Matthew Chapter 28 [DARBY]

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1 Now late on sabbath, as it was the dusk of the next day after sabbath, came Mary of Magdala and the other Mary to look at the sepulchre. End of the sabbath – Hindered from coming the previous day because it was the Jewish Sabbath, the day now known as Saturday, the seventh day of the week. R2477:5

As it began to dawn – How great the reward of these devoted women--last at the cross and first at the sepulcher. R1816:6

Improving the very earliest opportunity to honor him whom they so loved. R1505:5

The same is true of the resurrection of the Church, in the dawn of this great seventh day. R92:1*

"God shall help her and that right early." (Psa. 46:5) R3375:3

The first day – Sunday. This day is reckoned as the third day and night which Christ spent in the tomb. R4212:5*, 3903:6, 3375:1

Symbolizing a new beginning, a new dispensation. Q366:2

Typifying the beginning of the seventh thousand-year day when the Church shall be raised. "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." (John 2:19) R3375:1-3

Mary Magdalene – Out of whom Jesus had cast seven demons and who, from thenceforth, became one of our Lord's most earnest followers. She had much forgiven her, she loved much, and her love had brought her early to the sepulcher. R3375:6

Woman's love and tenderness, specially endearing charms of the sex, are well illustrated in this incident. They came with no thought of the resurrection, but to embalm his body more elaborately than they had had time for previously. R2477:5, 2317:3

Seemingly the Lord recognized that women can exercise faith more readily than can men, and here he used them as his servants and mouthpieces to prepare his disciples. R3905:2, 2317:3

And the other Mary – It does not appear that they came together, but rather that Mary Magdalene was first to arrive. R2477:5

2 And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord, descending out of heaven, came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it. Rolled back the stone – Not necessary to our Lord's resurrection, because the body which he has now is no more his former body of flesh than that body of flesh was his former spirit body. R2318:2

In their eagerness, they forgot the great obstacle of the stone; but the sweet incense of their devotion arose to heaven, and God sent his angel to remove the obstacle. R1816:6

3 And his look was as lightning, and his clothing white as snow. Like lightning – The angel appeared in dazzling brightness, that he might not be mistaken for a man. R4714:1

Spirit beings are glorious in their normal conditions. A183; R579:1; 28:5

4 And for fear of him the guards trembled and became as dead men. Became as dead men – Almost swooned or fainted; but, recovering, hastened from the spot to make their report to the chief priests, at whose instance they had been appointed to this service. R3375:4

5 And the angel answering said to the women, Fear not *ye*, for I know that ye seek Jesus the crucified one. Fear not ye – The angel, so terrible to those out of harmony with the Lord, spoke graciously to those who were his friends. R3905:1

6 He is not here, for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. He is not here – The removal of the crucified body from the tomb was necessary to establish, in the minds of the disciples, the fact of his resurrection; had it remained, it would have been an insurmountable barrier to their faith. R1817:4

It is not for us to say what became of the natural body of Jesus. God has not revealed particulars respecting it, except that it did not corrupt. Perhaps it is yet to be produced by the Lord as evidence of the truth of the whole transaction. R3376:6

He is risen – The one that was raised from the dead was the spirit-begotten new creature. R5158:1

The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead is peculiar to the Jewish and Christian religions. R3903:5

As it was necessary to know that Christ died before we could believe in him as our Redeemer; so it was necessary to believe that he rose again, so that he might be our justifier. R3903:2

The account proves three things: (1) the fact of the resurrection; (2) the Lord's change of nature in the resurrection; and (3) his personal identity notwithstanding the change of nature. R1816:5

7 And go quickly and say to his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and behold, he goes before you into Galilee, there shall ye see him. Behold, I have told you.
8 And going out quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, they ran to bring his disciples word. They departed quickly – Though fearful and surprised when they received the angel's message that the Lord was risen, yet they grasped the fact by "intuitive" faith. R2317:3

9 And as they went to bring his disciples word, behold also, Jesus met them, saying, Hail! And they coming up took him by the feet, and did him homage. And as they – With the exception of Mary Magdalene, who separated herself from them to go and tell Peter and John. B112

Jesus met them – His second appearance after his resurrection. R3905:3

Appearing first to Mary, who seems to have been a woman full of faith as well as full of zeal, and one whose word would have influence upon the apostles. R2808:2

