Hebrews Chapter 7 [DARBY]

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1 For this Melchisedec, King of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from smiting the kings, and blessed him; Melchisedec – A priest upon his throne. R4553:3, 1063:2*

King of Salem and priest of the Most High God. (Gen. 14:18-20) R5549:1; Q484:5

Representing The Christ glorified and reigning. R3951:6; CR485:2; Q485:T; SM142:T; 600:1

"We shall be kings and priests unto God, and shall reign on the earth." (Rev. 5:10) SM600:1; R195:4

Type of Jesus who combines the office of Priest and King in blessing the world. R5549:1, 4545:3, 195:4; CR485:2; Q484:5

Melchizedek is supposed to have been one of the shepherd kings who invaded Egypt and built the great Pyramid, about 2170 BC. PD25/36

2 to whom Abraham gave also the tenth portion of all; first being interpreted King of righteousness, and then also King of Salem, which is King of peace; Of righteousness – To this end, to be a king and reign in righteousness, was Jesus born. R238:1*; NS463:6

Salem – Before Jerusalem became a residence, its sacred hill was called "Moriah" (2 Chron. 3:1). Its most ancient name was "Salem." R1296:3*

3 without father, without mother, without genealogy; having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but assimilated to the Son of God, abides a priest continually. Without father, without mother – In the priesthood. R5967:2; Q721:6; SM142:1

The priestly office of the new nature does not trace its lineage to any human source. In the priesthood of Melchizedek, the lineage and death is not recorded. R3951:6

Melchizedek did not inherit the office from his father or mother--thus typifying Christ's priesthood, which came not of the lineage of the flesh, as did the Aaronic priesthood. R3951:6

Without descent – "Without genealogy." (Diaglott) R195:1, 3951:6

In the priesthood. SM142:1; Q485:T

His priesthood did not come to him from his parents; and he had no children in this Melchizedek priesthood. Q485:T

Melchizedek did not inherit his priesthood and no record was made when it began, nor any provision made for a successor. PD25/36; Q485:T

A picture of Christ, whose priesthood was not inherited, and has no successors. R3951:6; SM142:1; Q485:T

Under the Law every priest of the Aaronic order was obliged to show that he had a right to serve because of his genealogy. SM142:T

Neither beginning of day – His priesthood was without any beginning of time and without any ending of time. Q485:T

Nor end of life – Term of office is not limited by years, but is everlasting. SM142:1

Not that he never died, but as a priest, was typical. Q485:T

He typified Christ whose office as a priest of the new order of the Millennial Kingdom is not a limited one. Q485:T

Made like – "Having been made like." (Diaglott) R195:1, 3951:6

Abideth – "Remains." , D3951:6

Continually – "Perpetually." (Diaglott) R195:3, 3951:6; SM141:1

Typifying the continuity of Christ's priesthood. R3951:6

He continued a priest to the conclusion of the type in its antitype. R5967:2, 195:4; Q721:6

An unchangeable priest--one that will be maintained in perpetuity until it shall have served its full purpose. SM143:T

The Melchizedek priesthood had no beginning and no ending; the order of his priesthood was to be perpetuated; consequently his priesthood did not pass away until the antitypical priesthood came. R5967:2; Q721:6

4 Now consider how great this personage was, to whom even the patriarch Abraham gave a tenth out of the spoils. How great – The divine Christ will be greater, and therefore able to bless every "friend of God" on the human plane. R3951:6, 713:6

Melchizedek's greatness was shown in that Abraham did him homage and paid tithes to him. R4511:2

The argument is a masterly one, and shows that as Melchizedek was higher than Aaron, much more would the antitypical Melchizedek be higher, more glorious, more powerful, more able to bless and forgive sins. SM142:T

Tenth – The Aaronic priesthood acknowledged this higher priesthood of Melchizedek and gave tithes. SM142:T; Q486:T

5 And they indeed from among the sons of Levi, who receive the priesthood, have commandment to take tithes from the people according to the law, that is from their brethren, though these are come out of the loins of Abraham: Loins of Abraham – Since Levi, the father of the priestly tribe, was in Abraham's loins at the time that the tithes were paid, he and his sons inferentially paid tithes to Melchizedek; thus recognizing the Melchizedek order as higher. R4511:2; Q486:T; SM142:T

