Matthew Chapter 13 [DARBY]

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1 And that same day Jesus went out from the house and sat down by the sea.
2 And great crowds were gathered together to him, so that going on board ship himself he sat down, and the whole crowd stood on the shore. Went into a ship – From a boat our Lord taught a lesson respecting the method of selecting the Little Flock. R4634:3

On the shore – Which at this point is said to rise rapidly, therefore giving the general effect of an amphitheater. R2627:2

3 And he spoke to them many things in parables, saying, Behold, the sower went out to sow: In parables – Really word-pictures of the Kingdom. No one of these parables represents the complete view of the subject, but merely one phase of it. R2633:3

Giving prophetically the Church's experiences from various standpoints – from the time the work of selection began until the time when that work will be completed. R2276:3

Parables which illustrate truths can only be seen as illustrations as the truths they illustrate become manifest. R1742:4

These parables, seven in all, refer not to the non-professing world, but to two classes in the Church. R580:3, 263:6

About nine of them. Their object was to depict the processes of development by which the Kingdom class would be selected. R2633:6, 2634:1

Behold – It is never said, "The kingdom of heaven is likened to a sower" – there was no Church of Christ, no Kingdom of heaven, until the day of Pentecost. R97:3*

A sower – Our Lord was the great sower, then the Apostles and his faithful followers. R4634:3

To sow – Various classes of hearers are shown here. R4635:1

Designed to show that it is not the eloquence, force or truthfulness of the message that determines the result, but chiefly the attitude of the heart that hears. R2627:2

This parable refers only to those who are no longer willing sinners, but are outwardly righteous. R4635:1

4 and as he sowed, some grains fell along the way, and the birds came and devoured them; Seeds – The Kingdom message, or invitation. R4634:3

The Word of God that liveth and abideth forever. R1698:4

By the wayside – The fields of Palestine are not fenced and the paths of travel frequently cross them. R3763:2

Representing merely formalists. R4635:1

And the fowls – Birds are very numerous in Palestine; a farmer's chief pest. R3763:2

Typifying Satan and his agents. R5406:5, 4634:6, 2634:6

Devoured them up – Ever ready to take away the seed of truth. R5406:5

5 and others fell upon the rocky places where they had not much earth, and immediately they sprang up out of the ground because of not having any depth of earth, Upon stony places – Palestine abounds with limestone which renders the soil very rich, but when shallow, very hot. R3763:2

Represents a class of hearers who lack depth of character; they flourish for a time, but when trials and testings come, they stumble. R4635:1

6 but when the sun rose they were burned up, and because of not having any root were dried up;
7 and others fell upon the thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them; Among thorns – There are 50 varieties of thorny plants in Palestine, some growing to a height of 15 feet. R3763:2

Not briar bushes or brambles, but an aftergrowth of a variety of thistles which come up quickly in every wheat field of Palestine. R2627:6*

The spirit of the world, its ambitions, wealth and influence, its love of the good things of life. R4635:2

These thorns are not sensual vices and criminal appetites, but the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches. R4635:1

The ground which will produce thorns is rich and very suitable for the production of proper Christian character. R4635:1

8 and others fell upon the good ground, and produced fruit, one a hundred, one sixty, and one thirty. Good ground – In the heart. R4634:6

Brought forth fruit – Fruitfulness of heart, life and character depend on the individual and how he receives the message. R4635:4

Some an hundredfold – Those who come up to the very highest standard in the fruits of the spirit. Q426:3; CR276:4

The larger the returns, the greater the Father's pleasure and the Savior's glory. R4635:4

Indicates the degree and intensity of our earnestness. The rewards in the Kingdom will also be proportionate. R4635:5

A single grain of barley has been known to produce a fruitage of 276 grains. R3763:2[R3763:2], 4635:4[R4635:2]

Some sixtyfold – The same class, but not to shine quite as highly in the Kingdom. R426:3; CR276:4

The Apostle John speaks of the variety among Christians – little children, young men and fathers. (1 John 2:12, 13) R97:5*

The same means of grace do not profit all to exactly the same extent. Some, for instance, are by nature more studious, thoughtful, generous or grateful. R1973:2

Some thirtyfold – This might mean those who will be of the Great Company. Q426:3; CR276:4

9 He that has ears, let him hear. Who hath ears – "Take head how ye hear" – see that your heart is in a right attitude to receive the truth. R2627:2

To hear – "Preach the Gospel to the meek." (Isa. 61:1) R2965:6

Let him hear – Those who had an inclination to be his disciples. R5003:5

"Let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." (Rev. 2:7) B16

The Gospel was not to the Jews only, but to every people with hearts to appreciate it. R2995:6

Do not expect all to hear and obey and enlist with us. NS61:6

10 And the disciples came up and said to him, Why speakest thou to them in parables? Said unto him – Earnest desire to understand every word of God is an evidence that we belong to the Kingdom class. R3763:5

In parables – Dark sayings. Q748:2; D614

There is considerable truth in the claim that the doctrines of Christianity can be better gleaned from the writings of the Apostles than from the sayings of Jesus as reported in the Gospels. R5088:2

11 And he answering said to them, Because to you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens, but to them it is not given; Is given unto you – The Church. E333

The meek, honest and faithful of God's people. D614; C214

The Apostles, the elect, the sanctified in Christ Jesus. OV230:4; R5462:4, 4909:2, 4334:3

Not only to the disciples of that day, but to the disciples all through the ages. R1742:1

Even "as many as the Lord your God shall call." (Acts 2:39) SM242:T

As the Israelites indeed in whom there is no guile got the message, so a similar class will get the message now. SM302:T

Not to inspire thankfulness and consecration, but only to the thankful and consecrated who already have presented themselves living sacrifices to God. R2723:1,4

"If any man shall do my Father's will, he shall know of my doctrine." (John 7:17) R2817:1

Know the mysteries – The Divine Plan of the Ages, the Messianic Kingdom, the times and seasons. Q748:2; C215; R5244:6

"The deep things of God." (1 Cor. 2:10) R5402:2, 1506:1

"Ye, brethren, are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief." (1 Thess. 5:4) C215

Being "taught of God" and guided by his holy Spirit to an understanding of his Word. R2627:3

The Lord's people in the present truth are the only ones who understand the great mystery of why evil was permitted. R1506:1

To be so led by the Spirit and Word of the Father is to understand his purposes and be enabled always to be workers together with God. R1948:1

A distinction should be observed in knowing about God and knowing God himself. NS809:5

So that the Lord's consecrated people might know of the time in which we are living, be more quickened and more separated from the world and its spirit, and ripened as wheat. HG399:2

His secret counsels which others cannot know. R3161:4

The mystery which was kept secret since the world began, to know and realize their relationship to Christ as his prospective bride and joint-heir. R1957:6

That a certain class is permitted to join with their Redeemer in his sacrifice and sufferings in order to be granted a share in the glorious work of his Kingdom. R4515:3

Kingdom of heaven – An interchangeable expression with "Kingdom of God." R396:6

But to them – Those outside of the twelve and other special disciples. R4909:2

The multitudes who went to hear him; outsiders, not specially interested. R5462:4, 4398:6, 3803:2; CR35:1

Not Israelites indeed. B28; HG399:1

Those without--strangers to God and unconsecrated. R2276:4

Outsiders, in what the Scriptures term "outer darkness," the darkness which belongs to this present time of ignorance and superstition. (Matt. 25:30) R4398:6

It is not given – The Lord never meant anybody to understand all these things except the brethren. CR476:3

Not understood by those who heard them, and little better comprehended today. A128

Not God's intention that many will understand the divine philosophy of the ransom. R4352:3

The world knows nothing about the deep things of God. R4398:6

The special light in both harvests is for the Israelites indeed. B27, B28

In mercy, God has hidden his plan from the world. NS731:6

The majority are blinded by the God of this world, Satan, through various traditions, heathen and Christian. R3140:5

Either because they never came into the right attitude of heart to receive them, or because they subsequently left that proper condition of devotion, humility and teachableness. R4352:4

An understanding of spiritual things would do harm rather than good to those not spiritually begotten. R5008:1

Even his devoted followers, including the apostles, were natural men who did not receive the begetting of the holy Spirit until Pentecost. R5941:2

The mystery has been in operation from the beginning of the world and is still a mystery so far as the world is concerned, and will continue to be a mystery until the end of the present dispensation and the opening of the Millennial age. NS399:1

Not until the elect shall be glorified and the Millennial Kingdom established will the "mystery" be made fully known to the world and every knee bow and every tongue confess. OV230:4; NS588:2

