:4]

Millions were brought into the church from Paganism. But the change was mostly in name, for the pagan priests became Christian priests, and pagan holidays came to be called by Christian names. R306:3[R306:3]

Accomplished within 300 years. R306:4[R306:4], 55:3[55:3]

When the Lord is reigning with his saints. R1149:4*[R1149:4*]

Caught up unto God – Exalted to the position and titles, homage and praise of the true "seed," so that "he as God sat in the temple (church) of God showing himself that he is God." (2 Thes. 2:4) R306:4[R306:4], 55:2[55:2]

She – The early (nominal) church.

Brought forth a man-child – The "man of sin," the Papacy. This likely began about the year 308 or 309 A.D.

In R55 & R306 Pastor Russell indicates this man-child was week and gives the date 314 A.D. - but no explanation as to why 314. We agree with the date because that is when the union of church and state began for in August of that year the Roman Emperor Constantine called a church council, the council of Arles which was attended by bishops from as far away as the British Isles.

"The time interval of a gestation is called the gestation period. In human obstetrics, gestational age refers to the embryonic or fetal age plus two weeks. This is approximately the duration since the woman's last menstrual period (LMP) began... In humans, birth normally occurs at a gestational age of about 40 weeks, though it is common for births to occur from 37 to 42 weeks." – Wikipedia
An interesting note here. The average period of human gestation (which begins about two weeks prior to conception) is 280 days. The period from the beginning of the true church in 33 A.D. to 313 A.D. is 280 years. In 2 Thess. 2:7 he states "the mystery of iniquity doth already work." Since conception takes place approximately 14 days after gestation begins, that would indicate this "mystery of iniquity," the "man-child," "the man of sin" had its beginning about 47 A.D. (33 + 14 = 47). It is estimated that Paul wrote the book of 2 Thessalonians about 51 or 52 A.D. This would indicate that Paul recognized this early on (just 4 or 5 years into its development.)

Who was – Eventually, but not at the beginning.

To rule all nations – All the nations of Christendom ('Christ's Kingdom - falsely so-called).

With a rod of iron – In this the man-child counterfeits the true kingdom of God which is to rule all nations with a rod of iron (Rev. 2:26, 27). Compare this with Dan. 2:40-43.

Her child – The "mystery of iniquity" - coming out of the church. see 2 Thess. 2:7

Caught up unto God – see Expanded Bible Comments.
6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has there a place prepared of God, that they should nourish her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days. The woman – The true Church. B329; R5741:6

Into the wilderness – In the case of the third Elijah, the Church in the flesh, the woman Jezebel is mentioned by name (Rev. 2:20); and her pernicious work, the flight of the Church into the wilderness, and her return from the wilderness condition since the Reformation times are all known. R3326:6; B256

The true Church is the Church in the wilderness, separate from the world, and under the divine protection and guidance. R1841:6

See comments on verse 14.

Days – A day representing a year. HG49:3

The woman – The true church.

The wilderness – The place of separation from the world.

Prepared of God – It was God's intent that this condition of separateness from the world would be to the advantage of the true church, keeping her away from worldly thinking.

They – While we might not be too positive about this, "they" may have reference to the two witnesses of chapter 11.

Feed her there – If the church wants to be fed by God they need to go to "the place which the Lord thy God shall choose." Deut. 12:11; 14:22-23; 31:11

A thousand two hundred and threescore days – 1260 literal years. Eze. 4:6; Num. 13:25; 14:33,34 From 539 to 1799 A.D. [see C62:2 thru C76]

7 And there was war in the heaven: Michael and his angels went to war with the dragon. And the dragon fought, and his angels; War in heaven – A conflict or controversy between the two elements--the church and the empire--when this son of the church attempted to take the ruling position. R306:4, 55:3

Michael and his angels – Not the same Michael referred to in Dan. 12:1, which is a literal statement. It would be out of order to have a real Michael fight a symbolic dragon. R306:5, 55:3

The Papacy and its supporters. R306:5, 55:3

Meaning, "Who as God"; in close accord with Paul's description--"He as God sitteth in the temple of God." (2 Thes. 2:4) R306:5, 55:3

The dragon – Pagan rulers, etc. R306:5, 55:2; B288

War in heaven – A great conflict for who was to have control of Ecclesiasticism.