Life is from the father, and by the mother. R776:5

Children were counted to their fathers, not their mothers. R776:5

6 but he who has no genealogy from them has tithed Abraham, and blessed him who had the promises.
7 But beyond all gainsaying, the inferior is blessed by the better. Of the better – In order to bless others, they must of necessity be the more highly exalted. R1422:2

8 And here dying men receive tithes; but there one of whom the witness is that he lives; Men – The Levitical priesthood. R195:1

But there he – Melchizedek received tithes. R195:1

He liveth – This is a positive statement that Melchizedek did not die. We must suppose that he was translated. R195:1

So when our priesthood reaches the plane typified by Melchizedek, we will never die, but abide a "Royal Priesthood" forever. R195:5

9 and, so to speak, through Abraham, Levi also, who received tithes, has been made to pay tithes. Tithes – Abraham, who was the father of Aaron, according to the flesh, paid tithes to this Melchizedek priest. Q486:T; B47

Showing that from God's standpoint, the Melchizedek order is a higher order than the Aaronic priesthood. Q486:T

In Abraham – The case is not altered whether we say that the tithes were paid by Abraham or in Abraham. R1516:1*

10 For he was yet in the loins of his father when Melchisedec met him. Yet in the loins – Life is from the father, as illustrated in the divine begettal of Jesus in a human mother. E100; R776:5

As the souls of Adam's posterity yet in his loins, unborn shared in him the penalty. R1510:2, 1516:1*, 776:5

St. Paul was one of those included in this promise. R4961:1

11 If indeed then perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, for the people had their law given to them in connexion with *it*, what need was there still that a different priest should arise according to the order of Melchisedec, and not be named after the order of Aaron? Order of Melchisedec – A priest upon his throne. R4553:3, 5776:6

That one priest represented all our Lord's members. R4619:6

The Great Priest will do his great work during the Millennial Age--what is done in the present time is only preparatory. R4620:1

Order of Aaron – The Aaronic priesthood pictures the sufferings of Christ. R4759:3

Jesus, not being of the tribe of Levi, could not have served as a Priest under the Mosaic Law, which gave this office to Aaron and his sons forever; typifying the sacrificial preparation of Messiah's priesthood. R4759:6

12 For, the priesthood being changed, there takes place of necessity a change of law also. Being changed – The Aaronic priesthood is supplanted by the Melchizedek order. R3725:5*, 4511:2

Aaron's family lost the priesthood 1800 years ago. HG582:3

13 For he, of whom these things are said, belongs to a different tribe, of which no one has ever been attached to the service of the altar.
14 For it is clear that our Lord has sprung out of Juda, as to which tribe Moses spake nothing as to priests. Out of Judah – According to the flesh. R3951:5

Concerning priesthood – As a man, Jesus was not a priest. R3951:5

15 And it is yet more abundantly evident, since a different priest arises according to the similitude of Melchisedec,
16 who has been constituted not according to law of fleshly commandment, but according to power of indissoluble life. Not after – Down towards. R196:5

Carnal – Fleshly. R196:5

Power of an endless life – In addition to the power over death R74:3*

17 For it is borne witness, *Thou* art a priest for ever according to the order of Melchisedec. Thou art a priest – In the sense of a mediator, who, having redeemed, is the advocate of the people and the dispenser of divine favor. D637

Order of Melchisedec – A priest upon the throne--the Church triumphant--The Christ. CR80:5; R4553:3; D637; F72; T30; OV189:4, 402:1

A type of the new priesthood. R4511:1

The Melchizedek priest represents merely the future of The Christ, after the sacrificing is finished. R4759:3, 4511:1

Represented by the golden crown worn by Aaron. T30, T50

Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec – Quoted from Psa. 110:4.

