Revelation Chapter 11 [DARBY]

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1 And there was given to me a reed like a staff, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship in it. A reed – The Golden Rule. NS589:6

Golden Rod. CR449:2

Measure – The Lord is measuring us with his law of love; and we are being measured to see to what extent we are of the right dimensions and properly in harmony with the arrangement of the Lord's plan. CR449:4

The temple of God – You and I are that Temple. CR449:2

Alford holds that the naos tou Theou is here to be taken symbolically, meaning "the church of the elect servants of God." R638:5*

Given me – John, the church in the flesh at the end of the Age.

The angel – The same angel who was speaking with him in chapter 10, i.e., our returned Lord.

Stood – Compare Dan. 12:1.

Saying – Our Lord's instruction to the church in the flesh - the John class, during the time of His second presence.

Rise up – It is time to stand up and be counted as those who are on the Lord's side. It is the time of the second Advent and the Lord's people (the John class) are to be active for the time of harvest has arrived.

This may also be a reference to the fact that the church, the "virgins," had fallen asleep since the days of William Miller. - see Matt. 25:1-13 - esp. vs. 5, 7 "they all slumbered and slept."

Measure the temple of God – "Which temple ye are." This measurement is given in Rev. 7:4-8 and Rev. 21:15-17.

And the altar and them that worship therein. – Make known that the true worship of God is only being done by those who have access to the (golden) altar, those who have access into the Holy, the spirit-begotten ones. This requires that one make a full and complete consecration of themselves in order to obtain this access.
2 And the court which is without the temple cast out, and measure it not; because it has been given up to the nations, and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty-two months. Forty and two months – From 539 AD, when ecclesiastical power attained persecuting ability, and ended 1799 AD. R5742:1

1,260 days, three and a half times or years. Beginning in 539 AD, and ending in 1798 AD, at the time when Napoleon Bonaparte took the Pope of Rome prisoner to Paris. R5751:3, 5741:6, 4741:2, 389:2*; NS29:2

The long period of time when the true Church was eclipsed by the success of Babylon marked a time of great spiritual drouth. R5741:6, 5751:3, 4741:2, 557:3; B256

In another sense from the Council of Nice and the Nicean creed 325 AD to 1585 AD when the Bible was neglected. R5742:1

The court – Corresponding to the court of the Tabernacle.

That is without the temple – Outside the spiritual condition as represented by the Tabernacle (Holy and Most Holy).

Leave out and measure it not – There is no measurement to those who are not spirit-begotten.

Given to the gentiles – Those not spirit-begotten.

The holy city – The embryo kingdom of God.

They – The gentiles.

Tread under foot – Mistreat and have (from a worldly standpoint) dominion over.

Forty and two months – 42 x 30 = 1260. Applying the Divine formula of a day for a year (Eze. 4:6; Num. 14:34) this indicates 1260 years.
3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. Two witnesses – The Old and New Testaments. C122; D268; R5718:1, 5628:6, 5565:2, 529:4*; HG22:2

Faithfully they have borne their testimony to every nation. D258

The two Covenants, the one graven on stone and the other on the fleshly tables of the heart, the Old and the New Covenant, or Testament. HG78:4

The Scriptures do claim to be the Word of God, though their authority by no means depends upon the finding of that expression in the Scriptures. R1584:3

In sackcloth – In the sackcloth of the dead languages. C122, C50; R5718:1, 244:4*

Kept from the people by legal enactments, and under the veil of a dead language. HG78:6

I – Jesus.

Will give – Jesus is here described as the one giving to the two witnesses to prophecy. This indicates several things. Among which is the following (incomplete) list:
1. Both the Old and New Testaments tell of Jesus.
2. Both are actuated by the same spirit as Jesus is activated by.
3. In order to understand what these say, we too must be activated by that same spirit.

Two witnesses – Old Testaments. Zech. 4:2,11-14

They shall prophecy – They will still speak, express the word (especially the prophetic).

1260 days – 1260 years from 539 A.D. to 1799 A.D.

In sackcloth – Symbolic of mourning. This is because their prophecy was not in the common language of the people but was kept hidden by the Papacy in dead languages.
4 These are the two olive trees and the two lamps which stand before the Lord of the earth; Two olive trees – The Old and the New Testaments, the old and the new Covenants. D652; R2521:5, 1491:1

Two candlesticks – Compare Zech. 4:1-14. R2521:6

The two olive trees – Zech. 4:2, 11-14.

And the two candlesticks – These two olive trees supply the oil to the candlesticks. This shows that the Lord's people (candlesticks) need the supply of the holy spirit (oil) that comes from both the Old and New Testaments.
5 and if any one wills to injure them, fire goes out of their mouth, and devours their enemies. And if any one wills to injure them, thus must he be killed. Any man – The man of sin - the papacy - or possibly any system (protestants).

