Revelation Chapter 19 [DARBY]

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1 After these things I heard as a loud voice of a great multitude in the heaven, saying, Hallelujah: the salvation and the glory and the power of our God: And – This chapter is part of the message of the "seventh trump," during which the first resurrection and change of living saints occurs. R194:4

After these things – A view of the Great Company during the trouble, after the Bride company has been taken and the "marriage of the Lamb is come." (Verse 7) R275:6

Babylon's fall as a result of Kingdom judgments will be discerned later by some in her who are represented as getting light and liberty through Christ after her fall. D623

Much people – The Great Company set free by the fall of Babylon. R5383:2[R5383:7], 275:6[R275:7]

Individuals out of Babylon which arise from among her ashes. R177:6[R177:13]

After these things – Indicating a new vision.

I – The John class, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's second presence.

Heard – Not with our literal ears but with the ear of faith. "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit sayeth unto the churches." - Rev. 2:11,17,29; 3:6,13,22

A great voice – A proclamation in the name of God (see Bible Topics Loud Voice.)

Much people – Strong's 4183 & 3793. This is the exact phrase used to describe the "great multitude" in Rev. 7:9 and also here in 19:6.

In heaven – In June 1916 Pastor Russell applies this to
"The church systems of today" - R5911:12.

Heaven, as a symbol, represents the power of spiritual control. As to whether it refers to the Nominal Heaven or to the True Heaven must be determined by the context. And so it is here - so read on.

Alleluia – "Praise ye Jah." Jah being a shortened version of Jehovah, the name of God.

What follows here are things ascribed to "our God." These are "Salvation, Glory and Power." As near as we can determine it appears that "Honor" is not part of the original text.

In the Greek, the article 'ho' is used before each of these, thus the expression should be "The Salvation and the glory and the power..."

Salvation -- This is what is proclaimed by the Great Company in Rev. 7:10.

Glory – The glory of person and of office that has been earned by our Lord.

Honour – Apparently this word is not in the original text.

Power – The same as in Rev. 4:11 where it seems to be applied to our Lord Jesus.

This is the only place in Revelation where this combination is used, i.e., "salvation, glory, honor, power." The combination of "glory, honor and power" are used in Rev. 4:11; 5:12; 7:12. - It is noteworthy that in this last reference the context also involves the "great multitude."

The places in Revelation that use "glory and honour" together (other than those already referred to) are: Rev. 4:9; 5:13; 21:24,26.

Unto the Lord our God – The RVIC is better here. It says that these "belong to our God."

The question here is "to which God does this apply?" It does NOT say to "the God" (ho theos) as in John 1:1. So does this refer to Jehovah, who has always had these, or does it refer to Jesus who gained them after his resurrection.

If this refers to Jesus then it could have the additional meaning that the Great Company class finally recognizes the reign of Christ but may have had difficulty seeing this fact before this point in time.

The following texts may have a bearing in this discussion: Eph. 1:19-22 (esp. vs 21); John 5:22.
2 for true and righteous are his judgments; for he has judged the great harlot which corrupted the earth with her fornication, and has avenged the blood of his bondmen at her hand. True and righteous – It is after Babylon has fallen to pieces, and the Great Company are liberated from her chains and influences, that they come to realize that tares and earthly organizations never were God's church. R275:6

Only then will the people realize their wonderful deliverance, and that her overthrow was by the hand of God. D40

The Great Company never get the victory over the Beast and his Image, and apparently do not recognize their true character until they are overthrown by the judgments of the Day of Wrath. R130:3

In contrast, another class "cast dust on their heads and cried, weeping and wailing, saying: Alas, alas, that great city!" (Rev. 18:16-19) CR165:5

His judgments – The Kingdom reign will begin before Babylon falls. Babylon will fall as a result of Kingdom judgments. D623

He hath judged – After Babylon, the harlot church, has been judged. R276:1

The great whore – While the broadest application of this language is to Papacy, it also involves all who are in any degree in confederation or sympathy with her. D38

Catholics declare that Protestants are this Babylon system. Protestants claim that Catholics are this Babylon system. Both are right! CR165:5

Which did corrupt – The church systems of today are permeated with all manner of pagan doctrines--immortality of the soul, a trinity of Gods, torment after death, re-incarnation, communion with the dead. R5911:6

Her fornication – Symbolically signifying any illicit fellowship with the world on the part of those who have betrothed themselves to be God's consecrated people. R2300:1

Church and world united, an improper union called harlotry. R276:1; SM122:1

Brother Russell applies vs 1,2 to the time after Babylon's fall:
"Only then will the people realize their wonderful deliverance, and that her overthrow was by the hand of God." D40:1

Here he says "the people" would realize.., as opposed to saying "the Great Company..."

True and righteous are his judgments – This is part of "The Song of Moses and the Lamb." At this point the Great Company has now learned at least this part of that song. The difference is that the church class was already singing this in the early part of the harvest. See Rev. 15:2-4. The great company have waited too long to learn this song. That is (at least in part) why they are great company and not little flock.

Hath judged the great whore – Past tense.

Which did corrupt the earth – It was indeed that great counterfeit system, Papacy, the union of church and state claiming to be the true Kingdom of Christ - Christendom, that corrupted the earth - organized society under religious restraint. - R498:8

With her fornication – By the false church not waiting for her true husband, Christ, but instead married the kings of the earth.

Hath avenged the blood of his servants – This is a clear reference to Rev. 6:9-11. The vengeance of God is shown in the 7 last plagues. This reference cannot possibly be prior to the beginning of the pouring out of these plagues.

This reference is in the Past tense. This would seem to indicate a time after the 7th plague has been poured out. It is then that the Great Company, now having lost their place in the little flock, comes out of the great tribulation.

At her hand – I.e., at the hand of the false religious system. She is the one who sponsored the great persecutions of the Lord's people throughout the Gospel Age. see Vol. II Study IX.

3 And a second time they said, Hallelujah. And her smoke goes up to the ages of ages. Her smoke – The remembrance of the destruction of those systems of deception and error--as smoke continues to ascend after a literal fire testifying that the fire has done its work. R2609:6, 894:1

It is to a symbolic woman and not a literal one that this statement applies. HG305:2

For ever and ever – Lasting--the lesson will never be forgotten. R2609:6, 894:1

They – The great company (vs. 1).

Allelulia – "Praise Jah" - Praise Jehovah.

Her – Babylon's smoke, especially the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth.

Smoke – Remembrance, evidence of her burning, her destruction.

For ever and ever – For the ages of ages (see Topic: "The Reign"). What this verse is saying is that the lessons learned of false worship and its results will last for all time.

Compare this with Isa. 34:9-10.
4 And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and did homage to God who sits upon the throne, saying, Amen, Hallelujah. Worshipped God – Jehovah. R1211:1*

Twenty four elders – Old Testament (especially the prophetic writings - see Rev. 4:10).


