John Chapter 14 [YLT]

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1 'Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, also in me believe; Let not – Three chapters of St. John's Gospel (14, 15 and 16) record the incidents of the intervening time between the leaving of the upper room and the arriving at Gethsemane, the place of the oil press. R4707:2

Hiding his own sorrow, he comforted them, and thus set an example to all of his followers. SM263:1

Be troubled – After washing the disciples' feet, giving the sop to Judas, telling the disciples that they would all be offended and Peter that he would deny him thrice, we may well suppose that their hearts were filled with fearful foreboding. R2453:3

He sought not needlessly to make them mourn, but sought to prepare them for the ordeal. R102:2*

The trouble in their hearts was not in respect to the foundations of their hopes, for these were well established, The whole question before their minds was respecting Jesus--if he was the Messiah? R2453:6

They needed comfort, and the Master proceeded to give them the best and strongest spiritual food and instruction that they were able to receive. R2454:1

The Father knows your heart troubles. He wishes the burden to be there until you shall appreciate its weight, until you shall be ready to cry to him that you are sin-sick. OV180:4

Ye believe in God – In the hour of trouble remarkably few doubt the existence of God. But as we look to the Almighty for protection and realize our own weaknesses and shortcomings, the heart of man fails. OV180:T

Believe also in me – Believe that the Father hath sent me. OV180:3

Recognize the fact that all of the Father's plan will be accomplished, and inasmuch as you have seen my loyalty to the Father, continue to trust me. R2454:2

While still sharers in the trials, the consolations of the Scriptures offset these troubles and make of them "light afflictions" (2 Cor. 4:17), not worthy to be compared with the glories promised to be revealed to us. SM271:T

2 in the house of my Father are many mansions; and if not, I would have told you; I go on to prepare a place for you; In my Father's house – All creation is the Heavenly Father's house. R4064:3

The Father's house is really the universe, and figuratively speaking heaven is his throne, the earth his footstool. R2454:2; Q775:4

The Universe, and the different members of his great family. Q453:2

The Kingdom. R632:4*

Are many mansions – Many apartments, many planes, but all harmonious, grand. R4159:4, 2454:2

Many stations; one is for the angels, another for the Little Flock of the elect, and still another for the world in general. SM85:2; HG235:1

Upon different planes of being he has creatures made in his own likeness, called sons; and for each of these a provision has been made suited to their conditions, nature, etc. R4064:3; HG751:6; Q452:T

We know not how many angelic orders there are, but the Scriptures intimate that there are spirit beings of various grades, of different nature, each perfect, but differing one from the other. Q776:T, 452:2

Conditions of being. What he was going to prepare for the Church was not all that is to be attained by God's creatures. A Kingdom has been prepared from the foundation of the world for the human sons. R632:4*

The Scripture testimony clearly and explicitly points in every instance to the second advent of Christ, and the resurrection, as first, the hope of the Church, and, second, the hope of the world. F664

To be fit for any place in the Father's house all must cease to be children of wrath and become children of love. F403

I go – Our Lord's ascension was not only according to the type--not arbitrarily; it was an essential part of the plan. It corresponded to the act of the high priest entering into the Most Holy with the blood of atonement and presenting it before the Mercy Seat, together with the sweet incense. R1828:3, 5181:6

It was necessary that, after laying down his life, he should ascend to the Father and present his sacrifice as on man's behalf, as man's ransom. R2454:3

Explanatory of John 13:33-36. R700:2

To prepare – God has provided for mankind; the earth was made for man. But now was a new thing, a new creation, and there was no place for the new creation. Q453:2; R4966:2

Thus far no provision existed for a family of sons on the divine plane. Our Lord Jesus was the first born to this condition, and it is only through his merit that the Church can have this inheritance. R4064:3, 5181:6, 4973:6

There is no place yet for this "new creation," except in the Father's purpose, or plan, in which provision for the Church, as the Bride of Christ, has already been made. Q776:T; R4974:1

There is no "Bride" now; Jesus, during the Gospel age, has been preparing a place for the Bride. Q750:2

By making an imputation of his merit on behalf of the Church, thereby permitting them to become participators with him in present sufferings, that they may also become sharers with him in future glories. R5181:6; Q453:T

Not only present the ransom sacrifice on our behalf, but also that he might succor and help us to the eternal city and might correct and discipline us, and thus prepare us for the new conditions. R4064:3

He was to prepare the place, and they were to be prepared for the place through the teaching of the holy Spirit. R526:3*, 341:4*; Q776:T

A place – An official position. R341:4*

A place in the divine nature. Q453:2

On the heavenly plane. CR401:6; R5654:6

One special place in the divine family would be made for the special followers of the Lord. The chief mansion will be for those called to the highest honor. HG751:6

The Bride of Christ shall, in the resurrection, be like unto the angels, heavenly or spirit beings. But the place for man, the earth, is a very different one from ours. R4966:2; SM122:T

Like unto the angels, but higher than the angels. Q776:T

"We know that if our earthly house of this temporary dwelling-place were dissolved, we have a permanent structure of God, a house not made with hands, everlasting, heavenly." (2 Cor. 5:1) F673

For you – The Church, as represented by the twelve. R154:6*

All the disciples and followers, not only the Apostles, but the humblest of the sheep, are included in these conditions and the promised rewards of the faithful. NS591:6

This word does not apply to the world, in the sense of embracing the whole human race. R526:3*

3 and if I go on and prepare for you a place, again do I come, and will receive you unto myself, that where I am ye also may be; If I go – The leaving of his flock for a time was incidental to their testing proving, and development. R5694:5

I will come again – This will be the second advent. CR401:6; R5654:6

The Master says not a word about our going to him, but quite the contrary, that he will come and receive us unto himself. R5132:2, 2765:2, 1881:6, 700:2

Why say this if the Apostles were to go to heaven immediately at death? 334:5

Jesus would "depart" from the Father and at the same time "return" to his disciples. Q751:2

This Scripture is rendered meaningless by the acceptance of the theory that each member of the Church at death passes immediately into glory. HG267:6

It is because the believers of the past as well as the believers of the present age could not go to our Lord, that all of them looked earnestly for his return, his second advent. R2438:3

In like manner as he went away, quietly, secretly, so far as the world was concerned, and unknown except to his followers. B154; NS656:6

We look backward, if we have faith, to Christ dying on the cross, and we ought to look forward no less, if we have hope, to Christ coming again. R2798:3*

He has come, he is even now present, and will soon receive us unto himself forevermore. R5863:1

The interim between our Lord's death and his second advent is not long: from God's standpoint, "a thousand years are as one day" (2 Pet. 3:8); from the believer's standpoint, his average life and waiting about 50 years. R2454:3

Some confound the presence of Christ as a spiritual being with the presence of the Spirit of Christ. They are quite distinct. The latter never left the Church. Here we refer to the personal presence, which did go away and will come again as a spiritual body. R580:4; A89; B105; OV222:1