Michael and his angels – Not the true Michael (our Lord), but he who claimed to be the Lord's representative on earth, i.e., the Pope.

"The Papacy and its supporters--fought against the dragon--pagan rulers, etc.,--and the great dragon was cast out of heaven. This conflict between Papal and Pagan power resulted, as we have seen, in the gradual overthrow of the latter.

B.--But does it not seem a forced construction to suppose Michael to symbolize the "Man of Sin?" Is not this the same Michael referred to in Dan. 12? If it is a symbol in one case, is it not in the other?

A.--No; the account in Dan. 12 is a literal statement. The resurrection and other matters there mentioned are literal, but not so Rev. 12. The woman, dragon, tail, stars, horns, etc., are all symbols, and it would be out of order to have a real Michael fight a symbolic dragon."

The dragon – Civil Rome. Dragon is the symbol for civil power under the control of Satan. It is the fact that it is under the adversary's control that gives the civil power its dragon-like qualities.

And his angels – His mighty ones or leaders. The dragon is the civil power. His angels, therefore would be the leaders of Rome.
8 and he prevailed not, nor was their place found any more in the heaven. And prevailed not – The dragon (Roman Empire) did not keep its place in the minds of the people as the religious authority. Remember, this battle was in the symbolic heaven, the power of spiritual control.

Neither was their place found any more in heaven – The Roman civil power was no longer looked upon as it once had been. Caesar was not a god, and the empire was not the source of religious rule. Now their (the dragon and his angels) place was back to that of organized society, no longer in the symbolic heavens.
9 And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, he who is called Devil and Satan, he who deceives the whole habitable world, he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. The great dragon – Pagan Roman Empire. R306:2, 5, 55:2, 44:3

The same as in Rev. 20:1. HG23:4

Cast out – The conflict between Papal and Pagan power resulted in the gradual overthrow of the latter. R306:5, 55:3

This casting down of the dragon or civil power, continued for several hundred years, until about AD 752 when Pepin asked the sanction of the Pope to ascend the throne of France. R306:4, 55:3

That old serpent – "In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish Leviathan, the piercing serpent, even Leviathan, that crooked serpent, and he shall slay the dragon that is in the midst of the sea." (Isa. 27:1) R171:6

Confirming the story of the fall. A61

The Devil – An appropriate name--for Rome, when viewed in the light of its bloody persecutions, certainly has been the most devilish of all earthly governments. A258

Not merely the person of the Adversary, but all the system of things of which he has stood as representative. Here, a great religious system. R4609:3

The Roman Empire. R44:3

Satan's invisible kingdom has acted largely through the visible city and government of Rome, and by the same law of correspondence the Roman empire, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, is called "the Devil and Satan." R56:5*

Which deceiveth – He blinds the minds of unbelievers by hiding the light of the gospel of Christ in presenting his own version of the truth. R5849:2

The great dragon – Pagan Rome.

Was cast out – Cast out of the place of spiritual control, the nominal heavens.

That old serpent – Having the wisdom of this world from the Adversary (Rev. 20:2)

Called the Devil – False accuser. See A258:3

And Satan – Accuser.

Which deceiveth the whole world – Note: not the whole earth.

He was cast out – Of the nominal heavens.

Into the earth – Organized society.

His angels were cast out with him – Other civil (power) leaders.
10 And I heard a great voice in the heaven saying, Now is come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ; for the accuser of our brethren has been cast out, who accused them before our God day and night: A loud voice – A great proclamation. R306:5, 55:4

The kingdom of our God – Papacy claimed that when it assumed control that "the kingdom of God and the power of his anointed" had come to the world. R306:5, 55:4

I heard – I = the John class, i.e., the church in the flesh during the time of our Lords 2nd Presence. How does the John class hear this if it takes place during the 1260 days (between 539 and 1799 A.D.), many years PRIOR to our Lord's 2nd Advent? --- The answer is to remember chapter 1 vs. 10 where John "heard a voice behind me," i.e., in the past. The John class is looking behind him to see the fulfillment of most of these things.