Four beasts – 4 living creatures, the 4 attributes of God. see Rev. 4:7.

Allelulia – "Praise Jah" - Praise Jehovah.
5 And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his bondmen, and ye that fear him, small and great. A voice – While Jesus and the dead saints are shown in the heavenly condition, the living saints, who are not yet changed, are used as his mouthpiece. R328:4*

Out of the throne – Pyramid w on the Chart of the Ages. R275:6[R275:7]

He that sitteth on the throne sends the message--the invitation to the marriage supper. (Verse 9) R229:2

Ye his servants – The Great Company. R172:5, 148:2

Is it not significant that the teachings are now to the servants, believing, as we do, that the door is shut to the high calling? R328:4*

A voice – We are not, in this verse, told who is here speaking. However, it becomes a simple matter to make the determination when we look at verses 7-10. The voice is that of Pastor Russell.

Came out from the throne – In R275:7 (Food for Thinking Christians - Explanation of the Chart) Br. Russell equates this to pyramid w (on plane K), shown as being between 1881 and 1914. However, he then goes on to indicate this takes place after the church has gone onto its full reward in glory.

Praise our God – Another "Allelulia" ("Praise Jah" - see vss 3,4)

According to Wescott and Hort the Greek here is, while not correct English, 'praise our the God [ho theos].'

His servants – See Topical study "His Servants."

Ye that fear him – Those that reverence him. This would seem to include all those who were represented in the camp of Israel surrounding the Tabernacle, i.e., all those of mankind who are desirous of being close to God. T18:1

Both small and great – This occurs in Rev. 13:16 and 19:18.

After searching for this phrase elsewhere in scripture it appears obvious that this is a way of referring to every class of people.

An additional thought has here presented itself, i.e., that the groups that are here referred to as included in "both small and great" are of the world of mankind and do not include either the Little Flock or the Great Company. The Little Flock have already been referred to by the phrase "His servants." So why not include the Great Company? It is because they seem to be the ones who are here speaking (see Additional comments for vs 1 and also vs 3.)

6 And I heard as a voice of a great crowd, and as a voice of many waters, and as a voice of strong thunders, saying, Hallelujah, for the Lord our God the Almighty has taken to himself kingly power. And I heard – Their answer shows that they have reached the condition of complete harmony with God--they can sing "the song of Moses and the Lamb" in harmony in every note. (Rev. 15:3) R172:5

Great multitude – The Great Company at the time of the fall of Babylon. Q229:2

These, though not of the Bride, are nevertheless beloved of both Bridegroom and Bride. R343:6

The different rewards of these two classes (both spiritual) are also shown by Rev. 7:9, 10, 13-17; Psa. 45:10-15. R428:5

Many. C193

All flesh. A86

Many waters – We think there is good reason to believe that a considerable number who have made consecration are still in Babylon. R5411:6

At the fall of Babylon they will be fully set free from the timidity which has restrained them, and be glad to acclaim the Bride. R4647:6; CR101:5

Finally delivered from Babylon, with rejoicing. R4079:5*

Awakened from their slumber and separated from Babylon. R5865:4

Alleluia – We can in advance join with the Great Company in his song. NS555:4

Reigneth – The Great Company will be the first to recognize the Kingdom as being established. R148:2

They recognize his reign as having commenced by the overthrow of Babylon the great. R276:1

The struggle will occur just in advance of the time for the establishment of Messiah's Kingdom by its all-powerful King, soon to take unto himself his great power and reign. R5458:5

I – John, the church in the flesh during the parousia of our Lord.

Heard – "To him that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith to the churches." Rev. 2:7,17

As it were – This might be better translated 'as.' - "I heard as the voice.." - Compare this verse in the following translations: BBE, Darby, ISV, MKJV, YLT.

The voice – The message.

Great Multitude – The Great Company.

The voice of many waters – New Albany suggests:
�the group formerly known as 'every tribe and tongue and people and nation' -- the sea class of humanity. Now they have the prospect of stability so that 'there will be no more sea.'� (21:1)

See how the scriptures use this phrase - The Voice of Many Waters.

As the voice of mighty thunderings – The only other place (in English) which uses the phrase "mighty thunderings" is Exo. 9:28. The one who uses this phrase is pharaoh when he is pleading with Moses to have the 7th plague (hail) cease. In this case, from Pharaoh's standpoint, it is the LORD who is thundering.

Psa. 18:13; 1 Sam. 2:10

Since this voice of thundering is associated with the voice of God, we suggest that the scene here is that the Great Company is shown here after the Gospel Age is concluded and they are now in the heavenly realm. They are to be associated with the Christ in the Kingdom work. Their voice is coming now with the authority of the Throne.

Alleluia – "Praise Jah" - Praise Jehovah.

The Lord God – Jehovah, through His appointed representative, Christ Jesus.

Reigneth – "Thy God Reigneth" - Isa. 52:7.
7 Let us rejoice and exult, and give him glory; for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready. Let us be glad – The Great Company. A87; R5865:4, 5383:2[R5383:7], 3416:6; CR101:5; Q290:1

In joyful praise. R343:6

Awakened from their slumber and separated from Babylon, these finally recognize what they have missed; but they thank God that his plan will still be carried out. R5865:4, 5383:2

This is the Benjamin class (the Great Company) rejoicing to know the Joseph class (the Little Flock). It is after the Little Flock is changed and the Great Company is still in a measure of tribulation. Q381:1

Realizing that the Bride is complete, yet they rejoice to see God's great loving plan as it embraces the sin destroyed race, and they are filled with God's praise. R172:6, 148:2

Some get awake and thank the Lord and his faithful. Others are merely angered, thus showing that they are not of the kind the Lord desires as members of the Bride. R2764:1

No doubt greatly dismayed to realize that the Bride is completed, but seemingly the beauty of God's plan which they now begin to discern, quite overcomes their grief. A240; R276:1

They were glad when they found out the true situation, that God had delivered them, and that the institution was a hindrance to God's plan in many respects. Q295:5

Great will be the rejoicing in heaven and in earth at the Church's abundant entrance into the King's palace. C193

All will rejoice in the glorification of the Church, through which blessings will then be flowing to them. A87

And rejoice – Why should the Great Company rejoice? Because their eyes are really opened. They see Babylon as they never saw her before. They see God's plan as they never saw it before. Q291:T

They rejoice in the fall of Babylon. There is a difference between Babylon falling in a judicial sense, by being rejected by the Lord, and the actual falling, as when she goes down like a millstone. Q381:1; R5383:2

The marriage of the Lamb – The unifying and full glorification of the entire Body of Christ with the Head. A235

The second Adam and the second Eve become one, and then the glorious work of restitution begins. A98; HG343:3; OV224:1

The plan of redemption cannot reach the world, until the perfection of the second man and his wife. HG99:5

