Luke Chapter 21 [DARBY]

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1 And he looked up and saw the rich casting their gifts into the treasury;
2 but he saw also a certain poor widow casting therein two mites. Poor widow – Giving is a privilege which is within the reach of the very poorest of the Lord's people. R5927:4

No saint has so little that he has nothing to spend for him who did so much for us. The less we have, proportionately greater is the sacrifice when we give. R548:6

Two mites – If we cannot give much, let us not deliberately conclude that we cannot give anything. R450:1*

The two mites principle applies to influence and time as well as to money. R548:6

The difficulty with some is in trying to do too much, more than their ability to do, and in overlooking the little things that are within their ability. R1334:5

The smallest copper coin in circulation, worth about one-eighth of a cent. R5522:4

It is not the great things that any of us do or attempt, which the Lord highly esteems. R5522:5

The true principle of sacrifice seeks to offer not the poorest, but the choicest to the Lord. R548:6

3 And he said, Verily I say unto you, that this poor widow has cast in more than all; Cast in more – A giver on the very highest plane--after his own heart. F343

Our Lord esteems gifts not according to the amount given, but chiefly according to the spirit which prompts the gift. R5927:3, 450:1*

The less we have, proportionately greater is the sacrifice when we give. R548:6

4 for all these out of their abundance have cast into the gifts of God; but she out of her need has cast in all the living which she had. All the living – In her way, she was doing the same that our Lord himself was doing--giving, not merely a living, but laying down life itself. F343

Jesus did not caution the poor widow that she had done more than her duty. F343, F344

5 And as some spoke of the temple, that it was adorned with goodly stones and consecrated offerings, he said,
6 As to these things which ye are beholding, days are coming in which there shall not be left stone upon stone which shall not be thrown down. Not be left – When uttered, this seemed most improbable. The city and country were more prosperous than for a long time. The temple, after 46 years of building, had just been completed and was truly magnificent. Yet, within forty years, it was in awful ruin. R1983:5

7 And they asked him saying, Teacher, when then shall these things be; and what is the sign when these things are going to take place? They asked – In studying this prophecy it is very necessary to keep in memory the questions to which it is the inspired answer. D565

These things – The destruction of the Temple, etc. D564; R1983:2

8 And he said, See that ye be not led astray, for many shall come in my name, saying, *I* am he, and the time is drawn nigh: go ye not therefore after them. Be not deceived – He wished them to understand that they must not expect immediately the honors and glories of the Kingdom. D563

I am Christ – Gamaliel mentions two of these false Christs in his speech referred to in Acts 5:36,37; and history tells us of several others who deceived quite a few Jews; notably, Sabbathai Levi of Smyrna, AD 1648. D565

Altogether, there have probably been fifty or more false Christs, male and female; but none of these, nor all of them together, can be said to have deceived many. D566

Whoever claims headship of the Church, as Pope, Czar, Synod, and especially the "Image of the Beast." (Rev. 13:15) D565, D580, D581

9 And when ye shall hear of wars and tumults, be not terrified, for these things must first take place, but the end is not immediately. Ye shall hear – "A rumor shall come in one year, and after that in another [a second] year shall come a rumor." (Jer. 51:46) Applying to the same time period as Luke 21:8,9. R5969:2*

Wars and commotions – Thus briefly did our Lord summarize secular history and teach the disciples not to expect very soon his second coming and glorious Kingdom. D566

Not by and by – These would not be an indication that the end of the age was near. HG397:6

10 Then he said to them, Nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom;
11 there shall be both great earthquakes in different places, and famines and pestilences; and there shall be fearful sights and great signs from heaven. Great earthquakes – The term earthquake is used to symbolically represent revolution, the great shaking of the present institutions which will overthrow everything that is not of the Lord's establishment and approval. HG399:4

Social upheavals are pictured under the symbolism of earthquakes, the mountains being carried into the sea, etc., and similarly uprisings of the social elements in anarchy are pictured as tidal waves engulfing the mountains, the governments. HG401:1

We speak of literal earthquakes because, in the divine order, there seems to be a harmony between the literal and the figurative. The literal earthquakes have their part, too, in the great program. HG399:4

Famines and earthquakes have in all ages given evidence that not only man, but his home, the earth, is under the curse. R879:1

We may be sure that great changes must take place in the climates and soils of the earth before it will be prepared, as was the garden of Eden, to be a fit home for perfect man. R879:4

A New England professor delivered an opinion that a great earthquake would shatter the huge cap of ice which for centuries has covered the south pole. He predicted that this would so adjust and equalize the weight of the waters of the earth that the axis of the earth's rotation would be corrected. HG400:4

In connection with the quakings of society, the overturning of kingdoms (symbolic mountains), we may expect wars, pestilences, earthquakes and famines, not as heretofore, but to an extent never before known. R879:2

It is far from our thought that an earthquake is of itself a sign of the end of the age. We remember that history tells us of various earthquakes in the past, so that these alone would prove little respecting the time in which we are living. HG398:1

Famines – We cannot pray our Father to grant abundant harvests, send rains, prevent famines, droughts, wars and pestilences. God will permit these things until the reign of Christ is inaugurated. R798:4

12 But before all these things they shall lay their hands upon you and persecute you, delivering you up to synagogues and prisons, bringing you before kings and governors on account of my name; Before all these – It certainly was not before a great earthquake that the Church began to suffer persecution. R879:2

Persecute you – Loyalty to Christ will bring persecution and misunderstanding. R5806:3; D564

"All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim. 3:12) D567

13 but it shall turn out to you for a testimony.
14 Settle therefore in your hearts not to meditate beforehand your defence, Not to meditate before – Does not imply that ministers of Christ should neglect studying their subject. R5391:4

15 for *I* will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your opposers shall not be able to reply to or resist. Give you – Choosing, as at the first advent, from among the laity, the common people, his mouthpieces. R2599:1

The Lord's faithful followers. R5391:4

In both advents, his chosen mouthpieces from among "the common people." (Mark 12:37) R2599:1

The Truth is his, and you are his--his ambassadors. R698:3

A mouth – Let the spirit of the glorious truths you now see so fill your heart that out of its fullness your mouths may speak to the Lord's praise, and to the enlightenment and profit of your opposers as well as the hearers. R698:2

Wisdom – They would have wisdom superior to that which was naturally theirs. R5391:4

Able to gainsay – Do we not find the same principle illustrated today, when humble ones amongst the Lord's people are more than a match for all their adversaries? The truth, being powerful, prevails, though it is not always acknowledged to prevail. R2952:2

You will find that none, even those professing to be teachers and ministers of the gospel, will be able to withstand the Sword of the Spirit with which knowledge of the truth arms you. R825:4

"The wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid." (Isa. 29:9-19) R2599:1

