Hebrews Chapter 1 [DARBY]

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Hebrews (DARBY) Chapter Index   Hebrews 2

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1 God having spoken in many parts and in many ways formerly to the fathers in the prophets, Unto the fathers – To his people Israel. R2407:6

By the prophets – Old Testament Scriptures. R1146:1

2 at the end of these days has spoken to us in the person of the Son, whom he has established heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Spoken unto us – The same authority claimed as that which was accorded to the Old Testament Scriptures. R1146:1

By his Son – A different manner from that in which he spoke in olden times. R4092:4

Our Lord Jesus and his testimonies were but further developments of the great divine plan. R2407:6

The Son declared that those who received the apostles received him. (Matt. 10:40) R3764:1

God has closed the canon of his revelation by speaking to us through his Son and the apostles. R2400:5

Heir of all things – Promised. E38

Not the "man Jesus," but the "new creature" Jesus who became heir of all things. R4440:5

As heir of all things he will be the representative of the Father to all eternity. R5086:4

He became heir of all the gracious promises of God's Word. R5186:4

The Lord Jesus is the heir, and the only heir, under the covenant typified by Sarah, who died before the bride of Isaac was called. R1386:6

Those who are Christ's are heirs together with him. R1617:4, 458:1, 398:4

All men should honor the Son--not as the Father, but as the Father's direct representative. OV351:4

"I shall be satisfied when I awake in thy likeness." (Psa. 17:15) "We shall be like him." (1 John 3:2) T67

Possibly including also great works beyond the Millennial Age. F70, F722; A306; E31; R5183:5; SM484:1

By whom – Prior to his incarnation. R1673:3

Worlds – Greek, aionios; meaning ages. R21:4*

These last days – The Gospel Dispensation. R78:2
3 who being the effulgence of his glory and the expression of his substance, and upholding all things by the word of his power, having made by himself the purification of sins, set himself down on the right hand of the greatness on high, Who being – Since his resurrection. A211; B108; R5579:5, 4667:3, 2600:6, 1592:1; Q366:6

Brightness – Effulgence. R316:2*

Of his glory – Of the father's glory. R89:3

The express image – In the Greek is the word character. R4417:3

The character-likeness of the Heavenly Father, full of grace and truth. R4417:5

Each Christian, in proportion as he receives the spirit of the Lord, gradually becomes a copy of God's dear Son, and therefore a copy of the Father. Q452:4

The perfected new creature. R348:4

Of his person – Of the Father's person. R5269:1, 89:3

Of his substance. R316:2*

The glorious body which belongs to the divine nature. R1806:2, 2600:6, 2318:2, 1262:4, 546:3, 279:2, 142:3

Which we cannot suppose to be marred by the scars of thorns, spear or nails. R2479:4

Purged our sins – When he ascended up on high he presented his merit as satisfaction for the sins of his followers. R4667:3

The basis on which divine justice and love may operate toward fallen mankind. R2407:6

By humbling himself to become a man and die the ignominious death of the cross. R5430:1

Made purifications of sins by his death. R316:2*

Which he could not have done had he partaken in any sense of his mother's imperfections. R776:2

Sat down – Not literally, but in the sense that he is next in honor and dignity to the Father. Q72:T

On the right hand – Higher than all other planes of spirit being. R5181:6

Justice provided a great reward for God's faithful Son. R5430:2

4 taking a place by so much better than the angels, as he inherits a name more excellent than they. So much better – Superior to. R486:4

As the divine nature is superior to the angelic nature. A176, A203; R453:5, 616:2*

Jesus was in his resurrection made better than angels, as he had in becoming a man been made a little lower than the angels. R856:6

Having become, by so much, better. R316:2*

Glory and honor far superior even to the excellent glory he had with the Father before the world was. R872:5

Than the angels – Other spiritual beings. R458:1

"Far above all principalities and powers." (Eph. 1:21) F65

By inheritance – Inherited. R316:2*

5 For to which of the angels said he ever, *Thou* art my Son: this day have *I* begotten thee? and again, *I* will be to him for father, and *he* shall be to me for son? Unto which of the angels – To none of the angels was such a message sent. CR316:3

Said he – The Father. R279:2, 142:3

My Son – My special Son. R1005:3

Have I begotten – Greek, gennao. When used in connection with God, it should always be rendered beget or begotten. R837:1

Born. SM141:T

Jesus' life came directly from heaven. R1031:1*

The only direct creation of the Father. R5992:6, 5748:1, 4964:3, 1514:6, 1278:3, 1060:4

"The beginning of the creation of God." (Rev. 3:14) R5972:3, 5748:1, 5351:3, 5239:1, 4098:1, 2773:3

The "Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." (Rev. 22:13) R5748:1, 1599:1, 1514:6

6 and again, when he brings in the firstborn into the habitable world, he says, And let all God's angels worship him. And again when he bringeth – After his resurrection and ascension. R2156:2

When he again bringeth. (Revised Version and King James margin.) R4695:4*

The firstbegotten – The firstborn--Jesus--firstborn from the dead, to the divine nature, at his resurrection. R458:1

All the angels of God – At the time of his resurrection. R4668:5

All of God's holy ones. R2156:4

Myriads of myriads sang a new song. R2156:2

Giving fallen angels a chance to prove whether they are willing to become angels of God once more. R4695:4*