The Bride will be with the Bridegroom when the Kingdom is fully established. HG165:1; OV320:4

An event of the very near future. R3200:6

In Jewish custom a marriage contract was entered int; sually lasting about a year. Then the man would come and receive her to himself, and from that time she was his wife. Q289:3

Under the Jewish custom the espousal brought the woman under the same obligation of chastity as though the marriage had taken place. SM122:T

As the consecration of the Lord's people and their begetting of the holy Spirit constitute the betrothal to Christ, so the glorification of the first resurrection will constitute their marriage to him. NS295:1

Translation--to be "changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye"--to be "caught up to meet the Lord in the air." (1 Cor. 15:52; 1 Thes. 4:17) This will be our marriage--being made like him and united with him. R88:6; NS719:5; Q300:1

The faithful ones of the Church who had died were raised and were at once received of the Lord. So that portion of the Church is married to the Lord, just as soon as they are received by him. Q300:1

When the last member of the Body shall have finished his course and has been changed into the glory of the Lord the marriage will be consummated. Q462:5

When Christ comes and receives the Church to himself, she will be his wife, just as in the type. There is no ceremony. Q300:T

Church and state union is contrary to the spirit of the Bible. The Church of Christ is not to reign with the prince of the earth, not to be married to them, but to wait for her marriage until the second coming, and be united with him in the first resurrection. PD79/91

Is come – Greek past tense--is accomplished. R276:1

Has taken place. Q229:2

We do not know how long after their "change" the Bride will be glorified as a company. A235

His wife – No longer the espoused virgin, but the Bride. A98; OV224:1

The already called-out Bride of Christ. R1349:1, 5400:5

A second Eve, the "wife" of the second Adam. HG15:1

As the wife of the "first man" is the natural mother of the race, so the wife of the "second Adam" is to be the spiritual mother. HG99:3

As a wife shares her husband's honors and name, so the Church bears the name of Christ as members of the Body of Christ. E42

And joint-heir in his Kingdom and in his inheritance in the Abrahamic Covenant. R2122:5, 1702:6

Selected between Christ's first and second advents, as Moses selected his wife between his two advents in Egypt. R1651:6

As in Jewish custom the espoused virgin was called a bride from the time of her contract with the bridegroom, so the espoused virgin Church is called Christ's Bride before the consummation of their union. R1388:6

Shall he not have the right to select his own Bride? May not he and his Father elect whom they will for the Bride of Christ? Her office is not to exalt herself. It is to exalt the Bridegroom. R623:6*

There is no Bride now. Jesus, during the Gospel age, has been preparing a place for the Bride. (John 14:2-4) Q750:2, 838:1

Selected from among the Gentiles, typified by Moses marrying a Gentile wife. R1651:6, 4332:4*

In many parables the believers are represented in the attitude of guests, and not as the Bride. R58:2*

Made herself ready – Be complete. R827:2, 276:1, 217:5

The Gospel age makes ready the chaste virgin, the faithful Church, for the coming Bridegroom. In the end of the age she is made "ready." A98; OV224:1

Requiring the entire period of the Gospel age. The robe of Christ's righteousness must be painstakingly embroidered according to the pattern set before us, with the fruits and graces of the holy Spirit. NS295:1

The sole object of the gospel is not to convert the world--that work belongs to the Millennial age--but to perfect the second Adam and the second Eve. HG12:2

Not that we could make ourselves ready of ourselves, but that we aid each other in the cultivation of those traits of character which the Lord has stipulated. R845:4, 3937:5; NS295:4

Our influence upon the brethren is of much more importance than our influence upon the world. NS152:1

That we may be in heart (and as nearly as attainable in the flesh also) "without spot or wrinkle or any such thing." (Eph. 5:23) R2429:5

The use of the means provided by her Bridegroom--the putting on of her adornment, the embroidering of her robes, the arrangement of her jewelry presented to her through the Spirit, is left for herself to do. R2202:1

The Bride makes herself ready for union with the Bridegroom by using the means provided by the Bridegroom. R830:4*

In the ante-chamber of special preparation--the light of Present Truth--the guests spend the short time just prior to the marriage feast (the harvest time) in adjusting their robes and giving to themselves and each other the final touches of preparation. C199; R153:1

In the "guest chamber" where they may finish the last touches of personal adornment. Then comes the inspection and casting out of one not having on a wedding garment. R153:1

Each, as he entered the wedding apartments, has become exercised in having his garments without spot or wrinkle before him--our Bridegroom, and our efforts extend to all who enter. R290:1

(1) They must keep their garments unspotted from the world (Jas. 1:27); and (2) must embroider them with fine needlework. SM254:2

The careful setting of the stitches in the embroidering of this wedding garment has been the chief duty and constant occupation of the espoused virgin while waiting for the nuptial feast. R2161:6

By laying aside present weights and hindrances, and shaping affairs to be able to give the entire time in the work of spreading the good tidings and helping the Body. R1302:5

With such a pressing call for every moment of their time, the new creatures have no love for the world to seek to perpetuate its arrangements and institutions. F608

It is vain to hope for future glory if we are not trying to subdue sin now. R830:1*

The Church was not commissioned to conquer the world and to reign as and for Christ during this time. Her commission was to "make herself ready." R4799:2; A98

Let us enter the harvest work of perfecting holiness in ourselves and others of the saints, and preparing for the marriage of the Lamb. R1941:5; OV126:2

The Lord has made it profitable for every member to assist in maintaining and perfecting the one Body, because each is dependent on the other in some measure. R733:5

Only the fellow-members of the one Body can help you, and your assistance is needed to help such, that all may shortly enter into the joys of their Lord. R919:1

Now the individual Christians are called upon to make their calling and election sure. Only incidentally, and not as their chief work, are they to let their light shine before men. R4878:6, 1430:6; F608; T115

The work of the prospective Bride now is to make herself ready--not specially the blessing of the world, which her Lord designs shall be done after she becomes united to him. R1430:6, 1349:1

Though frequently upbraided with the suggestion that they are selfish because they do not join with others in the various political, social, financial and moral reforms of the world. R2415:5, 1564:1

Restitution work will be accomplished by the successors of the Gospel Church--the Church's work being specifically the making of herself ready. R2345:3

It becomes a laudable ambition to serve one another and to build one another up in the most holy faith--to get ready ourselves and to help others of the dear family of God. R5185:2, 5400:5, 2690:4

Have you heard the cry, the knock announcing our Bridegroom's presence? Are you awake? Are you seeing to it that you are clothed with the righteousness of Christ as with a garment? R88:6

When to "the worthy Lamb that was slain" the voices of the multitude ascribe blessing and honor and glory and power, they will also exclaim, "his wife hath made herself ready." R3104:5

And we (the Great Company) are left, and disappointed, nevertheless rejoicing because we see God's plan. Q229:2

Us – The Great Company.

