Event | Matt. | Mark | Luke | John | Comments | |
Approaching Jerusalem, Jesus tells what will happen to him there | 20:17-19 | 10:32-34 | 18:31-34 | Luke account tells us the disciples did not understand. | ||
James and John ask to be on right and left hand in Jesus' kingdom | 20:20-23 | 10:35-40 | "Not mine to give." | |||
The 10 complained about this | 20:24 | 10:41 | When we consider the selfish attitude that Judas displayed, it is not unreasonable to suggest that he may have been the one stirring up the others to complain. | |||
Jesus explains the greatest shall be servant to the others | 20:25-28 | 10:42-45 | ||||
Travel to Jericho | 20:29 | 10:46 | 18:35 | |||
Jesus heals the blind | 20:30-34 | 10:46-52 | 18:35-43 | |||
Jesus stops at the house of Zacchaeus | 19:1-11 | |||||
Parable of young nobleman | 19:12-28 | Why did our Lord include this parable at this point? | ||||
Nisan 9 Saturday evening to Sunday evening | ||||||
Event | Matt. | Mark | Luke | John | Comments | |
Came to Bethany [6 days before Passover]. Chief priests conspire to kill Lazarus | 12:1,9-11 | Here the Passover refers to when the Jews celebrated, i.e., the 15th of Nisan. This is verified by the previous chapter (John 11:55). | ||||
Nisan 10 Sunday evening to Monday evening | ||||||
Event | Matt. | Mark | Luke | John | Comments | |
Near Jerusalem at mount of Olives, Jesus tells disciples to bring the colt | 21:1-6 | 11:1-6 | 19:29-34 | Interesting here to note that both Mark and Luke indicate that the colt had never before been ridden by man. Yet, there is no record of the colt "bucking" or anything of the sort. This verifies that the perfect man Jesus had dominion, even as the perfect man Adam had dominion (Gen. 1:26, 28). | ||
Triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Pharisees upset) | 21:7-11 | 11:7-10 | 19:35-40 | 12:12-19 | Fulfillment of Psa. 118:26. | |
Jesus enters temple | 11:11 | Were it not for the Mark account we would have no way of realizing there are two days shown here. | ||||
Jesus returns to Bethany | 11:11 | |||||
Nisan 11 Monday evening to Tuesday evening | ||||||
Event | Matt. | Mark | Luke | John | Comments | |
Jesus travels from Bethany to Jerusalem | 11:12 | |||||
Curses the fig tree | 11:13-14 | The fig tree pictures the nation of Israel. In cursing the fig tree Jesus was symbolically casting off that church-nation. | ||||
Jesus weeps over Jerusalem | 19:41-44 | We may not be too positive about the timing here, but this seems about right based on Gospel comparisons. | ||||
Drives out the moneychangers | 21:12-13 | 11:15-17 | 19:45-46 | 2:13-17 | It is worthy of notice that Jesus cleansed the temple shortly after presenting himself as Israel's King. As it was in the type (the Harvest of the Jewish Age) so it is in the anti-type (the Harvest of the Gospel Age). The cleansing of the antitpical temple began in the parallel year of 1878. Indeed it was in the year 1878 that a young business man, Charles Taze Russell, called together the ministers of Pittsburgh and presented to them the evidence that our Lord had returned and the time of Harvest had come. | |
Heals blind and lame | 21:14-16 | What a contrast between two classes is shown here. Those leaders, who should have recognized Jesus as the Messiah based on his wonderful teachings and deeds, wanted to put Jesus to death. By this they are declaring themselves to be the truly blind. Meanwhile the humble, not so learned, are made whole and receive sight. | ||||
Priests and scribes want to kill him | 11:18 | 19:47-48 | ||||
At evening Jesus leaves Jerusalem and lodges at Bethany | 21:17 | 11:19 | ||||
Nisan 12 Tuesday evening to Wednesday evening | ||||||
Event | Matt. | Mark | Luke | John | Comments | |
Next morning, fig tree is dried up | 21:18-22 | 11:20-26 | ||||
Enters temple, chief priest challenge his authority | 21:23-27 | 11:27-33 | 20:1-8 | So it is with Jesus' followers. Where is your degree? What theological seminary did you attend? | ||
Parable of two sons | 21:28-32 | This parable condemns the attitude of the Pharisees and reminds that one of the primary qualities of discipleship is humility. | ||||