Possibly the same appearance as that recorded in John 20:14. R2802:3

He appeared as a man, but under varying conditions, showing that he was not bound by the limitations of the human nature. R3904:2

Had our Lord appeared in his real body, as to Paul, the effect would have been less favorable; he therefore adopted the method used by angels sent on special missions to men. R2318:5

All hail – In the Greek, the usual salutation, practically signifying, Rejoice! R3375:6

Held him by his feet – Had he appeared in the body crucified, they would certainly have seen the prints of the nails in his feet. R2801:5

His words, "Touch me not [don't hold on], for I am not yet ascended to my Father and to your Father, to my God and to your God" (John 20:17), were doubtless uttered at this time. R2317:3

We are not to assume that we are merely to hug the truth to our own hearts, but are to remember that it is for others also. R3375:6

And worshipped him – It is undoubtedly proper enough for us to address petitions to our Redeemer and Advocate. R1410:2

10 Then Jesus says to them, Fear not; go, bring word to my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there they shall see me. Be not afraid – Do not hold me as though fearful you will never see me any more. R2317:6

Tell my brethren – After we have found the Lord, we have a great duty toward the brethren. R3375:6

Into Galilee – Their home. B112

Shall they see me – It was necessary that the twelve apostles should be able to bear witness to the fact that Jesus had risen from the dead. R5579:2

11 And as they went, behold, some of the watch went into the city, and brought word to the chief priests of all that had taken place. When they were going – Having the true love which manifests itself in obedience, Mary immediately undertook the mission assigned her. R2478:3

An indication that, while never using women in the public preaching of the Gospel, yet they have a place in the less public mission in connection with the promulgation of the Gospel. R2316:1

12 And having assembled with the elders, and having taken counsel, they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers,
13 saying, Say that his disciples coming by night stole him while we were sleeping. While we slept – How foolish would be the testimony of men who would say what took place while they slept! R3375:4

14 And if this should come to the hearing of the governor, *we* will persuade him, and save *you* from all anxiety. And secure you – The assurance of protection, security against the ordinary penalty for a Roman soldier sleeping while on duty. R3375:4

15 And they took the money and did as they had been taught. And this report is current among the Jews until this day. Until this day – Up to the date of writing Matthew's gospel, which is supposed to have been written some nine years after the event. R3375:4

16 But the eleven disciples went into Galilee to the mountain which Jesus had appointed them. The eleven disciples – Manifesting Jesus' particular selection of them. F214

The apostles were the special witnesses of the Lord's resurrection, although he was seen by others. R1522:5; F214

Went away – Quite probably three weeks intervened without the slightest communication. Meantime the apostles had re-engaged in the fishing business. R3905:4, 3377:1, 2809:1

Into Galilee – Perhaps remembering the message sent to them by the women (verse 10), that he would go before them into Galilee and meet them there. R3377:1

Most of our Lord's ministry was spent in Galilee, and the majority of believers were Galileans. R3376:1

Appointed them – Hence there was an opportunity for all the deeply interested ones to be gathered together. (Article specifies 107 individually, plus others). R2808:6

17 And when they saw him, they did homage to him: but some doubted. When they saw him – Gradually they were taught the fact of our Lord's resurrection, that he was no longer dead, but alive; and that he was changed, no longer "the man Christ Jesus." R2809:1

The promise to us now is that we shall see him as he is--not as he was--because we shall be changed, that we may be made like him. R4185:5, 2318:6, 1817:5

But some doubted – An evidence of the candor of the Evangelist's record; showing, too, that the Lord's followers were not over-credulous, but disposed to sift and weigh the evidence. R2809:3

Some of the five hundred brethren, probably none of the disciples. R2809:3

It was for the convincing of such waverers that Jesus remained during the forty days. R5587:5

18 And Jesus coming up spoke to them, saying, All power has been given me in heaven and upon earth. And Jesus came – His eighth appearance after his resurrection. R3905:4

According to our reckoning, the sixth occasion. R2808:3

It was probably at this time that he appeared to the five hundred brethren mentioned by Paul. (1 Cor. 15:6) R2808:3

A new organism, but the same being; not flesh, but spirit; not weak, but powerful; not corruptible, but incorruptible; not dishonored, but honored. R1692:1