Nor resist – Of Stephen it is written, "They were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake." (Acts 6:10) R2952:2

We do not advocate public debating of the truth. R2952:2

16 But ye will be delivered up even by parents and brethren and relations and friends, and they shall put to death some from among you, And ye – The Little Flock. Compare Micah 7:5,6. R2142:5*

17 and ye will be hated of all for my name's sake. Be hated – The Christian's love, zeal and faith in God's Word, and his uncompromising attitude relating to these so greatly contrast with the prevalent spirit that he is thought peculiar, called an extremist and fanatic, if not a hypocrite. R1653:2

The stones that kill the Stephens of our day are labeled hate, revenge, persecution, malice, scandal and ridicule. R2282:4

Wherever the truth goes, it will be like a sword to separate, especially in the home and family. R2852:6

Evil surmisings out of unconsecrated hearts will attribute every good deed to some selfish or evil motive. R1653:2

My name's sake – Christ's. R1653:2

18 And a hair of your head shall in no wise perish.
19 By your patient endurance gain your souls. In your patience – Patient endurance, cheerful, hopeful constancy. R4910:6, 5651:1, 2791:3

"Wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey." (Zeph. 3:8) R4135:1

If ever the Church needed this counsel, it is now. R5651:5

Only those who are able to patiently endure will stand in this evil day. R5651:6

Now is the time for remembering that God has a plan that is surely working out. R4135:1

Possess ye – So long as we live in the present age, when sin abounds and Satan is the prince, we must expect tribulation. Nevertheless, we are fully under divine care and protection, even though persecutions are permitted to reach and affect us. R4910:6, 2791:3

Our faith and trust in the Lord and his promises should be so strong and unwavering that they will far more than counterbalance the opposition of the world, false brethren and of Satan's blinded servants. R5651:1, 2791:3

By enduring our trials. R3584:3

Because the ministrations permitted of his providence are for our ultimate good. R2791:4

Especially when weary in well-doing because of the reproaches of them that are without the pale of discipleship; when temptations, violent or subtle, may press hard upon us, when trials and cares may sorely afflict. R2073:4*

Your souls – Our lives, as new creatures. R5651:1

Our lives, enjoying them even amongst tribulation, with cheerful endurance. R2791:4

20 But when ye see Jerusalem encompassed with armies, then know that its desolation is drawn nigh. And when – Referring, primarily, to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish polity in the close of the Jewish age, although they have a secondary reference to events in the end of the Gospel age, the antitype of the Jewish age. R1983:2

Ye shall see Jerusalem – This portion of our Lord's prophecy evidently related to events upon fleshly Israel; and history tells us that it was accurately fulfilled in every particular in the troublous scenes wherewith the Jewish age and polity came to an end. D569

Our Lord's words, quoted by Matthew and Mark, differ from Luke, and evidently apply to the trouble upon spiritual Israel in the end of the Gospel age. D570

Compassed with armies – The Roman army besieged the city, and then suddenly withdrew (AD 69). Vespasian, the Roman general, learning of the death of the Roman emperor, and that insurrection prevailed at Rome, hastened thither and assumed the emperorship. R1983:2[R1983:7]

21 Then let those who are in Judaea flee to the mountains, and those who are in the midst of it depart out, and those who are in the country not enter into it; Then let them – Before Titus had assumed command of the army and renewed the siege of Jerusalem, the Christians of the city acted upon our Lord's instruction, fled from the doomed city, and thus escaped the awful horrors of its siege, in which it is claimed that 1,100,000 Jews perished. R1983:2

To the mountains – "Who shall ascend into the mountain of the Lord? who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart." (Psa. 24:3-6) R1963:4*

22 for these are days of avenging, that all the things that are written may be accomplished. These be – As Jesus in his day called the attention of the Jews to the judgment of God about to come, so here it becomes our place to speak the word of God, that the nominal church and world-united system shall be cast down and consumed. R235:5[R235:5]

Days of vengeance – As a nation, the Jews had experienced great blessings and privileges, and these being misused brought great darkness and ultimately a terrible national judgment. All of these things correspond to the conditions in the harvest or end of this Gospel age. R1983:2[R1983:2]

The baptism of fire, of trouble, spoken of by John the Baptist. (Matt. 3:11) NS21:2

Shown by letter f on the Chart of the Ages, the fire through which fleshly Israel went when Jesus was present. R273:6[R273:6]

Corresponding with the days of vengeance at the end of the Gospel age. (Dan. 12:1) B219, B251[B251:1]; NS21:3

There have been other days of vengeance in the past bearing some likeness to the coming day of vengeance: in Noah's day, and more particularly, in the time of trouble which came upon the Jewish nation after their rejection of Messiah. NS218:1

A time of trouble, which they were powerless to avert. R273:6[R273]

23 But woe to them that are with child and to them who give suck in those days, for there shall be great distress upon the land and wrath upon this people. Wrath upon this people – It burned fiercely against them in the great time of trouble which led to the collapse of their national polity in AD 69-70, and they have been under that wrath and unable to reestablish themselves as a nation from that day to the present time. R2564:1, 2236:6

Showing clearly that the closing work of that age included the day of wrath, and reached to the destruction of Jerusalem; and that the harvest, instead of being limited to three and a half or seven years, covered the forty years from the Spring after his baptism to AD 70. R115:6*

"Who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?" ( Luke 3:7) "Wrath is come upon them to the uttermost." (1 Thess. 2:16) R2236:5, 2564:1

Upon this people – The Jews, at the time Jerusalem was ruined. D569; R235:5

24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the nations until the times of the nations be fulfilled. Jerusalem – As the city of Babylon represented the Empire of Babylon, so the city of Jerusalem represented the Jewish nation. CR41:2; NS681:1

God's people, Israel after the flesh, are trodden under foot by the Gentiles. During the same period Israel after the spirit, "the kingdom of Heaven, suffereth violence and the violent take it by force." (Matt. 11:12) R1979:2

Shall be – Shall continue to be. R1373:1

Trodden down – When God's time came to turn over the dominion of the earth to Gentile rule, it was appropriate that he should first remove the typical crown from Israel, and that the typical kingdom should no longer be recognized. They had proven themselves unfit for exaltation to universal dominion. B75

For the past eighteen centuries, Jerusalem has had no commerce, no industry, no outward brightness, lustre and splendor. R1297:2*

We have seen Israel scattered among all nations without favor, under the withering, blighting curse of God, a distinct people, but not a nation. R517:5*

In harmony with the Scriptures which tell of Israel's re-establishment as the earthly representatives of God's Kingdom, the Zionist movement is coming forth with good hopes of soon effecting a Jewish sub-kingdom. NS681:6

Zionists are insisting that Palestine be made a Jewish state with a government of its own, but subject to Turkey. We have reason to believe that such a concession will not be granted nor attained before the close of the Times of the Gentiles. R4572:1; NS681:6