Parable of the Vineyard | 21:33-44 | 12:1-11 | 20:9-18 | The vineyard was the Jewish nation that should have been ready to receive the Son of God but was not. "He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God." John 1:11, 12 | ||
Leaders perceive parable is against them | 21:45-46 | 12:12 | 20:19 | The leaders feared the people. This is why they did not act upon their desire to have Jesus put to death then but instead they waited for the cover of darkness and help from the traitor. | ||
Parable of the marriage supper | 22:1-14 | |||||
Render unto Caesar | 22:15-22 | 12:13-17 | 20:20-26 | |||
Sadducees, no resurrection, etc. | 22:23-33 | 12:18-27 | 20:27-38 | |||
Greatest commandment | 22:34-40 | 12:28-34 | ||||
David's son and David's Lord | 22:41-46 | 12:35-37 | 20:39-44 | |||
Jesus warns multitudes about attitude of Scribes and Pharisees | 23:1-12 | 12:38-40 | 20:45-47 | |||
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! | 23:13-36 | Here Jesus is, practically, signing his own death warrant. | ||||
Jerusalem .. your house is left unto you desolate | 23:37-39 | |||||
Widow's mites | 12:41-44 | 21:1-4 | ||||
Not one stone of the temple will be left | 24:1-2 | 13:1-2 | 21:5-6 | |||
Lord's Great Prophecy | 24:3-25:46 | 13:3-37 | 21:7-36 | |||
Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread two days off | 26:1-2 | 14:1 | Because in Matt. 26:2 Jesus added "and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified," it becomes clear that the "two days off" refers to the 14th of Nisan, as that is the day when Jesus was crucified. These words were spoken on the 12th of Nisan. | |||
Nisan 13 Wednesday evening to Thursday evening | ||||||
Event | Matt. | Mark | Luke | John | Comments | |
At night Jesus went to Mt. of Olives | 21:37 | "At night.." indicates a new day has begun. | ||||
The people come to hear Jesus in the morning | 21:38 | |||||
Jewish leaders conspire to kill Jesus | 26:3-5 | 14:1-2 | 22:1-6 | What a deplorable heart condition! | ||
Mary anoints Jesus in Bethany | 26:6-7 | 14:3 | 12:2-3 | Mary (a woman - picturing the church) anointed Jesus' feet (the feet members of the body of Christ). She wiped His feet with her hair - her glory (1 Cor. 11:15). Thus it is with the church at the end of the age. Our best efforts (the hair of the woman) is used to anoint the feet members of the body, i.e., the brethren. Our sacrifices and best efforts to serve the Lord result in sacrifices and service for the brethren. | ||
Judas complains | 26:8-9 | 14:4-5 | 12:4-6 | There were others of the disciples who complained but John points out Judas specifically. No doubt he was the instigator. | ||
Jesus explains anointing is for his burial | 26:10-13 | 14:6-9 | 12:7-8 | Jesus reminds us that we cannot help all the poor at this time, that is a work for the Kingdom, but we do have Him - as represented in His body members. This is where we certainly will find ample room for sacrifice and service, i.e., on behalf of the brethren. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of one of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." This was clearly seen by Judas as a rebuke and his pride was hurt. | ||
Judas agrees to betray Jesus | 26:14-16 | 14:10-11 | As a result of his hurt pride, Judas decided to betray Jesus. | |||
Nisan 14 Thursday evening to Friday evening | ||||||
Event | Matt. | Mark | Luke | John | Comments | |
Day when Passover (lamb) is killed, disciples make ready the Passover | 26:17-19 | 14:12-16 | 22:7-13 | The disciples were to look for a man carrying a pitcher of water and follow him. In those days men did not carry water, that was woman's work. This is a picture of the church at the end of the age finding a man (Pastor Russell) carrying a pitcher of water (Present Truth) and following him ("Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ." 1 Cor. 11:1)
"I will keep the passover at your house with my disciples" - Jesus. | ||
They eat the Passover | 26:19-21 | 14:16-18 | 22:13-16 | 13:1-2 | Matt & Mark both indicate "they made ready the Passover." It does NOT say, 'they made ready a simulation of the Passover.' In the Luke account Jesus himself said "with desire have I desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer."