A loud voice – A proclamation in the nominal spiritual world.

Now is come salvation,...etc. – Now seems to refer to 800 A.D. when the Pope (the now matured man-child, the man of sin) crowned Charlemagne king over the Roman Empire - the beginning of "the Holy Roman Empire." In so doing he (the pope) demonstrated his supremacy over even the kings of the earth.

And strength – Stronger than the Roman Civil power when it came to religious matters. see B317:1

And the Kingdom of our God – The counterfeit Millennium of Anti-Christ (from 800 to 1799 A.D.).

The Power of his Christ – The (so-called) vicegerent of Christ.

The accuser – Remember, it is from the false religious system that this claim goes forth. From their standpoint the accuser (the fourth title of the Adversary in Rev. 20:2) was the civil power of Rome because they were the ones who tried to maintain the position of chief religious ruler, the place the Papacy wanted. - Remember, this took place over a period of time, from when the man-child was first brought forth (early 300's) until the time here indicated (800 A.D.).

Of our brethren – Those who are faithful members of Anti-Christ.

Is cast down – Out of the heavenly realm.

Which accused them before our God – Before their false god, the pope.

Day and night – In both the day (sunshine of our time of being in favor with the world) and night - when we (the false church) were being persecuted.
11 and *they* have overcome him by reason of the blood of the Lamb, and by reason of the word of their testimony, and have not loved their life even unto death. Him – Satan the accuser. R1293:2*

Their lives – Greek, psuche; souls, beings. E338

And they – Anti-Christ and his followers.

Overcame him – The civil power of Rome.

By the blood of the lamb – Since this has reference to that system which took the name of Christ and grossly mis-used and mis-represented it, they claim to be overcoming by the blood of Christ, when in reality they spilled the blood of the followers of Christ.

There may also be here a reference to the mass, "the abomination that maketh desolate." Naturally anti-christ does not claim to be anti-christ, rather it claims to be the true church and head, the Christ. In their practice they claim to sacrifice Christ afresh by the practice contained in the "mass" during which the officiating priest converts the bread and wine into the actual body and blood of Christ - "transubstantiation." He then sacrifices Christ afresh. Supposedly this is needed to cancel any sins committed after baptism. By binding the people to this abominable practice anti-christ makes void the true sacrifice of Christ. This to us seems like "hocus-pocus" and rightly so. This appears to be the origin of the term "hocus pocus." see hocus pocus, C99

Since the Anti-Christ system now claimed to have control over the actual blood of Christ by the "mass" their control over the people was too great for the Roman Civil Power (the Devil.) See A258:3

By the word of their testimony – Their testimony was that of Anti-Christ.

They loved not their lives unto the death – They were not interested in the true sacrifice of Rom. 12:1; 6:3.
12 Therefore be full of delight, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the earth and to the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great rage, knowing he has a short time. Therefore rejoice – Let Papacy and all connected therewith rejoice. R306:6, 55:4

Woe to the inhabiters – As the Church had once been persecuted when Paganism reigned, so now when she reigns she makes the Pagans and heretics suffer. This Papacy claims as the Millennial reign. R306:6, 55:4

The devil is come down – This part of the Revelation is in the past. Q646:7

Because he knoweth – Therefore the foe is growing more subtle and more intangible, but not the less real. R479:3*

Rejoice, ye heavens – Nominal heavens.

Ye that dwell in them – Members of the nominal church during that time, especially the papacy.

Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea – Organized society and the restless masses. R498

For the devil – The Roman civil power under the influence of the Adversary, which is what gives it its devil-like qualities. A258

Of the four characteristics given to the Adversary in Rev. 20:2 this one refers to the mis-use of justice. Devil means "false accuser or traducer."

