Adam to Zion
Lesson 2
The First Day or Epoch

"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. … And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night."-Genesis 1:3, 5

The Bible does not tell us how long ago the earth was created. It does not tell us exactly how the earth was made. Genesis 1:1 tells us that in the beginning the earth was. There were neither mountains nor valleys, trees nor shrubs, rivers nor oceans. The earth was empty and shapeless.

The Bible does tell us about the seven creative days in which God prepared the earth for mankind to live on (Isaiah 45:18). And it gives us the length of the seventh creative day: seven thousand years. It may be that each of the creative days was the same length of time, forming a creative week.

At first the earth did not have a definite shape-it was just a mass of material spinning round and round. As it spun, its water and minerals were thrown off as gases. They cooled and took the shape of rings around the earth. As the rings took shape, so did the earth. It began to look more like a ball than like a messy lump of formless elements. And as the mess took definite shape some light shone onto the earth, possibly similar to the aurora borealis (arched lights in the sky at night that are caused by electricity). The sunlight did not break through because that did not happen until the fourth day, but there was light. The earth began to look more like the globe we know.

Our universe is still developing, and scientists spend much time studying and trying to explain creation. Every time they learn a new fact we can usually find a scripture that also tells that fact. For example: Job 26:7 tells about earth traveling around the sun in a circle. This is called the earth's orbit.

Men do not understand all scripture, nor do they understand all about creation, but God gave us the Bible and planned the creation of the universe, and so of course, the Bible explains creation correctly when it speaks of it.

At first, the earth did not have a definite shape!

Our universe is still in the process of developing!

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