12 for whoever has, to him shall be given, and he shall be caused to be in abundance; but he who has not, even what he has shall be taken away from him. Whosoever hath – Hath used. R2496:6

Shall be given – Shall be given more. CR309:3

More abundance – The Logos, who had always proved faithful in all things, was offered the headship of the New Creation. F64

Whosoever hath not – Hath not used. R2496:6; CR309:3

Even that he hath – The privileges that he had; so don't overlook the little things. CR309:3

13 For this cause I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear nor understand; Therefore – The purpose was that those in the right condition of heart might receive the instruction while others, indifferent, careless, would be left in ignorance. NS605:6

In parables – The misconceptions of our forefathers on the subject of punishment for sin were built upon mistranslations or statements meant to be understood symbolically. HG653:6

They see not – There are many who lack spiritual sight, who cannot exercise faith in what they cannot see; and, according to the Scriptures, they are not responsible for their failure. SM680:T

God is not blaming them. We do not smite a blind man because he does not see. On the contrary, we sympathize with him. SM679:4

They hear not – When our Lord was preaching, comparatively few had an ear to hear. The majority were too full of their own ideas and projects, and thus it has been all down the Gospel age. SM679:3

Many of the Lord's saints have had the ears of their understanding so perverted by false teachings respecting predestination that they do not know the song of Zion when they hear it. NS634:3

The majority of professing Christians are careless, indifferent to what the Lord has caused to be written for their admonition and encouragement and assistance in this "evil day." SM288:1

14 and in them is filled up the prophecy of Esaias, which says, Hearing ye shall hear and shall not understand, and beholding ye shall behold and not see;
15 for the heart of this people has grown fat, and they have heard heavily with their ears, and they have closed their eyes as asleep, lest they should see with the eyes, and hear with the ears, and understand with the heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. They have closed – Because of ignorance and blindness. R5338:6

Be converted – Turned to a proper course. R3763:3

Heal – Greek, Iaomai, to heal; also signifying "saved." R4099:3*

16 But blessed are *your* eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear; But – God's work in the present time is not the conversion of the world, which certainly is not being accomplished; but the taking out of the world a people for his name, to bear the name of Christ as his bride. NS859:6

Blessed – Especially anointed, specially blessed. R5418:4, 5372:6

For these alone is the message. OV230:5; SM109:2, 679:3

It is a great privilege to hear and see. SM343:3; NS859:6

With a present opportunity; and, if we respond, we are now on trial. Q590:2

A blessing in the life that now is and also in that which is to come, and a peace and joy which they never knew before, which the world can neither give nor take away. NS412:1

Blessed indeed in advance of the world; but blessed also will be the world when God's due time shall come. NS569:4

Are your eyes – Of faith, of understanding. R4677:2, 4967:6, 177:5, 175:6; OV57:4; CR126:4

The eyes of our understanding must be opened before we can appreciate spiritual things. PD44/53

The opening of our eyes is a gradual work. CR334:1

God is not trying to attract the world now; they are blind and deaf. SM343:3

Only a "remnant" of Israelites indeed, who accepted the Messiah, were received into the higher dispensation. R2371:6; NS631:2

The time is coming when all the blind eyes shall be opened and all the deaf ears shall be unstopped. Q416:2; SM729:1; NS386:3

For they see – Intimating that some could see and others could not. R5338:6; Q590:2

The blessing of present truth. CR13:6

See His Word, showing us the way in which we should go. CR13:5

At the first advent, the humble Israelites indeed were not confused, but enlightened, and the same is true now. D599

We may now rejoice in things too hard for the Jew to understand and equally impossible for the natural man of the Gentiles to comprehend. R3590:6

We are to expect a wide difference of understanding of God, his mightiness and character, as viewed by the saints and by the world. R2712:2

These alone see that the "hell" of the Bible is the tomb, that there is provision for the salvation of all--two classes of mankind--and many other truths. NS588:2

The eye of faith is directed by God's Word. Q416:2

We can see more clearly because we are spirit-begotten. R5418:4

He only wished to have those see it who would accept the blessed truth. R327:5*

The opening up of the divine word, the discernment of the divine plan with its times and seasons, and the confusion upon Babylon are satisfactory proofs of the presence of the King. D599

The manifestation of God's love. The world in general has seen only the display of divine justice in permitting the wages of sin to bring calamities and troubles. NS462:5

And your ears – Ears of faith. R4677:2, 4967:6, 4557:2; CR126:4

While spirit-anointed members of Christ tell the good tidings unto all people, they understand that only such as have ears to hear will be able to comprehend and appreciate the message until the new dispensation. NS222:2

For they hear – The message of the Lord. CR13:3, 5; SM369:1

You who have heard must have been called. CR13:2

Thus far, Jesus has not been dealing with the world, but merely with those having the eye and ear of faith. R4967:6

Before your study can be effective you must make your consecration to the Lord. These are the ones the Lord has promised shall see and hear. CR14:1; Q186:1

An opportunity to return to harmony with God cannot come except through knowledge; hence, it comes first to those who have the "hearing ear." R4154:6

17 for verily I say unto you, that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see the things which ye behold and did not see them, and to hear the things which ye hear and did not hear them2. Have desired – Before the due time. R1307:5

Have not seen them – Though much had been foretold by the prophets, they confessed their ignorance of the import of their prophecies. B23

"They say of me, Doth he not speak in parables" (Ezek. 20:49); "I heard, but I understood not" (Dan. 12:8). B23

The operation of God's spirit upon the prophets was so different from the operation of the same spirit upon the Gospel Church that the humblest Christian may know more of God's plan than would the greatest prophet. R435:3

18 *Ye*, therefore, hear the parable of the sower. Hear ye therefore – Understand ye. NS605:3

One of the few parables which our Lord himself interpreted. R4634:6

19 From every one who hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the wicked one comes and catches away what was sown in his heart: this is he that is sown by the wayside. Word – Message of the Kingdom. R5039:2

"The Gospel of the kingdom"--the information that God has appointed Christ to be King and he is now seeking a little flock to be his associates in the work of blessing and restoring the world. NS606:3, 6

Of the kingdom – The message respecting the Kingdom, which, germinating, constitutes his Church. R2276:5

The message of the Kingdom may be said to be the only message God has yet given to mankind as a message of hope. R2628:4

At the time of utterance, the message of the Kingdom took on a special form--an invitation to become joint-heirs with the Messiah, the heir of the Kingdom. R2628:5

Understandeth it not – On such ears, the message is lost. R4634:6

Then cometh – On the alert, to take it away. R4634:6

The wicked one – Satan. R3764:3, 5039:2, 4634:6

Catcheth away – Devouring the exposed seed of truth. R4635:1, 5406:5

In his heart – In the first parable, the field is the heart; in the second, "the field is the world." (Verse 38) R97:2*

If all hearts were right, the seed would bring forth much fruit. R4634:6

This is he – We blame not. The Lord blames him not. It was not his fault that his mind was so down-trodden with ignorance that the message of the Kingdom could find no lodgment in his heart. NS607:1

Seed – The Kingdom message or invitation; many do not understand it. R4634:3,6

By the way-side – The heart being solid and compact with selfishness that comes with prosperity, needing the plowshare of trouble. R2627:3, 3754:3

Wayside hearers constitute the most numerous class in every nominal church congregation. R4635:1

20 But he that is sown on the rocky places--this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy, Into stony places – Having a veneer of outward grace, but at heart a character of selfishness. R2627:5

The influences of the Kingdom will give them strength of character and take away the unfavorable, stony condition which now hinders fruitage. NS607:4

21 but has no root in himself, but is for a time only; and when tribulation or persecution happens on account of the word, he is immediately offended. Not root in himself – They lack depth of character. R4635:1, 1711:4

The selfishness which is the sub-stratum of their character will not permit them to endure hardness for the truth's sake. R2627:5

Persecution ariseth – Persecution withers them. NS607:3

As soon as they find that with the truth goes something of persecution and tribulation, their interest speedily dies out. R2627:6

He is offended – The purpose of permitting offenses and divisions is "that they which are approved [by God, because they endure the tests and stand fast in the truth] may be made manifest among you." (1 Cor. 11:18, 19) R1711:5

22 And he that is sown among the thorns--this is he who hears the word, and the anxious care of this life, and the deceit of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful. Among the thorns – Pride, ambition for self and for family, love of money and the pursuit of it, and the award which this pursuit brings, are the thorns. NS608:1

Earthly projects and ambitions whose interests conflict with the interests of the Kingdom. R3764:5

Thorns are uprooted by drawing time and attention away from the earthly things in a compulsory manner. R2628:2

