Hebrews Chapter 9 [DARBY]

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1 The first therefore also indeed had ordinances of service, and the sanctuary, a worldly one. The first covenant – Chapter 9 contrasts the typical Law Covenant with the arrangements for the New Covenant to make its blessings effective to Israel and all people who shall eventually avail themselves of its privileges. R4511:6

Also ordinances – These ordinances went with the Law Covenant; but that the ordinances and ceremonies were not the Covenant itself is proved by Deut. 5:1-21. R974:2, 1726:2

2 For a tabernacle was set up; the first, in which were both the candlestick and the table and the exposition of the loaves, which is called Holy; A tabernacle – Typical of "the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man." (Heb. 8:2) B208

The candlestick – Representing the complete Church of Christ selected throughout the Gospel age. T115

The table – Representing the complete Church as a whole. T115

The shewbread – Representing the truth, the Word of God. T22, T115

3 but after the second veil a tabernacle which is called Holy of holies, The second veil – Representing the death of the human body. T22

Holiest of all – The Most Holy represents the presence of Jehovah--heaven itself. R528:2; NS336:4

4 having a golden censer, and the ark of the covenant, covered round in every part with gold, in which were the golden pot that had the manna, and the rod of Aaron that had sprouted, and the tables of the covenant; Which had – With the "Ark" under the Propitiatory. T17

The golden censer – The golden altar could not have been in the Most Holy. Either the Apostle had a slip of the tongue, or his amanuenses put in the wrong word, saying behind the veil instead of before the veil. CR275:5; Q28:T, 702:3

See footnote on verse 2 in the Diaglott. R5961:2*

And the ark – Representing the eternal purpose of God--his foreordained arrangement of riches and grace for mankind in The Christ. T121

When justice is satisfied, power starts upon its errand, which is co-extensive with that of love, using the same agency--Christ--the Ark or safe depository of divine favors. T126

Overlaid round about – Covered around on every side. R641:1

With gold – Symbol of the divine nature. T18, T121

Pot that had manna – As a memorial, God miraculously preserved the manna from corruption. B130

Representing immortality, incorruptibility; "To him that overcometh will I grant to eat of the hidden manna." (Rev. 2:17) T122; R3283:2

Possibly representing our Lord's fleshly body, perhaps preserved somewhere as the grand memorial of God's love, of Christ's obedience and of our redemption. B130

A golden jar holding the manna. R641:1

And Aaron's rod – Representing the acceptableness of the Royal Priesthood--The Christ. T122

That budded – That sprouted. R641:1

A peculiarity of the almond tree is that the fruit buds appear before the leaves; so with the Royal Priesthood, they sacrifice or begin to bring forth fruit before the leaves of profession are seen. T122

A reminder that the blessing and fruitfulness and privilege of service belong to the antitypical Levite. R3283:2

And the tables – Tables of the Law. R641:1

Representing that the Law was actually fulfilled in our Head and is reckonedly fulfilled in us who walk in obedience to the new mind; also that legal authority is vested in The Christ as the Law-executor. T121

These remained in the ark when it was in the Temple--the Law will still be an integral part of the divine covenant. R3283:2

Which had the golden censer – This passage has confused many over the years because the Hebrew scriptures tell us that the only article of furniture in the Most Holy was the Ark of the Covenant. This would seem to make Paul's statement here to be in opposition to the Old Testamant. - This is a mistake. Paul is not contradicting the Hebrew scriptures. Please consider the following from Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary:
Censer definition
The vessel in which incense was presented on "the golden altar" before the Lord in the temple (Ex. 30:1-9). The priest filled the censer with live coal from the sacred fire on the altar of burnt-offering, and having carried it into the sanctuary, there threw upon the burning coals the sweet incense (Lev. 16:12, 13), which sent up a cloud of smoke, filling the apartment with fragrance. The censers in daily use were of brass (Num. 16:39), and were designated by a different Hebrew name, _miktereth_ (2 Chr. 26:19; Ezek. 8:11): while those used on the day of Atonement were of gold, and were denoted by a word (mahtah) meaning "something to take fire with;" LXX. pureion = a fire-pan. Solomon prepared for the temple censers of pure gold (1 Kings 7:50; 2 Chr. 4:22). The angel in the Apocalypse is represented with a golden censer (Rev. 8:3, 5). Paul speaks of the golden censer as belonging to the tabernacle (Heb. 9:4). The Greek word thumiaterion, here rendered "censer," may more appropriately denote, as in the margin of Revised Version, "the altar of incense." Paul does not here say that the thumiaterion was in the holiest, for it was in the holy place, but that the holiest had it, i.e., that it belonged to the holiest (1 Kings 6:22). It was intimately connected with the high priest's service in the holiest. The manner in which the censer is to be used is described in Num. 4:14; Lev. 16:12.
5 and above over it the cherubim of glory shadowing the mercy-seat; concerning which it is not now the time to speak in detail. Over – Over-above. R641:1

Cherubim of glory – Upon it and of the same piece were two cherubs of gold--beaten work. T17, T123

Representing divine love and power. T125

Neither divine love nor power can be exercised until justice is satisfied; hence they look inward toward justice to know when to move. T125

Shadowing – Overshadowing the propitiatory. R641:1

The mercyseat – So called because there, by God's arrangement, mercy was obtained. R420:6

More properly called the propitiatory, because on it the Priest offered the blood of the sacrifices which propitiated or satisfied the demands of divine justice. T124

Greek, hilasterion, place of appeasement. R420:6, 641:1; T124; HG54:1

The spot upon which the High Priest sprinkled the blood of the sin-offering, which God accepted as the satisfaction for sins. R420:6; T125

The slab of gold forming the cover of the ark. R420:6, 641:1

The oneness the Son and his Bride, represented by the Ark, in harmony with the Father, represented by the cover--was shown in the fact that the Mercy Seat was the lid of the Ark, and hence the head of it. T126

6 Now these things being thus ordered, into the first tabernacle the priests enter at all times, accomplishing the services; The priests – Representing the Royal Priesthood; the underpriests, the consecrated Body of Christ. T116; R1732:3

Typifying those who are seated with Christ in the heavenly. (Eph. 2:6) R4875:6, 1732:4; NS336:4

Went always – Always had access. T116; R1732:3

Corresponds to our experiences of the present time. R4875:6

The first tabernacle – Where were the candlestick, the table of shewbread and the golden altar of incense. R4875:6, 1732:3

The Holy, typifying the spiritually-minded condition. T75, T116; R4875:6, 1732:4

All of the antitypical Royal Priesthood have access to the Holy condition as soon as they consecrate themselves. R1732:3; T116

