Psalms Chapter 91 [DARBY]

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1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He that dwelleth – The Church in the end of this Gospel age, The Christ. R4925:3, R5437:3; A338

The cause of protection for those who do not fall is the fact that they live in God. R862:3, R593:4, R4227:6

In the secret place – Of consecration, communion and fellowship. D66; R1788:2; HG717:3

Typified by the Holy (Most Holy, D43; R3331:5[R3331:5]) of the Tabernacle. R4925:3[R4925:3], R5815:2[R5815:2], R5989:5[R5989:17], R159:1*[R159:1*], R1913:5[R1913:5]

Provided in these perilous times with a clear knowledge of the divine plan, with its times and seasons. R5989:5

They have entered "the holiest, by the blood of Jesus." (Heb. 10:10) R4767:6

Of the most High – Sanctified, wholly set apart to God. D158

Under the shadow – Very close to the Lord, where the wicked one cannot touch us. R4311:2, R4524:6, R4736:3, R4925:6

Symbolized by the cloud that covered the typical Tabernacle. R1913:4, R5989:5

The secret place of the Most High – "The place of intimate communion and fellowship with God, through the blessed privilege of prayer and through faith in His precious Word and His promised providential care." R1788:2

Pictures "The Holy Place"
It is "represented by the holy place in the typical tabernacle." R1913

Pictures "The Most Holy"

Is pictured by the Most Holy. R1432; R3331:

Pictures "The Holy"
R4925; R5989 This one is clearer as it covers both. R5815

In the above citations we do note that in the later ones Br. Russell always referred to this "secret place of the Most High" where the saints dwell now as being "The Holy."

The Most Holy is also "the secret place of the Most High" and will be the permanent dwelling place of the saints throughout eternity, but for those saints still running the race the "secret place" is The Holy. - See Heb. 6:19 where Paul reminds that our hope reaches to that within the veil (into the Most Holy.)
2 I say of Jehovah, My refuge and my fortress; my God, I will confide in him. I – David here represents Christ Jesus, addressing the Church. R3331:5, R4925:6

Will say of the LORD – Of Jehovah. R3331:5

He is my refuge – Those who have the Lord for their refuge and fortress have a superhuman care and protection. R4487:4

3 Surely *he* shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the destructive pestilence. Deliver thee – Those who abide under the protection of the Almighty. R4925:6

Snare of the fowler – The deceptions of Satan. R3331:6, R4304:4, R4925:6

Satan is represented as a hunter, seeking the Lord's people as earthly hunters are prone to hunt after speckled birds. R5693:4

The strong arguments and deep-laid plans of error. R36:3

Noisome pestilence – The pestilence which destroys. The sinful propensities of the old nature, and the spiritual pestilences of Christian Science, Spiritism and Universalism. R3331:6, R4926:1

4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou find refuge: his truth is a shield and buckler. He shall cover thee – So close to his heart does Jehovah gather his loyal and faithful children that they feel the warmth of his love. R3331:6, R4926:1

"The Father himself loveth you." (John 16:27) "Fear not, Little Flock, for it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." (Luke 12:32) "He that loveth me shall be loved of my Father." (John 14:21) R3331:2

With his feathers – As New Creatures, as a shield from the enemy. R5438:4

Not only the strong, sheltering wings, but also the feathers of the hen-mother's breast are used to protect her young. R5438:1

Under his wings – The picture is that of a mother hen who, when the hawk is about, clucks for her brood, calling them under her wings, under her special protection; the cluck corresponding to the "Vow." R4304:2

The soft, downy feathers under the mother-hen's wings serve to keep the little chicks warm and hide them from their enemies. R5438:1

His truth – That grand system of truth comprised in the divine plan of the ages. R3332:1, R4926:1

Shield and buckler – The whole armor of God, to enable us to stand in the very midst of the time of trouble, no matter how fiercely the storms of life may assail us. C228, R3332:1, R4817:6, R707:4

Only a clear and harmonious understanding of God's Word will enable us to withstand the powerful attacks of this time. R36:4

5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, for the arrow that flieth by day, Terror by night – The terror of the dark night of the great time of trouble "wherein no man can work" (John 9:4) in the dissemination of divine truth, so great will be the terror, tumult, trouble and persecution. R3332:1, R4926:2

