2 Kings Chapter 2 [DARBY]

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1 And it came to pass when Jehovah would take up Elijah into the heavens by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal. When the LORD – Elijah had a specially protected life; he was wholly under divine control; true also of the antitypical Elijah class. R3415:3

Would take up – A parallel to the taking away of the last members of Christ. R5845:2

Elijah – Type of the true Church in the flesh. B256; R557:3, R4757:2, R5771:3; Q305:2

John the Baptist, as the forerunner of Jesus in the flesh, typified the greater Elijah. R4757:3; B250; R557:1

Into heaven – Into the air; "No man hath ascended up to heaven." (John 3:13) R3378:4, R558:5, R3417:4, R5772:3, R4757:1; Q259:4

By a whirlwind – Uniformly used in the Scriptures to represent great confusion and strife. R4757:6

A symbol of trouble; fiery trials. B260; R5773:1,4, R2341:6

Severe persecutions, ecclesiastical commotions. R3417:2,3

Anarchy. R5845:6, R5867:4

Elijah went – His closing experiences parallel the closing experiences of the last members of the Christ Body in the flesh. R5845:1; B255, B256; R557:2,3

With Elisha – Possibly a picture of the Great Company. R5771:6, R4757:5, R3429:2, R3417:1, R1132:1, R558:2

He may typify two classes: those who now are associated with the Elijah class, and those in whose charge will be the dispensing of restitution blessings. R5780:1, R3429:2,3, R3417:2; Q260:3, Q305:2

We may not be quite so sure that Elisha represented a secondary class of God's people, a great company. R5771:6, R4757:5, R4758:2; Q260:3, Q259:2

Gilgal – Gilgal means "rolling away the reproach." (Josh. 5:9) HG70:1

Elijah's movements from leaving Gilgal to crossing Jordan have their exact parallels under the midnight cry movement. HG69:6

Site of a "school of the prophets." R3416:1

Would seem to represent the beginning of the harvest time--October, 1874. R5772:4, R5845:2

Please see the Expanded Bible Comments on vss 1-14 and on to vs. 18.

LORD would take up Elijah into heaven – When the church in the flesh had reasonable expectation of their change.

Elijah – Picturing the church.

With Elijah – Picturing the great company. This shows the two classes are working together.

Gilgal – "Wheel." The name given to the first place Israel came to when the entered into the Promised Land, because God had "Rolled away their reproach." Josh. 5:9 - 1874, the beginning of the great Millennial Age ("Wheel" on the Chart of the Ages.)
2 And Elijah said to Elisha, Abide here, I pray thee; for Jehovah has sent me to Bethel. And Elisha said, As Jehovah liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee! So they went down to Bethel. Tarry here – The stopping places foreshadowed various points in the time proofs where it was thought that the translation of the saints might be due. R558:1

Implying that Elisha was discouraged and had lost faith in the journey; but they went on. R5772:4

Representing the trials and difficulties in the pathway of the Church, a sifting or separating work. R4757:5, R558:1; Q305:2; R1132:3

October 1874 (Gilgal) was looked forward to as the possible time when the Church would be completed. Some measure of disappointment was felt when expectations were not realized. R5772:5

Beth-el – Where Jacob's ladder stood, receiving its name in consequence of that vision. HG70:2

The Spring of 1878 corresponded to Bethel, a parallel to the Lord's assuming his kingly office in the end of the Jewish age. R5772:5, R5845:2

I will not leave thee – He understood that the degree of his blessing would depend upon the closeness of his company with Elijah. R2341:4

A blessing came to all those who received their disappointment in the proper spirit and went on. R5772:5

If Elisha typifies the Great Company this would prove no outward separation between the Church and the Great Company. Q305:2

Those who are sifted out by the way will be neither of the Elijah nor of the Elisha classes. R2431:4