A personal coming and not, as quite a number think, that when sinners are converted, that forms a part of the coming of Christ. HG341:3; OV222:2

Not referring to the descent of the holy Spirit at Pentecost, or the destruction of Jerusalem, for in Revelation, 26 years later, he says, "Behold, I come quickly," and John replies, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus." (Rev. 22:12,20) A89

Error has so beclouded this clear statement that many have reached the impression that Jesus comes again every time one of his faithful followers dies. HG664:4

All of these procedures are of the Father, though through the Son. F399

And receive you – The object of Christ's second coming is to receive or gather his Church unto himself. Because neither Christ nor Paul mention any interval, it is most commonly supposed that the gathering is immediately after his coming. R154:6*

A comparatively large proportion of true Christians are not living in that attitude of heart and daily life which would permit them to anticipate this meeting with sentiments of pleasure. R3191:3

Not only false doctrines, but sin, likewise, hinders joyful anticipation, inducing shame and fear--knowing that even those conditions of heart which may be hidden from fellow-servants cannot be hidden from the Master. R3191:3

Paul believed this doctrine and taught it to others, and was looking for and waiting for the Savior from heaven, when he would "ever be with the Lord." (Phil. 3:20; 1 Thess. 1:10; 4:16,17) F671; R1827:1

Unto myself – And take you to the heavenly plane by a change of nature from the earthly to the heavenly by a resurrection. CR401:6

His Bride is to be the Church glorified. The marriage takes place at the second advent of Christ. The reign of Christ, Bride and Bridegroom, follows. Q838:2

Under Jewish custom, the espousal brought the same obligation of chastity as though the marriage had taken place. Thus the Church, by her vow, is obligated to the full, although the marriage with the Heavenly Bridegroom will not take place until his second advent. SM122:T

Thus to enter into his glory and become heirs of God and joint-heirs with himself in the Kingdom. NS296:1

Their gathering unto him must precede their coming with him. (Zech. 14:5) R154:6*

Ye may be also – The presence and providential care of the Lord in ones affairs, all being consecrated to the divine will, bring a peace and joy which the world knows not of. NS451:3

4 and whither I go away ye have known, and the way ye have known.' Whither I go – For three years our Lord had been making them acquainted with the Father's character, hence they were to feel that they knew the Father better than ever, and could appreciate such a home of righteousness. R2454:4

The way ye know – Their experience with the Lord, and under his instructions and leading, had made them acquainted with the way to God, even though they did not recognize it as such. R2454:4

5 Thomas saith to him, 'Sir, we have not known whither thou goest away, and how are we able to know the way '
6 Jesus saith to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one doth come unto the Father, if not through me; I am the way – The way to the Father. R493:1*

In that only through his sacrifice, the "ransom," imputing his merit to sinners, could they be made acceptable to the Father or be received back again into fellowship with him. R2454:5

There is only one way of return, through acceptance of Christ and obedience testifying thereto. Its gate is Faith, and at present it is a very difficult road to travel, even after it has been found. R1771:1

There was only one gateway to enter the Holy Place or Court; the type thus testifying that there is but one way of access to God, one Gate, Jesus. T18

He is our Ransom, or Way; our Teacher, or Instructor in righteousness, in the truth, and our Life-giver. R2454:5

The breaking of Jesus' body opened the "narrow way" to life, and broke or unsealed and gave us access to the truth, spiritual food, as an aid to walk the narrow way which leads to life. (Matt. 7:14) R1636:3, 840:2, 466:5

Before justification, while getting a sight of our sin and corruption, we cry unto Jesus; he is our way unto God. R469:1*

Reconciliation with God was impossible until first the redemption had been secured, that the one seeking at-one-ment might approach God through the Mediator of the New Covenant. E28

The door of Israel's Law Covenant was barred by justice. There could be no proper ingress or egress. All were prisoners of the Law, shut up unto that hope which should afterward be revealed, namely, Christ. R2441:5

The truth – The truth relating to the Father. R493:1*

In the sense that only through his words, his instructions, his guidance, could there be any hope of coming into harmony with the spirit of God, the spirit of truth. R2454:5

Through him, the Word, and the Truth and the Life, they were sanctified, while he sanctified himself. R444:4*

He was sanctified by the truth, but he himself said, also, "I am the truth." R442:4

And the life – In that all the race was dead, under divine sentence, and none could come again into life conditions except through him. R2454:5

This is a prize never until the Gospel age placed within the reach of any, and it is obtainable only during this age. R814:2*

The life from the Father. R493:1*

No man – Those today turning to the Law, to good deeds and self-denials as the basis of hoped-for future life forget or fail to see that, because of sin and depravity, none can render perfect works to God. R688:1

So also Christ will be the Way, the Truth and the Life to the world of mankind in the Millennial age. R2454:5

Unto the Father – We must be drawn first ( John 6:44) before we can come to Jesus, and then we must come to Jesus before we can have access to the Father. CR40:5; 346:5

If we merely come to the Advocate and do not proceed further we are not going to the Father. We must come to the Father in the name and through the merit of the one who redeemed us. Q734:6

We are "accepted in the beloved" (Eph. 1:6) by the Father, as sons. R1007:2

But by me – First of all, Jesus is made unto us wisdom. He gives us the necessary knowledge to come to God. Q123:5

God refuses to have any dealings whatsoever with those who cannot or will not accept of the great sin-offering which he has provided. R5737:2

The Lord causes his sun to shine upon the just and the unjust, and his rain to fall upon good and bad alike. (Matt. 5:45) But he recognizes none as his servants except those who have come to him in the appointed way. SM511:2

This excludes Jews, Mohammedans, the heathen; all who have not a knowledge of Christ and a faith in him as the Redeemer. R2252:3

Only such as are in covenant relationship with God have any right to go to God in prayer, to ask either forgiveness of sins or anything else. R5690:5, 5692:2, 3806:2, 2252:3

He cannot go to the Heavenly Father direct, but he can go to Jesus, because him hath God set forth to be our Savior. He did not say, "No man can come to me except through a preacher, bishop or pope." ; HG694:2; R4786:4

As in the type, none but the priests offered incense before the Lord, so only the royal priesthood, the members of the Body of Christ, have this privilege in the present time. R3806:3

Where the husband or wife is not a child of God, unbegotten of the Spirit, it would be inappropriate that he or she lead in the worship, addressing the throne of grace. R3806:2

The apostles declare the necessity of an Advocate with the Father before any can approach him, come into his presence or receive any favor from him. HG621:6

There is a general tendency to ignore personal faith in the redeeming blood. Prayer is a wonderful privilege. It is not for sinners, but for those who have been justified by the great Advocate, Jesus. R5379:2, 5877:2, 5737:2

He is the Advocate for those who become his disciples and who engage to walk in his steps; but he is not the Advocate for the world--merely for the special class, his followers. R5690:6

God (the Father) "heareth not sinners" ( John 9:31), but Jesus does. He says, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matt. 11:28) R469:1*, 2024:1; CR304:6

Through an acknowledgment of sin and imperfection, and the realization of the need of a Savior. CR167:3