Is come down unto you having great wrath – "Being very greatly angered at Papacy's aggressions. The Papal policy has ever been to crowd the civil powers as far as they could possibly go, then wait until a generation had passed and crowd some more. The horns have always hated the whore." - The Finished Mystery

Because he knoweth that he hath but a short time – "Had Papacy been able to bring it about it would surely, in time, have deprived all the rulers of the world of every particle of civil, social, ecclesiastical and financial power. There has never been any limit to its ambitions or pretensions, and there is none now." - The Finished Mystery

The word "time" here is the same as is found in vs. 14 ('time, and times, and half a time') where it clearly refers to a symbolic year. With this in mind we inquire when did the Papacy attain its complete ascendancy over the Roman Civil Power? This would be in the year 800 when Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne as Emperor. For many historians this is considered to be the beginning of "The Holy Roman Empire." From the standpoint of the papacy, this was the beginning of what has become known as "the Papal Millennium" which lasted from 800 to 1799 A.D.

Remember that it is not the "dragon (civil power)" but rather it is "the devil (traducer or false accuser)" that is cast down and knows he has but a short time. We are left with a question. How does this apply? There is an important event regarding the German people (the "Holy Roman Empire" was German) and the authority of thee "mother church," in 1160 (just 360 years after the beginning of the "Holy Roman Empire" and the beginning of the "Papal Millennium." - see The Struggle Between Frederick Barbarossa and Alexander III; 1160-1177, Pope Alexander III and Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, Frederick Barbarossa

13 And when the dragon saw that he had been cast out into the earth, he persecuted the woman which bore the male child2. When the dragon – The dragon has various heads. Here it has taken on its fifth head--Papacy. It was the same Rome under a new rulership, or head, and the same power which had previously persecuted the Church--the empire and its army. R306:6, 55:4

Hereafter the dragon represents the empire or military power under the control of its ecclesiastical head. R306:6, 55:4

Persecuted the woman – In contrast, it says of another woman, "the whore that sitteth upon many waters:" "And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." (Rev. 17:1-6) R471:6

The dragon – The civil power, now under the control of the Papacy.

Saw – Recognized.

That he was cast unto the earth – That the civil power was no longer recognized as having religious authority but now had dominion over organized society (the earth) in only temporal matters.

He persecuted – While it was, in the main, the anti-christ that persecuted "the woman," the true church, nevertheless the persecution was carried out through the power of the state, the civil power, the dragon.

"Not on his own account, but under the orders and instructions and encouragements of the Papacy, and to win Papal approval." - The Finished Mystery

The woman which brought forth the man child – The true church, as described in vss. 2 and 5.

"The true Church. For details of the infamous work of Charles V, Emperor of Germany and King of Spain and the Netherlands, the Duke of Alva, Philip II of Spain, the French kings Francis and Henry, see pages B337-338 of Studies In The Scriptures, Vol. II. These are but illustrations of what occurred in all parts of the old Roman world, and were all done at the behest of the Papacy." - The Finished Mystery
14 And there were given to the woman the two wings of the great eagle, that she might fly into the desert into her place, where she is nourished there a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. The woman – The true Church. B329; R5751:5, 5741:6

Two wings – The same as the two witnesses elsewhere mentioned: the Word of God, Old and New Testament Scriptures. R307:2, 55:5

Which now showed the true Church from which the Papacy had sprung her true condition--on earth instead of, as at first, above the earth, with the moon under her feet. R55:5

Fly into the wilderness – Literally, "the place deserted." R55:5

Into solitude, an outcast because of her fidelity to the truth. B329; R5628:2

Apparently she went into the wilderness condition of her own accord, voluntarily. R5628:2

The scapegoat went into the wilderness, but not voluntarily. R5628:2

A period of ostracism, separation, but not necessarily persecution. R5628:3

Separate from the world and from Babylon – "without the camp" (city). R307:1, 5628:2

A condition of harmony with God, not with the world. R55:5

The wilderness represents disrespect--an outcast condition, while city represents the reverse --popularity, honor, respect, dominion, kingdom. R307:1