Elisha represents a persevering and faithful company. R558:1

Bethel – "God's House." - Gen. 28:11-22 (esp. vs 19, 22) - 1878 when the "sleeping saints" were raised to "God's House."
3 And the sons of the prophets that were at Bethel came forth to Elisha, and said to him, Dost thou know that Jehovah will take away thy master from over thy head to-day? And he said, I also know it: be silent! Sons of the prophets – Schools of the prophets, gatherings of young men desirous of studying the Law and appreciating the divine will. R3415:1, R3416:1, R2341:1

Apparently these schools were started in the time of Samuel as "summer schools," not a monastic order. R3430:3

If types, they would seem to represent a third class, acquainted with Elijah and Elisha, yet not particularly associated with them. R5772:1; Q666:2, 4

The theologians of that day. B266

Now, as then, some come together as schools for the study of prophecy; and now, as then, these schools are on the increase. R2341:2

That were at Beth-el – Exercising a wholesome influence for righteousness and the worship of God, the operation of the "still small voice." (1 Kings 19:12) R2341:1

Said unto him – In confidential whispers. R3416:2

Sons of the prophets – R4757 – Bible students who have not made a full consecration.
4 And Elijah said to him, Elisha, abide here, I pray thee; for Jehovah has sent me to Jericho. And he said, As Jehovah liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee! And they came to Jericho. Tarry here – See comments on 2 Kings 2:2.

Although not promises, it was not unreasonable to think of the Scripturally-marked date of Spring, 1878 as the time for the Church's glorification. R5772:5

Came to Jericho – Which means "his month," or "moon." HG70:2

Corresponded to 1881, parallel to the door being opened to the Gentiles. R5772:5, R5845:2

Jericho – "Fragrant." - 1881 - How appropriate a description! Here for the first time we find the body of Christ complete in number. All the priests either having finished their sacrifice or in the process of sacrificing, taking their prayers into the holy of the tabernacle and placing that incense on the golden altar so that it may go up as a sweet smelling ("fragrant") aroma to the Lord.
5 And the sons of the prophets that were at Jericho drew near to Elisha and said to him, Dost thou know that Jehovah will take away thy master from over thy head to-day? And he said, I also know it: be silent!
6 And Elijah said to him, Abide here, I pray thee; for Jehovah has sent me to the Jordan. And he said, As Jehovah liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee! And they two went on. Tarry, I pray thee – See comments on 2 Kings 2:2.

We assumed that 1881 might mean a change of dispensation and the glorification of the Church; but we were mistaken and went on. R5772:5

Sent me to Jordan – Which is judgment. HG70:4

The word Jordan has the significance of "judged down"; thus would seem to represent the peoples of earth, judged by the truth. R5846:2

To the Royal Priesthood, Jordan represents consecration unto death. R3087:1

Corresponding to October 1914, the close of the Times of the Gentiles. R5772:5, R5845:2

Jordan – "Judged down." - 1914, the time for the execution of God's judgment upon the nations of Christendom for they had indeed been "judged down." Here, at the end of the Gentile Times the church once again had reasonable expectation of going home.
7 And fifty men of the sons of the prophets went and stood opposite afar off; and they two stood by the Jordan. Fifty ... sons of the prophets – While refraining from following, they were deeply interested, and witnessed what transpired. R3416:3

They two stood by Jordan – At very nearly the same point the Lord wrought through Joshua the miraculous crossing of the Israelites. The steep hillside beyond Jordan was quite possibly Mt. Nebo, where Moses died. (Deut. 32:49, 50) R3416:3, R3429:2

So the Lord's people have been standing for some time since 1914. R5845:3; Q387:2

Sons of the prophets – Those acquainted with the teachings of Present Truth, but not consecrated.

