Psalms Chapter 110 [DARBY]

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1 Psalm of David. Jehovah said unto my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I put thine enemies as footstool of thy feet. The LORD – Jehovah. E49

Said unto my Lord – Adon, Jesus. E49

Showing a distinction of persons between Jehovah and Jesus. R296:3, R2757:5, R1410:6

Jesus does not become David's Lord until he becomes David's father--when he gives him life in the Millennial age. R809:6

He became David's offspring in Bethlehem; he became David's Lord and root at his resurrection, through virtue of his death. R810:1

"To this end Christ both died and revived, that he might be Lord, both of the dead and living." (Rom. 14:9) R810:1

To be Lord of the dead implies the right, authority and power to give them life. R810:2

At my right hand – The place of chief favor, next to the Father himself. CR457:2; A92

Until – He is waiting until his glorious Kingdom shall be inaugurated for the blessing of all the families of the earth. SM679:1

2 Jehovah shall send the sceptre of thy might out of Zion: rule in the midst of thine enemies. Shall send the rod – Scepter, authority. R2935:2

Out of Zion – The heavenly phase of the Kingdom. A295; T33; R5574:4

Rule thou – The Church. This is not in any measure fulfilled yet. R2935:2

Of thine enemies – Who even until now continue to take the kingdom by force and to use violence against the members of the Lord's Body. R2935:2

3 Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in holy splendour: from the womb of the morning shall come to thee the dew of thy youth. Thy people – The Jews first, and then those who shall become Israelites (people of God) during the Millennial age. D632, D654; R2935:4

Shall be willing – Having learned the dreadful lesson of the exceeding sinfulness of sin. R35:2*, R269:2

This cannot refer to the Church; they are willing now. R2935:3

To hearken to the voice of the Lord through those whom he will appoint. R5646:5

In the day – The Millennial day. R2935:4

Of thy power – When Satan is bound; when Messiah takes his great power and reigns. R2935:3, R5646:5

Womb of the morning – Jesus was the only direct creation of Jehovah. R1060:4

The saints of God, coming forth from their invisible abodes in the morning of joy, shall refresh the world with their benignant influences. R303:1*

As morning after morning comes forth fresh and vigorous, and as the sun retains its youth and energy. R2935:5

Dew of thy youth – Freshness, vigor, in the re-creation. E92

Manifested in the original creation. E92

Jesus' power displayed in restoring and perfecting all things will at least equal his power as Jehovah's agent in creating them. R446:4, * R1060:2

4 Jehovah hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art priest for ever after the order of Melchisedek. The LORD – Jehovah. E49

Hath sworn – By divine oath to the antitypical Melchizedek, more emphatic than in respect to the Aaronic priesthood. SM141:1

Thou – Christ. T30; R4877:2

Here, too, the Body of Christ is no longer shown as separate individuals, but as one complete. R3952:4, R714:4

Art a priest – A Mediator, whose mission is to restore fallen beings to perfection and harmony with God. R3951:2, R713:2

Must be called of God. R5472:2

For ever – Melchizedec was without beginning of days or end of years in respect to his office; no record was made of when his priesthood began, nor was any provision made for a successor. In these respects he typified Messiah. (Heb. 7:1-4) PD25/36

After the order – Or, manner. R714:1, R4877:2

Our Lord is the Head of this priesthood, and the gospel Church are his members, his under priesthood. R5424:1

Of Melchizedek – If Christ was to be a priest after the order of Melchizedec, he could not be a priest after the order of Aaron. Q692:6

The renunciation of the earthly nature is necessary to the attainment of this kingly priesthood. OV106:2

A priest upon his throne. T30; SM499:1; R4715:2, R5066:1, R5472:3, R5776:6

Who represented The Christ in glory with full power to bless. R3951:6, R4877:2; Q696:2; SM137:2

Christ is not on his own throne yet. He is waiting at the Father's right hand for his foes to be subjected to him; for the Church to be completed. CR361:1

The New Creature (the priest) is not of the Aaronic order. It does not trace its lineage to any human source. This was strikingly typified in the priesthood of Melchizedek. R713:3, R5226:6, R4877:2, R3951:6

Our Lord is now the great Prophet, Priest and King after the order of Melchizedek. OV402:2; CR112:5

Not one jot or tittle of the Law failed. The priesthood did not cease, but was merely transferred from the order of Aaron to the order of Melchizedek. OV105:2

As we have no right to intrude into the typical Holy or Most Holy, so they of the house of Aaron have no right to come into the antitypical Holy, which we enter. Q692:7

Under this priesthood, men will gradually rise up out of sin and death during a period similar in time to the 930 years in which Adam experienced the dying process. SM503:1

Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek – Quoted by Paul in Heb. 7:17.
5 The Lord at thy right hand will smite through kings in the day of his anger. The Lord – Adonai, Jesus. E49

At thy right hand – In Jehovah's position of chief favor. E49

It is Jehovah's power that will bring about the Millennial victory of The Christ. R3079:5

Day of his wrath – The Day of Vengeance, the time of trouble. A308, A323

The Millennium is preceded by the most terrible judgments upon the nations. In consequence of these judgments, the people are turned to a pure worship. HG18:5

6 He shall judge among the nations; he shall fill all places with dead bodies; he shall smite through the head over a great country. He shall – With the sword of truth. B101

Wound the heads – Civil, social and ecclesiastical. B101

As the "old world" ended with an almost entire destruction of individual life, so national life is to be destroyed in the end of this world. HG18:2

7 He shall drink of the brook in the way; therefore shall he lift up the head. Drink of the brook – Wisdom gained by experience. "He learned obedience by the things which he suffered." (Heb. 5:8) His testing was of a character and of an intensity such as never before had been brought to him or any other creature. R2935:6

"The cup which my Father hath poured for me, shall I not drink it?" (John 18:11) R2936:1

It is necessary that all the members of his Body should likewise drink of the brook in the way if they would share with the Lord in kingdom blessings. R2936:1

Therefore – Because he did what is now our privilege to do. R2936:1

Lift up the head – Be exalted, as we will be also if we follow him. R2936:1

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