Fleshly Israel cannot come into their long promised inheritance until that time, though preparatory steps will previously be taken. B81

Jewish national polity cannot be restored until the elect Church is complete (Rom. 11:25) and the period apportioned to Gentile governments has run its course, AD 1915. R2237:2

The Times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled and they will lose their empire at the same time that Israel's seven times of tribulation and down-treading will terminate, and they shall come into favor and association with Messiah and his Kingdom. OV53:3

We expect that the return of favor would be gradual, a like period of 36

years to that in which it was taken away (33-69 AD). This would bring us to 1914 as the time when God's favor for his people would be gradually manifested, during the closing hours of Gentile supremacy. SM401:1

The fact that there are now great preparations and expectations relative to the return of Israel to their own land is of itself strong circumstantial evidence corroborative of this Scripture teaching. B93

The heirs of the heavenly Kingdom must continue in humiliation, without power or privilege of reigning, until the time appointed for them to reign together with Christ. Their reign of righteousness over the world could not precede AD 1915, when the Times of the Gentiles have expired. B81

At present, the kingdoms of this world belong to the Gentiles, and they do not become "the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ," until the Times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. HG19:6

Until their "seven times" shall end, the Kingdom of God cannot come into universal dominion. However, like the others, it must obtain power adequate to the overthrow of these kingdoms before it shall break them in pieces. B100; HG676:1

Until – Until the Lord's Anointed, whose right it is, shall come and take the dominion and accomplish all his gracious purposes. B75

So long as these governments would be here they and Messiah's Kingdom could not co-operate. The Gentile governments are based on selfishness and coercion; Christ's Kingdom is based on justice, love and mercy. The two could not rule at the same time. R5526:2

Jerusalem will be free at that time, and thence-forward be a praise in the earth. R109:4*

The blindness that has veiled with night the lost of Israel's fold, will be replaced by Gospel light when "Gentile Times" are told. HG320:3

The Israelites were restored from Babylonian captivity, but they did not receive back the Kingdom; they were thereafter subject to the great dominant kingdoms of the world. HG41:3

Times of the Gentiles – The term was applied by our Lord to that interval of earth's history between the removal of the typical kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Israel, and the establishment of its antitype, the true Kingdom of God. B73; CR41:3; HG20:1; NS681:4

During this interval, the dominion of earth was to be exercised by Gentile governments; and Israel, both fleshly and spiritual, have been and are to be subject to these powers until their time is expired. B73

The dominion of earth, under certain limitations, would be left in the hands of the Gentiles. OV53:2

That is to say, the years of the Gentiles; the years in which the Gentiles would bear rule over Israel and all the earth; the period in which God would have no representative nation in the world. CR41:3; NS681:5

If there are Gentile times to be fulfilled, they must have been foretold; if foretold, they were foreordained or planned of God, who knew beforehand how long they would be and when they would be fulfilled. R5564:1; CR41:2; NS681:2

Implying that the times of the Gentiles must have a definitely appointed limit; because an unlimited, indefinite period could not be said to be fulfilled. B78

These seven times of the Gentiles are the same seven times of Israel, only to the one they have meant seven times of domination which would close, and to the other they have meant seven times (2520 years) of being dominated until the close of the times. NS684:5

"I will punish you seven times more [further] for your sins." (Lev. 26:17, 18, 24, 28) These seven times refer to the length of time during which the Gentiles should rule over them--"the Times of the Gentiles." B88

God told Israel they would come under his disfavor for seven times (Lev. 26:14-28). These could not be literal years, for they had many tribulations longer than seven years. They must be symbolic, each "equalling" 360 years; seven times being 7 x 360 years, or 2,520 years. R5564:3, 109:4*; B89; CR44:1; OV53:1, 416:2; Q84:1, 93:8; NS30:6, 684:1

In proof that a day for a year is Bible usage in symbolic prophecy, we cite: Num. 14:33, 34; Ezek. 4:1-8; Dan. 9:24-27; 7:25; 12:7; Rev. 12:14; 13:5; 12:6. B91

The method of calculation demonstrated. B90

A period of 2,520 years from the year BC 606 to and including AD 1914. B79; HG675:6

A period of 2,520 years which began with Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, at the time the Lord permitted his own typical kingdom of Israel to be overthrown, to so remain until Messiah's day. R5710:3

It began with Nebuchadnezzar, not when his reign began, but when the typical kingdom of the Lord passed away, and the dominion of the whole world was left in the hands of the Gentiles. B79

From the last king of David's line, King Zedekiah, in 606 BC. We would not say that it was not 605 or 607, but that as nearly as we can tell it was the year 606 BC. R5564:2; HG48:1

The Israelites were restored from the Babylonian captivity, but they did not receive back the kingdom; they were thereafter subject to the great dominant kingdoms of the world. NS681:5

It is for this period, during which the crown or Kingdom of God is overturned in the earth, that God gives a lease of ruling authority to the Gentiles. R1979:2

They were merely given this lease in the interim because God's time had not yet come for the establishment of his Kingdom. Q85:T

Their days of empire are limited to seven times, or 2,520 years, which will end in AD 1915, giving place to the Kingdom of God in the hands of the Messiah, whose right it is to rule the world. R1373:2

Historically, these Gentile kings and peoples have accepted their dominions as favors from the gods whom they worshipped. This same theory, accepted by the masses of the people, is blazoned forth on medals, coins and papers of state in the words, "King by the grace of God." B74

The removal of God's kingdom in the days of Zedekiah left the world without any government of which God could approve, or whose laws or affairs he specially supervised. The Gentile governments God recognized indirectly. A249

So long as God had an organized reigning kingdom on earth, there could be no universal Gentile kingdom. HG48:2

God determined to let the Gentile kingdoms take control and try the experiment of ruling the world, that thus the world might also learn the futility of its own efforts at self-government while in its present sinful condition. B75; HG676:1

When their highest attainment shall be demonstrated to be trouble, confusion and anarchy, the world will become heartsick with its own failure, and the Lord's Kingdom shall be hailed as the "desire of all nations." (Hag. 2:7) NS30:3

During which four great universal empires, world governments, have attempted to bring blessings to mankind. They have all proved weak as far as righteousness is concerned and strong as far as evil is concerned. R5710:3, 5564:3, 5526:2; SM417:1

While God does not approve nor commend these governments, he recognizes their dominion. B73

Earthly governments, all along, have been held to be divine governments, the kings and emperors of earth claiming that they rule the people by the grace of God--by the sanction, permission, authority of God. NS487:5

The image of Dan. 2 measures the duration of the Times of the Gentiles. R3359:4*; HG676:1; OV417:1, 53:2; Q94:2; NS682:4