All power – Authority. F397; R5587:5

Physical and spiritual. R61:5*

As the agent and representative of Jehovah. E59

Over angels and men, the dead and living alike. R43:5*

In itself a proof that Jesus is no longer human. B111

If the Lord is now merely still a man, he is still "lower than the angels." (Heb. 2:9) R5223:1

Including a knowledge of the times and seasons of the divine plan; also intuitive knowledge. R2082:5, 5922:6

He had not lost anything, but had gained much in passing into death and then out of it. R5625:5

Not that the Father had abdicated or surrendered any of his own power or authority; rather, the Father is always excepted. (1 Cor. 15:27) R2809:4

"He is Lord of all"--next to the Father, for "the head of Christ is God." (1 Cor. 11:3) R296:3

Although Jehovah is the head of Christ, we see him delighting to honor the Son, making him in turn the head of all principality and power. (Col. 2:10; 1:16; Eph. 1:10--Diaglott) R1550:1

"It pleased the Father that in him [the Son] should all fulness dwell"--"the fulness of the Godhead bodily" (Col. 1:19; 2:9)--so that all God does is through Christ, and all Christ does is by the power of the Father. R27:2*

Not that our Lord could set aside, overrule or violate any feature of the divine law and plan. R2809:4

Nothing should be done except at his command. R2888:3

The title and authority promised of the Father to belong to the Messiah; that which was once his reckonedly or prospectively was now his actually. R2809:4

He had delegated power and prospective authority before. R810:1

His human nature, when sacrificed, could do nothing more; but the new nature, fully developed in the resurrection, has all power. R3951:6, 713:6

The might, authority or power was gained by his sacrifice, recognized of God and declared to men by his resurrection. R810:1

Strictly speaking, it was from the moment of our Lord's resurrection that the Father committed all judgment unto the Son. (John 5:22) F397

It is one thing to have the power, and quite another thing to use it. HG149:5

The exercise of the power is delayed for a purpose. D621

At the time appointed, he will take unto him "his great power and reign." (Rev. 11:17) R1352:2

To be claimed in the kingdom. Infallible laws will be strictly enforced. That will be the strictest government the world has ever known; absolutely no liberty will be granted to do wrong. R1163:6

Eventually all things shall be subdued under him. R1269:6

Consequently, it is only since his resurrection that he could be called the Almighty, as in Rev. 1:8. R1515:1

In sharp contrast with his previous utterances: "Of my own will I can do nothing; as I hear I speak." (John 8:28) R2318:6, 745:4

Our Lord alone was able to keep the divine law and to inherit the divine promise. R3789:5

"The keys [power to open] death and hades." (Rev. 1:18) R485:3

The glory of Moses has been "done away" (2 Cor. 3:7), the glory of Christ "remaineth." (2 Cor. 3:11) R1323:3*

"Let all men honor the Son even as they honor the Father." (John 5:23) R3161:2*

Is given unto me – Since my resurrection as a spirit being. C240; E281; R1352:2

He rose again, qualified for the great work of the world's deliverance. OV429:T; R1670:2

But not exercised until the Body is made perfect through suffering and joined to the Head. D621

Not until all the members of the Church have finished their sacrifice in death--then will the Christ be fully empowered for the great subsequent work of restoring all things. C240

He had not this power and authority previously, during his earthly ministry. Now he was no longer under human limitations, or under the limitations of the death covenant. R5567:6

Though he had always occupied the place of honor in the heavenly courts, it was not until his obedience had been tested in the changing of his nature to a man, and in providing a ransom, that he received his present unexcellable glory and honor. R1514:6

Illustrated by the honor and distinction of Joseph being seated next to Pharaoh. R2888:2

In heaven and in earth – Full authority in respect to both heavenly and earthly things; among spiritual as well as among human beings. R5587:5,6; A289

"That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things in earth." (Phil. 2:10) A289; R5587:6

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them to the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; Go ye – Now that the Father has accepted the work finished at Calvary and recognized me as the Messiah. R2809:5

Primarily the eleven apostles, but subsequently it included St. Paul, who took the place of Judas. They had no successors; they are with us yet. R5588:1

All true disciples, fully consecrated, are authorized to preach the Gospel in any and every way, publicly or privately, by word, pen or printed page. R1720:1