Hurt them – Hurt, or rather attempt to hurt, the two witnesses (Old and New Testament scriptures).

Fire – Symbolic of destruction.

Proceedeth out of their mouth – The word of God is what does this destructive work.

Devoureth their enemies – This devouring does not necessarily come during the 1260 years. It could happen after. It is God's judgment upon those who have chosen to be His enemies and God is very patient. Consider 2 Thess. 2:3,8.

Hurt them – Hurt the two witnesses. How can someone hurt the Word of God? By misrepresenting it. "He who steals my purse steals trash; but he who steals my good name takes that which little enriches him but makes me poor indeed." - Shakespeare

In this manner – In what manner? In the manner here described, i.e., by the fire that proceeds out of the mouth of the two witnesses. - Psa. 18:13

Be killed – Lose his life. In this case the man (of sin) will lose his life during the bright shining of our Lord's second presence. - 2 Thess. 2:8
6 These have power to shut the heaven that no rain may fall during the days of their prophecy; and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth as often as they will with every plague. Rain not – As during Elijah's hiding in the wilderness there was no rain, so in the Church's experiences there was a spiritual drouth for 1260 years ending in 1798. R5751:3

These – The two witnesses, the Old and New Testaments.

Power to shut heaven – Shut the nominal heavens. The truth of God is not coming from that source.

Rain – Blessing - Giving the water of truth to organized society (earth). Rain is a little different than giving someone water to drink. While it is water, its distribution is generally spread out over a large area. This is what should have been done. Instead the counterfeit system withheld the water of truth from society because it (the truth of God's Word) did not match with their selfish aims. Thus the two witnesses shut up the nominal heaven.

Power over waters to turn them to blood – These "waters" coming from Christendom did not reflect the truth of God's Word, nevertheless they claimed to be based upon His word. When the people were brought in contact with the truth of God's Word, the false "waters" of Christendom did not measure up. These muddied waters, instead of giving life, brought death (became blood.)

Smite the earth – Not kill or destroy, but inflict lesser harm on organized society under religious restraint (earth.)

With all plagues – Troubles, ailments by causing a loss of faith in the established order - the false Kingdom of Christ - Christendom.

As often as they will – Throughout the period of the 1260 years there were outbursts of truth coming out (consider Waldo, Wycliffe, Luther.) These messages of truth always caused trouble for those who trusted in the false claims of Christendom.
7 And when they shall have completed their testimony, the beast who comes up out of the abyss shall make war with them, and shall conquer them, and shall kill them: The beast – The infancy of the Commune developed under such monsters as Dupont and Robespierre. HG22:1

Ascendeth out – Meaning only a freedom from religious restraint. HG22:2

Make war – During the French Revolution of 1793 to 1796. HG22:2

Kill them – In the terrible scenes of the French Revolution, the closing part of the woe under the Sixth Trumpet. HG78:3

By legal enactment, abolished by law. HG78:6

They – The two witnesses, the Old and New Testaments - the Word of God.

Finished their testimony – At the end of the 1260 years (vs. 3), - 1799.

The word here translated as 'testimony' is Strong's 3144 'evidence given,' or 'testimony.' This is appropriate. This is exactly what a witness does when called upon. They 'testify' or give their 'testimony.' - Compare this with vs. 3 where the two 'witnesses' (Strong's 3141 - 'evidence given (judicially or generally)' give their prophecy for 1260 days.

The above makes it emphatic that whatever is indicate by vs. 8 must come after the 1260 prophetic days.

The suggestion has been made by some that the Greek allows for the thought of this as happening during or near the end of their testimony. This is then applied to the period beginning in 1793 when "a decree passed the French Assembly forbidding the Bible." This thought is contained in the so-called 7th volume, 'The Finished Mystery.' Every translation we have been able to locate contradicts that thought.

Ascendeth out of the bottomless pit – see Bottomless Pit.

Note here. It does not here tell us anything about the bottomless pit, nor does it suggest anything about the two witnesses being in any way involved with the bottomless pit. The only thing associated here with the bottomless pit is the beast. What beast? The one that ascends out of the bottomless pit. Where do we find out about that beast? - In Rev. 17:3,7,8,11,12. - This beast is Rome.

Shall make war against them – So what else is new?

And shall overcome them – That is why they were prophesying in sackcloth.

And shall kill them – "Make them appear to have failed in their testimony that the 1260 years would end the papal power." (Revelation Today)
8 and their body shall be on the street of the great city, which is called spiritually Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. The great city – Babylon. D608[D608]

Called Sodom – Lot's wife, after starting to flee as directed, "looked back," coveting the things behind. So it is with some now fleeing from Babylon. D608[D608]

And their dead bodies – "Dormant Old and New Testaments, made so by the seemingly ineffective prophecy of the 1260 years which did not observantly terminate papacy's power." (Revelation Today)

Shall lie in the street – "Be in open view in the Roman Empire." (Revelation Today)

Of the great city – Babylon, Christendom, The 'Holy Roman Empire'.