The Lord Jesus does not spurn sinners who evince a desire to forsake sin and to approach him. By their measure of faith and obedience all such are justified to fellowship with him. R5196:1

Contrary to the Roman Catholic Church tenet of praying to saints. R560:5*

The court of heaven has regulations and ceremonies of respect and due deference which must be complied with by every man who would gain an audience with the King of kings. R1864:5

While God's desires and plan are all centered in Christ, yet "he desires all men to be saved and to come to an accurate knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim. 2:4, Diaglott) R1781:6, 1273:4

Faith in any creed or system of religious teaching not wholly founded on Jesus, as the purchaser or redeemer, and expression of God, is a delusion. R555:3*

Our Lord forewarns of various theories of salvation through another channel than that which God has provided. SM268:2

The channel of all of God's mercy is Christ Jesus. R5179:3

An Advocate in this age, and a Mediator in the next. R5833:1

Whoever attempts to come to the Father in his own righteousness, or in the righteousness and merit of any other than this Savior, the same is a thief and a robber. ( John 10:1) ; NS411:5; CR368:4

7 if ye had known me, my Father also ye would have known, and from this time ye have known Him, and have seen Him.' Known me – Understood me. R493:1*

Known my Father – Our Lord Jesus expressed and fully manifested the Father's love. R2466:4

To know God we must gain knowledge of him, and knowledge is assured belief, enlightenment, acquaintance with or understanding of God, his plans and purposes as revealed in Christ. R493:1*

Have seen him – Jesus revealed or caused his disciples to see his Father by making known his character, revealing him by words and deeds as the God of Love. T86

Seeing with the natural eye and hearing with the natural ear are not all there is of seeing and hearing. All of God's children have seen him, known him, and held communion with him. B122

The word "see" has a fuller meaning than eyesight. It is "to know," "to recognize." R453:4

8 Philip saith to him, 'Sir, shew to us the Father, and it is enough for us;'
9 Jesus saith to him, 'So long time am I with you, and thou hast not known me, Philip he who hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how dost thou say, Shew to us the Father Hath seen the Father – As it was impossible for the Lord's followers to actually see God, the only way in which they could see him was in the representative sense. Our Lord Jesus fully and perfectly represented the Father. He was God manifested in the flesh. Q781:T; R5653:6

In seeing Jesus they saw the most that was possible to be seen of the divine character, its likeness, its perfect image in the flesh. E77; R2454:6; CR249:2

He was the living representative of the living Father who had sent him. R1298:6*

Perfect man is a perfect image of the invisible God. During the Millennium the Ancient Worthies, perfected, will be the best representatives among men of the Heavenly Father, Heavenly Son and Heavenly Bride. E77

10 Believest thou not that I [am] in the Father, and the Father is in me the sayings that I speak to you, from myself I speak not, and the Father who is abiding in me, Himself doth the works; In the Father – Not that he was the Father, for this he had distinctly disclaimed repeatedly, telling them that the Father was greater, and that the works which he did were done by the Father's power. R2454:6

Not of myself – As a man. T54

Not merely because he was a perfect man while all others were imperfect, but also because his words were indited of the indwelling Spirit of the Father, men said of him, "Never man spake like this man." ( John 7:46) R240:4

That dwelleth in me – By his spirit. T54

The anointed Jesus, filled with the holy Spirit at the moment of baptism, was the divine "new creature," though not perfected as divine until the resurrection. T54

He doeth the works – He ascribed always the honor to the Father. He was merely the Finger of God. R5920:2, 3161:2; HG661:4

Jesus' claim was that he was "a Son," an obedient son, who did not do his own will, but the Father's who sent him. R369:5

Neither Elijah, Elisha nor Jesus claimed to awaken the dead by their own power. It was the power of Jehovah delegated to, or active through them. R810:4

Before his death he had none but human powers, except as the Father's power was operated and manifested through him; since his resurrection he claims divine powers, not as the Father in him, but as his own. R188:6

If we, as our Head, are "led by the Spirit of God" even unto death, we become "the sons of God," who will also "work in us to will and to do of his good pleasure." (Phil. 2:13) R418:1, 164:6

11 believe me, that I [am] in the Father, and the Father in me; and if not, because of the works themselves, believe me. In the Father – He would have them understand the unity subsisting between the Father and himself. His will was buried into the Father's will. He would have no other. His words and works fully and completely represented the Father. R2454:6

12 'Verily, verily, I say to you, he who is believing in me, the works that I do that one also shall do, and greater than these he shall do, because I go on to my Father; Greater works – Referring to the spiritual work of the Church during this Gospel age--opening the eyes of men's understanding. R1722:4

Which is the greater work--the opening of the eyes of the naturally blind, or the opening of the eyes of the understanding? R2582:5, 4314:2, 2455:4

Not any of his followers have ever been able to do "greater works" than he accomplished in opening blind eyes, etc. These works, therefore, must be of a different nature or on a larger scale. Both are true. Q805:5

When the holy Spirit was come, after Pentecost, the Lord's people, in his name, and as his representatives, began to do greater, more wonderful works than those which he himself had performed. R2455:4, 5104:4

Referring either (1) to a future work in which the Church will share with her Lord, during the Millennium, or (2) the works of spiritual quickening and revival as higher than physical healing and revival. R2126:4, 2454:6; Q806:T

Then the sick and the dead were only partially restored, and for a limited time only, which is as nothing compared to the full restitution of the health and vigor of perfect everlasting life. R2000:5

The Lord's works were on a fleshly plane as a matter of necessity. The holy Spirit had not yet come. R2455:1

Amongst these the Lord mentions the quickening of the dead, looking down into the future, to the resurrection of the Church in glory and to the subsequent resurrection of the world during the Millennial age. R2434:3; Q806:T

Because I go – He ascended on high, presenting the merits of his sacrifice, so that he could bestow the holy Spirit. Receiving this Spirit, his followers would be able to accomplish the "greater works" of opening spiritually blind eyes, etc. Q806:T; R5104:4

His going was expedient (1) to make intercession for us, and (2) to receive his Kingdom and permit him to bring gifts for us--chiefly, the holy Spirit. R1829:1

13 and whatever ye may ask in my name, I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; In my name – Means more than merely "by his authority." It means that the petitioner must realize his own actual unworthiness to be received, and therefore he presents it in the merit of Christ, his Ransomer. R1410:4

Not that our Lord Jesus should no longer be recognized in prayer, but rather that, as the disciples had freedom toward Christ and confidence in approaching him, the time was coming when they could approach the Father direct, in his name. R1580:6

That will I do – As the active agent of the Father. R2455:4

The answer is certain. R5380:1*

14 if ye ask anything in my name I will do [it].
15 'If ye love me, my commands keep, If ye love me – Loving obedience must be more pleasing to the Lord than anything short of it, and doing it is the best evidence of love. R85:4*

Keep my commandments – His commandment is: "A new commandment give I unto you, that ye love one another as I have loved you" ( John 13:34), with such a love as would lay down life for the brethren. NS566:1

