STUDY – JULY 28-29, 2007
Mahomet, IL Convention
Bro. James Marten
Dear Brethren The study we have been assigned can be controversial and we hope we can come to some conclusions by the consideration of the following Reprint Articles: 497 and R509 on the 'Seven Last Plagues' and also R 4057 'The Voice of the Three Signs'.
We would like to determine some of the following points:
- What are the plagues?
- To whom do the plagues apply?
- When did they begin or have they begun?
- What agencies are used in the pouring out of the plagues?
- What relationship does the call 'come out of her my people, that ye be partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.' (Rev. 18:4) have to our study?
- What is suggested in R 4057 as the 'Voice of the Three Signs' and when do they apply?
1. What is the meant by the term Babylon and to whom does it apply?
2. What is the condition of so-called Babylon today?
3. Are there any of the Lord's people in Babylon today?
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4. What is meant by the expression 'Babylon is fallen, is fallen'?
5. What action is to be taken by those who hear the Lord's call?
6. What is meant by the expression 'Babylon cast into the sea?' (
Psa. 46:2;
Jer. 51:62-64;
Rev. 18:21)
7. Where does the nominal church stand in relationship to the world? Explain some of their minister's views
8. Summarize some of the points under this sub-topic
9. What description is given of the plagues and who are involved?
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10. Have all heard God's voice? (2007)
11. What is the voice from heaven? Explain.
If time permits'..
12. What are some of the points made concerning this sub-topic?
13. Are the principles set forth in this sub-topic applicable today?
14. What part did the Photo-Drama play as the 'voice of God?'