The Times of the Gentiles is the period between the time that the image was set up, or came into power, and the time that the stone is to smite the image upon the feet and crush its power. Q82:1

By the end of 1914 the lease of power will expire. The Gentiles will be served with a notice to quit. They are not prepared to quit. The officer who comes to put them out might not be a good man at all, it may be anarchy. Q85:T, 97:3

The time during which the four great beasts of Dan. 7 were to tread down the whole earth. HG20:2; NS682:5

Clearly represented in Dan. 4 by the seven times of Nebuchadnezzar and his bitter experience among the beasts. B90, B93-96; R109:5*; CR44:6; HG49:1; OV53:3; NS30:4, 684:4

Unless it was to foreshadow the degradation and the duration of Gentile Times, we know of no reason for the recording of this scrap of the history of a heathen king. B97

We rejoice to think that at the conclusion of the symbolic seven times, mankind will return to a reasonable and proper view of the Almighty and of their responsibility to him, as did Nebuchadnezzar, their representative. NS30:5

We have been "taught of God" through his Word to expect no permanent peace from even the best intentioned monarchs and governments during these Times of the Gentiles. R2361:1

God declared to Abraham: "In thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed." This was the earliest suggestion of a universal dominion over earth, implying a peculiar superiority of this ruler above all others. B74

The Greek word here rendered "times" is kairos, which signifies a "fixed time." It is translated "times" in Mark 1:15; 1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 12:14; Acts 3:19; 17:26 and "seasons" in Acts 1:7. B78

Let no one mistake the Times of the Gentiles, for the fullness of the Gentiles. (Rom. 11:25) They are entirely distinct. HG20:1

The term Gentile included not only barbarians, but also the most civilized people of the world outside of Israel, outside of the special covenants and promise of the Lord which pertain to the present time. NS25:1

A prophetic year (or time) of 360 days, used to symbolize 360 years, is an arbitrary arrangement, peculiar to its intended symbolic use. R1979:6

Be fulfilled – Or, filled full. CR41:5

Or, completed. R1373:1

And the time of Messiah's theocratic government is at hand. NS849:6

The Lord did not say that the Jews were about to come under Gentile dominion. They had already lost their national independence when Nebuchadnezzar, the world's first conqueror, overthrew their government. Israel would continue to be subject to the Gentile kingdoms. NS24:4

When we read that certain times will be fulfilled, we are justified in thinking that these times have been foretold. CR41:2

The great war now raging in Europe [1915] seems to be the beginning of the end of Gentile Times. R5794:5

The Gentile Times having closed does not mean the Gospel message was closed. R5602:1

25 And there shall be signs in sun and moon and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity at the roar of the sea and rolling waves, And – The connection with the preceding verses clarifies what is not so clearly manifest in Matthew and Mark, that these signs follow the tribulations of the Gospel age, and not those in the harvest. D584

Leaping over centuries, pointing to events near the close of the Gentile Times. R1983:5

There shall be signs – To give a general idea as to the time when the Kingdom would be nigh. R1983:5

While literal signs served their designed purpose to draw general attention to the time of the end, we believe that the symbolic fulfillments are no less striking and even more interesting to those whose mental and spiritual perceptives are awakened. D590

In the sun – Representing the Gospel light, the truth; and thus, Jesus. D590

The true gospel sunlight is already darkened. R1305:2

The sunlight of the ransom becomes obscured. D592

The remarkable darkening of the sun and moon was on May 19, 1780. D585; R1983:5

While we believe also in a symbolic fulfillment of the darkening of the sun and falling of the stars, yet we cannot overlook the literal fulfillment. R1983:5

In the moon – The light of the Mosaic Law. As the moon is a reflection of the light of the sun, so the Law was the shadow, or reflection beforehand, of the Gospel. D590

The darkening of the Gospel sunlight results in the darkening of the moonlight. D593

As the sunlight of the ransom becomes obscured, so the moonlight of the Mosaic Law, which in its sacrifices foreshadowed the ransom, must of necessity become obscured also. D592

The reflected sunlight of the gospel, shining in the typical sacrifices of the Jewish Law, has become obscured. R1305:2

"The moon shall be turned into blood." (Joel 2:10) When the Gospel light is obscured, the Law comes to be regarded merely as a meaningless and barbaric ceremony of blood. D593

In the stars – Representing the inspired teachers of the Church, the apostles. D591

The teachings of the God-ordained twelve stars of the Church (the apostles) will also fade from view--cease to be recognized guides or lights. D593

The word star (Greek, aster) is not used respecting any of the faithful (outside the apostles) in referring to them in this present life. D593

Faithful, humble lamplight-shiners of this present time shall by and by with Christ be the glorious and honored seed of Abraham--"as the stars of heaven," but not in the present "heavens" which shall shortly pass away. D594

If God only ordained twelve stars as lights for his Church (Rev. 12:1), is it not a great mistake for popes and bishops to regard themselves as successors of the apostles--stars also? D594

Many stars, bright ones, are falling from heaven. R1305:2

Many false stars have fallen from every pretense of Gospel shining to the level of the comprehension of the masses to whom they shine. D596

The notable falling of stars, or meteoric shower, was on the morning of Nov. 13, 1833. D588; R1983:5

Upon the earth – A trouble more dreadful than any preceding experience, in the sense that it will be world-wide, and not a local disturbance, as were the previous seasons of destruction. Q848:4

Distress of nations – The notion that we are to pass, by the peaceful evolutionary processes of a broadening culture, by the achievements of discovery and invention, and by the universal acceptance of the gospel, into the golden age of millennial blessedness is, in the light of prophecy, the baseless fabric of a dream. R1612:1*

This war [1914] will proceed and will eventuate in no glorious victory for any nation, but in the horrible mutilation and impoverishment of all. Next will follow the Armageddon of anarchy. HG674:3

When the war [1914] is ended, the nations, sorrowful and famine-stricken, will be greatly angered at their rulers. They will come the determination for something like Socialism. This the governments will endeavor to put down, and to some extent they will succeed. Then will follow the great explosion--the Armageddon of the Scriptures. HG676:6

With perplexity – They will face a condition of things never before known in the world. Although there have been revolutions, never before have the people been so intelligent, educated, capable of initiative, trained in military skill and able to assert and fight for their conception of their rights. NS487:5

The kings of Europe know not what to do. All sectarianism is being shaken. Many people of God are in perplexity. OV274:5

The perplexity of financiers examined. R5658:6, 5632:3, 5633:5; A332

Thrones stand unsteady, and throughout the world there is a feeling of distrust among all classes. R353:1*

Some praying for the success of the Allied armies, others praying for just the reverse, still others praying that the war shall not go on. Before praying, it would be well to determine God's purposes in regard to this war [1914], in order to pray in harmony with his arrangements. SM412:3