Stood to view afar off – These had interest in 1914. What exactly would happen? These stood afar off, not becoming involved themselves, nevertheless, they were interested.
8 And Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped it together, and smote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither; and they two went over on dry ground. Elijah took his mantle – An outward indication, or sign, of God's power with Elijah; representing God's power and blessing with the Church. R5846:4, R5950:2 [? outward sign? site Editor]; Q387:2

Wrapped it together – Concentration of forces for the smiting. R5950:2

Evidently referring to some special power given to the Elijah class. Q387:2

It may mean a great deal of money. Q387:2

And smote the waters – In Bible symbolic language, water represents both truth and peoples. R5846:2

Pictures a mighty work yet to be accomplished, and apparently in the very near future. R5950:2

As Elijah did the smiting, so all those who belong to the Elijah class will have a share in it. R5988:4

The Church will use what is in their hand, the power and authority of the truth, the power of God, in smiting the waters, peoples, who will be judged by the truth. R5846:2, 4

The smiting will probably affect the whole civilized world. Q387:2

Apparently the consuming of the tares will correspond very closely with the division of Jordan. The smiting will reveal the truth in respect to what is the real Church of Christ and what are imitations. R5951:4

They were divided – People are to be separated from people, the truth being received by some and rejected by others. R5846:2, R5950:2

The division of the waters may require either years or months. R5888:4

Elijah – The church.

Took his mantle – Took his authority.

Wrapped it together – In a concentrated effort.

See Q387[Q387:2]. Note: Money spent in the "witness work"

1912 - 1/4 million dollars
1913 - 1/2 million dollars
1914 - 1 million dollars
1915 - 1/2 million dollars
1916 - 1/4 million dollars

Smote the waters – Waters picture "Truth" as well as "peoples, nations and tongues."

Divided hither and thither – The people were indeed divided by the Great War (WWI) into various camps, whereas before they were primarily either of the sea or the earth class. They either supported the kings of the earth (divine right of kings, by belief in it or by passive support) or they were opposed (primarily the sea class.) Once the spectacle of the "Kingdoms of Christ" (Christendom) going to war against each other was put before the people, they split into various groups. Communist, Fascist, Socialist, etc.

They two – Elijah and Elisha - Little Flock and Great Company.

Went over on dry ground – Passed the judgment of 1914 and did not get caught up in the political troubles associated with the dividing of the waters, thus going over on "dry ground."
9 And it came to pass when they had gone over, that Elijah said to Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I am taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me. Elisha – See comments on 2 Kings 2:1.

I pray thee – Elisha's special desire, above all things, was to have a large measure of the spirit of the Lord. R2431:5

A double portion – Not twice as much as Elijah possessed, but twice as much as given to any other. R3416:4, R3428:6

The portion of the first-born. R4771:1

Of thy spirit – Energy, force, power to teach. R558:2

An extra share of his spirit of consecration and power. R1132:4

And it came to pass – Not immediately but after some non-specific period of time.

Elisha said – Hear the expression, the attitude, of the Great Company.

Double portion – The portion of the firstborn.

Of thy spirit be upon me – This sounds just like the attitude of the Great Company. Remember the parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. "Give us of your oil." Matt. 25:8
10 And he said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so to thee; but if not, it shall not be so2. A hard thing – It will be a very difficult matter, even for those expecting the event, to recognize the change of the Elijah class. R558:2

If thou see me – If you continue steadfast and follow on, and are not separated by the trials by the way. Q305:2; R5772:6, R3417:2, R2341:5

Only in proportion as they discern the completion of the Elijah class will they become recipients of a large measure of Elijah's spirit and zeal. R3416:5

Only such as recognize the change of the Elijah class can fill the teaching position. R558:3

When I am taken – To some the thought of being taken away from the present life suddenly, violently, in fiery troubles, would be a terrible prospect; not so for the Elijah class. R5773:4

It shall be so – After the Elijah class has been glorified, the Elisha class will be energized by the change of dispensation and evidences of the fulfilling of the divine plan, to be practically as devoted and zealous as the Elijah class. R3416:6

If thou see me when I go – ?? IF the Elisha class pictures the Ancient Worthies, why would the church in the flesh ask this question of Elisha?