7 but into the second, the high priest only, once a year, not without blood, which he offers for himself and for the errors of the people: But into the second – The Most Holy--type of the perfected spiritual condition. T75; R4875:6, 528:2

Went the high priest – The High Priest passing under the veil typified the man Christ Jesus, pouring out his soul on Calvary, laying down in death the body which God prepared him. PD36/47

If he had not followed every instruction of the Law, he would die under the veil; likewise, if Jesus had come short in any way, he would have no resurrection. R5585:6, 5731:2; Q386:2

Alone – Apparently the underpriests did not go into the Most Holy on this day. Q694:1; R4875:6; T74

They often went into the Most Holy in after days. T91, T92

Once every year – On the Great Day of Atonement, representing the Gospel age. T50, T75; R4875:3; CR276:1; Q701:3, 702:1

The repetition was necessary to maintain the cleansing of the people and Covenant relationship with God. R4655:3

Not without blood – The evidence of his sacrifice of his former self. R528:2

The Priest had to have the blood with him or he would die. R5961:4*

The blood (earthly life rights) must still be unforfeited in any way, as otherwise the antitypical Priest would not have risen beyond the veil in resurrection life and could not have benefitted the human race. R5961:4*

For – Instead of their own natural lives. R147:2

Himself – The bullock represented the death of the Priest, and thereafter the Priest represented Christ as a New Creature. R528:2, 1829:2

For the Priests and Levites--for himself and his house. CR276:1; Q701:3; SM69:4

For the errors – The sins. CR276:1; Q701:3

Not wilful sins, but those which are committed through ignorance, superstition, blindness, etc., through heredity. Q701:3; CR276:1

Christ as the antitype presented the ransom-price for the people's sins. R528:2

Of the people – All the remainder of the people. CR276:1; Q701:3

The remaining tribes of Israel. SM70:T

8 the Holy Spirit shewing this, that the way of the holy of holies has not yet been made manifest while as yet the first tabernacle has its standing; First tabernacle – The purpose was to shadow forth "good things to come." (Heb. 9:11) R591:1*

9 the which is an image for the present time, according to which both gifts and sacrifices, unable to perfect as to conscience him that worshipped, are offered, Which was a figure – Typical. R598:6, 715:6*

Typical of the real work to be done afterward by Christ. R528:1

The various features of the Tabernacle illustrated the most important features of God's divine plan. PD36/47

The millions of Jews who lived and died before Christ, who had only typical atonements for sin, yearly, did not have a chance for life under the New Covenant. R2116:5

Perfect – Each Day of Atonement a typical sacrifice was offered which never actually put away sin. R528:1

10 consisting only of meats and drinks and divers washings, ordinances of flesh, imposed until the time of setting things right. Carnal – Generally rendered "flesh." Does not mean sinful flesh. R1223:2

11 But Christ being come high priest of the good things to come, by the better and more perfect tabernacle not made with hand, (that is, not of this creation,) Good things to come – Represents the glorification of the Church and the blessing of Israel and all the families of the earth. R4511:6

Coming restitution blessings. R2821:6

The antitypical High Priest has appeared. R4511:6

By – Obtained of God. R2821:6

Perfect tabernacle – The spiritual Temple. A301

A higher Tabernacle or Temple than the Jewish earthly one, the Holy of Holies of which is heaven itself. R2821:6

Not made with hands – Not of earthly origin. A301

12 nor by blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood, has entered in once for all into the holy of holies, having found an eternal redemption. Neither by – Contrasting the typical and the antitypical sin-offering. R5874:4

They did not see that their sin-offerings were merely typical. OV71:2

Of goats and calves – They possessed no real merit. R5424:2

His own blood – The sacrifices which the antitypical High Priest presents are of a superior character--his own blood, his own life. R2822:1; E446

He must first redeem them through the sacrifice of himself. OV71:2

Christ's death was typed for centuries in the Tabernacle services by the sacrifice of bulls and goats. R1336:2

The blood of Jesus and the members of his Body. R4366:6

He entered in – The people had no evidence of divine favor resulting until he came out to bless the people. R2821:6

The holy place – The Most Holy. R2821:6

Representing heaven itself--from which in due time our great High Priest comes forth with the promised blessings of restitution, etc. R2821:6

The evidence of this came in the Pentecostal blessing. R5424:2

The antitype of the earthly High Priests when they went into the Most Holy on the Day of Atonement to sprinkle the blood upon the Mercy Seat. R2821:6

Having obtained – Procured. R2822:1

Eternal redemption – Greek, lutrosis, everlasting, present and future, deliverance from bondage to sin and death. The Apostle is not referring to the method by which that deliverance was secured. E433; F159

Lasting ransom-deliverance for those whom he as High Priest represented. R2822:1

Christ's blood became the basis for the forgiveness of our sins, and transferred us from the domain of sentenced culprits, back to sonship in the family of God. R1230:3

13 For if the blood of goats and bulls, and a heifer's ashes sprinkling the defiled, sanctifies for the purity of the flesh, Blood of bulls – Before the Law Covenant went into effect, it was necessary that blood should be shed. R4624:1

The bullock represented Jesus as a man. R5731:1; Q385:8

Goats – The goat represented the human nature of the Church. R5731:1; Q385:8

Figures or illustrations for the time of the real sacrifice. R528:2

Typifying the better sacrifices by which the New Covenant would become operative. R4624:1,6

The Atonement Day sacrifices. R1897:4

These could never actually take away sins. R4624:6

The basis for that reconciliation was the sacrifice represented by the blood. R4655:6

The ashes – The knowledge and remembrance of their faithfulness unto death. T108; R1872:4

The red heifer was taken outside the camp of Israel, killed and burned to ashes, except a little of the blood taken by the Priest and sprinkled seven times toward the front of the Tabernacle. T105

The ashes were not brought into the Holy Place, but were left outside the Camp, and apparently accessible to any of the people who had use for them. T105

Like the ashes laid up in a clean place, the results of the painful experiences of the "worthies" will be a store of blessings, instruction and help to these "Princes." R1872:5; T111

An heifer – The Ancient Worthies; a heifer instead of a bullock, to show that it was not one of the sacrifices of the Day of Atonement. T107, T111

A class which laid down their lives outside the Camp; in every way honorable, and yet not a priestly class. T107

No antitype is mentioned because it has nothing to do with our cleansing but relates to the world's cleansing in the Millennium. R1897:4; T111

A feature of the ceremonial law of Israel, related in Numbers 19. T105

Sprinkling – Cleansing from sin, in connection with and based upon the Day of Atonement sacrifices. T108, T106