In Palestine, the thorns and thistles grow in the very best kind of soil. R2627:6

Is he – There are many noble people represented by this portion of the parable. R4635:2

Care of this world – Involved with the spirit of the world. R4635:2, 5055:5

Being swallowed up by ambition or business. R5625:5

Home duties, family duties, business cares, etc. R2628:1

Deceitfulness of riches – Greediness. R5307:2

Few of the Lord's people can be trusted with riches. R2520:2

If a Christian grows rich, it should be with fear and trembling. The power in money is more dangerous than dynamite. R1045:5*

Choke the word – Swamped by the ordinary duties of life, proper enough in themselves, to a limited degree. NS607:6

Becometh unfruitful – Fruitage is a necessary qualification. R4635:2

"Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (Matt. 6:24) R3764:5

23 But he that is sown upon the good ground--this is he who hears and understands the word, who bears fruit also, and produces, one a hundred, one sixty, and one thirty. Into good ground – We, as new creatures, have the determining of the condition of the soil in our own hearts. NS608:3

Understandeth it – We should understand the Kingdom message. Hence the need of Bible study. R4635:4

As study is wisely devoted to prepare for the short earthly life, how much more is it proper for our preparation for eternal life? R4635:5

Beareth fruit – Of character-development; the manifestation of God's grace in our hearts. R4634:3, 5284:2

Varying amounts according to circumstances, conditions and ability; but always their very best. R5736:5

And bringeth forth – The harvest of thirty, sixty or a hundredfold illustrates degree and intensity of our earnestness. R4635:5

Some an hundredfold – Those who love the Lord, his truth and his people most fervently. R2628:4

The rewards of the Kingdom will also be proportionate. R4635:5

Some sixty – "As star differeth from star in glory, so also will be the resurrection" of the Church. (1 Cor. 15:41, 42) NS608:5

Some thirty – He does not speak slightingly of those which bring forth but the thirty-fold. R2628:3

24 Another parable set he before them, saying, The kingdom of the heavens has become like a man sowing good seed in his field; Another parable – He had something more to communicate, some additional truths were to be illustrated. R97:1*

These parables are related to each other, but should not be confounded. The first prepares the way for the other. The first deals with the individual; the second with the church collectively. R97:1, 4*; NS626:2

To show some of the difficulties which interfere with the best hearers, the best hearts, some with the best seed. R3769:3

Kingdom of heaven – Practically every parable which our Lord uttered was given to teach something respecting the character of the Kingdom. NS627:2

The embryo Kingdom during the entire Gospel age. R5048:3, 3769:3

Is likened unto – It is the invisible world which is the fact; it is the visible world which is the metaphor. R29:5*

A man – The Lord Jesus. R3769:3, 5048:6

Sowed good seed – The Gospel of the Kingdom from the Word of God, "He brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel." (2 Tim. 1:10) R3769:3, 5048:6

Seeds of truth, the promises, which, springing up in the hearts of his disciples, transformed them to newness of life. R2634:1

"Which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord." (Heb. 2:3) R3769:3

Christ and the Apostles sowed the good seed, meanwhile gathering the ripe wheat of the Jewish nation. R5018:3

It was impossible for the Adversary to corrupt the seed of truth which Jesus and the Apostles sowed. R4635:3

Christ's saintly followers. OV395:2

His personal seed-sowing of the Gospel message was accomplished more than 18 centuries ago, but since then he has been represented by his followers. NS626:2

An illustration of slow, gradual, methodical development covering the entire period of this Gospel age. R5049:6

This parable ignores all except the "good ground" hearers of the preceding parable. R4635:2

In his field – The entire world. R5048:6

The civilized world. C137, C140

Especially throughout Europe and America. R2634:2

25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed darnel amongst the wheat, and went away. But while men slept – After the apostles fell asleep. F60, F201; R4635:2, 3769:6, 2634:2, 2276:6; OV395:2; NS633:5

In the night, the dark ages, while a general spirit of slumber regarding the truth prevailed among the Lord's people. R3769:6, 5018:5, 4891:4

Even yet the same thing is true. "Therefore, let us not sleep as do others." (1 Thess. 5:6) R3769:6

The Church was kept free from tares before the apostles fell asleep by God arranging that truth be put forth for acceptance or rejection by the Jews in its most unfavorable light, so that only Israelites indeed would be inclined to become followers of Jesus. R2925:1

During the Apostles' days such special gifts as "discernment of spirits" enabled them to prevent tares from getting in among the wheat, hypocrites from getting into the Church. R580:3, 20:1

"After my departing grievous wolves shall enter in among you, not sparing the flock." (Acts 20:29, 30) NS633:6

Many of the Lord's followers have been dreaming about the conversion of the world while the great enemy, Satan, has been sowing tares with liberal hand in their very midst. R3769:6

His enemy came – The great adversary, Satan. R4635:2; OV395:2

He had a comparatively free hand. R2943:2

Satan and his associates, fallen angels, have been plotting against the divine plan and operating with a view to thwarting the same all through this age. R3770:3

Using human instrumentalities. NS94:3

Sowed tares – Sham wheat, imitation wheat, professors who draw nigh with their lips while their hearts are far from the Lord. NS94:3

Hypocrites, Nominal Christians, resembling or counterfeiting the true, to choke the wheat, if possible. R4653:3, 5823:5, 5018:5, 4635:3, 3770:2

The offspring of error, children of the wicked one. R4644:2, 5864:3

Errors, more or less twisting and distorting every truth of the divine revelation. F60; C137; OV395:2

It may be a message of morality or purity of life, but it will not produce the Kingdom class. R5736:6

Nullifying the virtues of the death of Christ by a method of imitation. R5848:4*

The tare seed is false teaching, human philosophies and doctrines of devils. R2627:3; NS93:5

Bearded darnel, which cannot be discerned from wheat until the harvest. The wheat, weighted with golden grains, humbly bows its head; while the tares stand straight, the head having little weight and the seed being black. R3770:1, 5848:3*, 4635:3

The darnel seed is poisonous. R3770:2, 2276:6

Poisonous, and acts as an emetic, causing vomiting. R2276:6

Such spite-work is not uncommon in the Orient, or in Palestine. R4635:3; CR250:6

These have run the church organizations, and the Lord has permitted it to be so and is allowing the truly consecrated ones to be developed under these different conditions. NS292:5

Deceived persons, misnaming themselves Christians, because mistaught by churchianity. R2943:1

The spirit of rivalry, under the guidance of the Adversary, led step by step to the ultimate organization of the great Antichrist system--Papacy. F201

The tares are begotten of error--false doctrine. NS94:3

With the error respecting the nature of man, that he is alive when dead and needs no resurrection; and respecting the Kingdom of God, that it came in Papacy. HG272:4

The heathen, converted by Papacy, were not benefited, for they were still heathen in God's sight, but deluded into aping what they did not understand or do from the heart. R2598:3

Since the death of the apostles, any number of hypocrites have come into the church, indeed have been dragged and coaxed in to swell the numbers. R2943:5

There are many fine, noble people among the tares who have neither part nor lot with the wheat because they are not of the same nature, not begotten of the truth. NS94:2

Doubtless in the same manner as the wheat; the wheat growing from seeds of truth, while the tares are offspring of errors. C146; NS627:3

False doctrines, false teachings. R5048:6

Because it was impossible for the Adversary to corrupt the seed of truth. R4635:3

A certain amount of tares spring up with the wheat anyway, and these the servants gather out as soon as discerned. But our Lord wished to show an abnormal condition. R3770:3

The Greek implies over-sown; intentionally, maliciously sown in the midst of the wheat, for the very purpose of damaging or totally spoiling the entire crop. R2276:6

More liberally than the wheat was sown. R2634:2

Among the wheat – The true saints, the children of the Kingdom. C137; R4635:3, 4644:2, 2943:1, 283:6

For the very purpose of choking it, "We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with wicked spirits in high positions." (Eph. 6:12) R3770:3

Wheat is the standard food of the world and is said to contain the elements of nutrition in the best propositions for man's use. R2276:6

26 But when the blade shot up and produced fruit, then appeared the darnel also. The tares also – Nominal Christians, much more numerous than the wheat. C137

The children of the devil. R283:6

Imitation New Creatures, respectable, moral, good people. F200; R5736:6, 2277:3

The tares, as well as the wheat, were above the level of the field in general, indicating superior morals. R2277:3

Begotten not of truth, begotten of excitement, of fear of hell, of hopes of worldly advantage, of pride, of social and financial ambition. R2634:2

27 And the bondmen of the householder came up and said to him, Sir, hast thou not sown good seed in thy field? whence then has it darnel? From whence then – But God knew all the time. CR250:6