As God's love shows itself in his works, so will our love show itself in our works. R21:4*

Absolute perfection would mean perfection of thought, word and deed. The most that any of us can have now is perfection of love in our hearts. Those who have perfect love will fullfil their sacrifice. R4837:5

In honor to give each other preference, to forgive one another, to sacrifice for each other, to love even enemies-- John speaks of these commands of the Lord, and not the Ten Commandments of Israel's Law Covenant. R1730:6, 976:3

These commandments, under which we are placed, are not grievous and impossible to obey as were those of the Jewish Law Covenant, for Christ's yoke is easy and his burden is light. R1731:1, 976:4 14:16

I will pray – The gift of the holy Spirit comes to us, not because of any direct relationship between the Father and us, but at the instance of our Lord Jesus, at his request and for his account the Father does this. R2456:2

How could one equal in authority pray to another that a third one equal to either of them should be shed forth as a gift? R4166:5

He shall give you – The holy Spirit must come from the Father, not from the Son. R4307:1, 4166:5

The promise of the Comforter, the holy Spirit, though it was ultimately to reach the whole Church through the ministration of the apostles, was specially given to them. R1525:3

The Apostle Peter said that our Lord, having been exalted to the right hand of divine power, received this holy Spirit from the Father and shed it forth or sprayed it forth upon his followers at Pentecost. R4166:5

Another – Instead of our Lord Jesus himself, whose going away was necessary and expedient. R4307:1

Our Lord thus mentions himself as a comforter. At the close of his ministry we hear him say, "I will not leave you comfortless"--orphans, bereaved of a caretaker. R3434:3

Our Lord Jesus was a comforter in Zion above and beyond all other comforters. He entered into sympathy with the meek and lowly and right-intentioned in all their weaknesses, trials and difficulties. This is the hold his character and words have today on our hearts. R3434:3

He was limited, as a man in the flesh, to the ordinary means of travel, and could only be in one place at a time, but the Spirit can be everywhere, and with any number of people at once. R102:5*

The holy Spirit would be another Comforter, but the comfort would be of the same kind. R2455:3

Not implying that another God is meant, or another person of a trinity of Gods. E204

Comforter – Greek, parakletos. The thought usually conveyed by the word comfort, to soothe or pacify, is not the correct one. The correct thought is that of help, encouragement, assistance, strengthening; to sustain. E202; R2455:3

Not merely a comforter of woes and a soother of fears, but it would quicken their understandings, strengthen their zeal, and energize them for doing and enduring such things as divine providence might permit. R2455:6

The Spirit is a Comforter because it is a Teacher, as was Jesus himself. R102:3*

A comforting influence, a guide, an instructor and helper to the Lord's people in the narrow way. R4166:5

Foretold in advance: "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because he hath sent me to comfort all that mourn." (Isa. 61:1-3) R3434:3

Invisible, but its effects are tangible and visible, as illustrated by the electric current in the copper wire. E203

This meant to them a new era, a new dispensation. R2818:2

Abide with you – This abiding was not to be a temporary matter, for a day, a month, a year, but to the end of the age, age-lasting, for the entire period. R4167:1

Had our Lord remained as a person in the flesh, he would have been hampered by the fleshly and earthly conditions. R4307:1

For ever – Greek, aion, the age. R183:4, 2455:6, 4167:1

16 and I will ask the Father, and another Comforter He will give to you, that he may remain with you to the age;
17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world is not able to receive, because it doth not behold him, nor know him, and ye know him, because he doth remain with you, and shall be in you. The Spirit of truth – As God's children we are entitled to be "filled with the spirit" and we cannot ask for this filling too earnestly, nor too frequently go to the fountain of truth at which we may copiously drink into his spirit. The more of the spirit we receive, the more we will have room for. R183:4

Although a knowledge of the Truth is essential to possession of the Spirit of the Truth, nevertheless, one might have much knowledge of the Word of God without having any of its Spirit. E205

Not the letter only, but the very nature of truth, the truth itself, should be their guide. R526:6*

The truth itself is the main channel of the Spirit of Truth; but all who are closely connected with the truth, and have its spirit, are to that extent also channels through which the Spirit influences others. E203

Our Lord indicated the channel through which the Spirit of Truth would come to his people, saying, "The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life." ( John 6:63) E204

Whom – This passage has no reference to a person, but to the influence of the truth. The Diaglott reads: "The Spirit of truth, which the world cannot receive, because it beholds it not, nor knows it; but ye know it; because it operates with you and will be in you." E170

World cannot receive – What interest today has the world at large in Christ, God's dear Son, or in the revelation made of him in the Scriptures as the heavenly Bridegroom? R752:2*

Shall be in you – The Apostle John and others heard his wonderful teachings and witnessed his exemplification of the holy Spirit of love and marveled; but it was not their privilege to possess the same Spirit until Pentecost. R2225:4

As by John the Baptizer repentant sinners were immersed in water, he was instituting a Church on a much higher plane, all who would be received would be immersed in the holy Spirit. R2818:2

Through them it would exert an influence upon others (Acts 24:25); but none others than the "sons" could receive it as an indwelling power, for it is a seal of sonship. R2070:4

If we would be used and useful as God's agencies, we should seek to be guided by him. We are to hear his voice through the Scriptures and we are to realize his energizing power through the spirit of the truth. R4357:3

18 'I will not leave you bereaved, I come unto you; I will come – The comforting of the holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father and of the Son. The Father (verse 23) and the Son are referred to as the ones who strengthen, guide and comfort the Church--through the Spirit. E203; R2455:6

19 yet a little, and the world doth no more behold me, and ye behold me, because I live, and ye shall live; The world – The appearances after our Lord's resurrection were only to the believers, and never to the world. R2082:2, 1995:6

Seeth me no more – He will never again appear in the flesh. NS458:6; R2082:2

He whom the Father hath highly exalted, and who was the express image of his Father's person, will be invisible to men at his second advent. NS178:5

When Jesus left heaven and was made flesh it was not the divine intention that he should remain a fleshly being forever. There was no reason to continue fleshly, and out of touch with heavenly conditions. R5830:1

Our Lord Jesus is no longer a fleshly being, but he is now a spirit being, as he was before he was made flesh. Hence he is not expected to return a flesh and bone being, but a spirit being. R1903:6

The world will not see him thus because it is not the divine provision that the world in its salvation shall be changed from earthly to heavenly nature. NS459:1

Never yet disproved; for none but the brethren saw even his manifestations after his resurrection, and no others witnessed his ascension. B154

None of the world ever saw our Lord after his resurrection, but merely his disciples, to whom he "showed himself." ( John 21:14) R2980:6

Neither would it be to the advantage of the world to thus see the Lord, and to have their physical eyes injured, as were the eyes of Saul of Tarsus. NS89:1, 459:3

The tribes of the earth will not see the sign of the Lord's presence, nor will they ever see the Lord by natural sight; on the contrary, they will see the clouds of trouble and confusion incident to it. (Matt. 24:30) D599

