Hebrews Chapter 4 [DARBY]

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1 Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left of entering into his rest, any one of you might seem to have failed of it2. Let us therefore fear – The Church, not the world. NS310:1

The fear of reverence; the fear of trifling, of offending our gracious Father and Lord. R4318:5, 5094:1

He who loses the fear of God, and the fear of losing the great prize is in a very dangerous position. R2289:5, 5652:5

Nearly all who "fall away" first lose all fear and become self-confident. Partly because of the loss of this proper fear, it is impossible to renew them again unto repentance. R3596:5

There is such a thing as having too much confidence. CR448:6

"Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." (1 Cor. 10:12) R4311:1, 3667:5

Perfect love casts out slavish, but not reverential, fear. R2986:6, 3726:2, 2289:4, 5

Take heed, or we will fail to enter the eternal rest of God. R5388:2

Let us fear the loss of such a wonderful prospect of glory, honor and immortality, in the sense that we will seek constantly to fullfil our covenant and to abide in the Father's love. R3886:5, 5094:1, 4796:3

Lest the present condition of divine favor and blessing should give place and some earth-born cloud arise to hide the Heavenly Father from the eyes of faith. R2487:4

We should fear for ourselves that we are at the mark of perfect love toward God and our fellow-beings. R4479:5, 4841:5, 3667:5

For our own acceptance and our own attaining of eternal life. R4401:1

The feeling of responsibility. R2102:6

It is a holy fear that actuates us, altogether. R5304:2

Not an anguishing, distracting fear, but a rational one, helpful to the Lord's people in preserving sobriety and balance of mind everywhere inculcated in the Word. NS300:3

We shall watch and pray, and guide our course with the greatest carefulness that we may make our calling and election sure. R5990:4, 3929:4

This proper fear the Master had. He never became discouraged, never held back from the work which the Father had given him to do. R5712:6

Our Lord feared lest he should come short of the full requirements of his office as a priest to render acceptable sacrifice. R1806:5

"He was heard in that he feared." (Heb. 5:7) R1807:1, 4841:4

God has provided an abyss of fire and brimstone for all who willfully, intelligently, repudiate his government. NS310:1

We must "fear" for those that have left the "holy," and the "Court," and gone outside of all relationship to God, into "outer darkness." T63

Not the fear of torment, begotten of ignorance and misunderstanding of God. R5304:2

A promise – The precious promises vouchsafed to us, on conditions that are unalterable. R1807:1, 613:5

Into his rest – The heavenly rest. R3913:5, 4401:4, 4275:3, 1841:6; PD8/15

Divine rest. R4996:3, 2487:4

Sabbath. F392

The glory of the Kingdom. R1914:4, 1575:5, 296:4

Of becoming joint-heirs with our Redeemer. R4275:3

Into life eternal on the highest plane, the "divine nature." NS314:6

By full consecration and perfecting holiness in our hearts and conduct and thus developing our characters and being changed from glory to glory into the likeness of God's dear Son. R4782:6, 1842:6

The great Sabbath, the Millennial kingdom, the seventh-thousand year period. R4015:1

Come short of it – Miss it, fail to make our calling and election sure. NS187:4

All who would share the predestined honors, must fullfil the conditions of the call--faithful unto death. A195; R4810:3, 1699:6

The slightest intimation that we are coming short of the glorious divine standard should fill us with fear lest we miss the great salvation. R5304:2

That we should find the slightest indifference in our hearts, that we should not get all that God is anxious to give. CR301:2

Any feeling of hatred, anger or malice against a brother, or any approximation of such. R3930:5; HG482:6

St. Paul had no thought of coming short himself, but he urged those to whom he was writing to make "their calling and election sure." (2 Pet. 1:10) R4810:3

Some will be lost, as well as some saved. R3083:2

As Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, in the type. T41, T63; R3055:4

"Take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day." (Eph. 6:13) R3331:3