Which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt – Sodom was known for its moral corruption. Egypt has always been a symbol for the world (as opposed to the church).

Where also our Lord was crucified – Jesus was indeed crucified by those who had become worldly-minded (Egypt) and corrupt with power and jealousy (Sodom.)
9 And men of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations see their body three days and a half, and they do not suffer their bodies to be put into a sepulchre. Three days and an half – For 3 years, during that greatly infidel revolution which swept over Europe at the close of the 18th century. HG78:6

And nations – see additional comments vs. 8

Shall see their dead bodies – see additional comments vs. 8

Three days and an half – See
10 And they that dwell upon the earth rejoice over them, and are full of delight, and shall send gifts one to another, because these, the two prophets, tormented them that dwell upon the earth. They that dwell upon the earth – Residents of organized society under religious restraint.

Because these two prophets – The Old and New Testaments, the word of God.

Tormented – By reminding them that this is not the true Kingdom of God.

Them that dwell on the earth – Not only do these inhabit the nations of Christendom but they do more. They dwell, i.e., they support and accept the arrangement, on the earth - organized society under religious restraint.
11 And after the three days and a half the spirit of life from God came into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon those beholding them. After three days and a half – From 1799 to 1803. This is when the Bible Societies had their beginnings.

It should be remembered that it takes time to organize, so while the first of these Bible Societies made its official appearance in 1804, the process of organizing would have begun earlier.

The spirit of life from God – Their dead bodies had been lying in the street. Now they are to be lifted up, given new life, new vitality. This spirit of life is to emanate from God. He certainly was not going to actually let His word remain (symbolically) dead.

See 'Two Witnesses' at for a good description of how this took place.
12 And I heard a great voice out of the heaven saying to them, Come up here; and they went up to the heaven in the cloud, and their enemies beheld them. They ascended – After 1799. R5565:2

The Old and New Testaments were lifted up in the sight of the people. R5565:2

Between 1803 and 1813 many of our great Bible Societies were organized. The printing of the Bible in every language in a cheap form was commenced. R5565:3, 5752:5; C50, C51

Up to heaven – To a position of great influence and dignity never before enjoyed. R5565:2

The place of honor and power. R5718:1

The place of honor and authority in the church. R529:4*

The Bible societies have made the Bible a living reality among "all peoples, and tongues, and nations, and languages." HG78:6

They ascended up to heaven – R5565:5; 5628:15; D267:2.
13 And in that hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth of the city fell, and seven thousand names of men were slain in the earthquake. And the remnant were filled with fear, and gave glory to the God of the heaven. Tenth part – Babylon is represented as being divided into ten different wards, each of which represents one of the kingdoms of Christendom, and which corresponds to the ten horns of the symbolic "beast." SM405:4

France, one of the "ten." HG79:1

Of men – "Of men's names" (Margin). All titles, both in church and state, were reduced to the one common name of "citizen." HG79:1

The same hour – Perhaps not beginning at the same time but some of the events described here overlap with the 3½ days of verse 11.

A great earthquake – A great revolution, the French Revolution.

A tenth part of the city – Christendom was divided into its ten toes (of the image). The tenth part of that city was France.

Slain of men – See 'slain' under Rev. 6:9. These are slain of men, i.e., their beliefs were slain by men. In this case it they are slain by the common man of the French Revolution.

Seven thousand – This may have reference to those who should have remained faithful to the Lord. Compare Rom. 11:4,5; 1 Kings 19:18.

The remnant – The 7,000 just mentioned who have had their faith slain.

Were afrighted – This was, after all, the time of the French Revolution. It was a scary time, especially for believer's in the Lord's word. The Bible itself had been banned by the French Assembly and the lives of believer's were in danger.

And gave glory to the God of heaven – These still gave glory to God. It is this fact that helps to identify them.