If we should not be changed to spirit conditions by the power of our resurrection, we would not see him any more than will others who will continue on the human plane. R5291:3

The world will never see Messiah, except as they will see his mind, his disposition, through his earthly representatives in the Kingdom. SM733:T; R5291:3

All will see him, however, in the sense that eventually all the eyes of understanding will be opened, that all may see the light of the knowledge of the glory of God fill the whole earth. R5762:1, 5291:3; CR471:6

The seeing that is promised in the Millennial age will be the result of the opening of the blind eyes of understanding. NS459:2

Jesus said not one word about anyone seeing himself or any one of the apostles in Kingdom glory. But he did say, "Ye shall see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets." (Luke 13:28,29) R5199:5; CR369:3

Although a spiritual Kingdom, invisible to men, it will be a real kingdom, exercising power more completely than any earthly kingdom could, because not handicapped by human limitations and conditions. R5761:6, 5455:3; OV56:2

But ye see me – Here, as everywhere, we have a clearly drawn line of distinction as between the Church and the world. NS458:6

"We shall see him as he is" (1 John 3:2)--not as he was in the flesh. NS459:1

Spiritual Israel would see him, but only with the eye of faith. R3539:2

With the eyes of their understanding. R2455:6

The faithful of the Gospel age, as the Bride, will be with the Bridegroom, and behold and share his glory, while mankind in general will neither see the Lord nor the Bride. HG366:5; NS89:1, 656:6

We do not see him as he is now, for we are still in the flesh, still human; but when our resurrection change shall come we shall be made like him. NS178:5

At his second coming our Lord will not appear in the flesh, else it would not be necessary for his Church to be changed to spirit beings, in order to see him as he is. NS657:1

Only the Lord's faithful followers were to see him--because they are to be changed in the first resurrection. (1 Cor. 15:51) R5269:1, 5291:3, 1904:1; CR471:6

"Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord." (Heb. 12:14) None but such will experience the first resurrection, be made like the Master, of the spirit nature, and see Him "as he is." (1 John 3:2) SM458:1

Because I live – A dead Christ could not be our Savior. R4174:2

20 in that day ye shall know that I [am] in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you; Ye in me – This word "in" means something more than is generally appreciated--a glorious oneness with the Father and with the Son. NS740:1

I in you – Through the holy Spirit. R2455:6

21 he who is having my commands, and is keeping them, that one it is who is loving me, and he who is loving me shall be loved by my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.' Hath my commandments – Plural, therefore not the same as when he said, "A new commandment I give unto you" ( John 13:34); neither the epitomized statement of the Law of the Ten Commandments. R5520:3

These "commandments" would seem to be the general teachings of the Lord as they bear on all the affairs of life. R5520:4

Signifying, he that received my commandments and is willing to become my disciple. R5520:1

We are to recognize a distinction between the Law, the commands which Christ gives, and the Law Covenant. R5520:2

In the inspired words of the Lord and the apostles and prophets we have the divine will expressed, explained, illustrated, and enforced, line upon line and precept upon precept. R2093:3*

Those, therefore, who ignore the Word of the Lord and have not his commandments, but who hearken to the voice of their own imaginations, are quite mistaken in claiming this promise. R3251:2

And keepeth them – Our Lord would have us apply not only our heads, but also our hearts, to the instructions of his Word. R2093:6*

These experiences are promised conditionally to those who, hearing his commandments, are moved by responsive love to do them. R2456:1

Obedience to the heavenly wisdom constitutes the proof of our love to God. Thus also is proved our love of righteousness. R2093:3*

It is not enough to simply resolve or determine to do right or to obey God. Unless we go further, and actually make advancement in character, we will prove failures. R1802:2*

How prone we all are to desire and to acquire knowledge, at the expense of our spiritual development, forgetting that "knowledge puffeth up, but love edifieth." (1 Cor. 8:1) Knowledge does not bring happiness; obedience does. R1802:2*

The mere hearing of the command, or the mere understanding of the command, is not the receiving of it. R5520:2

It is one thing to have a begetting of the Spirit, and quite another matter to attain to that condition urged by the Apostle, saying, "Be ye filled with the Spirit." (Eph. 5:18) R2456:1

This implies the study of ourselves, as well as of the divine Word, that we may see just what portions of the Word apply to our individual present necessities. R2094:1*

A person may be a visitor at a school, but he has not become a member of the school unless he has met the terms--has accepted the rules and regulations under which the school is operated. R5520:2

Having taken the first step of belief, and the second step of response, the important question with each of us must be, Am I doing whatsoever he says? R3163:6

Not self-gratification, but self-abnegation, and self-purification. In meekness and humility we must deny ourselves. R2094:6*

Not only are faith and obedience of the heart necessary before any can come into the spirit begotten condition, but a continuance and growth in faith and obedience are necessary in order to a continuance and growth in the spirit of holiness. R2456:1

This matter of a definite contract with the Lord is a very important one. Those who do not make it are not truly his disciples, have not really put themselves in his hands, and are in danger of shipwreck. R5520:2

The Vow was a binding of the sacrifice closer to the altar that I made when I consecrated. Since taking it, though I am weak and frail and old, the Lord has drawn me closer to himself. R4402:3*

"Thy words were found, and I did eat them." (Jer. 15:16) R2093:6*

That loveth me – Our Lord's commands are not put in the form of compulsion, but whoever loves him will serve him. R5520:5

Nothing is put in the nature of an arbitrary command, merely the statement of principles. But these become to us commands. To know his will is a law to such as love him, they wish to serve him. R5520:5

I will love him – The Lord will take note of those who appreciate this great honor, and when he comes to claim his Bride these are the ones who shall reign with him. R5520:6

There are two kinds of love: intense, particular love, and general love, or large-hearted generosity, kindness; and two sorts of love can be traced throughout the Scriptures in reference to our Lord and the Heavenly Father: affectionate love and loving kindness. Here we see the special love, or affection. R1254:3, 139:3*

The love of Christ is as the love of a bridegroom. Marriage is the most complete expression of union between not only Head and Body, but all the members of the Body. R139:6*

Loved of my Father – He is the mouthpiece of Jehovah, the Father, and consequently in pleasing and obeying him, we are pleasing and obeying the Father. R2456:4

Fatherly love and pity. R139:6*

Manifest myself – Through the holy Spirit. R2455:6

If our hearts are humble, earnest and true; and if our candid, thoughtful endeavor is always to find the purest motive and the exact truth that we may conform our lives thereto. R1823:6

Seen from afar, the Lord is clothed with terror and awfulness. A near approach changes the terror into worship. R139:6*

22 Judas saith to him, (not the Iscariot), 'Sir, what hath come to pass, that to us thou are about to manifest thyself, and not to the world '
23 Jesus answered and said to him, 'If any one may love me, my word he will keep, and my Father will love him, and unto him we will come, and abode with him we will make; If a man – Love with an "if" in it means love that is conditional, or because of authority. R1253:5