Nor for the arrow – "Even bitter words" (Psa. 64:3) of the opponents of truth. R3332:1, R4926:2, R112:3

That flieth by day – At the present time which, in comparison with the dark night that is coming, is called day. R3332:1, R4926:2

Slanders and misrepresentations will be open. R2450:3

6 For the pestilence that walketh in darkness, for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. For the pestilence – Moral and spiritual stumbling stones-- error, Higher Criticism, unbelief, infidelity. R3332:1; SM289:1; R5437:3, R4926:2, R844:3, R36:3

The moral pestilence of Spiritualism. R267:1, R125:2

As a pestilence, infidelity suits itself to its various surroundings. R36:3

A pestilence spreads because people are in poor physical condition. So it is with spiritual pestilence. Out of the heart are the issues of life. R3826:5

When pestilence is in the air, it inoculates a person without his being aware of the fact--likewise with spiritual pestilence. R5815:6

Walketh in darkness – Secretly, hidden. R2450:3

Spreading and making its victims among those in darkness, ignorant of the truth or unfaithful to it, and therefore subject to the strong delusions of error. R3332:1, R4926:3

For the destruction – Caused by these pestilences. R3332:1

Wasteth at noonday – Subverting the faith of many just when the light of divine truth is shining gloriously upon the faithful, as it is today. R3332:1

Science, falsely so--called, claims to be at its very zenith, its noontide of light and glory. R862:3

7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. A thousand shall fall – Into infidelity. C241; R4926:4, R5816:2

But not into eternal torment, nor Second Death. SM325:2; CR115:3

God wishes some to fall. SM325:2

The cross has ever been the great stumbling stone. R5801:6, R1644:2, R4110:4

A testing time is now upon the Church. R4304:2, R4745:3, R4926:3, R5437:3

No overstatement of the fact. R867:6, R2817:2, R684:4; HG317:5

Into mere social moralism. R1911:5

Because only one in a thousand of nominal Christians is really consecrated wholly to the Lord. R1307:6

Partly caused by natural calamities, as well as social, financial and religious convulsions. R3033:5

One of the signs of the close of the present dispensation. R3199:1

Like Gideon's typical band, the victory is reserved for the faithful few. R1356:6

At thy side – The true Church's side. R5801:6

Those who were actually begotten of the holy Spirit, or who have assumed such a position; for instance, the tares. R4926:3, R4304:2

The only things which will stand will be those which cannot be shaken, the true and faithful. R3053:2, R5816:5; OV320:1

Ten thousand – We might infer that the one thousand may fall into total unbelief, and the ten thousand, the Great Company, into the great time of trouble to wash their robes white. R4926:4

So great will be the failing away from the truth, even among those who once received it with joy. R3332:2

Into Higher Criticism, Evolution, Theosophy, Christian Science and various other delusions. R4304:2

Including some of the most learned of our day. SM245:2

Thy right hand – These fall because they have neglected the necessary development of character; failed to put on the whole armor of God. R5678:4

Not come nigh thee – The true Church, because of their loyalty and uncompromising faithfulness, and because of the ample armor of truth and righteousness. R3332:2, R4926:3, R4955:6, R4167:6; D592

Kept by the power of God through faith. R3295:5

The citadel of truth will be preserved, notwithstanding the fall of the masses of Churchianity. R3455:3

Not one whose name is "blotted out" of the book of life (Rev. 3:5) shall stand, and not one whose name remains shall fall. R745:2

8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold, and see the reward of the wicked. Only with thine eyes – Enlightened by the spirit of truth. R2450:3

Of the wicked – Those who reject the truth or prove unfaithful to it. R3332:2, R4926:4

9 Because *thou* hast made Jehovah, my refuge, the Most High, thy dwelling-place, Thou – The shielded ones will be those who live very near to the Lord. R4438:6, R4379:4

Thy habitation – The only safe retreat in the Day of Wrath. D242; R2770:6

These shall not be moved, yet many of them will pass through most severe trials and temptations. R5652:4