While in A86:3 Br. Russell applies this to the world in the next age, most of the time he applies it to the Great Company.

Be glad and rejoice – Even though we did not attain to the position of the Little Flock, we are grateful for the Lord's great mercy towards us in granting us life in the spirit plane.

Give honour to him – Because of this great mercy, how can we (the Great Company) do otherwise?

The marriage of the lamb is come – No longer is it the time for the earthly humiliation of the Christ, and no longer is it the time for the church to be absent from her Bridegroom, but NOW the time has come for the long-awaited heavenly union to take place!

His wife has made herself ready – The church is no longer described as in a waiting, developmental state. She has finished her development and has now "made herself ready."

It should be noted that it does not say "His bride has made herself ready." The church is already His wife. Since accepting of His proposal (Psa. 45:10-11) the church has been His wife. This follows the Jewish custom which declares that the man and woman are husband and wife from the moment of their betrothal. At that time, the husband goes away and prepares a place for her. When he returns, the marriage takes place.
8 And it was given to her that she should be clothed in fine linen, bright and pure; for the fine linen is the righteousnesses of the saints. To her – The Bride, the victorious Church. R2159:6

Was granted – The entire arrangement for her wedding robes, the washing of regeneration (justification) and the water for her feet washing, are all provided through the agency of the Bridegroom. R2201:6

Arrayed in fine linen – In the resurrection he will grant us ideal bodies and the ideal character embroidered perfectly upon the new robe, which will be ours through grace. R2161:6

In the simple white robe of her Lord's own furnishing, the robe of his righteousness, upon which she will have wrought, with much carefulness, the beautiful adornments of the Christian graces. C193

This company must be the risen dead, for the "fine linen" represents the righteous acts of the saints. (Diaglott) R328:1*

The robe figuratively represents justification, the covering of our blemishes; and it is a wedding garment because it constitutes a basis of our ultimate acceptance by the Lord in the end of this age. SM254:2

As the rich man in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, there showing Israel, in a typical sense, as a holy (righteous) nation. R2604:2, 1086:6, 1000:2, 284:1

Clean and white – In contrast: "And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication." (Rev. 17:1-6) R471:6

The righteousness of saints – Greek, dikaiomata, properly rendered, righteous acts. R76:3*

Their personal purity, completeness and perfection at that time. R2159:6

Righteousness is more than right doing. It is right being, which includes right doing. R76:5*

Not limited to her theology, but it must include her character. It is her righteousness manifested in her life--her loyalty, purity and her fellowship with God. R50:2*

But at the present time the saints have no righteousness of their own. R2159:6

The righteousness to which she is called: "God hath not called us to uncleanness, but to holiness." (1 Thes. 4:7) R50:2*

The garment expresses the effect sought and gained, rather than the means God uses to bring it about. R50:2*

To her – To the true church.

Was granted – This is a free gift. The power to become of the Bride class and to overcome does not lie within us of our own skill. We are completely dependent upon the Lord for the Robe of Righteousness to cover our sins, the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us understand so that we may develop the character to be pleasing to Him. ALL we have is given to us gratis.

Arrayed in fine linen – Not our own filthy rags (Isa. 64:6) but instead the clean and beautiful 'Robe of Righteousness.' (Isa. 61:10; Zech. 3:5-8)

Clean and white – Robe of Righteousness. SM254:2 **[It is worth reading the paragraph here referenced.]**

The fine linen is the righteousness of saints – There is an implication here. Normally we think of the white linen as being the Robe of Christ's Righteousness, that which is given to the spirit-begotten as a covering for the sins of their fallen flesh. But here it is applied to the saints in glory. These no longer need His righteousness as a covering for they are now spirit-born new creatures. What is granted to them is their own righteousness! - R2159:2

9 And he says to me, Write, Blessed are they who are called to the supper of the marriage of the Lamb. And he says to me, These are the true words of God. Blessed are they – After the marriage is accomplished, they shall enjoy the feast with the Royal Family. R343:6, 276:1

Figuratively styled the Bridesmaids, the Great Company class, symbolized by the New Jerusalem. R3867:6, 5865:4, 5415:5

Represented in Rebecca and her damsels, or maids, who accompanied her, when she went to become the bride of Isaac. R4647:6, 101:5

Those originally bidden will not taste of that supper, though divine providence has arranged for another banquet, which through the Kingdom will be spread for all nations. R5415:6

It will be later on, after the intervening time of trouble, that the feast of fat things for the world will be spread out. R3834:5

Which are called – The Great Company are represented as getting a special message from God. Q296:T

Unto the marriage supper – A promise written specially for the Great Multitude. R172:6

There is a difference between being at the marriage, and eating of the marriage supper. When the door is shut, the wise virgins go in to the marriage, but the marriage supper does not take place for a little while after that. Q296:T

To share in the glorious blessings and favors of God, which will make their hearts rejoice, and compensate them for all their trials and difficulties in the present time. Q463:1

The feast of rejoicings is postponed until the Great Company shall have "washed their robes and made them white." (Rev. 7:14) R172:6, 88:6

The nuptial feast, in honor of the marriage of the Lamb, after the wife hath made herself ready. R5415:5, 3867:6

A great time of blessing; we don't know what it is. Perhaps, as we feast on God's Word and truth at conventions. It is just a suggestion of something grand beyond power to describe. Q463:T

The great marriage feast is to take place shortly after the glorification of the Church. R3417:1

Invited to come in and partake of the festivities mentioned in Psalm 45. Q229:2, 296:T, 300:1

Ultimately reaching the position next to the Bride. A241; R276:1

In glory. HG752:5

Although specifically the nuptial feast of Christ and the Church, nevertheless the Great Company, the virgins, the Bride's companions, will be invited to share in this nuptial feast. R3834:5

Though never sharers of the Bride's portion. R2764:4

These are the virgin companions who follow the Bride and rejoice in her exaltation, and are honored also, though less highly, by the King. R828:4

A great blessing, even though not so grandly glorious as that which the Lord will give to the Little Flock. R4274:1

There are many such virgins, but not wise--wheat, but not ripe wheat, not ready to be garnered. They are living far below their privileges, and will suffer great loss. R593:5

They can go to that marriage supper only through much tribulation, which will test to the last their full devotion to the Lord. R5865:4

There is really no sitting down to eat or drink, but it is merely a picture of the joyous occasion that will follow. Q296:T

The aroma of the good things coming already reaches us in the anteroom, before we enter the banquet hall. R5415:6

He saith – The words come from Pastor Russell, the 7th Messenger to the Church.

Blessed are they – The Great Company.

Which are called – Are invited.

Unto the marriage supper – Not the marriage itself but the marriage supper. In other words, those who are thus invited are not the bride but are instead the bridesmaids.

Of the Lamb – "The lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world." John 1:29.