28 And he said to them, A man that is an enemy has done this. And the bondmen said to him, Wilt thou then that we should go and gather it up?
29 But he said, No; lest in gathering the darnel ye should root up the wheat with it. But he said, Nay – We cannot follow the usual custom in this case, because of the greatly excessive proportion of tares. R3770:4

While it was out of place for any to attempt harvest work before harvest time, it is likewise a mistake to neglect harvest work in harvest time and give attention to seed-sowing. R885:1*

Gather up the tares – Because the true and false are too intimately associated, their roots intertwining in society, home, etc. R4635:5

Ye root up also – Unsettle, disturb. C137; R4635:5, 3770:4

So closely intertwined are the roots of the two classes that to disturb such close relationship in life would cause great commotion. NS627:4

"Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will manifest the counsels of the hearts." (1 Cor. 4:5) R98:1*

The wheat with them – So intimately were the true and false associated. R4635:5

To have cleansed the wheat field in the past would have meant a commotion which would not have served the best interests of the wheat. R2634:4

Only the Lord, who could read the hearts, could distinguish between them with unerring precision. R1362:1

30 Suffer both to grow together unto the harvest, and in time of the harvest I will say to the harvestmen, Gather first the darnel, and bind it into bundles to burn it; but the wheat bring together into my granary. Let both grow – Christ did not seek to prevent or hinder tare development. F200

The nominal church has neglected these instructions, yet has not kept all the wheat in, or shut out all the tares; hence they are without any excuse. C138

They have set up false, unscriptural standards and doctrines, which have really developed many tares and choked and separated the wheat. C138

For the wheat's sake, God's favor extended even to these mixed bunches of Babylonish systems until 1878, when they were completely and forever cut off from all favor. C155

Together – Throughout the age. R4635:6; PD59/70

Christians and imitation Christians have lived side by side in the same city, house, family. R5049:1

Only the expert can discern the wheat from the tares while growing. R4635:3

During the Gospel age the wheat and tares together represent the Kingdom of God. R4653:3

In the general nominal church system, elsewhere called Babylon or confusion, because of its mixture of truth and error, wheat and tares. NS93:6

The nominal church has included wheat and tares; many of the latter have found their way into the pulpits. D61

The Lord has not hindered them from associating with his saints or using his name and claiming that they are members of his Church. NS94:4

The tare class has had a general control for some time, and has divided the wheat-field with various creed-fences. NS389:1

The tares received a certain advantage from their attempt to imitate wheat. It has made them more respectable than they would otherwise have been. NS94:4

There were separations of politico-doctrinal storms before the harvest time, but among these the tares, still predominating, formed other though less objectionable, Babylonish systems. C154

We cannot admit that the wheat was all brought under Baptist fencing, and that the tares were all outside. NS49:3

Until – The command "Come out of her" was not given until after the announcement "Babylon is fallen." (Rev. 18:4, 2) R457:5*

The harvest – The end, or close, of the Gospel age. A237; B15; R4635:6; OV297:3

The harvesting of the Jewish age began with our Lord's first advent, and ended 40 years later at the destruction of Jerusalem. NS626:3

Parallel to the Jewish age harvest; many believe it began in 1874 and will end in 1915. R5363:4

Forty years long--1878 to 1918. SM287:1; R5049:2, 5018:6, 4891:5; NS627:2

The time in which the tares will be gathered into bundles, and the wheat into the heavenly garner. R5049:2

And in the time – The close of the summer time of favor. D578

Signifying that it will not be instantaneous, but require time. R5049:2, 580:4, 236:3*, 223:1*

Which chronologically precedes the world's troubles. R593:3

Discussing such matters as when the harvest will end merely takes away opportunities for usefulness. We would be better not to talk about such things and be busily engaged in the harvest work. Q320:3,5

Of harvest – In which we are now living. D31

Beginning October 1874. R5950:5

Parallel in time and work to the harvest of the Jewish age. B233; 70:6

The harvest of the Jewish age gives us clear conceptions of what may be expected in the harvest time of the Gospel age. NS21:3

During the harvest of the Jewish age a two-fold work progressed--the harvest of the Jewish age and the preparation for the Gospel age. NS626:5

A time of reaping rather than sowing, a time of testing, of reckoning, of settlement and rewarding. The harvest of the Jewish age being a type of this age. C135

Three great periods of separation are revealed in God's Word: chaff from wheat (Matt. 3:10, 12); tares from wheat (Matt. 13:37, 43) and sheep from goats (Matt. 25:31). R34:2*

The time of executing the command, "Gather my saints together unto me, those who have made a covenant with me by [self-] sacrifice." (Psa. 50:5) R375:5

When the truth makes manifest the true character of these systems. R767:5

The harvest is not a time for peace; but, on the contrary, it will surely produce separation and alienation between true wheat and all else. R969:6

Harvest work is reaping rather than sowing. We, therefore, dispense stronger truths, not to the world but to the professed church. These truths, as harvest sunshine, are warm and strong and tend to ripen the wheat. R1073:5

The Jewish harvest is spoken of as being a separation of wheat from chaff, while the harvest of this age is designated a separation of wheat from tares. R2237:6; B234

Harvest time is the busiest time of all the year and a very brief period compared with the time for sowing. R885:2*

It has three elements: separation, gathering and burning. R198:5*

The harvest is not ended; our expectations must not be allowed to weigh anything against the facts. R5950:1

I will say – The recognition of the harvest work in actual progress is proof of the Lord's presence. B150

"He that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth and the earth was reaped." (Rev. 14:16) B150

The Lord will be the chief reaper and director of the work, and this would be his first work. B150

He directs them through the Word by opening their understanding to discern the times and seasons there indicated and the work to be accomplished therein. R600:3

It is not we, but Christ, who calls his people out of Babylon. We merely call their attention to this words and show that they are reasonable. R986:4

To the reapers – Angels, messengers. C137

Such as he has used in plowing, sowing and watering throughout the age; those begotten of his holy Spirit. D601

Gather ye together – Into Labor Unions, Trusts, denominations and protective associations of every kind. C140; Q317:4; R4636:1

The true wheat are to avoid membership in lodges, societies, churches, sects, parties. R4636:1

The special trials appropriate to the complete separation of the wheat from the tares are upon Christendom now. SM287:1

First the tares – Which largely predominate, as did the chaff in the harvest of the Jewish age. B234; R3770:4

Who think themselves to be the true Church. R4636:4

There are two parts to the harvest, the gathering of wheat followed by the burning of tares. R5761:2

There is order in this harvest. R580:4

Very elect, with the appearance of being the masters of the field; illustrating the proud boastfulness of those who are Christians in association and appearance only. R2277:1

And bind them – Restrain all individual thought and study on religious subjects, as is done by the International Sunday School system, with its carefully printed questions and answers and exercises, singing, entertainment, picnics, etc. C142-144

As the Jews failed to recognize the binding and blinding influences which came upon them, so nominal Christians today fail to see the features of the "harvest" work now in progress. R2237:6

They are bound by human traditions and by a worldly spirit. R920:6

Bound rightly by their own prejudices. R878:6

Pride will hold them together; none will wish to appear disloyal or cowardly. Societies act en masse. R1828:1

They seek to bind all by the impression that it is essential to salvation to be joined to some one of their sects--it matters little to which one--thus combining the idea of individual responsibility with sectarian bondage. C141

In bundles – Necessary, because of their great preponderance. R3770:4

Human organizations. R3771:1

Not only church organizations, but all the various organizations which tie men together today, as never before. R1828:1; Q317:4

Labor Unions, Capitalistic Trusts and protective associations of every sort. C140

Into lodges, societies, churches, sects, parties. R4636:1

Into great denominational bundles, labeled with various sectarian names. R1488:2

A unification of sects. R3497:4

If it were demanded that we must join a union before we could work, we should join; but if that organization should do anything we could not approve, we should feel free to withdraw at any time. Q318:4

The spirit of the tares is toward sectarian greatness and show, rather than toward individual obedience and allegiance to God. C141

In most of these bundles, sects, there are still some grains of wheat, some consecrated ones, in whom the spirit of truth still has some residence. R375:4

Each denomination retaining its own bondage or organization, and becoming more firmly bound by being wedged in with others. C142

An evidence of the harvest work in progress. R4636:1

Ready for the burning, destruction. R5409:2

To burn them – To destroy them, not as individuals, but as tares, imitation wheat, in the great time of trouble. B105; C146, C148; F200; R5916:3, 4644:2