If any lose his relationship to Christ through loss of faith or loss of the holy Spirit through willful sin, such a one falls out from the covering of Jesus into the hands of the living God and his judgment by facts and works. To all imperfect creatures this means death. R2456:4

The Body of Christ is to be one, as a collective number, but this oneness is contributed to by each individual. R2638:4*

Love me – A true son of a beloved and approving father naturally experiences the fervor of tender emotion. Especially is this so of a true son of God who recognizes in his Heavenly Father the perfection of every grace. R1914:3

We have promise of communion with both the Father and the Son; both are to be worshipped and loved equally. R1581:1

He will keep – Surely there can be no better test of love than devotion, and no better test of devotion than obedience. R2456:4

Father will love him – If there be a constant ripening of the fruits of the spirit, a sense of the divine acceptance and favor is given us from day to day in increasing measure. R3215:4

In the midst of all the temptations and trials that beset us in our earthly pilgrimage we may recognize the voice of our God, saying, "Fear not: I am thy shield, and thine exceeding great reward." (Gen. 15:1) R1906:1

We will – The thought and care and interest of the Father and the Son will be constantly upon us; and we may engage the special attention of either or both. R1865:2

Come unto him – Day by day it is our privilege to realize the presence and favor of God, if, by walking in the path of life, the path of obedience and loving service, we draw near to God. R1949:2

Our abode with him – Through the holy Spirit. R2455:6

The promise not only of the occasional attentive hearing, but of the abiding presence of both the Father and the Son. R1865:1

Thus each individual saint becomes "a habitation of God through the spirit" (Eph. 2:22), a holy temple, a royal residence. R1981:4

The spirit of holiness prompts to the cleansing and purifying of body, clothing, home and all with which we have to do; for the outward man must be in conformity with the pure heart within, and with their heavenly guests that make their abode with us. R1739:6

A more serious error could scarcely be entertained than the idea of personal infallibility because of the supposed mysterious presence of another being within. R3251:2

24 he who is not loving me, my words doth not keep; and the word that ye hear is not mine, but the Father's who sent me. But the Father's – Our Lord Jesus was and still is the Great Teacher of men by the appointment of the Heavenly Father, the great Master Teacher above all. E50

He "did not his own human will" but was "led of the Spirit," and the actions now were of God. ( John 6:38) R418:4, 164:6

25 'These things I have spoken to you, remaining with you,
26 and the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and remind you of all things that I said to you. The Comforter – When the holy Spirit came upon our Lord at his baptism it was a comfort indeed, but it nevertheless meant to him the sacrifice of every earthly aim and hope in the execution of the divine plan. E268

Only as we receive of the Spirit of the Lord are we able to understand and appreciate his love, compassion and provision for us, and to be comforted thereby. R2665:1

No matter how painful the crucifying of the flesh, we have learned to view it from God's standpoint, and to esteem present afflictions as light, compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us. (Rom. 8:17) R372:3

The clear comprehension of the Father's will and plan are comforting indeed, bringing peace, joy and contentment, even in the midst of tribulations and persecutions. E268

The Holy Spirit – Ghost is but another and bad translation of pneuma, generally rendered spirit. R372:2; E169

Whom – "Which," Diaglott. E170

Father will send – The fact that the Father sends the holy Spirit shows that it is under his authority, just as your powers are under your control. (See 1 Cor. 14:32) R372:2; E267

In my name – Just as a servant is sent in the name of his master and not in his own name, another contradiction of the unscriptural theory of three Gods of equal power and glory. E267

The holy Spirit is Christ's representative in his Church. R158:1*, 2455:6

Because the entire work of redemption and restitution of sinners has been committed unto the Son, and the holy Spirit of the Father is the channel by which the Son operates. E268

He – Omitted in the Diaglott. E170

Might with equal propriety be translated she, herself or it, itself. Greek, heautou, rendered himself, is rendered "itself" nine times and ekinos, rendered "he," is much oftener rendered "that" and "those." E204

The masculine pronoun is often used in our Common Version for the holy Spirit because God, who is a Spirit, is represented as masculine, as indicative of strength, but can with equal consistency be translated it, and is often so rendered. (See Diaglott) R5749:5, 4306:5

Teach you all things – The holy power by which he would guide and direct his people and enable them to "walk by faith, and not by sight." (2 Cor. 5:7) E203

There were certain things that his disciples could not understand at that time, but would know afterwards, at Pentecost, because he would send the holy Spirit. R5088:3

Our Lord, using true wisdom, refrained from saying more than would be to his hearer's advantage to know, leaving such information for unfolding by the Comforter to them, at Pentecost. R2729:5

Nor was full knowledge then necessary: it was quite sufficient that they should faithfully take each step as it became due; hence the Master taught them little by little as they were able to receive it. B110

The mind of Christ, or the new spirit, leads us to search the Scriptures, God's storehouse of truth: thus the Spirit of truth works in us. R372:3

It also acts upon us by helping our infirmities and enabling us to comprehend his Word, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope while enduring present afflictions. (Rom. 15:4) R372:3

Those wholly consecrated and gladly following the Lamb "whithersoever he goeth" (Rev. 14:4) know that their Master will continue to give them "meat in due season" (Matt. 24:45), both in things "new and old" (Matt. 13:52), as they are "able to bear it." (1 Cor. 10:13) R1151:1*

To a certain extent this is applicable to the entire Church, but it was specially applicable to the apostles. It still operates toward the remainder of the Church through the apostles' words. F217

The holy Spirit will be our instructor--using instrumentalities for bringing the instruction to us--the Word of truth, the writings of the apostles, and various helps and agencies. R2456:5, 2665:2

For sanctifying power, Jesus pointed us forward to truths to be revealed by the Spirit through the apostles. R442:4

The prophets' words are valuable as showing many of the interests of the Jew and natural man and events, but, except in types and shadows, discernible only by the Spirit's revelation through the apostles, they contain little spiritual food. R442:5

Though the writings of the prophets were held sacred as the Word of the Lord and reverently read by his anciently chosen people, fleshly Israel, their understanding fell short of its significance until the holy Spirit was given. R3052:3

Thus during this age the true followers of Christ have been led into a fuller unfolding of the mystery of God, which was entirely hidden from past ages, and is to be finished under the Seventh Trumpet's sounding in the end of this age. R368:3

Bring all things – The only superhuman influence in the writing of the New Testament was that the Lord would facilitate the work by bringing important matters clearly and forcibly to the attention of these historians, and guarding them against misunderstandings. R1419:1; HG311:3

To your remembrance – The apostolic inspiration was threefold: (1) refreshment of memory; (2) guidance into an appreciation of the truth; and (3) special revelations of things to come. F218

The holy Spirit shows us things to come, and explains to us things that are past. R4167:4

Our Lord's teachings were almost wholly in parables and dark sayings and may have been misinterpreted. After his resurrection, particularly after Pentecost, they remembered his words. R2476:3; A80

