Matthew Chapter 4 [DARBY]

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1 Then Jesus was carried up into the wilderness by the Spirit to be tempted of the devil: Then – Temptations immediately followed his baptism. This is the experience of all who follow in his steps. R3296:3, 2566:3, 1688:1; F141

Was Jesus – Not God, "For God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man." (Jas. 1:13) R370:2

Led up – Mark expresses it, "driven into the wilderness." (Mark 1:12) R3297:2, 2566:1

We should never voluntarily go into temptation, but, knowing our weakness, should seek to avoid it. R3715:6

Therefore we think that the Scripture, "Lead us not into temptation" (Matt. 6:13) should be translated as in the Diaglott, "Abandon us not in temptation." R3716:1

Of the Spirit – The holy Spirit--which was now his own spirit, or mind, or will. R3297:2

His own spirit: his own enlightened new mind. Thus it is our new mind, the result of full consecration to the Lord, that leads us into temptations, trials and difficulties. R3716:1, 4970:2, 5054:2, 5579:3; Q183:T

The illumination (Matt. 3:16) gave Jesus such new views respecting his work that he was impelled to go aside to think, pray and study what his course should be as outlined by the Law and the prophets. R4544:3, 2566:1, 2243:2

He must not even take his own previous conceptions of his work. He must look at everything from the new standpoint of the Spirit. No wonder he wished to be alone with God. R3297:3

That he might study the divine Word, treasured up in a perfect memory, and now fully intelligible by the power of the Spirit. "The natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit." (1 Cor. 2:14) R5157:6, 3297:3, 2, 1688:2

Into the wilderness – Away from every friend and acquaintance and distracting thing. R3297:2

Instead of being taken to the mountain top of joy. F141

That in solitude he might know thoroughly the proper course for him to take in announcing himself as Messiah to Israel and the world. R3716:3

He must not confer with flesh and blood respecting his future course, even if there had been anyone perfect like himself with whom he might have conferred. He must confer with the Father. R3297:3, 2566:2

To be tempted – Along the very lines of his work--the consecration which he had already made. R5065:5

Along the line of selfishness. R3715:3

The three temptations here recorded illustrate practically all the temptations that came to our Lord during his ministry; and, likewise, the temptations that come to his followers. R3297:6

The environment of the present world, and the natural and often legitimate desires of the flesh, are the mediums through which the temptations are presented. R1689:5

Temptation does not imply sin. Our Lord was tempted "without sin"; so may his brethren be if they follow his example. Sin only comes through yielding to temptation. R2568:5, 1802:5*, 1689:5

"In all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin" (Heb. 4:15); not referring to ordinary temptation, but trials and temptations as a new creature. R3715:6, 3297:6, 2566:3, 2243:5, 1689:5; E110; Q706:2

There is a difference between temptations which the Father considers proper and the temptations which come of the Adversary. R3297:5

The temptations or trials which Jehovah permits to come upon his consecrated people are of the same kind that he permitted to come upon our Redeemer. R4970:3, 4544:3

Since we read that God tempteth not, neither is tempted of any man (Jas. 1:13), then Jesus must not be God. R370:2

Of the devil – Greek, diabolus. The word always appears in the singular and undoubtedly refers to Satan. R3716:1, 3297:5, 2567:5

Whose very existence is now denied by many. F609

Satan is the Adversary in a sense that the world and our own flesh are not our adversaries. They are not bitter nor malicious. Satan alone is the willful, intelligent plotter and schemer. F611, F612

2 and having fasted forty days and forty nights, afterwards he hungered. Fasted forty days – Doubtless the entire period was spent in meditation and prayer, being led to this course by his spirit of devotion to the Father--his anxiety to do the Father's will in the Father's way. R3716:4, 5054:2

Mark and Luke imply that he was tempted for the entire period. Both thoughts are evidently true--he was tempted all during the 40 days, while the three temptations narrated here occurred at the close of the 40 days. R3716:1, 2566:3

Aided by a perfect memory, he considered the prophecies, including those which showed he should be rejected of men and led as a lamb to the slaughter. R3716:4,5