?? If the Elisha class pictures the Great Company, how would this work?
11 And it came to pass as they went on, and talked, that behold, a chariot of fire and horses of fire; and they parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into the heavens. They still went on – Not that they are necessarily personally acquainted in the antitype, but they walk the same road. R1132:2

Not disconcerted, Bible Students, since 1914, are going on, not headed for any particular date, even as Elijah was not directed to go to any other place. R5772:6

And talked – In sympathy and interest, friendship profitable and encouraging to both. R1132:3

A chariot – The Elijah class caught up in power and great glory; the spiritual exaltation of the Church. B254; R968:5, R2341:5, R5845:5, R2341:5; B260

A figure of victory and glorious escape from the whirlwind of trouble. B260

Ours is the real deliverance by chariots of victory and divine power from death. R3429:1

Of fire – May signify that the last members of the Church will be separated under very trying circumstances, fiery trials, persecutions, violence. R2341:5, R3417:2, R5569:5, R5772:6, R5845:5, R5950:2; Q259:4

Horses of fire – Spiritual doctrines. R1132:6

And parted them both – Separating the Elijah and the Elisha classes, the Little Flock and the Great Company. R5845:3, R5950:2, R4757:6, R5773:1

Already (1889) the fiery chariot begins to separate the classes. R1132:2

Elijah went up – The close of the Church's career in the flesh will come suddenly, abruptly. R4757:6

We expect that the Church, the antitypical Elijah, will all have passed beyond the veil before the anarchy predicted in the Bible. R5794:5

The transfiguration of Elijah was a picture, or vision, of the change of the Church at the end of this age. Q259:4

By a whirlwind – See comments on 2 Kings 2:1.

Many of the Lord's people will be taken from the present life in some anarchistic movement. R5845:6, R5773:1, R5950:3, R5867:4, R2341:6; Q259:4

Fierce trouble, agitating the heavens or ecclesiastical powers. R3417:3

And not by the chariots. R3417:2, R1132:4

Further trouble to the chariot experience. R5773:1

Into heaven – No doubt buried somewhere by the Lord, as Moses was buried secretly. R2342:4

Possibly to some other world, to return in due time to impress certain lessons on mankind. R3417:4

If still alive, still under the death sentence, not escaped from the bondage of corruption. R3417:5

See comments on 2 Kings 2:1.

It came to pass – Eventually, after some period of time.

They still went on – Continued to walk together, Church and Great Company.

And talked – No change between them. Both little flock and great company continue in fellowship together.

There appeared – Possibly indicating this was not there before.

A chariot – An organization.

Of fire – Heat, trials, trouble. An organization that caused trials and trouble.

Horses of fire – Doctrines that cause trials. Fiery doctrines.

And parted them both asunder – These doctrines coming from this organization are so severe that it causes a separation between the church and the great company.

Elijah went up – During this time the church finishes its course.

By a whirlwind – During the time of the great whirlwind. This is the same whirlwind created by the loosing of the Four Winds.

Into heaven – The true heaven, to be with the Lord.

It should be noted that the separation here is caused by doctrines coming from an organization. This account does NOT say that Elijah went up to heaven IN this chariot, but he goes up "BY a whirlwind." Thus the church class finishes her course during the great time of trouble.
12 And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father! the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof! And he saw him no more. Then he took hold of his own garments and rent them in two pieces. Elisha – See comments on 2 Kings 2:1.

Saw it – Holding back from the persecution, but not drawing back to sin, or to a repudiation of the Lord. R5950:3

Rent them in two pieces – An act, in that day, symbolic of grief, sorrow and mourning. R3429:2

Elisha saw it – The great company recognizes that the church (Elijah) is gone.

The chariot of Israel – Translating the symbolic language this reads: "The organization of the Lord's people."

The horsmen thereof – "The riders of the doctrines of the organization of the Lord's people."

What bearing does 2 Kings 13:14 have on this?

His own clothes and rent them – In symbolic act of sorrow. This was the standard way of the Jews to show extreme sorrow, as mourning the dead.

Rent them in two – Possibly picturing that Elisha pictures the two classes
1) Great Company
2) Ancient Worthies.
13 And he took up the mantle of Elijah which fell from him, and went back and stood by the bank of the Jordan; He took up also – Representing that Elisha had become Elijah's successor, to receive a special blessing of the Elijah spirit. R5771:6; B265

Continuing for a while the work that Elijah had been doing. R3416:6, R5771:6

The mantle – The power and spirit of fuller consecration. R1132:5

Elijah's mantle of power and authority as the Lord's representative (See 2 Kings 2:8). R5780:1; Q260:3, Q305:2

The receiving by Elisha of power seems to correspond to the "foolish virgins" getting their oil. (Matt. 25) R3416:6

Elijah – See comments on 2 Kings 2:1.