This expression reminds us that it is not the marriage of the Bride that is so important but that the focus is on the Lamb. And that is as it should be. We have nothing of value of ourselves. All we have is thanks to our heavenly Bridegroom.

This thought is further supported by considering that it was Abraham's servant who was sent to find a bride for Isaac. It was NOT a servant that was sent to find a husband for Rebekah.

True sayings of God – The fact that this is mentioned here suggests that there are "sayings of God" that appear NOT to be true. -- How can this be? Remember that we have seen the woman who made all nations drunk with the wine (false doctrine) of her fornication. What she put forth as being "the Word of God" was often false, i.e., NOT true. Most notably "the abomination that maketh desolate" (the setting up of the Mass) and the idea that she was the spiritual part of Christendom (Christ's Kingdom - falsely so-called). - compare with Dan. 2:43.
10 And I fell before his feet to do him homage. And he says to me, See thou do it not. I am thy fellow-bondman, and the fellow-bondman of thy brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Do homage to God. For the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. I – The Apostle John in a measure represented the faithful of the Lord's people in the end of this age. R4200:1

To worship him – As the more wonderful things of the divine plan are being revealed, some might be in danger of worshipping the angel through whom the enlightenment was sent. R4200:1

How natural is the disposition to worship, to give undue honor to the messengers of truth. R496:3*

Many think it a mark of humility to discard reason and blindly follow others. It is against such "voluntary humility" and worshipping of messengers that Paul warns. (Col. 2:18) R496:6*

Do it not – Anything in the nature of personal idolatry is rebuked. R4200:1

If there come to any of us a thought of doing homage to the Lord's messengers through whom his blessings have been bestowed upon us, it is proper for him to heed this admonition. R3970:6

There is a tendency in this direction, and a danger to worship the creature, or instrumentality, rather than the Creator who uses the instrumentality. Let us not make that mistake. Q77:4

When Cornelius offered such service to Peter--the leading Apostle--"he took him up, saying, Stand up: I myself also am a man." (Acts 10:26) R144:3*

To what extent should the pilgrims and other brothers preach "Brother Russell"? I say, not at all. Q77:2

Some of the dear brethren seem to find as much about Brother Russell in the Bible as they find about the Lord Jesus, and I think that is a great mistake. I do not find it there. CR125:2

Had Christ not been more than man the same reason would have prevented him from receiving worship. R144:3*

Illustrated by the attitude of the angel which wrestled with Jacob. (Gen. 32:29) R3978:6, 1634:6

Illustrated by the angel announcing Samson's birth to Manoah. (Jud. 13:18) R1634:6

Thy fellowservant – Who can tell which brother messenger will prove faithful to the end, neither becoming puffed up, discouraged, overcome or weary in well doing. R496:6*

Worship God – True messengers of God always seek to give the honor unto God, and decline it for themselves. R1634:6

We should recognize every agency God uses, but we are not to recognize any agency of God as being any competition whatever with the Lord or with his divine arrangement. CR125:4

It would be our duty to fully recognize that our blessings come not from any human being but from God, however much he may use human instrumentalities to convey his blessings. R3971:1

Testimony of Jesus – Concerning Jesus. R496:5*

The spirit – The import. R496:5*

I – The John class, the church in the flesh during our Lord's second advent.

Fell at his feet to worship him – This was the standard way in ancient times to show great respect to a King. It may be motivated by fear or by love or by respect.

He – Pastor Russell, the Seventh Messenger, the 'angel.' (see additional comments Rev. 1:1)

How do we know that this angel is Pastor Russell? - Not only because of the reference in Rev. 1:1, but especially by the remainder of his response in this verse.

He said unto me – i.e., Pastor Russell said unto the church in the flesh in his day.

See thou do it not – This is what we might call a 'no-brainer.' When the Law was given to Israel (Exo. 20:2,3) the first commandment was "I am the LORD thy God... Thou shalt have no other Gods before me."

Please see Q77:2-4.

To correctly follow the next statements we need to keep in mind Rev. 1:1.
"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John."

I am thy fellowservant – Compare this to Rev. 1:1. In that verse the saints throughout the Gospel Age are referred to as "His servants." - Please see mini-study "His Servants."

The word used for 'servants' in Rev. 1:1 is Strong's 1401. The word used here for 'fellowservant' is Strong's 4889 which comes from Strong's 4862 (with or together) and 1401, thus identifying this individual as being one of the little flock, specifically: the 'angel' of 1:1.

And of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus – This seems to be a special reference to the John class for it is indeed the John class that has this testimony of Jesus. They have it because it has been delivered to them by an angel, this angel, the seventh angel (messenger) Pastor Russell. This is the same angel mentioned in Rev. 1:1.

Worship God – Exo. 20:2,3

There is an important point here that must be pointed out. This point is almost always overlooked! The John class represents the Little Flock in the flesh during the time of our Lord's second presence. So what is the attitude of the Little Flock during this time? - It is one of such great appreciation of the message of Present Truth that the tendency is to worship the one who delivered it to us. That is why this rebuke from the angel (messenger) is necessary! If we are of the Little Flock at this time, this should be our attitude too. If we are lacking in this attitude then we have reason to question if we are indeed of the John class.

Both attitudes must be present in the John class.

  1. The attitude of such great appreciation that we almost worship the one who was used of the Lord to give us Present Truth, and

  2. The recognition that we cannot give in to that attitude. Quoting Pastor Russell as a proof is NOT a the correct method. We must prove all things from the Scriptures!

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy – Please see R2845:6

We are not to think that "our opinion" on a prophetic picture is enough. According to 2 Pet. 1:16-21 (especially vs 20) the only way to understand prophecy is through the Holy Spirit. No private interpretation is acceptable.

This is a definite rebuke by our Lord Jesus to those who seem to think that prophecy is of little importance.

11 And I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and one sitting on it, called Faithful and True, and he judges and makes war in righteousness. A white horse – The events of the first seal are identical: "I saw, and behold, a white horse; and he that sat on him had a bow, and a crown was given unto him; and he went forth conquering and to conquer." (Rev. 6:2) HG81:5

Faithful and True – The Christ in glory. R5451:4

He is the "faithful and true witness," as John spake of him in addressing the Laodicean church. (Rev. 3:14) R328:1*

The nominal church, not having been true witnesses, were spewed out of his mouth in the spring of 1878 AD. R328:1*

Make war – Who can give assurance that the multitudes who now compose the marshalled hosts of Christendom will not then constitute the great army that will throw its mighty force against the bulwarks of the present social order. D549

There are also intimations that there may be others beyond the revolting hosts of Christendom who will also form a part of the Lord's great army. D549

I – The John class, the Little Flock during the time of our Lord's second presence.

Saw – Symbolically, mentally, i.e., I understood.

Heaven opened – Spiritual understanding came to the John class. For places where we see 'heaven opened' consider Mal. 3:10 and Matt. 3:16.

A white horse – The pure doctrines of Present Truth.

