Psalms Chapter 97 [DARBY]

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1 Jehovah reigneth: let the earth be glad, let the many isles rejoice. The LORD reigneth – Having special reference to the period from 1878 down to the full inauguration of his Kingdom, when his glorious reign will be clearly recognized. R5989:1

Typically, over Israel. R1887:5, R1996:6

The fulfilment of every foretold sign of his presence bears witness to this fact. R814:6

Let the earth rejoice – It is great cause for rejoicing if they can only have the faith to realize it. R816:4

2 Clouds and darkness are round about him; righteousness and judgment are the foundation of his throne. Clouds and darkness – Storm clouds and the darkness of gloom, perplexity and trouble. R1913:1, R5989:1

Therefore men cannot see the blessings beyond, since they walk only by sight and not by faith. R815:1

The morning without clouds is that of the perfect age beyond the reign of Christ. The Millennial morning will be especially cloudy. R1073:5

And judgment – Justice, represented by the slab of the Mercy Seat, above which the glory of the Lord appeared in the Most Holy. T124

It is this judgment of the nations, manifesting all unrighteousness, that is causing the clouds and darkness. R1913:1, R5989:1

This trouble is a necessary preparation for the glorious reign, which is an abundant cause for rejoicing. R5989:2

Justice is the foundation of God's government, and his love could not operate in violation of his justice. R1286:3

The basic principle of God's character. R2120:5

Are the habitation – The establishment. R35:4*, R269:6

The foundation; otherwise his creation would become filled with imperfect beings. E472

Also the foundation of our present and future security. Without the justice of God, we would have no assurance that his gracious promises would ever be fulfilled. R3656:2

The just sentence against Adam would have stood forever had no acceptable substitute been found. E421, E422

See comments on Psa. 89:14

3 A fire goeth before him, and burneth up his adversaries round about. A fire – Wisely directed by the High and Holy One. R1913:1, R5989:2

Increased knowledge, like a pendulum, will swing to the opposite extreme of impropriety, bringing great trouble and anarchy. R815:5

Burneth up – Cut off, destroyed, devoured with "the fire of his jealousy." (Zeph. 3:8) R1913:1, R5989:2

His enemies – All opposers of his righteous course. R1913:1, R5989:2

Of God and man, the oppressive organizations of both church and state, thereby liberating the people. R815:5

4 His lightnings lightened the world: the earth saw, and trembled. Lightnings – Diffusions of knowledge. R511:2

Not the brilliancy of the "Brain Age." A171

A flash of lightning from the obscured throne discloses here one error, and there another, with remarkable glimpses of the great principles of truth and righteousness. R1913:2, R5989:3

Principles of the Word of God brought to the front and discussed in the news media and at public gatherings. R5989:4

In contrast with which the world's present disorder is so manifest. R1913:2, R5989:3

The increase of knowledge, general diffusion of education, multiplying of inventions, general interchange of thought, wider range of commercial interests, rapid modes and cheap rates of travel, multiplicity of books and periodicals, wonderful power of the daily press. R815:5

Enlightened the world – In the day of his preparation for the blessing of mankind. A171

Continually calling attention to the Word of God, the golden rule, the equal rights and privileges of human brotherhood. R1913:3, R5989:3

Revealing corruption and dishonesty, in high places. R5989:4

Flashes of light and knowledge manifest his presence and more and more disclose to the world his power, glory and reign. R153:5

The earth – The present organization of society. A323; C229; D46

Saw – Worldly men are drawing attention to the prophecies of Scriptures. R5989:3

And trembled – For fear and insecurity. C229

Not knowing what the outcome will be, but dreading the worst. R1913:3, R5989:3

Knowing that the present war of words must sometime come to blows--and is now beginning to do so. R1913:4, R5989:5

Popular thought is set in a revolutionary direction. R5989:4

The first flashes bring terror and dismay to the world, disclosing the gigantic proportions of evil and oppression. R547:4

"The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard." (Isa. 24:20) R1913:4

As Israel did at Mt. Sinai. R5990:2, R1914:2

5 The mountains melted like wax at the presence of Jehovah, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. The hills – The less high, less autocratic, governments. D551; R5575:4

Melted like wax – Retain their form, but as the earth (society) gets hot, they come down little by little, to the level of popular demand. D551

Some melt under fervent heat, while others will be carried forcibly into the midst of the sea. (Psa. 46:2) R815:6, R511:4

The result of the "shout" and the "trumpet" of 1 Thes. 4:16, and of "Michael standing up" in Dan 12:1. R668:1

Great Britain is an example. If all governments would fully concede to the people their rights (melt), much of the great calamity of revolution would be averted. R815:6

Russia, on the other hand, conceding nothing to the people, shall be forcibly carried by the tumult of revolution "into the midst of the sea." R816:1

Illustrated by the decree of the Czar of Russia (1903) providing for freedom of religion and establishing some degree of local self-government. R3177:6

6 The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the peoples see his glory. The heavens – The new heavens of the Millennial age. A323

Heavenly rulers, the saints. R493:5*, R270:1, R35:4* Psalms 97:7

Confounded – Put to shame and confusion; their idols destroyed. R5990:1

Graven images – Human philosophies and science falsely so-called. R1913:6, R5990:1

Idols – Which their wayward hearts have set up instead of God. R5990:1

Those who are worshiping mammon, stocks and bonds, houses and money, will be ashamed of riches that they cannot account for along lines of the golden rule. SM595:3

All ye gods – "Let all the angels of God worship him." (Heb. 1:6) E72

7 Ashamed be all they that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols. Worship him, all ye gods.
8 Zion heard, and rejoiced; and the daughters of Judah were glad, because of thy judgments, O Jehovah. Zion heard – The true Church heard. D158

Not all who claim to be of Zion, for the great nominal church turns away, saying, "Where is the promise of thy presence? for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning." (2 Pet. 3:4) R814:6

And was glad – Psalms 91 and 46 show why the saints rejoice and are restful of heart while others weep and lament. R1913:4, R5989:5; D158

It is the sinners in Zion that are afraid. (Isa. 33:14) R5989:5

Daughters of Judah – Fleshly Israel, whose blindness shall be taken away. R816:4

9 For thou, Jehovah, art the Most High above all the earth; thou art exalted exceedingly above all gods.
10 Ye that love Jehovah, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints, he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked. Hand of the wicked – Some power is in Satan's, hand, but with limitations. R2180:1

11 Light is sown for the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart. Light – Truth. A20

For the righteous – The truth is only intended for God's consecrated people. Q719:7; R1305:5, R652:1; HG745:6

It is a mistake to suppose that those without faith, and consequent justification, should be able to apprehend clearly the truth. It is not for such. A20

"The path of the just is as a shining light." (Prov. 4:18) A20

Righteous at heart, as Saul of Tarsus. R1444:2

Justified, reckoned righteous in God's sight. R945:6

Who faithfully and thankfully receive and disseminate it. R3648:2

If any of the wicked gains a partial knowledge of the truth, we may be sure he will lose it. R2823:6

Those who have been blessed with light and have made no use of it, have not been privileged to retain it. R946:2

To the extent that men observe the principles of righteousness, they are correspondingly favored with truth and its attendant blessings. R945:3

Sown, through the prophets, for the righteous some centuries down the stream of time. R946:1

Sown centuries ago, but now being most gloriously revealed to those for whom it was sown. R947:4

Gladness – Which comes from a realization of the truth. R3648:2

12 Rejoice in Jehovah, ye righteous; and give thanks in remembrance of his holiness.
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