14 The second woe has passed; behold, the third woe comes quickly.

15 And the seventh angel sounded his trumpet: and there were great voices in the heaven, saying, The kingdom of the world of our Lord and of his Christ is come, and he shall reign to the ages of ages. Seventh angel sounded – The great High Priest himself blows the Trumpet. NS435:1

The proclamation and the time of trouble together constitute the trump of God. HG81:4

"The Last Trumpet," "The Trump of God" is as much symbolic as were its predecessors. Its fulfillment extends through a period of 1,000 years. R2992:5, 579:6; B148

The seventh trump of John, and the last trump of Paul, are one and the same. One begins with "great voices," and the other with a "shout." One is called "the trump of God," and the other the trump which introduces the events of the day of the Lord. HG80:6

Called the Trump of God, probably because during its period of time God exercises his great power over the nations. R368:5

Possibly because introducing the special judgments of God connected with the setting up of his kingdom. R263:4, 19:4

Corresponding to Paul's "shout" and "trumpet." (1 Thes. 4:16) R668:1

That trumpet is now [1915] sounding. R5632:2, 529:2*

We are living in the days of the voice of the seventh angel. PT356:1*

Its beginning, we understand, was in 1878, and its termination will be a thousand years future from that date. R2992:6

We understand it began in 1875, and will continue for a thousand years. NS58:5

It began in 1874 and will continue to sound, to be a proclamation of Jubilee, to all for a thousand years. NS434:6; D601

The Sixth Trumpet ended Aug. 11, 1840. Since then we have been living under the "Seventh Trumpet," which continues until 1914. R368:5, 152:6; 80:2

Aug. 11, 1840 is the end of "hour, and a day, and a month, and a year" of Rev. 9:15. HG78:1

In August 1840, the combined fleets of the Allies knocked at the door of the Sultan at Constantinople. On that very day, the independence of the Turkish empire virtually ended. HG76:2

It covers the entire period of the Millennial reign of Christ, as indicated by the events which are to transpire under it. B149

We are now living under the sounding of the Seventh Trumpet, during which the resurrection of the Church is due. R845:2*, 194:4, 152:6

With the beginning of this Trumpet began the "harvest" and the reaping and separating. D601

Christian people in general understand that five of these Trumpets have already "sounded" and are in the past--we would say six. R2992:5

It covers "the great Day of his Wrath"--the time of judgment upon the kingdoms of this world--the pouring out of the "seven vials" of his wrath. R263:4

The completion of the Church is obtained under the sounding of the Seventh Trumpet. R256:3

It is the time of the Lord's presence and reign; the time for gathering the Church, both from the grave and from among the living; for the overthrow of the powers that be, and establishing the new power; then the awakening and judging of the nations. R845:3*

These events do not all succeed each other, requiring that one can be finished before the other can begin, but several parts of the work progress simultaneously. R845:3*

The events it introduces are visible to the eyes of the understanding of such as have had their eyes anointed with the eye-salve of truth (Rev. 3:18), and whose senses are exercised by reason of use. (Heb. 5:14) R834:4

If the seventh trump were to make a sound on the air, it would be out of harmony with the other six of the series. R580:1, 263:4; D601

The seventh trump is divided into two parts. In the first the closing message of the gospel was to be given; while the woe, the time of trouble, angry nations, the resurrection and rewards, belong to the latter part. HG79:1

The effect of the Trumpet on those who hear it varies. NS434:6

Great voices – The archangel [Michael] is connected with the trump of God, and the "voice of the archangel" is of the same character as the voices of the other. HG81:1

The living members of the Church are evidently the active agents of the Lord's service. R2994:2

The volumes of Millennial Dawn have to some extent been such voices, announcing the Kingdom; also the tracts. R2994:2

Saying – That proclamation has been sounding for the last 38 years [1878]. HG79:1

Kingdoms of this world – God, during the present evil world, not only permits Satan to be its prince, but also permits the earthly governments of his appointing, leaving his Church and all men for a time under their control. R362:5

The powers that be today are styled Christ's kingdom, "Christendom," but they are really "kingdoms of this world." R4956:2, 5715:5; OV359:3

Kingdoms of the Gentiles. R4795:3, 5489:3, 4799:3; SM418:1

The most civilized of the kingdoms are no more than what the Scriptures term "kingdoms of this world," more or less under the power or dominion of the prince of this world, Satan. NS663:6

No nation on the face of the earth can now be said to have God's special fatherly providence over it; for there is no nation even claiming to be the sons of God. R1561:6

God's word denounces all the governments of earth as selfish, oppressive, and beastly, and recognizes only one kingdom as being of God's appointment--the kingdom soon to be established in all the earth. R318:6

Satan is the prince of the this world. These kingdoms of this world, therefore, are under Satan's princeship. R5853:6; A68; CR426:2; OV193:1, 342:2

Though the United States' government is undoubtedly the best on earth today, its machinery is generally used for the benefit of the comparatively few, and actual justice is seldom realized. R1096:2*

Are become – The time has come. The kingdoms of this world belong to our Lord and his Christ. HG79:1

Greek, ginomia. The true rendering is "the kingdoms of this world shall be, or are to become, the kingdoms of our Lord." HG79:4

Soon [1912]. R4956:5

The time is nigh at hand for the setting up of Christ's Kingdom. NS691:5; R5489:5

Soon Satan's power must wane. When, in God's plan, evil has served its designed purposes, the Lord will take to himself his great power and reign. R254:6; A75