Feeling their own incompetency to cope with the mighty power of the awakening world, the civil authorities, in sheer desperation, call to mind the former power of Papacy. Though they hate the tyrant, they are willing to make large concessions, if by this means they may succeed in holding in check the discontented peoples. D131

The sea – Those who have seen the mighty deep thoroughly aroused and have witnessed its terrific power and the destruction sometimes wrought, have a wholesome dread of it. NS483:3

The proportion of sea to land, the origin of the seas, sea-level, and the contrast between sea depths and mountain heights applied symbolically. NS484:3

The sea and the waves of the troubled masses of humanity are already beginning to heave and toss and foam. The increasing winds of strife are driving the great sea of mankind into a frenzied state of revolt against the present social order. Q841:4

The waves – Nihilism, communism, socialism and anarchism. Q841:4

The restless and lawless elements. D596

The restless and discontented. R4943:6

The peoples of the world, moved by selfishness themselves, will rage against selfishness and power exercised against them, until the entire social structure will succumb to the power of this great flood. NS484:3

Curbed, but not fully restrained, by the laws and regulations of society. D596

Roaring – In the time of trouble with which the Millennial age will be introduced. The symbolic mountains, kingdoms of the earth, will go down, overwhelmed by the symbolic sea in an anarchistic storm. (Psa. 46:1-3) When Messiah's Kingdom shall bring order out of confusion, there will be no more sea, no longer any restless, dissatisfied element. Q842:2

Kingdoms thrown into anarchy and society entirely swallowed up by the sea. NS484:1

The hand which has stayed the winds while the gathering and sealing of the Elect has been in progress will no longer stay them. The winds of selfishness, strife, passion, anger, covetousness, hatred, will be allowed to blow. NS559:2

The clamoring of restless masses through unions, strikes, etc. R487:2

Every newspaper, not under the control of wealth, voices the roar of the restless "sea" class; and the others, though unwilling, must give the echo of the roaring as matters of news. D596

"The voice of the day of the Lord" (Zeph. 1:14), as it comes from various quarters and swells into a mighty roar of the sea class will not be heard nor heeded, nor will relief be granted, nor the threatened crash and wreck of present institutions be avoided. R2216:6

"Given forth hath the deep its voice." (Hab. 3:10, Young's Literal Translation) R1813:4

The utterance of the faith of Israel's faithful is that, though the sea and the waves roar, there is a river whose streams gladden them. (Psa. 46:2,3) R302:6

26 men ready to die through fear and expectation of what is coming on the habitable earth, for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. Men's hearts – The great, rich and mighty, ecclesiastically and socially. R1305:2

For fear – Well-grounded fears. OV339:2; SM691:2

The difficulty with many is, that, seeing these approaching troubles from the outside, they are losing confidence in divine providence. R2462:4

But their fears and their anguish will not be eternal. When the trouble shall have accomplished its work and burned itself out, it will be no more, and instead of trouble, blessings shall come in. R3771:4

Not brotherly love, but fear, is the mainspring of the desire for religious union. R1741:2

Out of this very fear Satan desires to make some capital wherewith to bolster up the tottering walls of his ancient fortress and protect his kingdom from ruin in the midst of the great time of trouble. R1704:2

The fear of impending revolution is driving every nation in Christendom to extravagant preparations for war. D133

The fear of the "Yellow Peril" of China and Japan examined. R3619:3

The fear of capital and labor and union disputes examined. R2868:1

The conservative and wealthy classes recognize religion as the strongest influence for the peaceable control of humanity. They see that, with the growing intelligence of our day and the growing independence of thought and action, the influence of all the different religious teachings over the lower classes of society is on the decrease; and they fear the results. R1705:2

It is a fact, not an assumption, that we are now living in a time when crime and corruption have assumed prodigious proportions, not only in the lower grades of society, but in what are called the upper grades. R353:1*

Noting the rise of Socialism, it is no wonder that we see kings and rulers taking extra precautions to protect their interests from the threatening dangers of revolution and world-wide anarchy. In fear and distress they seek alliance one with another, though so great is their mutual distrust that they have little to hope for in any alliance. D129

"All hands shall be feeble, and all knees shall be weak as water." (Ezek. 7:17) D149

God's people will be preserved from fear and doubt and misunderstanding of the events of that time of trouble and their faith will enable them to triumph at a time when others will be in great distress and perplexity. NS790:5

Looking after – Looking forward to. HG316:5

The editorials of some of our greatest newspapers read as if written from the standpoint of present truth, so remarkably do they foretell what they declare to be almost certain to follow this present [1914] terrible war. R5989:3

Which are coming – Is it any wonder than the trepidation of the financial and political princes of the earth is great as they look into the future. OV339:2; SM691:2

The fear and trepidation will come in advance of the trouble itself. NS487:4

When we, a few years ago, called attention to the overthrow of government by Communism, the idea was ridiculed. Communism was then little known or felt. Today [1882], every nation is in dread, and Nihilism, Communism and Socialism are household words. R410:4, 26:6; B99

The earth – Society. D413, D596; R4943:3, 1379:4

The social order; because of the shaking of the heavens, the ecclesiastical systems. OV339:2; SM692:T

Powers of heaven – Ecclesiasticism. R4943:6

Religious powers. R1741:2

Governments. R410:4

Government--ecclesiastical and civil. D413, D591

The influence of the religious element, religious doctrines. NS487:4

Sectarian creeds and systems. D597

Shall be shaken – The public are losing their superstition, theologians are admitting that their doctrines of the past are untenable in the light of the present, and many are leading the public into infidelity, called Higher Criticism. NS487:4

The nominal church, gradually drawn more and more to the side of governments and the wealthy, will lose much of its influence over the people, and will finally fall with the governments. A333

A great and very general storm is even now in progress. The thunders roll and the lightnings flash in every quarter of the ecclesiastical heavens. R1305:2

A shaking up of the creeds and dogmas of Christendom, which, because of their admixture of errors, produce confusion wherever referred to. D595

The creed-smashing already begun will, if it continue, release from the bonds of superstition and ignorance many who know no other restraints. The result of such a liberation of such a class means a shaking of the earth, society, as it has never before been shaken. R1305:2

27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. See the Son – Not the sign or proof of the Lord's presence, but, on the contrary, the clouds of trouble and confusion incident to the shaking of the "heavens," and realize it to be a storm which will shake the "earth" also. D599

Eventually all mankind, at the close of the storm, shall discern, recognize the new King with the eyes of their understanding and shall mourn for sin, and that they ever in blindness rejected him--the Jew first. (Zech. 12:10-12) D600

And great glory – The glory of power and justice. B153

In the midst of the awful trouble and perplexity, Messiah's Kingdom will take control. R5823:6