These 40 days were spent in meditation and prayer. He had no Bibles nor concordances, but a perfect memory and 18 years of hearing and reading the Law. We may safely say that he knew the entire Word of God by heart. R3716:4, 3297:3, 1688:2

Apparently he neither ate nor slept. R4970:2, 3716:6

If it was proper for the Master to make a study of the divine plan before beginning his work, how much more is it necessary for his followers to do so. "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Tim. 2:15) R3717:1, 2566:2

Afterward an hungred – It was an appeal to one of the strongest cravings known to human nature. R2243:4

Up to this time his perfect mind was so absorbed in his great theme, and so perfect was he physically, that he probably neither ate nor slept. R3716:6, 3297:3,4, 2567:5; Q184:T

While busily engaged in searching the Father's will he was not molested by the tempter; but when he had reached a conclusion, that was the moment of the tempter's assault. It is the same with us. R3717:5

Shipwrecked sailors have been exonerated for turning cannibals under the stress of hunger when they have been without food much less than 40 days. R2243:4

3 And the tempter coming up to him said, If thou be Son of God, speak, that these stones may become loaves of bread. When the tempter – One who was of a higher order of being than himself, who had not taken upon himself a bondman's form. R5084:6

Choosing the time when Jesus' overtaxed human powers sought refreshment and recuperation. R4970:2,3, 3717:2, 3297:5; Q184:T

Came to him – Probably not personally, but by suggestion. R3717:3, 5084:2

He said – I remember you well from the long ago when we were in fellowship, before my deflection. R4970:4

In approaching our Lord, Satan did not attempt to lie outright, nor to distort the facts, but rather to put a false color on them. R5084:6

Representing himself as a friend, an angel of light. R3717:3, 4970:3

If thou be – This demand of the tempter would seem to be a challenge to prove himself the Son of God, to prove that he received the holy Spirit in full power; and that, if he did not do so, his claim might be considered fraudulent. R2243:3

Compliance meant not only the relief of his hunger, but additionally it meant the apparent conversion of Satan, who seemingly was in a repentant attitude. R2567:1

Be made bread – The first temptation--the flesh. R3717:4

Use spiritual gifts to further temporal ends. E110; R4970:3, 3798:1, 3058:2

Since you have so unwisely forfeited your higher form of life, so that you may never regain it, don't give up, but keep the life you now have. If you die now you shall never live again, neither will you be able to liberate mankind from death. R314:2

Illustrating our temptations to preach for worldly applause, wealth and social positions, and to seek the healing of our bodies which we have consecrated to death in God's service. R5965:5, 4970:6, 3798:1, 3717:6

The spiritual gift could no more be used to procure temporal comforts than it could be sold for money to Simon. (Acts 8:18-20) R2567:2

So far from using his miraculous powers selfishly, we find that many of his miracles, especially healings, were done at his own personal expense. "Virtue [vitality] went out of him and healed them all." (Luke 6:19) R2243:5

Our Lord subsequently used this power in feeding multitudes and turning water into wine, but it would have been sinful for him to use it upon himself, to sustain the human life which he had already consecrated unto death. R4544:5, 1689:4; Q707:2

Food thus secured could sustain life for but a little while; the better plan would be to trust in the Word of God and have eternal life with God. R4897:1

When he hungered, he sent his disciples to buy bread. When weary, he rested on the well or elsewhere. He never prayed for deliverance from natural troubles, but cheerfully endured them as part of his sacrifice. So should we. F636, F650

4 But he answering said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word which goes out through God's mouth. But he answered – The fact that Jesus discussed matters with the Adversary does not furnish us with an excuse to try our ability in this direction--as in spiritism. R5084:6

If we are positive in our rejection of temptation it increases our strength of character, not only for that time, but also for subsequent temptations. R2567:3

It is written – Although filled with the Spirit, he relied upon that which was "written" for his replies to temptations. R1688:4; Q708:T

The sure defense of the true child of God. F200

Man shall not live – I could not enjoy life, even with all my wants supplied, apart from communion with my Father. R314:3

By bread alone – Thus refusing to use divine power for his personal comfort and healing. F636, F650; R4970:4