18 For there is a setting aside of the commandment going before for its weakness and unprofitableness, A disannulling – It evidently was not God's intention to allow the Law Covenant to stand perpetually, nor to allow its priestly arrangements to continue forever. R4511:2

Commandment – Law Covenant. R4321:2, 4511:2

For – On account of. R812:2*

Unprofitableness – It passed away; a failure. R4321:2

19 (for the law perfected nothing,) and the introduction of a better hope by which we draw nigh to God. For the law – Law Covenant. Could not refer to the Law alone, for laws never make anything perfect; they merely show the perfect requirements. It remained for the covenant to try to make the people perfect. R1724:4

Because no imperfect man could keep it because they were weak and depraved. R2611:4, 892:3, 812:2*

Made nothing perfect – Accomplished only typical justification. A225, A229; R273:6

Because its mediator, as well as the people, were imperfect. R5300:2

It accomplished no real reformation or restitution. R4451:5

The blessings were only partial and typical. NS570:4, 533:4

In the fullest sense, no one ever kept the Law but the perfect man, Christ Jesus (Rom. 3:23); for it is the full measure of a perfect man's ability. R1724:6

The Law Covenant justified none--conducted none to everlasting life. NS18:3

A better hope – Jesus, the perfect one, in whom was no sin. R196:5

It evidently was not God's intention to allow the Law Covenant to stand perpetually. R4511:2, 4545:3

All that the house of Israel had and did was typical and was to be superseded by others. R518:3*

20 And by how much it was not without the swearing of an oath;
21 (for they are become priests without the swearing of an oath, but he with the swearing of an oath, by him who said, as to him, The Lord has sworn, and will not repent of it, *Thou* art priest for ever according to the order of Melchisedec;) Those priests – God indicated a change of priesthood from Aaron to Melchizedek. SM141:4; R4511:2

Paul brings forward Aaron, only to set him aside in the presence of Jesus. R174:2*

With an oath – Implying a greater and more important priesthood (Aaron was appointed without divine oath.) SM141:1; R4511:2

The fact that God by his oath had recognized this higher order of priesthood, particularly implied that in due time a New Covenant would supplant the Law Covenant, which the Hebrews felt must be perpetual. R4511:2

Said unto him – In Psalm 110:4. R3952:1, 713:6

The Lord – The oath of Jehovah. R713:6

Thou art a priest – Prophetically Jesus was made a priest by divine appointment long before he came into the world. R4511:2

For ever – For the age. R4511:2; Q551:1, 721:6

This office will end with the Millennial age. There will be no need of a Priest of any kind, sacrificing or reigning. Q551:1

A perpetual priesthood, which should not be transferred to another. SM141:1; R195:1

After – Like. R1101:1

Order – Manner. R714:1

Melchisedec – A priest upon his throne. R4553:3, 4759:5

The Christ, after the sacrificing shall have been finished. R4759:3

Not after the order of Aaron. R4759:5, 4511:2

Would come after and supersede the Aaronic priesthood, inasmuch as the prophecy respecting it came after the Aaronic priesthood had been long established. SM141:1

22 by so much Jesus became surety of a better covenant. A surety – Guarantee for its later fulfillment. R4498:1, 4560:3*; PT370:2*

From the first advent, the New Covenant may be considered as assured, legislated, or guaranteed, but not put into force. R4498:1

A New Covenant is assured by God's promise, which implied the doing away with the Law Covenant and its priesthood. R4511:3

Our Redeemer's death is the surety for us, his members, and for the New Law Covenant. R4438:4, 789:4, 772:2; E28; OV253:1; NS769:2

The Lord Jesus is not the surety for the blessings enjoyed by the Church today. PT370:2*

We are doing a preparatory work in the interest of the New Covenant, of which our Lord Jesus became a surety or guarantor, and which is soon to be sealed. R4494:5

The New Covenant is not yet sealed. A sealed Covenant needs no surety, but an unsealed Covenant does need a surety. R4477:2

The whole plan of reconciliation was of God, and is wrought out in Christ. R1829:5

A better testament – Covenant. R4511:2

New Covenant. R4560:3*, 4511:3

Entirely separate and distinct from the high calling of this age. PT370:2*

Better than the Law Covenant. PT370:T*

Made efficacious by the blood of Christ. E358

Sealed with his own blood; "This is my blood." (Matt. 26:28) E28

23 And they have been many priests, on account of being hindered from continuing by death;
24 but he, because of his continuing for ever, has the priesthood unchangeable. Priesthood – A higher priesthood; combining the priestly function of forgiveness of sin and instruction of the people, with the kingly function of dominion and power. SM141:1