28 But when these things begin to come to pass, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws nigh. When – The times and seasons were wisely hidden in the past, and the saints were thus saved from discouragement, because the time was long; but as the plan nears its glorious consummation, it is the privilege of the saints to know. B25

These things – If death for anarchists becomes law, no doubt also the law of might will become so powerful as to throttle all liberty. Opposition to civil government being esteemed worthy of death, it may be a further step to declare a state religious doctrine, and proscribe those who cannot assent to it as religious anarchists, also worthy of death. R3890:5

The revealing of the time features now is as profitable and stimulating as their revealing before would have been unprofitable and discouraging. B25

Begin – The Master does not say, When ye see all these things, but, When ye see the beginning of them. R5735:2

As soon as we should begin to see the events of the harvest come to pass, we should expect a speedy realization of our glorious hope. C227

Look up – Our Master, who gives us in his Word the inside information, tells us to note the fulfillments. R2938:4

What a comfort and serenity of soul it gives to have the knowledge which the Bible affords in respect to the present times and the grand outcome of the trouble--Messiah's Kingdom. R5854:5

Daily we are getting ready for that Kingdom by proving and manifesting that we have a thorough-going loyalty of heart to the coming Kingdom and its principles of righteousness. CR493:6

If the worst should happen, we should remember that God is at the helm, and that he will allow the pride and wrath to work out the great trouble and the inauguration of Messiah's Kingdom. R5852:4

God has kindly veiled the eyes of humanity that they do not see the coming storm in all its dread severity; because they have no eyes of faith to see the resulting blessings as we see them. R5799:4

Lift up your heads – Realizing that the dark clouds are the harbingers of coming Millennial blessings. R1605:3

Christ's judgments encircling all the earth are "the signs and groanings promised to precede a second birth." SM422:1

When this trouble comes, there will be such a blessing from the Lord that those who go through it will be able to rejoice in tribulation. R5255:3

Those who discern in the shaking the outworking of the divine plan rejoice in the assurance that this terrible shaking will be the last that the earth will ever have or need; for, as the Apostle Paul assures us, it signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken. D150

And rejoice, through your tears. SM317:1

We may also rejoice with the world that the blessed morning of the Millennial Kingdom is at hand, even though we must weep with them also in the dark hour of trouble which will precede the sunburst of the Millennial Kingdom. NS31:4

We rejoice, not in the trouble, which surely saddens every tender heart; but that thus the world will be prepared for the grand change of government. R5805:6

The Lord's consecrated people cannot, in any sense of the word, rejoice at the tribulation coming upon others. Their rejoicing can only be in respect to the glorious things which they hope to experience, and which they know to be near by these outward signs. HG400:2

Nor is this rejoicing selfish in its character; for the deliverance and exaltation of the Church of Christ will be the harbinger of a speedy deliverance to the whole race. C227; HG400:2

This does not mean that we should ever act or feel boastfully, or even carelessly, respecting the welfare of humanity; but that with quiet confidence we may look up to God and rest assured that all things are working together for good--especially for the Church, but indirectly also for the interests of all humanity. R5062:5

For forty years we have been proclaiming this very war [World War I] and its glorious outcome. Now, when the very year has come and the prophecy is being fulfilled, could we consistently ask the Almighty to change his program? R5554:6

In that day, while the trouble draws on, the Lord will feed his people with present truth. R1379:4

Well may the Church arise now and put on her beautiful garments; for very shortly she is to receive beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for the spirit of heaviness. R2036:3

Any who are not rejoicing, but who, on the contrary, are feeling discouraged, despondent, and disappointed and ashamed of the truth, have evidently wrong impressions. R5794:5

And lift up your voices and point the way to those who are bewildered and troubled, who know not which way to go, nor where to seek for comfort. R5633:6

Let us, as we drink of the brook (Psa. 110:7), take a lesson from the little birds, which when drinking, repeatedly lift the head as though giving thanks to God. R2936:5

The time for lifting up our heads in glory is nearing too, and already the Master directs that seeing (with the eye of faith) the evidences of their approach, we may lift up our heads. R2936:5

For – All who learned of the coming troubles from the Lord's Word before there were outward evidences of them are strengthened in their faith by every fresh development, for they, by the same Word, know the object of the troubles and the grand results they are outworking. R2462:4

Your redemption – Pointing us forward to the salvation to be brought unto us through the First Resurrection. F159

Greek, apolutrosis, simply signifying deliverance, "a loosing away." There is no reference here to the ransom or the conditions precedent to the Church's deliverance, but merely to the deliverance itself. E434; F159; R4103:1, 3890:6, 2064:2, 2036:4, 1605:3

We are referred, not to the work of redemption accomplished in the sacrifice of our Lord, but to the results of that work as they shall be accomplished in the perfecting of the Church in the First Resurrection. F159

Deliverance. R3890:6

Your deliverance, your exaltation and glory. B190

And their exaltation to power as God's Kingdom, and the blessing of all the families of the earthy through that Kingdom. R1605:3

The morning cometh, although a brief, dark night must intervene. C227

If the deliverance of the Church meant eternal suffering to the non-elect, how could we rejoice in it? But we perceive that the glorification of the Church means the blessing of all. R5799:4

Draweth nigh – From the standpoint that one year less lies between us and the glorious consummation of our hopes and one year less intervenes before the establishment of God's glorious Empire, we rejoice to see the years fly swiftly by. R4103:1

The Lord did not say how nigh, so we must live day by day just as though this was the last day on this side of the veil. R5569:4

Near at hand, even at the door. R5715:6

29 And he spoke a parable to them: Behold the fig-tree and all the trees; The fig tree – Israel. D604; R384:2*

Note the wonderful adaptation of the fig tree as an illustration of Israel's returning favor. It puts forth its fruit before its leaves appear; and when the leaves appear, the fruit is ripe. It is a staple article of food, and also possesses medicinal qualities. R384:2*

30 when they already sprout, ye know of your own selves, on looking at them, that already the summer is near. Shoot forth – When the rich foliage of God's favor covers Israel, and is manifest to all, she will be ripe and ready for the work of blessing, feeding, and healing the nations, according to God's plan. R384:2*

Now being signally fulfilled. Not only are thousands of Israelites returning to Palestine, but the Zionist movement has assumed vast proportions to put into a practical shape the proposal for the reorganization of a Jewish state in Palestine. D604

These buds will thrive, but will bear no perfect fruit before October 1914--the full end of Gentile Times. D604

Summer is now nigh – There are unmistakable signs among the Jews as a people today by which we recognize Christ's words and know that not only the restoration of the Jews is at hand, but also that the Kingdom of God is nigh. R127:4*

31 So also *ye*, when ye see these things take place, know that the kingdom of God is near. When ye see – All about us we can see the foretold signs of our Lord's second presence. OV425:3