Into his rest – The rest of the fully consecrated. This rest is explained by Paul to be the kind of rest that natural Israel would have received when they first reached the land of promise had they been faithful and entered in to take the land. If their faith could have accepted that it was God who was fighting for them, then there would have been no question that they would conquer the land. God would have driven out the inhabitants before them. Exo. 23:20-33.
2 For indeed we have had glad tidings presented to us, even as they also; but the word of the report did not profit *them*, not being mixed with faith in those who heard. Did not profit them – The law provided for the Jew a physical rest for the seventh day, seventh year, the forty-ninth and fiftieth years; and these Sabbaths were typical of a better rest. R5433:1, 5405:5, 4015:1, 975:3

Although the Jews had observed the seventh day, they did not really enter into the rest which it typified. R1446:3

They saw nothing that, in and of itself, was of any value. HG58:4

Not being mixed – The Jews merely held the outward form or shadow and did not mix it with faith so as to discern its antitype--the rest of heart. R1446:3

The Jew in his unbelief saw only the letter, and nothing to which the law pointed. HG58:4

With faith – Israel did not enter into the real rest or Sabbath, although they zealously observed the seventh day. They did not exercise the faith by which alone the rest can be enjoyed. R1731:3

Faith is necessary to rest. It is for faith to triumph and to realize that God can bring us to that glorious condition which he has promised. R5433:1,4

3 For we enter into the rest who have believed; as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, If they shall enter into my rest; although the works had been completed from the foundation of the world. Which have believed – In Christ. R5433:1

Belief in the good tidings, the Gospel. R5433:5

The most learned and most ignorant can have this rest if only they believe. R5433:4

The belief having reached the heart, will thus affect our course in life. R5433:6

If we truly believe, we will manifest our belief by works in harmony therewith. R5433:4; NS489:6

Partial belief, partial rest; perfect belief, perfect rest. R5433:5,1[R5433:5], 2534:4[R2534:4]

Intellectual belief is not enough. R5433:5

He who trusts in Jesus as his justifier, rests from attempting to do the work for himself. R543:5; HG583:3; NS489:5

None could enter into the true Sabbath rest until Jesus had opened the way. PD72/86

Do enter into rest – Have entered into rest. R5360:4

A perpetual Sabbath. R5405:5, 5406:4, 4996:5, 4015:1, 2534:4, 1731:3; OV281:1

A continual Sabbath. R5433:1

The keeping of the Sabbath. F392

Sabbath signifies rest; the antitypical meaning to the Christian is the rest of faith. R5027:6, 5388:1, 4600:1, 4015:1, 1841:6

The keeping of the antitypical Sabbath, the rest of faith, consecration, when we rested from our own works in the merit of the work which Christ has accomplished. F394; R3039:1, 2534:4, 975:3

Rest of heart, rest of mind, the peace of God which passeth all understanding. (Phil. 4:7) R5360:4, 5405:5, 5345:5, 3039:1

A present rest; a rest of faith in Christ. R1841:6, 2737:1, 975:2

The faith in our hearts, the consecration and obedience, with the begetting of the holy Spirit, usher us into the rest in the heavenlies, the holy place. CR322:1

Each in proportion to his knowledge and faith will have rest--much faith, much rest; little faith, little rest. R5433:4,6, 5345:5

Our rest in the Lord is as complete as is our belief in him. R2534:4, 3753:4, 543:6

As we grow in grace and in the knowledge of God, the more firm and established does our faith become, and our rest is proportionate. R5433:6

By coming into the attitude where we can believe, where we can and do exercise trust in God. R5879:1

The rest comes gradually to the believer as his faith grows stronger. R5433:6

When we made a full consecration to God. R5509:6

By faith we rest in God. We rest in his promises. We are not moved away by any of the adverse conditions of the present time. R5388:1

In faith, in hope, in trust that Jesus will eventually deliver the groaning creation. From feelings of responsibility and worry on account of the world's salvation; the same way that the Heavenly Father rests. R4996:4, 4015:2

The time for entering by faith into the real rest came to the Church at Pentecost, when the spirit dispensation began. R1446:3

"Take my yoke upon you and learn of me and ye shall find rest to your souls." (Matt. 11:28, 29) R2534:4, 315:2

The most happy condition of mind conceivable is the one of full rest and confidence in the Lord. R5306:6

As New Creatures we rest all the time, if so be we abide in the Lord and in his promises. R5433:1; OV282:3

We have reached that place where we have the peace of God ruling in our hearts. R5405:5