Return them to the ground, the world whence they came. C140; R3771:4

Not with literal fire. R4636:4

We cannot burn symbolic tares in literal fire. CR251:3

They do not burn them at once, but proceed to gather the wheat into the garner. Not until the wheat is garnered does the fire consume the tares. R2634:4

The Christian's duty is to lift up the standard and get the true wheat out of all the tare-bundles into liberty, in union with Christ, the only Head. R3566:6

Apparently the consuming of the tares will correspond very closely with the division of the Jordan. R5951:4

So that none of the bad seed might affect the future crop. R4635:6

This is when the Great Company will wake up. R5761:2

Professed Christians will be shown in their true light. The true and false will be completely manifested. R5761:5,6

But – Without binding it into bundles. C140; Q318:1

Gather the wheat – With the sickle of present truth. C139

The Church of Christ. R5256:4

Comparatively only a handful, a "little flock." B205

"They shall gather together his elect." (Matt. 24:31) B164; D601

"Gather my saints together unto me." (Psa. 50:5) B164

"Make up my jewels." (Mal. 3:17) B164; D600

"Come out of her, my people." (Rev. 18:4) D601

Evidently in smaller proportionate quantity, being taken directly to the barns unbundled--precious, scarce. R3770:4

Separated from the tares--in spirit, but not necessarily in person. NS390:3

The wheat heads, full of heavy wheat, bend over with the weight; a beautiful illustration of the modesty and meekness of the true and fruitful Christian. R2277:1

Many laborers seem not to know whether they are to sow or to reap. They want to sow and reap at the same time. R628:4*

The harvest is not of the living only, but also of the "dead in Christ." The angels gather the living, but our Lord, the Chief Reaper, gathers or raises, the dead. R20:2

If he is come to gather his saints and is also to come "with all his saints" (1 Thess. 3:13; Jude 14; Zech. 14:5), there must be two parts or stages of his coming. HG23:6; 3

Those who are not spirit-begotten have no right to class themselves with the wheat. R4635:6

Into my barn – The barn condition of security, separateness from the worldly. C212

Not into another denomination, but gathered to Christ, into oneness with him, in fellowship of spirit through the knowledge of his Word. R2751:4

The spiritual condition; the glorified condition. R2693:2, 4644:2, 3686:2, 2277:6; F200; CR251:4; HG272:4; 438:5; NS21:4; 89:5; 810:2

The heavenly garner, the resurrection change. R4635:6, 5049:2; CR251:4; PD59/70

We are not to understand that the harvest is yet wholly finished. R5761:2

31 Another parable set he before them, saying, The kingdom of the heavens is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field; Parable – These different parable-pictures represent the same subject from different standpoints. R4636:2[R4636:2], 5049:6[R5049:6]

Kingdom of heaven – The nominal church of this Gospel age. R2634:6[R2634:6], 5049:6[R5049:6]

The class called out of the world of mankind to be associated with him in his Millennial Kingdom. R4636:2[R4636:2]

32 which is less indeed than all seeds, but when it is grown is greater than herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of heaven come and roost in its branches. The least – The Church of Christ was so unimportant in the world at one time that it was a shame to belong to it. R4636:2[R4636:2]

When it is grown – Ultimately the nominal church would become honorable and great. R4636:3[R4636:3]

Illustrates how the gospel of the Kingdom would, from a small beginning, attain considerable size. R4636:2[R4636:2]

Greatest among herbs – Not great among the trees, but among bushes of herbage. R4636:2[R4636:2]

Yet this large development does not signify advantage; on the contrary, a disadvantage, in that the fowls of the air come, lodge in its branches, and defile it. R2634:6[R2634:6]

Becometh a tree – With its various branches and denominations, the nominal church is Babylonish. R4636:3[R4636:3]

Birds of the air – Satan and his agents. R2634:6[R2634:6], 5049:6[R5049:6], 4636:2[R4636:2]

In the branches – So great that the adversary's servants would have pleasure in its shade. R4636:3[R4636:2]

"The hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." (Rev. 18:2) R2634:6[R2634:6], 5050:1[R5050:1], 45:6[R45:6]

Satan and his agents have been lodging in the branches of the Gospel Church for centuries, defiling it. R2634:6[R2634:6]

33 He spoke another parable to them: The kingdom of the heavens is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal until it had been all leavened. Kingdom of heaven – The Gospel age Church is the Kingdom in its embryo, incipient or preparatory state. R1525:2, 5049:3, 2635:1

A parable of the Kingdom in the sense that it shows one of the experiences which the Church would pass through in its present preparation for Kingdom glories. HG272:5

Is like unto leaven – Yeast, sin, error, corruption. F464; T98; R5050:1,4, 4636:3, 2635:1

Which a woman – An ecclesiastical system organized and in power at an early date. R5050:4

"That woman Jezebel," the Papacy. (Rev. 2:20) R2635:4

Three measures of meal – The pure food provided by the Lord for the household of faith. R5050:4

The entire testimony of God's Word, the food for his family. HG272:5

Equivalent to one ephah, a good, liberal household supply. R2635:1

The faith once delivered to the saints; the hope set before us in the Gospel and love, the bond of perfectness. R2635:4

Whole was leavened – The food of the entire household became corrupted. R4636:3

The entire mass of theological doctrine is putrid and offensive to all Christian people. R5050:4

Not a particle of it was left uncontaminated. The result has been indigestion. R5050:4, 4363:3

Faith was distorted; hope was changed to another hope; and the spirit of the Lord, love, was perverted to a selfish love of creeds and human institutions. R2635:4

34 All these things Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables, and without a parable he did not speak to them, In parables – None was ready for the depth of his teaching until after the holy Spirit of Pentecost began to give qualification. R5444:2[R5444:2]

Unto the multitude – Jesus, speaking to his disciples, used plain language; on the contrary, when he spoke to the multitudes, he always employed a parable. HG511:4[HG511:2]

Without a parable – Not a statement of literal facts. R5004:3[R5004:3]

Symbolic language; this was the customary way for Jesus to preach. CR250:2[CR250:2]; R4679:1[R4679:1]

Because the true invitation was not for the ordinary multitude, but only for the consecrated. R5088:1[R5088:1]

An understanding of spiritual things would do harm rather than good to those not spiritually begotten, to those not fully consecrated to the divine will. R5088:1[R5088:2]

Part of our difficulty has been taking the words of Jesus literally when their very form should have shown us that they could not have been meant literally, but as the figures of speech we use today. OV162:10

Spake he not – None of the lessons of the Great teacher were given in literal language; they were all symbolic. R4679:1[R4679:1]

35 so that that should be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things hidden from the world's foundation. In parables – In figures and obscure sayings. R2602:6[R2602:6]

An illustration of a truth by something which is, in many respects, like it. A138[A138]

Not yet understood by the word, neither appreciated by any except the few, his "little flock," the consecrated. CR10:6[CR10:6]

I will utter things – Expound the hidden truths of divine prophecy. F233[F233:2]

Jesus not only expounded the prophets, but he did so in parables, prophecies and dark sayings. R667:6[R853]

36 Then, having dismissed the crowds, he went into the house; and his disciples came to him, saying, Expound to us the parable of the darnel of the field. His disciples came – Humble and truth-hungry, inquiring earnestly for the truth. B28

Declare unto us – The special light of both harvests is for the Israelites indeed. B28

A special request for interpretation. R4635:6

The parable – In every parable explained by our Lord, the thing said is never the thing meant. R1000:2, 283:6; HG385:3

37 But he answering said, He that sows the good seed is the Son of man, He that soweth – Jesus and the Apostles, and all his true followers. R5048:6

The good seed – The Gospel of the Kingdom. R4635:6, 5048:6

The Son of man – His disciples have assisted under his direction. R576:1

38 and the field is the world; and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom, but the darnel are the sons of the evil one; The field – In which, during this present harvest time, the fruitage of this Gospel age must be gathered; and the work of clearing, plowing and preparing for the sowing and reaping of the Millennial age, must take place. C121

Is the world – The world of mankind, the civilized world, all nations. C140; R5048:6

The kosmos, not the ge, the earth; nor the aion, the age. R2227:1, 97:2*

The world of mankind; and the seed is sown in their hearts. HG92:6

The world of mankind being counted the ground out of which the wheat and also the tares grow and develop. C140

The world are neither wheat nor tares; they are simply material, as ground, in which both good and bad seed may be sown. HG93:1

He is not dealing with the field, the world in general, but merely with the corner of it which he has planted with the good seed. R3771:2

The good seed was planted in Palestine, Asia Minor and Europe, and from thence has spread to America, and to some slight extent elsewhere. Strictly speaking, Europe and North America are the wheat field. R2277:2