Natural food alone will not sustain us. We cannot live except as we have the smile, the favor, the approval of the Lord our God. To live without that, for us, would not be living. R3717:6

Man can find no kind of bread, no kind of food, that will produce life in the full and complete sense of that word--that will swallow up death in life. R3058:3

The increase of learning, wealth, conveniences, medical skill and dietetic knowledge which the world has recently experienced has not increased its peace. NS521:2

Every temptation to sacrifice spiritual privileges or violate spiritual responsibilities for the attainment of earthly advantages would be a yielding to this form of temptation. R4544:6

The most that we should do is to make mention to him of those promises for temporal provision and of our trust in them. R5202:5

If God calls us to be members of the body of Christ, neither lack of food nor anything else can hinder us from the full opportunity of making our calling and election sure. R5202:5

The wrong course is symbolically prefigured in Esau's selling the birthright for a mess of pottage. (Heb. 12:16) R4544:6, 3717:6, 2567:2

But by every word – Not merely the milk of the Word. R3622:2, 1568:2

All hopes of eternal life depend upon God--upon the divine plan and its promises. R3058:5, 4896:3

Every admonition, every encouragement, every promise, is necessary to the development of those called to eternal life. R4896:6, 3060:4

It is as certain that we need spiritual bread--the truth--constantly, in order that our spiritual life be sustained, as that we need natural bread daily to sustain our physical life. R136:3*

Truth is the proper food of man, and a large share of it must be received by faith. Thus we must live by faith. Faith is to truth as eating is to bread. R74:1*

The words of God's mouth to us are not exactly the same as to our Lord Jesus and to the holy angels. To us they are the words of justice, pity, sonship, promise, admonition, patience, consolation and resurrection. R3058:6-3060:4

His word is that "whosoever seeketh to save his [earthly] life [at the expense of his covenant] shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his [earthly] life [laying down his life in harmony with his covenant of consecration, faithfully unto death] shall find it [eternal life]." (Matt. 10:39) R2244:1

If he would deserve eternal life, it must be as a result of absolute obedience to the divine law. R4544:5, 3058:5, 2567:2

He had been feeding upon this heavenly food. He was strong in spirit and determination to do the Father's will. R3717:6

Our meat and drink should be to do the will of our God, and to finish his work. (John 4:34) R1689:3

"Whoso keepeth his Word, in him verily is the love of God perfected." (1 John 2:5) R4897:4

Mouth of God – God's word is that obedience is the condition of life everlasting. R4896:6

5 Then the devil takes him to the holy city, and sets him upon the edge of the temple, Then the devil – The second temptation--the world. R3718:2

Not even dissenting from our Lord's decision, he presented him a second subtle temptation. R5084:6, 3718:2

Into the holy city – Mentally, not physically. R5084:3, 4970:4, 4544:6, 3719:2

On a pinnacle – The roof of the southern wing of the Temple. R3718:2, 3298:2, 2567:4

About 600 feet above the bottom of the valley. R3298:2

Of the temple – Overlooking the Valley of Hinnom (Gehenna). R3718:2, 3298:2, 2567:4

6 and says to him, If thou be Son of God cast thyself down; for it is written, He shall give charge to his angels concerning thee, and on their hands shall they bear thee, lest in anywise thou strike thy foot against a stone. And saith unto him – Again posing as a friend, an angel of light. R3718:3

If thou be – Your trust in Jehovah is misplaced; first prove Him and see if He will keep His word. R314:4

Cast thyself down – Not a temptation to gross wickedness, but a temptation to do the Lord's work in another way than that which the Lord had planned. R2567:3

Recklessly expose yourself in proof of your mission. E111

Thus drawing the immediate attention of all Israel to the fact that you are the Messiah. R3718:3, 5965:6, 4970:4, 4544:6

"A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign" (Matt. 16:4), such as the laying on of hands, the gift of tongues, physical healing, peculiar dress, robes, mitres, relics of saints, etc. R3718:5

"This generation seeketh a sign" (Mark 8:12); and thus it is with every generation. The world wants miracles or outward shows of sanctity and great professions. R3718:5