27 'Peace I leave to you; my peace I give to you, not according as the world doth give do I give to you; let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid; Peace I leave – The peace of God is compatible with great commotion and with sorrow and pain of various kinds; for it is not dependent upon outward circumstances, but a proper balancing of the mind and heart. R4818:5

We need rest and peace and life everlasting. These we do not find in the world around us. There is no real peace outside of the Lord's provision. R4883:2

It causes us no surprise to know that the saints will "be joyful in glory" (Psa. 149:55); but it may strike some as peculiar that the present condition of imperfection and physical frailty in which we groan should be a condition in which songs and thanksgivings and joy should prevail. R2231:6

Whatever their condition, whether sickness or health, whether very poor or in comfortable circumstances, these have peace within, and realize that godliness with contentment is a great gain. (1 Tim. 6:6) R1245:3

In the midst of the "perilous times" of this "evil day" how precious to the saints are the assurances of divine protection, care and personal love. R3331:2

As faithful servants of Bible times could rejoice in whatever experiences God permitted to come to them in the discharge of duty, so may we remember that ours is the same God, that he changes not. R3123:2

The foundation and security of this abiding peace which is able to survive the heaviest storms of life was their faith in the love, power and wisdom of God. R1834:6

As we learn to take a proper view of the Lord's dealings, learn to have faith in him, learn to note his providences and trust his promises, proportionately it is our privilege to have peace and rest in every time of storm and distress. NS660:5

To the world it may seem that the course of the Christian is far from peaceful, for the Lord's saints often have a stormy voyage. But if our hearts continue stayed on Christ we shall be kept through the storms of life. R5432:1

This peaceful condition is to be the rule; anything else is to be the exception, and more and more the rare exception. NS66:5

With you – Not alone to the early Church was this legacy of peace bequeathed. It is the blessed inheritance of the entire Church, even to the end of the age. R1834:5, 5432:1

My peace – That tranquility of soul, that rest and ease of mind, which he himself possessed--the peace of God, the same peace which the Father himself has always enjoyed. R1834:2

With Jehovah this peace was self-centered, because he realized in himself the omnipotence of power and wisdom; while the peace of Christ was centered, not in himself, but in God. R1834:2

Not the peace of indifference and carelessness, not the peace of self-indulgence, not the peace of sloth, not the peace of fatalism; but the peace of Christ. R2456:6

Not the short-lived peace of the world, which is sometimes enjoyed while fortune smiles and friends abound and health endures; but the peace that endures through loss, persecution, scorn and contempt. R1834:5

The darkened heavens, the quaking earth, the rending rocks, the torn veil of the Temple, all spoke to them a message of comfort which the world could not receive. R1834:4

He desires to develop in us character, and therefore permits temptations and "fiery trials," promising that amongst these difficulties and besetments of life we may have "the peace of God which passeth all understanding" ruling in our hearts. (Phil. 4:7) NS597:1

Peace, deep and abiding, and ever increasing proportionately as we come to comprehend with all saints through faith and obedience the riches of divine grace. R2456:5

It is a peace which implicitly trusts to the divine wisdom that nothing shall by any means hurt his faithful, and that all things shall work together for good to them that love God. (Rom. 8:28) R2456:6

If the stoop of full consecration to pass under the veil be made, the result is full or perfect peace. R4901:5, 4579:4

I give unto you – Our Lord's last will and testament. R1834:2

Yet how quickly the storm-clouds of trouble, which was even then growing very dark, burst in fury upon the heads of those very disciples to whom the words were directly addressed. R1834:3

Not as the world giveth – That is, not in stinted measure or in perishable quality. R4818:5

Heart be troubled – "That peace of God which surpasses all conception shall guard your hearts and minds by Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4:6,7, Diaglott) R1046:4*

Be afraid – There is nothing to fear. "If God be for us, who can be against us?" (Rom. 8:31) CR149:1

Fear has been one of the terrible scourges through which man has afflicted himself. CR147:1

28 ye heard that I said to you I go away, and I come unto you; if ye did love me, ye would have rejoiced that I said I go on to the Father, because my Father is greater than I. Greater than I – The New Testament is as explicit as the Old in its statement that there is but one supreme God. HG661:3

In combatting the second century influence of Grecian philosophy that related our Lord to such philosophers as Socrates and Plato, some, loyal to the Lord, went to the other extreme and declared him, contrary to his own words, equal to the Father. R4165:1

In harmony with the usage of the Greek definite article in John 1:1. R3076:2*, 2408:3

"The Son himself being subject unto him, that God may be all in all." (1 Cor. 15:28) R715:4*

The Scriptures clearly tell us of his greatness, his full harmony with his Heavenly Father, Jehovah, and his full submission to his Heavenly Father's will in all particulars. R4051:5

We notice a oneness of honor. In honor each seems to prefer the other, the Father saying, "Let all men honor the Son, even as they honor the Father." ( John 5:23) R3161:2

The Master always had this disposition of reverence for the Father and of full trust and confidence in the divine wisdom, justice, love and power. R5846:6

Contrary to the denominational view that the Father, the Son and the holy Spirit are three in manifestation and yet "one in person, and equal in power and glory." R2047:1, 1904:5, 560:2*, 405:6*, 290:3*, 207:3; HG410:6; SM492:3

Should we think it strange that in the heat of discussion some of the followers of Jesus would make extravagant claims for him in their endeavor to oppose the theory that made of Messiah a mere sinful man? SM492:2

Sometimes Jesus spent the entire night in prayer to God. How inconsistent this would have been if he himself were the Father, who for a time was with men, outwardly appearing as the "man Christ Jesus!" R5378:3

Our Lord Jesus in all matters acts as the representative of the Father, Jehovah, in the work of salvation. E35

True messengers of God always seek to give the honor unto God, and decline it for themselves. R1634:6; HG297:2

"Of mine own self, I can do nothing." ( John 5:30) R2408:4, 5747:6, 5378:3, 4051:5, 3161:3, 3076:4*

29 'And now I have said [it] to you before it come to pass, that when it may come to pass, ye may believe;
30 I will no more talk much with you, for the ruler of this world doth come, and in me he hath nothing; Not talk much – Before our Lord's crucifixion, he had been on familiar terms with his disciples, but after his resurrection his manner was more reserved, to impress them with the dignity and honor of his exaltation. B131; Q826:2

During the forty days from the time of his resurrection to the time of his ascension into heaven, he manifested himself and talked very rarely with his disciples. Q826:2

The prince – Typified by Pharaoh on the night of the Passover. NS73:3

We would not at all agree with Wakefield's application, as given in the Diaglott footnote; rather, we understand the prince here to be Satan. R3032:1

Elsewhere called the prince of the power of the air, and the old serpent, which is the devil, and Satan; also, Beelzebub, the prince of devils. R1686:1; NS547:3

As "the prince of the power of the air" (Eph. 2:2) controlling the present "heavens," and as the "prince of this world" controlling the present "earth," both of which are to pass away. R332:4