Israel and the world needed a higher order of priesthood than the Aaronic to inaugurate the reign of righteousness under the New Covenant. R4511:3

25 Whence also he is able to save completely those who approach by him to God, always living to intercede for them. Wherefore – St. Paul is here contrasting the great Priesthood of our Lord with that of the Aaronic Law; for the Jews had difficulty in understanding how there could be a change of priesthood. R5776:3; Q486:T

He – Christ. R3951:6, 713:6, 605:4*

Able – And willing. R3282:1, 4783:3, 3279:6

To save them – And only them. R1601:2

Deliver. R3115:2

One who is mighty to save. E96; R3912:3; NS340:5, 411:4

His death was a propitiation for the sins of the whole world. (1 John 2:2) R3115:2, 3279:5

"He gave himself a ransom for all." (1 Tim. 2:5) R2051:1

To the uttermost – By an everlasting release from sin, divine disfavor and death. R3279:6, 4783:3

Fully, completely, eternally. It will not leave out even one human being. R5777:2, 3952:1

Because of the presentation of our Lord's merit on their behalf, the whole world will be in Christ's hands to be dealt with to a completion, to leave nothing undone that can be done. R5777:5

Able to deliver not only from sin, but from death; not only from the tomb, but from all the weaknesses of heredity, all the sin, the blemishes, which rest upon our race. NS639:2

The life-giver came to provide life everlasting for the dying race. PD55/67; R5126:2

Not merely a restoring to each individual of the things which he once possessed, but a restitution of all that was his by right under the original divine arrangement, if Adam had not sinned. NS613:3

He is not only able to take away sin, but is able to sympathize fully with those for whom his "better sacrifices" have been made. R5777:2, 3912:3; E128

The Lord not only saves us from the sins that are past, but throughout our course he also covers with the robe of his merit those blemishes and weaknesses which result from the imperfection of our human body. R5777:2

Christ will yet save us in the fullest sense in the "first resurrection." The saving of the world will then begin. R4634:5, 605:4*

God will save all men, but will not specially save any except those who come unto him through Christ. A106

"Having obtained eternal redemption for us." (Heb. 9:12) F159

That come – Will come. R4634:5

Consecrates. R374:1

All who have the appreciative ear. R5126:2, 3952:1

Unto God – Faithful believers. R1601:2

By him – Through him. R4634:5; NS411:4, 551:4

Through his mediation. F162

By faith, and reformation from bad works and dead works, through Jesus. E229; F162

An attempt to come to God by any other means, as, for example, the sacrifice of the Mass, is an abomination in the sight of God. C103; R3146:2

Ever liveth – As our great Advocate because of the work done for us when atonement was made in the presence of God. (Heb. 9:24) R5777:4, 4546:2

The priests of the Aaronic order were not suffered to continue in their office, by reason of their death. But the great antitypical Priest is to continue always. He will never have a successor. R5777:1

Make intercession – Throughout the Gospel age, the Lord's people, by the eye of faith, behold the great high Priest as their Advocate. R2823:4

It is because we recognize Jesus as our Advocate, that we may come to the throne of grace. R4597:4

Jesus does not intercede for his people every day; there are two general intercessions--the first applied at the beginning of the Gospel age for the Church class, and the final and complete one for the whole world. R5777:4

During the Millennium our Lord Jesus will not be making intercession for the world; for he will do this at its beginning when he applies his merit for "all the people," when the New Covenant is sealed. R5777:5

To deal, or to show cause. He ever liveth to deal or negotiate for them. R791:5

For them – As New Creatures, his members. R4476:1

26 For such a high priest became us, holy, harmless, undefiled, separated from sinners, and become higher than the heavens: Such high priest – "A merciful and faithful high priest." (Heb. 2:17) E128; F162

He was not wealthy, and was considered a fanatic. R3776:6

When Jesus became the anti-typical High Priest the type must have ceased in God's estimation. R310:2

Became us – Suited us, was necessary for us. R964:6

He is justifying and sanctifying the antitypical priests and Levites. R4528:2

Who is holy – In order to be the Redeemer of Adam, and his race, Jesus had to be a perfect human being. R5830:1, 4587:6, 4546:1, 4049:4, 2772:3; E95; SM646:1; OV383:4, 150:2