Jesus told the goodman of the house: "I shall eat the Passover with my disciples." Mark 14:14 | |
I will not eat again ... until the kingdom | 22:16-18 | |||||
Jesus washes disciples feet | 13:3-17 | |||||
Jesus tells of his betrayal | 26:21-25 | 14:18-21 | 22:21-23 | 13:10,11, 18-30 | ||
Memorial | 26:26-29 | 14:22-25 | 22:19-20 | Matt. 26:26 "As they were eating ... take eat, this is my body." | ||
Did Judas partake of the memorial? | 22:21-23 | According to the Luke account, Judas did indeed partake of the first memorial. This also seems to be suggested by John (13:1-2). As a footnote, this would seem to strengthen the thought that Judas died the second death: "It would have been better for that man if he had not been born." (Matt. 26:24) | ||||
They go to Mount of Olives | 26:30 | 14:26 | 22:39 | The normal practice would be to sing a hymn and then close with prayer. Why not this time? Perhaps to remind us all that after Memorial we should remain in the attitude of prayer. Remember that the accounts tell us that Jesus went to Gethsemene and prayed. | ||
Jesus foretells of Peter's denial | 26:31-35 | 14:27-31 | 22:31-34 | 13:31-38 | Note that Jesus says of Peter that "Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat." (Luke) He was not yet wheat (spirit begotten). | |
John 14, 15, 16, 17 | I am the Way, Truth and Life. He that hath seen me hath seen the Father. Believers to do greater works than Jesus. Keep my commandments. God will send comforter, the spirit of truth. My peace I give to you. I am the vine, ye are the branches... Love one another, as I have loved you... The servant is not greater than his lord. The Spirit of truth.. will guide you into all truth... I go to the Father. Glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee... Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. |
Gethsemane | 26:36 | 14:32 | 22:39 | 18:1 | ||
Jesus prays for cup to pass while disciples sleep | 26:36-46 | 14:32-42 | 22:40-46 | What cup did Jesus ask to have removed? In Luke 22:43 an Angel strengthens Jesus. Yet, after this (vs. 44), He prays even more earnestly, sweating blood. | ||
Judas delivers Jesus to the Jews | 26:47-50 | 14:43-46 | 22:47-49 | 18:2-9 | Note John 18:6 along with the comments. Jesus, being a perfect man, had dominion. Since he was dealing with fallen men, men who did not have dominion, they must have recognized (in some fashion) that he had dominion over them. | |
Peter cuts off the right ear of the High Priest's servant – Put away thy sword – Jesus heals the High Priest's servant | 26:51-54 | 14:47 | 22:50-51 | 18:10-11 | Argument for Conscience Objector:
| |
What is the meaning of Luke 22:36? | R5922:2 | |||||
Jesus speaks to the mob and the disciples flee | 26:55-56 | 14:48-50 | 22:52-53 | Notice that Jesus still refers to time - "This is your hour.." | ||
Scared young man flees away from mob when they snatch his robe | 14:51-52 | "...It does not appear that there was any special endeavor to make an arrest, except that mentioned by Mark of a young man who followed with the crowd as they led Jesus away and who had on a long, loose garment, and when they laid hold upon it he fled from them naked. This is supposed to have been John Mark, the writer of the Gospel of Mark, and that he lived on the premises of which the Gethsemane Garden was a part." R4169 "That young man, tradition says, years afterwards was known as St. Mark." R4707 | ||||
Jesus before Caiaphas and Peter's denial | 26:57-75 | 14:53-72 | 22:54-71 | 18:12-27 | See Matthew account Additional Comments | |
Jesus brought before Pilate | 27:1-2 | 15:1 | 23:1 | 18:28 | Note the comments for John 18:28 beginning with 'Lest they should be defiled.'