Worship him – Acknowledge him. OV307:6

Render the homage due to his nature and office. R458:1

While our Lord was glorified at his ascension, the full demonstration that all the angels of God worship, reverence and obey him will be at his second advent. R2156:4

Reverence him as Christ shall forever be associated with the Father in the everlasting Kingdom. R3683:5

7 And as to the angels he says, Who makes his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire; His angels – The word angel is Scripturally used in a broad sense as signifying the exercise of divine power in connection with human affairs. R5278:1

Spirits – Greek, pneuma, meaning invisible power. R18:5, 579:2

His ministers – Or servants. Any and every agency and power that divine providence uses is a part of that care over his people. R5257:5

8 but as to the Son, Thy throne, O God, is to the age of the age, and a sceptre of uprightness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thy throne – Authority and rulership. A92

O God – Greek, theos. Used of any mighty one, the same as Elohim in the Hebrew. R5749:2, 354:1

A sceptre – Right to rule. B83

For ever and ever – Literally: "for ages of ages." The Greek language had no single word that equated to the English word "forever." They did, however, have a way of expressing "forever." They simply double up the word "ages." In the Authorized Version (KJV) this is usually expressed as "for ever and ever." See The Reign.
9 Thou hast loved righteousness and hast hated lawlessness; therefore God, thy God, has anointed thee with oil of gladness above thy companions. Loved righteousness – All God's work is perfect, and every variation from that perfection must be the result of disobedience; the unalterable law is that the disobedient shall perish. SM65:3

Christ's Kingdom will cooperate with all in their endeavors for righteousness. R5057:5

Eventually none will have life on any plane except those who have learned to love righteousness. A303; R4999:3

Hated iniquity – Wickedness. R1151:5*, 1335:3*

All the brethren of the Lord Jesus must take the same stand regarding sin, especially sin in ourselves. R5702:5

Even thy God – The mighty One above even thee. R354:1

Christ never claimed to be "one in person." E49

Anointed thee – Jesus was anointed to be the Head of the church class. R5359:4

The oil of gladness – The holy Spirit. F131; R4341:2

Above thy fellows – As head over his brethren and fellowheirs. F131; R4341:2, 354:1

Head over all things to the Church--all the angels shall worship him. CR395:4

10 And, *Thou* in the beginning, Lord, hast founded the earth, and works of thy hands are the heavens. And – Verses 10-12 are quoted from Psa. 102:25,26. R4222:2, 448:3

Laid the foundation – Jesus was used in the creation of the world. R448:6, 370:4

Of the earth – The present social order. R3154:6, 1814:1,

And the heavens – Powers of spiritual control. A318; R3154:6

11 They shall perish, but *thou* continuest still; and they all shall grow old as a garment,
12 and as a covering shalt thou roll them up, and they shall be changed; but *thou* art the Same, and thy years shall not fail. Shall be changed – Rearranged; made over. R3154:6

Some change will take place in the near future, making the earth more fit for kingdom conditions. R3154:6, 4222:6

A new order, social and religious--the new heavens and the new earth. R1814:2, 3154:6, 4222:3,6

They need a change, not because of any imperfection in the original arrangement, but because it was departed from through sin. R4222:6

Thou art the same – Superior to all change. R4222:2

13 But as to which of the angels said he ever, Sit at my right hand until I put thine enemies as footstool of thy feet? Which of the angels – Unto none of the angels, but to Him who was superior, chief over the angels; the only begotten of the Father. R490:4

He brings forward the angels, but only to set them aside in the presence of Jesus. R174:2*

Said he – Jehovah. E49

Quoted from Psalm 110:1. R2935:1

On my right hand – In the place of highest favor and power. A92; R2935:2

The Lordship of Jesus after his suffering and trials were ended. R810:4

14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out for service on account of those who shall inherit salvation? Are they – The holy angels. R2179:3, 4214:4; Q437:4

Ministering spirits – Servants. CR316:6

Ministers of mercy. R99:5*

Spirit beings continually surround the "elect"; divine power surrounds God's people. R2377:6, 4214:4; CR314:4

Spirit beings can be and frequently are present, yet invisible. A182; R2974:3, 348:3, 261:5, 18:3

These holy angels are looking out for the Church's interests, and are reporting us if we are not in the right way. They shield us from harm; they assist us, or give us stripes, according to our need. Q437:4; R4823:5, 657:2*, 143:4

The angels are present as the representatives of the Lord to do any needed work for us according to his will. R2140:5

Creatures of God, full of loving benevolence, esteeming it a privilege to serve those who will be highly exalted above them. R1478:6

These do not operate in darkness, nor through "mediums." R2179:3

Doubtless the angels of the Lord are as present with his people as ever. R5606:1

"The angel of the Lord encampeth round about." (Psa. 34:7) F76; R2974:3, 578:6, 265:2, 18:3

"In heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father." (Matt. 18:10) F76; R5634:3, 4214:4, 2377:6, 657:2

Sent forth – In this dispensation Christ controls the angels. R61:5*

To minister – To serve. R3798:1

To oversee our interests. R4823:5

Any departure from the reverence of the Lord, on our part, would cause a corresponding separation from this holy protecting influence. R4218:4

We have very little reason to expect that God will use any of the spirit beings to do a service that may be done by his people. R5816:6

For them who shall be – Unto those who shall be. R3004:2

Heirs of salvation – Each one of the Church. Q437:4

The saints. R657:2*, 3965:1

Hebrews (DARBY) Chapter Index   Hebrews 2
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