He that sat thereon – The rider or director of these wonderful doctrines, i.e., our Lord Jesus.

Called Faithful and True – This clearly is our Lord who had, at His first advent, proven Himself to be both Faithful and True to God and to His Word.

In righteousness – Of course in righteousness. There seems to be a necessity here of reminding the saints of this fact.

He doth judge – The judgments of Christ are righteous judgments. There is no mistake when He condemned Christendom (see Rev. 18:2-8 and onward.)

And make war – The 'Great War' (a.k.a. World War I) was a great puzzle to most who named the name of Christ. We need to keep in mind the fact that this was God's way of eliminating the false system which had defied Him for centuries, calling itself 'Christendom' - Christ's Kingdom!

The fact that this false doctrine (that the kingdoms of Europe were to be considered by men as being the Kingdom of Christ) was such an incredible affront to our Heavenly Father that He determined to destroy it so thoroughly as to "leave them neither root nor branch." - Mal. 4:1.

To get a better idea of just how thorough this destruction is please see this 2004 article.
12 And his eyes are a flame of fire, and upon his head many diadems, having a name written which no one knows but himself; Many crowns – So too, the popes wore the many crowned hat. HG76:5

No man knew – The nominal churches are in darkness and know not that Jesus has entered on his reign as King; nor do the servants yet know, for they are not of his Body, not reckoned as part of himself. R328:5*

No man [unregenerated] does know, but we [his Body] may know. R328:4*

But he himself – But we are of him, the members of his Body; his "feet," therefore a part of himself. R328:4*

His eyes were as a flame of fire – Describing a piercing, burning, penetrating stare. This is one of the graphic descriptions of our Lord from chapter 1.

Many crowns – Perhaps describing the fact that He is now King of Kings. As He is the rightful king of earth and is now (especially since the Gentile lease of power ran out, 1914) exercising that power, he has all their crowns as well as His own.

The many crowns may also have reference to the fact that the Church is also with Him. Since they are united to Him in glory this may also be referred to here as the many crowns.

He had a name written – This is similar to what the church has, i.e., their Father's name written in their forehead (Rev. 7:3-8; Rev. 14:1.) Compare also to Rev. 2:17 where a new name is given to the overcomers of the Gospel Age.

No man knew but he himself – Since this is speaking of our Lord it would seem that none of us could know it while we are still in the flesh. However, there are still some other possibilities. It says "no MAN" knew this name. The church is not treated by our Lord as being men but as being New Creatures in Christ. If that is the case there may be some scriptural possibilities as to what this name is. We suggest a couple:

In vs. 16 we are told that he has "a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."

In Jer. 23:6 He is given a name: "The righteousness of Jehovah." - This is the same name given to the church in Jer. 33:16.

There are some nice comments on this from Br. A.D. Jones - R328:6
13 and he is clothed with a garment dipped in blood; and his name is called The Word of God. Dipped in blood – "Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winepress?" "I have trampled on them in my fury; and their blood was sprinkled on my garments, and all my raiment have I stained." (Isa. 63:1-3) D18

The Word of God – The Message, the Logos. The instructions of God may come through his disciples, teachers or evangelists; but they must all be received as emanating from the Father through the Son. Q843:4

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the God, and the Word was a God." (John 1:1) R1060:5, 338:5

"God, who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son." (Heb. 1:1, 2) Q843:4

He is called the Word in his pre-existent state (John 1:1); while he was in the flesh (John 1:14; 14:6), and here, in his future manifestation as Conqueror. R106:2*, 21:2*

The term Logos, not only applied to the plan existing only in the mind, but also to the expression of that plan--the creation of him who was "the beginning of the creation of God." (Rev. 3:14) R421:3

So we would proclaim no other Word. Our teachings are not the "doctrines of men," but God's Word. R328:4*

He – Our Lord Jesus.

Clothed with a vesture – The word 'vesture' is Strong's 2440 and is translated elsewhere in Revelation as either 'garment' or 'raiment.' This is the same word that is translated as 'robe' in John 19:2,5 where the soldiers put a purple robe on Jesus.

Dipped in blood – It is dipped in blood from treading the winepress. Isa. 63:1-3. - This gives us the time setting. Please see additional comments on Rev. 14:20, specially note the section on 1600 furlongs.

His name – Our Lord's name.

Is called – Note. It does not say "His name is" but "His name is called"

The Word of God – The LOGOS of God. This is the name He had with the Father before He became a man. - See John 1:1.

Our Lord has many names and all of them are appropriately His.
14 And the armies which are in the heaven followed him upon white horses, clad in white, pure, fine linen. The armies – The living saints, as well as many of the world, are now being used as the Lord's soldiers in overthrowing errors and evils. B101

We merely suggest that the heavenly army may possibly be in two divisions--one on this side of the veil, the other on the other side of the veil. R5451:4

Those close to him, his "regular army" are few--a Little Flock. But he also has an immense army of "irregulars"--the vultures of verse 17. R817:3

The seed--"Heaven's conquering army." The work of the seed must follow the complete development of the seed. R22:6*

In heaven – If Jesus is now present in the spiritual body, the Church must be also, for both are represented in the same spiritual [heavenly] condition. R328:2*

Followed him – Their part in the fray is to oppose false doctrines, and to slay with the sword of the truth. R774:6

If any commission be given to the Lord's people to execute judgment this side of the veil it would be so explicit as to leave no room for doubt. R5451:4

Upon white horses – Pure doctrine. R774:6

The armies which were in heaven followed him – This would seem to be, primarily, the glorified saints.

Upon white horses – Riding pure doctrines.

Clothed in fine linen, white and clean – "For the fine linen is the righteousness of saints." - see vs. 8.
15 And out of his mouth goes a sharp two-edged sword, that with it he might smite the nations; and he shall shepherd them with an iron rod; and he treads the wine-press of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. Out of his mouth – The Lord in glorious majesty. R5493:6

The saints being his mouthpiece. R328:4*

The rod of Messiah's mouth (Isa. 11:4) signifies the judgments which he has already expressed, and which have very largely gone unheeded by Christendom. R2374:3

A sharp sword – The Word of God--the truth. R780:4, 1469:6, 328:4*; B101

The sword of the spirit is the Word of God. (Eph. 6:17) The sword of Messiah's mouth will be the message which he will send. SM51:1

The sharp truths and righteous judgment of the Lord. HG270:3

The breath of his lips [the force and spirit of the truth]. (Isa. 11:4; Psa. 98:1) D19; SM51:1

Smite the nations – The Lord smites to heal, and when his Word cuts to the heart the effect is to destroy the enemy. Unless brought into subjection, nothing will remain but final extinction. R5493:6; HG270:3

In the same sense that the words of the apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost cut his hearers to the heart. (Acts 2:37) HG270:3

He begins the work of blessing the world by smiting down the oppressors--oppressive errors, and those influenced by the spirit of those errors. R817:2