See R2771 | |
Judas commits suicide | 27:3-10 | |||||
Jesus questioned by Pilate | 27:11-14 | 15:2-6 | 23:2-5 | 18:29-38 | Are you the king of the Jews? "Thou sayest". | |
Jesus sent to Herod | 23:6-7 | Pilate wanted nothing to do with this and took what seemed to be politically expedient – he "passed the buck" to Herod. | ||||
Jesus questioned by Herod, sent back to Pilate | 23:8-12 | "Set him at naught" (KJV) "Treating him with contempt" (NASB) - ? What was it that made Herod and Pilate friends? | ||||
Pilate finds no fault - has him beaten. | 23:13-17 | What was Pilate's purpose in having Jesus beaten? | ||||
Barabbas released, Jesus condemned | 27:15-26 | 15:6-15 | 23:18-25 | 18:39-19:16 | "Have thou nothing to do with that just man." Pilate became afraid because the jews said that Jesus claimed to be the son of God. – "Whence art thou?". He who delivered me hath the greater sin. "We have no king but Caesar." "His blood be on us, and on our children." | |
Pilate's soldiers take Jesus - purple robe, crown of thorns - mock him ' remove purple robe | 27:27-31 | 15:16-20 | Typical of the worldly-minded, they ridicule that which they do not understand. | |||
Jesus has to carry his own cross | 19:17 | We may have to carry our own cross however, unlike Jesus, we do not have to carry it alone. We always have the Master, and often we have the brethren to help us carry it. | ||||
Cross is laid on Simon of Cyrene | 27:32 | 15:21 | 23:26 | |||
Jesus taken to Golgotha | 27:33 | 15:22 | 19:17 | |||
Large crowd follows him, women weep | 23:27 | |||||
Jesus warns of things to come | 23:28-31 | "If they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?" | ||||
Jesus refuses mixed drink | 27:34 | 15:23 | Gall (Strong's 5521) is also from poppy - which is used to make opium. This drink was intended to dull the pain. So why did Jesus refuse it? – He wanted nothing to dull his mind. | |||
Soldiers cast lots for his garments | 27:35 | 15:24 | 23:34 | 19:23-24 | Fulfillment of Psa. 22:18 | |
Crucified at the third hour (9 AM) | 15:25 | Apparently this was about the time of the 'morning sacrifice'. - R2953 | ||||
KING OF THE JEWS | 27:37 | 15:26 | 23:38 | 19:19 | ||
What I have written I have written | 19:20-22 | Why were the chief priests (John 19:22) so insistent that Pilate change the wording "King of the Jews"?
It has been reported that when this phrase is written in Hebrew it is 4 words, which, when taking the first letter of each word, come out as 'YHWH' - the name of God. | ||||
Two others crucified ' on right & left | 27:38 | 15:27 | 23:32-33 | 19:18 | "Turn neither to the right hand nor to the left." Our Lord is thus, even in death, reminding us that he was faithful to the Father in all things.
Jesus was surrounded by sinners (the two thieves) even in death, yet he still had kind words for those for whom he was dying. See Luke 23:43 | |
Father, forgive them | 23:34 | See also Acts 7:59-60 | ||||
Numbered with the transgressors | 15:28 | Isa. 53:12 Not only is this the fulfillment of prophecy, but it was necessary as part of taking the full experience of Adam - a transgressor, that Jesus may be a truly sympathetic High Priest. | ||||
Behold thy son, Behold thy mother | 19:25-27 | "Having loved his own .. He loved them unto the end." John 13:1 | ||||
Jesus is mocked | 27:39-44 | 15:29-32 | 23:35-37 | "Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross, that we may see and believe." This is the worlds view. Contrast with Rom. 10:4-11 | ||
Remember me in your kingdom | 23:39-43 | Where is the comma? | ||||
Darkness from 6th to 9th hour (12-3) | 27:45 | 15:33 | 23:44 | Reminiscent of 9th plague in Egypt, which was followed by death of the firstborn. Here this is followed by the death of the firstborn of God. Here there is darkness for 3 hours, there the darkness lasted for 3 days. Here it is just before the Jews celebrate Passover, there it was just before the Jews celebrated Passover. | ||
Why has thou forsaken me? | 27:46 | 15:34 | Psa. 22:1 No matter where the emphasis is placed, these words reveal great surprise and evident, heart-felt pain. | |||
Onlookers think he called for Elijah | 27:47 | 15:35 | ||||
I thirst | 19:28 | |||||
Given vinegar to drink | 27:48 | 15:36 | 23:36 | 19:29 | Psa. 69:21 | |
Jesus dies | 27:50 | 15:37 | 23:46 | 19:30 | ||
Veil of the temple was torn in two | 27:51 | 15:38 | 23:45 | Veil of the temple – 60 feet long, 30 feet wide and about four inches thick. R3371:2, 2788:4
Was rent in twain – Representing the opening of the way between the spirit-begotten condition and heaven itself. R3371:2 | ||
Earthquake | 27:51 | The earthquake and the rending of the temple veil probably occurred simultaneously. | ||||
Saints come from graves, enter holy city after His resurrection | 27:52-53 | Bodies of the saints that slept – This does not indicate these bodies were dead. This word is also used to describe living bodies. Our Lord used it to describe his own body: Matt. 26:12.