10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy tent. No evil befall thee – The New Creature. We see that no evil befell our Lord as a New Creature. R4767:2, R4311:2

No evil of the kind referred to. Any other seeming evils shall, under divine providence, work together for good. R3332:2, R4926:5

That will mean divine protection to the very end of our course. R5817:4

Some evils do befall the Great Company, to bring about the destruction of their flesh. R4767:6

Plague come nigh – "That wicked one toucheth him not." (1 John 5:18) SM289:2

11 For he shall give his angels charge concerning thee, to keep thee in all thy ways: For he – Jehovah, the Heavenly Father. R5257:2

His angels – Heavenly messengers and the Lord's earthly children are used of him as ministers, servants, as well as various other agencies. R4926:6, R5257:2, R3441:4, R5815:5, R5816:6

God will raise up some faithful pastors and teachers. R4926:5, R4927:1

Divine promises and helpful assistance of the saints. R5437:6

Charge – The loving, protecting care of God. R5257:2

The message of Present Truth. R2647:6, R1268:2, R745:2

In the Harvest time a "charge" or counsel is given to bear up all members of the feet class, lest they stumble. R3441:5

Divine agency and power are everywhere, and ready at any instant to be exercised as much as need be for the accomplishment of God's will. R4769:3

Over thee – Concerning thee. R3332:2

The Messiah class, Head and members. R5257:2, R4545:1

To keep thee – The Lord, our Shepherd, will care for the true sheep. Nothing can harm these, except as the Heavenly Father sees that earthly injury would prove profitable. R4926:6, R3332:4, R4545:1

In all thy ways – In all the affairs of the Church, at all times, including the Dark Ages. R5257:5

12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. They – Doubtless the heavenly messengers are connected with this work, yet it is done through the Church in the flesh. R4927:1, R3441:4

Human agents. R844:6, R1480:4*

Shall bear thee up – All the members of the Body of Christ, individually and collectively. R3332:4, R4927:1

By helping them to a clear understanding of the truth and encouraging them to be faithful to it. R3332:4, R4927:1, R4545:1, R5437:6, R2567:5

To a higher plane of devotion and appreciation of divine love. R5105:1, R4674:5

In their hands – Upheld with the right hand of his righteousness, the power of his truth. R1307:6

Dash thy foot – Symbolic of the last members of the Body of Christ. R3332:4, R4927:1, R5257:6, R5437:6, R681:6, R3719:1, R3298:5, R2244:2, R1688:6, R757:6, R288:1; B157

After a description of the evil day which this "feet" class shall experience, special provision for the help and support of the "feet" is promised. R844:3

It is in this day that we are living that the "feet" are in special danger of stumbling. R3668:6

Against a stone – Only the sanctified in Christ Jesus, the "feet" class, will be kept from stumbling. R844:3, R2647:6

Stumbling-stones of false doctrines, especially the errors regarding the great fundamental doctrine of redemption through the blood of Christ, and our Lord's presence. R4927:1, R5817:1, R3332:4, R4110:4

Lest some overwhelming trial should prove too much for them. R1801:6

13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and the adder; the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under foot. The lion and adder – Every device of Satan, whether boisterous as a lion or stealthy as a serpent. R3332:5, R4927:4

14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. His love – The love and loyalty of each member of the "feet" class. R4927:4

Upon me – Saith Jehovah. R3332:5

Deliver him – The Heavenly Father will deliver him (the "feet" class) from the pestilence, etc. R3332:5, R4927:4

Set him on high – As joint-heir with Christ, a partaker of the divine nature. R3332:5, R4927:4

He hath known – Hath appreciated. R3332:5, R4927:4

15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him. He shall call – This Psalms applies especially to Jesus and the Church. R5757:3,5

I will be with him – Whether standing alone or in company with others. R4927:5

In trouble – The Lord may not prevent or deliver us from trouble if his wisdom sees best for us to have it. R5758:4

I will deliver him – There are deliverances at present according to our needs. R5758:5

Final deliverance in the resurrection. R5758:5

Honour him – Not the kind the world now appreciates, but which in the end it will. R5758:5

16 With length of days will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. With long life – Eternal life. R3332:5

My salvation – Make him understand my plan. R3332:5, R4927:5

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