Satan must first be bound, restrained and deposed before Christ's reign of righteousness and peace can be established. A69

By "breaking in pieces," throwing down, the kingdoms of this world. R409:3, 268:5, 26:1

The trouble of the nations during the "Day of the Lord" is a natural consequence of this transfer of authority. R409:3, 592:2, 26:1

The transfer of kingdoms will be accomplished by a great time of trouble. A68

He awaits the Father's appointed time--the limit of the Gentile Times--before he will take his great power and begin his glorious reign. B87

The gathering to Armageddon would immediately precede Messiah's taking to himself his great power and beginning his reign. OV276:1; SM238:1

The year AD 1878, being the parallel of his assuming power and authority in the type, clearly marks the time for the actual assuming of power as King of kings, by our present Lord. B239

As soon as the harvest of the Gospel age shall have been garnered, "the kingdoms of this world" shall, during a great time of trouble, "become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ." R5097:3

After the great time of trouble, when the "Times of the Gentiles" will have been fulfilled, due to be accomplished by the year 1915. R3113:3

The Scriptures identify this "great time of trouble" with Messiah taking to himself his Kingdom power and beginning his reign. OV321:3, 324:1

The "Times of the Gentiles" are nearly at an end and the time of Messiah's theocratic government is at hand. NS849:6; R5489:5

It is not until about the close of the Seventh Trumpet's sounding that the kingdoms of earth become the kingdoms of our Lord and his anointed (Body--Church.) R318:6

He has taken to himself his great power and his reign is commenced, consequently we may soon expect the wrath and anger of the nations. R287:5

Thus he becomes "governor among the nations." (Psa. 22:8) HG15:6

The period of time during which the present dominion of Satan shall become the Kingdom of God's dear Son, will be a specially evil day, in which all the children of light shall be crucially tested. R5097:5

"I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdom of the nations." (Hag. 2:22) R592:3

First they must be brought to submission by chastisement, and then we read that all people, nations and languages shall serve him. (Dan. 7:14, 27) R592:3

Papacy claims that when the kingdoms of earth accepted Papacy's overruling authority this Scripture was fulfilled. R305:2

The kingdoms – The "nation" of Isa. 9:3. R2550:3

Of our Lord – Declaring the Lord's presence at the time when the events mentioned transpire. B149

It is in that Kingdom only that the saints have their citizenship; it alone they recognize, and for it pray: "Thy kingdom come." R318:6

"One like the Son of man came in the clouds of heaven, and there was given him dominion, and glory and a kingdom." (Dan. 7:14) HG12:6

"Ask of me and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession; and thou shalt break them with a rod of iron." (Psa. 2:8) HG13:3

Of his Christ – His Body, his anointed, the Church. R532:3, 318:6, 5:1; A75

"The saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom (dominion) and possess the kingdom forever." (Dan. 7:18) R26:1

Papacy claims that the anointed are the line of Popes. R305:2

For ever and ever – That is, being associated with the Father, Christ (and we in him) shall always belong to the reigning and ruling power. R419:1, 165:3

But in the especial sense of ruling over and subduing earth, the reign is limited to the period of time necessary to the restoring of all earth's people and affairs. R419:1

The Seventh Trumpet
The seventh angel –
7th Messenger, Pastor Russell.

Sounded – Blew the 7th Trumpet. This is the trumpet of Jubilee, the Last Trump. 1 Thess. 4:16; 1 Cor. 15:51, 52.

Clearly this is the time of the resurrection of the saints. This trumpet sounds for a thousand years.
See B147:3

This is the trumpet of Jubilee. As we remember the time calculation for the antitypical Jubilee we are reminded that this includes the 50yrs times 50 or 2,500 years which brings us to about October 1875. However, since this includes the Jubilee year, and we are looking for the antitype, the reality, we need to go to the beginning of that year, i.e., to October 1874 and then realize that it is not one year but instead it is one thousand years of Jubilee. Thus this trumpet which begins to sound in 1874 will last until the thousand years have expired in 2874.

Great voices in heaven – Pastor Russell's thought is that these great voices had reference to the Lord's people who, having found the truth, were proclaiming the truth to others in the nominal systems in his day - largely by spreading the message contained in the Volumes. - see R2994:2, 3.

Kingdoms of this world – Christendom. Dan. 2:44 - "In the days of these kings.."

Are become the kingdom of our Lord – Psa. 2:8,9

And His Christ – Gal. 3:29

He shall reign for ever and ever – See The Reign

16 And the twenty-four elders, who sit on their thrones before God, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, See Rev. 4:4

Who sat before God on their seats – The 24 Elders are sitting upon their thrones (Greek thronos). The Old Testament prophecies are enthroned as part of God's holy word.