He took up also the mantle of Elijah – The great company takes on the authority of Elijah, i.e., the spirit of the church class.

Stood by the bank of Jordan – It would appear that the great company class revisits the work of the Elijah class in the smiting of the Jordan.
14 and he took the mantle of Elijah which had fallen from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is Jehovah, the God of Elijah? He also smote the waters, and they parted hither and thither, and Elisha went over. Smote the waters – The Elisha class passes through death in much the same way as the Elijah class does. Q260:3, Q305:2; R3417:1

Where is the LORD God of Elijah? – That is to say, Is not the Lord God of Elijah with me? Showing faith that the same power of God exercised through Elijah would be exercised through him. R2341:6

Elisha – Our thought is that he typified two classes: first that he typified those associated with the Elijah class (the Great Company); and that after the taking of Elijah and re-crossing the Jordan (picturing the death of the Great Company) he became a type of those associated with the dispensing of restitution blessings (the Ancient Worthies). R5780:1, R4758:2; Q305:2; R3429:3, R3417:1; Q260:3

He – The Elisha class, the great company.

Took the mantle of Elijah – The spirit of action.

Smote the waters – Just as did Elijah but with one important exception. In this case there is no folding of the mantle, no such concentrated effort as was done when Elijah smote the waters.

Where is the LORD God of Elijah? – See R2341 on this phrase.

When he had smitten the waters – Here Elisha (Great Company) is shown as being activitated to do the same works as Elijah (the Church), thus verifying that "the spirit of Elijah now rests on Elisha.")

Crossed over – Perhaps indicating the change of Elisha from the earthly to the heavenly condition.

15 And the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho on the opposite side saw him, and they said, The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha. And they came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him, Sons of the prophets – See comments on 2 Kings 2:3.

Doth rest on Elisha – See comments on 2 Kings 2:1.

The meaning of the name Elisha is "mighty deliverer," and the career of Elisha was one of restitution work. B266

Sons of the prophets – Those of the household of faith who know enough of the Divine Plan to recognize the two salvations.

See R3429.

Which were to view at Jericho – Which recognized the thought that the full number had been reached in 1881 (indicated by Jericho - see comments on vs. 4.)

Saw him – Saw Elisha (who now pictures the Ancient Worthies.)

The spirit of Elijah – The Holy Spirit of full consecration, authority and activity in the Lord's work.

Now doth rest on Elisha – Is now with the earthly representatives of the Kingdom, the Ancient Worthies.

They came to meet him – These believers, who had not made a full consecration when the door to the high calling was open, would likely be the first to recognize and 'meet' (cooperate) with the Ancient Worthies.

Bowed themselves to the ground before him – Indicating a recognition of the authority of the Ancient Worthies.
16 and said to him, Behold now, there are with thy servants fifty valiant men; let them go, we pray thee, and seek thy master, lest perhaps the Spirit of Jehovah have taken him up, and cast him upon some mountain, or into some ravine. And he said, Ye shall not send. Seek thy master – Illustrating how the world will be as ignorant of the glorification of the true Church as they were of the glorification of its head at the commencement of the age. R558:3

Let them go .. and seek thy master – Is the church class really gone to heaven?

He – Elisha, the Ancient Worthies.