We enter into a deeper, more intelligent rest if we avail ourselves of the helps which the Lord has provided for us. R5433:4

If our hearts are disturbed and we cannot enter into this rest of faith, the proper course is to seek the throne of grace that we may overcome the difficulty. R5388:4

The works were finished – God rested because in his plan everything was fully arranged for so completely. R975:4

As I sware...my rest – Because this is a quotation from Psa. 95:11 it is clear that the KJV is missing an extremely important word, i.e., the word "not." That portion should therefore read: "I have sworn in my wrath, they shall NOT enter into my rest." The following translations all carry this thought: ASV, BBE, CEV, ISV, MKJV, Murdock, RV, RVIC, WNT.
4 For he has said somewhere of the seventh day thus, And God rested on the seventh day from all his works: Of the seventh day – The 7000-year day ending with the close of the Millennial age. R2837:4, 1731:5, 975:4; Q759:2

At the close of the 7000 years the Son will deliver up the Kingdom to the Father. Q759:2

God did rest – God rested from his work of creation when man became a transgressor. R2434:5; PD8/15

He rested the matter in the hands of the Redeemer, Jesus, to be accomplished through his sacrifice for sins, and his glorious reign for the release of mankind from sin and death. PD8/15; R1685:2

From all his works – His work of creation. Q759:2

5 and in this again, If they shall enter into my rest. Enter into my rest – Israel's entrance of Canaan, under the leadership of Joshua, typified the entrance of the Church into the rest of faith and special privilege under the leadership of Jesus. R5345:4, 3087:1, 3064:3

6 Seeing therefore it remains that some enter into it, and those who first received the glad tidings did not enter in on account of not hearkening to the word, Entered not in – If, during the Millennial age, "everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord" (2 Thes. 1:9) shall be visited upon all who shall then refuse to obey, what would be the result of refusal to obey during the Gospel age? R3164:4

Because of unbelief – The place or condition of Israel after the flesh, and the mass of mankind. R3087:1

7 again he determines a certain day, saying, in David, 'To-day,' after so long a time; (according as it has been said before), To-day, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. To day – Before this age of sacrifice ends. R5134:1, 790:6

Mercy is confined to this life. HG110:4
Please note: This comment, taken from the Russell-Eaton debates, is quoting Dr. Eaton, NOT Pastor Russell. – site Editor.

It is the privilege of all who come into God's family to proclaim the terms by which those who receive the call may accept it. R5134:4

We cannot tell how distinctly we will hear the voice of the Lord's providence speaking to us tomorrow. Spiritual as well as natural ears soon become accustomed to calls and alarms. R2950:6

If ye will hear – If ye shall hear. R790:5

"He that hath an ear, let him hear." R790:5

8 For if Jesus had brought them into rest, he would not have spoken afterwards about another day. For if Jesus – For if Joshua. (margin) R3064:4, 5388:4

Greek, Jesous; savior. R5388:4

Another day – Millennial day. R342:5*, 5388:4, 3064:3, 975:4

9 There remains then a sabbatism to the people of God. There remaineth – A future rest. R5405:5, 975:2; CR17:1

Still more complete--to be attained in the resurrection change. PD72/86; SM339:1

Perfect and everlasting rest. R3187:4; OV281:2

A different one from that which we now enjoy. A rest from all labor while our works will follow us. The glorious blessings of the resurrection state. R4996:5, 5548:6, 5388:2, 5345:6

The Sabbath years and Jubilee which could be celebrated only in the land of Israel, represented the rest which remains for us when we shall enter into our promised heavenly inheritance. R975:3

A rest – Beyond the Jordan of death; the final rest, the heavenly Canaan, the glorious spiritual condition beyond the vail of the flesh. R1841:3

Entered by the perfecting of the New Creature in the first resurrection. R5345:6, 5405:5, 5388:1

Our rest is the reality; the rest of Israel was the type. R5388:1, 4015:1

Sabbath signifies rest; the Church keeps the sabbath every day. R5412:5, 4996:4, 315:4

The Sabbath day typified the rest experienced by spiritual Israel. R1733:4

The rest in Canaan was a type of the rest of the people of God in this Gospel age. R5388:1