The ashes mingled with the water of truth, is valuable, purifying, sanctifying all who desire to come into full harmony with God. T108

The unclean – Now; but particularly in the Millennial Age. T109

Purifying of the flesh – The typical sacrifices had served in a measure for purification, and made the creatures represented thereby typically acceptable with God for a time. R2822:1

14 how much rather shall the blood of the Christ, who by the eternal Spirit offered himself spotless to God, purify your conscience from dead works to worship the living God? How much more – Here is a contrast between the institution of the Law Covenant, and the institution of the New Covenant. R4624:2

If the typical arrangements of the Law Covenant needed a cleansing from sin by blood, how much more full of value should we esteem the sacrifice of Christ. R4511:6, 84:5*

How much greater must be the blessing which the greater, the antitypical High Priest would secure. R2822:1

The blood of Christ – The death of Christ, paying the penalty for sin. F105

The better blood--the true sacrifice--which is to seal the New Covenant. R4624:2; NS297:5

His better, more precious and wholly acceptable sacrifice. R2822:1

When the New Law Covenant will be inaugurated by Messiah's Kingdom, the blood of Christ, as represented in the blood of Jesus and the Church, will be used in sprinkling or satisfying divine law, first of all. R5874:2

The work of sprinkling all the people with the blood will progress--the work of cleansing mankind--giving all men the benefits secured by the redeeming blood. R5874:5

Sufficient to establish them fully and completely in the divine favor. R4655:6

The merit of our Lord's sacrifice. "Which cleanseth us from all sin." (1 John 1:7) E445; F105; R1298:6*, 1293:5

Through – By. R2822:2

The eternal spirit – Of sonship. Q696:2; R4877:2

By which he had been begotten. R2822:2

Offered himself – The man Jesus. R4877:1, 2822:2, 316:5*; Q696:2

His human nature and body. R316:4*; SM74:T

Our Lord, at Jordan, became dead as a man and alive as a New Creature. Q696:2; R4877:2

An act of obedience to the Father's will. He did not appropriate his earthly rights to the world, or to anybody. R4546:6

To satisfy all the claims of justice. R4624:2

The offering took place at his consecration. His sacrifice began at Jordan, though it was not "finished" until Calvary. R387:3, 2822:1; NS425:2

The under priesthood must also offer up themselves to God. F122

Without spot – Without blemish. R2822:2

A sacrifice well-pleasing. R3088:3

To God – To whom the price was paid in sacrifice. The ransom price was paid to divine justice. R2822:2, 685:4, 387:3; E449

Purge – Cleanse. R4624:2

Purify. R4511:6

Your conscience – From all consciousness of sin. A permanent covering, through faith, of all of our sins that are past. R4655:6, 4624:2

A blood sprinkled heart, or will, that has been justified, not merely through faith, but also through the application of the blood. R2021:3, 4896:1

Consciences freed from a sense of guilt forever. R2822:3

Not for all Israel but for those Jews who had become Christians. R4624:2

"There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit." (Rom. 8:1) R4656:1

Dead works – The works of the old Law Covenant. R4322:1

As believers in Christ's merit, shall we not conscientiously drop dead works of the Law Covenant and trust to something higher, even to the merit of the antitypical High Priest! R4511:6

To serve – Render acceptable service. R4624:2

The living God – Become members of the Body of Christ, accept him as our Advocate and trust in his finished work on our behalf. R4624:2

The text from here on is missing in the Vatican manuscript. R1108:5, 434:4, 366:1, 71:5

15 And for this reason he is mediator of a new covenant, so that, death having taken place for redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, the called might receive the promise of the eternal inheritance. For this cause – To this end. R4512:1[R4511:10] Because his blood was sufficient to cancel all sin. R4624:2; E28

Showing a contrast between the old Law Covenant and the New (Law) Covenant. The original Abrahamic Covenant, under which Christ and his Body is being developed, is not in the discussion. R4548:3, 4309:6; Q178:7

This text has no reference to any except Jews who were under the old Law Covenant. It does not at all refer to Gentiles. R4548:6[R4548:34], 4512:1; Q178:9

He is – Our Lord Jesus. R4625:1

Christ. R4623:3

Messiah. R4548:6; Q178:9

Has acquired the right to become. E455

From the time Christ took the first actual step towards making the New Covenant he was engaged in working on it--on its first feature, satisfying justice--illustrated in laying the foundations of a house. R4571:2*

The mediator – The word Mediator is carefully and exclusively used in the Bible only in connection with a Covenant. R4560:6

Our Lord was this Mediator in God's purpose centuries before he became the man Christ Jesus. R4549:1; Q179:4

1900 years ago God chose Jesus to be the Mediator of this better covenant. PT375:1*

The competent Mediator, the Messiah of glory. R4548:5; Q178:8

God's provision is that Messiah is the Mediator of Israel's New Covenant. R4548:6; Q178:9

The antitypical better Mediator. R4624:1, 788:4

Who will have the power to confer the blessings. R4624:5

Secured by his own sacrificial death. R4549:2; Q180:1

Having by then paid over to Justice the ransom-price of the world. R4549:2, E28, E455; Q180:1

The Church, now called to be members of the Body of Christ, who, with Jesus her Head, will constitute the Mediator of the New Covenant. R4549:4, 4624:5, 4530:1*; NS364:4; Q180:3

There could be no blessing outside of this Great One, Jesus the Head, and the Church, his Body. R4624:5

God's dealing with the world will be through the Mediator. R4528:5

Our Lord has not yet acted as the Mediator of the New Covenant; he will accomplish this during the Millennial Age. R4549:1, 4571:5; Q179:5

Our Lord Jesus will give to mankind the human rights and privileges to which he had a right by virtue of his perfect obedience to divine Law. R4625:1, 4547:1

Our Lord Jesus has already begun this work as a Mediator between God and man, but the great bulk of the work of mediation lies in the future and will be accomplished during the Millennial age. NS360:2

The new testament – The New Covenant. F88; R4623:6

Israel's New Covenant. R4548:2-6; Q178:7

For the blessing of Israel and mankind. R4549:5; Q180:4

Having a better Mediator, The Christ. R4624:1

The New Covenant is not to be made with any others than the Jews. R4624:6, 2

The repetition of God's favor to Israel under the better Mediator, who will bring the glorious blessings they had expected under Moses. R4624:6

Obedience to the New (Law) Covenant will hold the reward of eternal life. R4549:4; Q180:2

The Apostle is not here saying that the New Covenant is operative now, nor that we are under this Covenant. He is speaking of the Jewish nation. R4624:2