Kingdom of God – The Church is the Kingdom now, in the prospective sense. R397:4

Mentioned in such an unequivocal manner, that none can doubt that the Millennial Reign is referred to. R396:6

32 Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall in no wise pass away until all come to pass. This generation – Not gennema, race or posterity; but genea, which does not mean race, but has the same significance as our English word generation--people living contemporaneously. D603

A "generation" might be reckoned as equivalent to a century (practically the present limit) or one hundred and twenty years, Moses' lifetime and the Scripture limit. (Gen. 6:3) D604

The signs mentioned will occur within a generation-epoch in the close of the age. D603

Some of the generation which saw the falling stars will continue to live until God's Kingdom shall be fully established. D603; R1983:5

Perhaps from 1780, the date of the first sign, to 1880, when every item predicted had begun to be fulfilled; perhaps 1878 to 1914, 36-½ years, about the average of human life today. D604

33 The heaven and the earth shall pass away, but my words shall in no wise pass away. Heaven and earth – The present ecclesistical and social order. D602

34 But take heed to yourselves lest possibly your hearts be laden with surfeiting and drinking and cares of life, and that day come upon you suddenly unawares; Take heed – The tendency of the world, the flesh and the devil is to absorb our time, thought, interest and affections in worldly affairs, eating, drinking, marrying, building, planting, business, pleasure, sectarianism and cunningly devised fables. R2303:1

The present is the time for God's people to draw very near to the Lord, to come under the shadow of the Almighty, to put their trust more and more in him and to purge themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the reverence of the Lord. (2 Cor. 7:1) NS627:6

We would encourage all who have the hearing ear to zeal and faithfulness in their consecration, that they may make their calling and their election sure to a share in the Kingdom glories. NS790:4

Take time to commune with the Lord, feast upon his Word, partake of his spirit. R566:2*

Motive for heavenly-mindedness. R298:4

Unto yourselves – Christ and the apostles almost invariably speak to the Church and of the world; hence the personal pronouns ye and you refer to the Church, and they and them to the world. HG84:3

Your hearts – It is possible for a man to have a great deal of worldly care requiring his attention, and yet not have his heart much affected or influenced by it, because his heart is not in it as much as his head. R566:2*

It is the heart that is in danger. R566:2*

Be overcharged – To overcome, we need the armor which God has provided. We obtain it from the word of God, and it requires time and care to fit it and learn to use it. We cannot, therefore, spare our valuable and needful time to attend to worldly things, plans, and speculations; but only the things needful. R378:1

The crowding upon us of more than we can possibly do is evidently the enemy, and is intended to keep us from the most important of all work, the study of God's Word. R566:4*

Some who could not be induced nor pressed into worldliness, he will keep busy looking after the welfare of others, to the exclusion of their own growth in the knowledge of the truth. R566:4*

Such as make an improper partnership of Christ, the world, and self. R35:3

We cannot spare our valuable time for worldly things, plans and speculations. R378:1

As in the case of the Great Company class. R4078:5

With surfeiting – These various dispositions: carelessness of life, the overcharged or drunken condition as respects earthly affairs, the lack of self-restraint in connubial relationships, are apt to go hand in hand with a wrong spirit in the Church--a spirit of strife, contention, wilfulness. R3181:6

And drunkenness – Worldly revelries, time-killing pleasures. R3181:4

Intoxication with the spirit of the world as respects wealth, business, dress, music, art. R3181:4

Cares of this life – We find many who have been enlightened so busied with a multitude of other things that they cannot attend to preparation for the coming Kingdom. R565:6*

The brethren generally have their hours of labor fixed by the prevailing business customs. If they should find business demanding all their time and all their effort for any length of time, this is not the Lord's will. R572:2*

Habits of close economy prompt many sisters to do things which might be done by others long after the necessity of such economy is past. R572:4*

It is proper to be charged with the cares of life to the extent of our necessities and responsibilities, but not to the extent of crowding out spiritual interests and aspirations. R2129:3

Come upon you – Greek, ephistemi, to overtake. B158

Unawares – The people of the Lord, under his instruction, will not be in darkness that that day shall overtake them as a thief. NS789:6

If a child of God, living in the day of the Lord, remain in ignorance as to the fact, he must either be surfeited with the things of this life and intoxicated with the spirit of the world, or else overcharged with the cares of this life; in either case, indifferently neglecting to watch with his lamp trimmed and burning. B23

Declaring that, at the time of our Lord's second coming, the world will be far from converted to God. A90; OV222:4

The second coming of Christ will be as different from human expectation as was his first advent. HG315:4

It will be as it was in Noah's days, the world will know not. (Matt. 24:37; Luke 22:26) R264:4

He leaves the matter in obscurity, because it will be better for us not to know the exact time. R5256:3

35 for as a snare shall it come upon all them that dwell upon the face of the whole earth. As a snare – And a thief. R2390:4

The present social order of Christendom is to stumble and be wrecked in a time of anarchy, because the time has come for the establishment of God's Kingdom, and because the world is not in the condition of heart to receive it. R2390:1

All not thoroughly rooted and grounded in the truth will be carried away by the false arguments of those whom Satan is now permitted to use as his agents. R5652:1

On all them – The world in general, especially the Christian world who, having made a covenant with the Lord, are living contrary thereto, and therefore are styled "wicked." R2390:4

Including the tares. R3405:3

The knowledge which the saints will have in the day of the Lord is contrasted with the ignorance, on the part of the world, of the significance and tendency of transpiring events. B22

Who don't take heed. A90; OV222:4

Such as give no heed to the "more sure word of prophecy" are not watching and will not know. (2 Pet. 1:19-21) R2303:1

The Divine Revelation respecting the time of trouble is only to a portion of the world--the Church. OV59:5

It is not intended that the prophetic knock should be heard by the world; it is intended only for the virgin class, wise and foolish. R4185:4

The whole earth – The world in general, especially the Christian world. R2390:4; CR438:5

"But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief." (1 Thess. 5:4) R4185:2, 2390:4

36 Watch therefore, praying at every season, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things which are about to come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Watch – Watch yourselves, and also the word of prophecy. B22

The injunction to watch implies not only some advantage in watching, but also that the manner of the Lord's second advent might be so contrary to the general expectation as to require some discernment on the part of the watchers. R1796:5

We are to watch the signs of the times, so carefully delineated by our Lord in the prophecy which precedes this exhortation to watchfulness. R2303:1

The day will come as a thief in the night, stealthily. Those who are asleep will not be aware that the day has come, and might therefore not be expected to be in a waiting attitude. R5256:3

Present besetments, being of subtle character, are the more calculated to delude and ensnare, so that if one allows himself to be for a moment off his guard, the agencies of the Adversary will gain an advantage and use it to trap the unwary one. R1319:2

We believe that the Lord leaves the matter in obscurity, because it will be better for us as a whole not to know the exact time. R5256:3