The eternal life condition to be entered into on the great seventh day. R3039:1

Represents the Millennium, secured to all who accept it through the merit of Christ's sacrifice. PD64/74

The time for entering actually into the real rest is just at hand, at the ushering in of the new dispensation. R1446:3

Rest from sin, our own weaknesses and imperfections. The new creatures will be beings without flaw, blameless and irreprovable. R5345:6

God has given us assurance of this in that on the first day of the week he raised up Jesus from the dead. R2737:1

The Church will enter into it first; next the Jew; and finally, all the world. R5072:1

The people of God – Complete rest when the Church is changed to immortality. R5548:6

10 For he that has entered into his rest, he also has rested from his works, as God did from his own. Entered into his rest – Now. R5388:1, 975:2

The rest of the heart, the rest of faith. R1731:3, 1580:4

Whoever abides in Christ is a Sabbath-keeper. R5071:6

From his own works – From attempting self-justifying works. R1731:3, 5405:5

As God did – Confident of the final glorious outcome of his plan. R975:4

God avoids interference with the operation of the laws under which originally he placed all his earthly creation. R1609:6

Leaving the entire matter to Messiah to accomplish. F393

Committed all judgment to the Son. (John 5:22) R975:4, 2430:4, 315:4

"The Father worketh hitherto, and (now) I work." (John 5:17) R1685:2, 2430:4, 975:4

The resemblance is between God's rest and our real rest of faith, not the Jew's Sabbath rest. R975:3

He was not weary of labor, and did not rest in the sense of recovering from fatigue. R975:3

From his – Works--God left the work of redemption for Christ. R1731:3, 1685:2, 1609:6, 975:4, 543:6

Direct work--for 7000 years since the creation of man. R975:4, 1609:6, 543:6, 315:4

God rested from his work of creation when man became a transgressor. R2434:5

11 Let us therefore use diligence to enter into that rest, that no one may fall after the same example of not hearkening to the word. Let us labour – Endeavor; strive. R1886:1

Not let us cease from labor, but labor to put down selfish propensities which would lead us contrary to God's will. HG583:3

Enter into that rest – Greek, Sabbath-keeping. R1446:3

A rest of faith; not actual. CR17:1

It is theirs so long as they abide by faith, in Christ, in God. R5405:5

By trusting in the finished work of the Lord Jesus on our behalf. CR17:1; R4015:2, 3039:1, 1731:4, 975:3, 543:6; NS489:5

That no man taketh from them. R5405:5

Sabbath--the actual rest of the perfected condition. R2534:5

Example of unbelief – Of fleshly Israel. R2534:5

Set by the Jews who kept the seventh day, but never knew what it meant. R1446:3

Unbelief led to disobedience and perversity of natural Israel, causing their rejection. R5548:5

They did not exercise faith. R1731:3

Paul warns spiritual Israel; not to fall in this way, and lose the chief place of favor, as natural Israel did. R5548:5, 1731:3

The great mass of spiritual Israel are falling--they too will lose the chief place of favor. R5548:5

12 For the word of God is living and operative, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and penetrating to the division of soul and spirit, both of joints and marrow, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Word of God – The Scriptures claim this; though their authority by no means depend upon finding that expression. R1584:3

Quick, and powerful – Let the "sword of the Spirit" the Word of God, do all the cutting. R4803:5

Rather than debating, it is preferable to present the message of the Lord's Word orally or in print before those who desire to hear. R5685:5

Nothing can take its place; all teachings, whether oral or printed, should be recognized as secondary to the inspired Word and should be appreciated only as they unlock its treasures of wisdom. R2532:2

The teachings of all the Lord's representatives should be the Word of God, not human speculations and philosophies. R3726:6

Let us, in our intercourse with others whom we would lead into the truth, pay less attention to self-defense than to a presentation of the divine Word. R2958:1

Twoedged sword – Words of purification. R5119:4

The sickle of present truth. R1362:1

Separating and casting out. R1279:6

The Truth itself needs no unkind language, no epithets, to drive it home. R4329:1

The Word of God--we can scarcely imagine the saints beyond the veil as handling the Word of God. R5451:2, 359:3*

This weapon is formed both for offensive and defensive warfare. While one edge is presented toward the enemy, there is another toward him who wields it. R359:3*