In other words, she has been in disfavor, ignored and, to the worldly wise, unknown. HG411:6

Out of public view--through the long period of the Dark Ages no history of the true Church was written, just as no such history or record of her can be written today. SM123:2

The Lord's people can be in this condition even while surrounded by all the affairs of the world. R5628:2

One must get out of Babylon into a separate or wilderness condition to get a good view of the harlot or her daughters. (Rev. 17:3, 5) R307:3

Because of the power of Papacy, which, in Revelation, is likened to the woman Jezebel who persecuted Elijah. R3293:2

As Elijah fled from Jezebel and Ahab into the wilderness, to a place prepared of God, where he was nourished. R557:3

See comments on verse 6.

Her place – The [nominal] church left the wilderness and wandered off toward the world's city, and joined with them, thus leaving "her place." R307:1

The Lord will take the Church out of the "wilderness" into the "city" condition--the New Jerusalem. (Rev. 21:2) R307:1

She is nourished – Miraculously sustained of the Lord. R5741:6, 5751:5

God knew all the strong ones and fed them, and they became so strong as to be willing to seal their faith with their blood. Millions were put to death by Papacy. R307:2

Time, and times, and half a time – Elsewhere styled forty-two months, or 1260 days. (Rev. 11:2, 3; 13:5) R5741:6, 5751:5, 4741:2, 3408:4, 389:2*; B91; C64; HG50:2; Q846:2

The 3-½ years of Elijah's experiences while hiding in the wilderness from Queen Jezebel corresponded to the 1260 years of the true Church in the wilderness condition. R5857:4, 5751:3

The long period of time when the true Church was eclipsed by the success of Babylon marked the time of great spiritual drouth. R5741:6, 5751:3, 4741:2, 557:3; PD46/56

From 538 AD to 1798 AD. R4741:2; PD46/56

Some Bible scholars have applied this period as beginning in 539 AD and ending in 1798 AD, at the time when Napoleon Bonaparte took the Pope of Rome prisoner to Paris. R5751:3, 5742:1, 307:2, 55:5

May also apply from 325 AD with the formulation of the first great creed, the Nicene, to 1585 AD, when the Reformation began. R5742:1

The great drouth that prevailed throughout Christendom from the year 300 until the time of the Reformation. R3408:4

The drouth really began about 539 AD. R3408:3

Greek, kairos; signifying a fixed time. B78

To the woman – The true church.

Were given two wings of a great eagle – The old and new testaments. It is largely through the Lord's Word that the church receives the promised protection. see Psa. 91:4.

She might fly – Even in fleeing the true church is shown as soaring above the world, in the air, in flight. "Those who delight in the Lord's way have blessed communion and fellowship with Him. Their joys come from a source which the world cannot comprehend. They live on a higher plane, breathe a purer atmosphere and enjoy a holier, sweeter friendship than the world could ever offer." R1956

Into the wilderness – The place of separation from the world, outside or away from the city. In vs. 6 we are told this place was prepared specifically for her by God. Remember that a place (as in the Tabernacle) represents a condition.

Where she is nourished – This is where the true church is able to survive. If she were to remain in the city her survival would be in doubt.

For a time, and times, and half a time – 1260 days, 42 months. These are, of course, symbolic days which indicate literal years. This wilderness journey is from 539 to 1799 A.D.

From the face of the serpent – Note that it does NOT say "From the face of the Dragon." It is not the civil power of Rome (under the influence of the Adversary) that the true church is primarily in need of protection from. Instead it is the subtle worldly influences that come from constantly being surrounded by that false arrangement of church and state (which is more associated with the symbol of a city.) The "serpent" refers to the misuse of wisdom (see additional comments Rev. 20:2.) It was during this long period of 1260 years that antichrist did "wear out the saints of the most High." (Dan. 7:25)

To the serpent the LORD said the seed of the woman would "bruise thy head," a fatal wound. Ever since that time the Adversary has been trying to destroy the seed of the woman. That seed culminates in the two phases of the Kingdom of God, i.e., the heavenly phase (Christ and the true church) and the earthly phase (natural Israel.) The serpent has been trying to destroy both elements of that seed. This can be clearly seen by the groups the anti-christ has persecuted, i.e., those Christians who oppose her on religious grounds (Protestants, including the true church) and the Jews (consider the Spanish Inquisition.)