The Lord's people should be keeping watch of the fact of his coming and of the various incidents of the interim; not knowing how rapidly they might culminate, that they might ever live in the attitude of expectancy and of readiness for his presence. R2303:2

Not readiness in a literal ascension robe, but readiness in a figurative ascension robe, namely, such a condition of heart and life as would be in readiness to welcome the Lord and his scrutiny in our hearts and conduct. R2303:2

Nothing is more helpful to wakefulness and energy in the Lord's service than the thought of his coming, and the examination of the prophecies which were given us with the very object of having us know something about the time of his coming. R2303:2

Alas! professed Christians have generally forgotten to watch for his appearing. They seem to have concluded that the watching will never be rewarded. R1796:3

Be always watchful for the evidence of my parousia, because the time will come when it will be very important to know it. B19, B163

So that when the due time comes you may be one of the wise ones. B19; D606

This watching will serve as an antidote for worldly influences. R2303:1; B19

And pray always – There is not a more practical doctrine than that of the second advent. It is the motive for patient waiting (1 Thess. 1:10); for divine hope (Titus 2:13); for moderation in all things (Phil. 4:5); for prayer to be counted worthy ( Luke 21:36); for long-suffering patience (Jas. 5:8); for heavenly-mindedness ( Luke 21:34); for perseverance in spite of persecution (1 Pet. 1:7); for godliness and holy conversation (2 Pet. 3:11, 12); for earnest preaching (2 Tim. 4:1-3); for fighting the good fight of faith (2Tim. 4:7, 8); for reverence and godly fear (Heb. 7:26-28); for sobriety and watching unto prayer (1 Pet. 4:7). R298:2, 4*

That ye – The faithful, sealed ones. C167

Accounted worthy – By faithful and prompt obedience, getting out before "winter." D578

That, knowing of his presence and the changes then due, you may be found in harmony with the king, working wisely in his vineyard, that you and your labor may be approved of him. R580:6

The wheat class; the truly consecrated children of God, separated from the world. R409:2, 3405:3; C146

The Bride class. R2302:5, 265:1

Those who enter in before the door is shut. (Matt. 25:10) R1952:4

The "overcomers." (Rev. 3:21) R1963:4; D578

Only the faithful "Little Flock" will be worthy. R593:5, 2302:5, 772:2; SM726:1

To escape – Not necessarily by being taken away from the earth, but possibly by being rendered fire-proof, as in the typical illustration of the three Hebrews, who walked in the midst of the fiery furnace. B162

We may not be too certain which way he meant we should escape. There are two ways: by avoidance of the trouble or by being kept from feeling its poignancy, by grace sufficient to enable us to rejoice in tribulation. R2975:5

Not by being taken from the scene of trouble, but by being supported, strengthened and kept in the very midst of it, all by the Word of the Lord. C228

While admitting that some might remain to the very end of the trouble, and pass through it all, and yet thus escape, it is nevertheless clear, we think, that all will be fully delivered before the severest features of the trouble come. C229

While there are clear indications that some of the living members of the body will witness the gathering of the storm and share in some of the troubles it will bring, there are also indications that none of these will pass entirely through it, nor even far into it. C228

By the resurrection change. HG458:5; 611:6; OV86:T; Q98:3

We understand that the escape is effected by their being "caught up to meet the Lord in the air" (1 Thess. 4:17); yet that their taking will be unseen by the world. R35:3

The faithful ones will be kept from the power of this great trial "because thou didst keep the word of my endurance." (Rev. 3:10, Rotherham) R504:6*

These sons are not to be spared from the polishing processes necessary to make them acceptable as sons. R2405:4

The Church will have a great many trials and persecutions, and perhaps a great deal of suffering in the end of this age; but they will have all passed beyond the veil before the anarchistic trouble will have come on the world. Q217:1

From Babylon. R1648:6

By fleeing to the mountain, the Kingdom of the Lord, and being safe. R1963:4*

While the "wheat" class may expect to escape the world's trouble, it will have its own trouble before: for "judgment must begin with the house of God." (1 Pet. 4:17) R3405:3

The completion of the Church will be while the world is still under the blinding influence of Satan. CR341:3

"He delivered me from the strong enemy [death]." (2 Sam. 22:18) He takes his Bride and delivers her from the strong enemy of the fleshly nature, death, into the perfection of the new divine nature, like unto Christ's glorious body. R265:1

As Aaron escaped the plagues, and assisted Moses in their execution as a means to the salvation of Israel; so some now are to be accounted worthy to escape the things coming, to sit with Christ, the prophet like Moses, and have power over the nations to break them. R155:3*

The angels are holding the winds of violence until the full number of the elect have been sealed and have made their calling and election sure. When this is finished we may expect the trouble to come as a whirlwind, suddenly. R1952:4

Those who have made the Most High their refuge need not fear the approach of the time of trouble. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." (Psa. 46:1) D45

"The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry." (Psa. 34:15) D68

Which the Great Company class will not escape. R4654:6, 772:2*, 593:5; SM514:1, 726:1

This class, because overcharged, are therefore taken unawares (verse 34), and as in a snare (verse 35); and shall not escape. R35:3

Some in each company may come through the very same experiences. To one it is great tribulation, to the other it is but a light and easy yoke. R772:2*

While Lukewarm and merely nominal Christians shall share it with the world. R409:2

The world will go on as usual, and know not until the "harvest is past, the summer ended" (Jer. 8:20), and they are not in the ark, not with the Little Flock. R264:4

"I will spare them as a man that spareth his own son that serveth him." (Mal. 3:17) R5574:2; C146

All these things – The social upheaval and combustion, political troubles, financial troubles, and also some great physical manifestations of divine power in connection with the time of trouble. R5318:1

The great time of tribulation, and they are to escape the thousand years of judgment or trial coming upon the world. R2405:4

The severity of the time of trouble. C229; R2674:5

The various forms of unbelief now rampant. C167

The destruction of the present order of things. D68, D481, D578

"Strong delusions." (2 Thess. 2:11) R1319:2

The travail upon great Babylon, the nominal church. R1648:6

That shall come – It is evident that the coming of universal anarchy after the harvest has nothing whatever to do with either the presence of the Reaper or the setting up of his Kingdom. Indeed, the guidance and overruling of that anarchy will be under the control of the glorified Church--The Christ. R3405:6

Stand – Approved, and received as the Bride of Christ. R4654:6

And not fall before the attacks of the enemy. R425:6; C167

While many on every hand are falling into error and infidelity. C228

We patiently wait for our gathering together unto Christ. R127:5*

Before the Son – In the presence of the Son of Man. R593:5

37 And by day he was teaching in the temple, and by night, going out, he remained abroad on the mountain called the mount of Olives;
38 and all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple to hear him.
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