Fell upon their faces – This is similar to Rev. 4:10 where the 24 Elders cast down their golden crowns before the throne. This seems to refer to the fact that it is during this period (the sounding of the 7th trumpet) that their prophecies (especially concerning the times of restitution - Acts 3:19-21) are fulfilled.

Worshipped God – These prophecies being fulfilled (or in the process of being fulfilled) cause the saints to have a greater appreciation of our Heavenly Father, i.e., they cause us to worship God even more than before.
17 saying, We give thee thanks, Lord God Almighty, He who is, and who was, that thou hast taken thy great power and hast reigned. Lord God Almighty – Represented in Christ--"All things are of the Father, and all things are by the Son"--his honored representative. D622

Thou – As the representative of Jehovah. NS22:1

Hast taken – Now [1915]. R5715:6, 757:5; OV386:4

Soon [May 1914]. R5458:5, 2761:4

The Kingdom reign begins before Babylon falls. D623

We still wait for the completion of the Church when, the due time having come, he "shall take unto himself his great power and reign." R2935:3, 1771:3, 1685:5

Exalted to the right hand of divine favor he waits only for the Father's time to take to himself his great power and reign. SM732:1

The reign begins before the time of trouble and before the resurrection of the saints and prophets, and continues for a thousand years. D622

The manner of taking this power will be by truth binding error. R331:2

Light and knowledge will so increase that all forms of error and evil will be finally dispelled by "the bright shining of the present one." (2 Thes. 2:8) R247:6

This taking of control is described by Jesus in a parable (Mark 3:27); and again in Rev. 20:2. R255:1

"At that time shall Michael [Christ] stand up [assume control]...and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation." (Dan. 12:1) D579

Thy great power – Infallible laws will be rigorously enforced. R1163:6

When the elect company is selected, and exalted to power with Christ their Head, they shall break in pieces the shackles by which Satan has so long oppressed the world. R820:6; OV49:3

"All power is given to me in heaven and in earth." (Matt. 28:18) R1352:2

Hast reigned – Although Christ was 1800 years ago declared worthy to become King, he has not yet taken office in the full sense of the word, but is waiting for the completion of the Church. R5715:5

The time is come for Messiah to take the dominion of earth and to overthrow the oppressors and corrupters of earth. R817:4; OV386:4

Jesus took the office of King in 1878. R3823:3

Christ has come. He has entered upon his reign. R529:2*

He has come at last, and a few armed and liberated by his truth have recognized him and are assembling to his standard. R438:2

Even though the Kingdom may be considered as begun from the time that the King began the exercise of his great power in 1878; it will not be "set up" until the last member of the Kingdom has been changed. R5193:1, 2272:4, 1290:5

When we are complete he shall take to himself his great power and reign. R419:1, 5034:5, 532:3, 165:3

Christ will reign during the Millennium. We all know that Christ has not reigned yet. If Christ was reigning now we would not have the great systems of evil in the earth. Q805:1

"Yet I [Jehovah] have established my King upon Zion, my holy mountain [kingdom]." (Psa. 2:6) R1385:3

We – The twenty-four elders, the prophecies of the Old Testament (see additional comments vs. 16).

Give thee thanks – Because now (the Times of Restitution) is the time of our special activity.

Which are..were..are to come – This can only refer to Jesus Christ as the representative of the Father. This is so because he was (i.e., lived in the past but then his existence ceased), he is now (having been raised from the dead), and are to come (he has now gained immortality and thus will always exist). "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore" Rev. 1:18

Hast taken – D622-23

Thy great power – Rev. 2:26-28; Psa. 2:6-9

And hast reigned – This reign begins in 1878.

"The gathering to Armageddon would immediately precede Messiah's taking to Himself His great power and beginning His reign." Dxv:1
18 And the nations have been full of wrath, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead to be judged, and to give the recompense to thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and to those who fear thy name, small and great; and to destroy those that destroy the earth. Nations were angry – Proof of the fact that the Day of the Lord will be a great day of trouble and of destruction to every form of evil. A324

It naturally makes both people and rulers angry to intimate that the Devil is the prince of these governments. R319:1

Terrible indeed will it be to those, to find their organizations crumbling and their laws and creeds torn to shreds and their "standards" and "authorities" losing power, being cast off and disregarded. R247:6

In the present [1915] disturbance of Europe. R5715:6[R5715]

In this war and the terrible Armageddon which will follow it. SM412:3

The nations are angry now! They act as if they were bereft of common sense. R5632:2

As a consequence of the reign begun. D623

Because its social, financial, political and religious conditions and arrangements will not square with the Lord's line and plummet of righteousness. R2992:6

The very work which our Lord is to do at the beginning of his reign will be to correct the wrongs then prevailing. R5573:6

