(Following each question are texts of Scripture in reply, then references to page numbers of DAWN and WATCH TOWER giving comments; the first six letters of the alphabet represent the respective DAWN volumes, and the TOWERS are designated by the letter "Z" and the year. The mark par. refers to paragraph in article containing comment.)

1. What is faith? Heb. 11:1; 1 Jno. 5:4; E.125, par. 1; F.689 (1st line).

2. Name the two component elements of faith. Z.'95-134.

3. How does faith differ from credulity? F.689, par. 1.

4. What is the importance of a proper faith? Heb. 11:6; F.315; 693, par. 1; Z.'94-329 (2nd col. par. 1-3).

5. What is the relation between faith and knowledge? Rom. 10:17; A.13, par. 1; A.20, par. 2; A.21, par. 1; Z.'94-329 (1st col. par. 2); Z.'99-3 (2nd col. par. 1).

6. How is faith "the gift of God"? Eph. 2:8; Z.'98-107 (1st col. par. 2); Z.'01-156 (1st col. par. 2,3).

7. Is faith in Christ necessary to salvation? Acts 4:10-12; Jno. 3:16,36; A.102, par. 3; Z.'97-278. (See Topical Index, – "FAITH.")

8. What is the immediate result of faith in Christ during the Gospel Age? Rom. 5:1; A.231, par. 4; Z.'00-188 (1st col. par. 3, and 2nd col. par. 1,2).

9. How is Jesus the "author and finisher of our faith"? Heb. 12:2; Z.'95-147 (1st col. par. 1).

10. Is a simple confession of faith necessary? Rom. 10:10; Z.'00-149, (2nd col.); Z.'00-180 (1st col. par. 5); Z.'02-270 (1st col. par. 1,2,3).

11. Is feeling an essential part of faith? Z.'92-267.

12. Explain the difference between faith as a basis for justification and faith as a fruit of the Spirit. F.688-692.

13. What is "the good fight of faith?" 1 Tim. 6:12; Z.'98-153, 158, (2nd col.)

14. How should we fight the good fight? Z.'95-201,202; Z.'98-158, (1st col. par. 2); Z.'98-159 (2nd col.); Z.'01-72 (2nd col. par. 3).

15. For whom and against whom do we fight? Phil. 2:12; 1 Jno. 3:16; Eph. 6:12; Z.'98-153-155; F.599-658.

16. What does it mean to "walk by faith"? 2 Cor. 5:7; F.631, par. 2,3; Z.'00-57 (1st col.); Z.'95-92,93; F.142, par. 2.

17. Why are trials of faith permitted? Jas. 1:3,4; 1 Pet. 4:12,13; F.642-644; Z.'96-54; Z.'95-134,135.

18. What are some of the present rewards of faith? 1 Cor. 2:9,10; F.689 (par. 2) to 692; F.686, par. 3.

19. What is the future inheritance of faith? 1 Jno. 3:2; Rev. 2:10; F.693,694, F.721 (par. 1,2) to 729.

20. What is the "rest" of faith? Heb. 4:1-11; F.392-394; Z.'95-168,169; Z.'99-253 (1st col. par. 1).

21. Define "full assurance" of faith and hope. Heb. 10:22; 6:11; Z.'00-169, par. 1.

22. How may we attain and retain full assurance of faith? Z.'98-247; E.249,250.

23. What are the hindrances to full assurance of faith? Z.'00-169,170.

24. How may we increase our faith? F.691, par. 2; Z.'96-86 (2nd col. par. 3).