The inauguration of his Kingdom will be followed by the dashing of the present social systems to pieces in a great time of trouble and anarchy, preparatory to the establishment of the Kingdom of righteousness. D296

There will not be only poor, needing assistance and equity, but there will be wicked at the time the Kingdom will be established. R2374:3

The civilized world stands today in a false position: professing to be Christ's Kingdom ruled by his law of love; yet really the kingdom of the prince of this world, Satan, under his law of selfishness. R1519:6

To those who revel in luxury and pleasure now, who enjoy the favor of the world because they partake of its selfish spirit, is coming a time of reckoning. R1735:6

For the purpose of quickly bringing mankind to a realization of the new Millennial conditions, the righteous judge will "render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire." (Isa. 66:15, 16) R1469:6

He shall rule them – When he is reigning with his saints. R1149:4*

Rod of iron – For temporary service, for man's true development that the race may be brought back to full blessing as kings of earth. R5377:1, 4799:2

The iron rod of Christ's rule must bring down every high thing, and subdue all things unto him. R1735:6

He treadeth the winepress – The treading of the winepress is the last feature of harvest work. The reaping and gathering is all done first. D18

Into which "the vine of the earth" (the false vine which has misappropriated the name Christian and Christ's Kingdom) is cast when its iniquitous clusters are fully ripe. (Rev. 14:18-20) D18

Out of his mouth – The word of the Lord is sharper than a two-edged sword. Heb. 4:12. See also Isa. 11:4.
16 And he has upon his garment, and upon his thigh, a name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords. KING OF KINGS – Having entered his Kingly office--and moreover, the dead saints are risen, "kings and priests" unto God, so that Jesus is King of heavenly kings. R328:4*

The Times of Restitution will be the thousand years of Messiah's spiritual reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. NS860:5

The "King of kings and Lord of lords, who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto." (1 Tim. 6:14-16) R2747:4

Making all things new. R5780:1; NS379:3

So have the popes professed to be. HG76:5

He – Our Returned and glorified Lord Jesus.

On His vesture – His (Jesus') vesture - his cloak. Remember, according to the reference in verse 15 he is treading the winepress. According to Isa. 63:1-6 it is the blood from his treading the winepress that is on his garments.

He began to tread the winepress Aug. 1, 1914. - Please see additional comments for Rev. 14:20.

King of Kings – This would seem to have special reference to the 1914-18 period, for it is during this time that our Lord now had the crown "given to him whose right it is." It was at this time that we still had kings ruling in Christendom. Once we get past 1918 we are hard pressed to find any real kings in Europe (other than those who are merely figure-heads, as, for example, the king of England.)

17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in mid-heaven, Come, gather yourselves to the great supper of God, The fowls – An army of "irregulars" in every kind of uniform--Communists, Infidels, Socialists, Anarchists, Nihilists. R817:3

Communist vultures. R899:6

Come and gather – Compare Zeph. 1:7-9, 14-18. A315

I saw – The John Class (church in the flesh during second advent) is the only group that actually sees this.

An angel standing in the sun – Our returned, glorified Lord Jesus, standing (Dan. 12:1) in the light of the glorious Gospel. Compare Rev. 1:16; 10:1; 12:1.

Cried with a loud voice – Please see Topical study "Loud Voice".

Saying to all the fowls .. heaven – These are the unclean and hateful birds of Rev. 18:2.

Gather yourselves together – Here it is at the Lord's invitation. In other places it is the Lord commanding them, as in Rev. 16:16.

Please compare this with Zech. 1:7-9. – see also A315
18 that ye may eat flesh of kings, and flesh of chiliarchs, and flesh of strong men, and flesh of horses and of those that sit upon them, and flesh of all, both free and bond, and small and great. That ye may eat – They battle for plunder and get their fill in the overturning of earth's kingdoms. R817:3

Preparatory to the establishment of everlasting peace upon the only firm foundation of righteousness and truth. R817:4

The flesh of kings – Those in opposition to the kingdom of God, and its scepter of righteousness, impartiality and justice, are being gathered to the great slaughter. R817:4

Mighty men – The church--both Papal and Protestant--is largely controlled by the influence of governments and wealthy men. It will rapidly become the tool and mouthpiece of these, and they all will go down together, fighting against God and liberty. R356:6

The flesh – This seems to say the worldliness of these various ones. That is to say that captains, mighty men, horses, etc. have worldly ideas, worldly doctrines etc. That seems to be what is devoured.

19 And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat upon the horse, and against his army. I saw the beast – There will be a general division of the world into two contending parties. The kings, wealthy and worldly great on one side, and with them the symbolic beast [Papacy] and Protestantism. These unite their efforts, realizing they must stand or fall together. R817:2, 356:6

Kings of the earth – The rulers, financiers, and all the worldly great men, and the Roman Catholic and Protestant systems, will be together and fall together. R2045:2

And their armies – Kings, chief captains, rich men and mighty men. R420:4, 166:5, 2045:2

By opposing "progress in religious thought" or changes in the "standards of the sects" a proposed "battalion" of Y.M.C.A. "Bible-oriented" young men will really fight against the progress of light and truth. R780:3

Gathered together – Clearly showing that in this struggle the Beast [symbol of the Church of Rome] will be found on the side of, and banded with, the "kings of the earth" and their armies. R939:4, 834:1

Since they should uphold the Kingdom of Christ, they feel themselves bound to champion the present falling kingdoms of so-called Christendom. Thus their sympathies are often forced to the side of oppression, rather than to the side of right and freedom. A270

In seeking the favor of the "mighty," Rome will surely lose her hold over the masses. The result will be that the governments will fall and these religious institutions will go into destruction. R834:3

While the people will be struggling for freedom and their God given rights, the nominal churches will unite with the governments which they appointed, to help keep the people in thraldom. R362:4

In the coming struggle the nominal church will take sides with and fall with the earthly empires in their overthrow. R899:5

To make war – This general conflict between priest and people, rulers and ruled, capital and labor, is the battle or conflict represented by the seventh plague. R377:6

Ignorantly. R780:4

Unconsciously--not recognizing him. R668:5

His army here, as in the overthrow of Jerusalem in AD 70, will know not God, yet will fulfill his purposes. R362:5

Whatever the nature of this "war," it is certainly opposition by the kings of the earth towards Christ. In no way can such language be construed so as to mean gospel conversion. HG13:2

His army – God is raising up his great army, the masses of the world, to overturn all forms of evil and oppression. R362:5

An earthly army. R420:2, 166:4

The army of the poor and oppressed of every nation. R2045:2

The oppressed who, inspired by justice and right, will be used to some extent as agents to their own liberation from the thraldom of evil and oppression. R420:4, 166:4

While the Little Flock is in a special sense "The King's own," yet in another sense there are many troops and divisions in this great army. R938:5

God's army is now being marshalled and his Church should stand aloof from both the governments that be, and their opposers. R362:5

I saw – The John Class (church in the flesh during second advent) is the only group that indicated as seeing this.