Each royal priest is the peer of each other one in authority and dignity of priesthood; though in talents, intelligence, etc., and therefore in fitness, they are not all equals. R1137:4

Some stewards do not quickly enough note talents which might be utilized in the Lord's service. R1047:5

The commission divides itself into three parts: (1) make disciples of all nations; (2) baptize them; and (3) teach them. R2809:5

Any neglect of this commission and its order of procedure means comparative failure. R2810:1

When the dragnet (Matt. 13:47) is ordered ashore, this commission should be understood to be at an end. C215

Similarly today, we are following what we believe to be the direction of the holy Spirit in sending forth the pilgrims to proclaim the good tidings. R4360:4

Satan perverts the commission: first, making it mean the conversion of the world; second, destroying the real idea of baptism; third, confusing the matter of discipling; fourth, by making them think this is all that is needed, downgrading teaching; fifth, by misrepresenting the Apostle's statement: "Ye have no need that any man teach you." (1 John 2:20,27) R2810:5

Therefore – Their commission to go and spread the truth of his being their Messiah was based on the fact that the Father had accepted his work, finished at Calvary. R2809:5

Omit, not in the oldest manuscripts. R3004:3

And teach – A different Greek word than in verse 20; this word signifies proselyting or making disciples of. R2809:5, 5588:2, 4714:5, 4360:4; Q546:4

Not to make the nations disciples, but to gather out of all nations those willing to be disciples of Christ. R5588:2, 4786:4, 4714:5, 2809:5; Q546:4

First, informing those who have ears to hear that they are sinners through the fall, but that God has made a provision for their rescue. R2810:2; F447

A commission to the apostles and each member of the Church, according to opportunity and ability, to proclaim the Gospel. R5588:1

The work of the Evangelist comes first, to make disciples. The word "disciple" signifies pupil, in the school of Christ, in the primary department. R2810:1

It is not necessary to preach in the usual formal manner. Preach as the twelve disciples preached, by the wayside or wherever you find a hearing ear. If you lack talent for preparing a discourse, read forcibly and clearly something touching the subject you consider most needful to your hearers. R1047:5

All nations – "This Gospel shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations." (Matt. 24:14) C215

People of all nationalities. R4360:4

You are no longer restricted to the Jews. R3200:1, 5045:4, 4786:4, 4714:5, 3004:6, 2872:1, 2319:1; Q547:T

It required very special instructions for Peter to preach to the Gentiles also. R3005:1

The disciples seemed to understand that he meant every Israelite scattered throughout all nations; and it was not for some years that they learned that the Gentiles were to be fellow-heirs of the same promises. R1095:2

Gather out of all nations those willing to be disciples of Christ. R5588:2

"Ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth." (Acts 1:8) R3005:1

It is the will of God that the Gospel should be preached everywhere. R2141:5

To the less degraded first, and to the more degraded later. R1545:6

The "Gospel of the Kingdom" is clearly set forth in the Scriptures, which are now published in all languages (not dialects) of the earth. R2872:2

This permission to disciple people of all nations did not begin until 3-½ years later. R4714:5

Not a command to convert the world. R4714:5, 3004:3, 2872:1, 2809:5

"Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find the faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8) R2809:6

Baptizing – Immersing, the correct translation and the original method of baptism, as acknowledged by many authorities. F453, F454

The outward symbol by which believers were to confess him. R1540:3

Water baptism is only a picture of the true; they are to be thoroughly immersed into the name of Christ. R5588:4

"Know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?" (Rom. 6:3) F445, F446

All authorized to teach are equally authorized to baptize. That includes every follower of Christ, not excluding females, only that modesty indicates that they should avoid such public services except in rare necessary cases. R1541:4

All baptized would be commissioned to perform this symbol for others; and, if no consecrated could be found, an unconsecrated believer, or even a worldly person or unbeliever, might do it. F454

The Lord's Supper and Baptism are the only injunctions of a symbolic character commanded us, and they are new ones from those of the Jewish dispensation. R1526:6; F228

Not here the Pentecostal baptism of the spirit, because it was not in the power of the apostles thus to baptize anyone. NS54:1