Dividing asunder – It shall separate, shall discover, shall manifest who have the spirit of the Lord and who have not. R2709:4

Separating worldly life from divine life. R508:5*

Soul – The human nature. R549:1

Spirit – The new nature. R549:1

A discerner – Manifester. R1279:6

Of the thoughts – Heart-loyalty to the Lord will mean continual effort to bring all the conduct of our lives, the very thoughts and intents of our hearts, into subjection to the divine will. F136

13 And there is not a creature unapparent before him; but all things are naked and laid bare to his eyes, with whom we have to do. Naked and opened – The discovery of the X-ray makes it clear how this is possible. R1935:2

That the eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good, is unquestionable. R1778:6, 1270:3

If we have any secret fault, and are lovers of righteousness, we will want the cleansing power of the Word applied. R2094:4

In far-seeing wisdom God has permitted all the present disorders. R1408:5

"For God is in heaven, and thou upon the earth, therefore let thy words be few." (Eccl. 5:2) R1938:1

14 Having therefore a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast the confession. High priest – After the order of Melchisedec. (Heb. 7:21) R1101:1; T26

Jesus, as our High Priest, makes good our unintentional shortcomings, and also stands ready to succor all his consecrated members. R1490:6

Into the heavens – Into the closest favor with the sovereign of the entire Universe. R1829:4

Hold fast – Do not allow the truth to slip. R1206:2

Profession – The Royal Priesthood, of which the Jewish priesthood was but a type. T26

15 For we have not a high priest not able to sympathise with our infirmities, but tempted in all things in like manner, sin apart. We have not – The Apostle Paul has led his readers up to the point of appreciation that, although Jesus was not a priest according to the Jewish arrangement, he was a Priest according to special divine arrangement. R5965:2

He had been speaking of the antitypical priesthood, that Aaron had been only a typical priest, that a better priesthood was necessary, and that this higher priesthood was represented in Melchizedek. R5585:1; T26

He brings clearly to view the effect of the Lord's suffering, the just for the unjust, in qualifying him for his work as Mediator, High Priest and Leader. R1335:3*

Whoever loves and approves wrong, gives evidence of not having the mind of Christ and would not properly be one of the "we" class referred to here. R5965:3; Q707:1

High priest – Jesus entered upon his priestly office at the time of his begetting and anointing of the holy Spirit. His work as High Priest will not be complete until the close of his reign of a thousand years. R5965:2

This great antitypical Priest's priesthood is continual. R5777:2

A heavenly, not an earthly High Priest. R5585:1, 5472:2

Cannot be touched – His perfect mind would make all his sensibilities more active than ours; his sympathy would be stronger, his sense of pain keener. R5103:6, 5090:4, 4804:1, 4161:4; E160

That he might be able to sympathize with those who are in trouble. R5090:4, 4161:4

Although at his resurrection he became so great, so highly exalted above mankind, he realizes our imperfection, trials difficulties, for in the days of his flesh he had similar trials and difficulties. R5965:2

By reason of his losing vitality on the occasion of each miracle. R5104:1

"Unable to sympathize." (Diaglott) R1335:3*

Of our infirmities – Man's infirmities. F632

"With our weaknesses." (Diaglott) R1335:3*

Greek, astheneo, a word derived from asthenes, meaning without strength (a, without; sthenos, strength). R4099:2*

So he is able to be long-suffering toward us. Q611:T

If we have tried to do our best, and have been overtaken in a fault, he knows how to make allowance for us and to be very sympathetic. R5966:5; Q709:2

As Christ was touched with a feeling of the infirmities with which we have to contend, so we also must be touched with the feeling of the world's infirmities. R3067:1

It is expedient that the Bride members should be touched with a feeling of the world's infirmities, and have sufficient sympathy to voluntarily bear some of the sorrows and griefs of those about them. R4138:4, 3067:2-6

Priests of the Aaronic order, the Levitical priesthood, could not properly sympathize with the people. R5777:2

The Royal Priesthood, who were once in the same plight as the rest of humanity, will know how to deal with the sin-sick world; and the world will find comfort and consolation in the realization of such sympathy. R3067:1