Satan's castle is in the air, his dungeon is the prison-house of death. R615:1*

The power of Spiritualism is not difficult to account for, and it has not yet reached the climax of its power; its powers are to increase wonderfully. R266:4

An intelligent being of great power and influence, and an ambitious leader. Yet in the beginning of his existence, he was pure and perfect. R1686:1

The grim reaper, death, is Satan's Brigadier-General, not the Lord's. R615:2*

Though God has given over the world to his rule until the full end of the Gentiles Times, yet God has not given unlimited power. The wrath of man shall not work ruin to the plan of God. R5205:4

He has a great spiritual empire amongst men, which controls through ignorance, superstition and fear the vast majority of the human family. SM546:2

When Adam was created it was that he might be the Lord of this world. To him was given the "dominion." (Gen. 1:29) When Adam fell, his dominion and possessions passed into the hands of the crafty conqueror. R615:1*

Man's inability to establish a perfect government is attributable to his own weakness, which has also been taken advantage of by Satan, who has led them captive at his will and made himself the ruler of this world. A250

Satan, who fell from his holy estate and became the adversary of God through unholy ambition, has blinded the minds of mankind. R5909:3, 3032:1

Not by right, but by usurpation; through fraud, deception and control of fallen men. It is because he is a usurper that he will be summarily deposed. Had he the real title he would not be thus dealt with. A250; E448, E113

History convinces us that Messiah has not been King, and should not be charged with responsibility for bloody and atrocious persecutions, for wars, famines and pestilences. SM693:3; NS856:1

Satan is still the prince of this world. R4350:3, 5078:2

His schemes for power and dominion were deep laid and far reaching, having, as he supposed, ample time for full development. R1686:3

Unceasing vigilance, art, cunning craft, unscrupulous hypocrisy and unblushing impudence are the characteristics of Satan, who, unrecognized by men, is constantly manipulating human affairs, civil and religious, for the accomplishment of his own diabolical purposes. R1134:3

Who came to our Lord just as he comes to his followers--as an angel of light, with his real character and purposes cloaked. R1688:1, 1094:5

In the great temptation, when Satan could neither make our Lord to doubt nor tempt the Father, his last desperate stake was "the dominion." R615:1*, 314:4; E113

"We wrestle not against flesh and blood [not against human beings, but against evil spiritual beings] but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [controlling] places." (Eph. 6:12) R267:1

Of this world – Dispensation, age. R2724:4, 2717:5, 525:3; NS855:6

The present evil world. R532:2; A67; NS87:6

The conditions of the "present evil world" (Gal. 1:4) are in harmony with the characteristics of the "prince of the world who now worketh in the hearts of the children of disbedience" (Eph. 2:2) --the prince of darkness. OV248:3; R1134:3

Or the order of things then in vogue, and still in vogue with the world. R3032:4

While Jesus has all power, for wise purposes he has not made use of it, permitting evil to reign and measurably control the world. R256:3

Working through the ambitions and selfishness of men, he has over turned kingdoms and revolutionized society with reckless indifference to miseries of men, in establishing his own dominion. R1686:6

In the great Papal system, the most complete representative of his policy, his lionlike strength has most fully appeared. R1687:5

We deny that kings and emperors now reign by the grace of God, or that God is in any degree responsible for their misruling. R1094:5, 1092:3, 362:4

We complain not at their appointment, we interfere not in their exercise of power, but say not, "By the grace of God," countenance them not in the name of Christianity. Their appointment comes from the prince of this world, Satan, whose interests they advance. R507:6

Satan is not the Church's adversary alone, but that of all mankind. F611

The kingdoms of the world, while professing to be the kingdoms of God, are really under the control of the "prince of this world"--Satan. R5917:2, 5853:6, 5832:4, 5204:4, 2691:5, 720:5; HG569:3; OV342:1, 193:1

Not that they realize this, but rather, they are deceived. Not that God has given Satan any authority to rule these kingdoms, but that he is ruling through human weakness. R5853:6

Seeing that Satan has wielded an evil influence, blinding mankind and deceiving the nations, will it be any less possible for the Prince of Peace to rule the world, open the blind eyes, and cause the knowledge of God to be generally appreciated, without his appearing in the flesh? HG365:6

The thrones of Rev. 20:4 are those of earthly kingdoms at the present time. These are all condemned as unfit, and are to be overthrown, to give place to the Kingdom of Christ. R331:3

It was no part of his original policy to prostrate the human race in death. He probably believed the lie, "Ye shall not surely die" (Gen. 3:4), having deceived himself. His object was to transfer man's allegiance from God to himself. R1686:4

If posted in the world's history, and candid, all must admit that the government men attribute to Christ has been a monstrously bad rule. Humanity, if given the entire control, would not do much worse than has been done in the way of misgovernment. R1092:3

Our great Adversary is he who "has the dominion of death"--whose power is manifest throughout the earth among those under condemnation to death. R1687:4

Understanding God's plan, we are not to expect full justice or human rights to have great consideration now because Satan's kingdom is based upon neither love nor righteousness, but selfishness. R2724:4

When God's time for the establishment of Christ's Kingdom comes, Satan's kingdom will be brought to naught as effectually as was his former purpose at the time of the flood. R1687:1

The time of trouble will be the natural consequence of the transfer of rulership from the Devil, the prince of this world, to "him whose right it is" (Ezek. 21:27)--Christ. R592:2, 409:2

The present invisible spiritual prince of this world, Satan, will be fully cast out when the new invisible spiritual Prince, Christ, shall fully take to himself his great power and dominion. R547:4

"The earth is given into the hand of the wicked one; he covereth the faces of [deceiveth] the judges thereof; if not, where and who is he [the rightful ruler]?" (Job 9:24) R615:4*

"Of this world," and not in some far-off and unknown place called hell, stoking fires and causing untellable anguish to millions of our race. SM546:2

Surely conditions are not so in heaven; else it would not be heaven; Satan is not the prince there; sin does not prevail there; death is unknown there. NS547:6

Cometh – In the sense that he would triumph over the world and bring it into subjection to his own evil sway and dominion until the time for the Lord to set up his own Kingdom at his second coming. Q826:2

Soon he was to come in the power of his kingdom, the counterfeit kingdom of Christ, which was actually set up in the year 800 under the name of "Holy Roman Empire." R1686:6

Hath nothing in me – And consequently no interest in his followers except to oppose, tempt, annoy and buffet them. A68; HG538:3

There are mighty invisible powers under the leadership of the prince of this world plotting to accomplish the stumbling of the "feet" of the Body of Christ. R1687:5

While evil predominates now, under the prince of this world, the Lord's favored ones, his "jewels," seem to be less favored and have more afflictions, more trials, more persecutions, more difficulties, a narrower way, than others. R2406:1

31 but that the world may know that I love the Father, and according as the Father gave me command so I do; arise, we may go hence. Let us go hence – The statement of John 18:1, "When Jesus had spoken these words he went forth with his disciples," would imply a considerable tarrying in the upper room after the supper was ended, probably to near midnight. R2464:3

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