Mahomet Convention 2016 - Israel in the Last Days
Panel Questions
Question References
1 Explain the relationship among the battle of the great day in Rev. 16:14
Jacob’s trouble in Jer. 30:7
and Israel’s invasion in Ezek.38:9.
2 Who are Gog and its allies? Ezek.38:1-3,5,6,13,15; D555-556
3 What attracts Gog and its allies to Israel? Ezek.38:11-13; D554:2
4 How does God gather Gog and its allies to Israel? Ezek.38:4; 38:16; Zeph.3:8; D269-272
5 How much more of the world’s Jewish population and wealth will be regathered to Israel before the invasion? Ezek.38:8; Jer.16:14-15; 30:3,5,6; 32:37; Zech.10:9-12; Micah 7:11-15; Zeph.2:4-9; D553
6 What kind of invasion is it? Ezek.38:4,5,12,13
7 Describe the ways God fights for Israel. When? Zech. 14:2,3,8; Micah 7:15-17; Micah 5:5,6; Ezek. 38:21,22; D555, D557
8 How does Israel benefit from its dramatic deliverance? Ezek. 39:22,28,29; 36:26,27; Zech. 12:10; Joel 2:28; Ezek.36:31; D557:1; 628:1; Q210
9 How does mankind respond to Israel’s dramatic deliverance? Isa. 2:2-4; D628:1,2; Q210
10 Explain what it means that God is magnified, sanctified, and known in the eyes of many nations as a result of the defeat of the invaders and Israel’s deliverance. Ezek.38:16,23; Isa.45:4-6; D555, 557, 558