The Scriptures amply prove that Jesus Christ was sick, and so able to sympathize with us in our sicknesses. Being without sin, personal sin could not have been the cause of his illness, and, therefore, may not be of ours. R2767:4*

But was – But one who was. R1829:5

In all points tempted – Tried. R408:3

"Tried in all respects" (Diaglott) R1335:6*

Proven by certain crucial tests. R5943:3

In respect to his obedience to God, and to trust in the Father's providential care. R5702:4

As a New Creature, not in the manner that the world is. R5585:1, 5965:3, 3717:4, 1689:4; E110; Q706:2

He was not subject to every temptation which assails us from the fallen tastes, appetites and tendencies, which come to us as members of the degenerate race of Adam. R5965:3; Q706:2

He could not be tempted as a drunkard, or in many ways as fallen humanity are tempted; or as a mother or a father, never having been one. R5965:3, 5585:1; E117; Q706:2

As Jesus was tempted three times in the wilderness, so can we be--to selfishness--to foolhardiness--to compromise. R5965:5; 3717-3719, 1689:2, 4, 1688:5; E110-117; Q707-709

To a deceitful handling of the Word of God. To gain present power and advantage. To take the sacrifice off of the altar. R1689:4, 3717:6

By the world, the flesh and the devil. R963:6, 5585:2, 3717-3719, 1689:5

All of our Lord's trials were from the flesh, the world, and the Adversary, and so it is with his followers. R3717:4

Our Lord did not give way in any manner to the tempter. We too are to resist and to watch and pray that we yield not to temptation. R5202:1, 1689:5

To draw back from Covenant relationship--to withhold truth and give something desirable--to do what others would applaud instead of what God would approve--to take an easier way--to escape or lessen suffering. R5585:2-5

We also have temptations to return evil for evil and railing for railing. Our Lord was so tempted before his crucifixion. R5966:4; Q708:4

For three and a half years this testing continued. R4612:1

It required some time to develop patience and to be tested along all the necessary lines on which his Church was also to be tested. Q52:3

Our Lord's experience in Gethsemane is an illustration of one of the most severe trials which come to the Lord's people. R2774:5, 5585:6

Our Lord was perfect as a human being. But humanity has its limitations of knowledge and endurance. His new creature lived in and operated through the human body. R5702:1

Our Lord's sufferings were expedient and wise for the assistance of those who would be his followers. R5090:4; E128

"For in that he himself hath suffered, being tempted, he is able to succor them that are tempted." (Heb. 2:18) E128; F162; R5585:6, 1829:5, 1335:3*, 146:4*, 106:4*

Does not refer to the ordinary temptations experienced by our Lord in common with others before his anointing. R3715:6

Like as we are – "Like ourselves" (Diaglott) R1335:6*

His brethren. R3717:3, 2774:5

His disciples. R5702:1

The Church. R5585:1, 4804:4

New Creatures. R3715:6, 3717:4; Q706:2

Signifying that the temptations or trials which Jehovah permits to come upon his consecrated people are of the same kind that he permitted to come upon our Redeemer. R4970:3, 3715:6

We also are tested for loyalty to God, loyalty to principles of righteousness, loyalty to the truth, loyalty to divine methods. R4970:3, 5030:2

He wants to have a Bride class who can endure temptation, and endure hardness, and show loyalty, and manifest that they are really overcomers, laying down their lives. Q160:T

That we should be fully tested after we become New Creatures. R4612:2

These peculiar trials and temptations which come to us as the Lord's followers do not reach us until after we have attained the point of full consecration. R3717:2

We must not expect to escape temptations, trials, difficulties, perplexities, because only through these can we be developed, perfected in character. R3715:6, 405:1*, 12:3*

What a source of comfort and joy it is to realize that our Master knows the power of evil by experience, and so can fully sympathize through knowledge in all our temptations. R1335:3*

He is able to sympathize with us and assist us in our efforts to be dead to every worldly ambition. R964:6, 5777:2

We have the benefit resulting from his experience. R5090:4, 405:4*, 77:5*, 12:5*

We are tempted (a) to use spiritual gifts to further temporal interests; (b) to recklessly and unnecessarily expose ourselves to danger in the Lord's name, and (c) to cooperate in other plans than God's for the world's uplift. E110-116