Illustrating the temptation to recklessly expose ourselves to any danger--moral, financial, phy-sical or spiritual--expecting miraculous deliverance. R2244:2,3, 4970:6

He had not been called upon to thus hazard his life, but rather was required to sacrifice it--laying it down in the service of the truth and of humanity. R4545:1

The Lord's people should be on guard against any unreasonable procedures in the proclamation of the Gospel. The service of ambassadors for God is a reasonable service. R3718:6, 3298:6, 2567:5

Another temptation of the same character: To expect divine interposition to put truth into our mouths and hearts while failing to obey the divine instruction to "Search the Scriptures." R2244:3

It would be a sin to use spiritual power for the gratifying of our human nature when it was given us wherewith to crucify it. R146:5

The wonder-working spirit is contrary to the spirit of humility and, if gratified, would lead to spiritual pride and egotism. R4545:1

We are to do all in our power before expecting divine interpositions. We are not to thus tempt providence. R2421:2

If we should presume to go out in cold or stormy weather improperly clad, when it is not necessary to do so, and thus risk contracting illness, we would be doing a wrong and unwarranted thing. Q708:1

It requires greater courage to ignore the shame and ignominy of the world in the disesteemed service of God than to perform some great and wonderful feat that would cause the natural man to wonder and admire. E112

For it is written – Satan quoted Scripture but misapplied it. R3718:2,6, 4970:4

His angels – Ministers of divine truth who, in the present harvest-time, would be commissioned to bear up the feet members with such counsels, admonitions and expositions of Scripture as would be necessary for them. (Psa. 91:11,12) R2567:6

Bear thee up – If he had been thrust off the Temple pinnacle by the hands of an angry mob before his time had come, or if he accidentally fell, surely the Father would have intervened that he not be injured; but to do so deliberately would have been to tempt God. R4970:5, 3718:4, 3298:3

Dash thy foot – This Scripture really belongs to the feet members of the Body of Christ, that they may surmount the difficulties and receive blessing instead of injury. R4545:1, 3719:1, 3298:4, 2567:5, 2244:2, 1680:6, 844:3

Against a stone – It is possible that our Lord at that time did not know the proper interpretation of this Scripture; if he had, there would have been little temptation in the suggestion. R3298:3

We now see that the Lord himself was the "stone of stumbling and a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel" (Isa. 8:14), and that his "feet" represent spiritual Israel particularly during the harvest time. R3298:4

In our day there is a stumbling-stone permitted for the testing of our faith. Whoever is of the proper character will be aided of the Lord to victory so that the stumbling-stone will become a stepping-stone to higher riches of grace and blessing. R3719:1, 3298:5

7 Jesus said to him, It is again written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. It is written again – Seemingly conflicting Scriptures should be harmonized by examining the underlying principles. R3298:3

Not tempt the Lord – By trying him through a misapplication of his promise. Q708:T

To deliberately defy the laws of nature and to expect divine protection would have been to tempt God. This Jesus refused to do. R4970:5, 3718:4, 1688:4; Q707:4

8 Again the devil takes him to a very high mountain, and shews him all the kingdoms of the world, and their glory, Again, the devil – The third temptation--the devil. R3719:2

In seeming sympathy with our Lord. R3719:3

Again changing his method of attack. R5084:5

This time he no longer disputed with Jesus that he was the Son of God. R2244:5

Taketh him up – Mentally, not physically. R4970:5, 3719:2, 3298:4

High mountain – Satan's own dominion over the world. R5084:5, 4970:5, 4545:2, 3719:2, 3299:1, 2244:4

And sheweth him – Thus picturing his own power over the world, the power of a usurping prince imposing upon him the ignorance and superstition of mankind. R4545:2

This panoramic presentation of Satan's power was designed to impress upon our Redeemer the thought that Satan's friendship and assistance would be most valuable--nay, of almost vital importance to the success of his mission. R2567:6

All the kingdoms – Held and ruled through his minions, the blood-thirsty kings of earth. R615:1*

Our Lord clearly understood that sometime he was to have authority over these kingdoms, and that his mission was to lay the foundation for a Kingdom, but he probably did not yet fully understand how or when--hence, the peculiar force of this temptation. R3299:1