"This is my blood in the new testament." (Mark 14:24) E28; R4625:2; NS297:6

By means of death – A death having taken place. (Revised Version) R4548:2*, Q178:T*

As its Testator. R4548:6; Q179:1

God in justice cannot deal with a sinner through a Mediator except first divine justice be remembered and satisfied. E28

Christ's death on the tree was necessary for the Jews, because that was the special "curse" of the Law. R4512:1

The call of this Gospel age could not be promulgated until first our Lord had become "surety" for the New Covenant. F88, F87

It would not be necessary to render the typical sacrifices thereafter, year by year. R5119:4

For the redemption – Greek, apolutrosis, deliverance from the curse of the Law. E437

The Jewish nation needed to be redeemed in a special manner before God could use it as the channel for blessing the other nations. R4624:4

Messiah's death will be sufficient to cancel the transgressions of Israel under their old Law Covenant. R4548:6; E437; Q178:9

Our Lord's death meant not only redemption from Adamic transgression, but additionally, to the Jew, deliverance from the "curse" or penalty of the Law Covenant. E437

The transgressions – Their deserts under that first Covenant was condemnation. PT374:5*

First testament – The Law Covenant. E437; F88; R4624:3, 4623:6, 4549:4

The First Covenant. (Revised Version) R4548:2*; Q178:T*

The precious Covenant. E437

Israel was unable to keep that Law perfectly in act, thought and word, reaping its condemnation of death, and not its proffered blessings of life. R4549:2,4; Q179:6

The Law Covenant had existed for more than sixteen centuries, and many of the Hebrews, after coming into Christ, felt that somehow they must still maintain their relationship to its ordinances, etc. R4623:3

Still a bondage upon all Jews unless they renounce all earthly restitution rights and thus become a joint-heir with Christ during this Gospel Age. R4548:3; Q178:8

Moses was privileged to arrange sacrifices and offerings for sin, cleansing the people for a year at a time--and helping Israel keep the Law. R4549:2; Q179:6

The Law Covenant mediated by Moses was typical of a superior New Covenant, of which Messiah is Mediator. R4548:3, 4624:1; Q178:7

Moses' Covenant was already dead, to the extent that the prize it offered had been won by Jesus. R4548:3; Q178:8

It is inconsistent to claim that The Christ is developed by the faith-sacrifice of earthly rights, under the same Covenant by which the world will secure earthly rights never to be sacrificed. R4528:6

They – The nation of Israel. R4548:6, 4624:3; Q179:1

A special work of Christ on behalf of the Jews. R4512:1

Eventually all Hebrews condemned to death under the Law Covenant may be released from it. R4512:1

Which are called – Not referring to those who receive the high calling, but the Jewish nation that was called--all of this Jewish nation who would come into accord with the divine arrangement. (Rom. 11:27) R4624:3

Might receive – All that they ever expected--and more. R4548:6; Q178:9

When the "mystery" multitudinous Mediator will have sealed Israel's New Covenant by death as its Testator, then the "called" nation will "receive the eternal inheritance." R4548:6, 283:1,6; Q179:1

The promise – At the beginning of the Millennium, all Jews will be transferred from Moses to Messiah. Q178:7; R4548:5

Helping them step by step out of their sin and death condition back to perfection. R4549:4; Q180:1

Israel's promises were not heavenly or spiritual, but earthly. R4548:6; Q178:9

Eternal inheritance – For which they have waited for more than thirty-five centuries. R4548:6; Q179:1

As members of Christ under the original Abrahamic Covenant. R4512:1

16 (For where there is a testament, the death of the testator must needs come in. Testament – Will. R4512:1; NS297:5

The New Covenant--or bequest. R4528:6, 1834:3; Q433:2, 434:2; NS297:4

Jesus was the testator and he was going to make a will, which represented his earthly life laid down in sacrifice. Q433:2

Jesus has human life, restitution to give. R4751:4; Q433:2

Is – Exists. (Diaglott) R788:4

The death – In the case of Moses, the death of the testator was represented by the slaying of the bullock and the goat. In the case of the antitypical Moses, it is shown in the sacrifice of our Lord and the Church. R4624:6; Q433:1

Moses typically bought Israel and left them the conditions of the Law as a legacy. R282:4

As the Mediator, or testator, Jesus must die to leave mankind the legacy--of forgiveness and restoration in the New Covenant. R283:1

Bequeathing that with which he parts in death. R4625:1

As long as Jesus was a man he needed human life himself, but in obedience to the Father's will, he laid his human life down. R4751:4; Q433:2

Our Lord invites us to join with him in becoming testator, laying down our lives. R4625:1; Q434:T

"They shall obtain mercy through your mercy." (Rom. 11:31) R4528:6; Q435:1

Of the testator – Christ the Head, and the Church, the Body. R4625:5, 4512:2; NS297:5

One who bequeaths something to others. R4625:1

The one who makes the will. NS297:5

It was necessary that our Lord should carefully follow the plan that God had arranged. R4625:1

By his death, Jesus passed on to us, the Church, the benefits of his merit. R4453:2; Q434:T; NS297:5

By taking up his human life which he did not forfeit in anywise, he should have that human life and its rights to give to Israel and through them to all mankind. He is thus a testator. R4625:1, 4547:1

He bequeaths it not while he is alive, as a gift, but he gives it as a testator, as that with which he parts in death. R4625:1

Our Lord, as the Great Mediator of the New Covenant, will give to mankind the human rights and privileges to which he had a right by virtue of his perfect obedience to the divine Law. R4625:1, 4512:1

Bequeathing eternal life to the world. R4625:1

The seed of Abraham as testator bequeaths to Israel (and through Israel to the world) all the earthly or restitution privileges secured by Jesus' death and applied "on our behalf" and surrendered by us in death. R4528:5, 4512:2

The Church--the members of his Body--share in this Testament. Q434:2; R4625:2

Not yet fully accomplished; hence restitution blessing is delayed and has not yet begun. R4528:6

Of that which has ratified it. (Diaglott) R788:4

17 For a testament is of force when men are dead, since it is in no way of force while the testator is alive.) Testament – Covenant. R282:4

Will. NS297:5

Of force – Firm, (Diaglott) binding. R788:4

After men are dead – The ratifiers or mediators. R282:4

Over dead victims. (Diaglott) R788:4

Of no strength – No efficacy. R4528:6

It is never valid. (Diaglott) R788:4

Testator liveth – Jesus laid his human life down as a bequest, as a testator of the estate he had at his disposal. R4751:4; Q433:2