Jesus possessed a refinement and nobility of soul which made his death as a blasphemer even more terrible to him. R551:4, 4964:4, 4804:1

"That holy thing that shall be born of thee." (Luke 1:35) E105

The "clean thing" (Job 14:4) came not out of the unclean race, but "proceeded forth and came from God" and was merely developed and nourished in Mary. (John 8:42; Gal. 4:4) E105

Unblemished, undefiled, spotless. E97

Harmless – Guileless. R5767:6

Innocent. R5053:3

Undefiled – Without any contamination from Father Adam. R5870:6, 5223:6

By virtue of his special birth. R5768:5; OV330:2, 149:1

As a man, transferred from a heavenly to an earthly condition. R5003:2; NS194:6

Although a member of our race according to the flesh, Jesus has an unimpaired life, transferred from the spirit plane to his virgin mother's womb. Thus he did not inherit sin or its condemnation. R5946:6, 5748:1, 4964:1; E106; Q226:4; NS460:1

He did not have any of the defilements common to humanity. CR453:3

His was not a condemned life, like the rest of the world. R5621:1

His will was to do good only, to honor God and to bless men. SM646:1

If the virgin birth is denied, this statement would not be true. R4763:1

Separate from sinners – Not a sinner. R5003:2, 5352:2, 3265:3, 1917:1; CR247:4; HG460:1; 622:4; SM492:3

"He knew no sin." (2 Cor. 5:21) R1585:5, 776:1; HG261:5

Jesus was always perfect. R5078:2, 5064:2, 5172:1, 5748:1; CR291:1

Absolutely without imperfection. R5836:6, 4968:2

Perfect mentally, morally, and physically. OV149:1

Jesus was not tempted because of sin or weakness, for he had neither. R5702:4, 5472:5

He could not have a sinful wish or desire. SM646:1

There was no reason why he should suffer. Every painful experience which our Lord had was suffering for righteousness' sake. R5117:3

Not personally worthy of death. NS346:5

Our Lord was not a member of the Adamic race in a direct sense. R5621:1

Entirely distinct and separate from humanity, so far as sinful features were concerned. R4964:1, 5064:3, 5352:2; CR195:4

Leaving the perfection of the heavenly nature and coming down to perfect human nature. R4587:6

Nevertheless, he was neither a giant in stature nor in physical strength. R2787:2

If Jesus was the son of Joseph, he was not separate from sinners. R5767:6; OV329:1

He alone kept the Law--thus he had the right to perfect human life, that he might be the Redeemer and Messiah. R5286:5, 5165:4; CR43:4; 48:6

His life was from God, and merely nourished by Mary. E105; R3938:6

Contrary to Higher Criticism. CR491:1; NS559:5

Made higher – Exalted higher. E128

Than the heavens – Powers of spiritual control. A318

Lifted higher than the highest--to the divine nature. R3952:1, 713:6

27 who has not day by day need, as the high priests, first to offer up sacrifices for his own sins, then for those of the people; for this he did once for all in having offered up himself. Who needeth not – Paul was combating the prevalent thought that the Law Covenant and its priestly arrangements were divinely intended to be perpetual. R4545:3

He was discussing the change of dispensation and that everything pertaining to the Tabernacle and the "Most Holy" passed away to give place to the "better sacrifices" of the Gospel age. R4780:3

The divine intention of a New Covenant with a new High Priest and new underpriests and better sacrifices for its institution. R4545:3

A repetition daily and yearly of the sacrifices of the Law on a higher plane is not to be expected. R4397:3

Daily – Continually. R4545:5

The typical High Priest needed once every year, repeatedly (not daily), to offer up sacrifices. R4965:2, 4546:5; Q67:1

As those high priests – A type of the Royal Priesthood of the Gospel age. R5162:3, 4397:3

The Jewish nation, priesthood, sacrifices and legal code must pass away. R4545:3

Christ the new creature is the High Priest of a new order and we, "his members," are the underpriests, as spirit-begotten new creatures. R4545:3, 4511:1