The beast – Papacy.

The kings of the earth – Not just any kings but the kings of organized society under religious restraint, i.e., the kings of Christendom (falsely so-called.)

And their armies – Of supporters.

Gathered together – There is nothing here that indicates these kings and their armies gathered willingly. It is our understanding that it is the Lord who, through the sixth plague (Rev. 16:12-16), did the gathering.

Please also see the Expanded Bible Comments for this phrase.

To make war – There is nothing here that directly indicates that these groups are conscientiously aware that they are fighting against the Lord and His heavenly armies, however, their true leader (the adversary) is aware of it.

Against him that sat on the horse – Against our returned Lord, riding upon the Truth of God's Holy Word.

And against his army – His followers. Please see vs. 11 and on to through vs 16.
20 And the beast was taken, and the false prophet that was with him, who wrought the signs before him by which he deceived them that received the mark of the beast, and those that worship his image. Alive were both cast into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone; The beast – The Beast and the false prophet are the great false systems which have long oppressed and misled nominal Christendom. R2608:6, 1040:5

The monarchial represents the imperial or "dragon" power; the Papacy, the religious element, "the false prophet that wrought miracles" while the international, or republican, element represents the body of the Beast. HG20:5

The false prophet – Representing in symbol the various sects of Protestantism. R834:2

The fact that the two horned beast is not mentioned signifies that that system [the state church of England and Ireland] would pass out of existence as a beast, or church and state combination. R834:2

The separating of the English church from the government will neither destroy the Beast nor church, but it ceases to be an ecclesiastical government. R834:4

Its government appears among the "kings of the earth" and the English church is represented among the other Protestant systems in the "false prophet." R834:4

Second Adventists have long held the theory that Turkey is the false prophet. We take a totally different view, believing that Turkey has nothing whatever to do with the symbolic false prophet. R1898:4

He deceived them – Only here and there can any be found who "know the joyful sound"--who can distinguish the heavenly message from those by which Satan has "deceived all that dwell upon the earth." R2569:3

Mark of the beast – The leading and controlling mark or quality of the beast, we would write in large letters: DOGMATISM AND INTOLERANCE. R50:5*

These both – The final overthrow of present governments will be at the same time as the fall of ecclesiasticism and will be followed by from five to seven years of socialism and anarchy. R1434:2

Systems of error. R2609:1

Only the Beast and false prophet are cast into the lake of fire. HG13:2

Showing that the whole passage is highly figurative. Q829:2

Cast alive into – Speedily judged worthy of destruction. R2609:1, 893:2

Lake of fire – The second death. R2609:1

Gehenna, Valley of Hinnom, figure of the second death, utter destruction. R2601:4, 2608:4, 893:2

A great consuming trouble in the close of this Gospel age. R1040:5

The Book of Revelation abounds in forceful symbols which illustrate the various features of God's plan, and the ultimate destruction of the wicked is no exception. HG751:4*

Burning with brimstone – Intensifying the symbol of destruction, brimstone being one of the most deadly elements known. It is destructive to all forms of life. R2608:4, 2601:4

The beast – Papacy.

The false prophet that wrought miracles before him – Compare to Rev. 13:13,14. This makes it seem that "the false prophet" is the same as "the two-horned beast." However when we remember that it is this two-horned beast (the Church of England and Ireland) that gives life to the Image of the Beast, we then realize that in giving this life or vitality, the two-horned beast is giving its "wonder" working power to the Image of the beast.

From 1538 to 1871 --333 years --the title of the church was "The Church of England and Ireland," thus recognizing both horns."

On January 1, 1871 (by action of parliament and the consent of the Queen, the head of the church) the Irish Church was disestablished, or that horn cast off. R320

Based on the above quote it is our understanding that the two-horned beast is no longer in existence.

Our thought is that this 'false prophet' is organized sectarian Protestantism. This then reminds us of what takes place with the 6th plague using the three (dragon - civil power, beast - Papacy, false prophet - Protestantism) coming together and bringing Christendom (falsely so-called) to Armageddon, they being split apart by the 7th plague (Rev. 16:19) back into its component parts.

Wrought miracles – Perhaps the most obvious 'miracle' that was presented was that the Kingdom of Christ had already been set up, i.e., Christendom (falsely so-called.)

Them that had received the mark of the beast – Please see Additional Comments for Rev. 13:16-17. Our thought is that, while this mark may encompass many things, it primarily represents the doctrine of the trinity, for none can buy nor sell in the nominal spiritual marketplace (without being considered a heritic or part of a cult) without believing in this false doctrine.

These both – Beast (Papacy) and False Prophet (Protestantism) are not destroyed. They remain but their influence is greatly reduced. The people will never again believe that they, along with the civil power (dragon) actually constitute the Kingdom of Christ.

Were cast alive – Not dead, but alive. Still existing.

This is an important point. This explains why the Papacy and the Protestant systems are still around. They have indeed been cast into the lake of fire (permanent destruction) and will never rise again (Nahum 1:9-10), yet they are still to be found in the crumbled remains of what once was Christendom (falsely so-called.)

Into a lake of fire – Their destruction is certain, even though it take a long time to fully accomplish that destruction. It is our thought that they were cast into the lake of fire in 1914.
21 and the rest were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which goes out of his mouth; and all the birds were filled with their flesh. Sword – The Word of God--the truth. R780:4

The remnant – That which remains. So what remains? At this point we see the beast (papacy) and the false prophet (protestantism) have been cast into the lake of fire. What remains is 'them that had received the mark of the beast (Papacy) and them that worshipped his image (Protestantism).' These are those that form the 'remnant.' They all have the mark of the beast (Rev. 13:11-18 - belief in the Trinity) in either (or both) their right hand (giving their strength in support of) or their forehead (intellect).

Were slain – Please see additional comments under 'slain' in Rev. 6:9 - see also R2416:16

With the sword – The word of God. - Heb. 4:12 It is the Truth that slays these because they have been so established in their false doctrines of Trinity, Divine Right of Kings, Church and state is Christ's Kingdom, etc.

Of him that sat upon the horse – They were slain by our Returned Lord. No matter what the outward appearance may seem, it is really our Lord Jesus who is doing this work of slaying.

Proceeded out of his mouth – Remember that, not only does the Truth proceed from the mouth (mouthpiece - 'that servant') of our Lord, but that also Babylon has been 'spued out of his mouth' back in 1878.

All the fowls – Those unclean birds of Rev. 18:2.

Filled with their flesh – With their worldly ideas (flesh) so that there is even more of the spirit of the world in them than prior to their being cast off and prior to the destruction of mystic Babylon.
This is clearly a reference to Eze. 39:17-20 which please see.
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