When that which ratifies it (or, is to satisfy it) is alive. (Diaglott) R788:4

18 Whence neither the first was inaugurated without blood. Whereupon – Hence. (Diaglott) R788:4

Neither the first testament – Not even the first (i.e. Law Covenant). (Diaglott) R788:4

Was dedicated – Has been instituted. (Diaglott) R788:4

Without blood – The blood of beasts, representing Moses' blood. R788:4[R788:5]

19 For every commandment having been spoken according to the law by Moses to all the people; having taken the blood of calves and goats, with water and scarlet wool and hyssop, he sprinkled both the book itself and all the people, For when Moses – The typical Mediator between God and Israel. R4537:1

Type of the greater Mediator; Jesus and the Church. R4354:5, 4371:4

He undertook to bless them by mediating for them the Law Covenant with God. R4537:1

"A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me." (Acts 3:33) R4371:5

Precept – Commandment. (Diaglott) R788:4

The law – The Law Covenant is a type of the New Covenant. R5342:6

The blood – The ratifying blood. R283:1, 4371:4, 2859:1

The New Covenant must also be ratified with blood. R4371:4

Messiah's work of suffering and death was prefigured in the slaying of the animals at the giving of the Law Covenant. A79

Calves – Bullocks. R5878:4, 788:4

Type of Jesus. R4335:4

Goats – Type of the Church. R4335:4

In the inauguration of the Law Covenant, more than one animal of each kind was necessary because of the multitudes of the people of Israel who were to be sprinkled with the blood. R5878:4, 5874:4

Water – Of truth. R4371:4, 283:1, 214:1

Scarlet wool – Typifying the blood of the ransom. T34, T109

Hyssop – Representing purging or cleansing--cleansing from all death defilements. R1872:6; T109

Sprinkled – Representing the satisfaction of justice. R5342:6, 5878:4, 4570:5*

Type of sealing or sprinkling the New Covenant with the blood of the antitypical bullock (our Lord) and goat (the Church.) R4354:5, 5878:4, 4331:1

After Moses had done this, the Law Covenant was in force, and it will continue until superseded by its antitype, the New Covenant. R5164:1, 4624:6

When The Christ is glorified, Jesus will apply the merit of his sin-atonement for the whole world, and as the basis of the New Covenant which will be inaugurated with Israel. R5000:1

When the better sacrifices are complete, the people will be sprinkled with the cleansing blood and pure water of truth, bringing them into harmony with God and therefore with his Law. R4371:4, 4331:1, 283:1

The book – Of the Law, the Covenant. R788:4, 282:5

Type of the Law. R4371:4, 283:1

Representing God or divine justice. R4335:4

The sprinkling of the books of the Law required only a few seconds. R5342:6

And all the people – Bringing the people under the obligations of the Law Covenant. R5000:1, 5421:5, 4371:4, 4335:4

This was done for the institution of the Law Covenant, and repeated yearly to maintain the cleansing and their Covenant relationship with God. R4655:3

In antitype, the whole world who are dead in Adam. R5878:4, 5421:5, 4371:4, 4366:6

The sprinkling of the people required a long time. Everyone will be privileged to come into Covenant relationship with God, by accepting the terms which the Mediator will hold forth during the Millennial reign. R5342:6; CR485:5

It will require the one thousand years to "sprinkle" mankind. R5421:5, 5000:2; CR328:1; 485:5

Effecting the work of reconciling the world to himself. CR328:1

After The Christ, Head and Body, is complete. R5342:6

The sprinkling with the blood represents justification. R5421:5

20 saying, This is the blood of the covenant which God has enjoined to you. The blood – Symbolizes the value of a life that was laid down. Q189:4

Evidence of the death of that which ratifies. R788:4

Of the testament – Of the Covenant. R282:5

The antitypical bullock and goat will both together seal the New Covenant. R4335:4, 4322:1

Enjoined unto you – By which you and God are joined in covenant. R2121:2

Enjoined on you. (Diaglott) R788:4

21 And the tabernacle too and all the vessels of service he sprinkled in like manner with blood;
22 and almost all things are purified with blood according to the law, and without blood-shedding there is no remission. Shedding of blood – Implying a sacrificial death. E443; R2317:2, 1177:3; NS422:1

The center of the plan--the cross of Christ. R5920:1; NS422:1

Jesus gave none too great a price, but one which corresponded exactly, with the penalty, viz. man's death. R710:4; SM72:3

Even if Jesus had laid down his pre-existent life, it would have been worthless in the way of making atonement. It was a bloodless offering R1298:6*; SM73:T

Redemption under the Law could be made only by an estimated equivalent value. When sin was involved, only blood could atone, or justify. R1031:2*

A Savior from the Adamic sin and death was necessary. R381:4; NS421:1

Since the penalty is death, only by a sacrificial death can sinners be released from the death penalty. SM71:5

"The life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar, to make an atonement for your souls. For it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. (Lev. 17:11) NS845:2

Contrary to the theory of Evolution and Higher Criticism. R4060:1; NS419:1, 490:2, 715:4

False apostles merely hold up Christ as the great Exemplar and exhort their hearers to "follow in his steps." R5848:6

The Jews do not to celebrate their Day of Atonement because they have no Priest and they have no altar or propitiatory on the holy ground commanded. NS251:5, 419:5, 493:4, 717:2, 845:5

The typical sacrifice for sins occurred on the Day of Atonement every year. SM69:4

Is no remission – No "putting away" or "justifying." R391:5

Of sins. R381:4; HG418:4; NS418:3, 845:3

At most, only typical remission through typical sin-offerings. R838:5, 1176:5, 792:4

Every sacrifice, day by day, and year by year, proved this. R1030:5*

As indicated by God's acceptance of Abel's offering. R3927:6, 2777:2

The sin which the Jews were to emblematically wash away in baptism was not original sin, but sin against their Law Covenant. R2931:3

The antitypical Priest, sacrifices, Holy and Most Holy, and the actual forgiveness of sins, take the place of the type. NS493:5

Jesus must first provide the sacrifice; then, applying it to the satisfaction of justice, he could undertake the uplifting and blessing of all mankind. SM71:T

"The wages of sin is death." (Rom. 6:23) "The soul that sinneth it shall die." (Ezek. 18:4, 20) NS715:6

The Bible alone explains the origin of sin and also our hope of relief through the Savior. NS493:6, 714:1

Growing unbelief in the atonement for sin is the result of the rejection of the Word of God, the eternal torment doctrine and the Evolution theory. NS419:1, 715:3