Came out of the graves – This does not indicate they were buried but rather they were in the place where the graves were. Note the first place where this word for graves is used: Matt. 8:28. Remember, they did not immediately appear but rather waited until after Jesus had been resurrected before making an appearance. | ||||
This man was the son of God | 27:54 | 15:39 | 23:47 | These were impressive events, even enough to convince this man of authority, but not enough to convince the Jewish leaders. | ||
Women followers watch from afar | 27:55-56 | 15:40-41 | 23:49 | It would appear that some of the women were either more courageous than their male counterparts, or perhaps the men were more likely targets of attack than the women. In either case, these displayed courage in remaining so close to the master in his dying hour. | ||
Evening ' (Day of Preparation ' day before the Sabbath ' Mark) | 27:57 | 15:42 | 23:54 | 19:31 | ||
Jesus side is pierced | 19:31-37 | Zech. 12:10 | ||||
Jesus put in sepulcher | 27:58-60 | 15:42-46 | 23:50-53 | 19:38-42 | See Isa. 53:7,9 | |
Two Mary's see where he is buried and prepare spices and ointment | 27:61 | 15:47 | 23:55,56 | |||
Nisan 15 Friday evening to Saturday evening | ||||||
Event | Matt. | Mark | Luke | John | Comments | |
Next day guard placed | 27:62-66 | |||||
Two Mary's rest on the Sabbath day | 23:56 | |||||
Nisan 16 Saturday evening to Sunday evening | ||||||
Event | Matt. | Mark | Luke | John | Comments | |
1st day of the week, when Sabbath past, 2 Mary's come to tomb | 28:1 | 16:1-2 | 24:1 | 20:1 | ||
He is risen! | 28:6-7 | 16:6 | 24:6 |
Timing scriptures
- John 12:1
- John 12:12,13
- Mark 11:11,12
- Matt. 21:17-19; Mark 11:19-20
- Matt. 26:1-2; Mark 14:1; Luke 21:37-38
- Matt. 26:17; Mark 14:12; Luke 22:7
- Mark 15:42; Luke 23:54; John 19:31
- Luke 23:56
- Matt. 27:62
- Matt. 28:1; Mark 16:1-2; Luke 24:1; John 20:1
The following is from www.abdicate.net/cal.asp
Calendar Stats
Entered: 3793-8-14, ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD)
is April 1, 33 in the Gregorian calendar, the one in use today.
is Nisan 14, 3793 in the Jewish calendar.
is April 3, 33 in the Julian Date Calendar.
is 1733204.5 in the serial day number (used by astronomers).
and it falls on a Friday.The following is from www.hebrewcalendar.net/htdocs/main.en.html
Query result
Warning. The Gregorian calendar not yet used. You may want to use the Julian converter. More help here.
14 Nisan 3793 corresponds to 1 April, 33 in Gregorian calendar Friday
Note that a Jewish day starts at sunset. This conversion is valid for daytime.
Jericho was about 20 miles from Jerusalem.
Bethany was about 2 miles from Jerusalem.
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"Again, there is clear, strong evidence that Jesus was crucified on Friday, April 3rd, A.D. 33. The fact that his crucifixion occurred at the close of the fourteenth day of the month Nisan, and that this date rarely falls on Friday, but did so in the year A.D. 33, substantiates that date so thoroughly that even Usher, who adopted B.C. 4 as the date of Jesus' birth was forced to admit that his crucifixion was A.D. 33." B60
R2115:11 (1897) 'The Jews' Passover week always began with the fifteenth day of Nisan by divine direction.' Exod. 12; Num. 28:16,17.
'We Christians, however, do not celebrate the Passover week. That will find its anti-type by and by, when the glory of the Kingdom shall be enjoyed. We celebrate the fourteenth; a day of which the Jew takes little or no account. It would appear that the fourteenth of Nisan should have been generally observed, but that the Jews seemed to begrudge the time, and generally crowded the supper over onto the fifteenth day, to gain one more day for business. Certain it is that it was proper to both kill and eat the Passover lamb on the fourteenth, for our Lord and the twelve apostles so did, and our Lord was crucified on the same day; this being provided for in the Jewish arrangement of time, which began each day at six P.M.' Lev. 23:5,6.'
R5192 (1913)
'The Jews will celebrate the Passover week as a "feast" beginning April 22nd (at 6 o'clock p.m., April 21st), the 15th of Nisan. We in the Memorial Supper do not celebrate the feast-week, but the day previous, the 14th of Nisan, beginning on the evening of April 20th, 1913, which is the anniversary of the proper date for killing and eating the Paschal lamb 'the anniversary of the death of our Lord Jesus, the true Lamb of God, because of whose sacrifice the "Church of the First-born" passes from death unto life'to be completed in the First Resurrection. The antitype of the Passover Feast-week is found in the rejoicing of heart of all the First-born of true Israel 'the seven days signifying the perfection or completeness of the joy and the salvation.'
