Psalms Chapter 82 [DARBY]

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Psalms 81   Psalms (DARBY) Chapter Index   Psalms 83

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1 A Psalm of Asaph. God standeth in the assembly of *God, he judgeth among the gods. God – Elohim, Christ appointed by the Father to judge the world now. E69

Of the mighty – The saints. R1410:3, R296:3, R338:2, R421:3

The financial, political and ecclesiastical princes. D53; E69

Among the gods – These same Elohim, mighty ones, saying. D53; E69

2 How long will ye judge unrighteously, and accept the person of the wicked? Selah. How long will ye – Ye earthly princes. D53; E69 PSALMS 82:5

3 Judge the poor and the fatherless, do justice to the afflicted and the destitute;
4 Rescue the poor and needy, deliver them out of the hand of the wicked.
5 They know not, neither do they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are moved. They know not – Earth's mighty ones need not his reproofs. E69

Walk on in darkness – Respecting the outcome of their policy. E69

Until, as a consequence. D55

All the foundations – The established principles of law and order. D55

Of the earth – The present social structure. D55, D542; E69

Are out of course – Moved, terribly shaken. D55

And must be removed, is his decision. E69

All the basic principles of the present social structure are distorted, out of proper relationship to each other, in confusion. HG551:4

6 I have said, Ye are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High; I have said – Distinctly termed by Jesus as part of the "Scripture" which "cannot be broken." (John 10:34, 35) HG310:6

He now addresses his faithful Little Flock. E69

Ye are gods – Elohim, mighty ones, applied to the saints. C239; E68

Quoted by Jesus in John 10:35. C239

You are children – "Beloved, now are we the sons of God." (1 John 3:2) E69

The present work is that of selecting this class. R5007:1

Not only was Jesus the Son of God, but he said he would bring many sons to God. R5623:3

Of the most High – Claiming Jehovah as our Father is claiming that we are divine beings, hence all such are gods. R474:1

7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Ye shall die – All who have consecrated themselves unto death. "But we shall not all sleep." (1 Cor.15:51) C238, C239; Q117:2

There is no other way of entering into the spirit nature than by dying according to the flesh. R5624:2

Nevertheless, though the natural man understands it not, these are passed over, or rescued, from death. F460

Like men – Like other men. E68; Q122:2; R5729:1, R338:2, R421:4, R3823:3

It is as co-sacrificers with Christ that the death of the saints is esteemed by God. (Psa. 116:15) C239

Or, as men. R4519:4

Confirming the distinction between men and the "New Creatures," between the human and the divine natures. R515:1

One of the princes – Not like Prince Adam, but like Prince Jesus. F444; E68; HG368:3; R301:6, R1106:3

Dead with Christ; made conformable unto his death. C239

The world in general die like Adam, sharing his sentence. F724

Literally, heads (Young's translation). R301:2, R473:6

As joint-sacrificers with Jesus in his death of obedience. R2982:6

"Filling up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ." (Col. 1:24) R3175:3

8 Arise, O God, judge the earth; for *thou* shalt inherit all the nations. Arise, O God – As soon as the elect Church have all died, Christ will be called upon. E69

In Psa. 110:1 we see Jesus at Jehovah's right-hand, waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool. Then he who had said unto him, "Sit," shall say, "Arise." R303:1*

Judge the earth – Let loose the judgments of the time of trouble. E69

Inherit all nations – In the succeeding "Times of Restitution." (Acts 3:21) E69

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