St. Paul Enterprise, April 9, 1915


Quotation From Tabernacle Shadows Gives View That The Sexes Will Merge

A week ago the question was raised in the Twin City Ecclesia after Sunday afternoon meeting as to whether the subject of a blending of the sexes in the Millennium was believable, and an interesting discussion ensued. On the following Sunday the following editorial appeared in the St. Paul "Pioneer Press." The last lines of its third paragraph being especially significant. We note in full: It is a fascinating picture which Arnold Bennet paints of the lot of European women after the war is over; not alluring because it means hardship and privation, not pathetic because it means a new inspiration; a new effort a new strength.

A Shortage of some millions of young men when the conflict ceases is reducible, of course, to a shortage of practically as many husbands. The industrial effect will appear in a forward surge of women in the occupations formerly monopolized by the other sex. The sociological effect will be the elimination of the weaker and less attractive of womankind from the business of procreation. Politically "the struggle between men and women will be concluded in favor of women."

Before the break of the war, Europe had been the breeding place of all those advanced ideas concerning woman's social status which were grouped under the head of feminism. America has thought of suffrage as an unnatural dragging of tender womanhood into the rude stench of politics. Europe has thought of it as an entering wedge to a social revolution involving not only a political but an economic and even a biological change in the status of woman.

No historical cataclysm within the purview of man's imagination could be better designed to furnish the soil for the sprouting seed of feministic revolution than the present war. It has crushed the male. It has opened the gate of opportunity to the female. It has soothed away the bitterness of both. Feminism is either about to realize its aspirations or to be drawn under the current of masculine domination forever.

There seems to be a number of friends who are not aware that this thought of the blending of the sexes in the millennium is definitely presented by Pastor Russell. It is to be found at the end of Chapter 6 of Tabernacle Shadows, beginning page 100.

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