We should never voluntarily go into temptation. Reverence, humility and caution should deter us. R3715:6

Yet without sin – "Apart from sin" (Diaglott) R1335:3*

Without yielding. R964:5

He steadfastly refused to yield to any appeals from his flesh to escape or to lessen his sufferings. R5585:5

Jesus was not tempted because of sin or weakness, for he had neither. R5702:4, 929:2

Having met trials and temptations of all kinds, apart from those arising through sin, he is able and willing to succor those who are tried, but who are not in affiliation with sin. R1335:3*

He was able to do what no imperfect man had done or could do. R776:2

Yet bearing away the sin of the world. (Isa. 53:11-12) R1063:2*

Being without sin, he was also without sickness and pain, except as he "took" and "bare" it from others, that he might be touched with a feeling of our infirmities. R2028:6; F632

16 Let us approach therefore with boldness to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy, and find grace for seasonable help. Let us therefore – Members of the new creation; no others have access. F680; R4932:1

The spiritual sons of God. R5200:6, 4615:6, 2070:5

The consecrated class, the under priesthood, the New Creation. R5201:4, 5200:6

Those who have not made a consecration to God have no Advocate through whom to approach him. R5200:6

The household of faith. NS674:2

The people of God; but especially important to us now who are living in the evil day. R5744:3

The only ones who have a hearing with God are those who have become disciples of Christ and who have been accepted by him. R5962:5, 5420:4, 3805:3, 3802:2, 2024:4

With the Tabernacle picture before our minds, Paul points out that our Lord Jesus has made atonement for the sins of all believers, who may come to the heavenly Father, nothing doubting. NS674:2

Come – Greek, Proserchomai; to approach, or come toward. B158

To our great highly exalted High Priest. R5966:4, Q709:1

It is to our advantage that, when we trespass, we might have the humiliating experience of being forced to come. R4615:5

The earnest Christian should see to it that there is a direct and continual communication between his heart and his Lord. R5744:6, 5746:4

Daily. A good soldier of the Lord Jesus must keep in close touch with headquarters. R5745:1, 5586:4

If we would contrast the privilege of approaching God with that of approaching earthly potentates, we would see a marked manifestation of God's favor in us. R5745:1, 5201:1

Before approaching the throne of grace, we should seek to know what things are approved or disapproved of the Lord. R5745:2, 4

If we abide in the Lord and his words abide in us, we shall know what to ask for; and we shall be so careful about our asking that we shall not ask amiss. R5203:3

The saints cannot properly pray for their own health now, any more than could their Master. They cannot properly ask restitution privileges which they have consecrated, nor for their sacrifices to be nullified. R5204:3

Boldly – Courageously, confidently. F145; R5745:1, 5472:2, 5420:5, 5201:4, 5200:6, 5073:1, 4932:1, 4615:6, 2848:3, 1865:1; NS226:4, 674:2

With holy courage and confident faith. R5492:4

Full of faith. R5041:5, 2848:3; Q654:2

Not doubting. R5585:6

Go freely. R5123:5

By faith. R2004:3

With humble boldness. R469:4*

With an appreciation of our own inability to overcome. R2878:2

"We have an Advocate." (1 John 2:1) R1829:5, 5089:3, 4898:5, 4875:4, 3255:5; OV181:4

With such urgent and loving invitations let no child of God hesitate to come often. R1865:3

We should never grow discouraged, but come to the Lord again and again, remembering that he is never weary of our coming and that he will not turn us away empty. R5966:5; Q709:3

If we have not sinned willfully, if our sins have been imperfections of the flesh through besetment, we may come with courage, knowing that the Lord understands. He remembers that we are but dust. (Psa. 103:13, 14) R5585:6, 1984:1; Q655:T

Any that have difficulty in keeping the mind concentrated in prayer should intensify and shorten their petitions. R5746:4

Our prayers and supplications should be in the Spirit, and not perfunctory, nor formalisms. R5746:4

There is a difference between "saying one's prayers," and praying. In prayer, we should have some definite request before our minds, in order that we may look intelligently for an answer. R5203:4

We may pray for the holy Spirit, for more love, gentleness, patience, wisdom; guidance from the Lord. But we may not tell him what to do; for we have no means of knowing what is his will in matters in general. R5203:2