23 It was necessary then that the figurative representations of the things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with sacrifices better than these. Patterns of things – The sacrifices of the Law were only types. R5162:3, 4511:6; HG418:4; NS365:4

The bulls and goats slain during the Jewish time were only figures and types of the better sacrifices. R4426:2, 4807:6, 4681:1, 4545:6, 4512:3, 147:2; NS252:4, 717:1

Even in its time features--the parallel length of Jewish and Gospel ages. B209

On the typical atonement day the typical sacrifices were offered. R5173:5, 5027:3

Purified – Cleansed. NS252:4

Heavenly – Spiritual. R294:5

Higher and grander things. NS252:4, 424:5

Better sacrifices – The sacrifices (plural) of Jesus and the Church. R4366:6, 5776:3, 5071:3, 5027:3, 4808:1, 4681:1, 4624:1, 4537:5, 4398:5, 4371:4, 3318:6, 1714:6, 1585:4; Q611:4

The justified humanity of the High Priest and the underpriesthood. R4709:2

Began eighteen centuries ago, continuing in his followers as they offer up their flesh. R4427:1, 5027:3; OV279:3; HG418:5

Two offerings; the bullock (Jesus), and the goat (the members of his body.) R4354:1, 5173:5; PT389:2*

Typified by the sacrifices of bulls and goats. R4398:5, 4544:2, 4512:3, 1714:6

Better services, on the higher plane. R4868:1; Q692:7

Of this Gospel age. R5292:3, 5173:5, 4555:4; NS421:5

As a basis for forgiveness of sins and restitution. R4555:4, 5334:1, 5299:4

This anti-typical Day of Atonement. R4555:4, 5053:3, 4512:3; OV11:3, 106:5

Will be fully efficacious, and need no repetition. R4331:2, 5119:4, 4537:5; B208

Which actually and forever cancel the sins of the whole world. B208

Made on behalf of the whole world. T26; R4556:1, 4331:1

The basis of mediation on the part of the better Mediator. R5292:3, 5928:1

The Church's share in the "better sacrifices," represented in the Lord's goat sin-offering, is of grace and not of merit. R4475:5

With the completion of the "better sacrifices" the Atonement will be complete and the sentence will be removed from mankind. R3387:4

Instead of going back to or holding on to the Law Covenant, they should rather be grasping, looking forward to the antitypes, and grasping their share in the "better sacrifices." R4512:3

All that the house of Israel had and did was typical, and was to be superseded by others. R518:3*

24 For the Christ is not entered into holy places made with hand, figures of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear before the face of God for us: For Christ – Contrasting the work of Christ in the true Tabernacle or Holies with the work of the typical High Priest of the Aaronic order. R2822:4; NS424:3

Is not entered – Jesus could not have been an earthly High Priest--because he was of the tribe of Judah, not Levi. R2822:4

Holy places – The Tabernacle Holy and Most Holy. R294:4

Made with hands – Into the typical Tabernacle; as did Aaron the typical High Priest. R1829:2, 3709:5, 2822:4, 294:4

Into heaven itself – The antitypical Holy of Holies. R2822:4, 2456:5, 1829:1

With the sweet incense of his perfect obedience. R1836:6, 5731:1; Q386:1

It was needful, as shown in the type, that Christ must go to have the sacrifice accepted in the Most Holy. R528:5

He passed beyond the second veil, and entered the Most Holy. R5815:3, 5777:4, 5731:1, 4512:3; Q386:1

Spiritual reality--3-½ years in the Holy, and at his resurrection, the Most Holy. R294:4,5

To appear – Before the Mercy Seat to present the merit of his sacrifice. R5873:5, 5731:1, 1829:2; T59; Q386:1; NS424:3

In the same way an attorney would go into court before the bar of justice and appear for you. Q388; CR389:2; NS359:3

When he ascended up on high. R4352:3, 5830:3, 5200:6, 4633:2, 4536:2, 1829:2; NS421:3, 424:6

Forty days after he completed his own personal sacrifice at Calvary. R5873:5, 5731:1; T59; Q386:1

The presence of God – He presented the merit of his sacrifice to make atonement for the Church class. R5777:4, 4601:2, 4553:6, 4536:2, 3918:2, 1829:2, 1395:1; SM74:1

He made satisfaction for us. R5041:5, 4512:4; Q654:1; SM359:3

It was our Lord's human life and restitution rights which he applied for us. R4556:5, 4398:2, 4528:1

He presented his merit for believers sins that are past by the forbearance of God. He did not apply his merit for our future sins. R4354:2

The Lord's work as Advocate for the Church began when he made application of his precious blood on behalf of all those who come to the Father by him throughout the Gospel age. R5197:3, 4553:6, 4547:1

Enabling us to approach God, to become disciples of Christ and to receive the begetting of the holy Spirit. R5093:1, 4553:6

Typified by the Shekinah glory in the Most Holy. T124, T59; R2822:4

Antitype of Lev. 16:14. R4352:3; NS717:4

For us – On our behalf. R4528:2, 4519:1, 4512:4, 2822:4, 1836:6, 1395:1; T59; NS359:3, 421:3; OV407:6; Q654:1; SM728:1

The Church. CR490:5; 367:4; R5830:3, 5576:4, 5622:1, 5197:3, 5165:2, 4997:1, 4832:2, 4747:2, 4574:3, 4512:3; NS421:3; Q27:3, 341; SM665:T

For spiritual Israel. R4512:3

For believers. R4310:4, 4352:3; CR148:2; NS348:2, 360:2, 674:3

For the household of faith, antitypical Priests and Levites. R4493:5, 4998:3, 4601:2, 4574:5, 4463:6, 4427:5, 3918:2; NS421:3, 717:4; Q388, SM74:1, 250:T

To sprinkle the blood of his sacrifice upon the Mercy Seat. OV407:6; R4512:4, 3918:2

Then we were bought with the precious blood of Christ. R4633:2

Our Lord made application of the merit of his blood for the antitypical priests and the Levites during the ten days between his ascension and the descent of the holy Spirit at Pentecost. R5621:6, 4832:2, 387:3; SM74:2

Making satisfaction for the sins of all who would follow in his steps. SM360:2; NS421:3; OV407:6

Our Redeemer imputed the merit for us in the beginning once for all. The imputation made at that time was sufficient for the whole Church, and by that merit we are justified. Q411:1

By means of which we may walk in his footsteps by consecration. R5165:2; OV407:6

Whosoever would come under the conditions and terms of justification and sanctification. Q433:2