Significant Scriptures | ||
Scripture citation | Scripture | Significance |
Deut. 16:6 | Deut. 16:6 (KJV) But at the place which the Lord thy God shall choose to place his name in, there thou shalt sacrifice the passover at even, at the going down of the sun, at the season that thou camest forth out of Egypt. | Here the Passover is being described as being "at even, at the going down of the sun." This is a clarification of what is meant by "at even" or "between the evenings". In other words, the sacrifice of the Passover takes place between the going down of the sun beginning the 14th of Nisan and the going down of the sun beginning the 15th of Nisan. Also notice that this is said to be "at the season that thou camest forth our of Egypt." Since they came out of Egypt on the 15th, it seems clear that the sacrifice and the Passover supper both take place on the 14th (since they came out of Egypt on the 15th - "the morrow after the Passover"). |
Num. 33:3 | Numbers 33:3 (KJV) And they departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the morrow after the passover the children of Israel went out with an high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians. | The date of departure from Egypt (from the city of Rameses) was on Nisan 15 - "the morrow after the passover". |
Deut. 16:1 | Deut. 16:1 (KJV) Observe the month of Abib, and keep the passover unto the Lord thy God: for in the month of Abib the Lord thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night. | Israel left Egypt by night - not during the daytime. |
Exo. 12:21,22 | Exodus 12:21-22 (ASV) Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw out, and take you lambs according to your families, and kill the passover. [22] And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two side-posts with the blood that is in the basin; and none of you shall go out of the door of his house until the morning. | Israel did not leave their houses on the night of Passover. God's command was that they should stay in their houses until the morning. If then, they stayed until the morning and (as stated in Deut. 16:1) they left Egypt at night, it follows that the night in question would have been roughly 24 hours after the night of Passover. This fits well with Num. 33:3 which tells us that they left Egypt on the 15th, on "the morrow after the passover." |
Num. 9:1-12 | Numbers 9:9-12 (KJV) And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, [10] Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover unto the Lord. [11] The fourteenth day of the second month at even they shall keep it, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. [12] They shall leave none of it unto the morning, nor break any bone of it: according to all the ordinances of the passover they shall keep it. | For those who needed to keep the Passover one month later, all the ordinances still applied. In vs. 11 they were told to both kill and eat the Passover on the 14th day at evening (between the evenings.) Thus Israel was to both kill and eat the Passover on the same day. |
The Exodus (Br. Tabac's view) | ||
14th | 15th | |
Evening (Sunset to Sunrise) | Morning (Sunrise to Sunset) | Evening (Sunset to Sunrise) |
In the above view there is no taking into account the fact that Israel was to remain in the house until the morning.
The Exodus (Based on Pastor Russell's view) | ||
14th | 15th | |
Evening (Sunset to Sunrise) | Morning (Sunrise to Sunset) | Evening (Sunset to Sunrise) |
Nisan 14 | Nisan 15 | ||
Evening | Morning | Evening | Morning |
Lamb slain (after sunset) Supper eaten that night. Firstborn of Israel passed over. Remain in house until morning. |
Gather their flocks and their herds and (all two million of them) travel from Goshen to Rameses. Spoil the Egyptians. |
Leave Egypt from Rameses on 15th. Leave Egypt by night. |
This approach accounts for all the above mentioned scriptures and does so without any conflict. This works! |
Numbers 33:1-5 (KJV) These are the journeys of the children of Israel, which went forth out of the land of Egypt with their armies under the hand of Moses and Aaron. [2] And Moses wrote their goings out according to their journeys by the commandment of the Lord: and these are their journeys according to their goings out. [3] And they departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the morrow after the passover the children of Israel went out with an high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians. [4] For the Egyptians buried all their firstborn, which the Lord had smitten among them: upon their gods also the Lord executed judgments. [5] And the children of Israel removed from Rameses, and pitched in Succoth.
Notice the events here described:
This passage describes the exodus, i.e., the movement of Israel as they left Egypt.
- They left the city of Rameses on the 15th, "the morrow after the passover."
- The Egyptians buried all their firstborn.
- Israel leaves Rameses.
We are told that Israel left Rameses on the 15th.
We are told that Egypt took the time to bury their firstborn.
We are told again that Israel left Rameses.
What does this (from a timing standpoint) imply?
It implies that the Egyptians had enough time to bury their dead firstborn by the time that Israel left Egypt from Rameses on the 15th.