Though God has given over the world to the "prince of this world" until the full end of the Gentile times, yet God has not given him unlimited power. R5205:4

Pray God's guidance and direction over all the affairs of life and over rulers to the end that the piety, sobriety and growth of the Church may be conserved. R5205:4; HG570:4

9 and says to him, All these things will I give thee if, falling down, thou wilt do me homage. All these things – You will be great indeed. You are a perfect man and you can live forever. Since your life is not forfeited, no one can take it from you. You can be Lord of lords and King of kings to bless mankind. R314:4

Will I give thee – Satan controls the invisible spiritual phase of the present kingdoms of earth, as well as the visible human phase. A251; R4970:5

This offer was no farce; it was the climax of the temptations, the last resort of a baffled enemy. R615:1*

To give the impression that he himself was tired of rebellion against God in the world and that he was ready to join our Lord in a great social uplift. R5084:5[R5084:17], 4970:5[R4970:14], 4545:4, 3719:3, 3299:2; E113

Furthermore, this would involve my own conversion to righteousness, which surely would not be amiss, either in your sight or in the sight of Jehovah. R2244:5; E114

The suggestion was that with some maneuvering and wire-pulling he, as a perfect man, and therefore far superior to other men, could soon win his way to a chief place of power and dominion over the whole world. R1688:6

His proposition is a social uplift which shall ignore individual responsibilities and sins and merely regard social conditions and make society outwardly clean. E115

If thou wilt fall down – Bend a little; make compromise with the worldly spirit. R2568:2

He foresaw that the suggested course would involve many compromises with evil men then in power, just as all office-seekers under the present order have always found it. R1689:1

Similarly today, he proposes to the Lord's followers identification with nominal Churchianity. R3299:5

The temptation is, Will we connive with and recognize unjust and sinful institutions because they have power and because to oppose them would imply their opposition and the bringing of shame, scorn and death. R4545:5, 3299:5

Satan was willing to become a reformer in all particulars except one--his ambition must be gratified. E113

Worship me – Cooperate with me for the world's uplift. R4970:5; E112

Implying that Satan would not require such suffering and sacrifice as God required; that, if Jesus would cooperate with him, all would work smoothly and prosperously. R5966:1; Q708:3

As does the nominal church when it seeks to increase membership by resorting to worldly customs, games, entertainments, etc. R3719:5, 4970:6

When the Papacy did this, Satan was true to his promise. B293; E114

Recognize his influence and cooperation in the work. Not for a moment can we suppose that he expected him to kneel before him and worship him as a God. R2568:1

I do not ask that you shall not recognize Jehovah, but that you shall be under my supervision. You will not be required to do anything very bad. R5084:6

I, on the spirit plane, and you, on the human plane, will be quite masters of the situation. Let us federate and cooperate. R4970:5, 4545:4

By not opposing evil, by respecting or reverencing evil customs already established under Satan's regime, Satan would cooperate with our Lord in the establishment of his Kingdom. E74

It was not long after the apostles fell asleep in death that the Adversary succeeded in deluding the church to go into partnership with him for the control of the world and its blessings through a combination of religion and politics. R2245:1

10 Then says Jesus to him, Get thee away, Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt do homage to the Lord thy God, and him alone shalt thou serve. Get thee hence, Satan – Adversary, opposing spirit. F611

I cannot be a co-worker with you in any sense of the word. R4970:6, 3299:4

Fully awakening in Jesus a realization of the fact that there was no real reformation at work in Satan's heart. R2568:2

Our Lord was saved from any vacillation on the subject by reason of the fullness of his consecration. R3299:4

Our Lord was indignant that it should be thought for a moment he would prove traitor to his covenant and enter into a confederacy with the great Arch-enemy of righteousness, Satan. R4970:6

Had he not reached this final decision we may presume that Satan's temptations would have continued for days or weeks or years. R3299:6

Let each of us, as followers of the Master, be prompt in giving our response to the Adversary's proposition of compromise. He who dallies with temptation increases its power every moment. R3720:1, 3299:6; Q184:T

We are to resist the Adversary courageously that he may leave us permanently. R4970:6

When we take a positive stand on any question we have special help from the Lord along those lines. R4339:4*