Not only should we pray frequently and with regularity, but we should be always in the attitude of prayer. We should be in that attitude of heart which looks to the Lord for guidance in every perplexity and experience. R5203:6

If we are submissive, our prayers will become more and more messages of thanksgiving. We shall increasingly desire to walk in the Master's footsteps. With his petitions he said, "Not my will, but thine be done." R5203:2

When opportunities of service seem to require more strength than we have, we should go before the Lord in prayer and say that we are trusting that the necessary strength and all else would be provided. R5202:6

"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit." (Eph. 6:18) R5745:2

While only the consecrated class may come boldly, all who belong to the "household of faith" may to some extent enjoy the privileges of prayer. R5201:4; F681

Throne of grace – Divine grace. R1984:1

The Savior's throne--Jehovah's throne is a throne of justice, but Jesus' throne is a throne of mercy. R5966:4; Q709:2

Provided by our Father's love--how undone we should be without it. R5492:4

We need divine grace to forgive our daily, unintentional, unwilling trespasses. R5420:4, 5745:1, 4932:1

All Christians keep daily record with the Lord and never retire to rest without obtaining this grace of forgiveness and help. R4932:1

Obtain mercy – Not for original sin--but for our daily trespasses of ignorance or weakness. R4354:2, 5103:4, 5089:3, 4898:5, 4615:5

Forgiveness. R1984:1, 5586:4, 5492:4, 5073:1

In respect to our failures to live up to the high standard which our hearts acknowledge and to which we strive to conform. R5123:5

In respect to our shortcomings or trespasses. SM725:T; NS358:1

For the shortcomings of daily life. R5103:4

Let us never presume upon the mercy of our God by being careless of our steps. R5492:4, 5586:4

We shall receive mercy when we are truly striving to be faithful to the Lord. He knows that we cannot fully control our imperfect bodies. R5586:1

The Mercy Seat is for the very purpose of showing us mercy. R5966:5, 5586:4; Q709:2

Provided by God in the great sacrifice of Christ. R2004:3, 5103:4, 4796:6

Availing ourselves of these mercies and privileges provided through our great High Priest, we are enabled to fight a good fight against sin. R5123:5

Not to see some progress in overcoming inherited blemishes, should be a cause of disappointment, and should lead to self-examination at the Mercy Seat. R3168:5

Although our Savior is greatly exalted and seated upon the throne of glory, yet his throne is also a throne of mercy, but Jehovah's throne is a throne of justice. R5966:4; Q709:2

Find grace to help – Merit to help. NS737:4

And forgiveness of sins. R5745:1

Supplied mainly through God's Word, in the precious promises. R1007:3, 5744:6, 5586:1, 5123:5

The Lord will give us succor. R4488:6

It was evidently because the Lord foresaw that his people might become so abashed by their repeated failures through inherited weaknesses that he provided this special exhortation for their encouragement. R4932:1, 5746:1

To meet in a faithful spirit our various trials and difficulties; to resist the Adversary, and the foes entrenched in our own flesh; to be rightly exercised by the trials and assaults of the enemy. R5745:6, 28:2*

The object of prayer is to benefit ourselves and to bring us into that attitude of mind which will be in heart-readiness to receive our Father's blessing. R5745:4

Our prayers are to be along the lines of the Spirit and not of the flesh. As new creatures, we are to pray always in harmony with the interests of this new nature. R5745:5

"Shall he not with him freely give us all things" needful to us as new creatures. F411

We may not pray for the Lord to hinder others or ourselves from having trials or tests for it is for divine wisdom to determine what these shall be. R5928:6

In time of need – In every future time. R3255:5

In times when we are cold or overcharged or neglectful of spiritual privileges--lack of faith, or of restitution for wrongs done, or of full consecration, may hinder the blessing desired. F145, F148

When we realize that we are not always successful in resisting temptations. R5966:4; Q709:1

Although our Heavenly Father knoweth what we need, and has made abundant provision for us, yet he will be inquired of, solicited, by his people. R2004:3

It was because of our needs that God made this arrangement for us. R5420:5, 1802:1

Not before we need it, but in the very moment of trial. R2249:5

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