Them – Whoever you can make into a disciple, baptize him. Q547:T

Those who consecrate themselves. R2810:1,3

In the name of – By the authority of. R2810:3; Q31:2, 33:2; F447

Into fellowship, or accord, with. R5588:4; F455

Not into the name of the Father, Son and holy Spirit; on the contrary, we are baptized into Christ, as members of his body. (Rom. 6:3-5) R2810:3

We recommend the following words: Brother ..., in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, by this authority, I baptize thee into Christ. F455

The Father – Become dead to every other principle than that which his name represents, and be thoroughly immersed into His name of righteousness, justice and truth. R5588:4

Does not imply three baptisms in one. The use of the three names is as if you were using a firm name, such as Smith, Jones and Brown; all three names would be used to show that it has the authorization of the whole firm. Q33:2

The Divine Three--Father, Son and holy Spirit--are related to our faith in the Creator, Redeemer and Regenerator; and this suggests the three steps in bringing men into the divine image. R197:3*

Of the Son – Ignoring all sectarian names, Protestant or Catholic. R5588:4, 2810:3

To recognize his name and to be his members, his Body, his Church. R5588:4

Holy Spirit – Holy Spirit. R5588:5; F455

Their own spirit or wills being dead, God's holy will and mind are to be their will and purpose. R5588:5; Q31:2, 6

Approved by the spirit of holiness, the spirit of God, the spirit of the truth. Q31:2

It is proper to use the expression "holy Spirit" when performing symbolic immersion because the Lord so instructed, and because it is the holy influence and representative of the Father and the Son in directing the Church into all truth. R2001:2

20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have enjoined you. And behold, *I* am with you all the days, until the completion of the age. Teaching them – Instructing them regarding the divine character and plan, the graces of the spirit and the rooting out of the spirit of worldliness and selfishness. R2810:2

Not astronomy, geology, nor any of the vain philosophies about which the world speculates, but "the things which I have commanded you." R5045:4, 3200:2

Observe all things – That all men are sinners, that Christ came to give himself a ransom, that he is the only way to life, that whosoever would come must take up his cross, that all believers are one with him, that every branch in him must bear fruit or be taken away, that those who trust in him are to hope for and expect his second coming, that the ultimate end of our hope is in a resurrection, and that love is the fulfilling of the law. R2319:2,4

I am with you alway – By the holy Spirit and by the Word. A89; E204; R2455:6, 531:2

With his faithful followers, to bless, comfort, to strengthen, to fellowship and to safeguard their highest interests, though often at the expense of their temporal interests. R4714:5, 3166:6; B105, B203

In love and thought and care for you. B105, B203

As the Chief Messenger, or Angel of Jehovah. R5634:4

To sanctify to them their deepest distress. R5095:6

Not that he would personally be present in the world throughout the age; rather, through the holy Spirit, the power of God. R4185:4, 2810:6

He is absent in body, yet present in spirit. R102:4*

Meaning that he would supervise the work. R2811:1

Our Lord has been with his representatives in all their labors of love and self-denial throughout the entire age. R3166:6

Now we are not alone. We have the companionship of him who promised, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." (Heb. 13:5) NS451:3

While he would be absent from his people during the age, his power, spirit, care and love would be with them to guard their interests. R2319:5, 1820:6

Showing that the Lord gave the great commission, not merely to the apostles, but to all who should believe on him through their word. R2810:6

He was able to provide for them in one place as in another. R5625:4

Our Lord's statement no more signifies that he did not leave the world than it signifies that his hearers would continue to live until the end of the age. R2319:4

Even unto – He did not tell us how long the age would last, nor all the trials and difficulties which would intervene; it has been to our advantage that he has left us in ignorance on this point. R4185:2

End of the world – Greek, suntelia, end. R223:1*

End of the age. R5727:3, 5625:4; B105

Down to the time when the Gospel age will have accomplished its divinely purposed mission of gathering out a sufficient number of disciples to complete the divine purpose. R5588:5

In the end of the age, he is to be specially near and precious. R4784:2

How specially true in the end of the age, in the time of harvest, in the time of our Lord's second presence! R3166:6

Then he would come again in a personal and official sense to exalt his Church, establish his Kingdom, bless Israel with the New Covenant, and thus bless all mankind. R4714:6, 2319:5

We are now down at this end of the age. CR476:1

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