Worship the Lord – The Greek word translated "worship" in the New Testament is proskuneo which signifies "to kiss the hand," as a dog licks the hand of its master. The significance is reverence. E72

Thy God, and him only – Reverence to those in honored positions, if not rivals of Jehovah, is proper. E73

Shalt thou serve – I will follow the divine program at any cost. R2244:6

11 Then the devil leaves him, and behold, angels came and ministered to him. Devil leaveth him – And never made another attempt, as far as the record goes. R5292:4, 4970:6; Q184:T

"Resist the devil and he will flee from you." (Jas. 4:7) R1689:5; Q184:T

Behold, angels came – Uninvited. R1689:6

From the moment of our positive resistance of temptation and positive standing up for the Lord we become stronger in the Lord and in the power of his might. R3300:4

Our Lord had no Advocate to sympathize with him, and to succor and encourage him in the hour of temptation. With us, however, matters are different. R4545:5

Whatever terror lay in the intimated opposition of the Adversary was more than counterbalanced by the assurance of divine favor and assistance. So it is with us. R3300:4

Ministered unto him – Strengthened him, revived him. R4970:6

12 But having heard that John was delivered up, he departed into Galilee: Now when Jesus – Probably six months or a year after his baptism. R2245:2

Heard that John – Foreshadowed the closing work of the Church at the second advent. B261, B253

He departed – "When they persecute you in this city, flee to another." (Matt. 10:23) F508

It is our duty to be on the lookout for divine deliverance and the opening of a way of escape from things too difficult to endure. F508

Into Galilee – More amenable to the teachings of Jesus than were many of their more religious, more enlightened, and more priest-ridden brethren of Judea. R4557:1[R4556:21]

The expression "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" (John 1:48) applied to all Galilee. R4556:6

13 and having left Nazareth, he went and dwelt at Capernaum, which is on the sea-side in the borders of Zabulon and Nepthalim, In Capernaum – Moving there with his mother and brethren, as a family. R2245:3

Capernaum was more closely in touch with the Gentile world, its good and its evil, than was Jerusalem. R4557:2

14 that that might be fulfilled which was spoken through Esaias the prophet, saying,
15 Land of Zabulon and land of Nepthalim, way of the sea beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations: Galilee – Signifies circle; implying that this land would be encircled by the Gentiles. R4556:6

16 --the people sitting in darkness has seen a great light, and to those sitting in the country and shadow of death, to them has light sprung up. The people – The people of Palestine, long in doubt, uncertainty, etc. R4988:2

Sat in darkness – Separated from the great religious center of their day, they were in greater darkness than their brethren. R4557:1[R4556:21]

Saw great light – Jesus and his teachings. R4988:2

Symbol of God, of Christ, of the Church, of truth, of influence for righteousness. R4987:3

Which flared forth in Capernaum, Bethsaida, Chorazin and Nazareth, chief cities of Galilee, and blessed and gathered some, the elect. R4557:1,5

The benighted Galileans were blessed in the great light which shone in their midst; but it also tested them as truth, light, always does. R4557:5

All mankind shall see the great light which God has provided. R4988:5, 4557:1

Shadow of death – In the very shadow of the death-darkness that was upon the Gentiles. R4557:1

Subject to a reign of sin and death, under a pall of darkness, ignorance, superstition, sin, etc. R4987:6

Even these must come forth that all may be enlightened by this "true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." (John 1:9) R4988:6

Light is sprung up – Before the world will be enlightened, the Church must be enlightened, completed and glorified together with her Lord. R4988:4

17 From that time began Jesus to preach and to say, Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn nigh. Repent – From our Lord's viewpoint the healing of soul-sickness was of greater importance than physical healing, which was merely incidental. R2246:4

Kingdom of heaven – The hope of every Israelite. A273

Matthew uses the terms "kingdom of heaven" and "kingdom of God" interchangeably. R396:3,6

Is at hand – The 69 (of 70) weeks of Daniel's prophecy have expired. R3630:2

In the sense that Jesus was present to make a formal tender of the Kingdom to Abraham's natural seed. R4557:2