Children of the kingdom – The spiritual children; classes n and m on the Chart of the Ages. R275:3

But the tares – The imitation New Creatures, posing as Christians. F200; R4636:1

The result of false doctrines, false teachings. R5048:6

Not begotten of the holy Spirit. CR251:3

The children of – Because their presence in the church is the result of false doctrines, false teachings, sown by the adversary, Satan. R5834:3

The wicked one – Despite the fact that they are mainly respectable, moral, good people. F200; R4636:1; CR251:3

All of class q and many (if not all) of class p on the Chart of the Ages. R275:6

The whole world of mankind, excepting the true Christians, born in sin and shapen in iniquity, aliens and strangers from God, may be spoken of as "children of the wicked one." R2277:4

39 and the enemy who has sowed it is the devil; and the harvest is the completion of the age, and the harvestmen are angels. That sowed them – Seeds of false doctrines, error, deception, using human lips and pens in Satan's service through pride and ambition. R5137:3, 5769:3, 4635:6

And thus brought the worldly masses into the church. R2598:3

Is the devil – Whose personality is here recognized in unmistakable terms. R3769:6*

The harvest – We have entered into that period of time when the present age is closing and the new age beginning. CR438:2; 308:1; R4891:4, 4635:6, 2277:6

There is a large crop of tares. R5769:3

The time of trouble coming upon the church should be recognized as the harvest, the threshing time, the time for separating the real grain from the chaff and tares. R576:2, 82:5*

The sign of the presence is the sign of the time of harvest. The worker and the work are related to each other. R236:3*

There are many harvests as there are kinds of seed (1 Cor. 15:38-44), but order governs all. R576:2

Many believe it began in 1874 and will end in 1914. R5363:4

Is the end – Is that which constitutes the end. C24, C214; D568

The Greek word suntelia, translated "end," does not mean a "point," but a "period of time." R236:3*

The last forty years of the Time of the End. C24; 121

As the Chart of the Ages illustrates, the harvest of this age and the end of the evil world or dispensation terminate together. NS21:5

Just before the inauguration of the new age of Christ's Millennial Kingdom. R4635:6

The regathering of Israel is a sign of the end of this age, and therefore a sign that we are living in the harvest time. R384:5

No millennium in between is shown. HG272:4

Of the world – Of this Gospel age. B15; C24, C121; D568; R5049:2, 2977:4

Of the age: Greek aion. CR251:2; 292:1; HG116:1

And the reapers – Who have learned that it is harvest time and that their work is gathering the wheat. F608

The Lord is sending forth more laborers continually, yet only such as recognize the nighness of the Kingdom, the parousia of the King, and have a zeal to tell the joyful tidings to others. R2674:3

Are the angels – The messengers, begotten of his spirit. D601; A237; R1279:2

Messengers, missionaries, saints of God. R885:3*

His servants. R2604:1

The Lord's followers now, just as a similar class were the reapers of the Jewish harvest. C139

The "harvest message" is the Lord's sickle and all associated with the promulgation of this message are reapers in this harvest, co-laborers with the great Chief Reaper. R2490:4

Every faithful disciple who now follows in the Master's footsteps has the privilege now of being a co-worker with him in reaping this harvest. R600:3

The Lord uses various human instrumentalities as his servants, messengers or angels. R3771:1

Invisible, spiritual beings, quietly separating wheat from tares. R189:4, 175:5, 124:2

40 As then the darnel is gathered and is burned in the fire, thus it shall be in the completion of the age. Tares are gathered – Our Lord would be present at the end of the Gospel age and, as the Chief Reaper, would gather tares in bundles to be burned. R5769:3

In the winter time: "Pray ye that your flight be not in the winter." (Matt. 24:20) D578

Burned in the fire – Destroyed as tares in a time of trouble; not literally burned. R5737:1, 5049:4, 4636:4, 2277:5; CR251:3

Their delusions will be dissolved. R4636:4

Manifested to all, to the intent that all may thereafter profit by the lesson, to all eternity. NS94:5

To occur within the harvest period. R1493:4

The fire already kindled, "the fire of God's zeal." C148

It is not the field, the "world," that is to be burned, but the tares. NS21:5

Signifying the destruction of the false pretensions of this class. C146

In the sense that none of them thereafter will claim to be what they are not, none of them will claim to be God's consecrated people. R2634:5; SM287:T

And thus returned to the ground, the world, from whence they came. C140

That the entire field might be cleansed and made ready for a new sowing of the pure seed. NS93:6

The end of this world – End of this age. D568

Proving that the burning of the tares is included in the gospel harvest, for "the harvest is the end of the age." (Verse 39) R115:6*, 98:4*

41 The Son of man shall send his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all offences, and those that practise lawlessness; The Son of man – A title of high honor, a reminder of his obedience, even to the death of the cross, by which he secured title to the honor, dignity and power of the divine nature. E151

Christ, who once became a son (in law) of Adam. E150, E152

Shall send – Christ is superintending the harvest; he sends forth the reapers. R223:5*

The Lord not only sends the sickle of truth to gather the wheat, but he also sends the strong delusions to gather the tares. OV297:4; NS128:6

Forth his angels – Servants or messengers, begotten of his spirit. D601; A237; R1285:1*, 1279:2

Gather out of – Or from. A239

Various errors gather out of God's Kingdom all that offend. R1644:5

In one sense, the wheat is gathered out from among the tares, because of the greater abundance of the tares; in another sense, the tares are gathered from the wheat. The wheat has the place by right; it is a wheat field, not a tare field. C139

They shall be swept out by the incoming flood of infidelity, overthrown by the winds of false doctrine, and finally burnt up by the scathing reproach of the world. R600:5

He has chosen to make the separation publicly, to demonstrate his own justice in the matter. OV297:4

His kingdom – The true Church. A239; R275:5

In the sense that the Church at the present time is God's Kingdom in embryo. R4635:6, 1927:1

Harvest siftings are necessary, that the Judas class may be entirely sifted out, and that the Peter class may be thoroughly stirred up by trials and difficulties. R4908:4

It is one thing to gather his people out of Babylon, and quite another to gather the offenders out of his Kingdom. Really the "tares" leave the "wheat" by utterly abandoning the faith once delivered to the saints. R2545:2

Things that offend – Those who put off the wedding garment of Christ's imputed righteousness. R2275:6

Those that cause others to stumble, including many teachers and preachers, and many doers of wonderful works. R5049:4

Not only "those that do iniquity," the "tares," but also "those that offend," those who fail to come up to the requirements of their covenant in fullness of consecration. R2541:6

That are blameworthy; because they are in the nominal church and posing as Christians. R4636:1

Realizing that this is a present activity, we cannot too carefully consider the principles upon which this judgment and selection are made. R1937:1

All organizations having the motive of hope of improvement deteriorate rapidly into machines of aggrandizement of clique or class, owing to the cupidity and sordidness of men. R1285:1*

Not that a man could not be a member of a union, but the position of separateness from these human institutions and bondages is a safe position for the saints. R1285:5

Which do iniquity – Which practice sin, or which are not fully in sympathy with the principles of righteousness. R2276:1, 5049:4

"Do lawlessness." (Diaglott) R1285:1*

The tare class, the great mass. R4635:6, 5802:1, 1644:5

The only things that shall remain are the things that cannot be shaken, the true and faithful. R3053:1

42 and they shall cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. A furnace of fire – A time of trouble destructive to the nominal systems and false professions; occasioned in great measure by the growth of infidelity and Spiritism of various kinds. A239; C146; R275:5

It would be thoroughly illogical to burn symbolic tares in a literal furnace with literal fire. CR251:3; R5049:4, 4636:4

The fire is as much a symbol as are the tares, the wheat and the garner. R2634:4, 2277:5

There is no such furnace for the wheat and tares all down through the Gospel age. R3771:2

So-called Christendom will be the great furnace. R3771:4

Wailing – There is such a commotion in connection with the separation of the wheat and the tares because Christendom as a whole, though nominally a wheat field, is practically a tare field. OV297:4; NS128:5

The saints won't have any of this weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, because the plan of God will be so closely before them that they will rejoice because the things occurring will presage their deliverance. Q733:T

Gnashing of teeth – Great disappointment, sorrow, pain, trouble and anguish throughout Christendom. R3771:4; Q732:2

"Men's hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth." (Luke 21:26) R3771:4

Signifying chagrin, disappointment, savage animosity: "They gnashed on him with their teeth." (Acts 7:54) R4329:1; Q732:2

The great time of trouble will make general havoc of present arrangements--social, financial, political, ecclesiastical. R5802:4, 5864:1, 2303:5, 1644:5