The holy Spirit would then come. R2456:5

As our Advocate. R5041:5, 4997:1, 4547:1, 4512:4, 4354:2, 4340:2; NS359:3; OV407:6; Q654:1; SM250:T, 728:1

Enabling those drawn of the Father to "present their bodies living sacrifices." (Rom. 12:1) R4832:2, 4354:2

Making it possible for us to become his Bride; "members of his body." R4997:1

It took all the merit or ransom-price to make atonement for our sins--because it was so applied. R4519:1, 4528:2

Not for the world. R3918:2, 5873:5, 5830:3, 5093:1, 4354:2; CR367:4; NS359:3; OV407:6; Q388; SM665:T

He will not make application of his ransom-merit on behalf of the world until the end of this age, until he shall have finished the use of it on behalf of the Church. R4832:2

In being raised from the water in his baptism, Jesus represented the antitypical High Priest, who thenceforth went into the holiest, there to appear in the presence of God for us. HG262:1

25 nor in order that he should offer himself often, as the high priest enters into the holy places every year with blood not his own; Offer himself often – We should not expect him to do this every year, as it was done in the type. R4512:6

It is not necessary that Christ should repeat his sacrifice every year, because his is the antitypical one and prevails everlastingly. R2822:4

As does the Church of Rome, in direct conflict with this Scripture, in its sacrifice of the Mass, repeated not only yearly, but daily. R2822:5, 3146:2; CR161:3

As the high priest – We must not think that Christ's sacrifice could avail us only in conjunction with the Jewish institutions as additional thereto. R4512:3

Every year – The earthly Priests once every year, on the Day of Atonement, went into the typical presence of God, into the Most Holy, appearing before the Shekinah glory. R2822:4

The typical offerings were merely types, and could never cancel sin, but covered it for a year. R2822:4; SM72:2, 138:2; NS424:5, 717:3

26 since he had then been obliged often to suffer from the foundation of the world. But now once in the consummation of the ages he has been manifested for the putting away of sin by his sacrifice. Often have suffered – If Christ's sacrifice had been no better it would mean repeated sufferings. R2822:4, 4512:3

Since the foundation – Implying that animal sacrifices would have been necessary from the foundation of the world. R4512:3

Once – All the facts agree that his sacrifice was once and forever because it was a complete, perfect sacrifice, which the divine Law demanded. R2822:5

End – Greek, suntelia. R223:1*

World – Greek, aion, age. HG55:1; 60:3; R223:1*, 4512:3

The end of the Jewish world came at the first advent of Christ. 475:3

He appeared – Jesus gave a pure unspotted life for the world. His leaving the heavenly courts was not the sacrifice. Since he appeared to make the sacrifice, it must be made after he had appeared and was not the act of appearing. R44:5

The real merit of his sacrificed life. It needed not to be repeated ever, because it fully met the requirements of justice. NS424:6

To put away sin – The cause of our condemnation to death. R94:1

The sin of the world is the sin of Adam. R77:6*

Our sin. R876:5

Sacrifice of himself – The true sacrifice having come, Jehovah could no longer recognize other offerings as sacrifices, nor any necessity for them. B68

And not by precept and example of his life. R464:1, 641:6

"The Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world." (John 1:29) R528:1, 685:4. 93:6

27 And forasmuch as it is the portion of men once to die, and after this judgment; And – It is unreasonable to suppose that the Apostle has suddenly dropped his topic respecting Christ as the antitypical High Priest, and that he refers to mankind in general, out of all relationship to his subject. R2822:6; T88; Q386:3, 717:4; NS424:3

A lesson in type and antitype--comparing the work of the Jewish priests every year with the work of Christ. Q385:7; R5730:6, 528:4

We have just seen how the Jewish Priests, and their service in the earthly holy places, typified Christ Jesus and his service in the heavenly holies--now notice that: R2823:1

As it is appointed – There is no reference here to the death of mankind, but merely to the Priests offering their sacrifice. R5731:2; Q386:3

It is not true that God appointed man to die and after that the judgment. Adam was appointed to life and while thus appointed he had his judgment or trial. Death is the following, not preceding, penalty. R2822:6

The redeemed are appointed to life if they will obey the great Law-giver; they are not "appointed" to die. R2823:1

Unto men – Men-priests. Q386:3; R5731:2, 4512:3, 2823:1, 528:5

The various High Priests of Israel. R147:2, 2823:1, 528:2,4,5; Q717:4; NS425:2

Aaron and his successors, who were merely types of the High Priest of the new creation. T87; R147:2

Once to die – Typically, in passing under the veil. Q386:3; R5731:2, 528:4

Typically, as represented in the animal slain. T87; R4512:3, 2823:1, 528:4, 147:2; Q386:3, 717:4; NS424:4

Representatively in the bullock. After this he could go into the Holy and Most Holy. Q717:4; R528:4, 147:2

When the Priest laid his hands upon the bullock, killed it, and took its blood into the Holy and Most Holy, it illustrated how Christ, a begotten new creature, presented his human life as a ransom price to justice. NS424:4

But after this – Following, as a result of those sacrifices. T87

It remained for the High Priest to take the blood into the Holy Place and see whether it would be accepted. R147:2

The judgment – Greek, krisis. HG41:3

Or decision. R5731:2; Q386:3; NS425:2

Of God, approving or disapproving of the sacrifice. T87; R2823:1, 528:4, 147:2

Respecting their worthiness or unworthiness upon attempting to enter the Most Holy. NS425:2

Passing in beyond the second veil into the presence of the Shekinah glory to offer the blood of sacrifice and to receive divine judgment in the matter. R2823:1, 528:5

Each time a Priest went into the Most Holy on the Atonement Day he risked his life; for if his sacrifice had been imperfect he would have died as he passed the second veil. T87; Q386:2; NS425:1

If everything had been properly done by the Priest he would live, and be judged worthy to be the Priest for the people, and to go forth again as the bearer of divine favor. R2823:1

They were tested in the Holy before they entered the Most Holy. R4512:3

If the High Priest had not done perfectly, according to the Lord's requirements, he died. R5731:2, 2823:2, 528:4; Q386:2

Our great High Priest, Christ Jesus, passed under the antitypical second veil when he died at Calvary; and had his sacrifice been in any manner imperfect he would never have been raised out of death. T88; Q386:1

Each member of the Church must pass this "judgment"--be "faithful unto death." T89

Since it requires all of this age to determine who shall constitute the elect judges of the world, it must be manifest that the world's judgment or trial-day cannot come until after the Church's trial is completed. NS423:2[NS423]

This is true only of mankind in general. The Gospel Church is an exception. Those who accept Christ here, have their trial, or judgment, in this life. HG40:6