18 And walking by the sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishers; Simon called Peter – "Simon Peter, lovest thou me more than these? [nets, boats, etc.]" (John 21:15) NS656:4

And Andrew – This calling was not their first introduction to Jesus, but merely the Lord's invitation to them to become special associates in the work. R2245:2

They were fishers – Christ did not call idlers, but workers, into his ministry. R2246:1

All his disciples (the twelve) were from what might be termed the humbler walks of life. It is declared without disapproval that the rulers "perceived that they were unlearned men." (Acts 4:13) F210

19 and he says to them, Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men. Follow me – While the Lord called each individually, there was also a special occasion upon which he dedicated them to their office as apostles. (Luke 6:13) R1521:2

I will make you – The twelve whom I have specially chosen. F217

Fishers of men – Spiritual fishing requires knowledge, tact, bait, and that self be kept out of sight. Fish are easily alarmed when they think anyone wishes to take them. "Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves." (Matt. 10:16) R5555:1,3, 3308:3; CR156:4

The skillful fisherman catches the fish individually. Likewise, very much of the work of this age has been an individual work, accomplished by talking to people. R5555:1

"The Kingdom of heaven is like unto a net that was cast into the sea and gathered fish of every kind." (Matt. 13:47) C214; R920:1

20 And they, having left their trawl-nets, immediately followed him. Left their nets – Forsook all to follow him. The "seventy" commissioned later on were never recognized as apostles. F210

Evidently retaining some sort of interest in them, however, as they had no difficulty in regaining possession of them when they re-embarked in the fishing business after our Lord's death. R3308:2

Not instantly, but after making necessary arrangements. Similarly, we have a stewardship of duties and responsibilities in life which we cannot abruptly cast aside. R3720:6, 3721:1

The Lord accepts none as his disciples except those who forsake all to follow him. R4557:4

And so it is today. Those who most cheerfully, most zealously forget self and earthly ambitions, aims and projects, and who most fully give themselves to the Lord and to his service--these may walk nearest to the Lord at all times. R3334:6

21 And going on thence he saw other two brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the ship with Zebedee their father, mending their trawl-nets, and he called them;
22 and they, having left the ship and their father, immediately followed him. And their father – Leaving the fishing equipment in the care of Zebedee and hired servants. R3720:6

23 And Jesus went round the whole of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the glad tidings of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every bodily weakness among the people. All Galilee – Supposed to have had a population of over 3,000,000. R3334:3

The people of Galilee were evidently thrifty, prosperous work people, people best prepared to receive his teachings. R3334:3

In their synagogues – They could teach the people there, for a time; but as they shunned not to declare the whole counsel of God, they soon found little and finally no opportunity to teach the people in the synagogues. R986:5

The gospel – His message is called "the Gospel," the good news, because Israelites, like the rest of the groaning creation, have been long waiting for the promised Golden Age. R2246:1

Of the kingdom – The sum and substance of the gospel theme. R1579:3

And healing – "These things did Jesus, and manifested forth his glory." (John 2:11) PD64/74

All manner of sickness – Let those who are lame through pride and self-will and unable to follow in the narrow way cast away their crutches. Let them learn to walk in his ways of meekness, gentleness, patience, longsuffering and brotherly-kindness. R2246:5

24 And his fame went out into the whole of Syria, and they brought to him all that were ill, suffering under various diseases and pains, and those possessed by demons, and lunatics, and paralytics; and he healed them. His fame – As his fame increased, the opposition to him became more and more pronounced, especially from those who were brought into competition and unfavorable comparison with him as public teachers. R1735:3

And they brought – We urge the necessity of bringing friends, and coming oneself, to the Great Physician for the healing of soul-sickness. R2246:5

Possessed with devils – The evil spirits of selfishness and pride. R2246:5

The palsy – The palsy of fear of man which bringeth a snare. [Prov. 29:25] R2246:5

He healed them – To foreshadow the still greater work to be accomplished during his Millennial reign, and also to draw attention to the message proclaimed. PD64/74; R4557:5, 2246:4

25 And great crowds followed him from Galilee, and Decapolis, and Jerusalem, and Judaea, and beyond the Jordan.
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