Note the same results in the "standing up" of Michael, the archangel, in Dan. 12:1. R668:1, 490:6

While not saying that there will be war amongst the nations, it seems to give color to the thought that there will be a contention--war. NS58:5

The kingdoms of this world become our Lord's only by conquest. HG80:1

The earth will be far from being a blessed condition at our Lord's second advent. R5573:6

Therefore not the conversion of the world through preaching the gospel. If converted, they would not be thus hostile. R532:3, 256:3, 5:2; A94; B101; HG13:3; 80:1; 149:5; 342:5; 669:3; Q852:2

At the Lord's second coming the world will be unconverted. R5052:6; Q753:2

The nations will not have been healed when Christ takes the Kingdom. R477:2

The anger of the nations at the time of the second adv; will not necessarily be against the Lord; but rather the spirit of selfishness, which will break forth as a consuming fire. Q753:2

Thy wrath is come – A national judgment and wrath upon the nations. R2993:4

The time of the pouring out of the "seven vials" of God's wrath. R580:1

A day of wrath unmixed with mercy; a time when men will call and God will not answer. HG84:1

Following that "Day of Wrath" shall come the promised blessing. R2935:3

The time of the dead – The object of the establishment of the Kingdom. R2993:1

The whole human family which came under the divine sentence of death. R2993:1

The whole dead world will be dealt with during the thousand years of Christ's reign. R5567:5

They should be judged – That they should have their trial for life or for death everlasting. R2993:3

If they have not already been judged, why should they be dead? R2993:1

They cannot be judged without his words, and the vast majority have not thus far been enabled to hear their Redeemer's wonderful words of life. R2993:2

This will not be the time for the judgment of the Church, for that takes place in the present age. R2993:3

The Church are the first to receive their judgment, the decision in their case. For the world God has appointed a thousand-year day. (Acts 17:31; 2 Pet. 3:8) R5563:6

Full recompenses, either rewards or punishments, are not to be expected before the resurrection. R1881:4; HG334:1

Therefore those who have "fallen asleep" have not already gone to their reward. HG347:4

Receive their proper rewards and punishments and be righteously dealt with. R5567:5

Give reward – Implies their resurrection, since they could not be rewarded while dead. R845:3

The reward is "eternal life" to them who seek for it "by patient continuance in well-doing." (Rom. 2:7) R10:5*

The time of "reward" of all that fear God's name is identical with the Day of Wrath. The Seventh Trumpet includes both and extends to 1914. R116:1*

The closing work of the Gospel age, or antitypical Atonement Day. R159:5*

The prophets – The Ancient Worthies. R5563:6, 2993:4

The time when the prophets and others will be rewarded will be at the return of our Lord Jesus. R4142:5*, 1881:5; HG334:2

"Every man in his own order." (1 Cor. 15:23) R180:6*, 81:5*

The order of prophets are first mentioned in the order of giving rewards. R172:2

The whole Church--prophets, saints, and them that fear his name, small and great. R58:4*

It does not follow that, because mentioned or raised first, that the prophets would be in the first resurrection. R227:2

To the saints – All the faithful in Christ Jesus. R2993:4

All the holy ones. R5563:6

This change, or resurrection, will take place in the close of this Gospel age, at or during the sounding the last Trumpet--the Seventh Trumpet. R1260:4

Since the resurrection of the Church must occur some time during the "harvest" period, we reasonably infer that in the spring of 1878 all the "overcomers" were raised spirit beings. C234

During the Gospel dispensation, and by the spirit of Christ, the members of the Body are being prepared, and during the sounding of the Seventh Trumpet they will all be rewarded. R22:6*

Them that fear thy name – The world of mankind. They will be judged, have the decision passed upon them, according to the way in which they will conduct themselves under the Millennial conditions. R5563:6

Showing the reward of all who will come into harmony with the Lord during the thousand years. R5567:6, 2993:4, 2935:3

All the children of Adam, bought with the precious blood of Christ, are to be justified from their condemnation and set at liberty. SM616:1

All the sheep class during the Millennium. Q652:T

It is evident that not one kernel of true wheat will be left out of the Kingdom. R116:6*

Small and great – In the widest sense, the Kingdom will gradually include all subjects who obey its laws, while all others will be destroyed. D643

All Christians, whatever their grade of development, are thus included. Some occupy a position with Christ in his throne, while many serve him before the throne. R56:6*

Destroy them – If they shall reject instruction and cling to sin and injustice, they shall be adjudged worthy of the second death. R2993:3

Because (1) all such will always be more or less discontented and unhappy; (2) because they would mar the joy of those who love peace and righteousness; and (3) because God has promised a clean world. R3083:6

The time for the destruction of all evil will be in the future. Q651:1

This verse contains so much that a thousand years will be required for its fulfillment. R5564:1