Contrary to the eternal torment theory, the Scriptures show that the Millennial day is to be the world's period of trial, of judgment. NS423:6

28 thus the Christ also, having been once offered to bear the sins of many, shall appear to those that look for him the second time without sin for salvation. So – In like manner. R2823:4

Christ – Of whom the men-priests were but types and shadows. R528:5

The two sacrifices on the Day of Atonement were really one, because the second was based upon the first. The first represented the Head, and the second the Body. R4512:4

Once – Never will it be repeated. T87

He must have been a perfect man when able to do what no imperfect man had done or could do. R776:2

Though the typical priests offered and went into the Holy Place every year, Christ as the antitype needed only to go in once. R147:2

Christ's sacrifice was that of his own life, while that of these typical men was the blood of others. R147:2

He not only consecrated at Jordan, but during the 3-½ years of his ministry he carried out that offering or sacrifice and finished it at Calvary. NS425:2; SM74:T

The ground of original protest against Romanists was respecting the sacrifice of Christ. R1775:6, 2822:6

Offered – Died really. R528:5, 2823:4

The sins of many – Of every man. T87

The whole world. R4512:4

We have evidence, in the giving of the holy Spirit at Pentecost, that his sacrifice was acceptable to the Lord, and that he liveth, and that divine judgment has been rendered, accepting his sacrifice. R2823:4; T88

His resurrection on the third day on the other side of the veil, a spirit being, was evidence that his work of sacrifice had been thoroughly done, that it was acceptable to the Father. NS425:2

And unto them – And to no others. T85; HG60:3

That look for him – In the time of trouble, and subsequently, the whole world will begin to look for the Deliverer. As mankind get their eyes open to their need of salvation, they will be looking for deliverance by The Christ in glory. R5655:6; CR164:2; Q637:3; NS426:3

The first seeing will be when the whole world will see the Lord from the standpoint of one who is displeased with the present arrangement, and is about to bring on civilization a certain chastisement. CR164:2

The waiting people--the groaning creation waiting "for the manifestation of the sons of God" in the glory of the Kingdom. (Rom. 8:19, 22) R4512:5, 147:6; T89

The world will look as we "look unto Jesus" and see him more clearly each day. CR164:5

His appearing will be in power and great glory, yet only to be recognized by Israel and the world as they shall look for and seek for his Kingdom. R4512:5; NS425:3

They shall look unto him whom they pierced. The Jews will be the first that will look unto him, then the whole world as they begin to see the blessings of the New Covenant coming to the Jew. CR164:2

With the eyes of our understanding: "We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen." (2 Cor. 4:18) T85

The Little Flock, the Great Company, Israel, and finally, all nations. R148:1, 2, 4, 5

The Church will know of his second appearance before he will be revealed to the world. R5655:3; Q637:1

At the second advent "unto them that have been watching." NS425:5

The truly consecrated of the Lord's people will be the earliest to recognize the manifestations of his glorious reign begun. NS426:1

the Lord's requirements, he died. R5731:2, 2823:2, 528:4; Q386:2

Shall he appear – Be revealed. T86

Greek, optomai, rendered shall see in Rev. 1:7, signifying attend and recognize. R140:3*

After the sacrificing is all finished and the Church glorified, he comes forth the second time unto salvation, saving and blessing all the people. R5655:6, 3709:5; T88; Q637:3; HG342:3

The sufferings of Christ have continued for 1800 years, and the sufferings of the Body must be complete before the glory should follow. CR161:3; 162:6; SM75:1, 664:1

He has not yet appeared for the blessing of the world. R5731:2; Q386:4, 637:2

The next thing to be expected, is Christ finishing the sprinkling of the blood the second time, and then coming out, as typed in the High Priest clothed "in garments of glory and beauty" representative of his elements in glory and power. R4512:4, 3709:5, 2821:6; T84

"When he shall appear we shall also appear with him in glory." (Col. 3:4) R147:3, 5655:6, 4512:5; Q637:3

Wholly different from his coming, or parousia, during the harvest time of the Church. R4512:5

The second time – After the second presentation--with the blood of the goat. R5655:6, 4322:1; Q637:2

Head and Body complete, in glory. R147:3,5, 5655:3; Q637:2; CR161:3

When Israel will recognize their Messiah. R1747:5

To make good his exceeding great and precious spiritual promises and blessings upon the Church, and to grant the promised restitution blessings to the world. R2823:4

The coming out of the earthly Priest from the Most Holy represented the second coming of Christ, to bless all the families of the earth, encouraging, helping, uplifting them, back into fellowship with God. NS424:3, 493:3

We are compelled to believe that Christ left the Holy Place on the 10th day of the seventh month, occurring on October 22, 1874. HG61:2

The only place in the Bible where the word second occurs in connection with Christ's coming. R59:6*

Without sin – Without a sin-offering. R1747:5

Not as a sin-offering, nor as a sacrificing Priest, but in the glory and majesty of his exalted office symbolized by the robes of glory and beauty, worn by the Aaronic High Priests. R2823:4, 5731:2, 4512:4; Q637:2

Not to repeat any of the offerings of the Gospel age, not as a sin-offering. R5655:3, 147:5; Q386:4, 637:1

Not to offer a sacrifice--for the sacrificing will all be finished. R5655:6; Q637:2

Without contamination from those sins borne for sinners. T84, T87

This does not signify that at his first appearing he had sinned, for "in him was no sin." It was to take the place of the sinner, to suffer in the sinner's stead. NS425:3

Unto salvation – To bless the people. R5655:6; Q637:2; OV223:1

To give the everlasting life to all who desire it upon God's conditions of faith and obedience. T87

At the end of the Gospel age as King, Prophet, and Judge. R5057:2, 4512:4, 4331:1, 2051:2

To accomplish for mankind the deliverance from sin, sickness, pain, sorrow and death. R2823:4; T84

To inaugurate the New Covenant, and as its Mediator, to set up its Kingdom for the overthrow of sin and death and the establishment of righteousness and life. R4512:4

The High Priest in the type did not return into the Most Holy again, but lifted up his hands and blessed the people. R5655:6; Q637:3

The work of Christ during the thousand years--uplifting mankind and giving them the benefit of the atonement sacrifice. R5656:1; Q637:3

Aaron, having represented his change to a new nature by passing beyond the veil into the Most Holy, came out again and blessed all the people--representing the blessings that are to come to mankind through the new Priest after the Order of Melchizedek. SM144:1

The salvation of the elect class will be the very first item connected with the Lord's second advent; immediately followed by granting the world its opportunity of salvation. NS425:5

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