43 Then the righteous shall shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He that has ears, let him hear. Then – In the end of this Gospel age. SM790:2; R5769:3

We are in the dawn of the glorious day. It is not yet sunrise, the shining forth of the Church; but the "Day Star," Jesus, has arisen in our hearts. R470:6

The Lord links the fire upon the tare field with the speedy shining forth thereafter of the Sun of Righteousness. R2760:6

After this age and after its harvest. R857:3

After "the wheat" of this age is gathered into the garner by the power of the first resurrection. R5135:6, 6013:5, 5769:3, 5420:2, 4103:2, 2504:4; CR19:1; SM561:T, 790:2

Shall the righteous – The Church, as a whole, in glory. F725; R5135:6, 4988:2, 4967:5; SM287:T; HG417:3

Jesus is the head of the Church. SM791:T; R5097:3

When the division is accomplished, the wheat alone will represent the Kingdom of the Church of Christ, while the church nominal will fall and be broken. R593:4

Shine forth – To refresh and bless the world by scattering the darkness of sin, superstition and evil. R2425:5, 4849:6, 4636:4, 3770:6, 1012:4; SM246:T

To abolish darkness. R4988:1, 4849:6

The manifestation, or appearing in glory; the descent of the new Jerusalem as the Bride of Christ and mother of the nations. Light, deliverance and glory to the nations will be the result. R82:5*; HG163:5; 234:6; NS252:3

Then shall the morning of the Millennial age be manifested to the world. CR19:1

Be revealed, and be seen by men with the eyes of their understanding. R2606:3

To heal earth's sorrows and scatter earth's night. R5135:6

To bless, restore, purify and disinfect from sin and error the whole world of mankind. C149

To bring order out of present confusion, to scatter present darkness, ignorance and superstition, to cause the knowledge of the glory of the Lord to fill the whole earth. R3770:6

The consummation of the Church's hope in the end of this age. R4636:4

God gives light that it may shine that others may see and be blessed. To shine can mean no less than to give light. And if the Church give, the nations receive and "walk in the light of it." (Rev. 21:24) R25:2*

That true light will shine first upon the house of Jacob, returning to them divine favor. Then the call will come to them, "Arise, shine, for thy light is come." (Isa. 60:1) R2037:4

His Church is invited to become associated with Him as light-bearers; and, if faithful in permitting their light to shine now, they will by and by be parts of that great Sun of Righteousness. SM560:3; NS89:5

If unfaithful in shining forth under present conditions of prevalent darkness, they will not be esteemed worthy to shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom. HG438:6

God's plan will not always be shrouded in mystery. A86

"They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament [as the sun]." (Dan. 12:3) R1881:6, 722:6; C61; F666; HG334:4

"The earnest expectation of the creation waiteth for the manifestation of the Sons of God." (Rom. 8:19) R6:2

As the sun – Jesus is the true great Center of the Sun of Righteousness; and the bride will be with him in the morning, shining forth his glory. R5135:6, 5769:3, 4107:6, 3686:1, 2409:1; OV205:5; PD59/70; Q822:1; SM244:1, 791:T

"The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings." (Mal. 4:2) R3686:1, 2834:1, 1311:5, 369:1; A322, A86; CR126:4

The great Sun of Righteousness, the great Messiah, the great Prophet, Priest, King and Mediator between God and man. OV205:5

"The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light." (Isa. 9:2) R3686:1

We are not now shining as the sun, but as candles. CR62:2; R5769:3; HG438:6

In the future state of glory, in contrast with its present role as a lampstand. R3560:6

Collectively; but individually there will be differences in position and honor: "as star differeth from star" in magnitude and brilliancy. (1 Cor. 15:41) F725

"The elect," burning and shining lights," are all to come together by and by, all to be changed from human to spirit beings and, with their Redeemer, constitute the great Sun of Righteousness. R3026:6

To heal earth's sorrows and scatter earth's night. R5135:6; NS173:3

Which shall scatter the darkness of earth, binding the prince of darkness, Satan, and freeing mankind from the bonds of ignorance, superstition and credulity. NS292:6, 810:2

For the scattering of the night, the scattering of darkness, superstition and evil that now enshroud the world. HG116:3; 651:5; NS555:2, 614:2

Of their Father – Primarily, the Kingdom is God's but he has voluntarily, for a thousand years, placed it under charge of a viceroy, the Christ. D642, D643

Ears to hear – The attitude of heart to appreciate it. R4636:4, 2995:6; CR126:5

The ability to understand spiritual things. R4636:4

Not everyone has the hearing ear. R4636:4

Let him hear – We should not despise those who cannot hear, but rather sympathize with them and be thankful for the hearing ear which permits us to appreciate the various features of the divine plan. R3771:5

44 The kingdom of the heavens is like a treasure hid in the field, which a man having found has hid, and for the joy of it goes and sells all whatever he has, and buys that field. The kingdom of heaven – The Millennial Kingdom. R4535:3[R4535:50-51]

Like unto treasure – The Church and restored humanity. E441; D648; R5047:6, 288:4, 16:1

The share in the Messianic Kingdom. R5048:1, 4635:5, 4535:3

Hid in a field – "The field is the world." (Matt. 13:38) D648

Mankind and the earth itself. E441; D648; R281:4

The hiding of the treasure is necessary: "Cast not your pearls before swine." (Matt. 7:6) "Hast thou faith? Have it to thyself before God." (Rom. 14:22) R463:5

When a man – The man Christ Jesus. R729:3, 720:1, 611:3

Our thought is that the Great Teacher referred not to himself, but to those whom he instructed. R5047:6

The buyer is the Lord and those who accept his invitation to sacrifice earthly interests. D648; R4636:5

All that he hath – When our Lord had paid man's ransom price, he had nothing left. "He poured out his soul unto death." (Isa. 53:12) R2410:1

Our Lord laid down the earthly kingdom, the earthly rights, all that he had, as man's ransom. OV251:1; R4536:1, 1015:3

He took our human nature that he might give it as a ransom for all--his human nature for our human nature. R611:3

When Jesus died at Calvary all existence was at an end. After three days he received life as a new creature, but he took not again the human nature and never can do so. R482:3, 240:3

Jesus could not have given a part of his being and retained part. R719:6

The Lord's followers are to reckon that no sacrifice is too great to attain the blessing; indeed, the Kingdom can be attained at no less cost than the surrender of all their earthly hopes and aims. HG439:1

To gain this treasure, we must give all--our time, our will, our property. CR252:2; R4636:5

The price is small, but it is all that we each have to give--ourselves, our all. R1657:1

Buyeth that field – Realizing its value. R4636:5

The field belongs to God. He has put the treasure there. He offers it for sale to any willing to pay the price--the Lord and those who accept his invitation to join with him. R4636:5

Our Lord's payment of the price of justice. R4536:1

He did not buy the world, but the Church. R4536:2

In order to re-produce the human race lost in death through Adam. R729:3

The inference is that what we possess naturally is not of lasting value, while that which we may obtain instead is of priceless value and everlasting. R1656:2

45 Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls; Again – This parable illustrates the process by which his Kingdom is obtainable. R4535:6

Seeking – Seeking imperishable values of not frittering away life and its opportunities; seeking for the best things, and most valuable things, temporal or spiritual. NS514:2

Goodly pearls – In ancient times the pearl occupied the chief place among the jewels of personal adornment. NS511:1

Those qualities and rewards, even of an earthly kind, which would be enduring. NS514:5

All the other pearls--of being a great doctor, a great artist, a great musician, a model house-keeper, or something else--are trifling and insignificant in comparison with this great Pearl. Q428:4; SM681:2

We all seek something valuable for which to exchange time and influence. Q429:2; SM681:2

46 and having found one pearl of great value, he went and sold all whatever he had and bought it. When he had found one – Representing the Gospel offered as being superior to all other propositions of the world. R4636:6

Pearl of great price – Priceless, the finest he had ever seen. R4636:6; CR426:4

The riches of God's grace. Q161:3

The Kingdom offer of joint-heirship with Jesus in the heavenly Kingdom, and association with him in blessing all the families of the earth. R4636:6, 5594:3, 5005:5; CR426:4; 244:4; Q429:1; HG746:2; SM681:1

Our high calling of God in Christ. OV24:5; CR365:5; R5198:6, 4969:4

The glorious Messianic Kingdom, the Kingdom of God, of priceless value. CR426:4; R5484:4, 5270:3; Q427:5, 429:1