15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth behind the woman water as a river, that he might make her be as one carried away by a river. The serpent – Satan. R360:1*; C65

The dragon--empire, under its Papal head. R307:2

Cast out – Truth would issue forth from evil agencies, and with an evil intent. C65

Water as a flood – Water represents truth, and the symbol preserves its meaning even though it is said to issue from the mouth of the dragon or serpent. C65

The French Revolution was instigated by many stern truths regarding priest-craft and king-craft, and regarding the individual rights and liberties of all--"The Rights of Man." C65

Marking both the end of Papal power and the beginning of the Lord's "Day of Preparation" or "Time of the End." C67

People--army. R307:2, 55:5

After the woman – Its real object, from Satan's standpoint, was to overwhelm the "woman" (the protesting Church of God). C65

The serpent – The Adversary in his misuse of Wisdom.

Cast out of his mouth water as a flood – Satan sent out a flood of truth for a malicious purpose. – see C64:6, 66:1.

After the woman – After the true church. This tells us the purpose behind the Adversary releasing elements of truth.

That he might cause her to be carried away of the flood – Here the reason Satan would send out any message of truth is clearly stated, i.e., he thought the woman (the true church) would be overwhelmed by the (result of pouring out this) flood.
16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed the river which the dragon cast out of his mouth. The earth – The Roman earth. C67

Society, order-loving people. C66; R307:2

Helped – Spared the Church of God from being overwhelmed. D67

The French Revolution, during which the Catholic priests suffered terribly. This was a picture on a small scale of the approaching great cataclysm. R5750:2

As Elijah was fed by ravens and by the widow. (1 Kings 17:5, 9) R557:3; B256

Swallowed up the flood – The flood of truth which spread over France--arraigning Papacy and its priest-craft, and monarchy and its parasitic aristocracy was swallowed up, or absorbed, by the people of Europe generally. C66

When the rulers of Europe formed "The Holy Alliance" to suppress the liberties of the people and perpetuate their own thrones, it was too late to fetter the people. D67

The army formerly used in conquest was used in hunting down "dissenters." Had it not been that frequent troubles from other sources (earth) demanded attention, the army might have exterminated the true Church. R307:2, 55:5

The earth – Organized society.

Helped the woman – Aided the protesting church.

The earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood – Society drank in the various truths about "the rights of man" - the battle cry of the French Revolution.

Which the dragon cast out of his mouth – Satan cast out these truths concerning the rights of man with the intent of causing such trouble that all would blame the protesting church and demand a return to the order, the old order with the pope in charge.

It is worth noting that this is the Adversary who is doing this through his deceived agents. In vs. 15 it is the serpent and here in vs. 16 it is the dragon that casts water out of his mouth. This makes it clear the close relationship between the two. It was the wisdom of the Adversary (serpent) which came up with the plan and he then carried it out through the dragon (civil power) activated to carry out this plan.
17 And the dragon was angry with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus. Remnant of her seed – Who joined not in the apostasy. R306:6, 55:4

The dragon – The civil power under the influence of the adversary.

Was wroth with the woman – Angry with the protesting church.

And went to make war with the remnant of her seed – This would seem to be a reference to the saints (as opposed to simply a reference to the protesting church nominal). see Rom. 11:4,5. Remember, the adversary has been after the seed of the woman ever since Eden - Gen. 3:15. That seed is both natural (Israel after the flesh) and spiritual (The Israel of God, the Christ - head and body).

Which keep the commandments of God – This helps to identify with even greater precision that he is after the true church. These are the ones who are (in their hearts) keeping the commandments of God.

And have the testimony of Jesus Christ – "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Rev. 19:10.
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