Destroy Babylon. R159:5*

Which destroy – Which corrupt. R5567:6, 5564:1, 3083:6, 2993:4; D623; F398

The willful sinners, destroying from amongst the people all who will not hear his voice, putting down all sin and all insubordination. F398

Those that give forth a corrupting influence and that refuse to come into harmony with righteousness during the thousand years will be destroyed from amongst the people. R5567:6

Everything that pertains to "the body of sin." (Rom. 6:6) Q652:T

Nations were angry – Psa. 2:1,2; 46:6

This seems to have special reference to World War I. The nations there were banded together (by the various treaties). They then attempted to avoid the great conflict but, largely due to these treaties (as well as their pride) they were drawn inexorably into the conflict.

Thy wrath – Contained in the 7 last plagues - "for in them is filled up the wrath of God." - Rev. 15:1

Is come – Is FULLY come. The thought here seems to be that since the wrath of God is contained in the 7 last plagues and the purpose of the 6th plague is to gather the nations to Armageddon, when this stage is reached it is the time for the last of the plagues, Armageddon, to appear. Once this has been released it can then be said: "Thy wrath is [fully] come."

Time of the dead – While the resurrection began with the raising of the sleeping saints in 1878 and they there received the result of their judgment, yet the primary focus of this verse is clearly the world of mankind.

They should be judged – They (the dead world of mankind - Matt. 8:22) will be judged during the thousand year reign of the Christ.

Give reward – For most of the classes indicated this reward will be life, whether on the heavenly or the earthly plane of existence.

Unto thy servants the prophets – Amos 3:7 While the primary thought here seems to be the faithful prophets of old yet there may also be here a reference to the saints. When this is compared with Rev. 1:1 we see the saints are referred to by this same phrase, "his servants."

Destroy them which destroy the earth – While organized society under religious restraint is to be done away with, those who are directly involved in this process, those of the sea class who are rebellious [remember during the 1960's the cry was often heard from this class: "down with the establishment"] are also to be destroyed. See Zeph. 1:7-9; Joel 2:1-11; Rev. 19:15-18

19 And the temple of God in the heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen in his temple: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunders, and an earthquake, and great hail. Temple of God – The Church glorified, the heavenly Jerusalem. R638:5*

Testament – This word in the original Greek is the same as the word covenant. PT356:2*

There were lightnings – The voices, and lightnings, and thunder, and earthquake, and hail, at the ending of the Seventh Trumpet and last plague are clearly the same. HG83:6

After the sounding of the Seventh Trumpet some specially clear and open views would be granted of God's glorious Temple, and in connection with this there would also be some illumination upon that. PT356:3*

One issue of the Watch Tower would have one flash, and the next issue would have another flash. PT356:4*

Lightning naturally has three effects: (1) it enlightens or illuminates the way for some; (2) it brings death and disaster to some; (3) it frightens others. PT356:4*

And voices – Following the flashes of light there were discussions by the brethren. PT357:1*

And thunderings – Thunderings give us the idea of rumblings in heavenly places--dissatisfaction and fault-finding. PT357:2*

An earthquake – We find in many places an earthquake-like shaking going on over the subject of the covenants. PT357:3*

The special light upon the covenants and the various experiences therewith were to be a preparation for a great out-pouring of truth. PT357:4*

And great hail – "Stones of congelation"; probably not meteoric stones, but great hail of frozen water. R3344:3*

Just as rain is a symbol of truth, so hail conveys the thought of hard, condensed truth. PT357:4*

The Temple of God – Is this the true temple or the false? This is the normal question that is asked by Bible students. We suggest the answer to the question is: "Yes." The Lord has done this often in His word. The simplest way to look at it is to consider the parable of the wheat and tares. It is a wheat field that becomes overrun with tares. So is it a wheat field or a tare field. The answer is that it is a wheat field. And this is how the Lord deals with it. In chapters 2 and 3 the various messages to the church are directed at this wheat field. Parts are for the true wheat and parts for the tares.

There was seen – This does not indicate that all could "see" this ark of 'his testament' - ark of the covenant, but some could.

In His temple – In His Wheat-field, the church nominal (including both the true and the false church).

The ark of His testament – Thus it was in the nominal heaven (wheat field) there was indeed seen the ark of the covenant - the true church (T121:1), i.e., there were, at that time, members of the true church still in the nominal church.

The ark of the covenant. Compare this with Eze. 9:3; 10:4.

Lightnings, voices, thunderings, earthquake, hail – Rev. 4:5; 8:5; 16:18,21

As this entire combination (all 5 elements just mentioned) are included only under plague number seven (Rev. 16:18,21) we suggest that this is a reference to the same thing. The ark of the covenant (testament) is now seen, i.e., has now gained recognition, in the nominal heaven.
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