First for his own sins, then for the people's-- Specifying two offerings. R4546:4

The offering of the bullock and the Lord's goat--separate sprinklings of blood--both parts of the one atonement day service. (Lev. 16) R4397:6, 4965:5, 4780:6, 4546:6, 4545:6; Q67:1

The one antitypical Atonement Day accomplishes the entire work which will usher in full forgiveness and reconciliation to all the people. R4397:3

Both sacrifices were made by the Priest, not by the bullock, not by the goat; and when our Lord shall present the blood of his secondary sacrifice, he will be presenting "his own blood"--not yours, not mine. R4546:6

One fulfillment of the one type. Our Lord offered himself at Jordan and he offered up all the members of his Body, the Church, at Pentecost. The presentation was at Pentecost, to be completed during the Gospel age. Q67:3; R4965:5, 4780:6, 4546:3, 4511:3, 4397:3

The antitypical atonement day sacrifices for sin have been in progress for 1800 years. R4965:3, 4546:4; Q67:2

The two sacrifices of Lev. 16. Our Lord will fulfil that Day of Atonement type by two offerings; first for the sins of those accepted during the Gospel age, and later for the world in general. R4511:3

The great High Priest will apply the blood of the antitypical goat on behalf of all the world of mankind under the terms of the New Covenant. R4546:6

This cannot mean the contrary to what Paul had just stated--that our Lord had no sins. The "Head" was perfect but the "Body" was imperfect. R4546:4

He – The High Priest. R4780:5

Did once – The sacrifice of Jesus needs not to be repeated. R4703:4

This he did already. When the Apostle wrote these words the High Priest had already made both sacrifices, and had sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on High. R4546:5

The once doing of this sacrificial work in the beginning of this antitypical "Atonement Day" is sufficient for all time. R4546:5

The one sacrifice of two parts. R4780:5, 4397:3

In the type these things were done year by year; but in the antitype the Great High Priest first offered the antitypical bullock on behalf of his Body, and then the antitypical goat on behalf of the world of mankind. R4780:6, 4965:3, 4546:5

This entire work of sacrificing may have been said to have been accomplished at the time when St. Paul wrote the book of Hebrews. R4511:4

The ground of original protest was respecting the sacrifice of Christ. Papacy held that Christ's sacrifice at Calvary was for past sins. Protestants held that there could be but one sacrifice for sins forever. R1775:6

Offered up himself – Himself at Jordan--the members of his Body, the Church, at Pentecost. R4965:5, 4546:3

His personal sacrifice was finished at Calvary. R4546:2

The spirit-begotten Jesus, as the Priest, put to death Jesus in the flesh and made him a sin-sacrifice. R4545:3

His offering of himself at Jordan was accepted of the Father; the remainder was merely the fulfilling of the terms of the sacrifice. R4965:5

The Father's acceptance of his sacrifice was indicated by the descent of the holy Spirit upon Jesus in the water. R4546:3

The body which God prepared for sacrifice may properly be viewed from two standpoints--the human body of Jesus, and the Church which is his body. R4965:2

Paul referred to the High Priest as a whole--Head and Body. "He (the Father) hath chosen us in him (Christ) before the foundation of the world." (Eph. 1:4) R4780:3, 5392:1

The members of the Body present themselves; but the offering must be done by the Priest, Jesus. R4965:3, 4546:6

One fulfillment of the one type--in the type there were two sacrifices offered, here called his sacrifice. R4965:3

The Leviticus account shows that the first offering was not for himself only, but also "for his house"--in the type the tribe of Levi; in the antitype the "household of faith"--the great company. R4546:2,6

His offering continues these 1900 years. Since Pentecost he has been accepting and offering as his members such as present their bodies living sacrifices. PD47/59

As the High Priest, typified by Aaron. T50

The great atonement for sin made by our Redeemer's sacrifice of himself. R4781:5, 4546:6

"Without spot to God." (Heb. 9:14); to whom the price was paid. E449, E450; F122; R387:3

A ransom for all. R789:3, 387:3

Jesus came typically to the Jews in the end of their age as a Priest. R79:1; T50

28 For the law constitutes men high priests, having infirmity; but the word of the swearing of the oath which is after the law, a Son perfected for ever.
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