The prize first presented to our Lord; now set before us. R4535:3,6

Whoever possesses this pearl will be in harmony with God. SM681:3

Sold all – Jesus gave all he had, and he had far more than any of us. Q429:2

Illustrating the feature of Jesus' work in the laying down of his life. R4536:1

The price is self-sacrifice, even unto death. R5048:2

All who would gain this pearl must sell all that they have, all that they enjoy of earthly life or privileges. R5342:1, 5048:2, 4636:6; PD59/70

Let us count the things of this earth as loss and dross that we may attain this. R5422:4

Consecrate yourself, all you have. CR252:5; PD59/70

To buy we must consecrate and give--time, energy, study. Each day will bring opportunities for giving up something considered by the selfish, carnal nature to be precious. R1657:1

Whether a man be wealthy or poor, learned or ignorant, influential or otherwise, the cost of this Kingdom pearl will be his all; it cannot be had for less. R5048:2; SM683:1

If seeking the Kingdom seems to hinder some of our earthly prospects, so much the better. The Master said it would cost us our all. R5048:5

He that is not willing to have the Kingdom at such a cost is not worthy of the Kingdom. R4637:1

Some of the earthly treasures can be relinquished in the interest of the heavenly treasures. SM684:T

Bought it – Our Lord's payment of the price of justice. R4536:1

The terms for us are: Self-sacrifice, faithfulness to God at any cost, patient endurance under adverse conditions. R5461:6

Only those who walk the "narrow way" will gain the great prize. R5005:5

To purchase it, we must submit ourselves fully to the Lord, henceforth to have no will of our own in anything--to suffer reproach, scorn, persecution, loss of friends, tribulations. SM683:1

The number who will obtain this pearl is limited, only 144,000, and is now very nearly complete. SM684:1

We shall gain the Pearl of Great price in the Kingdom. SM685:3

47 Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like a seine which has been cast into the sea, and which has gathered together of every kind, Kingdom of heaven – The nominal Christian church. C214[C214]

As it exists in its incipient and imperfect stage in this age--which, in its widest sense, is the nominal Christian church. R920:1[R1000:5]

The embryo Kingdom during the Gospel age. R5048:2[R5048:2], 5555:1[R5555:1]

This parable is applicable to the close of the Gospel age. C213[C213]

Is like unto – Not like a net; but the embryo Kingdom resembles a fishing experience with a net. R5048:2[R5048:2]

A net – The Gospel message. R4637:1[R4637:1]

Representing the nominal church of this present time. HG438:6[HG438:6]

That was cast – First cast at Pentecost, and from then to the present harvest time it has been gathering in all sorts of fish, together constituting the great nominal Gospel church. R1716:1[R1716:1], 920:1

Into the sea – The world. C214[C214]

The world, where no distinction was recognized between Jew and Gentile. R1716:1[R1716:1]

And gathered – "I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:19) C214[C214]; R5555:2[R5555:2]

Of every kind – Real Christians, half-deceived and deluded Christians, and multitudes of hypocrites. C214[C214]

Some fish are in the Gospel net, looking for worldly ambitions, matrimony, social standing, moral atmosphere, as a cloak for business, etc. R5048:4[R5048:4]

"So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all, as many as they found, both bad and good." (Matt. 22:10) R2301:4[R2301:4]

Not every kind will inherit the Kingdom as joint-heirs with Christ Jesus. R4637:1[R4637:1]

48 which, when it has been filled, having drawn up on the shore and sat down, they gathered the good into vessels and cast the worthless out. When it was full – When in the fullness of God's time the full number of the particular kind desired had entered the net. C214, C215

At the end of the Gospel age. R5555:1

They – The fishermen, the Lord's people. C214; R5555:1

Drew to shore – Withdrew the invitation to a place in the Kingdom. C214

Sat down – Not to dive again into the sea, either with net or hook and line, to gather more fish. R920:2

And gathered – Separated, divided. C214; D600

"Come out of her, my people." (Rev. 18:4) D601

The catching and the sorting are two parts of the one grand work of making ready a people prepared for the Lord, corresponding to the works of the sower and the reaper. R1716:4

In the harvest, from 1874 to 1915, a separating work is to be accomplished. R1716:1

Into vessels – The special work of harvest is the gathering of the good fish into safety, rather than to catch more fish. R1716:4

Cast the bad away – As unsuitable for a place in the Kingdom. C214; R5555:1, 2, 4637:1

Corresponds with the tares of Matt. 13:30. The unsuitable fish in the net are all church members. The unprofessing world are not represented in the parable at all. R5048:5

They are not fit for the purpose of the present selection, undeveloped, not overcomers of the world, but are overcome by the world. R920:5

The Lord has not been fishing for all kinds of fish; he has not been seeking all kinds of people; he has been drawing especially only the elect, the saintly. R5048:4

The Great Fisherman has no special use for any more or other than one kind of fish now; by and by the "abundance of the sea shall be converted." (Isa. 60:5) R920:2

During Christ's Millennial reign, these will be dealt with. R4637:1

49 Thus shall it be in the completion of the age: the angels shall go forth and sever the wicked from the midst of the just, End of the world – The end of this age, a sifting and separating time. R4637:1; C214

"The harvest is the end of the age." (Matt. 13:39) C214

When the Lord shall have gathered the foreordained number of the elect Church. R5048:4

The wicked – But some of the true children of God will also be rejected and get into the wailing and gnashing of teeth condition because they have assimilated with the worldly-minded. R920:5[R1000]

50 and shall cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. Furnace of fire – The great time of trouble. R5048:5[R5048:5], 4637:1[4637:1]

Gnashing of teeth – "Gnawing their tongues in pain." (Rev. 16:10) R920:5[R1000]

Symbolically expressing the vexation and anger of those in whom the truth only awakens a spirit of opposition and hatred. R920:4[R1000]

See comments on Matt. 13:42

51 Jesus says to them, Have ye understood all these things? They say to him, Yea, Lord2.
52 And he said to them, For this reason every scribe discipled to the kingdom of the heavens is like a man that is a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old. Like unto a man – Our Lord and Master has come to his waiting people and spread out for them a bounteous table of truths, new and old, in order. R1867:5[R1867:5]

Which bringeth forth – Through his servants, who have the keys. R1150:5[R1150:6]

Feeding the flock; not feeding themselves upon the husks of science and man-made theology. R633:2[R633:2]

Out of his treasure – Considering his parables as a householder would consider his reserve of food supplies from which, time to time, truths "both new and old" would be brought. R5048:5[R5048:5]

Things new and old – Some things old and good might be brought forth from the sectarian creeds, but nothing new. A24[A24]

That which our Lord said he would serve at his second coming. R5568:6[R5568:6]

New things respecting the glory of the Kingdom and the work of the thousand years. R5568:6[R5568:6]

Clearer light on old things: justification, sanctification, the types of Leviticus, baptism, etc. R5568:6, 5569:1

Respecting the covenants and the atonement sacrifices. R4434:2

Features of God's plan unseen since the days of the Apostles. R4434:2

Contained in the Studies in the Scriptures. R4710:1

Not only expounding the hidden truths of ancient prophecy, but also disclosing new revelations of truth. F233[F233]

Able to see the new features of his work as well as the old whenever the new features become due; not rejecting the new because they are new. R920:2

Old things that God's people have recognized as true for centuries: note how appetizing they are to us now, how strengthening to faith, how refreshing! R4043:4

The new truth must always be in harmony with the old truths. R116:3*

A new point of interpretation must have the assent of at least two of the best posted and most conversant with the Scriptures before it appears in our journal. R312:3

The reason for the present abundance of truth for the hungry ones is that we are again living in the "days of the Son of Man." NS155:4

53 And it came to pass when Jesus had finished these parables he withdrew thence.

54 And having come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished, and said, Whence has this man this wisdom and these works of power? He taught them – As a public teacher he had no equal. What other teacher ever had 5,000 people leave their employment and, negligent of food, follow him for three days in the wilderness. R575:2

Whence hath – His humble birth gave him none of the advantages of education or social culture. R1682:1

True, also to some extent of those who follow Jesus' footsteps. When the Lord sends you out, you will know it; you will be so filled with the knowledge of the truth and so inspired by it that you must speak. R646:6

This wisdom – Due to his ages of prehuman existence. E91

55 Is not this the son of the carpenter? Is not his mother called Mary, and his brethren James, and Joseph, and Simon, and Judas?
56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then has this man all these things?
57 And they were offended in him. And Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honour, unless in his country and in his house. In his own country – Human nature esteems that which is distant as grander. R3494:2, 2424:6

58 And he did not there many works of power, because of their unbelief. Because of their unbelief – And hardness of heart; therefore, they lost the benefit of his wisdom and teaching and many of his mighty works. R1359:3

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