Said, Ye shall not send – There is no reason to look for the church class for they are gone to heaven.
17 And they pressed him till he was ashamed, and he said, Send. They sent therefore fifty men, and they sought three days, but did not find him. And they sought – Certain classes of Christian people may doubt that the Church has really gone to glory, but afterwards they are thoroughly convinced. R5772:1, R3429:4

Three days – May be symbolic, representing three years. R5772:1, R3429:4

They sought three days, but found him not – See R5772
18 And they came again to him (now he was staying at Jericho); and he said to them, Did I not say to you, Go not? Tarried at Jericho – The word "Jericho" signifies "His moon" or "month." There is a hint in this that Jericho typifies fleshly Israel, which will be the first to recognize the Elisha class, the Ancient Worthies. R3429:5

Jericho – There appear to be two meanings for the name 'Jericho.'
  1) Its month.
  2) Fragrant.
While the second (fragrant) fits very nicely with 1881 (the full number - 144,000 all sacrificing wound indeed be a sweet fragrance to the Lord), the reference to month or moon seems to most appropriately fit with the thought of the New (Law) Covenant. The Law Covenant is symbolized by the moon (Rev. 12:1) and so is the New Law Covenant.

This would support the thought that Elisha (at this point in the picture) is now a picture of the Ancient Worthies (who are raised at the beginning of the establishment of the New Covenant.)

19 And the men of the city said to Elisha, Behold now, the situation of the city is good, as my lord sees; but the water is bad, and the land is barren. The water is naught – Brackish, representing impure doctrines. R5780:2; B266; R4758:4

20 And he said, Bring me a new cruse, and put salt in it. And they brought it to him. A new cruse – Representing the new institutions, new conditions, new views of the Jews respecting Christ and the glorified spiritual Israel. R3429:6

Put salt therein – "Ye are the salt of the earth." (Matt. 5:13) R3429:6

21 And he went forth to the source of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith Jehovah: I have healed these waters: there shall not be from thence any more death or barrenness. Unto the spring – Representing the Word of God. B266

Representing the Law. R3429:5

Of the waters – Representing the waters of truth, now brackish with error. B266, R4758:4, R5780:2, R2345:3

And cast the salt – The purifying property of salt is here referred to. R2099:2

"Ye are the salt of the earth." (Matt. 5:13) It will be in and throughme, the streams of truth for human refreshment. R5780:2, R4758:4

The Law was in itself just, perfect, good, yet it lacked something necessary to make it a blessing to Israel--the work of Christ fulfilling the Law and removing its condemnation. R3429:5

Healed these waters – Cleansing from untruth and error, by the glorified Church, through the Ancient Worthies, to the world, through the Jews. This is also what St. Paul calls to our attention in Rom. 11:25-33. R4758:4, R5780:2

22 And the waters were healed to this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spoke.

23 And he went up from thence to Bethel, and as he went up by the way, there came forth little boys out of the city, and mocked him, and said to him, Go up, bald head; go up, bald head! Little children – Not babies, but young hoodlums, from 10 to 20 years of age. R4758:2, R5780:2, R3429:6

Out of the city – Indicating that amongst natural Israel will be some who will not appreciate the healing work done by the Elisha class. R3429:6

These will disregard the instructions of the earthly representatives of the Kingdom. R3429:6

Go up – Your master, Elijah, went up to heaven in a whirlwind. Why do not you go also? R4758:1

Thou bald head – You are a bald head, or one who has lost his master. R4758:1

A particularly opprobrious epithet in those days. R3429:6

Failing to render a proper appreciation of the dignity of the office of the Ancient Worthies as chosen agents of the heavenly Kingdom. R3430:1

24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of Jehovah. And there came forth two she-bears out of the wood, and tore forty-two children of them. Cursed – Declared them "evil in the name of Jehovah" (Young's translation). R3429:6

He did not swear at them, but denounced their conduct as wrong and declared that it would have a punishment. R5780:2, R4758:1

And tare – Tore them, wounded them; there is no suggestion that the bears ate them or killed them. R5780:2, R4758:2

"When thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness." (Isa. 26:9) R5780:3, R3430:1

So there will be judgments in the world during the Millennium; punishments for every wrong course, rewards for every right deed. R5780:3, R3429:6, R4758:5

2 Kings 25:1

Ninth year of his reign – This refers to the ninth year of Zedekiah's reign, not the ninth year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign.
25 And he went from thence to mount Carmel, and from thence he returned to Samaria.
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